HomeMy WebLinkAboutHowl A Day Waste Handling Plan 02.16.24E C E I V E D
Howladav Inn Doggie-D_ aVcare FEB 16 2024
Cleaning products used inside the kennel: Lysol Cleaner
and Disinfectant, Bleach, Windex, Clorox Wipes
Cleaning product used outside on the turf:
Nature's Urine Destroyer Plus,
At the start of each morning, dogs are let outside on the turf
for a bathroom break. This occurs, on average, 6 times per
day during our operating hours of 6am-7pm. This is the only
area for bathroom breaks.
For cleaning urine and poop inside, when a dog pees or
poops, we use paper towels, poop bags, and/or a mop
bucket with a mixture of/a cup of Lysol Cleaner and
Disinfectant with 2 gallons of water. We use paper towels to
pick up small urine messes and clean any large urine
messes with the mop using Lysol Cleaner and Disinfectant
mixture. The mop is rung out in the catch bucket inside the
large mop bucket. Paper towels are disposed into a trash
can that is later placed into the on -site dumpster for off -site
disposal. We use Cavossa for our dumpster service.
Mop heads are disposed of in the trash weekly for
We empty the dirty urine mop bucket in our large sink in the
back kennel 3 times a day. We then refill the mop bucket
with'/4 cup of the Lysol Cleaner and Disinfectant and 2
gallons of water in the mop bucket per use.
Daily, for deep cleaning, we vacuum and use bleach in a
sprayer for deep cleaningthe runs and the play areas. We
use'/2 cup of bleach per 2 gallons in the Dewalt bleach
We then mop the excess bleach with the bleach mop and
dry the kennels and floors using dryer fans. Bleach mop is
rung out in the catch bucket in the larger mop bucket.
Bleach mops are changed once daily in our large sink in the
back kennel where we empty and refill it by adding 1/2 cup to
2 gallons of clean water in large mop bucket.
When a dog poops inside, we use poop bags to pick up
inside poop. Pooper scoopers are used outside to pick up
poop messes outside. ALL POOP in bags and/or scooped
poop go into a garbage bag in a garbage bin and are thrown
out in the on -site dumpster at the end of each night.
The on -site dumpster is then emptied every Wednesday by
Cavossa to an off -site location.
We use Nature's Urine Destroyer Plus for cleaning and
destroying the urine enzymes on the turf. This is applied
daily at the end of each day by spraying down the turf using
the sprayer bottle of Nature's Urine Destroyer pictured
Once a week, Saturday or Sunday, we deep clean the turf by
meticulously power washing the entire turf area using a
power washer with water only.
Thank you for your time. If any further questions or
information is needed, please call Lynne at 774-216-0268.