HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDX-24-150 - applicationOflicc Usc Only P.,n,itl Cl -lk- e^oun /OU.A Pcrmit .r(pir.s I t0 d.ys from issu€ dlta EXPRESS BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA TOWN OF YARMOUTH Yarmouth Building Department I 146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1261 /L{8 rZr{ zs Soua/ /frrzttur(, /t/4 0zlo( CEIVED FEB 09 202" AR I I",1E NTts CONSTRUCTTON ADDRESS: ASSESSOR'S INFORMATION: swN'y,fizla€*l nc6ztc- Map c? t.A .() vac- 1i{2- PRESENT ADDRESS TEL, I coNrRACroR: ,4q/7/.Ei ) u{ncc /6 StJttr.t a re. tiMtEE /'lt o%(q {a 8 ' 367 ' r 69tt NAME E Residential MAILINGADDRESS TEL. # Est. Cost of Constsuction S-tsCommercial 9oo'ao Home Improvement Contractor Lic. #/ z{18?-Construction Supervrsor Lic. # Obq qSZ Workman's Compcnsation Insurance: (check one) E I am the homeo' T", trtrI am rhe sole proprictor O t havc Worker's Compensalion InsuBnce WORK TO BE PERFORMED Tent Duration (Fire Retardant Certificate attached?)Wood Stove Insurance Company Name: _Worker's Comp. Policy#_ Siding: # ofsquares Replscement yitrdows: # / Roofing: # of Squares- (!) Remove eristing* (mex. 2 lryers) I I OtO Kings Highway/Historic Dbt m Rcplacing like for like Replacement doors: #_ Insulation Pool fencin *The debris ivill bc disposcd of ar 4oQil 6 F qqaft0()41 I declare undcr p€nalties ofpedury that lhc stdamcnls hcrcin contsincd are Euc and conrcl to thc best ofmy knowledge rnd bclict I undcrstand that any falsc answc(s)willbej u51 cause for denial or licensc Applicant's Signalurc OtYDars Sig turc (or rttichmcnt) Date: Dale: te;aJ< lNt Approved By fr ytrotta@froL co4 EMAIL ADDR-ESS: yI TD N H L @ aoc , coa4 Zoning District Ilistorical District: Ycs No Flood Plain Zone: Yes No Watcr Resourcc Protection District:Yes No Building Official (or dcsignec) Parcel; NAME I Lo.rtion of Frcility for pro6ccution undcr M.G.L. Ch. 268, Scction l. z l</zozcl Within 100 ft. of Wetlandsl Yes No A.The Corntaonwealth of Massach usetts Departmenl of I ndustrial Accidents 1 Congress Sffeet, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 www.mass,gov/d.ia \Yorkers' Compensation Insurance Affidrvit: Builders,/Contrsctors/Electriclans/plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH TUE PERMTTTING AI-MHORITY. Name lBusincsyorganizrron/lodividual)i Address: /b 5t^l4,rl ,n)enrud )lilhcc_ C, Ec(€ CitylStatelZip:lL4A /')4q Phone#: {vg _ 367 i (gE . Any spplic{lt thar cb€cb bo( # I must 8lso fill out tic s.ctioo bclow shon ing thcir rDrtlfs' coEpclaatio. policy L&rtnrtioILr HomcowD.rs who subEit this Efrdavit indicating tEy arc doing !I t ork and thlrt hilg or-trsid. corfactors must subEit a !&1.l tonEactors dlat chEck this box rnust &ch.d !n additionat strccistrowing th! osEs of tbr suEcorcr! tons.nd strtc whrt&r or afr davit indicaing suctr" Dot tlrosc cnthics harc Arc yoll ttr cuployrr? Cl.rL ttr rpproprirt bor: I.!l am a craploycr rxith cmployccs (full md./or pan-time).. Zfil am a rctc proprlctfi or parEtlnhip and h8v. no rmplqycGs working for m. in? 8rry c!pr.fy. [No uro*crs' comp. insrmc. EquiEd.] 3.fll am r honro*,ncr doing rll uork nryscli [No,no*c{s' comp. hsuru,c! rcquird.] I +.!l am a troncowrq ard will bc hiling contarloB to coDducl sll lryork on Ey Fopcrty. I will crgurc thlt rll cpntradors cithcr hava u/ori(!rs' complosation itEuEnce or e! lolcproFictoE with no coployccs. 5. [-']l an a gcocnJ cont-rror and I hsvc hiEd tlc suEcontrcro6 list d on thc ritachcd stlcd. -Thcar rub-ao[tlrroE hrvc amploy!6 and bvc wortas' coop. insurancat 6.!Wc uc a corpcaton .!td ia offc.rs havc crcrsiscd ttEir righ of rx.mpthD plr MGL c. I 52, ! I (4), ad y,r tEvc no €$plqyr.r [No urukcrs' comp. ircrnoce rcquircd_] Type of project (required): 7. I New consruction 8. ffRemodeling 9. E Demolition l0 f] Building additioD I l.EElectrica.l repairs or additions 12. EPlumbing repairs or additions I 3 . fl Roof repain r4.E]oth c"mploy.cs. lfthg $lEconErdols hair oyccs, thsy musl proyid! thair wortlrs'comp. policy nuobcr. I am an enEloyer thd is providing worken' conqansdion insurance lor nry enployees Betov is the poli.cy and job stu irs Sienature: v Nrrtre' Poliry # or Self-ins. Lic.Expiration Date:_ Job Site Addres City/Sute/Zip:_ Attach a copy oftle workers' compensation policy declaration page the policy number and erpiration date). Failurc to secure covenge as rcquired under MGL c. 152, $25A is a criminal viol le by a fine up to $1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonm cnq as wcll as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORD 6uc ofup to $250.00 a day against thc violaor. A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the officc of Investigations of lDSurance coverage verifcation. I do hercby c*tify under the and penalties oJ perjury thd rte kfonwtion providcd abwe b bue and ancd. Date: 2ls/zoz4 Phone #:{09- 761 _ fur( Official use only. Do not t)fite in thb orea. to be complaed by city or town offrcial Issuing Authority (circle one): l. Board of Health 2. Building Deparment 3. City/TowD Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector 5. Plumbing tnspector 6. Other PermiULicense #City or Towu: _ Aoolicant Information plesse prLtt Lesiblv Pbone #:Contact Person: U c{rrnonulalth o, IssacrtusalrsDivisin of Occupdknal LirrEUr!8o.rd o, AuiEing RqqgF ions and Stard.rdsc"n35$ff,S{ryvi'o' C5-{,6/1982 MATI}IEW CorEeudirr suFrviror Unrt.trided - Bllildl]lgs o, ny usa gtouD uhici cod.in bss liEn 36,000 c{tbk llet (S1 cuf*: n:fcr.) of eoclosed spaca. Falutt to poaaa$ 8 qtrlf cdilbn ot thc .ss.atuE!fis Stlb Bundhg Co.l! it c.u!. lor rwocri(xl ol this sc.nsr, For inffion about $ir iclns!cJFlnlngm q ttdt rulJt5foryrq 0710312021 ,6 SWA[rl MASHPEE oz !o IJV Csnmirciorer daOA f,. V?-'tbL THE COXIIIO'{WEALTH OF ITASSACHUSETTSOltlca ol Conluner Atllh & Buslnoss R.guhtlonHOE MATTHEW M. R.ga.mon vllld to, hdh,UrJ ur. oofy b.io!. th..plEdon d!ta. Itiatnd ltt ttto:Oltc. d Cootumt At rh rld Budnn RGguhdo,r 1000 W.tHng on $rEt . Slh.7t0Boion, l,A 02118 uo** u. ornr,a"i 16 SWAtt{ CTFCLE MASHPEE, UA @849 [*.za /",,* Und6rs€cEtary Nof vatld wtthout dgristure * uYt5l