HomeMy WebLinkAbout107 Wilfin Road Memo re site visit 11.30.2016Vozella, Beth
From: Janice Racine Norris <janiceracinenorris@comcast.net>
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 5:22 PM
To: Vozella, Beth
Cc: Beverly Bachand; Duncan Oliver (oliver02675@comcast.net); Frederick C. Fries (phredfll
@verizon.net); Julie Mockabee (vanguard3l@verizon.net); Kathe Hyslop; Sarah R. Horne; Jack
Subject: Re: 107 Wilfin Rd: Raze and Replace
I went by this property this morning and looked it over as carefully as I could without actually going onto the property itself. I sl
no reason for us to do a site visit. What do others think?
Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 28, 2016, at 4:26 PM, Vozella, Beth <BVozella yarmouth.ma.us> wrote:
Hi all -
I just received word of a proposal to raze and replace a building at 107 Wilfin Rd, South Yarmouth. According to
the attached property card, this home was built in 1930 which qualifies it as an historic building because of
age. I asked contractor Matt Teague, Reef LTD to complete the attached "Notice of Intent to Demolish a
Historic Building" form and invited him to attend the Dec 8t6 meeting where he will provide pictures and
elevation drawings for the new house.
Please take a drive by and let me know if you feel the need for a site visit prior to the meeting. Matt said he will
make himself available anytime.
Beth Vozella
Office Administrator
Yarmouth OKH Committee/Historical Commission
Town of Yarmouth
1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4451
Tel: 508-398-2231 X 1292
Fax: 508-398-0836
<Intent to Demo.PDF>
<property card.pdf>