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HomeMy WebLinkAboutDavenport Realtly Trust-340 Units-Rental Registration -See ListApplication for 2024 Rental Registration TOWN OF YARMOUTH Health Department 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS O Telephone (5OB) 398-2231 , ext. 1240 Fax (508) 760-3472 E-mail : ffEteryeo JAN U4 ZO24#HEALTH DEPT. The Town of Yarmouth is excited to announce that we've streamlined the online registration process to make it more user-friendly than ever before! Simply visit https://varm outhma. porta to get started. There, you can effortlessly create your account and conveniently pay the registration fee. Using this upgraded system, you'll have the power to engage with us throughout the entire process. Not only can you securely communicate with our team, but you'll also gain access to your important documents, the ability to upload photos, and much morel This improved platform is designed to make your registration experience smooth and efficient. Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors are Required! Owners: I have ensured the batteries are chang ed. have tested ALL Smoke Detecto Carbon Monoxide Detectors and verified that they are less than 10 years old: P/ease /il Contact the Buildinq Department reqarding questions on type and location pnor to purcha htlOs://www.yarmouth ma us/DocumentCenter/View/ 1 '1221lSmoke detector localion A non-refundableapplication feeof $80 pef UniUfgntal is required Rental Certificates expi.e on December 31"', 2024. lf NOT registering online, please make checks payable to: Town of Yarmouth and mail completed application & payment to: Town of Yarmouth Health Department. The Health Depaftment willcallto schedule an i6pectiotl il reqLtircd, upon receipt ot yout application a!]dfee. All fields are re uired! lncom Rental Property lnformation lete forms without a valid hone # or email cannot be rocessed Rental Property Address &z- a-+tacWd I , sr I :+O O^, f r)Annual /SeasonaI Short Term (less than 31 days) Renta Peiod Trash Removal by: owner / ,"n"n House-/ Duplex ,/Condo- Apartment{ Room Rental of Property Owner Name trf Qra-Lh I r o',fT)"velr ) Mailing Address: z() Atrtl.r /yw,; 5f. S 'lu, -r.l+, tM t,ttJ.' (requrreij)Primary Phone trlo 5u 8 3qZ- ))/i, Alternate Phone No (required)E-mail Address rt P Irlro rws G. *4< /a" i,t p,,tc Owner's Reore:entatAgenVAgenby ive/Rental Primary Phone No 5t,,2 1 G t, '? J7l (required)E-mail Address 5,1ff::[ffi:"J.Trt"rstand I must notifv the Health Department in writing when I am no tonger renting the property, or I may be roqram423lRentalHousino-P ha lrthe LLA'Sign have an am m aa armouth ntal Hous ngYarmouth Short Term Renta I Bylaw (if applicable) andwhich are available on ou State Sanita ryC ode, Chaptefor Human Habitation) allof r website. httos:varmou .ma Date: I t-lSe inimum Stand ards of Fitness ownt t\4 o,hffJr; Revised: 10/23l2023 '-r,/'