HomeMy WebLinkAbout29 Scallop Road Timeline(Yarmouth Historical commission meeting) 1. Hanlon introduction, lack Scott agent for chleck family foundation Inc. 2. Marketing of property by Bunkie Woodbury agent for foundation started 3/3/12 3. Jack Scott hired by foundation 1/23/15 4. 3/15/15 historical did first site visit to property. 5.3/15/15 Jack Scott/Chatham/Yarmouth historical/Yarmouth building commissioner Mark Grylis did a site visit. Following site visit parties had a meeting to substantiate the building to be significant .I offered house to Chatham/Yarmouth commissions. 5.3/15/16 to present explored the options and cost to move/save or to demo .The projected cost to move $375,000 not including land. 6,12/21/15 order of conditions approved to demo/replace house. 7. The structural report filed with town 3/22/16 8.3/31/16 filed express building permit after structural report public safety issue based on present condition. (Professionals consulted in saving building) 1. J.M.Cashman Marine Construction to relocating property to Strong Island. 2. Solimando construction/Boston Building and Bridge. Mike Solimando. 3. Stone wood products/Harwich mass reclaim professionals not interested in floors or building. 4. Cape Cod Military Support Foundation Inc., Don Cox 5. Yarmouth House and Red Face Jack's owner Ted Zambellis Respectfully subr Jack Scott 5/6/16 KirdInGrover. conri Ctive Co "s Best t_Cta'-I'ess Town of Yarmouth Historical Committee Re: 29 Scallop Road, West Yarmouth, MA 02673 I have had the listing on this property for many years, on and off since February of 2012. 1 have shown the property to several interested and well qualified clients and other brokers with their clients. I have never had one party that was interested in keeping the old house. It was too costly to update the interior and exterior as well as elevating the house to the point that a new septic system would have a common grade with the house itself. It would not be cost effective, according to the builders we have consulted, I had the property under agreement more than once and, unfortunately, the buyers backed out when they realized how long it would take to deal with the Town agencies to get permission to tear the house down_ We did extensive advertising for this property and listed it with two different MLS systerns, as well as online and print publications. It was advertised with the house and as a lot. The buyers of a lot of this caliber are not looking for an old house with small windows and a major renovation project that is too costly for what the benefits would be, but a large home with windows to maximize the views of Lewis Bay and large rooms for their families to enjoy and entertain their friends. The Chleck Family Foundation is a philanthropic entity and was created to benefit certain charities in the fields of healthcare, education, and scientific research and the sale of this lot would benefit many charitable organizations. I have put years of effort into marketing this property and 1 am convinced that the only way to sell this property is to remove the house and allow the Foundation to make a difference with the proceeds. Thank you for considering my opinion and efforts. Sincerely, Bunky Woodbury Kinlin Grover Real Estate I'_21 Route 6A, P.O. Box 1 -,6 e Barnstable, MA 02630 e Officc: 508.362.2120 Q Fax: 50ii.362.9001 tit Li Tax ID. YARUI-'l4-2a 29 scallop Rd, West Yarmouth MA 02673 Listing M 21201:1,S1 Listing Agent: Bunky Active Wdoodbury Listing office: Kinlin Listing fate: 03/T4/12 Listing Price: 2.2i34,44,J �ro,ier Real Blate DOMIC.DOM: 81 r0lr 1la [3ate Time F7s_=ir States Old SWtM >•f rw {cC� Oi Fries i:Y _ C a 10/28/ 13 2 3&:58 pm -.. r2 200,Wj 2 2'5rjr.F`J 60 rkee, r (AUIT% 09M/13 11.01.00 am 2,20'jGfj 2.4&5. 575 Prime• -s� r &r vr�r�. (Ut't O) 061M13 9:17:05 am 2.t ;J tf� 1,4r+,J'3 i i +� eta=ram � 1` a'.�In w-,Taj 05MI9113 9.14:39arr 245rJ,0r` i;4 1.f: 4 i i Y;Ct' r §tumv ' �zj (UITO) 05/28113 5 09:25 am .: n:: 2,4V°r,OfJ 2.450,050 45-, F*-Al c (wTal 03126113 2:31:::5prr _._- 2,450, 1 2,455.0 0 3-M RW Ckvga i rswswy49d-r MITq 03i28/13 2:22:34 pm f :... 2:45r Ork 2.45 i,LYl ' � . F es` g3 r � )' i {a anTa, 01/31113 12:25 24 prr, 2,4`JLr3 2.450.t; '"',ice ski 2r-j7TEy, 0/131/13 12-15:56pis: 2,45'.r>t� L,6`�J:t�O 33`s �'e"� �is_u-ryk�4l1c`5!IF%'�r�(U:i4i 01,130113 11:59:59 Pm L,tfJ t:f3j 2.SrJ.tJri'sRapaftc6 SW, (rap-sUr� 04/20112 12:03:05 pr; 2 brrJ.O'J; 2.k ?IV-) `• 4e Rztu s E-J-�r �Akq'gy v (tfST(yj 04l20112 11:55 Aar 2.9.Z0,00 1 & .G ft 4$ au —wy Vkod7jry (UITO) 03105/12 2:22:48 pm .. 2 6f/j,(f6 Z6-X,G•) 2 motes Ea_ (UIT01 03105I12 2:18:51 pm 2-6 ii ;0:s0 2,50rj.rM 2 FBI UWS LeGeyt 045W� 2:47:53 pm 2,�IVf 2,6Y,� �a�t (1 i�j03103/12 03/03/12 2:44:43 pr} - : 2: J,O n 0 New °•zrr `x s-c (ift �j sax !D: YARM-14-23 29 Scallop Rd, Viest Yarmouth MA 02673 Listing # 21303446 Histor'v ter,-ive i{31f30/2Q13 Listing Agent: Burrky VV000OW � Listing Office: Kintin stieg Price: 2,2i]4.G0s Grover Real Estate ©ONUCDOM: 47P,1802 29 Scallop Rd, West Yarmouth MA 02673 Listing # 21204415 Picture History :� Listing Agent: Buns -y Expires {t 11 ��i124S 3? Woodbury Listing Price: 2,600,000 Listing Office: Kin in Grover Beal Estate Expiration date: 01/30/13 [ ONUCDOM 324/324 291 Scallop Rd, West Yannouf�, MIA 02673 Listing Hate: 01/30/13 Usti Date: 03M2112 Listing # 2101 3 Picture History Exp,='red (GS-I3012011r listing Agent; Richard A- W"rtharr Listing Price: 2,500,000 LMn€g Off im. Ha-rns-on & Lis H 0: tom: it/ttt' /to Fuhs, REALTORS Expiration Date: 09/30/ 11 OO CODOM: ;, 29 Scallop Rd, West arrrfrsut,A2M i 0s` 2 52Y2CH4 9 Palre 1 of 2 Withdrawn Listing # 21201397 29 Scallop Rd West Yarmouth, MA 02673-0000 LP $2,200,000 Prop TypeSingle Family Subdivision Great Island County Barnstable Town Yarmouth Zoning residential Sq. Ft./Source 2,2841 Assessors Records Rooms 9 Lot Size/Source 66,646sf / (Assessors Records) Beds 4 Style/Desc Other / Antique Baths F/H 0 / Levels 1.8 Year Built 1921 / Approximate, RenovatedTax ID YARM-14-23 Remarks: Great Island bayfront, one and one half acre estate setting in gated community with seawall and beach. Wonderful views of Lewis Bay, the boating activity, sailing races in the summer. This setting is perfect for a new home with all the space needed for whatever your dreams can imagine. Directions: Route 28 to South Sea Avenue to gate ahead. Must have appt with listing agent. Arrangements must be made in advance —no drive -by, Showing Instr.:Appointment Req., Call Listing Agent, Yard Sign General Information Garage/#Cars Yes 1 Gar Desc Parking Bsmt1Bsmt Desc Foundation Wing WidthlWing Depth Irreg Year Round Lot Width/Lot Depth Street Description Living Dining Family Kitchen Mstr Bedrm Bdrm2 Bdrm3 Bdrm4 Laundry Foyer Yes 1 Other - see remarks 11 Other Yes = Sep Liv Qtrs/Desc No / Yes Rd Fmtg 1 Lot Desc Level Assoc Maintained, Paved Zoning residential Room Sizes & Levels Bsmt Baths Lev 2 Baths Interior Features Floors Other Equipment/Appliances Living/Dining Room Combo Fireplaces Yes Interior Amenities Lev 1 Baths Lev 3 Baths Kitchen/Dining Room Combo # of Fireplaces Printed by Voyager Realty Inc. on 10118/14 at 9:41am Information has not been verified, is not guaranteed, and is subject to change. Copyright 2014 Cape Cod & Islands Multiple Listing Service, Inc. All rights reserved Copyright © 2014 Rapattonf Corporation. All rights reserved. U.S. Patent 6,910,045 (Residential Client Detail) http:l/ccimis.rapmis.com{scriptslmg,rgispi.dll?APPNAME=Capecod&PRGNAME=MLS... 10/ 18/2014 Page 2 of 2 Listing # 21201397 Page 2 J Exterior Amenities PoollPool Description No 1 Dock/Dock Description No 1 Exterior Features Other - see remarks Siding Shingle Roof Pitched Assoc FeelFee Year / Assoc/Membership Required Yes I Yes Amenities WaterfrontlWaterfront DescYes / Bay, Beach, Deep Water Access, WaterviewlWaterview Desc Yes / Bay, Private, Salt Private, Salt Miles to Beach Beachfront Water Acc Beach, Private Beach Own Private Beach Desc Bay Beach/Lake/Pond Name Lewis Bay Convenient to School District Dennis -Yarmouth Neighborhood Amenities Mechanical Amenities HeatinglCooling Oil Water/Sewer/Util Inspection Req'd, Other- see remarks Hot Water Other Improvement Asmt $199,400 Other Asmt 0 Annual TaxeslTax Year S13,087 / 2013 Annual Betterment 0 Title Ref-Book/PagelCert D649579 / 0000100000 To Be Assessed Unknown Mass Use CodelDefiniiion 101-Single Family Undergrnd Fuel No Lead Paint Unknown LegallTax Information Land Asmt Total Asmt Unpaid Betterment Plan Spec Assessment Asbestos Flood Zone $1,513,800 $1, 713:200 n Unknown Presented By: John F Scott Voyager Realty Inc. Primary: 508-528-2728 P O Box 994 I� Secondary: Dennis, MA 02638 Other. 508-528-2728 Fax : 508-594-7413 E-mail: hanionhomes@comoast.net Web nted by VovaoP_r Realty Inc_ on 10/18/14 at 9:41am Information has not been verified, is not guaranteed, and is subject to change. Copyright 2014 Cape Cod & Islands Multiple Listing Service, Inc. All rights reserved Copyright@ 2014 Rapattoni Corporation. All rights reserved. U.S. Patent 6,910,045 (Residential Client Detail) httn://ccimis.raT?mis. com/scripts/m,7raispi.dli?APPNAME=Capecod&PRGNAME=MLS... 10/ 18/2014 3 r - r Z��Z- .:^ - Af . = � �y 600 AAWMW . O&W w =J. fs 09 Mom ® comic Cape Coot Military Support Foundation Inc. P.O. Box 641 Falmouth, MA. 02541 774-392-5698 Cape Cod1 11"E"t z y Support Foundation Inc. Proudly Serving Our Active Duty, Military Personnel, 'heir Families Who Serve Us Everyday Vise Us On The Web At capecodmilitaryfounda tion.com 0 c @ O C 0O co @ _0 to Co_ r Q} c cn 0 @ O cn cz a) (Do O c 0 U 4) w = cn rn .c Ea O -O a @ L C = 3� L v yl i O 4 c �aQ 0).cco u ...: .� O L .� x � o d - 0 rn d @ a) C O C) U O c ,_ •. - k CZ_ o v a) 0_V L� w— (DI-L L70 OU aco c-o c6�= Lo �v�o z, o co U) oo�o s m @ O y-+ m U O C U O U v 4-.:' ? ca 7D v Q) __ ...._ � v u� 0 D v v+' v L o v as v � � Cl) v.C= E_6 RaO L QpO� U) L a � L ' E w a � vs a) cn v� � 2� c•i cO cn c o :t--E a) -6 U E -F _ ❑ cn cn @ O `0 O O a) O O O c a) CL :D CO�, @ O C C 0 O U � O � �_ O to E 0 0 O cn (nr� :� — a U -0 @ O Q I2 ° -D U �-- cn @ — O y— _ -� Q L C r- > CO '� U ILO -0 - L CD O -� .S_ E -� L +� cn a) +-• a) 0-5 7 U C@ 0 °' L @ C C D O o 0 0 0@ O ca N �. o C@ O: aCj E O O Sw @ @ D a) CT 0 � a � CD -tf a o {) M L @ ci � '� 0) a v @ @ c = m -0 ,0 CZ L LLJ _� c`-' @ � cn U) o- a) Q "� rn 11J +s cn s= `~ O @ a7 E t a' oO c� cn a) L -0 2 � 0 o a�� v o.� �a v•a) v o L a-c O° C Q . r "- M c E cn v+ C O U t' C L L_ O c c _0 a O `i -0 0 (D O O Q O_ -O @ i .O L- V) M O U) @ L @ (n c '� m Lu d o cn -ts L m o o M o," -0�cz C cn d co c C a) LL v O_ w Q c n Q U1 _ CO a_ c 4—= c cn @ C C v=c� m rnax @ cn CO L @:tf_o L ocap U)Q. a COo LL -0 C ++ a to v O C O E I? N a) cO U- p m C L m LL L �, N cn .E 5 a,U v� L- @ c co z= 0 c 3 = — o =' ate U cn m.�'o m "- rti c to 2-5 v v `� c°n m v o o O cn o U ¢ o a o c L U- cn ° � .� °� �~ o m a) W a) a-. 6-o o cc v m O �, ro V- v E CL U@@ U a a- c� O o V �_ II. a) ., v cn O a E v U �- O v @ U) a) — o c c cn U) O c c @ n +' C 'O U) L a) X cn v U C v Q a -0 v @@ c v a) @ O m @ c @ C U H m cm-0 0 U Imo- m a) m c@n � W❑ c@ H v E a U. !-- o 0 . � O v O U it3 co � C ,� C � L ❑ Q) .--. -O U E � {� �- ,_ cn O (U _ _ n O ❑ Z @ U U O n-0 v L a) j 'U @ c6 L m Q v� cn— c Mz °.c �� c W y LLB a Q C -0 O 0 L Co CT .@ a) y c = CC B Q O0 U D Oa) O O O = t-- °C 'v 'Lrr c °' cv �> �o-E �o o L E 0mvUo 15 ce- v 0�.c CL a� O <LOOLL Q V) C--c Q @ °� S 7 o v to - o to a) O O .O p es O 0 v� j L —@ E w c O �- N 0 :EV to c @ o� s o cnuj -0 p D' o c�� CO .0) Co U 0 U- u) o 'O @ 0) 0) rn c� -0 LL C c O U O O1 � c a L-0 v C) N Q •Iv LL a= z) "- o cn a== Z) J- @ 0 .1- L c@cagy �aa� UcZca :3 t:! o = >- E ° I— Here are two typical stories with the requests that the Chaplain receives on a regular basis. We are fortunate to be able to assist those who serve us in their time of need. 1. A military member was on leave in the Midwest with her husband and two children. During their time with loved ones, the husband suddenly began to suffer from severe, debilitating headaches. After several of these episodes, he was taken to a hospital emergency room, where, after tests, he was found to have a massive malignant tumor on his brain. Immediate surgery was required to save his life. His wife - the primary breadwinner, was earning approximately $2,500 per month at the time. The Chaplain was able to mail out donated food and gas cards to their vacation address, ensuring that they would have enough food and gas to cover the unexpected expenses during their greatly - extended time away from home. Happily, the husbands surgery was successful and the family has returned to Massachusetts where he continues to recover. 2. A young, female military member was suffering from physical and emotional abuse at the hands of a non - service boyfriend. As she was in the process of breaking off their relationship and moving out of the apartment they had shared, he somehow managed to clean out her savings and checking accounts. The Chaplain was able to assist her with donated food and gas cards, giving her the time and space she needed to re-establish different accounts and get back on her feet. Dearly every week, families and individuals call, text, or email the Chaplain's Office, asking for help to cover unexpected expenses, We are very blessed to not have to turn anyone away. We can use the donated food and gas cards to help them through their crisis, whatever it is. Soldiers, Airmen, Coasties, Reservists and National Guard Members and federally -employed civilians all benefit from the selfless giving of those who have donated so that we can pass along that love. Thank you'. Very Respectfully, Chaps To Donate Go To