HomeMy WebLinkAbout29 Scallop Road Yarmouth Historical Commission Notes 7.03.2014�FY�R TOWN OF YARMOUTH o y 1146 ROUTE 28, S. YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664 Telephone (508) 398-2231 x1292 - Fax (508) 398-0836 Colleen McLaughlin, Office Administrator cmclaughlin@yarmouth.ma.us YARMOUTH HISTORICAL COMMISSION NOTES COPY July 3, 2014 Members resent: Julie Mockabee (Chairman), and Commissioners, Sarah Horne and Jan Norris. Members absent: Gina Lombardi (Vice Chairman), Fred Fries, Nancy Stewart & Associate Dorothy Caprera. Staff present: Maryclare Troiano, Interim Office Administrator CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Mockabee opened the meeting at 3:00 pm and stated that the YHC Committee did not have a quorum, as there were not enough members present. The Commission decided to meet with the members and guests, but could not transact business without a quorum. No votes nor official business took place. GUESTS PRESENT: Karen M. Greene, Director of Community Development Jean Bowden, Capizzi Home, Improvement. Martin Reilly, agent for David Chleck NEW BUSINESS: Informal Discussions Re: Proposed Demolitions Jane Dios, owner, Jean Bowden, Capizzi Home Improvement, Agent, at 1361 Bridge Street, South Yarmouth. Ms. Bowden explained that she was acting on behalf of the home owner, Ms.Jane Dios, who is proposing to demolish the property with plans to rebuild. And mentioned that the property was previously the Bass River Boat Shop. Ms. Norris wanted to know if the property is empty. Ms. Bowden stated that the building has been unoccupied since 2012. Chairman Mockabee, wanted know if they intend to rebuild similar to what is presently existing. Ms Bowden explained that it is the owner's intention to rebuild the same as to what is existing and to open a jewelry retail store. The commercial property was built (according to tax records) in 1830. It is an ancient wood framed structure which is not structurally sound enough to remodel. Ms. Bowden presented a packet with photos of what is existing and also plans to rebuild. After some discussion on the history and condition of the property, Ms. Greene stated that there would have to be more research on this property to determine if there is any historical significance. Ms Greene went on to explain the process before a property can be approved for a demolition. Ms Mockabee mentioned that as part of the process, the Historical Committee members may want to do an Informal Site Visit. Ms Bowden agreed and stated that she would inform the owner. Ms. Greene and Chairman Mockabee both stressed that the process would have to begin with the owner applying for a Demolition Application from the Building Department. After more discussion, Chairman Mockabee thanked Ms. Bowden for coming before the Yarmouth Historical Committee. David Chleck, owner, Martin Reilly, agent at 29 Scallop Road, Great Island, W. Yarmouth Mr_ Reilly stated that he is representing the owner, Mr. Chieck, who is in the process of selling the property. Because the condition of the property is in such disrepair they are proposing to have it demolished and replaced with a new structure. Mr. Reilly stated that the Building Department has declared it structurally unsound. It is abandoned and decaying, has wild animals, and is a fire hazard. The structure was built in 1921 and has been vacant since about 2006. Ms. Greene mentioned a Site Visit may not be possible and if needed there could be an Emergency Demolition. Ms. Greene explained the State Codes and the process that would have to take place before a demolition could be allowed. Also there would have to be more research on the property. There was much discussion on the history of the property and the sad condition the property is currently in. Mr. Reilly stated that there was nothing of historic value that could be reclaimed. Chairman Mockabee explained that the process would have to begin with the owner applying for a Demolition Application from the Building Department. Chairman Mockabee thanked Mr. Reilly for coming before the Yarmouth Historical Committee. OLDIONGOING BUSINESS: MINUTES: May 15, 2014 No vote was taken. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Baxter Gristmill: No additional report Judah Baker Windmill: Ms. Horne stated that a very nice sand castle was built at the Chamber of Commerce on Route 6, as a replica of the JBW. Taylor -Bray Farm: No report Community Preservation: No report Preservation Awards: No report ADJOURNMENT: 4:15pm: No vote was taken. NEXT MEETING: Thursday, August 7, 2014 Respectfully submitted by, Maryclare Troiano { C D JUN 2 3 231,14 � � '�ARMOUTH Q Ode -all 5 r 06/26/2014 12:20 5617437018 DAVID CLECK PAGE 02f 03 vo. Ydr1mto mwicw t=rtm DUM Oftd owm of Pacor'd 29 SCOW F4W wed Ywmpkh, if. 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