HomeMy WebLinkAbout29 Scallop Road Demo CorrespondenceVozella, Beth
David <dvdcrosbie@yahoo.com>
Friday, January 23, 2015 4:47 PM
Vozella, Beth; <hanlonhomes@comcast.net>
29 scallop rd
Hi Sarah,
As Karen has informed you, jack and I have met with the building department, Karen, and Beth from yarmouth historic
in order to start the process receiving a demo permit for 29 scallop rd. Jack and I are acting on the owners behalf and
have our orders to take down the property in order to allow the owner to put the property on the market . However as
we are starting to learn the historic nature of the property we are looking to alternative solutions, opposed demoing
"olde house".
We briefly discussed the idea of the home returning to Chatham. As part of the process I am reaching out in order to
discuss a time where all from the Yarmouth and Chatham historic commissions would be able to meet. As I stated
previously the permit will be going in sometime next week.
Jack and my contact information attached below. Please feel free to reach out to either Jack or myself.
Hanlon Homes
Jack Scott -1 (508) 328-6589
David Crosbie - (774) 836 5799
Best regards David .
Vozella, Beth
Vozella, Beth
Thursday, January 22, 2015 10:15 AM
Cipro, Linda; Bachand, Patricia
Grylls, Mark; Greene, Karen
29 Scallop Road- Possible Demo Delay
Importance: High
Hi Linda & Patricia -
Please do not issue a Demolition Permit for 29 Scallop Road. Should you receive a request, please let me know.
The building on this property may be subject to a Demolition Delay which will require review/approval from the
Historical Commission prior to a permit being issued.
Thank you.
Beth Vozella, Office Administrator
Yarmouth OKH Committee/Historical Commission
Town of Yarmouth
1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4451
Tel: 508-398-2231 x1292
Fax: 508-398-0836
bvozella@ Yarmouth. ma. us
Vozella, Beth
From: Thomas J. Perrino <TPerrino@rubinrudman,com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 10:33 AM
To: Vozella, Beth
Cc: 'memeschoice@gmail.com'
Subject: RE: Harold & Marilyn Becker regarding 29 Scallop Road, West Yarmouth, MA.
Thank you for the email. No need for the Becker's to be placed on the Agenda, however, if you could advise of any
formal action or application for any permit, it would be appreciated.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Thomas J. Perrino
Rubin, Rudman, Chamberlain & Marsh
P.O. Box 40
99 Willow Street
Yarmouthport MA 02675-0040
(508) 362-6262
(508) 362-6060 Fax
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From: Vozella, Beth [mailto:BVozella armouth.ma.us]
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2015 10:35 AM
To: Thomas J. Perrino
Subject: Harold & Marilyn Becker regarding 29 Scallop Road, West Yarmouth, MA.
Hello Mr. Perrino -
I am contacting you with regards to your clients Harold & Marilyn Becker of 10 Mark Way, West Yarmouth, MA and
their concern regarding the possible demolition of an historic house on abutting property located at 29 Scallop Road,
West Yarmouth, MA. Your clients had expressed interest in being put on the agenda of an upcoming Yarmouth
Historical Commission (YHC) meeting to voice their concerns.
I understand that you have been appointed by the Beckers to speak on their behalf while they are in Florida for the
winter. I want to let you know that the owner of 29 Scallop Road has not yet taken any formal action to submit for a
demolition permit. Please let me know if your clients are interested in being put on an agenda at this time. The YHC is
currently scheduled to meet at 3:OOpm on the first Thursday of each month.
I will keep you posted on any activity relating to this property.
Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.
Thank you.
-Beth Vozella
Beth Vozella, Office Administrator
Yarmouth OKH Committee/Historical Commission
Town of Yarmouth
1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4451
Tel: 508-398-2231 x1292
Fax: 508-398-0836
bvozella Yarmouth. ma. us
Vozella, Beth
From: Frank & Joan -Ellen Messina <finessina@verizon.net>
Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2014 5:49 PM
To: Sarah Korjeff; Greene, Karen
Cc: Bob Oliver
Subject: Re: 29 Scallop Road
Let me know if we can help..
From: Sarah Korjeff
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 11:47 AM
To: 'Greene, Karen'
Cc: 'Frank & Joan -Ellen Messina'; Bob Oliver
Subject: RE: 29 Scallop Road
I would be happy to try to attend a site visit of the property and to advise the Historical Commission if needed. I also
think it would be useful to notify the Chatham Historical Commission, given the building's history. I have copied the
Chair and Vice Chair of that group to keep there informed. Chatham has had several successful cases of finding
alternatives to demolition through their demolition delay bylaw.
Let me know how things progress.
From: Greene, Karen[mailto:KGreene(,ayarmouth.ma.us]
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2014 1:14 PM
To: Sarah Korjeff
Subject: FW: 29 Scallop Road
Hi Sarah
Please see attached and below regarding 29 Scallop Road. Attorney Pizzuti maintains that the building is beyond
rehab. That said, once he files a demo permit and the historic commission starts their review, I'd like to have a site visit
with the full Committee and you if possible. Please let me know your thoughts.
Karen M. Greene, Director
Department of Community Development
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 x1278
From: Greene, Karen
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2014 10:56 AM
To: 'steven@pizzutilaw.com'
Cc: McLaughlin, Colleen
Subject: 29 Scallop Road
Steven -
Attached, please find a number of items related to the history of the property at 29 Scallop Road. The names are self-
explanatory. Note that the Florian document is the most extensive. Please note also that the CC Times item looks like
its two pages — I include the first because it has a clear date of publication, the second because it's a better copy.
Please let me know when you intend to move forward, so that I can give the Historic Commission some lead time and
involve Sarah Korjeff from the Cape Cod Commission.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email.
Karen M. Greene, Director
Department of Community Development
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 x1278
Vozella, Beth
From: Greene, Karen
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2014 1:19 PM
To: Frederick Fries; Gina Lombardi; Jan Norris; Julie Mockabee; Nancy Stewart; Sarah Horne
Cc: McLaughlin, Colleen
Subiect: No Meeting this Week!
Hello All
It does not appear that you will have a quorum for this Thursday, so I will not post a meeting. There is nothing pressing
that I am aware of. A couple updates:
• I spoke with Attorney Pizzuti regarding 29 Scallop Road and forwarded to him the information on file in the
Historic Commission office. He is aware that he needs to file a demolition permit for the Commission to formally
review/take action. I've touched base with Sarah Korjeff (from the CC Commission). I think her input/feedback
will be valuable.
• We have a new hire starting on 11/10! Her name is Beth Vozella and she is excited to start working with you
and the OKH.
• Judah Baker Windmill —staff from our Facilities dept. have run a new phone line to the building. Hopefully that
will eliminate (or at least minimize) our alarm problems there. I've got them looking into an alarm at the TBF
Farmhouse as well. Will keep you posted.
• Talent bank forms have been delivered to the Appointments Chair for the Board of Selectmen. Cross your
fingers for new members!
With regards to a next meeting, unless we hear from 29 Scallop before that and/or have other matters that are time
sensitive I'm happy to put off meeting until December 4. If you have anything that needs to be discussed by the
Committee, let me know and we'll try to put together a meeting Before the 4"'.
If you have any questions, please let me know!
Karen M. Greene, Director
Department of Community Development
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 x1278
Greene, Karen
From: Sarah Korjeff <skorjeff@capecodcommission.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 9S4 AM
To: Greene, Karen
Subject: FW: 29 Scallop Drive, West Yarmouth
Here is the response I sent to Colleen in July (see email below).
I didn't know that she had resigned. Let me know if you need my assistance with any Historical Commission issues while
you get someone else up to speed. I am generally in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays this fall.
Sarah Korjeff
Historic Preservation Specialist
Cape Cod Commission
3225 Main Street/PO Box 226
Barnstable, MA 02630
From: Sarah Korjeff
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2014 10:29 AM
To: 'McLaughlin, Colleen'
Subject: RE: 29 Scallop Drive, West Yarmouth
Colleen — I just returned from a week away so hope this isn't too late.
Great Island is not within the South Yarmouth/Bass River National Register district and the property is not on the State
Register, though it is included in MACRIS (the Massachusetts inventory of cultural resources). Based on the information
on MACRIS, the building looks to be significant. I hope the Historical Commission can find a way to convince the owner
to move the property rather than demolish it. Please let me know if 1 can be helpful during the demolition delay process
(or before).
From: McLaughlin, Colleen[mailto:CMclaughlin@yarmouth.ma.us]
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 9:01 AM
To: Sarah Korjeff
Subject: 29 Scallop Drive, West Yarmouth
Importance: High
Hi, Sarah—
I've wor.:-d here for 7 years, and I have what is probably a stupid question for someone who has been here that long.
A prospective purchaser of the subject property wants to demo it after the purchase. Based on age (c. 1724 per Form
B), it will have to go through a demo delay review. I have been asked if it is on the MA State Register. It isn't listed by
itself. My question is: is the Great Island area where this house is located part of the South Yarmouth/Bass River
Historic District? It's southish of the area the YHC traditionally is involved with, and I would like to know if it is a
contributing structure in that District,
hate to say this because you always respond ASAP, but time is, of course, of the essence.
Vozella, Beth
Grylls, Mark
Monday, September 22, 201410:09 AM
McLaughlin, Colleen
Gina Lombard i(sicilyms@comcast.net)
RE: 29 Scallop Road
No problem
From: McLaughlin, Colleen
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 9:37 AM
To: Grylls, Mark
Cc: Gina Lombardi(sicilyms comcast.net)
Subject: RE: 29 Scallop Road
Hi, Mark —
Thanks for the update.
From: Grylls, Mark
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 9:22 AM
To: 'Steven J. Pizzuti'
Cc: 'Bunky Woodbury'; davidchleck@comcast.net; mreill associates mail.com; McLaughlin, Colleen
Subject: RE: 29 Scallop Road
Hi Steve,
I got your message on Friday and have not had a chance to call you back.
I would like to conduct a site visit with a member of the Historical Commission.
We have been waiting for someone to get in touch with us for some time to set up an appointment for the visit. We will
need access to the interior of the structure as well.
Gina Lombardi is the contact that will be conducting the visit with me. Her number is 617-816-6539.
If you can set something up for mid week I am available then.
Thank you,
Mark Grylls
Director of Inspectional Services / Building Commissioner
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 x 1260
From: Steven 3. Pizzuti [mailto:steven izzutilaw.com
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 8:26 AM
To: Grylls, Mark
Cc: 'Bunky Woodbury'; davidchleck@comcast.net; mreillyassociates(dcimail.com
Subject: 29 Scallop Road
Good morning, Mark. I have left a couple messages regarding 29 Scallop Road, West Yarmouth. I am told that you have
spoken to Marty Reilly, a prospective purchaser of this property on Great island. I represent the owner, a charitable
foundation. As you know, the dwelling is more than 50 years old. It has not been occupied for a considerable time and is
in serious disrepair. The general consensus is that the structure has no historical value and cannot realistically be saved
or preserved. In fact, it is believed that the structure may pose a safety risk. You have indicated to Mr. Reilly that you and
a member of the Yarmouth Historical Society wish to inspect the building to determine its condition and whether the
structure should be razed prior to the six month notice period due to its condition. We would welcome your inspection and
ask that you contact me with some possible dates and time. Thank you and have a nice day, even if it is a Monday.
Regards, Steve
Steven J. Pizzuti, Esquire
336 South Street
Hyannis, MA 02601
(508) 771-1911
(508) 790-0800 (fax)
This email message and any attachments are confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately reply to the sender and delete the
message from your email system. Thank you.
Vozella, Beth
From: Vanguard Moving <vanguard3l@verizon.net>
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 3:37 PM
To: McLaughlin, Colleen
Subject: RE: 29 Scallop Road - Continuing Saga
That's great news!! Love her! O
From: McLaughlin, Colleen [mailto:CMclaucihlin(&yarmouth.ma.usl
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:53 AM
To: 'Vanguard Moving'
Subject: RE: 29 Scallop Road - Continuing Saga
Gina is willing to attend the site visit with the Bldg Commish. She is going to call him directly to arrange a day/time.
What would we do without Gina???
From: Vanguard Moving [mailtowanguard3l(Overizon.net]
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 7:42 AM
To: McLaughlin, Colleen
Subject: RE: 29 Scallop Road - Continuing Saga
Oh yeah ... I didn't realize this was the same house. I remember Bernie talking about it about a year ago now.
Yeah, you and I should not go in there, sounds awful! I guess we could ask Gina if she is interested. I guess we could just
send out an email to everyone and see if anyone wants to go, if not I would totally understand, but maybe someone
would be willing to at least look at the outside and through windows if they do not feel comfortable actually going
Let me know what you think.
From: McLaughlin, Colleen [mailto:CMclaughlinCn�yarmouth.ma.us]
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2014 2:43 PM
Subject: 29 Scallop Road - Continuing Saga
Importance: High
Hi, Julie —
I Have met with the Building Commissioner and Marty Reilly (the agent for the 29 Scallop owners) today. Marty is
looking for an emergency demolition decision from the Bldg Commissioner. If the Commissioner pursues that course,
the Historical Commission is removed from the equation per the town demo delay bylaw. If the Commissioner doesn't
find the property to be beyond repair, then it will come back to us for review.
Leading up to this, I have researched the property again. (As you know, Bernie Klotz met with the Historical Commission
a year or so ago about this same address & the demo issue. Because the sale fell through, the demo was never
pursued.) The house is definitely antique, but not on the National or State Registers of Historic Places. It is not within
an historical district. Sarah Korjeff from the Cape Cod Commission believes that its specific history is significant and
would like to see it moved. If (and I know that's a big "if") it is truly in such bad condition, I'm not sure that it could be
moved. Again, if the rumors are correct, I'm not even sure there are elements that can be saved and reused.
The Building Commissioner is planning a site visit to see firsthand what the place is like and if it is unsafe. He would like
a rep from the Historical Commission to accompany him. You should not go, the agent says there is mold and animal
feces throughout the house. Due to my son's illness (which started with a rare strep bacterium), I don't want to go
either as I'm afraid I might carry something back to him. Do you have any suggestions? Maybe Gina —she can certainly
take care of herselfl! LOL
Please let me know.
Vozella, Beth
From: McLaughlin, Colleen
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:30 AM
To: Gina Lombardi(sicilyms@comcast.net)
Subject: I'm Back!
Importance: High
Hi, Gina —
I'm back! Brendan is in rehab in Cambridge, & I am out of family leave time. Seems weird. Lots to catch up on.
Looked like you had a splendid time on your world travels. Glad you, too, are back.
Mark Grylls(Bldg Commissioner) wants to have one member of the Historical Commission to accompany him on a site
visit to 29 Scallop Road on Great Island. He will be trying to determine if it warrants an emergency demolition
decree. You probably remember that Bernie Klotz presented some pictures of this property last year when he thought
that he had a buyer. The house didn't look like it was in good shape, but you can't really tell from photos.
If Mark determines that it presents a public safety hazard, the demo delay process won't take place. His demo decision
on those grounds trumps any historical considerations per TOY bylaws. If he finds that the building can be brought back
and doesn't represent a hazard, the owners will need to apply for a demolition permit and the demo delay process kicks
Mark has not set up a date, but if it fits in with your schedule, could you accompany him? Julie can't because of her
pregnancy. If you can't make it, I'll reach out to the other members, but it would be great if you could. If you'd like, you
can call Mark at 508-398-2231 x 1260 and coordinate it directly with him.
Please let me know whether or not you can make it.
Vozella, Beth
From: McLaughlin, Colleen
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2014 11:21 AM
To: Sarah Korjeff
Subject: RE: 29 Scallop Drive, West Yarmouth
Thanks, Sarah, your answer came in plenty of time.
Your info confirmed what I had also found out about the property & structure. I wanted to make sure I was on the right
We haven't formally received the demo delay request, but the Commission is taking this matter very seriously. i
envision an ongoing dialogue with the current owner to find a way to do something with the property rather than demo
From: Sarah Korjeff [ma iIto: sko oeffca ission.orcl
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2014 10:29 AM
To: McLaughlin, Colleen
Subject: RE: 29 Scallop Drive, West Yarmouth
Colleen — I just returned from a week away so hope this isn't too late.
Great Island is not within the South Yarmouth/Bass River National Register district and the property is not on the State
Register, though it is included in MACRIS (the Massachusetts inventory of cultural resources). Based on the information
on MACRIS, the building looks to be significant. I hope the Historical Commission can find a way to convince the owner
to move the property rather than demolish it. Please let me know if I can be helpful during the demolition delay process
(or before).
From: McLaughlin, Colleen [mailto:CMclaughlin abyarmouth.ma.usl
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 9:01 AM
To: Sarah Korjeff
Subject: 29 Scallop Drive, West Yarmouth
Importance: High
Hi, Sarah —
I've worked here for 7 years, and I have what is probably a stupid question for someone who has been here that long.
A prospective purchaser of the subject property wants to demo it after the purchase. Based on age (c. 1724 per Form
B), it will have to go through a demo delay review. I have been asked if it is on the MA State Register. It isn't listed by
itself. My question is: Is the Great Island area where this house is located part of the South Yarmouth/Bass River
Historic District? It's southish of the area the YHC traditionally is involved with, and l would like to know if it is a
contributing structure in that District.
I hate to say this because you always respond ASAP, but time is, of course, of the essence.
Vozella, Beth
From: McLaughlin, Colleen
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2014 3:14 PM
To: Greene, Karen
Subject: RE: 29 Scallop Drive, WY, Update
Karen —
Thanks for the info regarding the agents knowing that an application to building kicks off the process. Since I wasn't at
the meeting, I wanted to make sure they were aware.
I'll check with Mark regarding Scallop Rd's condition. Thanks for the heads up.
From: Greene, Karen
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2014 2:01 PM
To: McLaughlin, Colleen
Subject: RE: 29 Scallop Drive, WY, Update
Hi Colleen
Just re -reading this. We informed Marty (and Jean Bowden) that they needed to submit an application in order to get
things going. Neither one should be surprised. With regards to the Scallop Road property, Marty also indicated having
spoken with Mark Grylls regarding the condition. I don't know whether Mark would consider the property an
emergency demo.
Thanks for keeping me posted.
Karen M. Greene, Director
Department of Community Development
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 x1278
From: McLaughlin, Colleen
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 9:34 AM
To: Greene, Karen
Subject: 29 Scallop Drive, WY, Update
Good morning, Karen —
I have left a message on Marty Reilly's phone asking him to call me about the property. I will get back to you with an
update after he calls me.
I went through the property file (Form B material) again, and the property does deserve review based on age. No
surprise there. I looked it up in the MA State Register and it is not listed individually there. It is not part of the Bass
River Historic District as far as I can determine. I have sent Sarah Korjeff an email to make sure it's not a contributing
structure to any Historic District. I have sent you a copy of the email separately from this one.
When this property was previously discussed, the previous realtor wanted the Historic Commission to "rule" if it was
eligible for demolition as a sort of blanket approval. The Commission told the realtor that that isn't the way the demo
delay bylaw works. The application is for a specific property at a specific time. They could rule today that it is
salvageable (although from what I have heard about the property that doesn't seem likely), and a few years down the
road it would have passed that point and no longer be savable. Sometimes they find that certain elements need to be
saved. In that case, the future plans of the homeowner come into play. So a blanket approval is usually not favored by
the Commission.
As I write this, I realize that every case is different. If this home is as bad as rumored, the Commission might be willing
to okay demolition. However, our demo review process is kicked into gear with an application to the Building Dept. So
will be telling Marty that he needs to do that if he wants a formal demo delay ruling.
will be glad to discuss this with you if you want.
Vozella, Beth
From: Greene, Karen
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 4:45 PM
To: McLaughlin, Colleen
Subject: RE: demo delay
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
Great. Thanks.
Karen M. Greene, Director
Department of Community Development
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 x1278
From: McLaughlin, Colleen
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 4:41 PM
To: Greene, Karen
Subject: RE: demo delay
Hi, Karen —
I'll look into both issues first thing tomorrow. The Bridge Street properties have been looked at by several potential
buyers —all of whom were looking into demo if they bought the properties. I'll look into it again.
Scallop Road was also almost before the Commission last year. The sale fell through before the Commission paid a site
visit or pursued anything —no official demo request was initiated that time.
From: Greene, Karen
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 4:30 PM
To: McLaughlin, Colleen
Subject: demo delay
Hi -
On 7/3 Marty Reilly came in representing the owners of 29 Scallop Road in W. Yarmouth. They are looking to demolish
the house. While there was a form B on file, we did not know whether the property had been listed on the State
Register. Could you please look into this and let Marty know (617-872-9933). Please let me know the outcome and
when you follow up with Marty.
Related, there was someone (maybe from Capizzi) at the same meeting regarding a property on Bridge Street (I don't
remember the address). The form Bs that we found were a little confusing — I think mostly because there were 3
buildings on one parcel (one of which has been demolished). So, we weren't sure of the historic information (i.e. which
Form B was relevant to the property under consideration for demolition). Did you discuss with Maryclare? I think she
was going to do the minutes. Do you know whether this happened?
Karen M. Greene, Director
Department of Community Development
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 x1278
Vozella, Beth
From: McLaughlin, Colleen
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 9:52 AM
To: Greene, Karen; JULIE MOCKABEE
Subject: FW: YHC
Good morning Karen and Julie,
Karen, please note my email from Julie!
Karen and Julie, I have a letter from Marty Reilly, who is representing the property at 29 Scallop Road, W. Yarmouth,
(Great Island) and he would like to attend the meeting for an "Informal Discussion" .
Also would you want to have an "Informal Discussion" with the agent/owner for the property at 1361 Bridge Street?
Thanks and have a great day!
From: Vanguard Moving [mailto:van uard3l verizon.net
Sent: Friday, .June 27, 2014 9:16 AM
To: McLaughlin, Colleen
Subject: RE: YHC
We should hold the meeting as we have postponed several already!
i will email Karen Greene, and work on the agenda this weekend. Thank you!!
From: McLaughlin, Colleen [ma iIto: CMclaughlin yarmouth.ma.usl
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2014 3:09 PM
To: `Vanguard Moving'
Subject: RE: YHC
Hi Julie,
The next meeting is July 3{d., the day before the holiday. Please let us know if you want to cancel and we can post the
cancellation. We should post the cancellation by Monday.
Would you like to meet later in July or on August 71h
Thank you.
From: Vanguard Moving [mailto:vanguard3l@verizon.netl
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 1:19 PM
To: McLaughlin, Colleen
Subject: RE: YHC
M a ryc la re,
actually don't know if we have a demo form. Someone was saying they thought Colleen had made one, but no one
knows where it is.
I think the process usually is when they apply for the permit the building dept is supposed to forward them to us, maybe
they have a form??
Let me know...and do not worry about sending me messages ... not a bother at ail!! O
We just appreciate that you are able to help out while Colleen is away!
From: McLaughlin, Colleen[mailto:CMclaunhlin@yarmouth.ma.us7
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 11:24 AM
To: 'Vanguard Moving'
Subject: RE: YHC
Good morning Julie,
Thank you so much for getting back to me.
I actually have two pieces of property in which the owner/agent would like to have an "Informal Discussion". Both
parties would like to demolish the property and build a new structure.
1361 Bridge Street, South Yarmouth
29 Scallop Road, West Yarmouth, Great Island.
Does YHC have a "Demolition Form" that they use.?? And what is the procedure??
I am so� sorry to be bothering you as I know you are so busy at work.
Hope you have a good.
From: Vanguard Moving [mailto:van uard3l verizon.net
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 10:38 AM
To: McLaughlin, Colleen
Subject: RE: YHC
This does fall under YHC, I will add it to the agenda for July, do we have any info, owners name, if they are looking to
demo entire house, etc...??
I will do my best to get you an agenda in the next couple days....) am just really busy at work as my assistant quit a few
weeks ago, just trying to do everything on my own!
From: McLaughlin, Colleen [mailto:CMclaughlin yarmouth.ma.usl
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 3:48 PM
To: Julie Mockabee(vanguard3l(&verizon.net)
Subject: YHC
Hi Julie,
I have someone requesting to demolish a house on "Great island" 29 Scallop Road, West Yarmouth.
The house was built in 1921.
1 don't know if this comes under YHC.
The house could be demolished according to the Building Dept. and no one has lived there for years.
I appreciate your help in this matter.
Thank you,
Maryclare Troiano
(I am covering for Colleen)