HomeMy WebLinkAbout29 Scallop Road Reach out to Chatham Historical CommissionVazella, Beth From: Vozella, Beth Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 3:17 PM To: Bob Oliver; Deanna Ruffer; Frank & Joan -Ellen Messina; Greene, Karen; Grylls, Mark, Michele Clarke (Chatham historic staff); Sarah Korjeff; Chris Penna (Cooter25@live.com); Duncan Oliver (oliver02675@comcast.net); Frederick C. Fries (phredfll@verizon.net); Gina Lombardi (sicilyms@comcast.net); Janice R. Norris (Ja niceRac i neNo rris@comcast. net); Julie Mockabee (vanguard3l@verizon.net); Sarah R. Horne (foghornell5@verizon.net) Cc: 'David' Subject: 29 Scallop Rd., Yarmouth Attachments: 1989 Florian Olde House 1721 Book.pdf; Excerpt from History of Chatham.pdf; MACRIS.pdf, DEMO DELAY ORDINANCE as amended 7-21-1l.doc Importance: High Hello Everyone - As some of you already know, the property at 29 Scallop Road in West Yarmouth is currently in the process of being readied to be put on the Real Estate Market. The owner(s) of this property want to sell it as a buildable oceanfront lot which would require, in part, the demolition of the "Olde House" (originally from Chatham) that is currently on this property. Once the application for a demo permit is submitted, the Demolition Delay process begins with the Yarmouth Historical Commission having 10 days to officially determine whether or not this home is a "Significant" structure. The Yarmouth Historical Commission has made an informal predetermination that this house does hold some substantial significance specifically from the time it was first built in Chatham in 1792, where it remained for 140+ years, before moving (or should I say sailing) in 1935 to its current home in West Yarmouth. The property developers, David Crosbie and Jack Scott from Hanlon Homes, Inc. agree and are seeking alternative options opposed to demoing the house. Taking into consideration the building's deep Chatham roots, we feel it would be beneficial to gather members from the Yarmouth Historic, Chatham Historic and the Cape Cod Commissions for a round table discussion where we can share ideas for possible alternatives to demolition. To that end, a site visit has been scheduled for 1:00pm on Tuesday, March 31, 2015, to be followed by an informal meeting in the Hearing Room at the Yarmouth Town hall beginning at approximately 2:30pm. The attached files contain documentation about the history if this "Olde House" which the YHC found extremely helpful and quite fascinating. Also, for ease of reference, attached is a copy of the Yarmouth Demolition Delay bylaw. Please let me know no later than Friday, March 27th whether or not you will be attending the site visit and/or the meeting afterward. For those who would like to carpool, we will be departing from the main lobby of the Yarmouth Town Hall at 12:45. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or need any further information. Thank you. Beth Vozella, Office Administrator Yarmouth OKH Committee/Historical Commission Town of Yarmouth 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4451 Tel: 508-398-2231 x1292 Fax: 508-398-0836 bvozeIla armouth.ma.us & 4 2/age & Office Administrator Yarmouth OKH Committee/Historical Commission Town of Yarmouth 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4451 Tel. 508-398-2231 x1292 Fax: 508-398-0836 bvozello@vormouth.mo.us C nattlam, NIA - nisiOTICat L Ommissiun Town of hatham Meeting Calendar I Public Notices Town Contacts On -Line Payments Budget Central BIDSIRFPSIRFQ Quick Links Subscribe to News Send Us Comments Home Page Historical Commission Poner-Friendly Version Contact Information: CFiA HAM i ISIfTOWCAL COMMISSION �`utlram . htasra�ituelis 02633 Contact Deanna Ruffer Director of Community Development Michele Clarke Staff Liaison Address: 261 George Ryder Road Chatham, MA02633 Phone: 508-945-5168 Hours: Monday -Thursday 7am-4pm Friday 7anF12:30pm GO Meeting Agendas Additional Links. C� Cy APPLICATION FORMS �e r , Heritage Landscape Inventory Project ma's DUNE I I :D 2014 Regular Meetings and Filing Deadline 1712 Schedule M;QSS' 2015 Preservation Awards Letter Preservation Award Winners I•I LI Commission Members NAME Chatham Town Office Frank A. Messina, Chairman 549 Main Street, Chatham, MA 02633 Robert D. Oliver, Vice Chairman Donald Aikman, Clerk PH. 508-945-5100 William E. Manley FAX: 508-94535W View Map Jane Moffett Nancy B. Yeaw Sandi B. Porter GommpN t ALy I Stephanie Hamilton, Altemate Benjamin Sntdenski, Alternate Florence Seldin Meeting Minutes Guidlines for Referral of Historic Structures Historical Properties Invento Introduction Chatham Reconnaissance Report 2015 Preservation Awards Information and Application Chatham Draft Survey Plan July 2014 Historic Properties Survey Information Historic Houses Sian Application and Instructions Tercentennial House Marker Letter and Order Form 2015 Regular Meetings and Filing Deadline Schedule THE GRIST WINTER 2014-2015 TERM EXPIRES 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2016 2015 2015 2015 BOS Liaison SUBM17'TING ELECTRONIC CORRESPONDENCE Please submit correspondence to the Staff Liaison. Please state that all such electronic corespoirdencv is considered a aA&lto record. Correspondence containing requesrsfor pnrblic retards will be responded to by the Staffl toisan in compliance bIGL Ch. 66, §10 within 10 days of recerpl. All other correspondence and materials submitted will be forwarded by the SraffLiatson to the BoardlCommiuee Choir, wrth a copy to MembemlCommmsioners andperson sending reguestImmmem, forporentlal scheduling ofdrseussion on an up comingpmblic meeting agenda HISTORICAL SOCIETY WEBSITE Note: Documents that are in PDF format require Acrobat Reader to view. Lucky for all of us, Acrobat Reader is free. If you do not have a copy on your computer, click the Acrobat icon F141c, Jkddo�� to learn how to download it.