HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision 4645 06.14.16137-07.....201 6 a :l 2= 1_BP N 0 T TOWN OF YARMOUJIP T A N BOARD OF APPEAL' N OFF TCIAL DECISIOq F I CI AL C O P Y C O P Y N 0 T N 0 T A N A N FILED WITH TOWN (FLERK: I AJifine 14, 2016D F F I C I C O P Y C 0 P Y A L PETITION NO: 4645 HEARING DATE: June 9, 2016 PETITIONER: Ceili and Lucy Family Investment Trust (Current owner: Our Outhouses, LLC) PROPERTY: 373 White's Path, South Yarmouth, MA Map 110, parcels 8 Zoning District: B3 and APD Title: Book 29029, Page 341 MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Chairman Steven DeYoung, Richard Neitz, Gerald Garnick, and Bryant Palmer Notice of the hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the Petitioner and all those owners of property as required by law, and to the public by posting notice of the hearing and publishing in The Register, the hearing opened and held on the date stated above. The Petitioner seeks a Special Permit pursuant to Zoning Bylaw §406 and §202.5 to allow a F3 use within the Aquifer Protection District (APD). The property is currently owned by Our Outhouses, LLC, and Petitioner plans to lease the property if all necessary permits and relief are secured. The lot is located in the B3 Zoning District and contains approximately 27,810 square feet of area, and is currently improved with an approximate 5,000 square foot steel -frame structure, containing 4 separate bays. The structure, built in 2015, is equipped with floor drains which feed a holding tank, The Petitioner proposes to occupy one of the bays located at the rear of the property for storage and warehousing of product sold at the Agway of Cape Cod stores, located in Dennis, Chatham and Orleans. Each of these three locations have storage capability. However, these locations have limited space, which makes it difficult for them to transact large quantities with special pricing. They do not plan to have a retail operation at this location, mostly due to the zoning constraints. Stored inside the warehouse will be fertilizer and plant food, but with small concentrations of pesticide. Outside, at the rear of the property, they will store bagged soil and mulch. All products will remain on the pallets upon which they arrive, and will not be broken down on site. B]c 297B1 Pc1171 #34248 The property will be usedToPstSrage until transported to to hwTay stores. If pallets are subsequently opened on a Aelihe unsold portions will not b� Aurned to the property. O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L, This use requires a Specie FQrrRitYn the APD, The project(ga'bknyVell vetted by the Yarmouth Board of Health, which issued a Memorandum (the "Memorandum") dated May 25, 2016 regarding the operation of the PetitioWrO; Imsiness at this location. OnIMSy 2B, 2016, the Petitioner appeared before the Board of Health, whtgh found that the proposal willAdoquately control all hazardous materials and protg9t *e �ntgnt pf tbcAkPD bylaw. TIYg I�oagl of I&al h pssqpd its unanimous recommendation to proceCd p tbis jBoard for relief. Petitiopeuly appeared before the Site Plan Review team on May 31, 2016, and they too were satisfied with the proposal. No one spoke in opposition to the proposal. This Board was impressed with the thoughtful Memorandum drafted by Carl E. Lawson, Jr., the Hazardous Waste Inspector from the Board of Health, and was satisfied that with the imposition of the conditions and regulations recited in the Memorandum, that the proposal would meet the requirements under the Bylaw for the issuance of a Special Permit. As such, the Board of Health Memorandum is hereby incorporated in its entirety by reference, and is also attached hereto. In addition, the recommendation of the Yarmouth Fire Department, made at the Site Plan Review meeting, that a lock box be installed to the exterior of the structure, will be a condition of this relief. The Board finds that the Petitioner has demonstrated the requirements of Zoning Bylaw §406 for the issuance of a Special Permit, in that the proposal will not be substantially more detrimental nor cause undue nuisance, hazard or congestion and that there will be no substantial harm to the established or future character of the neighborhood or town. Finally, the Board finds that groundwater quality resulting from on -site waste disposal and other on -site operations will not violate federal or state standards for drinking water at the downgradient property boundary. Accordingly, a Motion was made by Mr. Neitz, seconded by Mr. Garnick, to grant the Special Permit, as requested, incorporating all of the 5 Board of Health Regulations in the Memorandum,* specifically recited on Page 5 thereof. The Petitioner will also need to install a lock box to the exterior of the structure, as requested by the Yarmouth Fire Department, and any materials that are removed from the site, and subsequently opened, will not -be returned to the Property. The members voted unanimously in favor of the Motion. No permit shall issue until 20 days from the filing of this decision with the Town Clerk. Appeals from this decision shall be made pursuant to MGL c40A section 17 and must be filed within 20 days after filing of this notice/decision with the Town Clerk. Unless otherwise provided herein, the Special Permit shall lapse if a substantial use thereof has not begun within 24 months. (See bylaw §103.2.5, MGL c40A §9) I XE��6 . t Steven DeYoung, airman 44gAt-d h-.r�-6 E-xW13 + 'A I Elc 29781 Pg172 #34248 Appeal #4645 N 0 T N O T COMMbNWEALTH OF MASSA&USETTS oFcoPY& OF YAM U'F I AL BOARD OF APPEALS N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C 0 P Y Date: July 5, 2016 Certificate of Granting of a Special Permit (General Laws Chapter 40A, section 11) The Board of Appeals of the Town of Yarmouth Massachusetts hereby certifies that a Special Permit has been granted to: PETITIONER: Ceili and Lucy Family Investment Trust 686 Route 134, So. Dennis OWNER: Our Outhouses, LLC 24 Great Western Road, Harwich, MA Affecting the rights of the owner with respect to land or buildings at: 373 White's Path, South Yarmouth, MA. Zoning District: B3 & APD; Map & Lot#:0110.8; Book/Page: 29029/341 and the said Board of Appeals further certifies that the decision attached hereto is a true and correct copy of its decision granting said Special Permit, and copies of said decision, and of all plans referred to in the decision, have been filed. The Board of Appeals also calls to the attention of the owner or applicant that General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 11 (last paragraph) and Section 13, provides that no Special Permit, or any extension, modification or renewal thereof, shall take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certification of the Town Clerk that twenty (20) days have elapsed after the decision has been filed in the office of the Town Cleric and no appeal has been filed or that, if such appeal has been filed, that it has been dismissed or denied, is recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the county and district in which the land is located and indexed in the grantor index under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate of title. The fee for such recording or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant. S�eneY airman B]c 29781 Pcjl73 i134248 N 0 T N 0 T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L TQYWN OF YARMOUTH Town 1146 ROUNI E98,T5OUTH YARMOUTH, MANACff USETTS 02664-4451 Clerk TekpAne (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1285, Ax�508) 398-0836 O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y CERTIFICATION OF TOWN CLERK I, Philip B. Gaudet, III, Town Cleric, Town of Yarmouth, do hereby certify that 20 days have elapsed since the filing with me of the above Board of Appeals Decision 44645 that no notice of appeal of said decision has been filed with me, or, if such appeal has been filed it has been dismissed or denied. All appeals have been exhausted. TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: Background Blc 29 781. Pg174 #34248 c�5x 4 h, 4 ,A (RECEIVED wrpWN OF Vj&kMQ I&Y 262016 O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L YARMOUTH C O P Y C O P Y BOARD OF APPEALS 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETT - N O 'T Telephone (508) 398-2231 eiA. 1g4q Fax (508) 760-3472 A N BOARD OFA REALTH O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y MEMORANDUM o P Y Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Car[ E. Lawson, Jr., Hazardous Waste Inspector C L Proposed new Agway of Cape Cod Warehouse Storage 373 White's Path, Unit A Petition Number 4646 May 25, 2016 Agway is a lawn, garden, pet and farm products sales company with retail stores throughout the northeastern United States. Each Agway store is independently owned and operated. Mr. Joshua Wile is the president of Agway of Cape Cod with three retail stores located in Chatham, Dennis and Orleans. Proposal Each Agway of Cape Cod store has limited warehouse storage. Additional warehouse storage will allow Agway of Cape Cod to take advantage of special pricing available on larger purchases of certain products. The peak business period occurs from early spring to early summer and during this time the availability of additional stock for the retail stores will help the business in the competitive marketplace. For this reason Agway of Cape Cod seeks to store additional stock at a warehouse location of 373 White's Path, Unit A. The warehouse location will be most heavily utilized for storage from the fall to spring in anticipation of the busy spring season. Mr. Wile met with the Health Dept. and provided a summary of his proposal. After learning that the 373 White's Path warehouse location is within the Town's Aquifer Protection District (APD) for the public drinking water supply, Mr. Wile agreed to reduce his range of stored products. Liquid toxic or hazardous products and straight granular herbicide products have been removed from the initial list of proposed items. 1 B]c 29781 Pg175 434248 Items proposed for sOaUeTnside the warehouse inaudeTertilizer and plant food. While some of these fertilizer,,NhUlude herbicide (crabgrass Dr6enter, weed killer) or pesticide (grub killer) they ]Ar(' irk IgssTerAc6nncent ratio fis F(hf'n �ngh6 ArAight granular products originally proposed. P)r% nYple, a dedicated grubrkil1lbrIinXy contain 0.6 to 2.0% of two different insecticides whereas a lawn fertilizer with grub killer will contain about 0.2% of one insecticide. N 0 T N 0 T A N A N Items proposet fur storage ioutside the wamllbumerimlubeAbagged soil and mulch. These products contdn(ncradditives. c o P Y All products will be contained in sealed bags which are held in place on pallets by heavy-duty, industrial -strength, plastic wrap. No plastic wrap will be removed or product bags opened at the 373 White's Path warehouse location. Regulatory Items 1) It is understood Agway of Cape Cod will need ZBA relief in order for the business to have (1) a trucking and warehousing operation and (2) to store toxic or hazardous materials in excess of normal household quantities within the APD. 2) The building has floor drains required by Massachusetts State Plumbing Code that are connected to a holding tank system designed by a Massachusetts — Registered Professional Engineer (P.E.) in accordance with Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regulation, 314 CMR 18 (CMR = Code of Massachusetts Regulation). The holding tank system includes: a 1500- gallon concrete holding tank inside a 2500-gallon concrete holding tank which serves as secondary containment; a high-level liquid detection monitor and a leak detection monitor. Under normal conditions it is not expected the holding tank will receive flow. 3) The Board of Health (BOH) Regulation "Handling and Storage of Toxic or Hazardous Materials," effective May 2, 1990 is applicable to this proposal as the involved quantities of materials are in excess of the licensing threshold of 10 gallons liquid measure or 5 pounds dry weight. The regulation includes, but is not limited to, 150% volume secondary containment of toxic or hazardous materials. Toxic or Hazardous Materials Delivery and Unloading The materials will be delivered to the 373 White's Path location by delivery trucks. The materials will be unloaded from the delivery trucks by Agway of Cape Cod employees using a propane powered forklift. The forklift will be maintained by an outside vendor in the same manner as the forklifts at the other Agway of Cape Cod locations. The vendor will occasionally service the forklift at the 373 White's Path location. 'No hydraulic or any other vehicle fluids will be stored at this location. N B]c 29781. Pgl76 Ik34248 Toxic or Hazardous Waar�als Storage N o T _.... - A N A N All of the fertili7W1560 OaRt fbob gill be stor6 l Wiskdeltl-Pe IM'White`5 Path warehouse in Unit A. The pallet-oPoPmRat(Arials will be stored or�-tA Forycrete warehouse floor or on pallet racks. As previously mentioned all pallets of materials will be stored intact with plastic wrap in place. AlsOa'g mentioned previously rM Products will be opened onsite. A N A N All of the bagged For1aMd (rnaic4 v+4ll be storeQl Cutigidb ghl adjabent to the warehouse. As with the other mat�rialsPn�Yproducts will be operi'ed)oRsiVe nor will any pallet wrap be removed. Toxic or Hazardous Materials Use No materials are proposed to be used onsite. The materials will only be stored until there is space for them to be brought to one of the three Agway of Cape Cod stores in Chatham, Dennis and Orleans. Toxic or Hazardous_ Materials Disposal No toxic of hazardous materials will require disposal as they are only stored for resale at one of the three Agway of Cape Cod store locations. Toxic or Hazardous Materials Loading and Removal The materials stored at 373 White's Path will be removed for the purpose of transporting them to one of the three Agway of Cape Cod stores for sale. The materials will be loaded onto Agway of Cape Cod trucks by Agway of Cape Cod employees using a propane powered forklift. Environmental Safeguard 1) Only dry or solid materials will be stored. 2) All employees are trained in spill response. 3) The spill plan and Safety Data Sheets (SDS) will be available onsite as required by regulation. 4) Spill response materials in the form of heavy duty tape, brooms, shovels, clay - based absorbent, bags, pans and an impermeable container with a lid top will be maintained onsite. All stored materials will be solids, but the clay based absorbent will be stored in case it is needed in the event of a vehicle fluid spill. 5) Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) in the form of protective eyewear, respirators and gloves will be maintained onsite. B]c 29781 Pg177 tt34248 6) No vehicle wasMn6fTieling or repair is part ofih, oposal. A N A 7) While th(Ph6uF§ d-urtjwhicrh employes VvilFbJ on'sRe 1� variable, the site will be checked daily.c o P y c o p y Additional InformatioM o T rr o T A N A N 1) While th& sffe PwiA at lbekstraffed contiflu6u9y Ih&erwfl k an office onsite that will be used oAi 9 pOArty me basis. Employegs WIT also report to the site for the unloading of materials delivered to the site or the loading of materials to be delivered to the Agway of Cape Cod stores. 2) There are no scheduled hours for the operation of the site, but in operations will be limited to normal daylight hours. Health Dept -Requirements Yarmouth Health Regulation requires the following regarding toxic or hazardous materials handling and storage which apply to the proposal by Agway of Cape Cod. 1) The business must register annually for a Yarmouth Board of Health Handling . and Storage of Toxic or Hazardous Materials License. 2) No materials may be discharged to the environment. 3) No outdoor storage of toxic or hazardous materials is allowed (soil and mulch are not toxic or hazardous). 4) All materials must be protected from vandalism. 5) Materials must be stored in covered product -tight containers. 6) All toxic or hazardous materials must be stored inside secondary containment of 150% volume of the total amount of materials stored (all materials included in this proposal are solids). 7) Any waste material must be properly disposed by a licensed hazardous waste hauler. No waste materials are anticipated from this business. 8) Safety Data Sheets (SIDS) for each toxic. or hazardous material must be maintained onsite and be readily available. 9) No vehicle repair or washing is allowed onsite. 10)An absorbent material must be kept onsite for use in the event of spills. 4 B]c 29781 ?g178 #34248 Board of Health Rec� niheTndations N o T A N A N Attorney Paul 15aMifFarfd',giv* 6f Cape C&d FOAJ &cF pfWdent, Mr. Joshua Wile presented the aforeffiAti8n9d proposal to the Eo&dpofYHealth (BOH) at the BOH meeting on May 23. The f OH with three members present voted unanimously to recommend the propclAaf)oTAgway of Cape Cod t(3` tM 2BA. This recommendation is based on the ability ofAthb business to comply wittf t% Town of Yarmouth Board of Health Regulat0nF"RarfdllbgTa&l ]Storage ofQl'ai(Fod Wazkd`ruTs Materials" and based on the following five ((5) (dofdfflons (which are beyohd fh('slYIct scope of the regulation): 1) The storage of any solid or dry toxic or hazardous materials is limited to the size of the pallet rack structure(s) in the building, 2) No storage of liquid materials is allowed. 3) A detailed material spill containment plan must be conspicuously posted at all times and all employees must be familiar with the plan. 4) No vehicle washing is allowed. 5) No vehicle repair is allowed. The Board of Health and Health Department respectfully request that if this proposal is approved by the Board of Appeals the preceding five (5) items be included in any Zoning Board of Appeals Decision. Furthermore, if the proposal is allowed by the ZBA these items will be included as conditions of the annual Board of Health license for the business. BARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS John F. Meade, Register