HomeMy WebLinkAbout29 Scallop Rd Memo re donation of items 5.09.2016Vow' a, Beth From: Greene, Karen Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 3:09 PM To: Johnson -Staub, Peter Cc: Vozella, Beth Subject: 29 Scallop Road - demolition delay Attachments: Timeline.docx Peter The Historic Commission has been processing a demolition request (see attached timeline per Beth V.). They will be conducting a site visit on Thursday. The owner has indicated interest in donating some of the contents to the Town. We will prepare an itemization of anything they are interested in, and work out a storage plan (note the Chairman owns a storage company and has volunteered space). Is there room on the 5/24 agenda to accept the items? If not, let me know a likely date. I will advise the Commission not to plan to display any of the items until the donation is formally accepted. Thanks, Karen Karen M. Greene, Director of Community Development Town of Yarmouth kgreene yarmouth.ma.us 508-398-2231 x1278 1 Vozella, Beth From: Vozella, Beth Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 2:58 PM To: Greene, Karen Subject: RE: scallop road Attachments: Timeline.docx Timeline attached. From: Greene, Karen Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 12:23 PM To: Vozella, Beth Subject: scallop road I'd like to give Peter an update on Scallop Road. Would you put together for me a brief timeline outlining the submission of the permit app; the meeting to determine the property as significant and then the most recent hearing. My goal is to give him background and to see when the BOS will be able to accept any donations. I'll cc you on the email to Peter. Thanks, Karen Karen M. Greene, Director of Community Development Town of Yarmouth kGreene @Yarmouth.ma.us 508-398-2231 x1278 29 Scallop Rd, West Yarmouth — Demolition Request This home was built in Chatham in 1792, where it remained for 140+ years, before moving/sailing to its current home on Scallop Road, West Yarmouth in 1935. Much of this home's history is documented in materials provided to the Historical Commission. Time -Line: • March 31, 2016 - Application for Demolition Permit and Notice of Intent to Demolish a Historic Building received by YHC. • April 14, 2016 - The YHC deemed the "main house" portion of one of the structures to be a "significant structure" as defined in the Yarmouth Town By -Law, Chapter 92-2 • May 6, 2016- Public hearing to gather information in order to make a determination whether or not demolition of this structure will be detrimental to the historical, cultural or architectural heritage of Yarmouth as per Chapter 92-3. After the close of the public hearing, the Commission, having agreed that the loss of this home would be detrimental to the historical heritage of the town, had a discussion taking into consideration the information presented by the applicant, the abutter(s)/public statement(s) as well as their own research and observations from previous site visits. In summary, they feel that the home is in such disrepair, that it is highly unlikely that anyone will come along to save it. They also agree with an abutter's concern that in the event of a wind storm or hurricane, there is a very good possibility that debris from the deteriorated property could potentially harm their home. To avoid any further desecration of this once beautiful old home, they came to a consensus, but have not yet formally voted, to waive the 180 delay period to allow for the structures at 29 Scallop Rd. to be removed. • May 12, 2016- 1:OOpm- Site Visit to 29 Scallop Rd Purposes of this site visit: To give YHC members the opportunity to observe the amount of deterioration that the main house has sustained since the last site visit in March 2015; To give those members who were not present at previous visits, the opportunity to see this property; To give the abutters' attorney the opportunity to observe the condition of the main house. In addition, the Owner has offered to donate to the Town of Yarmouth, any items, pieces or portions of the home it may want to salvage. There are a few items that the Commission would like to salvage for placement at various town properties such as: a millstone for display at the Judah Baker Windmill; fire place items and a kitchen hook for the Taylor Bray Farmhouse; a mural on the wall over the main fireplace to be framed and displayed in the Historical Commission office. 3:OOpm- Regular Monthly YHC Meeting at Town Hall- Members to vote on two items: 1. The demolition of the main house will be detrimental to the historical, cultural or architectural heritage or resources of the Town of Yarmouth. 2. Being satisfied that there is no reasonable likelihood that either the owner or some other person or group is willing to purchase, preserve, rehabilitate or restore the main house, the Commission waives the 180 day delay period in its entirety allowing the demolition permit to be issued. • May 26, 2016- Date by which determination shall officially be made by the YHC and notification sent to Applicant, Building Commissioner and Town Clerk.