HomeMy WebLinkAbout29 Scallop Rd Letter to Hanlon re Signficant Determination 4.14.2016O Y TOWN OF YARMOUTH o 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 3984936 HISTORICAL COMMISSION April 14, 2016 CERTIFIED MAIL #7010 3090 0002 7281 8112 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Jack Scott Hanlon Homes, Inc 17 Schofield Road Dennis, MA 02638 RE: 29 Scallop Rd., West Yarmouth- Demolition Request Dear Mr. Scott, This notice is being directed to you as the Owner's Agent for the above referenced project. Please be advised that on Thursday April 14, 2016, at their regular scheduled meeting: the Yarmouth Historic Commission met in quorum and voted unanimously in their decision that the original portion of one of the structures being proposed for demolition at 29 Scallop Road (herein referred to as the "main house") is a significant structure as defined in the Yarmouth Town By -Law, Chapter 92: Historic Properties (enclosed). This decision was based on documentation and materials presented to and gathered by the Commission along with their observations during a site visit which took place on March 15, 2015. In addition, Jade Scott, from Hanlon Homes Inc., who has been working with the Yarmouth Historical Commission since this project began, provided a structural engineer's report dated March 22, 2016 which details the current condition of the home The Commission is grateful for the efforts and care that have been taken into consideration during the difficult decision to demolish the structures on this property. Despite its deteriorating condition, the Commission feels that the main house is significant to the town of Yarmouth where it has resided since 1935, not only from an architectural standpoint, but also in part because of the story of its travel from the town of Chatham where it originated in 1721. As a result of this "significant" determination, the Commission has 30 days in which to hold a public hearing to determine whether or not demolition of this structure will be detrimental to the historical, cultural or architectural heritage of Yarmouth. After the public hearing, the Commission will have 10 days in which to notify you whether or not the demolition of the main house portion of the existing structure would be detrimental to the history, architecture, or culture of Yarmouth. If it is found to be detrimental, the 180-day demolition} delay period will begin on the date the determination is made. Please be informed that you have been placed on the agenda to speak at said public hearing which is scheduled to be held on Friday, May 6 2016 at 10:00am in the Hearing Room at the Yarmouth Town Hall. Town ordinance requires that notice of this hearing be published in a local newspaper at least 14 days prior and again within 7 days of the 4:9r- hearing date. Therefore, notice will be published in The Register on Thursday, April 21, 2016 and Thursday April 28, 2016. Should you have any questions regarding this letter or the demolition delay process, please contact our Office Administrator, Beth Vozella at 508-398-2231 x1292 or via email at bvozelia@yarmouth.ma.us. Sincerely, Julie Mockabe , +airman Yarmouth Historical Commission JM/bv Enclosure Cc: The Chleck Family Foundation Inc. Mark Grylls, Building Commissioner Karen Greene, Director of Community Development Sarah Kooeff, Cape Cod Commission YHC File YARMOUTH TOWN CLERK '16APR15PM12:00 REC