HomeMy WebLinkAbout29 Scallop Rd Memo to CCC re Site Visit 4.14.2016Vozelia, Beth
From: Vozella, Beth
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 201610:36 AM
To: 'Sarah Korjeff'
Subject: RE: Update on Yarmouth Proposed Demolitions
Thanks for the response Sarah. I will send you notice of the public hearing as soon as the date is set.
Beth Vozella
Office Administrator
Yarmouth OKH Committee/Historical Commission
Town of Yarmouth
1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4451
Tel: 508-398-2231 X 1292
From: Sarah Korjeff [mailto:skoaeff@capecodcommission.org]
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 10:04 AM
To: Vozella, Beth
Subject: RE: Update on Yarmouth Proposed Demolitions
Hi Beth,
I was out at a conference earlier this week, so am just seeing your email. Sorry for the delay.
I do like to keep up to date on historic demolition proposals in Cape towns, so please send me a notice of the public hearing if it
isn't too much trouble.
Regarding the demolition delay period, each town's bylaw is a little different but I believe Yarmouth's bylaw allows the Historical
Commission to end the delay period as long as they find no reasonable likelihood that someone is willing to preserve or
rehabilitate the historically significant building. To make such a finding, the Commission should have evidence that the property
was advertised widely, that alternatives to demolition were fully explored, and that no other options were found. Typically it
would be difficult to do these things without imposing at least part of the delay period, but it is possible.
Sarah Korjeff
Historic Preservation Specialist
Cape Cod Commission
3225 Main Street/PO Box 226
Barnstable, MA 02630
From: Vozella, Beth [ $VczellaCiyarmouth.ma.us]
Sent: Friday, April 0 , 2016 3:09 PM
To: Sarah Korjeff
Cc: Greene, Karen; Julie Mockabee (van= uar 31@verizon.net)
Subject: Update on Yarmouth Proposed Demolitions
Hi Sarah -
I want to give you a brief update on the two proposed demolitions that you have been involved in with the Yarmouth Historical
Commission. While these demolition requests are not subject to mandatory referral to the CCC, I know that the YHC members
value and appreciate your input and expertise on these matters.
29 Scallop Rd. West Yarmouth
Application for a full Demolition Permit received 3/31/16. The YHC is scheduled to meet in quorum on 4/14/16 to make the
official determination whether this structure is "Significant". I believe the YHC's consensus will be that despite its current
condition, this is a significant structure.
The next step will be for the Commission to hold a public hearing to determine whether or not demolition is detrimental to the
historical, cultural or architectural heritage or resources of the Town. Jack Scott (Owners Agent) will present his case for
demolition and the current status of his attempts to salvage the structure or its parts. If the YHC feels it would be detrimental
(which it could be because of its history) then the 180 day Demo Delay clock begins.
Questions for you:
1) Would you like to receive notice of the public hearing dote once it is determined?
2 j Am 1 correct in my understanding that if the Commission is satisfied that reasonable efforts have already been put forth by the
Owner/Agent to salvage the structure or its parts, then the YHC con either reduce the 180 day period to a lesser amount of time
or release the property from the full demo delay requirement all together?
246A Pleasant St. South Yarmouth
Application for a Partial Demolition received 4/5/16. The YHC is scheduled to meet in quorum on 4/14/16 to make the official
determination as to whether the portion(s) of the building being proposed for demolition are "Significant". After a site visit and
review of the materials presented by the Owner's Agent, the Commission determined that only the original half -cape portion of
the house is significant because of its architecture. They feel that the portions proposed for demolition are later additions that
do not hold as much (if any) significance. The Commission is also pleased with how the half -cape remains a prominent feature
of the rebuild plans for the new house.
The April 14, 2016 Yarmouth Historic Commission meeting is scheduled to begin at 3:00pm in the Hearing Room at Yarmouth
Town Hall. Please feel free to attend or submit any additional thoughts you would like presented to the Commission.
Thank you,