HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Determination - Cassidy 21524 RECEIVED FEB 15 2024 BUILDtNG DEPARTMENT TOWNOF YARMOUTII BUILDINGY DEPARTMENT 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA,02664 (501)398.2231 ext. 1261 Fax;(308)3914836 ZONING DETER114114ATION FOR BUSINESS CERTIFICATE APPLICATION Otitis form is to determine if your business complies with the Town of Yarino utlt Zoning Bylaw. The applicant shall .sr,;I ts ma the wissection off t and file it with Building will made a forwarded a Once the BuildingI�supaattttent-hasa to the Town Clerk.Please have your tax identification number andlor your social security numbet available when completing the application process with the Town Clerk, The Buileims Department*di made,a determination based on the following (a) The bcartriessfuse,activity, )The zoning dirt *which the bassi is to be heated" Allowed uses are based on Zoning Bylaw Tab/e 202.5 and(c)previous or new f " D410 : Telephone; , "pB'-177.5"—/,a)fcf Buai : e4it DC+ Name of Applicant: l DBA __ A lailirr$A � �S�d ' S. 4l$ . Description of Bus miss Activity: fl 4 The applicant act ay It determination will be e t Department tuned on the l on thla date. Any in the use endlor activity willsoft atintt r}' require additional approval. r�.• w"e ;:, •,,:.,. . Fa lure to do so may resort in the revocation attic Business Certificate andlor - ., .'-Zoaing Ifittorcernent,should it be deuumined that the are non-compliant, Applicant's phi "s ihptattatse .\E21 Building Department Dot ination Appwv d:Commis is and CLtd r t Pk)C _1104 4-li 3 6 9 ODTOVO&COCOmbU _ Budding B. aal s Signature: �� ' �. - Date: 1//c,�a1Ng. . Pew:I.of 1