HomeMy WebLinkAbout5096 601 Route 28 Sign Permit Application 10.11.23o� .Y,gRar
. 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext.1261
Date 10/11 /23 Application Accepted Permit No.
Applicant Instructions
1) Applicant shall complete both sides of application.
2) One application form is required for each sign. Each sign will be assigned its own permit number.
3) Applicant shall attach separate 8 %z"x I I" sheets including the following diagrams:
A) Design, dimensions and colors of the proposed sign
B) Freestanding Signs: provide certified plan by a professional land surveyor that describes how the proposed
sign meets the zoning requirements included in Zoning Bylaw 303.5.6 or 303.5.4.2 (as applicable). A
stamped and sealed "as -built" will be required before the permit will be issued.
C) Attached Signs: show length of portion of building frontage that is occupied by applicant.
D) Temporary Signs: show location for sign
4) Sign permits are $40.00 each, payable at the time of application.
Address of proposed sign
601 Main Street
Historic District
Name of Business for proposed sign
Name of Business owner
Mailing Address of Business owner
Business Owner Phone: Business
Name of Building Owner.
Cape Cod Farms III
khalil Naoum
16 East Main St Westboro MA 01581
508-2164283 Home
Khalil Naoum
Phone 508-737-9140
Sign Builder Big Red Rooster Flow Sign Materials Vinyl
2 Northfield Plaza, Ste 250 P: (847) 441-1818 F:
Sign Builder Address Nerthf+eld „ 60093 Phone (847)592-9564
Singly Occupied Building x Business Center Internal Light External Light
Freestanding Sim Size: Mobil (41 9116" x 74 13116")
2x Regular wl 16" Red Able 7-Segmenet LEDs (34 7116" x 62
Attached Sign Size: 2/16,11
Temporary Sign Size:
Please complete other side of Sign Permit Application
All Permits are sub'ect to the a2proval of the Sin Inspector
I hereby agree to conform to the provisions of Town of Yarmouth Zoning By-law Section 303 governing sign
construction and installation. I further agree that this sign will not be altered, added to or changed in any way unless
a new permit has been issued. Sign Permits are not valid until the Building Commissioner issues Use and
Occupancy Permits (where applicable). Freestanding sign permits are not valid until the "as -built" from a
professional land surveyor has been received.
10/11 /23
Signature of Applicant: Date
Property Owner Authorizatio . I hereby authorize the applicant to act on my behalf in all matters related to this
sign application. (Signature) "4% Date
Approved by:
With the following conditions:
I have read and understood the conditions of this Sign Permit listed above:
10/11 /23