HomeMy WebLinkAboutCover letter 1 To: Brittany DiRienzo, Conservation Administrator, Town of Yarmouth From: Karilyn Heisen, PE, CDM Smith Date: March 6, 2024 Subject: Notice of Intent for 99 Buck Island Road Infiltration Basins This Notice of Intent (NOI) is to provide information on the proposed return of highly treated wastewater effluent via infiltration basins at 99 Buck Island Road in the Town of Yarmouth. The proposed project is part of the first Phase of the Town’s Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP). This CWMP is designed to reduce nitrogen loads to estuaries and harbors which will improve water quality by collection and centralized treatment of wastewater which current enters the aquifer through septic systems. The proposed project may potentially have indirect impacts to wetland resource areas by increasing groundwater levels. There will not be construction (i.e. direct impacts) in the wetland resource areas or buffer zones as part of this proposed project. Enclosed please find 1 hardcopy of the attachments listed below. Six additional copies of the NOI form, Attachment 5 (Yarmouth WRRF Site Plan), Attachment 6a (Wetlands Monitoring Plan), Attachment 6b (Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring Plan) and Attachment 9b (Wetlands Areas Sheet R1 Highlighted Wetland Resource Area Delineation Mapping) are provided for the Commission’s review. The Notice of Intent form and supporting documentation have been submitted electronically to MassDEP through the eDEP filing site under transaction #1688398. I look forward to speaking with the Conservation Commission about this project. Karilyn Heisen, PE, D.WRE CDM Smith, 75 State Street, Suite 701, Boston MA 02109 Attachments: 1. WPA Form 3 2. Narrative Description 3. USGS topographic map and NHESP habitat map 4. FEMA Flood Hazard Layers including the National Flood Hazard Layer FIRMette for 99 Buck Island Road and Flood Insurance Rate Map 25001C0586J (4 FEMA Flood Hazard and Insurance Rate Maps.pdf, 2 pages) Brittany DiRienzo, Conservation Administrator, Town of Yarmouth, March6, 2024 2 5. Yarmouth WRRF Site Plans including layout, materials, grading and drainage and yard piping. (5_Yarmouth_WRRF_Site_Plans.pdf, 8 pages) 6. Wetlands monitoring plan and groundwater/surface water monitoring plan (6a Wetland Hydrology Monitoring Program Plan, 10 pages and 6b GW and SW Monitoring Plan.pdf, 3 pages) 7. Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP) Executive Summary (7 Yarmouth Executive Summary 02 15 2022.pdf, 19 pages) The complete CWMP is available on-line at https://www.yarmouth.ma.us/2033/Project-Management 8. Certificate of the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs on the Notice of Project Change and Supplemental SEIR for the Yarmouth Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan, September 30, 2022 (8_14659 SEIR Yarmouth CWMP.pdf, 38 pages) 9. Order of Resource Area Delineation SE-1864. This order was issued in 2009 and expired in 2016 but provides information to support development of the monitoring plan and baseline conditions.  Order issued 9/29/2009 for 99 Buck Island Road (9a Order of Resource Area Delineation 2009 83-1864.pdf, 61 pages), https://lf.yarmouth.ma.us/WebLink/Browse.aspx?id=1597668&dbid=0&repo=LASERFICHE  wetlands areas identified in the Order of Resource Area Delineation (9b Wetlands Areas Sheet R1 Highlighted Wetland Resource Area Delineation Mapping.pdf, 1 page) and  the Wetland Resource Area Delineation Mapping dated August 2009 (9c Wetland Resource Area Delineation Mapping.pdf, 59 pages). 10. WP83 Hydrogeologic Evaluation Report Application (22-WP83-0005-APP) for 99 Buck Island Road. Once the Hydrogeologic Evaluation Report is approved, the Groundwater Discharge Permit Application will be submitted.  The application was submitted July 26, 2022. (10a Buck Island Road – WP83 Hydrogeologic Evaluation Report Application 22-WP83-0005-APP.pdf, 245 pages)  In addition to the submittal in 2022, additional model revisions and information on estimated site capacity was provided on February 22, 2023, September 29, 2023 and October 17, 2023. (10b Buck Island Road 22-WP83-0005-APP Additional Information.pdf, 56 pages)