HomeMy WebLinkAboutground water and surface water monitoring plan 10_GW_Monitoring Plan Memorandum To: Jeffrey Colby From: Karilyn Heisen, PE, D.WRE Date: July 22, 2022 Subject: Buck Island Groundwater Monitoring Plan Recharge capacity at the Buck Island site is dependent on annual and seasonal changes in water level and the ability of the adjacent surface water bodies to transport flow which discharges through the groundwater. Model simulations indicate that average annual recharge capacity at the site is 1.2 MGD with monthly ranges from 0.99 to 1.5 MGD. Pressure transducers should be installed in the 9 groundwater wells in Table 1 to measure water levels during the initial 3 months of system operations. Monthly groundwater levels should be taken following system start-up. Well screens are assumed to be in the shallow subsurface bracketing or just below the water table. Well depths will be verified as part of initial groundwater monitoring. Water level measurements should be taken at the six locations listed in Table 1 and shown on Figure 1. Stage-discharge curves should be developed for all 7 locations. Continuous water level data should be collected at SW-10A, SW-12 and SW-2 during the initial 3 months of system operations. Weekly water levels should be collected at the other three locations during the initial 3 months. Monthly groundwater levels should be taken following system start-up. Prior to system start-up the stream channels and road crossing should be surveyed and evaluated to assess the capacity of culvert and water level control structures to maintain water levels and transport the increased surface water flows. Water quality samples will be collected and analyzed quarterly at wells BW-218 (upgradient), BW- 225 (down-gradient), BW-231 (down-gradient), and surface water locations SW-3 (Plashes Brook upstream), SW-2 (Plashes Brook downstream), SW-9A (Big Sandy Bog upstream), SW-10A (Big Sandy Bog), and SW-12 (cranberry bog downstream). Water quality samples will be analyzed as shown in Table 2. Buck Island Groundwater Monitoring Plan July 22, 2022 Page 2 10_GW_Monitoring Plan Table 1 – Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring Points Well Location Water Level Monitoring Water Quality Sampling BW-218 Upgradient Yes Yes MW-17 Upgradient (near Plashes Brook) Yes MW-22A Upgradient Yes BW-225 Downgradient (west towards cranberry bog) Yes Yes MW-8 Cross-gradient (across cranberry bog) Yes BW-231 Downgradient (east towards Plashes Brook Yes Yes MW-23A Cross-gradient (across Plashes Brook) Yes MW-24 Downgradient (south) Yes MW-25 Downgradient (south) Yes SW-9A Big Sandy Bog Upstream of Inlet Yes Yes SW-10A Big Sandy Bog Upstream of Control Yes Yes SW-10B Big Sandy Bog Downstream of Control Yes SW-12 Outlet Brook of Bogs Yes Yes SW-3 Plashes Brook Upstream Yes Yes SW-13 Plashes Brook Yes SW-2 Plashes Brook Upstream of Sluice Yes Yes Table 2 Water Quality Monitoring Plan Parameters and Frequency Parameter Frequency of Analysis Specific Conductance Quarterly pH Quarterly Nitrate-Nitrogen (NO3) Quarterly Total Nitrogen (NO3+NO2+TKN) Quarterly Total Phosphorus Quarterly Volatile Organic Compounds Annually (groundwater samples only) Buck Island Groundwater Monitoring Plan July 22, 2022 Page 3 10_GW_Monitoring Plan Figure 1 – Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring Points