HomeMy WebLinkAboutORAD exp 2016M 66 J 3 c � � cal r J M` l Massacht-n t of Environmental Protection Provided by MessDEP: ' r SE 83-1 WA Bureau' of aesoir trot on —Wetlands TOY Chap.143 MassDEp File Number Ll WPA --form 4B — Order of Resource Area Delineation Document Transaction Number Yarmouth Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 City/Town A. General Information When filing out forma on the computer, use only the tab key to move your cursor - do not use the return key. Ir---51 ICI Note: Before completing this form consult yourlocal Conservation Commission regarding any municipal bylaw or ordinance. From: Yarmouth 1. Conservation Commission 2. This Issuance is for (check one): a. ® Order of Resource Area Delineation b. ❑ Amended Order of Resource Area Delineation 3. Applicant: George Ailaire a. First Name b. Last Nana Yarmouth Department of Public Works c. Organization 1146 Route 28 d. Mailing Address South Yarmouth MA 02664 e. City/Town f. State g. Zip Code 4. Property Owner (if different from applicant): a. First Name b. Last Name Yarmouth Water Department c. Organization 99 Buck Island Road d. MaNing Address West Yarmouth e. City/Town 5. Project Location: 99 Buck Island Road MA f. State West Yarmouth a. Street Address b. City/Town 48 1 c. Assessors Map/Plat Number d. Parcel/Lot Number Latitude and Longitude: 6. Dates: 08-25-09 a. Date ANRAD filed 41 39'337"N e. Latitude 09-17-09 b. Date Public Hearing Closed 02673 g. Zip Code 02673 c. Zip Code 7013'31" W f. Longitude 09-23-09 c. Date of Issuance 7. Title and Date (or Revised Date if applicable) of Final Plans and Other Documents: Wetland Resource Area Delineation For Permitting Only a. We c. Title 08-2009 b. Date d. Date wparomAb.doc • rev. 11= s Pape 1 of 4 r ✓ Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Provided by MawDEP: Bureau of Resource Protection — Wetlands TOY Chap. 143 SE W-lssa WPA Form 4B — Order of Resource Area L11 MassDEP File Number Delineation Document Transaction Number Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Yarmouth cilyrrown B. Order of Delineation 1. The Conservation Commission has determined the following (check whichever is applicable): a. ® Accurate: The boundaries described on the referenced plan(s) above and in the Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation are accurately drawn for the following resource area(s): 1. ® Bordering Vegetated Wetlands 2. ® Other resource area(s), specifically: a. Riverfront Area, Bordering Land Subject to Flooding, Isolated Land Subject to Flooding, Land Subject to Coastal Stomp Flowage. b. ❑ Modified: The boundaries described on the plan(s) referenced above, as modified by the Conservation Commission from the plans contained In the Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation, are accurately drawn from the following resource area(s): 1. ❑ Bordering Vegetated Wetlands 2. ❑ Other resource area(s), specifically: a. c. ❑ Inaccurate: The boundaries described on the referenced plan(s) and in the Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation were found to be inaccurate and cannot be confirmed for the following resource area(s): 1. ❑ Bordering Vegetated Wetlands 2. ❑ Other resource area(s), specifically. 3. ❑ The boundaries were determined to be inaccurate because: a. wperomAb.doc • rev_ 111W Page 2 of 4 LL'Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection — Wetlands TOY Chap. 143 WPA Form 4B — Order of Resource Area I Delineation Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 C. Findings Provided by MessDEP: SE 83-1864 MassDEP File Number Dmxmrerd Transaction Number Yarmouth Cityrrown This Omer of Resource Area Delineation determines that the boundaries of those resource areas noted above, have been delineated and approved by the Commission and are binding as to all decisions rendered pursuant to the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (M.G.L c.131, § 40) and its regulations (310 CMR 10.00). This Order does not, however, determine the boundaries of any resource area or Buffer Zone to any resource area not specifically noted above, regardless of whether such boundaries are contained on the plans attached to this Omer or to the Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation. This Order must be signed by a majority of the Conservation Commission. The Order must be sent by certified mad (return receipt requested) or hand delivered to the applicant. A copy also must be mailed or hand delivered at the same time to the appropriate DEP Regional Office (see httD://www. mass.qov/dep/about/re(aion/frndvour. htm). D. Appeals The applicant, the owner, any person aggrieved by this Order, any owner of land abutting the land subject to this Order, or any ten residents of the city or town in which such land is located, are hereby notified of their right to request the appropriate DEP Regional Office to issue a Superseding Order of Resource Area Delineation. When requested to issue a Superseding Order of Resource Area Delineation, the Department's review is limited to the objections to the resource area delineation(s) stated in the appeal request. The request must be made by certified mad or hand delivery to the Department, with the appropriate filing fee and a completed Request for Departmental Action Fee Transmittal Form, as provided in 310 CMR 10.03(7) within ten business days from the date of issuance of this Order. A copy of the request shall at the same time be sent by certified mail or hand delivery to the Conservation Commission and to the applicant, if he/she is not the appellant. Any appellants seeking to appeal the Department's Superseding Order associated with this appeal will be required to demonstrate prior participation in the review of this project. Previous participation in the permit proceeding means the submission of written information to the Conservation Commission prior to the close of the public hearing, requesting a Superseding Order, or providing written information to the Department prior to issuance of a Superseding Order. The request shall state dearly and concisely the objections to the Order which is being appealed and how the Order does not contribute to the protection of the interests identified in the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, (M.G.L a 131, § 40) and is inconsistent with the wetlands regulations (310 CMR 10.00). To the extent that the Order is based on a municipal bylaw or ordinance, and not on the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act or regulations, the Department of Environmental Protection has no appellate jurisdiction. wpaiomrlb.doo • rev. 1 V06 Pape 3 of 4 LL11Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection — Wetlands TOY Chap. 143 WPA Form 4B — Order of Resource Area Delineation Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Provided by MassDEP: SE 83-1864 MassDEP File Number Document Transaction Number Yarmouth Cityrrown E. Signatures 09-23-09 Date of lesuanoe Please indi a the num members who will sign this form. 5 a� 1. Number of Signers Signature of Co a Co Member Sign re C Commission Member Signature Conservation f*ion Sig of C anon Commission Member Signature of Conservation Commission Member This Order is valid for three years from the date of issuance. If this Omer constitutes an Amended Order of Resource Area Delineation, this Order does not extend the issuance date of the original Final Order, which expires on unless extended in writing by the issuing authority. This Order is issued to the applicant and the property owner (if different) as follows: 2. ❑ By hand delivery on a. Date 3. ® By certified mail, return receipt requested on 09-23-09 a. Date wpafomift.doc • rev. 11A8 Page 4 of 4 LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF YARMOUTH CONSERVATION COMMISSION The Yarmouth Conservation Commission will conduct public hearings pursuant to the Massachusetts Wetland Act, M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 40 and the Town of Yarmouth Wetland By-law, Chapter 143, on September 17, 2009 at the Yarmouth Town Offices, 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA beginning at 7:00 p.m. for the following matters: REOUEST FOR DETERMINATION: Peter & Alanna Rathbone, 70 White Cedar Road, West Yarmouth, MA To construct addition to single family dwelling. ABBREVIATED NOTICE OF RESOURCE AREA DELINEATION: Yarmouth Department of Public Works, 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA To verify resource area boundaries along Route 28 and vicinity from Barnstable town line to Parkers River. Plans and applications for the above may be examined in the Yarmouth Conservation Commission Office, 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA. Monday thru Friday, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. David D. Flaherty, Jr., Chairman Yarmouth Conservation Commission YARMOUTH CONSERVATION COMMISSION APPLICANT: DATE: REPRESENTATIVE ( if any) : e, p GREEN RECEIPTS (circle one) COMPLETE INCOMPLETE (explain) LEGAL AD $$ (circle one): PAID TYPE OF HEARING NOT PAID (explain. CIRCLE ONE: (NOI) Request for Determination (RFD) opening opening Notice of Intent (NOI) continuation DECISION circle one: 16�1141IC%3 � or Approved Denied Continued RFD ffe—q • # Pos. # Continued Request for Determination (RFD) continuation DISCUSSION (Example: Approval conditions, reasons.) VOTE (list last names) For: Against: Denial Reasons, Continuance COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SOUTHEAST REGIONAL OFFICE 20 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MA 02347 508-946-2700 DEVAL L. PATRICK Governor TIMOTHY P. MURRAY Lieutenant Governor DATE: September 10, 2009 Municipality YARMOUTH (city/town) RE: NOTIFICATION OF WETLANDS PROTECTION ACT FILE NUMBER IAN A. BOWLES Secretary LAURIE BURT Commissioner The Department of Environmental Protection has received a Notice of Intent fled in accordance with the Wetlands Protection Act (M.G.L. c. 131, §40): Applicant: YARMOUTH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC Owner: Address: 1146 ROUTE 28 Address: SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 LOCUS: RT. 28, WEST YARMOUTH RD., OTHERS This project has been assigned the following file # : SE 083-1864 ISSUANCE OF A FILE NUMBER INDICATES ONLY COMPLETENESS OF SUBMITTAL, NOT APPROVAL OF APPLICATION Although a file # is being issued, please note the following: If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact: CHRISTINE ODIAGA @ (508)-946-2836 Cc: Yarmouth Conservation Commission, 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, Yarmouth, MA, 02664 Representative: YARMOUTH DPW, 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA, 02664 This information is available in alternate format. Call Donald M. Gomes, ADA Coordinator at 617-556-1057. TDD# 1-866-539-7622 or 1-617-574-6868. http://www.mass.ciov/dep ; 0 Printed on Recycled Paper YARMOUTH Conservation Commission 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth YARMOUTH, MA 02664 CIDM Transmittal ♦.�7 One Cambridge Place, 50 Hampshire Street Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 452-6000 (617) 452-8000 To: Yarmouth Conservation Commission From: Andrew R Poyant Organization/ Yarmouth Town Hall Address: Date: August 24, 2009 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Re: Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation: Phase 1 Sewer Service Area Job #: 1125-67926-CG.WETLANDS Via: Mail. Ovemight. X Courier. Enclosed please find: For your information For your review For your signature X Approved Approved as noted Returned to you for correction Message: Enclosed please find nine copies of the Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation Application and two sets of plans. Please call myself or Rob Musci with any questions. Thank you, Andrew R Poyant Signed -- -A -A � � Town of Yarmouth, Massachusetts Phase 1 Sewer Service Area August 2009 Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation 1 I 1 1 ri 1, u 1 cm one Cambridge Place, 50 Hampshire Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 tel: 617 452-6000 fax: 617 452-8000 August 24, 2009 Yarmouth Conservation Commission Yarmouth Town Hall 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Subject: Phase 1 Sewer Service Area Applicant: Yarmouth Department of Public Works (DPW) Dear Commission Members: On behalf of the Town of Yarmouth Department of Public Works, Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. (CDM) is pleased to submit this Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation (ANRAD) to get concurrence on the extent of jurisdictional wetland resource areas established by CDM Inc. Wetland Scientists along the proposed Phase 1 Sewer Service Area. The wastewater program is being implemented in order to meet the needs of the town and the needs that are being defined in the Massachusetts Estuaries Project for nitrogen removal in Yarmouth's estuaries. This ANRAD is being filed in accordance with the Town of Yarmouth's Wetland Protection Regulations and the Massachusetts Wetland Protection Act (310 CMR 10.00). Please advertise this project for your next scheduled meeting. We understand that the next public hearing is scheduled for September 17, 2009. Feel free to call myself or Rob Musci, P.E. at (617) 452-6000 if you want to schedule a site visit or if you have any questions regarding this ANRAD. We look forward to working with you on this project. Very truly yours, Andrew R. Poyant Environmental Scientist Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. cc: R. Musci, CDM MassDEP SoutheastRegion G. Allaire, Yarmouth DPW consulting • engineering • construction • operations SM00038.docx Table of Contents Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation Form Figures Figure 1 Project Location Map Figure 2 Estimated Habitats Map Figure 3 Flood Insurance Rate Map Figure 4 Aerial Photo of Project Site Attachment A - Wetlands Description 1.0 Project Summary..................................................................................................... A-1 2.0 Wetland Delineations............................................................................................. A-1 3.0 Summary.................................................................................................................. A-9 Attachment B - ILSF Calculations Attachment C - Project Plans (Bound Separately) CAA SM00030toc.docx 1 L1Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands 1 WPA Form 4A — Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 A. General Information 1. Project Type: a. ® Resource Area Delineation Only b. ❑ Resource Area Delineation Subject to Simplified Review Provided by MassDEP: 2. Project Location (Note: electronic filers will click on button for GIS locator): 99 Buck Island Road Yarmouth a. Street Address b. Cityrrown Latitude and Longitude: 41 °39'37"N d. Latitude 48 1 f. Assessors Map/Plat Number g. Parcel /Lot Number 'Important: When filling out forms 3 on the computer, use only the tab key to move your cursor - do not use the return key. Applicant: George R. Allaire a. First Name b. Last Name 1146 Route 28 d. Mailing Address South Yarmouth e. City/Town ! I� 508-398-2231 ext 508-760-4830 290 i. Fax Number ' r 4. Property owner (if different from applicant) I NntP- Note: 'Before completing this form consult your local 'Conservation Commission regarding any municipal bylaw or ordinance. Fees will be calculated for online users. a. First Name b. Last Name 99 Buck Island Road d. Mailing Address West Yarmouth e. City/Town 508-771-7921 MassDEP File Number Document Transaction Number Yarmouth City/Town ^n A c. Zip Code 7001331 "W e. Longitude Yarmouth Department of Public Works c. Company MA 02664 f. State g. Zip Code GAllaire @ yarmo,uth.ma.us j. Email address ❑ Check if more than one owner _ Yarmouth Water Department c. Company MA f. State h. Phone Number i. Fax Number j. Email address 5. Representative (if any): t: Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. (CDM a. Firm 02673 g. Zip Code Andrew Poyant b. Contact Person First Name c. Contact Person Last Name 50 Hampshire Street d. Mailing Address Cambridge MA 02139 e. City/Town f. State g. Zip Code 617-452-6602 617-452-6602 poyantar@cdm.com h. Phone Number i. Fax Number j. Email address Total WPA Fee Paid (from attached ANRAD Wetland Fee Transmittal Form): N/A N/A N/A a. Total Fee Paid b. State Fee Paid c. City/Town Fee Paid wpaform4a.doc - rev. 03/1/05 Page 1 of 5 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands ' 11 WPA Form 4A — Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Provided by MassDEP: MassDEP File Number Document Transaction Number Yarmouth City/Town B. Area(s) Delineated ' 1. Bordering Vegetated Wetland (BVW) Approximately Linear Feet of Boundary Delineated 2. Check all methods used to delineate the Bordering Vegetated Wetland (BVW) boundary: a. ❑ MassDEP BVW Field Data Form (attached) ' b. ® Other Methods for Determining the BVW boundary (attach documentation): 1. ® 50% or more wetland indicator plants ' 2. ® Saturated/inundated conditions exist 3. ® Groundwater indicators ' 4. ® Direct observation ' 5. ® Hydric soil indicators s. ❑ Credible evidence of conditions prior to disturbance ' 3. Indicate if any other resource area(s) are delineated: Riverfront Area, Bordering Land Subject to Flooding, Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage Isolated Land Subject to Flooding, Salt Marsh c. Resource Area 1 it C. Additional Information b. Linear Feet Delineated d. Linear Feet Delineated Applicants must include the following plans with this Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation. See instructions for details. Online Users: Attach the document transaction number (provided on your receipt page) for any of the following information you submit to the Department. 1. ® ANRAD (Delineation Plans only) 2. ❑ Simplified Review ANRAD with Stormwater (Delineation Plans and Project Plans) 3. ❑ Simplified Review ANRAD without Stormwater (Delineation Plans only) 4. ® USGS or other map of the area (along with a narrative description, if necessary) containing sufficient information for the Conservation Commission and the Department to locate the site. (Electronic filers may omit this item.) 5. ® Plans identifying the boundaries of the Bordering Vegetated Wetlands (BVW) (and other resource areas, if applicable). 6. ® List the titles and final revision dates for all plans and other materials submitted with this Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation. wpaform4a.doc • rev. 03/1/05 Page 2 of 5 Bureau of Resource Protection -Wetlands MassDEP File Number WPA Form 4A —Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Document Transaction Number Yarmouth City/TownD. Simplified Review for Buffer Zone Projects I certify that the project design and construction, in order to be eligible for Buffer Zone Simplified 'Simplified Review cannot be applied to Review, complies with the following requirements. work proposed within riverfront Boxes 1-10 must be checked in order for the application to be eligible. areas or bordering land 1. El No work of any kind will occur within any wetland resource areas including Riverfront Area and Bordering Land Subject to Flooding. 2 ❑The inner 0-to-50-foot wide area from the delineated wetland boundary will not be disturbed by 'flooding. any work associated with this project, including placement of any stormwater management components. 3. ❑The buffer zone where the work is proposed does not border an Outstanding Resource Water (e.g., certified vernal pool, public water supply reservoir or tributary), as defined in 314 CMR 4.00 or border coastal resource areas at 310 CMR 10.25-10.35. ' a. ❑The buffer zone is not adjacent to wetland resources with estimated wildlife habitat (which is identified on the most recent Estimated Habitat Map of State -listed Rare Wetlands Wildlife). 5. ❑ If the project is subject to the Massachusetts Stormwater Policy, all work will be conducted in conformance with an approved Stormwater Management Plan. s. ❑ Erosion and Sedimentation controls will be provided at the 50-foot buffer zone line or limit of work (whichever is a greater distance from the resource area) and be sufficient to protect resource areas ' during construction. 7. El The buffer zone does not contain an existing slope greater than an average of 15% at its steepest gradient across the 100-foot width of the buffer zone from the edge of the resource area to the outer ' edge of the buffer zone. s. ❑ Following completion of the project, the amount of new impervious surface, in combination with existing impervious surfaces, will not exceed 40% of the buffer zone between 50 and 100 feet from a delineated boundary. ' s. El If work authorized under Simplified Review is commenced, no work is allowed, and no additional NOI or RDA may be filed, for any work within the 0-to-50-foot buffer zone during the term of an ORAD associated with this application. If work authorized under Simplified Review is not commenced, then future NOIs or RDAs may be filed for work within the 0-to-50-foot portion of the buffer zone. ' lo. The project a. El❑ is b. is not subject to the Massachusetts Stormwater Policy. If the project is subject to the Stormwater Policy, check one of the following three boxes: t. ❑attached is a Stormwater Management Form (and supporting information) Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Provided by MassDEP: I information) will be provided to the Conservation Commission for review and concurrence at prior to the commencement of any work on the site. 2. ❑ no work contemplated at this time; a Stormwer Management Form (and supporting 3. ❑ Stormwater Management Form is being submitted for a previously issued Order of Resource Area Delineation (delineation only) dated: b. Title of Stormwater Management Plan c. Date a. Date d. Signature of Applicant or Applicant's Representative wpaform4a.doc - rev. 03/1/05 Page 3 of 5 1 L1Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands 1 WPA Form 4A — Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 E. Fees Provided by MassDEP: MassDEP File Number Document Transaction Number Yarmouth City/Town The fees for work proposed under each Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation must be calculated and submitted to the Conservation Commission and the Department (see Instructions and Wetland Fee Transmittal Form). No filing fee shall be assessed for projects of any city, town, county, or district of the Commonwealth, federally recognized Indian tribe housing authority, municipal housing authority, or the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. Applicants must submit the following information (in addition to the attached Wetland Fee Transmittal Form) to confirm fee payment: Fee exempt 1. Municipal Check Number 2. Check date Fee exempt 3. State Check Number 4. Check date 5. Payor name on check: First Name 6. Payor name on check: Last Name wpaform4a.doc • rev. 03/1/05 Page 4 of 5 rl i L11Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 4A — Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation \ Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 F. Signatures and Certification Requirements Provided by MassDEP: MassDEP File Number Document Transaction Number Yarmouth City/Town I certify under the penalties of perjury that the foregoing Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation and accompanying plans, documents, and supporting data are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the Conservation Commission will place notification of this Notice in a local newspaper at the expense of the applicant in accordance with the wetlands regulations, 310 CMR 10.05(5)(a). I certify that any work associated with the proposed project meets all of the eligibility criteria listed in Section D above. If the project does not comply with the Section D eligibility requirements, or if I decide to not do the work allowed by the Simplified Review Approval, I will file a Notice of Intent or Request for Determination of Applicability for any proposed future work as required by the Conservation Commission. I acknowledge that I am responsible for promptly requesting a Certificate of Compliance following completion ' of any work allowed pursuant to a Simplified Review or no later than three years from the date of the Order of Resource Area Delineation unless the Order is extended on Wetland Form 7, Extension Permit for Order of Conditions. I further certify under penalties of perjury that all abutters were notified of this application, pursuant to the requirements of M.G.L. c. 131, § 40. Notice must be made in writing by hand delivery or certified mail (return receipt requested) to all abutters within 100 feet of the property line of the project location. ' I hereby grant permission, to the Agent or member of the Conservation Commission and the Department of Environmental Protection, to enter and inspect the area subject to this Notice at reasonable hours to evaluate the project subject to this Notice, and to require the submittal of any data deemed necessary by the Conservation Commission or Department for that evaluation. I acknowledge that failure to comply with these certification requirements is grounds for the Conservation Commission or the Department to take enforcement action. i 1. Signature of Applicant 2. Date 3. Signature of Property Owner (if different) 4. Date 5. Signature of Representative any) 6. Date For Conservation Commission: ' Two copies of the completed Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation (Form 4A), including supporting plans and documents; two copies of the ANRAD Wetland Fee Transmittal Form; and the city/town fee payment must be sent to the Conservation Commission by certified mail or hand delivery. ' For MassDEP: One copy of the completed Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation (Form 4A), including supporting plans and documents; one copy of the ANRAD Wetland Fee Transmittal Form; and a copy of the state fee payment must be sent to the MassDEP Regional Office (see Instructions) by certified mail or ' hand delivery. (E-filers may submit these electronically.) Other: If the applicant has checked the "yes" box in any part of Section C, refer to that section and the Instructions for additional submittal requirements. The original and copies must be sent simultaneously. Failure by the applicant to send copies in a timely manner may result in dismissal of the Notice of Intent. wpaform4a.doc • rev. 03/1/05 Page 5 of 5 r - b 24 H .0.^.`r•°-�i\ IIJ y`i n, `t.,,,'•. . - `9_'J•t':l_ - I,�^.:�y., \iIMI: North n +f;� c":': 1Cs^3og�r � c" ~�Y _ -- F " ��� �'_�'`• �' Sta, Fri: N 5 r _ l E� ���� rt1 U'N:i,'• c•\ •i _ � ' �22 1, af8-' _ .�-_. 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The limits of the wetland resource areas will be incorporated into the final design phase of a proposed waste water treatment facility and collection system including sewer mains and pumping stations. The town of Yarmouth intends to implement a wastewater program over the next several years. The wastewater program is being implemented in order to meet the needs of the town and the needs that are being defined in the Massachusetts Estuaries Project for nitrogen removal in Yarmouth's estuaries. A preliminary Wastewater Master Plan was developed by CDM and funding has been authorized for Design of Phase 1 of the Master Plan. Phase 1 follows Route 28; begins approximately 300 feet west of the Barnstable Town line and continues to approximately 300 feet east of the Parker River Bridge. This project also includes Site R1— a proposed treatment and disposal location for the town's wastewater treatment and effluent disposal facility. The project area is defined as depicted in Figure 4. 2.0 Wetland Delineations In November and December 2008, Magdalena Lofstedt, PWS, and Andrew Poyant Environmental Scientist delineated wetland resource areas in the project area. The existing wetland resource boundaries were evaluated for conformance with the Massachusetts Wetland Protection Act (MGL c. 131 s. 40) and Regulations (310 CMR 10.00) and the boundary was delineated in accordance U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1987 Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory,1987, "Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual" Technical Report Y-87-1, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi), using vegetation, soils and indicators of wetland hydrology. The wetland boundary was demarcated at the limit of wetland vegetation (limit of plant community dominated [50% or more cover] by species adapted to living in wetland conditions), visual inspections, as well as indicators of hydric soils and wetland hydrology. Wetland Boundaries were surveyed by Surveying and Mapping Consultants Inc. (SMC). A total of 29 wetland areas were identified and demarcated with blue wetland flagging in the field. A description of the site, site history and each delineated wetland is presented below. 2.1 Bordering Vegetated Wetlands (BVW) Bordering Vegetated Wetlands are defined as: "freshwater wetlands which border on creeks, rivers, streams, ponds and lakes. The types of freshwater wetlands are wet meadows, marshes, swamps and bogs. Bordering A-1 1 jl ri LI COA SM00036aa.d= Attachment A Wetlands Description Vegetated Wetlands are areas where the soils are saturated and/or inundated such that they support a predominance of wetland indicator plants. The ground and surface water regime and the vegetational community which occur in each type of freshwater wetland are specified in M.G.L.c. 131, § 40" [310 CMR 10.55 (2)(a)] Wetland 3/4 Wetland flags 3-1 through 3-11End demarcate the limit of BVW between 11 Camp Street and 25 Camp Street. Mill Creek River is culverted beneath Camp Street. Wetland flags 4-1 through 4-6End demarcate the limit of BVW on the downstream end of the stream. The wetland is vegetated by Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides), red maple (Acer saccharum), multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), southern arrow -wood (Viburnum recognitum), honeysuckle (Lonicera sp.), sensitive fern (Onoclea sensibilis), winterberry (Ilex verticillata), willow (Salix sp.) and aster (Asteracea). Access to the wetland was nearly impossible due to abundant greenbriers (Smilax rotundifolia). Wetland 5 (Across from Mill Pond) Wetland flags 5-1 through 5-7End demarcate a Phragmites emergent marsh across from Mill Pond. The wetland is dominated by common reed (Phragmites australis). Additional species observed included: willows, alder (Alnus sp.), honeysuckle, purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), soft rush (Juncus effuses), southern arrowwood, and multiflora rose. Fill debris was observed along the Route 28 shoulder. Wetland 8 (Chase Brook) Wetland flags 8-1 through 8-15End demarcate a BVW associated with Chase Brook on the north side of Route 28. The overstory is dominated by ash (Fraxinus sp.) and red maple. The shrub layer is dominated by coastal sweetpepperbush (Clethra alnifolia), dogwoods (Cornus stolonifera), willows, and multiflora rose. The vine layer is dominated by greenbrier and poison ivy (Rhus radicans). Common reed (Phragmites australis) was observed in the ground cover. Wetland 10 (back of Wimbledon Drive) Wetland 10 (flags 10-1 through 10-20End) is located in the back of Wimbledon Drive. This wetland can be characterized as a red maple swamp dominated by red maple and black gum (Nyssa sylvatica) in the overstory. The shrub layer is dominated by sweet pepperbush. The vine layer is dominated by greenbriers and poison ivy. Cinnamon fern and skunk cabbage (Sympocarpus foetidus) was observed in the ground cover. This wetland is located within Bordering Land Subject to Flooding which extends up to elevation 10 feet (NGVD 29). Wetland 13 (Parker River) At the upstream side of the Route 28 Parker River Bridge, wetland flags 13-1 through 13-3 demarcate a shelf of BVW above the top of bank elevation. The river bank along the road consists of riprap embedded in concrete. Vegetation within the BVW A-2 Attachment A Wetlands Description consisted of beach grass (Ammophila breviligulata) and multiflora rose. Soils showed hydric characteristics. Wetland flags were not placed along the riprap bank. Approximately 30 feet beyond the scenic area, the riprap ends and the bank consists of natural substrate. West Yarmouth Road and Buck Island Road Wetland flags 15-1 through 15-10End and wetland flags 17-1 through 17-29End demarcate portions of a BVW boundary along a wooded swamp on the southeast side of the intersection. This BVW is connected to the Town -owned Cranberry Bogs located further south. Pockets of standing water were observed throughout this wetland. There are three man-made drainage channels that flow through this wetland system. They appear to be part of the cranberry bog drainage system. The channels are culverted beneath Buck Island Road. The BVW is vegetated by pitch (Pinus rigida), red maple, red oak, highbush blueberry (Viburnum cassinoides), pine coastal sweet pepperbush, wintergreen, cinnamon fern, leatherleaf (Chamaedaphne calyculta), and greenbriers. Wetland flags 16-1 through 16-10End,18-1 through 18-6End and 19-1 through 19- 6End demarcate three wooded wetlands on the north side of the Buck Island Road. Wetland 16 is connected to wetlands 15/17 via two culverts. Soils within Wetland 16 consisted of loamy sand 10YR 4/3 with redoximorphic features. Vegetation in the overstory consisted of red maple and pitch pine. The shrub layer is dominated by sweet pepperbush and leatherleaf. The vine layer is dominated by greenbriers. Cinnamon fern was observed in the ground cover. Wetland 18 and 19 were very similar in species composition to wetland 16 except that highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) was observed in the shrub layer. Wetland 19 appears to be connected to a larger wetland set further north of Buck Island Road. Wetland 20 (Parker River) Wetland flags 20-1 through 20-144End demarcate the large BVW system along the Parker River to the east of the proposed treatment facility site. The BVW boundary closely follows the river valley in some areas and in other moves away from the river up the slope closer to the plant site. The overstory in Wetland 20 is dominated by pitch pine, red maple, Eastern white pine (Pinus strobes), and black gum. The shrub layer is dominated by sweet pepperbush, wintergreen, highbush blueberry, and winterberry. The vine layer consists of very densely growing greenbriars and poison ivy. The following species were observed in the ground cover: cinnamon fern, wintergreen, and bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum). Wetland 24 Wetland flags 24-1 through 24-20End demarcate a BVW. Wetland 24 is vegetated by red maple, highbush blueberry, pitch pine, sweet pepperbush, white cedar, cinnamon fern, winterberry and greenbriers. Cm A-3 SM00036aa.dacx Attachment A Wetlands Description Wetland 26 ' Wetland flags 26-1 through 26-8End were placed south of the proposed plant site demarcating a BVW associated with the Town owned bog system. This wetland can be characterized as a wooded wetland dominated by red maple in the overstory. The shrub layer is dominated by sweet pepperbush. Dominant species in the vine layer is greenbrier. On the ground a few individuals of cinnamon fern were observed. ' Wetland 27 Wetland flags 27-1 through 27-7End demarcate a BVW in Town -owned conservation ' land. A finger shaped portion of this wetland extends into the Town -owned parcel of land. Vegetation was similar to that observed for Wetland 24. ' Wetland 28 Wetland flags 28-1 through 28-15End demarcate a wooded wetland associated with the Town -owned bogs. Standing water was present throughout the wetland. There are piles of debris along the wetland edge including a car and multiple drums. The soils consisted of sand with a matrix of 10YR 4/3 with redoximorphic features. Wetland 28 is vegetated by sweet pepperbush, greenbriers, pitch pine, red maple, ' highbush blueberry, and sphagnum moss. Wetland 29 ' Wetland flags 29-1 through 29-8End demarcate a wooded wetland south of the proposed plant site adjacent to the Town -owned bogs. Wetland 29 contains standing water. Wetland 29 is vegetated by black gum, red maple, pitch pine, sweet pepperbush, highbush blueberry, sheep laurel, maleberry (Lyonia ligustrina), alder (Alnus sp.), and cinnamon fern. Wetland 30 Wetland flags 30-1 through 30-33End demarcate a wooded wetland and Top of Bank associated with Mill Pond. The trees consist of red maple and ash (Fraxinus sp.). The shrub layer consists of blackberry (Rubus sp.), green briers, multiflora rose, and southern arrowwood. The ground cover consists of cinnamon fern, sensitive fern, sedges (Carex sp.), poison ivy and cattails (Typha latifolia) along the bank. Cranberry Bogs ' Wetland flags were not placed at the cranberry bogs due to distinct brake in slope. The cranberry bogs are shown on project plans. 2.2 Bordering Land Subject to Flooding (BLSF) Bordering Land Subject to Flooding is defined as: ' an area with low, flat topography adjacent to and inundated by flood waters rising from creeks, rivers, streams, ponds or lakes. It extends from the banks of these cm A-4 SM00036aa.do i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 cm Attachment A Wetlands Description waterways and water bodies; where a bordering vegetated wetland occurs, it extends from said wetland." [310 CMR 10.57(2)(a)(1)] The boundary of BLSF is defined as: "the estimated maximum lateral extent of flood water which will theoretically result from the statistical 100-year frequency storm. Said boundary shall be that determined by reference to the most recently available flood profile data prepared for the community within which the work is proposed under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP, currently administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, successor to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development). Said Boundary, so determined, shall be presumed accurate. This presumption may be overcome only by credible evidence from a registered professional engineer or other professional competent in such matters." [310 CMR 10.57 (2)(1)(3)] The FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map identifies the 100-year floodplain in the project area, see Figure 3 for details. The 100-year floodplain elevation is 9 and 10 feet (NGVD 29) on north side of Route 28 until the Parker River Crossing. The limits of BLSF are shown on the project plans. NGVD 29 was converted to NAVD 88 to correspond to the vertical datum of the project plans. NGVD 29 has a difference of .88 feet; 9 feet NGVD 29 equals 8.12 feet NAVD 88 and 10 feet NGVD 29 equals 9.12 feet NAVD 88. 2.3 Riverfront Area (RFA) Riverfront Area is defined as: "the area of land between a river's mean annual high water line and a parallel line measured horizontally outward from the river and a parallel line located 200 feet away, ... In tidal rivers, the mean annual high-water line is coincident with the mean high water line determined under 310 CMR'10.23." [310 CMR 10.58 (2)] There is a 200-foot wide Riverfront Area associated with Mill Creek River and it's tributaries, Chase Brook, Thornton Brook, and Parker River, per the Rivers Protection Act. The limits of 200-foot Riverfront Area are shown on the project plans. 2.4 Top of Inland Bank Top of Inland Bank is defined as: "the first observable break in the slope or the mean annual flood level, whichever is lower." [310 CMR 10.54 (2)(c)] Wetland 1/2 Wetland flags 1-1 through 1-6End (upstream end) and flags 2-1 through 2-6End (downstream end) demarcate the top of bank of a tributary to Mill Creek River, a perennial stream located east of the Route 28 and Main Street intersection. No A-5 Attachment A Wetlands Description 1 1 1 1 1 I A u Bordering Vegetated Wetland (BVW) is present adjacent to Route 28. The banks are vegetated by sugar maple, black cherry (Prunus serotina), sensitive fern, multiflora rose, winterberry, southern arrowwood, red maple (Acer rubrum), aster, blackberry, and honeysuckle. Mill Pond The wetland resource areas at Mill Pond are limited to Inland Bank, Land Under Water, and Bordering Land Subject to Flooding. No flags were placed around the pond as the landward resource area is Inland Bank. Wetland 6 (Mill Creek River) Wetland flags 6-1 through 6-4End demarcate the Top of Inland Bank along Mill Creek River on the south side of Route 28. Vegetation observed on the banks included honeysuckle, northern arrowwood, multiflora rose, soft rush, and purple loosestrife. Wetland 7 (Chase Brook) Wetland flags 7-1 through 7-5End demarcate the Top of Inland Bank along Chase Brook on the south side of Route 28. Vegetation around the outlet and inlet is dominated by Atlantic white cedar, black cherry, Eastern white pine, and Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum). Chase Brook is shown as a perennial stream on the USGS quadrangle map of the area. 2.5 Salt Marsh Salt Marsh is defined as: "a coastal wetland that extends landward up to the highest high tide line, that is, the highest spring tide of the year, and is characterized by plants that are well adapted to or prefer living in, saline soils. Dominant plants within salt marshes are salt meadow cord grass (Spartina patens) and/or salt marsh cord grass (Spartina alterniflora). A salt marsh may contain tidal creeks, ditches and pools" [310 CMR 10.32 (2)] Wetland 9 ' Wetland flags 9-1 through 9-22End demarcate the limits of salt marsh south of Route 28 between Cape Realty and Yankee Village. Thornton Brook is culverted beneath Route 28. The salt marsh is vegetated by sea lavender (Limonium nashii), salt meadow cord grass (Spartina patens), and salt marsh cord grass (Spartina alterniflora). The following plants were found along the upland slope: soft rush, poison ivy, red maple, black cherry, honeysuckle, and sugar maple. Thornton Brook is a perennial stream. ' Wetland 14 (Parker River) Wetland flags 14-1 through 14-5End demarcate the limits of high marsh. The high marsh is vegetated by is vegetated by salt meadow cord grass, sea lavender, and swamp rose (Rosa palustris). c A-6 ' SMOOM6aa.dou 1 Attachment A Wetlands Description 2.6 Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage (LSCSF) LSCSF is defined as: "land subject to any inundation caused by coastal storms up to and including that caused by the 100-year storm, surge of record or storm of record, whichever is greater." [310 CMR 10.041 The 100-year floodplain elevation is 11 feet NGVD 29 on the south side of Route 28 but remains at elevation 10 feet NGVD 29 on the north side. The limits of LSCSF are shown on the project plans. The two areas that are regulated as LSCSF are 1) the Parker River area and 2) the salt marsh area that encroaches close to Route 28, between Cape Realty and Yankee Village (Wetland 9). Elevation 11 feet NGVD 29 equals 10.12 feet NAVD 88, and elevation 10 feet NGVD 29 equals 9.12 feet NAVD 88. 2.7 Isolated Land Subject to Flooding (ILSF) 1 Isolated Land Subject to Flooding is defined as: "Isolated Land Subject to Flooding is an isolated depression or closed basin without an inlet or an outlet. It is an area which at least once a year confines standing water to a volume of at least 1/ acre-feet and to an average depth of at least six inches." [310 CMR 10.57 (b) 11 Table 1: Summarizes the calculations for Local Vegetated Wetlands and Isolated Land Subject to Flooding 11 I Wetland Area of Wetland ft2/Acres Local Vegetated Wetland Volume Acre feet Volume of Tributary Acre feet Isolated Land Subject to Flooding 11 Not closed Yes - - Yes 12 4,200/ 0.1 Yes No contours - No 21 2,750/0.05 No 0.025 - No 22 9,800/0.25 Yes 0.268 0.42 Yes 23 560/0.01 No 0.005 - No 25 4,200/0.1 Yes incomplete contours - No A-7 I SM00036aa.docx Attachment A Wetlands Description Wetland 11 (Sibley Drive) Wetland flags 11-1 through 11-15End demarcate an Isolated Land Subject to Flooding (ILSF). This wetland can be characterized as an emergent marsh vegetated by wool grass (Scirpus cyperinus) and upright sedge (Carex stricta) in the ground cover. The shrub/wooded border is vegetated by greenbriers, coastal sweet pepperbush, willows, winterberry, pitch pine, and red maple. Wetland 22 Wetland flags 22-1 through 22-14 and 22-1A through 22-1E demarcate an local Vegetated Wetland and Isolated Land Subject to flooding. This wetland is regulated as ILSF since it does hold 1/-acre-foot of water. It is located west of the plant site and east of the Cranberry Bog path. This Isolated Wetland is vegetated by red maple, greenbriers, leatherleaf, pitch pine, cinnamon fern, sphagnum moss (Sphagnum sp.), white pine, highbush blueberry, and sweet pepperbush. 2.8 Local Vegetated Wetlands Local Vegetated Wetlands are defined as: "the line within which 50% or more of vegetational community consists of the wetland plant species identified in sections 3.02, (1) thru 3.02, (2), (c), (4), below. A minimum size of 3,000 square feet is required for jurisdiction under these regulation." [Town of Yarmouth Wetland Protection Regulations 3.02 (2) (c)] Wetland 11 Wetland 11 is regulated as a Local Vegetated Wetland. The entirety of Wetland 11 was not flagged in the field, but the total area exceeds 3,000 ft2. Wetland 12 Wetland flags 12-1 through 12-11End demarcate a local vegetated wetland with an area of approximately 4,200ft2. Wetland 12 is located behind the fish market adjacent to Parker River on the south side of Route 28. The soils show evidence of hydric characteristics and there is standing water throughout the wetland. The wetland is vegetated by poison ivy, asters, swamp rose (Rosa palustris), common reed, willows, wool grass, beach grass (Ammophila breviligulata), and rushes (Juncus sp.). Wetland 22 Wetland 22 is regulated as a Local Vegetated Wetland. Wetland 22 has an area of approximately 9,800ft2. Wetland 25 Wetland flags 25-1 through 25-14End demarcate a Local Vegetated Wetland. This wetland is has an area of approximately 4,200ft2. Wetland 25 is a depression that is vegetated with oak (Quercus sp.), highbush blueberry, winterberry, sweet pepperbush, greenbriers, cinnamon fern, and pitch pine. A-8 Attachment A Wetlands Description 2.9 Federal Jurisdictional Isolated Wetland Wetland 21 Wetland flags 21-1 through 21-20End demarcate an Isolated Wetland with an area of approximately 2,750 W. This wetland is not regulated as Isolated Land Subject to Flooding (ILSF) as it doesn't hold 1/ acre-foot of water. This wetland is not regulated as a Local Vegetated Wetland as it doesn't have a minimum area of 3,000ft2. There is standing water within the Isolated Wetland. Wetland 21 is vegetated by red maple, highbush blueberry, pitch pine, sweet pepperbush, white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides), sheep laurel (Kalmia angustifolia), and greenbriers. Wetland 23 Wetland flags 23-1 through 23-5End demarcate a depression with an area of approximately 560ft2. This wetland is not regulated as Isolated Land Subject to Flooding (ILSF) as it doesn't hold 1/ acre-foot of water. It is vegetated with sweet pepperbush, red maple, sphagnum moss, and northern arrowwood. 3.0 Summar y The existing wetland resource boundaries were evaluated for conformance with the Massachusetts Wetland Protection Act (MGL c. 131 s. 40) and Regulations (310 CMR 10.00) and the boundary was delineated in accordance U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1987 Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory,1987, "Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual" Technical Report Y-87-1, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi), using vegetation, soils and indicators of wetland hydrology. The wetland boundary was demarcated at the limit of wetland vegetation (limit of plant community dominated [50% or more cover] by species adapted to living in wetland conditions), visual inspections, as well as indicators of hydric soils and wetland hydrology. The Yarmouth Conservation Commission Agent visited CDM's Environmental Scientists on December 11, 2008 and confirmed the approach used for the wetland delineations. This Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation is submitted to gain concurrence on the flagged boundaries to establish future project limits. The planning goal for the proposed waste water treatment plant is to maintain a 100-foot wide protective buffer around the wetland resource areas to the maximum extent practicable. Establishing the limit of wetlands will allow the town to continue planning the project in an environmentally sensitive and conscientious manner. l cm A-9 SM00036aa.docu Attachment B ILSF Calculations CLIENT , ('� l.J IR [ �a C MC7U c JOB NO. CpM PROJECT PkfN 1 Se—t-JGr 5 VCVkC, %CCCkDATE CHECKED DETAIL T -SF CHECKED BY NCB, ......V a COMPUTED BY DATE X3 1`4 i 1 PAGE NO. a "r ; 11 1 1 1 1 1 :S v"e�►d 3 +�`� N e V Q�R 7 O'r .voA,1 v`y; -- c7' 70 '�. ��c}�cO`��j�(- CJ�,� %\��u Lov2c = .70C�� W J N = 7 -7 S=1000 -10 '71 cz =L7- 0.`1 C2 .a � 7 A- oc%c.)_3 (-7-,5`�z �7 -k- �� C4 ck y V a'A - 0,-5b-f-}-X 50-?a0Fi v= 0, 4--- c_ ��- �l > a, �r L- S V Q-A _ 15;300� V >0, z5 V4 i t I CDM 8 1 :1 WtP 1 1 Attachment C (Bound Separately) 11 Town of Yarmouth, Massachusetts Phase 1 Sewer Service Area August 2009 Abbreviated Notice o Resource Area Delineation 1 CDM One Cambridge Place, 50 Hampshire Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 tel: 617 452-6000 fax: 617 452-8000 August 24, 2009 Yarmouth Conservation Commission Yarmouth Town Hall 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Subject: Phase 1 Sewer Service Area Applicant: Yarmouth Department of Public Works (DPW) Dear Commission Members: On behalf of the Town of Yarmouth Department of Public Works, Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. ' (CDM) is pleased to submit this Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation (ANRAD) to get concurrence on the extent of jurisdictional wetland resource areas established by CDM Inc. Wetland Scientists along the proposed Phase 1 Sewer Service Area. The wastewater program is being implemented in order to meet the needs of the town and the needs that are being defined in the Massachusetts Estuaries Project for nitrogen removal in Yarmouth's estuaries. This ANRAD is being filed in accordance with the Town of Yarmouth's Wetland Protection Regulations and the Massachusetts Wetland Protection Act (310 CMR 10.00). Please advertise this project for your next scheduled meeting. We understand that the next ' public hearing is scheduled for September 17, 2009. Feel free to call myself or Rob Musci, P.E. at (617) 452-6000 if you want to schedule a site visit or if you have any questions regarding this ANRAD. We look forward to working with you on this project. Very truly yours, Andrew R. Poyant Environmental Scientist Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. cc: R. Musci, CDM ' MassDEP SoutheastRegion G. Allaire, Yarmouth DPW ' SM00038.docx consulting • engineering • construction • operations n Table of Contents tAbbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation Form Figures ' Figure 1 Project Location Map Figure 2 Estimated Habitats Map ' Figure 3 Flood Insurance Rate Map Figure 4 Aerial Photo of Project Site ' Attachment A -Wetlands Description........................................................................................ 1.0 Project Summary. A-1 2.0 Wetland Delineations............................................................................................. A-1 ' 3.0 Summary.................................................................................................................. A-9 Attachment B - ILSF Calculations Attachment C - Project Plans (Bound Separately) 1 1 cm SM00036toc.docx 1 11 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 4A — Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 A. General Information 1. Project Type: a. ® Resource Area Delineation Only b. ❑ Resource Area Delineation Subject to Simplified Review Provided by MassDEP: ' 2. Project Location (Note: electronic filers will click on button for GIS locator): 99 Buck island Road Yarmouth a. Street Address b. City/Town ' Latitude and Longitude: 41 °39'37"N d. Latitude 48 1 f. Assessors Map/Plat Number g. Parcel /Lot Number 'Important: When filling out forms 3. Applicant: on the computer MassDEP File Number Document Transaction Number Yarmouth City/Town nnOlr_A c. Zip Code 70°13'31 V e. Longitude use only the tab I George R. Allaire • Yarmouth Department of Public Works to move your a. First Name b. Last Name c. Company 'key cursor - do not 1146 Route 28 use the return key. d. Mailing Address South Yarmouth MA 02664 f. State g. Zip Code e. City/Town 508-398-2231 ext 508-760-4830 GAllaire@yarmouth.ma.us 290 i. Fax Number j. Email address ' 4. Property owner (if different from applicant): ❑ Check if more than one owner Yarmouth Water Department NntP a. First Name b. Last Name c. Company 99 Buck Island Road d. Mailing Address Note: West Yarmouth MA 02673 Before e. City/Town f. State g. Zip Code completing this form consult your 508-771-7921 local h. Phone Number i. Fax Number j. Email address Conservation Commission 5. Representative (if any): regarding any municipal bylaw Camp Dresser & M ;Kee Inc. (CDM) or ordinance. a. Firm Andrew Poyant _ b. Contact Person First Name c. Contact Person Last Name 50 Hampshire Street ' d. Mailing Address Cambridge MA 02139 e. City/Town f. State g. Zip Code 617-452-6602 617-452-6602 poyantar@cdm.com ' h. Phone Number 1. Fax Number j. Email address Fees will be 6. Total WPA Fee Paid (from attached ANRAD Wetland Fee Transmittal Form): ' calculated for online users. N/A N/A N/A a. Total Fee Paid b. State Fee Paid c. City/Town Fee Paid wpaform4a.doc • rev. 0311/05 Page 1 of 5 ' Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands 11 WPA Form 4A — Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Provided by MassDEP: MassDEP File Number Document Transaction Number Yarmouth City/Town B. Area(s) Delineated ' 1. Bordering Vegetated Wetland (BVW) Approximately 6,625 Linear Feet of Boundary Delineated 2. Check all methods used to delineate the Bordering Vegetated Wetland (BVW) boundary: ' a. ❑ MassDEP BVW Field Data Form (attached) b. ® Other Methods for Determining the BVW boundary (attach documentation): 1.0 50% or more wetland indicator plants 2. ® Saturated/inundated conditions exist 3. ® Groundwater indicators a. ® Direct observation ' 5. ® Hydric soil indicators 6. ❑ Credible evidence of conditions prior to disturbance ' 3. Indicate if any other resource area(s) are delineated: Riverfront Area, Bordering Land Subject to Flooding, Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage b. Linear Feet Delineated ' Isolated Land Subject to Flooding, Salt Marsh c. Resource Area d. Linear Feet Delineated IL 1 C. Additional Information Applicants must include the following plans with this Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation. See instructions for details. Online Users: Attach the document transaction number (provided on your receipt page) for any of the following information you submit to the Department. 1. ® ANRAD (Delineation Plans only) 2. ❑ Simplified Review ANRAD with Stormwater (Delineation Plans and Project Plans) 3. ❑ Simplified Review ANRAD without Stormwater (Delineation Plans only) 4. ® USGS or other map of the area (along with a narrative description, if necessary) containing sufficient information for the Conservation Commission and the Department to locate the site. (Electronic filers may omit this item.) 5. ® Plans identifying the boundaries of the Bordering Vegetated Wetlands (BVW) (and other resource areas, if applicable). 6. ® List the titles and final revision dates for all plans and other materials submitted with this Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation. wpaform4a.doc • rev. 03/1/05 Page 2 of 5 r Number d and d by ater .00 or is in of work areas steepest outer with from a al NOI n future Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Provided by MassDEP: Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands MassDEP File Numbe / WPA Form 4A — Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Document Transaction Yarmouth City/TownD. Simplified Review for Buffer Zone Projects Simplified I certify that the project design and construction, in order to be eligible for Buffer Zone Simplifie Review cannot Review, complies with the following requirements. be applied to work proposed within riverfront Boxes 1-10 must be checked in order for the application to be eligible, areas or 1. ❑ No work of any kind will occur within any wetland resource areas including Riverfront Area bordering land Bordering Land Subject to Flooding. subject to g 1 g• flooding. 2 ❑ The inner 0-to-50-foot wide area from the delineated wetland boundary will not be disturbe ' any work associated with this project, including placement of any stormwater management components. ' 3. ❑ The buffer zone where the work is proposed does not border an Outstanding Resource W (e.g., certified vernal pool, public water supply reservoir or tributary), as defined in 314 CMR 4 border coastal resource areas at 310 CMR 10.25-10.35. ' 4. El The buffer zone is not adjacent to wetland resources with estimated wildlife habitat (which identified on the most recent Estimated Habitat Map of State -listed Rare Wetlands Wildlife). 5. El If the project is subject to the Massachusetts Stormwater Policy, all work will be conducted ' conformance with an approved Stormwater Management Plan. s. ❑ Erosion and Sedimentation controls will be provided at the 50-foot buffer zone line or limit (whichever is a greater distance from the resource area) and be sufficient to protect resource ' during construction. 7. ❑ The buffer zone does not contain an existing slope greater than an average of 15% at its gradient across the 100-foot width of the buffer zone from the edge of the resource area to the edge of the buffer zone. s. ❑ Following completion of the project, the amount of new impervious surface, in combination ' existing impervious surfaces, will not exceed 40% of the buffer zone between 50 and 100 feet delineated boundary. ' s. ❑ If work authorized under Simplified Review is commenced, no work is allowed, and no addition or RDA may be filed, for any work within the 0-to-50-foot buffer zone during the term of an ORAD associated with this application. If work authorized under Simplified Review is not commenced, the NOls or RDAs may be filed for work within the 0-to-50-foot portion of the buffer zone. 1o. The project a. El is b. ❑ is not subject to the Massachusetts Stormwater Policy. If the project is subject to the Stormwater Policy, check one of the following three boxes: ' 1. El attached is a Stormwater Management Form (and supporting information) 2. ❑ no work contemplated at this time; a Stormwater Management Form (and supporting information) will be provided to the Conservation Commission for review and concurrence prior to the commencement of any work on the site. 11 3. ❑ Stormwater Management Form is being submitted for a previously issued Order of Resource Area Delineation (delineation only) dated: b. Title of Stormwater Management Plan c. Date a. Date d. Signature of Applicant or Applicant's Representative wpaform4a.doc • rev. 03/1/05 Page 3 of 5 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands ' 11 WPA Form 4A — Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 1 11 7 U E. Fees Provided by MassDEP: MassDEP File Number Document Transaction Number Yarmouth City/Town The fees for work proposed under each Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation must be calculated and submitted to the Conservation Commission and the Department (see Instructions and Wetland Fee Transmittal Form). No filing fee shall be assessed for projects of any city, town, county, or district of the Commonwealth, federally recognized Indian tribe housing authority, municipal housing authority, or the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. Applicants must submit the following information (in addition to the attached Wetland Fee Transmittal Form) to confirm fee payment: Fee exempt 1. Municipal Check Number 2. Check date Fee exempt 3. State Check Number 4. Check date 5. Payor name on check: First Name 6. Payor name on check: Last Name wpaform4a.doc • rev. 03/1/05 Page 4 of 5 L J 1 1 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource. Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 4A — Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 F. Signatures and Certification Requirements Provided by MassDEP: MassDEP File Number Document Transaction Number Yarmouth City/Town I certify under the penalties of perjury that the foregoing Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation and accompanying plans, documents, and supporting data are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the Conservation Commission will place notification of this Notice in a local newspaper at the expense of the applicant in accordance with the wetlands regulations, 310 CMR 10.05(5)(a). I certify that any work associated with the proposed project meets all of the eligibility criteria listed in Section D above. If the project does not comply with the Section D eligibility requirements, or if I decide to not do the work allowed by the Simplified Review Approval, I will file a Notice of Intent or Request for Determination of Applicability for any proposed future work as required by the Conservation Commission. I acknowledge that I am responsible for promptly requesting a Certificate of Compliance following completion of any work allowed pursuant to a Simplified Review or no later than three years from the date of the Order of Resource Area Delineation unless the Order is extended on Wetland Form 7, Extension Permit for Order of Conditions. I further certify under penalties of perjury that all abutters were notified of this application, pursuant to the requirements of M.G.L. c. 131, § 40. Notice must be made in writing by hand delivery or certified mail (return receipt requested) to all abutters within 100 feet of the property line of the project location. I hereby grant permission, to the Agent or member of the Conservation Commission and the Department of Environmental Protection, to enter and inspect the area subject to this Notice at reasonable hours to evaluate the project subject to this Notice, and to require the submittal of any data deemed necessary by the Conservation Commission or Department for that evaluation. I acknowledge that failure to comply with these certification requirements is grounds for the Conservation Commission or the Department to take enforcement action. 1. Signature of Applicant 2. Date 3. of Property Owner (if different) 4.. Date �Siignn/a/tuure O 1 - � 1/0( ' 5. Signature of Representative fff any) 6. Date For Conservation Commission: Two copies of the completed Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation (Form 4A), including supporting plans and documents; two copies of the ANRAD Wetland Fee Transmittal Form; and the city/town fee payment must be sent to the Conservation Commission by certified mail or hand delivery. ' For MassDEP: One copy of the completed Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation (Form 4A), including supporting plans and documents; one copy of the ANRAD Wetland Fee Transmittal Form; and a copy of the state fee payment must be sent to the MassDEP Regional Office (see Instructions) by certified mail or hand delivery. (E-filers may submit these electronically.) ' Other: If the applicant has checked the "yes" box in any part of Section C, refer to that section and the Instructions for additional submittal requirements. The original and copies must be sent simultaneously. Failure by the applicant to send copies in a timely manner may result in dismissal of the Notice of Intent. Iwpaform4a.doc • rev. 03/1/05 Page 5 of 5 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I �l� - / �I r11; fir_' '.,, ._ - ,\,t. :'y� •r-.f ,1 �_.... t':'..:.Xa,.:::_+� ..'.. .I: `.v` + _ i'',t �.If"i C � ���-.1\ \'% / _ 1'� �• ij •' - - _ �p vJ. .I' •� ••� - I :";?�i:_ •a -•'or��{'�- - -- 17 ;: •rr.ti 'M• �., n:; _ •G•:' ,Y:: -�{ - •;l\.\• off'-: 1Q ,Bk: i North ��t x: i is-io x ��11° dIl - n-__ .3 _; ,1�'Sibil;ancr 0',:�.!i�' ~ .,.� ' i .. I� ;, i ,�^"--. , ��3 '�..+".:� �-\� � W'• —''�,• ; _ "y r. } • �, � ,,.,:per 6• �j o,:�=el •r' -^y:.-` -i -A1 0- g'fl�J-�.;^I_: C�`�\��88ii'..,�'�,'r. �; r_w.~ -'�w _ .�''-. - a`,+i �y�.'�:: � 64t' :t.•:;;;�=�'d4V-W � — rQ ���� >`:iti .� •f - I zz—'r,'•, Gar — ` o •�•:• ,," ti t ., s�� �: i%djkx2rla 0' ,\"T,.-��-� 1., : t'Q. • (9 _•"+'-'.+it. - ;.� .. `:•' _ _ y��� . 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The limits of the wetland resource areas will be incorporated into the final design phase of a proposed waste water treatment facility and collection system including sewer mains and pumping stations. The town of Yarmouth intends to implement a wastewater program over the next several years. The wastewater program is being implemented in order to meet the needs of the town and the needs that are being defined in the Massachusetts Estuaries Project for nitrogen removal in Yarmouth's estuaries. A preliminary Wastewater Master Plan was developed by CDM and funding has been authorized for Design of Phase 1 of the Master Plan. Phase 1 follows Route 28; begins approximately 300 feet west of the Barnstable Town line and continues to approximately 300 feet east of the Parker River Bridge. This project also includes Site R1— a proposed treatment and disposal location for the town's wastewater treatment and effluent disposal facility. The project area is defined as depicted in Figure 4. 2.0 Wetland Delineations 1 1 A 1 I COM SM00036aa In November and December 2008, Magdalena Lofstedt, PWS, and Andrew Poyant Environmental Scientist delineated wetland resource areas in the project area. The existing wetland resource boundaries were evaluated for conformance with the Massachusetts Wetland Protection Act (MGL c.131 s. 40) and Regulations (310 CMR 10.00) and the boundary was delineated in accordance U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1987 Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory,1987, "Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual" Technical Report Y-87-1, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi), using vegetation, soils and indicators of wetland hydrology. The wetland boundary was demarcated at the limit of wetland vegetation (limit of plant community dominated [50% or more cover] by species adapted to living in wetland conditions), visual inspections, as well as indicators of hydric soils and wetland hydrology. Wetland Boundaries were surveyed by Surveying and Mapping Consultants Inc. (SMC). A total of 29 wetland areas were identified and demarcated with blue wetland flagging in the field. A description of the site, site history and each delineated wetland is presented below. 2.1 Bordering Vegetated Wetlands (BVW) Bordering Vegetated Wetlands are defined as: "freshwater wetlands which border on creeks, rivers, streams, ponds and lakes. The types of freshwater wetlands are wet meadows, marshes, swamps and bogs. Bordering A-1 ' Attachment A Wetlands Description Vegetated Wetlands are areas where the soils are saturated and/or inundated such that they support a predominance of wetland indicator plants. The ground and surface water regime and the vegetational community which occur in each type of freshwater wetland are specified in M.G.L.c. 131, § 40" [310 CMR 10.55 (2)(a)] Wetland 3/4 Wetland flags 3-1 through 3-11End demarcate the limit of BVW between 11 Camp Street and 25 Camp Street. Mill Creek River is culverted beneath Camp Street. Wetland flags 4-1 through 4-6End demarcate the limit of BVW on the downstream end of the stream. The wetland is vegetated by Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides), red maple (Acer saccharum), multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), southern arrowwood (Viburnum recognitum), honeysuckle (Lonicera sp.), sensitive fern (Onoclea sensibilis), winterberry (Ilex verticillata), willow (Salix sp.) and aster (Asteracea). Access to the wetland was nearly impossible due to abundant greenbriers (Smilax rotundifolia). Wetland 5 (Across from Mill Pond) Wetland flags 5-1 through 5-7End demarcate a Phragmites emergent marsh across from Mill Pond. The wetland is dominated by common reed (Phragmites australis). Additional species observed included: willows, alder (Alnus sp.), honeysuckle, purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), soft rush (Juncus effuses), southern arrowwood, and multiflora rose. Fill debris was observed along the Route 28 shoulder. Wetland 8 (Chase Brook) Wetland flags 8-1 through 8-15End demarcate a BVW associated with Chase Brook on the north side of Route 28. The overstory is dominated by ash (Fraxinus sp.) and red maple. The shrub layer is dominated by coastal sweetpepperbush (Clethra alnifolia), dogwoods (Cornus stolonifera), willows, and multiflora rose. The vine layer is dominated by greenbrier and poison ivy (Rhus radicans). Common reed (Phragmites australis) was observed in the ground cover. Wetland 10 (back of Wimbledon Drive) Wetland 10 (flags 10-1 through 10-20End) is located in the back of Wimbledon Drive. This wetland can be characterized as a red maple swamp dominated by red maple and black gum (Nyssa sylvatica) in the overstory. The shrub layer is dominated by sweet pepperbush. The vine layer is dominated by greenbriers and poison ivy. ' Cinnamon fern and skunk cabbage (Sympocarpus foetidus) was observed in the ground cover. This wetland is located within Bordering Land Subject to Flooding which extends up to elevation 10 feet (NGVD 29). Wetland 13 Parker River) At the upstream side of the Route 28 Parker River Bridge, wetland flags 13-1 through 13-3 demarcate a shelf of BVW above the top of bank elevation. The river bank along the road consists of riprap embedded in concrete. Vegetation within the BVW cm A-2 SM00036aa.docx I Attachment A Wetlands Description 1 1 H I El 1, 1 1 n Cm SM00036m.docx consisted of beach grass (Ammophila breviligulata) and multiflora rose. Soils showed hydric characteristics. Wetland flags were not placed along the riprap bank. Approximately 30 feet beyond the scenic area, the riprap ends and the bank consists of natural substrate. West Yarmouth Road and Buck Island Road Wetland flags 15-1 through 15-10End and wetland flags 17-1 through 17-29End demarcate portions of a BVW boundary along a wooded swamp on the southeast side of the intersection. This BVW is connected to the Town -owned Cranberry Bogs located further south. Pockets of standing water were observed throughout this wetland. There are three man-made drainage channels that flow through this wetland system. They appear to be part of the cranberry bog drainage system. The channels are culverted beneath Buck Island Road. The BVW is vegetated by pitch pine (Pinus rigida), red maple, red oak, highbush blueberry (Viburnum cassinoides), coastal sweet pepperbush, wintergreen, cinnamon fern, leatherleaf (Chamaedaphne calyculta), and greenbriers. Wetland flags 16-1 through 16-10End,18-1 through 18-6End and 19-1 through 19- 6End demarcate three wooded wetlands on the north side of the Buck Island Road. Wetland 16 is connected to wetlands 15/17 via two culverts. Soils within Wetland 16 consisted of loamy sand 10YR 4/3 with redoximorphic features. Vegetation in the overstory consisted of red maple and pitch pine. The shrub layer is dominated by sweet pepperbush and leatherleaf. The vine layer is dominated by greenbriers. Cinnamon fern was observed in the ground cover. Wetland 18 and 19 were very similar in species composition to wetland 16 except that highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) was observed in the shrub layer. Wetland 19 appears to be connected to a larger wetland set further north of Buck Island Road. Wetland 20 (Parker River) Wetland flags 20-1 through 20-144End demarcate the large BVW system along the Parker River to the east of the proposed treatment facility site. The BVW boundary closely follows the river valley in some areas and in other moves away from the river up the slope closer to the plant site. The overstory in Wetland 20 is dominated by pitch pine, red maple, Eastern white pine (Pinus strobes), and black gum. The shrub layer is dominated by sweet pepperbush, wintergreen, highbush blueberry, and winterberry. The vine layer consists of very densely growing greenbriars and poison ivy. The following species were observed in the ground cover: cinnamon fern, wintergreen, and bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum). Wetland 24 Wetland flags 24-1 through 24-20End demarcate a BVW. Wetland 24 is vegetated by red maple, highbush blueberry, pitch pine, sweet pepperbush, white cedar, cinnamon fern, winterberry and greenbriers. A-3 1 Attachment A Wetlands Description 1 I Wetland 26 Wetland flags 26-1 through 26-8End were placed south of the proposed plant site demarcating a BVW associated with the Town owned bog system. This wetland can be characterized as a wooded wetland dominated by red maple in the overstory. The shrub layer is dominated by sweet pepperbush. Dominant species in the vine layer is greenbrier. On the ground a few individuals of cinnamon fern were observed. Wetland 27 Wetland flags 27-1 through 27-7End demarcate a BVW in Town -owned conservation land. A finger shaped portion of this wetland extends into the Town -owned parcel of land. Vegetation was similar to that observed for Wetland 24. Wetland 28 Wetland flags 28-1 through 28-15End demarcate a wooded wetland associated with the Town -owned bogs. Standing water was.present throughout the wetland. There are piles of debris along the wetland edge including a car and multiple drums. The soils consisted of sand with a matrix of 10YR 4/3 with redoximorphic features. Wetland 28 is vegetated by sweet pepperbush, greenbriers, pitch pine, red maple, highbush blueberry, and sphagnum moss. Wetland 29 Wetland flags 29-1 through 29-8End demarcate a wooded wetland south of the proposed plant site adjacent to the Town -owned bogs. Wetland 29 contains standing water. Wetland 29 is vegetated by black gum, red maple, pitch pine, sweet ' pepperbush, highbush blueberry, sheep laurel, maleberry (Lyonia ligustrina), alder (Alnus sp.), and cinnamon fern. Wetland 30 Wetland flags 30-1 through 30-33End demarcate a wooded wetland and Top of Bank ' associated with Mill Pond. The trees consist of red maple and ash (Fraxinus sp.). The shrub layer consists of blackberry (Rubus sp.), green briers, multiflora rose, and southern arrowwood. The ground cover consists of cinnamon fern, sensitive fern, ' sedges (Carex sp.), poison ivy and cattails (Typha latifolia) along the bank. Cranberry Bogs ' Wetland flags were not placed at the cranberry bogs due to distinct brake in slope. The cranberry bogs are shown on project plans. ' 2.2 Bordering Land Subject to Flooding (BLSF) Bordering Land Subject to Flooding is defined as: an area with low, flat topography adjacent to and inundated by flood waters rising from creeks, rivers, streams, ponds or lakes. It extends from the banks of these cm A-4 ' SM00036aa.d= Attachment A Wetlands Description waterways and water bodies; where a bordering vegetated wetland occurs, it extends from said wetland." [310 CMR 10.57(2)(a)(1)] The boundary of BLSF is defined as: ' "the estimated maximum lateral extent of flood water which will theoretically result from the statistical 100-year frequency storm. Said boundary shall be that determined ' by reference to the most recently available flood profile data prepared for the community within which the work is proposed under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP, currently administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, successor to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development). Said Boundary, so determined, shall be presumed accurate. This presumption may be overcome only by credible evidence from a registered professional engineer or other ' professional competent in such matters." [310 CMR 10.57 (2)(1)(3)] The FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map identifies the 100-year floodplain in the project ' area, see Figure 3 for details. The 100-year floodplain elevation is 9 and 10 feet (NGVD 29) on north side of Route 28 until the Parker River Crossing. The limits of BLSF are shown on the project plans. NGVD 29 was converted to NAVD 88 to correspond to the vertical datum of the project plans. NGVD 29 has a difference of .88 feet; 9 feet NGVD 29 equals 8.12 feet NAVD 88 and 10 feet NGVD 29 equals 9.12 feet NAVD 88. 2.3 Riverfront Area (RFA) ' Riverfront Area is defined as: the area of land between a river's mean annual high water line and a parallel line measured horizontally outward from the river and a parallel line located 200 feet away, ... In tidal rivers, the mean annual high-water line is coincident with the mean high water line determined under 310 CMR'10.23." [310 CMR 10.58 (2)] There is a 200-foot wide Riverfront Area associated with Mill Creek River and it's tributaries, Chase Brook, Thornton Brook, and Parker River, per the Rivers Protection ' Act. The limits of 200-foot Riverfront Area are shown on the project plans. 2.4 Top of Inland Bank Top of Inland Bank is defined as: "the first observable break in the slope or the mean annual flood level, ' whichever is lower." [310 CMR 10.54 (2)(c)] Wetland 1/2 ' Wetland flags 1-1 through 1-6End (upstream end) and flags 2-1 through 2-6End (downstream end) demarcate the top of bank of a tributary to Mill Creek River, a perennial stream located east of the Route 28 and Main Street intersection. No cm A-5 SM00036aa.docx 1 Attachment A Wetlands Description 1 1 Bordering Vegetated Wetland (BVW) is present adjacent to Route 28. The banks are vegetated by sugar maple, black cherry (Prunus serotina), sensitive fern, multiflora rose, winterberry, southern arrowwood, red maple (Acer rubrum), aster, blackberry, and honeysuckle. Mill Pond The wetland resource areas at Mill Pond are limited to Inland Bank, Land Under Water, and Bordering Land Subject to Flooding. No flags were placed around the pond as the landward resource area is Inland Bank. Wetland 6 (Mill Creek River) Wetland flags 6-1 through 6-4End demarcate the Top of Inland Bank along Mill Creek River on the south side of Route 28. Vegetation observed on the banks included honeysuckle, northern arrowwood, multiflora rose, soft rush, and purple loosestrife. Wetland 7 (Chase Brook) Wetland flags 7-1 through 7-5End demarcate the Top of Inland Bank along Chase Brook on the south side of Route 28. Vegetation around the outlet and inlet is dominated by Atlantic white cedar, black cherry, Eastern white pine, and Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum). Chase Brook is shown as a perennial stream on the USGS quadrangle map of the area. 2.5 Salt Marsh Salt Marsh is defined as: "a coastal wetland that extends landward up to the highest high tide line, that is, the highest spring tide of the year, and is characterized by plants that are well adapted to or prefer living in, saline soils. Dominant plants within salt marshes are salt meadow cord grass (Spartina patens) and/or salt marsh cord grass (Spartina alterniflora). A salt marsh may contain tidal creeks, ditches and pools" [310 CMR 10.32 (2)] Wetland 9 Wetland flags 9-1 through 9-22End demarcate the limits of salt marsh south of Route 28 between Cape Realty and Yankee Village. Thornton Brook is culverted beneath Route 28. The salt marsh is vegetated by sea lavender (Limonium nashii), salt meadow cord grass (Spartina patens), and salt marsh cord grass (Spartina alterniflora). The following plants were found along the upland slope: soft rush, poison ivy, red maple, black cherry, honeysuckle, and sugar maple. Thornton Brook is a perennial stream. ' Wetland 14 (Parker River) Wetland flags 14-1 through 14-5End demarcate the limits of high marsh. The high marsh is vegetated by is vegetated by salt meadow cord grass, sea lavender, and swamp rose (Rosa palustris). cm A-6 SM00030aa.dom Attachment A Wetlands Description 2.6 Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage (LSCSF) LSCSF is defined as: "land subject to any inundation caused by coastal storms up to and including that caused by the 100-year storm, surge of record or storm of record, whichever is greater." [310 CMR 10.04] ' The 100-year floodplain elevation is 11 feet NGVD 29 on the south side of Route 28 but remains at elevation 10 feet NGVD 29 on the north side. The limits of LSCSF are ' shown on the project plans. The two areas that are regulated as LSCSF are 1) the Parker River area and 2) the salt marsh area that encroaches close to Route 28, between Cape Realty and Yankee Village (Wetland 9). Elevation 11 feet NGVD 29 equals 10.12 feet NAVD 88, and elevation 10 feet NGVD 29 equals 9.12 feet NAVD 88. 2.7 Isolated Land Subject to Flooding (ILSF) Isolated Land Subject to Flooding is defined as: "Isolated Land Subject to Flooding is an isolated depression or closed basin without an inlet or an outlet. It is an area which at least once a year confines standing water to a volume of at least 1/ acre-feet and to an average depth of at least six inches." [310 CMR 10.57 (b) 1] ' Table 1: Summarizes the calculations for Local Vegetated Wetlands and Isolated Land Subject to Flooding L u I CM Wetland Area of Wetland ft2/Acres Local Vegetated Wetland Volume Acre feet Volume of Tributary Acre feet Isolated Land Subject to Flooding 11 Not closed Yes - - Yes 12 4,200/ 0.1 Yes No contours - No 21 2,750/0.05 No 0.025 - No 22 9,800/0.25 Yes 0.268 0.42 Yes 23 560/0.01 No 0.005 - No 25 4,200/0.1 Yes incomplete contours - No A-7 ISM00036m.dm ' Attachment A Wetlands Description Wetland 11 (Sibley Drive) Wetland flags 11-1 through 11-15End demarcate an Isolated Land Subject to Flooding (ILSF). This wetland can be characterized as an emergent marsh vegetated by wool grass (Scirpus cyperinus) and upright sedge (Carex stricta) in the ground cover. The ' shrub/wooded border is vegetated by greenbriers, coastal sweet pepperbush, willows, winterberry, pitch pine, and red maple. ' Wetland 22 Wetland flags 22-1 through 22-14 and 22-1A through 22-1E demarcate an local ' Vegetated Wetland and Isolated Land Subject to flooding. This wetland is regulated as ILSF since it does hold 1/4—acre-foot of water. It is located west of the plant site and east of the Cranberry Bog path. This Isolated Wetland is vegetated by red maple, greenbriers, leatherleaf, pitch pine, cinnamon fern, sphagnum moss (Sphagnum sp.), white pine, highbush blueberry, and sweet pepperbush. 2.8 Local Vegetated Wetlands Local Vegetated Wetlands are defined as: "the line within which 50% or more of vegetational community consists of the wetland plant species identified in sections 3.02, (1) thru 3.02, (2), (c), (4), below. A minimum size of 3,000 square feet is required for jurisdiction under these regulation." [Town of ' Yarmouth Wetland Protection Regulations 3.02 (2) (c)] Wetland 11 ' Wetland 11 is regulated as a Local Vegetated Wetland. The entirety of Wetland 11 was not flagged in the field, but the total area exceeds 3,000 ft2. ' Wetland 12 Wetland flags 12-1 through 12-11End demarcate a local vegetated wetland with an area of approximately 4,200ft2. Wetland 12 is located behind the fish market adjacent to Parker River on the south side of Route 28. The soils show evidence of hydric characteristics and there is standing water throughout the wetland. The wetland is vegetated by poison ivy, asters, swamp rose (Rosa palustris), common reed, willows, wool grass, beach grass (Ammophila breviligulata), and rushes Uuncus sp.). Wetland 22 Wetland 22 is regulated as a Local Vegetated Wetland. Wetland 22 has an area of approximately 9,800ft2. Wetland 25 Wetland flags 25-1 through 25-14End demarcate a Local Vegetated Wetland. This wetland is has an area of approximately 4,200ft2. Wetland 25 is a depression that is vegetated with oak (Quercus sp.), highbush blueberry, winterberry, sweet pepperbush, greenbriers, cinnamon fern, and pitch pine. CM A-8 SM00038aa.d= ' Attachment A Wetlands Description 2.9 Federal Jurisdictional Isolated Wetland ' Wetland 21 Wetland flags 21-1 through 21-20End demarcate an Isolated Wetland with an area of approximately 2,750 ftz. This wetland is not regulated as Isolated Land Subject to Flooding (ILSF) as it doesn't hold 1/ acre-foot of water. This wetland is not regulated as a Local Vegetated Wetland as it doesn't have a minimum area of 3,000ft2. There is ' standing water within the Isolated Wetland. Wetland 21 is vegetated by red maple, highbush blueberry, pitch pine, sweet pepperbush, white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides), sheep laurel (Kalmia angustifolia), and greenbriers. Wetland 23 Wetland flags 23-1 through 23-5End demarcate a depression with an area of ' approximately 560ft2. This wetland is not regulated as Isolated Land Subject to Flooding (ILSF) as it doesn't hold 1/ acre-foot of water. It is vegetated with sweet pepperbush, red maple, sphagnum moss, and northern arrowwood. 3.0 Summar y The existing wetland resource boundaries were evaluated for conformance with the ' Massachusetts Wetland Protection Act (MGL c. 131 s. 40) and Regulations (310 CMR 10.00) and the boundary was delineated in accordance U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1987 Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory,1987, "Corps of ' Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual" Technical Report Y-87-1, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi), using vegetation, soils and t indicators of wetland hydrology. The wetland boundary was demarcated at the limit of wetland vegetation (limit of plant community dominated [50% or more cover] by species adapted to living in wetland conditions), visual inspections, as well as ' indicators of hydric soils and wetland hydrology. The Yarmouth Conservation Commission Agent visited CDM's Environmental Scientists on December 11, 2008 and confirmed the approach used for the wetland delineations. This Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation is submitted to gain concurrence on the flagged boundaries to establish future project limits. The planning goal for the proposed waste water treatment plant is to maintain a 100-foot wide protective buffer around the wetland resource areas to the maximum extent practicable. Establishing the limit of wetlands will allow the town to continue ' planning the project in an environmentally sensitive and conscientious manner. 1 cm A-9 ' SM00036aa.docx Attachment B ILSF Calculations 1 CLIENT , �W f[�Q PROJECT Qinc,$C, DETAIL TL-S> F T �Ga C 1�C3(� T i/6 JOB NO. W-CO, DATE CHECKED CHECKED BY wG(- SCSVIC', COMPUTED BY h V DATE `1a `{ PAGE NO. f =� 1 1 1 1 1 1 r_ 1 e r � �CtA V\ V y J OA Q, 0 � S � � �- � r vim► : v� e �l �� 4- -S\ D c.M\\ %0 5-7 .. �, g t',, `:moo" n, „� �"'� 9 ,p C i �] .. c� c Q 1 Oj 1 c (' 1 C� C u v roc:) W oo c�S C N = 7 `7 [7 A-0.2Cz-':�c)-3 (7 A• C�TA C-t>') e—c G004 S G 70 — o. S o00 -I �o (- -� d���.���� .�7=-y } iF� �,- a . A -Z — 0. 56 F-l- X O -7o0F4 V = (), LN7- P-,C. V-+ �l >a.ZS��-� 1 CDM 8 Attachment C iect Plans (Bound Separately) S '•_.dry Peoa ,. 4�no� N r - - - co ry i y a ,s a w Y. i 4 - y, 1k �. 7 b 3 g 1 •' _ �S ,. 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