HomeMy WebLinkAbouthydrogeologic evaluation report application wp83ap.doc • rev. 6/2021 BRP WP 83 • Hydrogeological Evaluation • Page 1 of 3 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection–Groundwater Discharge Permit Program BRP WP 83 Application to Prepare a Hydrogeological Evaluation Please do not mail. Submit through ePlace. See instructions. A. General Information Important: When filling out forms on the computer, use only the tab key to move your cursor - do not use the return key. 1. Applicant Information: Jeffrey Colby Town of Yarmouth Name Company Name (If applicable) 74 Town Brook Road Address West Yarmouth City/Town MA State 508-398-2231 Telephone 02673 Zip Code jcolby@yarmouth.ma.us Email address 2. Applicant Contact Information (if different from above): Contact Name Company Name (If applicable) Title Address City/Town State Telephone Zip Code email address B. Project Information 1. Has a pre-scoping meeting been held with MassDEP personnel? Yes No If yes, date of pre-scoping meeting: 11/30/2010 2. Has a public notice been placed in the Environmental Monitor that the scope of work has been prepared and will be submitted to MassDEP in accordance with 314 CMR 5.09(1)(b)? Yes No If yes, date of Environmental Monitor: 12/22/2010 3. Is there a discharge presently located on the site? Yes No If yes, answer the following: When did the discharge begin? Date of startup: 1998 Description of discharge: Sprayfield for disposal of excess treated water water from the Yarmouth Dennis Septage Treatment Plant which is not used for reuse as irrigation water at the Bayberry Hills Golf Course. wp83ap.doc • rev. 6/2021 BRP WP 83 • Hydrogeological Evaluation • Page 2 of 3 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection–Groundwater Discharge Permit Program BRP WP 83 Application to Prepare a Hydrogeological Evaluation Please do not mail. Submit through ePlace. See instructions. B. Project Information (cont.) 4. Improvements - Are you required by any Federal, State or local authority to meet any implementation schedule for the construction, upgrading or operation of wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs which may affect the discharges described in this application? This includes, but is not limited to; permit conditions, administrative or enforcement orders, enforcement compliance schedule letters, stipulations, court orders, and grant or loan conditions. Yes No If yes, answer the following: Description of order or agreement (include enforcement document number, if applicable): The Town of Yarmouth has an Approved CWMP/SEIR with MEPA. The 5-phase, 40 year implementation schedule has been approved by other state and local agencies. EEA Number 14659 Identification No. of Affected Treatment Facility Not applicable Description of Project Not applicable Not applicable Final Compliance Date C. Site Information 1. GPS Coordinates: a) Enter Latitude and Longitude to the nearest whole second for the proposed site. Latitude: 41°39'40"N Longitude: 70°13'33"W b) Provide a narrative description of the site and the feature to be permitted. As an example: “The site is on the west side of Main Street, the third building north of High Street. The disposal field lies 100 feet off the southwest corner of the building.” c) Attach a site map based on the MassGIS Coordinate Information Tool that clearly indicates the site. The Coordinate Information Tool is available at http://maps.massgis.state.ma.us/images/dep/xyinfo/get_xy.html. C.1.b. Narrative Description The Buck Island Road site is located south of Buck Island Road between West Yarmouth Road and Winslow Gray Road. The approximately 150 acre site includes existing buildings and parking lots, cleared uplands, forested areas, and cranberry bogs. Wetlands are located in the eastern, western and southern portions of the site. Existing buildings include the Yarmouth Water Department building which contains offices and maintenance facilities. The site is currently used for effluent recharge from the Yarmouth-Dennis Septage Treatment Plant using sprayfield irrigation. The town-owned bogs in the western portion of the site and north of Buck Island Road are leased to a local farmer. 23 BOG ROAD 10 CygnetRoad 30-32WinslowGray Road 32 CheckerberryLane 4351000-18G 4351000-14G 4351000-19G 4351000-05G 4351000-13G 4351000-24G 4351000-11G 4351000-06G 4351000-23G 4351000-17G 4351000-12G MCCAFFREYZC P:\Yarmouth\McCaffrey\MXD\Yarmouth_GroundwaterDischPermit.mxd 7/13/2022 Town of Yarmouth, MA N 1 in = 1,800 ft Legend Mile Site Buffer Proposed Recharge Area !A Public Water Supplies !A Private Domestic Water Wells DEP Wellhead Protection Zone II 0 0.25 0.50.125 Miles C.3 Public or private drinking water supply wells within 2,500 feet of Buck Island recharge site Well Location Type of Well (Public/Private) Status Safe Yield Depth (ft) Direction from Site Installation Date MassDEP Well ID 10 Cygnet Road Private (Domestic Use) Connected to Town water NA 13* Cross- gradient 7/19/1987 291605 30-32 Winslow Gray Road Private (Domestic Use) Connected to Town water NA 104 Down- gradient 4/18/1988 291585 32 Checkerberry Lane Private (Domestic Use) Connected to Town water NA 27 Down- gradient 7/3/1990 291555 23 Bog Road Private (Domestic Use) Not currently on Town water NA 25 Down- gradient 11/2/2012 615945 *Updated from 2011 Hydrogeologic Report to reflect depth in MassDEP database of 13 feet. NA – not applicable DRAFT Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report Yarmouth, MA June 28, 2011 www.cdm.com i Contents Executive Summary ........................................................................................................... ES-1 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1-1 1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.2 Site Location .......................................................................................................... 1-2 1.3 Approach ................................................................................................................ 1-2 Section 2. Site Sensitive Areas ............................................................................................. 2-1 2.1 Groundwater Protection Areas .............................................................................. 2-1 2.2 Sensitive Habitats ................................................................................................. 2-2 Section 3. Previous Site Investigations ................................................................................. 3-1 3.1 1984 Facilities Plan and Modeling ......................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Sprayfield Wells ..................................................................................................... 3-3 3.3 Water Department Boring Logs ............................................................................ 3-5 3.4 Infiltrometer Tests ................................................................................................ 3-6 3.5 MEP Measured Discharge at Plashes Brook ......................................................... 3-6 3.6 USGS Groundwater Levels .................................................................................... 3-6 3.7 USGS Preliminary Discharge Screening ............................................................... 3-6 Section 4. Current Investigation .......................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 Soil Borings ............................................................................................................ 4-1 4.2 Conductivity Estimates ......................................................................................... 4-2 4.3 Estimated Range of Site Water Levels .................................................................. 4-4 Section 5. Groundwater Model ........................................................................................... 5-1 5.1 USGS Sagamore Flow Model .................................................................................. 5-1 5.2 Model Refinement ................................................................................................. 5-1 5.3 Steady-state Model Validation ..............................................................................5-2 5.4 Transient Model Validation .................................................................................. 5-3 6. Predictive Simulation Analysis ............................................................................. 6-1 6.1 Proposed Infiltration Basins Capacity .................................................................. 6-1 6.2 High Water Level Simulation ............................................................................... 6-2 6.3 Cranberry Bog Recharge Simulation .................................................................... 6-2 6.4 Impacts to Estuaries and Waterbodies ................................................................ 6-2 7. Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 7-1 8. References .......................................................................................................... 8-1 ii Figures 1. Location Map 2. Public Water Supplies and Zone II Areas 3. NHESP Priority Habitats and Estimated Habitats 4. Facilities Plan Investigations 5. Sprayfield Site Development and Other Investigations 6. Depth to Groundwater and Min/Max Water Level Elevations 7. USGS Wells with Long-Term Water Level Data 8. Current Investigation Borings and Wells 9. Clay and Silt Extent and Depth 10. Local Model Revised Grid and Simulated Clay Extent 11. Model Recharge Areas 12. Model Cross-Section North-South 13. Model Cross-Section East-West 14. Steady-State Model Simulation 15. Transient Water Level Simulation 16. Simulated Depth to Water for 1.2 MGD Recharge 17. Change in Average Annual Groundwater Elevation 18. Transient Recharge Capacity 19. Water Table Elevation for Recharge in Cranberry Bog Simulation 20. Simulation of Proposed Recharge with Particle Pathlines Tables 1. Groundwater Supply Wells within 0.5 Miles of the Buck Island Road Site 2. 1984 Facilities Plan Boring Log Summary 3. 1984 Facilities Plan Test Pit Summary 4. Sprayfield Test Pit and Boring Summary 5. Sprayfield Site Water Level Summary 6. Sprayfield Site Water Quality Summary of Metals Detections 7. Sprayfield Water Quality Summary of Nutrient Results 8. Water Department Building Boring Log Summary 9. Current Investigation Boring Log Summary 10. Hydraulic Conductivity Estimated from Grain Size 11. Model Properties Near Buck Island Road Site Appendices A. Test Pit Logs and Boring Logs - Previous Investigations B. Boring Logs and Soil Testing Results – Current Investigation C. Workplan for Hydrogeologic Services D. Environmental Monitor Notice of Workplan E. MassDEP Approval of Workplan ES-1 Executive Summary On behalf of the Town of Yarmouth, CDM conducted a hydrogeologic study of the Buck Island Road site in support of the wastewater treatment facilities Single Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) and facilities design efforts. The study focused on characterization of the site hydraulic capacity for discharge of treated effluent, and the potential impacts of such recharge, including water table rise, and increased base flow and discharge to surface waters. The Buck Island Road site is an upland area currently used for disposal of treated septage plant effluent via an above-ground spray irrigation system. The town-owned cranberry bogs to the north and west of the site are leased to a local farmer. Other waterbodies near the site include Gray Brook which drains the bogs to the west and flows south to the Parkers River and Plashes Pond to the northeast of the site which feeds Plashes Brook. Plashes Brook flows east of the site and joins Parkers River to the south. Prior hydrogeologic studies resulted in a wide range of predicted hydraulic loading capacities for the Buck Island Road site. The 1984 Facilities Plan by Wright Pierce, which included local site-specific groundwater modeling, predicted a site capacity 0.47 million gallons per day (MGD). However, subsequent site-specific testing as part of that study demonstrated the potential for a significantly higher capacity. Cooperative studies by the United Stated Geological Survey (USGS) produced an estimated site hydraulic capacity of at least 1.64 MGD, based on application of their regional-scale Sagamore Lens groundwater flow model. Results are documented in Appendix I of the 2010 Draft Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP). The wide range of prior estimates demonstrated the need for further locally-detailed data collection and groundwater modeling. Therefore, the CWMP included additional field work and groundwater flow modeling. These plans were discussed with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and the Cape Cod Commission (CCC), and with their agreement toward expediting implementation, the hydrogeologic study was made part of the SEIR and design stages of the overall wastewater management program. This hydrogeologic evaluation report summarizes activities conducted toward completion of the Work Plan for Hydrogeologic Services Related to the Buck Island Road Site. Model results indicate that the Buck Island Road site is estimated to have the capacity to recharge up to 2 MGD under average annual hydrologic conditions if approval is granted to waive the 4-foot separation between the bottom of the infiltration basins and the high groundwater table. This report details the previous site development and modeling and current site investigations and model results. Highlights of the report are discussed below. Executive Summary ES-2 Extensive work has been conducted at the Buck Island Road site as part of previous site development. Test pits and boring logs from previous investigations are included in Appendix A of this report. Previous investigations include:  Facilities Plan for the sprayfield site development published in 1984 (Wright-Pierce) which includes well installations, test pits and groundwater modeling;  well installations as part of the sprayfield site development for the Yarmouth-Dennis Septage Treatment Facility effluent in the early 1990s and continued water level measurements;  borings drilled in support of the Water Department building design;  infiltrometer tests conducted in 2005 by CDM;  discharge measurements of Plashes Brook recorded in 2004 and 2005 as part of the Massachusetts Estuary Project (MEP);  historical monthly water levels collected by the USGS; and  preliminary steady-state modeling of recharge capacity by the USGS. Additional field work was conducted in December 2010 and January 2011 including 24 soil borings to further assess the subsurface conditions in the proposed infiltration basins and to support building design, water level measurements, and grain size analysis of selected soil samples. Results are included in Appendix B of this Report Based on the available information an existing groundwater model was refined and validated. The model was used to evaluate the impacts of proposed infiltration basins under annual average (steady-state) conditions and transient conditions representing typical seasonal variability on a monthly basis. The following scenarios were simulated:  Steady-state model with infiltration on upland areas of the site  Steady-state model with infiltration on upland areas of the site with the groundwater mound allowed to reach the bottom of the basins  Transient simulation of infiltration on upland areas of the site  Steady-state model with infiltration on upland areas of the site and a historical high water table  Steady-state model with infiltration on upland areas of the site and infiltration basins in a small area of the cranberry bogs in the western portion of the site The CWMP recommends that sewer construction be implemented in 5 phases. Phases 1 and 2 will address areas in Lewis Bay and Parkers River and have less than 1 MGD of flow. Phases 3 will include the additional areas within the Lewis Bay and Parkers River watersheds and include expansion of the wastewater treatment plant and infiltration basins. Phases 4 and 5 will include the remaining CWMP recommended areas. An adaptive management approach will be used to evaluate the site capacity for Phase 3 flows. During Phase 1, groundwater levels on and off-site and water levels and flows in Plashes Brook and in the bogs to the west of the site will be monitored. This data, along with discharge volumes, Yarmouth Water supply Executive Summary ES-3 well pumping rates, and pumping and operations data from bog operators will be used to validate the model and further revise it if necessary. An assessment can then be made on the best path forward for achieving higher loading rates to the Phase 1 infiltration basins, including requesting a reduction in the required separation distance to groundwater, changes in bog operations, conversion of a small area of the cranberry bogs to a recharge area and/or additional infiltration basins in the southern part of the site uplands. 1-1 Section 1 Introduction This report summarizes activities conducted as part of the Work Plan for Hydrogeologic Services Related to the Buck Island Road Site, including previous investigations, current site work and groundwater modeling. Based on the available information and groundwater model results, the Buck Island Road site is estimated to have the capacity to recharge up to 2 million gallons per day (MGD) average annual recharge. The first phase of infiltration basin construction will consist of up to 12 acres of infiltration basins with an annual average recharge capacity of 1.2 MGD. Basin layout and site plans are presented as part of the CWMP. Prior to treatment plant expansion, an adaptive management approach is recommended to determine the optimum configuration of additional infiltration basins on the uplands and in a small area within the current cranberry bogs in the western portion of the site. The adaptive management approach will utilize results from loading tests during Phase 1 recharge of wastewater flows and revised modeling. The Buck Island Road site is an upland area currently used for disposal of treated septage plant effluent via an above-ground spray irrigation facility. The town-owned cranberry bogs to the north and in the western portion of the site are leased to a local farmer. Other waterbodies near the site include Gray Brook which drains the bogs in the western portion of the site and flows south to the Parkers River and Plashes Pond to the northeast of the site which feeds Plashes Brook. Plashes Brook flows east of the site and joins Parkers River to the south. Appendices to this report include tests pit and boring logs from previous investigations in Appendix A, boring logs and soil testing results in Appendix B, the Workplan for Hydrogeologic Services in Appendix C, the Environmental Monitor Notice in Appendix D and the MassDEP workplan approval in Appendix E. 1.1 Purpose The hydrogeologic studies described in this report were performed to predict and assess the impacts of effluent recharge from the proposed wastewater treatment facility on groundwater and nearby surface waters. Infiltration will occur via basins at the ground surface in the site uplands for Phases 1 and 2 wastewater flows. Infiltration for Phases 3 to 5 will occur in the basins in the site uplands and/or constructed within a small portion of the current cranberry bog area in the western portion of the site. An adaptive management approach will be used during Phase 1 to assess the future configuration and capacity of the infiltration basins for the later phases. The hydrogeologic study included the evaluation of groundwater hydraulics impacts, including water table mounding and potential increases in groundwater discharges to nearby surface water bodies and wetlands. The hydrogeologic study also included an assessment of groundwater flow and nitrogen loading to surface waters. Specific areas of concern with the Buck Island Road site include impacts of additional flow and nitrogen loads to the Parkers River to the south and impacts to cranberry bogs in the western portion of the site. Section 1 • Introduction 1-2 Based on the Massachusetts Estuaries Project (MEP) Report for the Parkers River Watershed from May 2010, the amount of recharge at the Buck Island Road site is limited to about 2.0 MGD annual average flow due to nitrogen sensitivity. Thus the goal of the study and modeling was to show that 2.0 MGD of flow can be recharged in an acceptable manner at this site. 1.2 Site Location The Buck Island Road site is located south of Buck Island Road between West Yarmouth Road and Winslow Gray Road, shown on Figure 1. The approximately 150 acre site includes existing buildings and parking lots, cleared uplands, forested areas, and cranberry bogs. Wetlands are located in the eastern, western and southern portions of the site. Existing buildings include the Yarmouth Water Department building which contains offices and maintenance facilities. The site is currently used for effluent recharge from the Yarmouth-Dennis Septage Treatment Plant using sprayfield irrigation. The town-owned bogs in the western portion of the site and north of Buck Island Road are leased to a local farmer. 1.3 Approach Hydrogeologic data collection, field testing, and data analysis were conducted for the Buck Island Road site. The hydrogeologic assessment resulted in an estimate of the site capacity and impacts of groundwater and surface water from the proposed infiltration basins.  Regional and site information was compiled, including data and reports describing the topography, geology, groundwater, surface water, soils data, and previous groundwater modeling.  A site walk with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) was conducted on November 30, 2010. A hydrogeologic work plan was developed and submitted for review to the MassDEP and is included in Appendix C.  Field work was conducted in December 2010 and January 2011. Field work included drilling and monitoring well installations and water level measurements. Grain size analysis was conducted on selected soil samples.  Historical water level data from the United States Geological Survey (USGS), sprayfield monitoring wells and measured site water levels were used to map the water table elevations and assess seasonal variations.  The regional groundwater model developed by the USGS was adapted and modified to assess site capacity. Modifications included grid discretization, inclusion of additional surface water features and stratigraphy modifications.  The updated groundwater model was used to assess steady-state and transient loading capacity for various infiltration basin configurations at the site. Impacts to the groundwater table and surface water were assessed. Modeling and recommended infiltration basin design is based on an adaptive managmenet approach which utilizes the multiple phase sewer construction recommended in the CWMP. Phases 1 and 2 of sewer construction will address areas in Lewis Bay and Parkers River and have less than 1 MGD of flow. Phases 3 will include the additional areas within the Lewis Bay and Parkers River watersheds and include expansion of the wastewater treatment plant and infiltration basins. Phases 4 and 5 will include the remaining CWMP recommended areas. 2-1 Section 2 Site Sensitive Areas The Buck Island Road site is located within the watersheds for Gray Brook and Plashes Brook. Both brooks flow into the Parkers River which is also fed by Seine Pond. Nitrogen loading from effluent recharge at this site must meet limits established as part of the MEP for the Parkers River watershed. 2.1 Groundwater Protection Areas Yarmouth public water supply wells and delineated Zone II areas are located north of the Buck Island Road site, shown on Figure 2. Parts of two Zone II areas are within a half-mile of the site including for four public supply wells near Higgins-Crowell Road to the north and east and for public supply wells 10 and 11 to the north. The closest public supply wells, wells 18 and 19, are located just over a half mile northeast of the site near Chickadee Lane. Because the site is located outside of the Zone II Areas for the water supply wells, potential impacts one public water supply wells from groundwater discharge at the site did not need to be assessed. A review of groundwater supply wells near the site identified two irrigation wells located at the site and three nearby domestic water supply wells, listed in Table 1 below. The irrigation wells at the Buck Island Road site were installed to provide irrigation water to the grass at the sprayfield site when effluent is not available for irrigation. Table 1 Groundwater Supply Wells within 0.5 Miles of the Buck Island Road Site Location Use Type Depth (ft) Direction from Site IW-1, Irrigation Well at Buck Island Road site Irrigation Sand 27 On-Site IW-2 Irrigation Well at Buck Island Road site Irrigation Sand 27 On-Site 10 Cygnet Road Domestic Use Sand 27 Cross-gradient 30-32 Winslow Gray Road Domestic Use Sand 104 Down-gradient 32 Checkerberry Lane Domestic Use Sand 27 Down-gradient Source: Mass DEP Well Completion Reports Section 2 • Site Sensitive Areas 2-2 2.2 Sensitive Habitats The site does not contain habitats listed for the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP) Priority Habitats and Estimated Habitats. Identified habitats within a half-mile of the site include Seine Pond to the southwest and Horse Pond and Big Sandy Pond to the northeast are shown on Figure 3. There are no NHESP certified vernal pools within a half-mile of the site as of the February 2010. The project is not anticipated to adversely affect state-protected species. Please overwrite this text to continue writing. If you are placing text from another document, please have your “cut, copy, paste” options set to “Match Destination Formatting.” 3-1 Section 3 Previous Site Investigations Extensive work has been conducted at the Buck Island Road site as part of previous site development. Boring and test pit locations are shown on Figure 4. Previous investigations include:  Facilities Plan for the sprayfield site development published in 1984 (Wright-Pierce) which includes well installations, test pits and groundwater modeling;  well installations as part of the sprayfield site development for the Yarmouth-Dennis Septage Treatment Facility effluent in the early 1990s and continued water level measurements;  borings drilled in support of the Water Department building design;  infiltrometer tests conducted in 2005 by CDM;  discharge measurements of Plashes Brook recorded in 2004 and 2005 as part of the MEP;  historical monthly water levels collected by the USGS; and  preliminary steady-state modeling of recharge capacity by the USGS. 3.1 1984 Facilities Plan and Modeling The Facilities Plan included boring and well installations at 7 locations, surface water measurements at 12 locations, 12 test pits, and groundwater modeling (Wright Pierce 1984). Water level measurements indicated a southeastward gradient of 2 feet (ft) per 1000 ft and a vertical gradient of 0.007 ft/ft throughout the site except in the immediate vicinity of Plashes Brook. Gradients measured at around 80 ft below ground surface indicated an upwards flow. Based on the 1984 results, bedrock is at a depth of over 300 ft below ground surface and will have little impact on shallow groundwater flow. Boring logs indicate soils with fine to coarse sand and occasional silts or clay. Water was observed in the boreholes at between 1.5 ft below ground surface near Plashes Brook to 8.2 ft below ground surface on the site uplands. Clay lenses were encountered at a depth of 39.5 to 59 ft below ground surface (bgs) at the deepest boring, B-7, which was drilled to 126 ft. A summary of boring logs from the 1984 report is provided in Table 2 below. Section 3 • Previous Site Investigations 3-2 Table 2 1984 Facilities Plan Boring Log Summary Boring Location Total Depth (ft) Summary Water Depth in Borehole (ft bgs) Well Name B-1 East of cranberry bogs, northern portion of site 22 Fine to coarse sand 6.5 MW-1 B-2 East of cranberry bogs, middle of site 22 Fine to coarse sand, little silt 5.6 MW-2 B-3 North of southern-most cranberry bog 22 Fine to coarse sand, silt Not recorded MW-3 B-4 West of Plashes Brook, northern portion of site 22 Fine to coarse sand 5.1 MW-4 B-5 West of Plashes Brook, middle of site 22 Fine to coarse sand Not recorded MW-5 B-6 West of Plashes Brook, southern portion of site 22 Fine to coarse sand, little silt 1.5 MW-6 B-6A West of Plashes Brook, southern portion of site 12 Fine to coarse sand, some silt Not recorded B-7 Middle of site, uplands 126 Fine to coarse sand, clay lenses at 39.5’ to 59’ 8.2 MW-7 Tests pits indicate surficial soils with fine to medium sand at most locations. Water was encountered at between 3 ft below ground surface near Plashes Brook to 10.5 ft below ground surface on the site uplands. Findings are summarized in Table 3 below. Table 3 1984 Facilities Plan Test Pit Summary Test Pit Location Total Depth (ft) Summary Depth of Flowing Water (ft bgs) TP-1 East of cranberry bog 6.5 Fine to medium sand 3.2 TP-2 Southern portion of site 8.0 Fine sand 6.2 TP-3 East of cranberry bog 7.5 Fine sand 6.0 TP-4 Middle of site on the uplands 11.0 Fine to very fine sand 10.5 TP-5 West of Plashes Brook 6.0 Fine sand 4.3 TP-6 Middle of the site on the uplands 10.5 Very find sand 9.8 TP-7 East of cranberry bog 6.2 Fine to medium sand 4.8 TP-8 Near Buck Island Road and site access road 6.0 Fine sand not recorded TP-9 Near junction of Buck Island Road and West Yarmouth Road 8.0 Fine to medium sand 8.0 TP-10 West of Plashes Brook next to Buck Island Road 8.5 Fine to medium sand/silt 8.0 TP-11 East of Plashes Brook next to Buck Island Road 5.0 Fine sand 3.0 TP-12 East of Plashes Brook 6.0 Fine to medium sand 3.2 Section 3 • Previous Site Investigations 3-3 Hydraulic conductivity was measured at four borings using a falling head permeability test. Results indicate the surficial soils are moderately permeable. Hydraulic conductivity estimates range from a value of 9.32 x 10-5 cm/sec to a value of 1.6 x 10-4 cm/sec. Testing in wells at the site after the modeling was completed for the 1984 reported suggested higher hydraulic conductivity values of 1.4 x 10-1 cm/sec or 400 ft/day. Modeling of the Buck Island Road site for the 1984 Facilities Plan predicted a total loading capacity of at least 100 million gallons over a 7-month period, or about 0.47 MGD applied via an above ground spray irrigation system over 22 acres at a rate of 0.5 gallons per day per square foot (gpd/ft2). However, the report indicates that this estimated rate was based on a local groundwater flow model that used a significantly lower-than-observed horizontal hydraulic conductivity for the main water-bearing, shallow unit. 3.2 Sprayfield Wells Additional boring logs and test pits were dug and wells were installed in the late 1980s and early 1990s as part of the sprayfield site development for effluent from the septage treatment facility. Test pits were dug at four locations on the uplans of the site, as shown on Figure 5 and summarized in Table 4 below. Percolation tests at two of these locations indicate that the soils are highly permeable. Table 4 Sprayfield Test Pit and Boring Summary Name Location Total Depth (ft) Summary Depth to Water (ft bgs) TP-301 West of Water Department building, northern portion of site 8 Medium to fine sand 7 TP-303 North of Water Department building, northern portion of site 10 Medium to fine sand Greater than 10 TP-304 Water Department building 8 Medium to fine sand Greater than 8 TP-305 East of Water Department building, northern portion of site 9 Medium to fine sand, trace silt Greater than 9 B-300 Irrigation Well 1, east of site between cleared area and Plashes Brook 41.5 Fine to coarse sand Not recorded B-300A Irrigation Well 1, east of site between cleared area and Plashes Brook 30 Fine to coarse sand, little gravel Not recorded Wells were installed at 15 locations as part of the sprayfield site development, but boring logs could not be located. Water levels at eight of the site wells were measured monthly from 2003 to the present as part of the sprayfield operations and monitoring. Water level data is summarized in Table 5 below and on Figure 6. Section 3 • Previous Site Investigations 3-4 Table 5 Sprayfield Water Level Summary Well Location Min. Water Elev. (ft NAVD88) Max. Water Elev. (ft NAVD88) Average Water Elev. (ft NAVD88) Average Depth to Water (ft bgs) MW-1 West of uplands 8 17.05 12.5 7.78 MW-11A Uplands, dog training center 8.6 13.1 11.4 7.05 MW-14A Middle portion of cleared uplands 8 11.7 9.8 6.44 MW-16 Southern portion of cleared uplands 6.18 11.7 9.3 6.62 MW-17 East of Plashes Brook 6.5 13.08 9.5 6.38 MW-22A Site entrance near Buck Island Road 10.25 15.84 12.9 9.72 MW-23A West of Plashes Brook 5.57 10.24 7.4 7.74 IW-1 Irrigation well, east side of site 6.33 10.2 8.5 4.23 Water quality samples were collected at sprayfield site wells during periods when the sprayfield was used for disposal of treated effluent. Samples were analyzed for nutrients and metals. Values of pH ranged from 4.1 to 6.9 at the site wells during the sampling events. Specific conductance of groundwater in the wells ranged from 70 to 520 microSiemens per centimeter (µS/cm) for the sampling events. Metals analysis was conducted for cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, chromium and zinc during 10 sample events between 2003 and 2010. Metals were below reporting levels for all samples except as noted in Table 6 below. Lead, copper and zinc were detected at low concentrations in at least one sample. Table 6 Sprayfield Site Water Quality Summary of Metals Detections Well Metal Date Concentration (mg/L) IW-1 Zinc 9/26/2003 0.6 MW-11A Zinc 10/22/2003 0.5 MW-1 Lead 12/17/2004 0.005 MW-11A Lead 12/17/2004 0.006 MW-14A Lead 12/17/2004 0.008 MW-16 Lead 12/17/2004 0.006 MW-22A Lead 12/17/2004 0.008 MW-1 Lead 12/31/2007 0.005 MW-11A Lead 12/31/2007 0.005 MW-22A Lead 12/31/2007 0.007 MW-23A Lead 12/31/2007 0.007 IW-1 Lead 12/16/2009 0.032 MW-1 Lead 12/16/2009 0.013 MW-1 Zinc 12/16/2009 0.4 MW-16 Lead 12/16/2009 0.006 MW-17 Lead 12/16/2009 0.022 IW-1 Lead 11/23/2010 0.012 MW-1 Zinc 11/23/2010 0.5 Section 3 • Previous Site Investigations 3-5 Well Metal Date Concentration (mg/L) MW-11A Lead 11/23/2010 0.021 MW-11A Zinc 11/23/2010 0.06 MW-14A Copper 11/23/2010 0.39 MW-14A Lead 11/23/2010 0.012 MW-14A Zinc 11/23/2010 0.19 MW-16 Lead 11/23/2010 0.01 MW-17 Lead 11/23/2010 0.012 MW-23A Lead 11/23/2010 0.008 Nutrient analysis was conducted for 13 sample events at sprayfield site wells during 2003 and 2010, generally between September and December with the exception of a sampling event in June 2009. Groundwater samples were analyzed for ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate, total Kjeldhal nitrogen (TKN) and total phosphorus (total P). Ranges of detected concentrations are summarized by well and analyte in Table 7 below. Table 7 Sprayfield Site Water Quality Summary of Nutrient Results Well Ammonia (mg/L) Nitrate (mg/L) Nitrite (mg/L) OrthoPhosphate (mg/L) TKN (mg/L) Total P (mg/L) MW-1 ND to 0.2 0.03 to 5 ND to 0.27 ND to 0.2 ND to 2.6 ND to 0.5 MW-11A 0.2 to 6.9 0.04 to 1.1 ND to 0.2 0.1 to 0.7 0.5 to 10 0.38 to 1.1 MW-14A ND to 0.8 0.04 to 6.4 ND to 0.41 ND to 0.4 ND to 2.5 ND to 0.6 MW-16 ND to 2.4 0.02 to 8.1 0.02 to 0.2 ND to 0 0.4 to 2.8 ND to 0.1 MW-17 ND to 1.1 0.17 to 3.1 ND to 0.2 ND to 0.16 ND to 26 ND to 0.18 MW-22A ND to 1.3 0.02 to 4.8 ND to 0.2 ND to 0.1 ND to 9.5 ND to 0.5 MW-23A ND to 2.9 ND to 2.5 ND to 0.2 ND to 0.2 ND to 4.4 ND to 0.9 WW-1 ND to 2.1 0.02 to 0.69 ND to 0.07 ND to 0.3 ND to 3.5 ND to 0.6 3.3 Water Department Boring Logs Four additional borings were installed in 1998 to support the construction of the Water Department Building (CDM 1998). A shallow clay layer up to 7 ft thick was recorded in the northern and southern corner borings. Results are summarized in Table 8 below. Table 8 Water Department Building Boring Log Summary Boring Location Total Depth (ft) Summary B-101 North corner of building 22 Medium to fine sand, clay at 8’ to 15’ B-102 East corner of building 35 Coarse to fine sand, silt, gravel at 18’ to 35’ B-103 South corner of building 20 Coarse to fine sand, clay at 10’ to 12’ B-103A South corner of building 20 Fine sand, clay at 11’ to 12’ B-104 West corner of building 35 Coarse to fine sand, gravel at 23’ to 25’ Section 3 • Previous Site Investigations 3-6 3.4 Infiltrometer Tests Infiltrometer tests were conducted at the Buck Island Road site in May 2005 using a double-ring infiltrometer with concentric rings of 12-inches and 24-inches following ASTM standard D-3385. Soil evaluations were performed by a Massachusetts Certified Soil Evaluator. Test locations are shown on Figure 5. Results of the two tests are documented in Appendix I of the CWMP. Groundwater was encountered at approximately 8.5 ft below ground surface. Soils ranged from medium to coarse sands and gravel. Based on the testing a design loading rate of up to 5 gallon per day per square foot (gpd/ft2) for open sand bed disposal systems was established based on MassDEP’s “Guidelines for Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Small Wastewater Treatment Facilities with Land Disposal.” 3.5 MEP Measured Discharge at Plashes Brook As part of the Massachusetts Estuaries Project (MEP) evaluation of the Parkers River watershed, stage data was recorded in Plashes Brook at Winslow Gray Road from May 2004 to November 2005 to capture two summer seasons of flow record. Flow was measured every 4 to 6 weeks to develop a rating curve. Based on the observed data, the average annual flow was estimated to be 3,109 m3/day or 0.8 MGD. Observed baseflow was low during summer months and as high as 1.3 MGD during the spring of 2005. 3.6 USGS Groundwater Levels Water level data were obtained for wells near the site from the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS). Three wells were identified in Yarmouth. MA-YAW85 is located at Willow Street and Route 6, MA-YAW 89 is located on Forest Road and MA-YAW 94 is located in West Yarmouth. One well was identified at the Barnstable Airport, MA-A1W 230. Well locations are shown on Figure 7. These wells have approximately 30 years of data with measurements every month to two months. Data for MA-YAW 89 and MA-YAW 94, which are closest to the site and best represent site conditions, confirm that the water table was near the historical high during March 2010. March 2010 water levels were used to create the steady-state groundwater model used to simulate site recharge capacity during high water level periods discussed in Section 6.2. . 3.7 USGS Preliminary Discharge Screening The USGS Sagamore Flow Lens Model was used to screen preliminary discharge sites as part of the 2010 Draft CWMP. Results are documented in Appendix I of the 2010 Draft CWMP. The USGS model, which did not include the clay layer encountered during recent site investigations, had a relatively coarse model grid, and used most of the site for discharge area, suggesting the site had a discharge capacity of at least 1.64 MGD assuming a total area of 47 acres with recharge at 1 gpd/ft2. 4-1 Section 4 Current Investigation The current site investigation included soil borings to further assess the subsurface conditions in the proposed infiltration basins and to support building design, water level measurements, and grain size analysis of selected soil samples. Water quality sampling at infiltration basin wells has not yet been completed. 4.1 Soil Borings As part of the current investigation, 24 soil borings, shown on Figure 8 and summarized in Table 9, were drilled in December 2010 and January 2011 and four wells were installed to provide additional information on subsurface conditions at the site. Subsurface materials generally consist of fine to medium or coarse sand. Clay was encountered in several of the borings at around 40 ft below ground surface. This is consistent with the boring log from MW- 7, drilled as part of the 1984 study, which encountered a clay or silt lens beneath the southern portion of the cleared uplands. In order to further delineate the extent of the clay, CDM drilled deeper borings at fewer locations than specified in the original site work plan, following discussions with MassDEP and CCC. In total 8 borings were installed in the areas of the proposed infiltration basins. A total of 16 borings were installed as part of the geotechnical work to support the wastewater treatment facility design. Figure 9 shows the extent and depth of clay and silt encountered. The presence or absence of clay and silt is noted for all borings with a total depth of greater than 40 ft along with the total boring depth. Clay was not encountered in borings of less than 40 ft total depth except as noted at borings B-101 and B-103. Based on the borings, clay is present beneath the southern portion of the site with a thickness of 10 ft. The clay thins in the middle of the site and appears to pinch out by B-202 and B-218. A localized shallow clay lens is present underneath the Water Department Building. The current bog operator to the west reported that clay was encountered in test borings he drilled a couple of years ago to the west of the bogs. To be conservative, the clay is assumed to extend from just south of B-202 and B-218 to Winslow Gray Road and from west of the bogs east underneath Plashes Brook. Section 4 • Current Investigation 4-2 Table 9 Current Investigation Boring Log Summary Boring Location Total Depth (ft) Clay and Silt Depth (ft) Water Depth (ft bgs) B-201 WWTP area 35 None 8.1 B-202 WWTP area 62 13.5 to 18.5 (silt, clay and sand) 7.3 B-203 WWTP area 37 None 8.8 B-204 WWTP area 40 None 7.5 B-205 WWTP area 45 36.5 to 44.5 (clay and silt) 7.3 BW-206 WWTP area 32 None 7 B-207 WWTP area 41 None Not recorded B-208 WWTP area 46 37.5 to 42.5 (silt) Not recorded B-209 WWTP area 40 None 7.9 B-210 WWTP area 27 None 7.9 B-211 WWTP area 31 None 8.1 B-212 WWTP area 31 None 7.8 B-213 WWTP area 31 None Not recorded B-214 WWTP area 36 None 8.8 B-216 WWTP area 15 None 8.2 B-217 West of water building 15 None 8.4 BW-218 NE corner cleared area 56 32.5 to 42.5 (sand and silt) 11.7 B-222 Center cleared area 46 37.5 to 46 (silt and clay) 7.5 B-224 SW corner, N of B-225 16 None 7.5 BW-225 SW corner cleared area 100 41.5 to 51.5 (silt and clay) 6.5 B-228 Southern part of cleared area 26 None 6 B-229 Southern part of cleared area 21 None Not recorded BW-231 SE corner cleared uplands 56 37.5 to 45 (silt and clay) 6.1 B-237 Eastern edge of bogs 17 None 7 4.2 Conductivity Estimates Grain size was analyzed for 34 samples from 20 boring locations. Hydraulic conductivity values were estimated from the effective grain size (d10) using the Hazen method. Almost all samples consisted of poorly graded sand, some with gravel or silt. Estimates of hydraulic conductivity (K) are shown in Table 10 below sorted by depth. Hydraulic conductivity values generally increase with depth. The hydraulic conductivities of the sand samples ranged from 15 ft/day to 374 ft/day with an average of 109 ft/day. Estimates of vertical and horizontal anisotropy are based on an assumption of horizontal conductivities values being ten times vertical values. Section 4 • Current Investigation 4-3 Table 10 Hydraulic Conductivity Estimated from Grain Size ID Sample Depth (ft) Effective grain size, d10 (mm) Sample description K (cm/sec) K (ft/day) Kh (ft/day) Kv (ft/day) B-206 1 0.1481 poorly graded sand with silt 2.2 x 10-02 62 197 20 B-211 1 0.1669 poorly graded sand 2.8 x 10-02 79 250 25 B-217 1 0.1362 well graded sand 1.9 x 10-02 53 166 17 B-228 3 0.083 poorly graded sand with silt 6.9 x 10-03 20 62 6 B-204 4 0.1249 poorly graded sand 1.6 x 10-02 44 140 14 B-205 4 0.1773 poorly graded sand 3.1 x 10-02 89 282 28 B-209 5 0.1059 poorly graded sand 1.1 x 10-02 32 101 10 B-212 5 0.1756 poorly graded sand 3.1 x 10-02 87 276 28 B-214 5 0.0717 poorly graded sand with silt 5.1 x 10-03 15 46 5 B-222 5 0.1012 poorly graded sand 1.0 x 10-02 29 92 9 B-231 5 0.0763 poorly graded sand with silt 5.8 x 10-03 17 52 5 B-201 6 0.1539 poorly graded sand 2.4 x 10-02 67 212 21 B-203 6 0.1716 poorly graded sand 2.9 x 10-02 84 264 26 B-210 6 0.1687 poorly graded sand with gravel 2.8 x 10-02 81 255 26 B-225 7 0.2587 poorly graded sand 6.7 x 10-02 190 600 60 B-205 9 0.1905 poorly graded sand 3.6 x 10-02 103 325 33 B-218 9 0.1119 poorly graded sand 1.3 x 10-02 36 112 11 B-213 10 0.175 poorly graded sand 3.1 x 10-02 87 274 27 B-202 11 0.1354 poorly graded sand 1.8 x 10-02 52 164 16 B-204 14 0.2458 poorly graded sand with gravel 6.0 x 10-02 171 542 54 B-207 15 0.2494 poorly graded sand 6.2 x 10-02 176 558 56 B-208 15 0.1232 poorly graded sand 1.5 x 10-02 43 136 14 B-213 15 0.3612 poorly graded gravel with sand 1.3 x 10-01 370 1170 117 B-214 15 0.1662 poorly graded sand 2.8 x 10-02 78 248 25 B-222 15 0.312 poorly graded sand 9.7 x 10-02 276 873 87 B-206 16 0.3633 poorly graded sand 1.3 x 10-01 374 1183 118 B-212 20 0.2821 poorly graded sand 8.0 x 10-02 226 713 71 B-209 25 0.2617 poorly graded sand 6.8 x 10-02 194 614 61 B-203 26 0.1758 poorly graded sand 3.1 x 10-02 88 277 28 B-211 30 0.2279 poorly graded sand with gravel 5.2 x 10-02 147 465 47 B-206 31 0.2346 poorly graded sand with gravel 5.5 x 10-02 156 493 49 B-207 35 0.2786 poorly graded sand 7.8 x 10-02 220 696 70 B-208 40 0.0156 sandy silt 2.4 x 10-04 0.7 2.2 0.2 B-202 46 0.2005 poorly graded sand with gravel 4.0 x 10-02 114 360 36 Section 4 • Current Investigation 4-4 4.3 Estimated Range of Site Water Levels Published water level hydrographs from long-term USGS observation wells nearby suggest that water levels at the Buck Island Road site should vary by about 2 feet during a typical year. However, observed data from the seven years of sprayfield well monitoring indicate that the range is greater than two feet for many wells including MW-22A and MW-1 near the northern part of the site. Minimum and maximum water level elevations and depth to water are shown for site wells on Figure 6. The greater range in water levels is likely due to the impact of bog and stream water levels. Water level data for sprayfield wells is available for March and April of 2010 which is a good estimate of expected high water table elevations based on the long-term historical water levels at USGS well MA- YAW 94. Since site water level data are available for over 7 years including a high water table period that approaches the highest water levels for the full period of long-term data, the sprayfield well monitoring data was used as the primary approach to evaluate high water table conditions. 5-1 Section 5 Groundwater Model Groundwater flow modeling was based on the regional USGS Sagamore Flow Lens Model and refined to include a smaller grid near the site, site water features and the clay layer encountered in boring logs. The revised model was validated for steady-state and transient conditions and used to assist in the design of infiltration basins on the site. 5.1 USGS Sagamore Flow Model The USGS Sagamore Flow Lens Model, used as a basis for hydrogeologic modeling of the Buck Island Road site, was developed by the USGS using MODFLOW and is documented in “Simulated Water Sources and Effects of Pumping on Surface and Ground Water, Sagamore and Monomoy Flow Lenses, Cape Cod, Massachusetts” (Walter and Whealan 2004). This model was used to develop watershed delineations for the MEP nitrogen loading analysis and for preliminary assessment of Yarmouth effluent recharge sites in the 2010 Draft CWMP. Model layers and properties near the site are shown in Table 11. The water table near the site is located in models layers 6 and 7 and therefore model layers 1 to 5 are inactive and not shown. Specific yield was set to 0.25 for all layers and specific storage was set to 1.5 x 10-5. For ponds, specific yield was set to 1 and specific storage to 1.5 x 10-9. Ponds were simulated with a horizontal hydraulic conductivity of 100,000 ft/day. General areal recharge is 27 inches/yr. Ponds have an annual recharge of 16 in/yr and wetlands, including bogs, have an annual recharge of 0 in/yr. The model vertical datum is NGVD29 feet. Since site survey data was recorded using a vertical datum of NAVD88 ft, a correction factor of 0.88 ft should be subtracted from the model elevations to convert from NGVD29 to the site elevations in NAVD88 (Milbert 1999). Specified elevations in the text and figures are in NAVD88 unless otherwise specified. 5.2 Model Refinement The USGS Sagamore Flow Lens Model extends from the Cape Cod Canal in the northwest to the Bass River in the east. The model extent includes part or all of the towns of Bourne, Sandwich, Falmouth, Mashpee, Barnstable and Yarmouth. The entire model extent was used for groundwater simulations, but the model grid was refined near the site to improve estimates of site recharge capacity. Refinements include simulation of bogs and ponds near the site, inclusion of Gray Brook west of the site, discretization of the model grid and inclusion of the clay layer at 40 ft below ground surface. Estimated horizontal conductivity values based on the grain size analysis are between 46 and 1183 ft/day at the site. These values are consistent with values used in the USGS model and therefore horizontal conductivity values were not adjusted in the model during validation. Section 5 • Groundwater Model l 5-2 Table 11 Model Properties Near Buck Island Road Site Model Layer Layer Mid-point Elevation (ft NGVD29) Layer Thickness (ft) Horizontal Conductivity (ft/day) Vertical Conductivity (ft/day) 6 15 10 210 40 7 4.5 11 210 40 8 -5.5 9 170 22 9 -15 10 170 22 10 -25 10 100 10 11 -35 10 100 10 12 -45 10 100 10 13 -55 10 100 10 14 -65 10 50 5 15 -75 10 50 5 16 -85 10 50 5 17 -95 10 50 5 18 -120 40 50 5 19 -190 100 30 2 20 -250 to -270 10 to 40 10 1 The model grid was refined from 400 ft by 400 ft grid cells to 100 ft by 100 ft cells near the site as shown on Figure 10. Bogs west of the site were added to the model using the same hydraulic conductivity values used for ponds shown in green on Figure 10. Bog depths were estimated from survey data. Recharge areas were refined to match the ponds and bogs in the area of the revised grid as necessary. Recharge areas near the site are shown on Figure 11. Streams and rivers in the USGS Sagamore Lens Model were simulated using the Stream package. The Stream package allows flow into and out of the streams based on stream bed properties and heads and calculates flow in streams based on upstream flow segments and groundwater flow. For simplicity in the Buck Island Road site model, the River package was used for most streams. The river package allows flow in and out of the model but does not calculate flow in the streams. Plashes Brook and Gray Brook, which drains the bogs to the west of the site, were included in the Buck Island Road site model using the stream package in order to calculate the impact of increased water levels on stream flow. Stream locations are shown on Figure 11 as gray lines. Stream inverts were estimated from survey data. The localized clay layer was represented within model layer 10 based on the estimated extent to the north and the west as shown on Figure 10 and in cross-section on Figure 12 (north-south cross-section) and Figure 13 (east-west cross-section). To be conservative, in regard to lateral flow capacity and water table mounding, it was assumed that the clay layer extends to the east beneath Plashes Brook and to the south to Winslow Gray Road. Horizontal and vertical conductivity values for the clay were set to 0.001 ft/day. 5.3 Steady-state Model Validation Since the USGS Sagamore Model was developed and validated to regional water levels for 2003, the site- specific model was also validated to average 2003 water levels at the sprayfield wells. Water levels in 2003 were slightly higher than average based on the historical water levels at MA-YAW 89 and 94. The annual average flow measured in Plashes Brook and the MEP estimated discharge to Gray Brook were also used as a validation check. Stream bed conductivity and invert elevations were adjusted to match the annual average Section 5 • Groundwater Model l 5-3 flow in Plashes Brook, estimated discharge to Gray Brook and observed water levels at the sprayfield wells. Hydraulic conductivity values were not adjusted in the model. Comparison of observed and calculated heads is shown in Figure 14. Differences in the simulated and observed water levels in the northernmost monitoring wells are likely due to the influence of the bogs on observed water levels. During winter months and fall harvest, the flooding of the bogs raises the water levels in the wells closest to the bogs. To assess the impact of higher heads in the bogs, the steady-state model was run with fixed heads in the bogs. Simulated water level in the northern wells increased by an amount similar to the increase seen in observed heads during periods of bog flooding. Heads in the bogs will not be fixed for steady-state simulations to simulate site recharge capacity. 5.4 Transient Model Validation In order to assess the ability of the site to handle variations in effluent discharge rates with seasonally varying wastewater flow rates and groundwater levels, a transient simulation was developed. Water supply pumping rates for the transient model were estimated by multiplying the steady-state pumping rates by monthly peaking factors from the CWMP. Monthly recharge rates were taken from the USGS model documentation (Walter and Whealan 2004). The groundwater model was run for three years using 2003 conditions for each year in order to reduce the impacts of the starting conditions. The 2003 conditions were selected to be consistent with modeling conducted by the USGS for the MEP. Comparison of the transient heads at the sprayfield wells to 2003 monthly water levels is shown on Figure 15. Impacts of bog operations can be seen in some of the wells, in particular MW-22A and MW-1. Based on conversations with the bog operator, the bogs are flooded in the fall for harvest, then again during January and February to protect the plants during the winter. Raising the bog water elevations increases the water elevations observed in some wells on-site. The model does not include the high water in the bogs during these time periods and therefore simulates lower water levels than observed at northernmost site wells during the fall and winter. Simulation of observed water levels is excellent during all season for wells located in the other portions of the sprayfield. 6-1 Section 6 Predictive Simulation Analysis The locally-refined and validated groundwater flow model was used to evaluate the impacts of proposed infiltration basins under annual average (steady-state) conditions and transient conditions representing typical seasonal variability on a monthly basis The following scenarios were simulated:  Steady-state model with infiltration on upland areas of the site  Steady-state model with infiltration on upland areas of the site with the groundwater mound allowed to reach the bottom of the basins  Transient simulation of infiltration on upland areas of the site  Steady-state model with infiltration on upland areas of the site and a historical high water table  Steady-state model with infiltration on upland areas of the site and infiltration basins in a small area of the cranberry bogs in the western portion of the site 6.1 Proposed Infiltration Basins Capacity An area of 12 acres in the southern portion of the currently cleared Buck Island Road site and extending south into the wooded area was identified for the Phase 1 infiltration basins, shown on Figure 15. Basin elevations were set at 18.1 near the proposed WWTP and step down to 17.1 ft NAVD88 from north to south. Recharge capacity to the infiltration basins was modeled by fixing the model head at an elevation of 4 ft below the basin surface elevation and running the model in steady-state. Based on the simulations, the proposed infiltration basins are predicted to accommodate up to an average annual recharge of 1.2 MGD. The depth to water with the proposed recharge area is shown on Figure 16. If the four foot separation between the infiltration basins and the top of the groundwater mound is waived to allow groundwater to rise to the bottom of the basins recharge capacity would be approximately 2.0 MGD. Figure 17 shows the change in average annual groundwater levels near the site for 1.2 MGD of recharge. Groundwater levels on site will increase up to 4 feet. Off-site increases will be less than 1 foot, with the exception of the area immediately east of the site between Plashes Brook and Winslow Gray Road. The average annual water level will increase up to 1.5 feet for the nearest residential neighbors on Circuit Road. Based on the transient simulation results, the recharge capacity at the proposed initial phase of infiltration basins is predicted to vary between 0.99 and 1.5 MGD during a typical year if a 4- foot separation is maintained. Figure 18 shows the predicted seasonally-varying site capacity and the CWMP estimated monthly flows. Transient results indicate that there is sufficient capacity during the year to accommodate Phase 1 and 2 wastewater flows. Section 6 • Predictive Simulation Analysis 6-2 6.2 High Water Level Simulation Historical high water level conditions were simulated with a steady-state model to evaluate the site infiltration capacity during historical high water level periods. Water levels from March 2010 were used as target water levels for this simulation. In order to simulate the target water levels, the natural recharge rate was adjusted to 53 inches/year for general recharge and 21 inches/year for wetlands and ponds. Heads were fixed at four feet below the proposed infiltration basins bottom elevations of 17.1 to 18.1 ft NAVD88. Results from this simulation suggest that at periods of high water levels such as in March 2010, up to 0.56 MGD of effluent could be disposed of at the site. This is greater than the proposed Phase 1 winter recharge of 0.43 MGD and close to the proposed spring recharge of 0.59 MGD. Near historical high water levels such as occurred in March 2010 could be mitigated by lowering water levels in the bogs and decreasing the required separation distance from the infiltration basins to the top of the groundwater mound for a limited period if necessary. 6.3 Cranberry Bog Recharge Simulation As part of the adaptive management approach a potential recharge area within the cranberry bogs was assessed. A steady-state simulation was conducted that included effluent discharge in a small area of the cranberry bog in the western portion of the site in addition to the 12 acres of upland infiltration basins. The simulation assumed that the northern portion of the cranberry bogs in the western part of the site would be used for infiltration. The simulation results indicated that up to 2.0 MGD of effluent could be infiltrated, while maintaining a four foot separation between the bottom of the basins and the groundwater mound in the upland infiltration basins. However, water in the recharge area constructed in the cranberry bog area was simulated to raise the water table 4 ft to an elevation of 14.1 ft NGVD29 as shown on Figure 19. This elevation is at or near the top of the existing cranberry bog berms. 6.4 Impacts to Estuaries and Waterbodies The predictive simulations indicate that effluent recharge to the infiltration basins will produce increases in baseflow to Plashes Brook and Gray Brook. Site infiltration loading rates of about 2.0 MGD are estimated to increase the average annual flow in Plashes Brook from 0.8 MGD to 1.5 MGD. Flow in Gray Brook is estimated to increase from a model estimated average annual flow of 1.6 MGD to 2.5 MGD. The largest portion of the recharged effluent, 45%, is estimated to flow to Gray Brook, 31% is estimated to flow to Plashes Brook and the remaining 25% is estimated to flow under Plashes Brook and discharge to Seine Pond. Figure 20 shows the simulated flow paths from the Phase 1 infiltration basins to the downgradient surface waters. Surface water quality impacts of the planned groundwater discharge at the site have been previously addressed as part of the CWMP and MEP assessment efforts. Based on the MEP Report for the Parkers River Watershed from May 2010, the amount of recharge at the Buck Island Road site is limited to about 2.0 MGD annual average flow due to nitrogen sensitivity. 7-1 Section 7 Conclusions The Buck Island Road site is estimated, based locally-detailed groundwater flow modeling, to be sufficient for disposal of an average annual flow of 1.2 MGD of effluent spread over 12 acres. Transient modeling shows sufficient capacity throughout the year for estimated Phase 1 and 2 build-out flows of 0.812 MGD including estimates for inflow and infiltration (I/I). Disposal of an average annual flow of up to 2.0 MGD can be achieved by allowing the groundwater mound to reach the bottom of the infiltration basins in a limited portion of the infiltration basin area, and/or through infiltration in the area of the cranberry bogs in the western portion of the site. Given the very high quality of the treated effluent, the 4-foot separation criterion, which is based on assumed septic system effluent, is not essential for protection of water resources. Therefore, a higher site capacity can be realized with an approved reduction in the separation distance. An adaptive management approach will be used to evaluate the site capacity for Phase 3 flows. During Phase 1 groundwater levels on and off-site, water levels in the bogs and flows in Plashes Brook and in the bogs to the west of the site will be monitored. This data, along with discharge rates and volumes, Yarmouth Water supply well pumping rates, and pumping and operations data from the bog operators, will be used to validate the model and further revise it if necessary. An assessment can then be made on the best path forward for achieving higher loading rates at the Phase 1 infiltration basins, including relaxation of the distance to groundwater criterion, changes in bog operations, conversion of a small area of the cranberry bogs to a recharge area and/or additional infiltration basins in the southern portion of the site. The groundwater monitoring network for the site will include at least one monitoring well immediately beyond each of the four corners of the basin area as well as water level monitoring points in selected locations within the cranberry bog area in the western portion of the site and in Plashes Brook. 8-1 Section 8 References CDM 2011. Phase 1 – Preliminary Design – WWTP Boring Logs, Town of Yarmouth, Massachusetts. CDM, Cambridge, Massachusetts. February 2011. CDM 2010. Expanded Environmental Notification Form and Draft Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan. Town of Yarmouth, Massachusetts. Prepared by CDM, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 2010. CDM 1998. Water Department Building Borehole Logs, Town of Yarmouth, Massachusetts. CDM, Cambridge, Massachusetts. December 1998. Frimpter, M.H. and M.N. Fisher, 1983. Estimating Highest Ground-Water Levels for Construction and Land Use Planning – A Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Example. USGS Water- Resources Investigations Report 83-4112. September 1983. Heisen, K.J. Personal communication with Bob Hallett, cranberry bog operator, December 2010. MEP 2010. Linked Watershed-Embayment Model to Determine Critical Nitrogen Loading Threshold for the Parkers River Embayment System, Yarmouth, Massachusetts. Final Report, May 2010. Milbert, D.G., 1999. VertCON 2.0 National Geodetic Survey (NGS) Height Conversion Methodology. Accessed at http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/TOOLS/Vertcon/vertcon.html. U.S. Geological Survey, 2001, National Water Information System data available on the World Wide Web (Water Data for the Nation), at URL [http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/]. Walter, D.A., and A.T. Whealan, 2005, Simulated Water Sources and Effects of Pumping on Surface and Ground Water, Sagamore and Monomoy Flow Lenses, Cape Cod, Massachusetts: USGS Investigations Report 2004-5181. Wright-Pierce 1989. Contract and Specifications for Yarmouth Water Pollution Control Facility Contract No. 3 Spray Irrigation Facility. Town of Yarmouth, Massachusetts. Prepared by Wright-Pierce, Topsham, Maine. March 1989. Wright-Pierce 1984. Facility Plan for Wastewater and Septage Management. Town of Yarmouth, Massachusetts. Prepared by Wright-Pierce, Topsham, Maine, January 1984. Yarmouth-Dennis Septage Treatment Facility. Monthly Groundwater Discharge and Monitoring Reports. 2003 to 2011. Figure 1 Location Map Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report Figure 2 Public Water Supplies and Zone II Areas Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report Figure 3 NHESP Priority Habitats and Estimated Habitats Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report Figure 4 Facilities Plan Investigations Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report Plashes Brook Gray Brook Seine Pond Parkers River Plashes Pond Big Sandy Pond Horse Pond Bassetts Lot Pond MEP Stage Sprayfield Figure 5 Sprayfield Site Development and Other Investigations Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report Plashes Brook Gray Brook Seine Pond Plashes Pond Bassetts Lot Pond Sprayfield Figure 6 Depth to Groundwater and Min/Max Water Level Elevations Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report Figure 7 USGS Wells with Long-Term Water Level Data Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report Sprayfield Site Route 6 Barnstable Airport Figure 8 Current Investigation Borings and Wells Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report Figure 9 Clay and Silt Extent and Depth Clay/Silt Depth (Total Depth of Boring) Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report Clay was not encountered in borings of less than 40 ft except B-101 and B-103 Figure 10 Local Model Revised Grid and Simulated Clay Extent Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report Area of Revised Grid Clay Extent Plashes Pond Bog Bog Seine Pond Plashes Brook Gray Brook Site Figure 11 Model Recharge Areas Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report Plashes Brook Gray Brook Seine Pond Parkers River Plashes Pond Big Sandy Pond Horse Pond Bassetts Lot Pond Sprayfield Site General Recharge: 27 in/yr Wetland/Bog Recharge: 0 in/yr Pond Recharge: 16 in/yr Inactive Model Cells Figure 12 Model Cross-Section North-South Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report Clay Pond Kx = 210 ft/day, Kz = 40 ft/day Kx = 170 ft/day, Kz = 22 ft/day Kx = 100 ft/day, Kz = 10 ft/day Figure 13 Model Cross-Section East-West Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report Clay Ponds Figure 14 Steady-State Model Simulation Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report Water Elevations in NGVD29 12 ft 10 ft 8 ft A A A A A A Figure 15 Transient Water Level Simulation Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report 5 10 15 0 365 730 1095feetdays MW-17 Modeled MW-17 Observed 5 10 15 0 365 730 1095feet days MW-16 Modeled MW-16 Observed 5 10 15 0 365 730 1095feetdays MW-14A Modeled MW-14A Observed 10 15 20 0 365 730 1095feetdays MW-1 Modeled MW-1 Observed 5 10 15 0 365 730 1095feetdays IW-1 Modeled IW-1 Observed Water Elevations in NGVD29 5 10 15 0 365 730 1095feetdays MW-11A Modeled MW-11A Observed 5 10 15 0 365 730 1095feetdays MW-23A Modeled MW-23A Observed 10 15 20 0 365 730 1095feetdays MW-22A Modeled MW-22A Observed A A A Figure 16 Simulated Depth to Water for 1.2 MGD Recharge 1.2 MGD Recharge with Bed Elevations from 18.1 to 17.1 ft NAVD88 Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report Recharge Area Plashes Brook Cranberry Bog Figure 17 Change in Average Annual Groundwater Elevation 1.2 MGD Recharge with Bed Elevations from 18.1 to 17.1 ft NAVD88 Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report Plashes Brook Cranberry Bog Figure 18 Transient Recharge Capacity Recharge Bed Elevations from 18.1 to 17.1 ft NAVD88 Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecRecharge (MGD)Month Simulated Effluent Recharge Capacity Estimated Phase 2 Effluent Flows Figure 19 Water Table Elevation for Recharge in Cranberry Bog Simulation Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report 14.1 Groundwater contours are labeled in ft NAVD88 12.1 ft 10.1 ft 8.1 ft Figure 20 Simulation of Proposed Recharge with Particle Pathlines 1.2 MGD Recharge with Bed Elevations from 18.1 to 17.1 ft NAVD88 Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report Recharge Area Groundwater contours labeled in ft NAVD88 Plashes Pond Seine Pond Plashes Brook Gray Brook Appendix A Test Pit Logs and Borings Logs – Previous Investigations Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report Spray Irrigation Site Test Pit Logs 1981 12 pages Spray Irrigation Site Boring Logs 1982 8 pages Spray Irrigation Site Test Pit and Boring Logs 1988 9 pages Water Department Building Test Pits and Boring Logs 1998 13 pages Spray Irrigation Site Test Pit Logs 1981 12 pages Spray Irrigation Site Boring Logs 1982 8 pages Spray Irrigation Site Test Pit and Boring Logs 1988 9 pages Water Department Building Test Pits and Bo ring Logs 1998 13 pages Appendix B Boring Logs and Soils Testing Results – Current Investigation Buck Island Road Hydrogeology Report Waste Water Treatment Plant Boring Logs 2010 to 2011 50 pages Waste Water Treatment Plant Soil Lab Testing Results 2011 41 pages Waste Water Treatment Plant Boring Logs 2010 to 2011 50 pages 11 3 6 4 TopsoilSand11 S-1 11 4 11 13 4 Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 11 11 3 8 11 13 24 SS SS SS SS Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt24S-4 S-3 S-2 11 Depth Dry, medium dense, red brown, fine to medium SAND, trace siltt 6" of Topsoil 24 10 24 7 12 Wet, loose, gray, fine to medium SAND, trace silt Material Description PID/OVM(ppm)SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberElev. Depth (ft)Remarks AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core HP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - GeoprobeSampleType Reviewed by: 18.0 13.0 8.0 3.0 -2.0 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-201 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Sheet 1 of 2Boring Number: B-201 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 Date: Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color Abandonment Method: Fill with cuttingsN: 2704538 E: 1004404 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Total Depth (ft.): 35 Drilling Date: Start: 1/13/2011 End: 1/13/2011 Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Roger Burns Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4"/ 8.1 1/13/2010 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): TimeDate Surface Elevation (ft.): 18.0 Burmister Classification V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay):Granular (Sand): Sample Types Consistency vs Blowcount/Foot Sand21 Wet, very dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt, trace fine gravel Wet, very dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, little fine gravel, little silt Wet, very dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt Wet, dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt END OF BORING = 35' 4 17 33 20 19 21 46 S-5 SS S-6 S-7 S-8 SS 30 SS 24 24 24 24 10 8 14 SS Boring Number: B-201 26Blows per6 inchesSampleRecovery (in)Graphic LogStrataSampleLength (in)PID/OVM(ppm)SampleTypeElev. Depth (ft) Sheet 2 of 2 Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Boring Number: B-201 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/1120 25 30 35 40 45 -2.0 -7.0 -12.0 -17.0 -22.0 -27.0 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE 45 32 24 19 42 44 26SampleNumber RemarksMaterial Description Sandy Silt or Clay17 8 10 3 SandSand Topsoil 18 S-4 S-1 16 8 17 14 7 12 17 6 16 12 18 SS 24 24 24 24 SS SS SS Wet, dense, brown, SILT & CLAY and fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel Wet, medium dense, gray, fine SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel Wet, dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt Dry, medium dense, red brown, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt 12 8 8 7 S-3 6" of Topsoil Remarks SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberSampleTypeStiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 Material Description AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core HP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - Geoprobe and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color Elev. Depth (ft) Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: 18.3 13.3 8.3 3.3 -1.7 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-202Date:PID/OVM(ppm)Reviewed by: Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Sheet 1 of 3Boring Number: B-202 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 7.3N: 2704535 E: 1004364 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Total Depth (ft.): 62 Surface Elevation (ft.): 18.3 Drilling Date: Start: End: Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4"/ 1/13/2010 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): TimeDateDepth S-2 Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Roger Burns V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay):Granular (Sand): Consistency vs Blowcount/FootSample Types Burmister Classification Abandonment Method: Fill with cuttings 12 Wet, dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, little silt Wet, dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, little fine gravel, little silt Wet, dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, some fine gravel, little silt 8 8 12 7 12S-5 8 8 15 9 21 Wet, dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, little silt, trace fine gravel SandWet, very dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, some fine gravel, trace silt Wet, dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, some fine gravel, little silt 8 S-10 S-9 S-8 S-7 S-6 24 24 24 24 24 SS SS SS SS SS SS 24SampleNumber PID/OVM(ppm)SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogBlows per6 inchesSampleTypeElev. Depth (ft)Material Description Remarks SampleRecovery (in)Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: -1.7 -6.7 -11.7 -16.7 -21.7 -26.7 20 25 30 35 40 45 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Sheet 2 of 3Boring Number: B-202 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Boring Number: B-202 21 28 20 26 26 22 19 28 15 17 18 29 42 23 47 29 27 40 6 Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, some fine gravel, little silt Wet, very dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, little silt END OF BORING = 62'Sand59 6 20 7 9 58 9S-11 24 S-12 S-13 SS Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, some fine gravel, little silt SS 24 24 2 4 18 12 SS Graphic LogStrataSampleLength (in)PID/OVM(ppm)CAMP DRESSER & McKEE 14 Sheet 3 of 3 SampleNumberProject Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Boring Number: B-202 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/1150 55 60 65 70 -31.7 -36.7 -41.7 -46.7 -51.7 Boring Number: B-202 20 65 SampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesRemarksMaterial Description Elev. Depth (ft)SampleType Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt 5 9 15 8 TopsoilDepth Sand19 S-1 17 16 27 21 12 Wet, dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 15 9 8 20 10 17 Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace siltSS SS SS SS 24 24 S-4 S-3 S-2 15 Dry, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 7" of Topsoil 24 7 Date 15 24 11 Material Description PID/OVM(ppm)SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberElev. Depth (ft)Remarks AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core HP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - GeoprobeSampleType Reviewed by: 18.0 13.0 8.0 3.0 -2.0 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-203 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Sheet 1 of 2Boring Number: B-203 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 Date: Drilling Date: Start: 1/13/2011 End: 1/14/2011 and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color Abandonment Method: Fill with cuttingsN: 2704490 E: 1004405 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Surface Elevation (ft.): 18.0 Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Roger Burns Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4"/ 8.8 1/14/2011 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): Time Total Depth (ft.): 37 Sample Types V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay): Consistency vs Blowcount/Foot Burmister Classification Granular (Sand): Sand16 Wet, dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt Wet, dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt Wet, very dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt Wet, dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt END OF BORING = 37' 6 9 11 18 14 13 17 S-5 SS S-6 S-7 S-8 SS 17 SS 24 24 24 24 9 8 10 SS Boring Number: B-203 25Blows per6 inchesSampleRecovery (in)Graphic LogStrataSampleLength (in)PID/OVM(ppm)SampleTypeElev. Depth (ft) Sheet 2 of 2 Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Boring Number: B-203 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/1120 25 30 35 40 45 -2.0 -7.0 -12.0 -17.0 -22.0 -27.0 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE 18 38 26 23 16 42 30SampleNumber RemarksMaterial Description 11 6 2 Sand Topsoil 18 Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, little fine gravel, trace silt Wet, dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 7 S-1 12 7 7 17 8 17 12 8 7 5 21 17 3 6" of Topsoil 7 Moist, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt SS SS SS SS 24 24 S-5 S-4 S-3 S-2 16 6 4 SS 16 Dry, loose, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 24 24 24 16 Remarks SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberSampleType9 Material Description AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core HP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - Geoprobe and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color Elev. Depth (ft) Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: 18.1 13.1 8.1 3.1 -1.9 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-204Date:PID/OVM(ppm)Reviewed by: Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Sheet 1 of 2Boring Number: B-204 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4"/ Abandonment Method: Fill with cuttings Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Total Depth (ft.): 40 Surface Elevation (ft.): 18.1 Drilling Date: Start: 1/13/2011 End: 1/13/2011 V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Roger Burns 7.5 1/13/2011 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): TimeDateDepth Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay):Granular (Sand): Consistency vs Blowcount/Foot N: 2704452 E: 1004438 Burmister ClassificationSample Types S-6 Wet, dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, little fine gravel, trace silt Wet, dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, little fine gravel, trace silt Wet, very dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, little silt Wet, very dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, little silt END OF BORING = 40' 6 5 Sand22 18 15 20 SS S-7 S-8 S-9 SS 19 SS 24 24 24 24 10 4 SS Boring Number: B-204 SampleTypeSampleNumberBlows per6 inchesSampleRecovery (in)Graphic LogStrataSampleLength (in)PID/OVM(ppm)14 Remarks Sheet 2 of 2 Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Boring Number: B-204 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/1120 25 30 35 40 45 -1.9 -6.9 -11.9 -16.9 -21.9 -26.9 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE 45 16 21 31 47 22 19 33 41 Elev. Depth (ft)Material Description 20 5 5 2 Sand Topsoil 7 Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt Wet, loose, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt 7 S-1 5 5 3 9 6 4 6 6 10 10 4 4 3 6" of Topsoil 3 Dry, loose to medium dense, light brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel SS SS SS SS 24 24 S-5 S-4 S-3 S-2 13 12 6 SS 12 Dry, loose, brown, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt 24 24 24 8 Remarks SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberSampleType9 Material Description AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core HP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - Geoprobe and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color Elev. Depth (ft) Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: 18.0 13.0 8.0 3.0 -2.0 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-205Date:PID/OVM(ppm)Reviewed by: Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Sheet 1 of 2Boring Number: B-205 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4"/ Abandonment Method: Fill with cuttings Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Total Depth (ft.): 45 Surface Elevation (ft.): 18.0 Drilling Date: Start: 1/10/2011 End: 1/11/2011 V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Chris Knight 7.3 1/11/2011 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): TimeDateDepth Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay):Granular (Sand): Consistency vs Blowcount/Foot N: 2704380 E: 1004431 Burmister ClassificationSample Types Wet, loose, gray, fine to medium SAND, little silt END OF BORING = 45' B: Wet, medium dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, trace silt Wet, very stiff, gray, fine to medium SAND some silt and clay Wet, medium dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt Wet, dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt 5 A: Wet, very stiff, gray, CLAY & SILT, little fine to medium sand, trace fine gravel B: (15"-16") S-6 10 SandSandA: (0"-15") 16 Sandy Silt or ClaySS SS S-10 S-9 S-8 S-7 12 12 10 16 SS SS 24 24 24 24 24 SS 12 Material Description SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberElev. Depth (ft)Remarks 9SampleType Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 -2.0 -7.0 -12.0 -17.0 -22.0 -27.0 20 25 30 35 40 45 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-205PID/OVM(ppm)Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Sheet 2 of 2Boring Number: B-205 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE 13 10 5 13 17 9 13 10 9 7 5 5 15 24 24 18 15 4 5 4 TopsoilSand10 S-1 29 9 12 15 7 Moist to wet, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 12 20 7 9 7 25 24 SS SS SS SS Wet, dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt24S-4 S-3 S-2 12 Depth Dry, medium dense, red brown, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt 6" of Topsoil 24 12 24 12 15 Wet, medium dense, red brown, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt Material Description PID/OVM(ppm)SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberElev. Depth (ft)Remarks AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core HP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - GeoprobeSampleType Reviewed by: 18.0 13.0 8.0 3.0 -2.0 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-206 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Sheet 1 of 2Boring Number: B-206 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 Date: Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color Abandonment Method: Monitoring WellN: 2704453 E: 1004393 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Total Depth (ft.): 32 Drilling Date: Start: 1/11/2011 End: 1/11/2011 Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Roger Burns Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4"/ 7 1/11/2011 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): TimeDate Surface Elevation (ft.): 18.0 Burmister Classification V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay):Granular (Sand): Sample Types Consistency vs Blowcount/Foot 45 END OF BORING = 32' 28'- Driller noticed drilling became more difficultSand20 23 Wet, dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt15 20 50 24 17 50 S-5 23 24S-6 S-7 SS SS Wet, very dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND and fine GRAVEL, trace silt 24 Wet, dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, little silt 24 11 12 10 50 SS StrataSampleLength (in)PID/OVM(ppm)CAMP DRESSER & McKEE 19 Sheet 2 of 2 Blows per6 inchesProject Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Boring Number: B-206 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/1120 25 30 35 40 45 -2.0 -7.0 -12.0 -17.0 -22.0 -27.0 Boring Number: B-206 Graphic LogSampleRecovery (in)RemarksMaterial Description Elev. Depth (ft)SampleTypeSampleNumber 24 24 24 24 SS SS SS S-5 SS Burmister Classification SS 10 Wet, dense, red brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel Wet, dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt Wet, medium dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, trace silt Dry, medium dense, light brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 7" of Topsoil 24 9 12 8 19 S-4 Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 Remarks AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core HP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - GeoprobeSampleType V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay):Granular (Sand): Consistency vs Blowcount/FootSample Types and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color S-3 S-2 S-1 Sheet 1 of 2Boring Number: B-207 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Material Description Elev. Depth (ft)PID/OVM(ppm)SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberDrilling Date: Start: 1/6/2011 End: 1/6/2011 Abandonment Method: Fill with cuttingsN: 2704361 E: 1004477 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Wet, dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, little fine gravel, trace silt Surface Elevation (ft.): 18.0 Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Roger Burns Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4"/ NOT RECORDED Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): TimeDateDepth Total Depth (ft.): 41 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: 18.0 13.0 8.0 3.0 -2.0 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-207Date:Reviewed by: Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 12 10 9 5 SandTopsoil15 19 21 19 17 19 12 14 16 16 15 12 6 15 S-5 18 Wet, very dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, little fine gravel, trace silt Wet, medium dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, little fine to coarse gravel, trace silt Wet, medium dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, little fine gravel, trace silt Wet, dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, little fine gravel, trace silt END OF BORING = 41' 8 9 Sand10 13 5 12 SS S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 12 SS SS SS SS 24 24 24 24 24 10 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE RemarksMaterial Description Elev. Depth (ft)SampleTypeSampleNumberBlows per6 inchesSampleRecovery (in)Graphic LogStrataSampleLength (in)PID/OVM(ppm)Boring Number: B-207 Sheet 2 of 2 Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Boring Number: B-207 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/1120 25 30 35 40 45 -2.0 -7.0 -12.0 -17.0 -22.0 -27.0 19 17 10 6 13 17 33 11 11 17 20 38 13 15 S-1 SandTopsoil2 5 Wet, medium dense, light brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt Wet, medium dense, light brown, fine SAND, trace silt and clay Wet, loose, light brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 3 5 9 4 7 5 10 9 5 6" of Topsoil 9 9 5 4 SS SS SS SS SS Dry, medium dense, light brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 24 S-5 S-4 S-3 S-2 6 13 8 14 24 824 24 24 Dry, loose, light brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 12 Remarks SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberSampleTypeStiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 Material Description AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core HP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - Geoprobe and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color 9 Elev. Depth (ft) Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: 18.0 13.0 8.0 3.0 -2.0 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-208Date:PID/OVM(ppm)Reviewed by: Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Sheet 1 of 2Boring Number: B-208 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4"/ N: 2704269 E: 1004462 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Total Depth (ft.): 46 Surface Elevation (ft.): 18.0 Drilling Date: Start: 12/21/2010 End: 12/22/2010 Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Roger Burns NOT RECORDED Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): TimeDateDepth Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay):Granular (Sand): Consistency vs Blowcount/FootSample Types Abandonment Method: Fill with cuttings 6 Burmister Classification No Recovery 11 END OF BORING = 46' Wet, medium dense, light brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt Wet, medium dense, light brown, SILT, some fine to medium sand Wet, medium dense, light brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt, trace fine gravel 15 12 Wet, medium dense, light brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt, trace fine gravel S-5 Sand Sandy Silt or Clay 0 12 SS S-10 S-9 S-8 S-7 S-6 24 8 8SS 24 SS 24 24 24 SS SS SS 12 24 Material Description 25 StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberPID/OVM(ppm)Elev. Depth (ft)Remarks SampleTypeProject Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 -2.0 -7.0 -12.0 -17.0 -22.0 -27.0 20 25 30 35 40 45 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-208SampleLength (in)Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Sheet 2 of 2Boring Number: B-208 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE 32 10 12 41 11 12 9 11 11 10 5 9 8 11 13 7 10 11 35 7 Sand Topsoil 14 14 Wet, medium dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, some silt Wet, dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt 10 S-1 15 16 17 10 15 15 11 8 9 5 7 9 Dry, medium dense, light brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 17 Wet, medium dense, light brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt SS SS SS SS SS 24 24 S-5 S-4 S-3 S-2 12 7" of Topsoil 16 24 14 Dry, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel 18 24 24 7 Remarks SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberSampleType12 Material Description AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core HP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - Geoprobe and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color Elev. Depth (ft) Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: 17.9 12.9 7.9 2.9 -2.1 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-209Date:PID/OVM(ppm)Reviewed by: Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Sheet 1 of 2Boring Number: B-209 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4"/ Abandonment Method: Fill with cuttings Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Total Depth (ft.): 40 Surface Elevation (ft.): 17.9 Drilling Date: Start: 1/6/2011 End: 1/6/2011 V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Roger Burns 7.9 1/6/2011 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): TimeDateDepth Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay):Granular (Sand): Consistency vs Blowcount/Foot N: 2704188 E: 1004451 Burmister ClassificationSample Types S-5 12 Wet, medium dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt Wet, medium dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt Wet, medium dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt Wet, dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt END OF BORING = 40' 3 9 Sand8 14 18 12 SS S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 6 SS SS SS SS 24 24 24 24 24 16 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE RemarksMaterial Description Elev. Depth (ft)SampleTypeSampleNumberBlows per6 inchesSampleRecovery (in)Graphic LogStrataSampleLength (in)PID/OVM(ppm)Boring Number: B-209 Sheet 2 of 2 Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Boring Number: B-209 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/1120 25 30 35 40 45 -2.1 -7.1 -12.1 -17.1 -22.1 -27.1 21 8 14 14 17 12 13 13 13 17 14 29 13 17 SS 24 24 24 24 SS SS SS Total Depth (ft.): 27 Wet, dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, some fine to coarse gravel, trace silt Dry, medium dense, red brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 6 8 7 9 6" of Topsoil Burmister Classification Granular (Sand): Abandonment Method: Fill with cuttingsN: 2704387 E: 1004335 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color S-4 S-3 S-2 S-1 AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core Sample Types HP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - Geoprobe Consistency vs Blowcount/Foot Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay): Material Description PID/OVM(ppm)SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumber7.9 Elev. Depth (ft)Remarks Surface Elevation (ft.): 18.0 Drilling Date: Start: 1/11/2011 End: 1/11/2011 Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Roger Burns SampleTypeReviewed by: 18.0 13.0 8.0 3.0 -2.0 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-210 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Sheet 1 of 2Boring Number: B-210 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE 1/11/2011 Date: 5 10 12 Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4"/ 11 14 Sand Topsoil 10 18 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): TimeDateDepth 11 9 12 12 12 16 9 11 10 24 Sand15 21 26 24 31 24 S-5 23 8 S-6 SS SS 24 12 Wet, very dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel Wet, dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel END OF BORING = 27' 24 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Boring Number: B-210 Sheet 2 of 2 PID/OVM(ppm)Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 SampleLength (in)Boring Number: B-210 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/1120 25 30 35 40 45 -2.0 -7.0 -12.0 -17.0 -22.0 -27.0 Material Description Remarks Elev. Depth (ft)SampleTypeSampleNumberBlows per6 inchesSampleRecovery (in)Graphic LogStrata S-1 5 4 Sand Topsoil 9 22 Wet, dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, some fine gravel, little silt Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt, trace fine gravel Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 13 16 13 22 10 14 8 19 4 24 6" of Topsoil 8 11 4 7 SS SS SS SS SS Wet, dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 24 S-5 S-4 S-3 S-2 16 6 6 24 1024 24 24 Dry, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt 6 Material Description Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberElev. Depth (ft)Remarks AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core HP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - Geoprobe and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, colorSampleType Reviewed by: 18.0 13.0 8.0 3.0 -2.0 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-211PID/OVM(ppm)V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Sheet 1 of 2Boring Number: B-211 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Date: Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4"/ N: 2704313 E: 1004325 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Total Depth (ft.): 31 Surface Elevation (ft.): 18.0 Drilling Date: Start: 1/10/2011 End: 1/10/2011 Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Roger Burns 8.1 1/10/2011 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): TimeDateDepth Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay):Granular (Sand): Consistency vs Blowcount/Foot Abandonment Method: Fill with cuttings Burmister ClassificationSample Types END OF BORING = 31'Sand10 28 15 22 16 13 23 14 13 S-5 26 24 S-6 S-7 SS Wet, dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND and fine to coarse GRAVEL, trace siltSS Wet, medium dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, little fine to coarse gravel, little silt24 24 6 12 12 SS Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 SampleLength (in)PID/OVM(ppm)CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Boring Number: B-211 Graphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Boring Number: B-211 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/1120 25 30 35 40 45 -2.0 -7.0 -12.0 -17.0 -22.0 -27.0 Sheet 2 of 2 StrataRemarksMaterial Description Elev. Depth (ft)SampleTypeSampleNumberBlows per6 inches S-1 6 3 Sand Topsoil 15 16 Wet, dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel Wet, dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 15 22 16 11 12 18 15 12 5 17 6" of Topsoil 12 10 7 7 SS SS SS SS SS Dry, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 24 S-5 S-4 S-3 S-2 10 12 10 24 1024 24 24 Dry, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 9 Material Description Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberElev. Depth (ft)Remarks AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core HP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - Geoprobe and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, colorSampleType Reviewed by: 18.0 13.0 8.0 3.0 -2.0 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-212PID/OVM(ppm)V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Sheet 1 of 2Boring Number: B-212 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Date: Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4"/ N: 2704286 E: 1004376 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Total Depth (ft.): 31 Surface Elevation (ft.): 18.0 Drilling Date: Start: 1/10/2011 End: 1/10/2011 Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Roger Burns 7.8 1/10/2011 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): TimeDateDepth Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay):Granular (Sand): Consistency vs Blowcount/Foot Abandonment Method: Fill with cuttings Burmister ClassificationSample Types END OF BORING = 31'Sand10 33 16 17 18 16 32 29 19 S-5 9 24 S-6 S-7 SS Wet, dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, some silt, little fine gravelSS Wet, dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, some silt, little fine gravel24 24 12 11 12 SS Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 SampleLength (in)PID/OVM(ppm)CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Boring Number: B-212 Graphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Boring Number: B-212 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/1120 25 30 35 40 45 -2.0 -7.0 -12.0 -17.0 -22.0 -27.0 Sheet 2 of 2 StrataRemarksMaterial Description Elev. Depth (ft)SampleTypeSampleNumberBlows per6 inches Sand Topsoil S-1 5 Wet, dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt, little fine gravel Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to coarse GRAVEL and fine to coarse SAND, trace silt 15 11 15 10 10 16 11 12 9 7 14 9 11 Dry, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 9 Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel SS SS SS SS SS 24 24 S-5 S-4 S-3 S-2 14 11 6" of Topsoil 13 24 12 Moist, medium dense, brown and gray, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 13 24 24 5 V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberSampleTypeElev. Depth (ft)PID/OVM(ppm)Remarks AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core HP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - Geoprobe and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color 12 Material Description Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: 17.9 12.9 7.9 2.9 -2.1 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-213Date:SampleLength (in)Reviewed by: Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Sheet 1 of 2Boring Number: B-213 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE NOT RECORDEDN: 2704200 E: 1004372 Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 Logged By: M. Cronin Total Depth (ft.): 31 Surface Elevation (ft.): 17.9 Drilling Date: Start: 1/7/2011 End: 1/7/2011 Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. 16 Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4"/ Abandonment Method: Fill with cuttings Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): TimeDateDepth Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Roger Burns V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay):Granular (Sand): Consistency vs Blowcount/FootSample Types Bore Hole Location: Burmister Classification 11 S-5 Wet, dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt, little fine gravel Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt, little fine gravel 30 12 26 19 11 21 27 Sand24 S-6 S-7 SS END OF BORING =31' SS 24 24 13 13 10 SS StrataSampleLength (in)PID/OVM(ppm)CAMP DRESSER & McKEE 12 Sheet 2 of 2 Blows per6 inchesProject Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Boring Number: B-213 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/1120 25 30 35 40 45 -2.1 -7.1 -12.1 -17.1 -22.1 -27.1 Boring Number: B-213 Graphic LogSampleRecovery (in)RemarksMaterial Description Elev. Depth (ft)SampleTypeSampleNumber30 5 Sand Topsoil 10 7 Wet, medium dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, little silt Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, little fine gravel, trace silt 16 S-1 19 17 7 14 20 17 9 9 12 8 15 10 Dry, dense, red brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 10 Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt SS SS SS SS SS 24 24 S-5 S-4 S-3 S-2 10 6" of Topsoil 11 24 6 Dry, dense, gray, fine SAND, little clayey silt 20 24 24 6 Remarks SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberSampleType17 Material Description AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core HP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - Geoprobe and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color Elev. Depth (ft) Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: 18.9 13.9 8.9 3.9 -1.1 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-214Date:PID/OVM(ppm)Reviewed by: Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Sheet 1 of 2Boring Number: B-214 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4"/ Abandonment Method: Fill with cuttings Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Total Depth (ft.): 36 Surface Elevation (ft.): 18.9 Drilling Date: Start: 1/7/2011 End: 1/7/2011 V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Roger Burns 8.8 1/7/2011 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): TimeDateDepth Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay):Granular (Sand): Consistency vs Blowcount/Foot N: 2704539 E: 1004614 Burmister ClassificationSample Types S-5 Wet, medium dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, little silt, trace fine gravel Wet, medium dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, little silt, trace fine gravel Wet, dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, little fine to coarse gravel, little silt END OF BORING = 36' 8 Sand16 9 14 10 SS S-6 S-7 S-8 SS 11 SS 24 24 24 24 11 10 7 SS Boring Number: B-214 SampleNumberBlows per6 inchesSampleRecovery (in)Graphic LogStrataSampleLength (in)PID/OVM(ppm)10 Material Description Sheet 2 of 2 Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Boring Number: B-214 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/1120 25 30 35 40 45 -1.1 -6.1 -11.1 -16.1 -21.1 -26.1 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE 11 10 21 14 16 15 27SampleTypeElev. Depth (ft)Remarks 16 SS 24 24 24 24 SS SS 16 SS 6" of Topsoil Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. END OF BORING = 15' Wet, dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, little fine gravel, trace silt Wet, dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt Dry, medium dense, brown, fine SAND, little silt 19 14 9 S-4 Dry, dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt Burmister Classification Abandonment Method: Fill with cuttingsN: 2704251 E: 1004573 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Total Depth (ft.): 15 Surface Elevation (ft.): 18.0 Drilling Date: Start: 1/10/2011 End: 1/10/2011 V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 S-3 S-2 S-1 HP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - Geoprobe and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay):Granular (Sand): Consistency vs Blowcount/FootSample Types Material Description PID/OVM(ppm)SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumber1/10/2011 Elev. Depth (ft)Remarks AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Steve Buldoc Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4"/SampleTypeReviewed by: 18.0 13.0 8.0 3.0 -2.0 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-216 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Sheet 1 of 1Boring Number: B-216 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): Date: 9 13 17 8.2 7 14 Sand Topsoil 15 19 TimeDateDepth 17 18 16 24 10 16 20 20 10 Topsoil22 19 11 2 Sand28 S-1 32 25 14 31 END OF BORING = 15' 12 4 26 35 9 3 4 24 24 SS SS SS SS S-4 S-3 S-2 Depth Wet, very dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel Wet, very dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel No Recovery Dry, loose, dark brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel 6" of Topsoil 24 24 14 12 0 12 Material Description PID/OVM(ppm)SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberElev. Depth (ft)Remarks AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core HP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - GeoprobeSampleType Reviewed by: 17.2 12.2 7.2 2.2 -2.8 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-217 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Sheet 1 of 1Boring Number: B-217 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 Date: Drilling Date: Start: 1/14/2011 End: 1/14/2011 and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color Abandonment Method: Fill with cuttingsN: 2704955 E: 1004213 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Date Surface Elevation (ft.): 17.2 Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Chris Knight Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4"/ 8.4 1/14/2011 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): Time Total Depth (ft.): 15 Sample Types V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay): Consistency vs Blowcount/Foot Burmister Classification Granular (Sand): Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt 10 Wet, dense, light brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt, trace coarse gravel Wet, dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel Wet, dense, light brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt, trace fine gravel Moist, medium dense, light brown, fine to medium SAND, little silt Dry, medium dense, light brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt Dry, loose, light brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 6" of Topsoil 21 4 18 15 7 11 2 Sand Topsoil 10 24 24 24 SS SS SS SS SS SS 24 24 SS 17 16 12 12 17 13 18 15 24 S-7 S-6 S-5 S-4 S-3 S-2 S-1 24 HP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - GeoprobeBlows per6 inchesSampleNumberSampleTypeElev. Depth (ft)Material Description Remarks AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core 12 Strataand 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay):Granular (Sand): Consistency vs Blowcount/Foot 18.3 13.3 8.3 3.3 -1.7 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-218Date:Reviewed by:SampleRecovery (in)Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Graphic LogSheet 1 of 3Boring Number: B-218 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE PID/OVM(ppm)SampleLength (in)Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: 9 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): Sample Types DateDepth 12 16 Burmister Classification 11 12/23/2010 9 11 14 19 9 10 6 19 12 16 22 Abandonment Method: Monitoring Well Time 11.7N: 2704426 E: 1004904 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Total Depth (ft.): 56 Surface Elevation (ft.): 18.3 Drilling Date: Start: 12/22/2010 End: 12/23/2010 Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Chris Knight Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4"/ No Recovery Wet, dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND and SILT No Recovery Wet, dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt No Recovery - Rock in tip 12 0 1 0 14 0 Sand Silty Sand Sand Wet, medium dense, light brown, fine SAND, little silt 16 SS SS SS SS SS SS 24 S-9 12 S-13 S-12SS S-10 S-8 S-7 24 24 24 24 24 24 S-11 Graphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberSampleTypeElev. Depth (ft)Material Description PID/OVM(ppm)Remarks -1.7 -6.7 -11.7 -16.7 -21.7 -26.7 20 25 30 35 40 45 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-218StrataProject Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 SampleLength (in)Sheet 2 of 3Boring Number: B-218 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: 12 15 15 13 23 12 13 24 8 15 13 14 25 16 22 17 13 32 13 26 11 15 15 13 12 Sand12 14 10 16 16 15 18 11 SS SS 24 24S-15 10 4 Wet, medium dense, gray, fine SAND, some silt Wet, medium dense, light brown, fine SAND, some silt END OF BORING = 56' S-14 Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 PID/OVM(ppm)CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Boring Number: B-218 Graphic LogClient: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Boring Number: B-218 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/1150 55 60 65 70 -31.7 -36.7 -41.7 -46.7 -51.7 Sheet 3 of 3 SampleLength (in)StrataRemarksMaterial Description Elev. Depth (ft)SampleTypeSampleNumberBlows per6 inchesSampleRecovery (in) Wet, medium dense, light brown, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt 21 Wet, dense, light brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt Wet, medium dense, light brown, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel Wet, dense, light brown, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel Moist, dense, light brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel Dry, dense, light brown, fine to medium SAND, little silt Dry, dense, red brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt 6" of Topsoil 14 S-1 15 8 7 24 13 5 Sand Topsoil 6 SS SS SS SS SS S-7 S-6 S-5 S-4 S-3 S-2 15 10 10 9 13 15 11 13 SS 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 SS HP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - GeoprobeBlows per6 inchesSampleNumberSampleTypeElev. Depth (ft)Material Description Remarks AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core 17 Strataand 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay):Granular (Sand): Consistency vs Blowcount/Foot 17.4 12.4 7.4 2.4 -2.6 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-222Date:Reviewed by:SampleRecovery (in)Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Graphic LogSheet 1 of 3Boring Number: B-222 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE PID/OVM(ppm)SampleLength (in)Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: 24 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): Sample Types DateDepth 8 11 Burmister Classification 21 1/5/2011 21 9 10 16 17 24 26 13 8 7 17 Abandonment Method: Fill with cuttings Time 7.5N: 2704002 E: 1004506 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Total Depth (ft.): 46 Surface Elevation (ft.): 17.4 Drilling Date: Start: 1/5/2011 End: 1/5/2011 Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Roger Burns Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4'/ Wet, dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, little silt, trace fine gravel B: Wet, dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, little silt A: Wet, hard, gray, SILT and CLAY, trace fine sand Wet, loose, gray, fine to coarse SAND, little silt, little fine gravel Wet, dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt 24 Wet, very stiff, gray, SILT and CLAY, trace fine sand S-7 Sand Sandy Silt or ClaySandB: (22"-24") A: (0"-22") 10 22 SS SS S-12 S-11 S-10 S-9 S-8 24 16 6 10SS 24 1224 24 24 24 SS SS SS Remarks StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberSampleTypeMaterial Description Elev. Depth (ft) -2.6 -7.6 -12.6 -17.6 -22.6 -27.6 20 25 30 35 40 45 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-222SampleLength (in)Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 PID/OVM(ppm)Sheet 2 of 3Boring Number: B-222 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: 21 22 13 6 2 21 6 9 11 4 2 16 20 24 24 13 2 25 23 26 25 Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberSampleTypeElev. Depth (ft)Material Description Remarks END OF BORING = 46'StrataSheet 3 of 3 -32.6 -37.6 -42.6 -47.6 -52.6 50 55 60 65 70 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-222 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location:SampleRecovery (in)Graphic LogBoring Number: B-222 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE PID/OVM(ppm)SampleLength (in)Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 S-1 TopsoilEND OF BORING = 16' Wet, dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt Wet, medium dense, light brown, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt, trace coarse gravel Wet, medium dense, light brown, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt Moist, dense, light brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt Dry, very dense, light brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt Dry, medium dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt 8 11 12 20 29 5 9 10 23 15 5 Sand6" of Topsoil SS SS SS SS SS 24 S-6 S-5 S-4 S-3 S-2 23 8 12 18 17 SS 15 24 24 24 24 24 16 Consistency vs Blowcount/FootBlows per6 inchesSampleNumberSampleTypeElev. Depth (ft)Material Description Remarks AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core Graphic LogStrataHP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - Geoprobe and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay): 17 Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 17.0 12.0 7.0 2.0 -3.0 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-224Date:SampleRecovery (in)Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Sample Types Sheet 1 of 1Boring Number: B-224 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE PID/OVM(ppm)SampleLength (in)Reviewed by: 8 7.5 Granular (Sand): Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): TimeDateDepth 10 16 Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4'/ 15 23 28 10 14 8 15 21 Burmister Classification 1/5/2011 Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Roger Burns Abandonment Method: Fill with cuttingsN: 2703957 E: 1004150 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Total Depth (ft.): 16 Surface Elevation (ft.): 17.0 Drilling Date: Start: 1/5/2011 End: 1/5/2011 Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. Moist, loose, gray, fine to medium SAND, trace fine gravel, trace silt Wet, medium dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel Wet, loose, gray, fine to coarse SAND, little silt, trace fine gravelTopsoilDry, medium dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel Dry, medium dense to dense, red brown, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel Dry, medium dense, red brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel 6" of Topsoil 10 Wet, medium dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel 6 S-1 5 11 16 12 8 4 5 13 17 12 Sand10 SS SS SS S-7 S-6 S-5 S-4 S-3 S-2 10 17 16 16 13 12 SS SS 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 SS SS 6 HP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - GeoprobeBlows per6 inchesSampleNumberSampleTypeElev. Depth (ft)Material Description Remarks AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core Sample Types Strataand 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay):Granular (Sand): 4 16.0 11.0 6.0 1.0 -4.0 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-225Date:Reviewed by:SampleRecovery (in)Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Graphic LogSheet 1 of 4Boring Number: B-225 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE PID/OVM(ppm)SampleLength (in)Burmister Classification Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: 10 Consistency vs Blowcount/Foot TimeDateDepth 13 9 1/10/2011 9 6.5 15 15 11 10 4 3 10 14 14 3 Abandonment Method: Monitoring Well Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): N: 2703814 E: 1004069 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Total Depth (ft.): 100 Surface Elevation (ft.): 16.0 Drilling Date: Start: 1/6/2011 End: 1/10/2011 Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Steve Buldoc Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4"/ S-8 12 24 Wet, medium dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel Wet, medium dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel Wet, medium dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt Wet, medium dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, little silt Wet, stiff, gray, SILT & CLAY 16 Sandy Silt or Clay5 5 8 9 Sand12 8 SS S-9 S-10 S-11 S-12 1624 24 SS 24 24 SS SS SS 24 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE RemarksMaterial Description Elev. Depth (ft)SampleTypeSampleNumberBlows per6 inchesSampleRecovery (in)Graphic LogStrataSampleLength (in)PID/OVM(ppm)Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: -4.0 -9.0 -14.0 -19.0 -24.0 -29.0 20 25 30 35 40 45 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Sheet 2 of 4Boring Number: B-225 Boring Number: B-225 6 16 6 6 13 16 12 8 6 8 8 10 15 16 6 Wet, very dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, some silt Wet, stiff, gray, SILT & CLAY 31 Wet, very dense, light brown, fine to coarse SAND, some silt, trace fine gravel 0 15 16 14 12 20S-13 7 SandSandy Silt or ClayWet, very dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, some silt Wet, very dense, light brown, fine to medium SAND, some silt No Recovery SS S-18 S-17 S-16 S-15 S-14 24 38 24 24 24 24 SS SS SS SS SS 24SampleType PID/OVM(ppm)SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)21SampleNumberElev. Depth (ft)Material Description Remarks Blows per6 inchesProject Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 -34.0 -39.0 -44.0 -49.0 -54.0 50 55 60 65 70 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-225 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Sheet 3 of 4Boring Number: B-225 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE 35 82 41 34 100/5 46 49 33 59 6 7 61 59 6 100/3 S-18 Wet, dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, some silt, trace fine gravel Wet, dense, light brown, fine to medium SAND, some silt Wet, very dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, some silt, trace fine gravel Wet, very dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, some silt, trace fine gravel17 12 19 14 14 0 14 17 19 16 Wet, dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, some silt, trace fine gravel END OF BORING = 100'SandSS S-23 S-22 S-21 S-20 S-19 24 24 24 24 24 SS SS SS SS SS 24SampleType PID/OVM(ppm)SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)SampleNumberElev. Depth (ft)Material Description Remarks 21Blows per6 inchesProject Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 -59.0 -64.0 -69.0 -74.0 -79.0 -84.0 75 80 85 90 95 100 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-225 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Sheet 4 of 4Boring Number: B-225 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE 21 31 19 23 19 37 27 22 17 18 29 33 37 41 33 20 22 Wet, dense, red brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt, trace fine gravel Wet, dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, some fine gravel, trace silt Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt, trace fine gravel Dry, dense, light brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel Dry, very dense, light brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel Dry, medium dense, dark gray, fine to medium SAND, little silt 6" of Topsoil S-1 Wet, dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, little silt, trace fine gravel 17 15 25 25 8 13 15 10 20 27 17 2 Sand Topsoil SS SS SS SS S-7 S-6 S-5 S-4 S-3 S-2 7 7 14 19 18 20 SS 2024 24 24 24 24 24 24 SS SS 8Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberSampleTypeElev. Depth (ft)Material Description Remarks AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core Graphic LogStrataHP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - Geoprobe and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay):Granular (Sand): Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 16.6 11.6 6.6 1.6 -3.4 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-228Date:SampleRecovery (in)Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Burmister Classification Sheet 1 of 2Boring Number: B-228 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE PID/OVM(ppm)SampleLength (in)Reviewed by: 25 Consistency vs Blowcount/Foot Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): TimeDateDepth 22 6 16 Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4'/ 35 27 22 12 15 21 28 19 11 20 1/4/2011 Sample Types Abandonment Method: Fill with cuttingsN: 2703699 E: 1004476 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Total Depth (ft.): 26 Surface Elevation (ft.): 16.6 Drilling Date: Start: 1/4/2011 End: 1/4/2011 Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Roger Burns 7 12 17 19 21 S-7 10 S-8 SS SS Sand24 13 14 Wet, dense, gray, fine to coarse SAND, some fine gravel, little silt END OF BORING = 26' 24 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Boring Number: B-228 Sheet 2 of 2 Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 PID/OVM(ppm)Boring Number: B-228 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/1120 25 30 35 40 45 -3.4 -8.4 -13.4 -18.4 -23.4 -28.4 Elev. Depth (ft)RemarksMaterial Description SampleTypeSampleNumberBlows per6 inchesSampleRecovery (in)Graphic LogStrataSampleLength (in) Wet, very dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt Wet, dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt Wet, very dense, dark brown, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt (organic odor) Moist, dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt Dry, dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt Dry, medium dense, light brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 6" of Topsoil 42 Wet, dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt 12 S-1 22 22 10 13 12 25 20 27 14 3 Sand Topsoil SS SS SS SS S-7 S-6 S-5 S-4 S-3 S-2 18 16 14 18 15 16 SS 14 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 SS SS Consistency vs Blowcount/FootBlows per6 inchesSampleNumberSampleTypeElev. Depth (ft)Material Description Remarks AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core Graphic LogStrataHP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - Geoprobe and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay): 21 Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 15.9 10.9 5.9 0.9 -4.1 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-229Date:SampleRecovery (in)Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Sample Types Sheet 1 of 2Boring Number: B-229 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE PID/OVM(ppm)SampleLength (in)Reviewed by: 23 NOT RECORDED Granular (Sand): TimeDateDepth 23 44 Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4'/ 25 16 21 41 32 21 23 14 16 32 Burmister Classification Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Roger Burns Abandonment Method: Fill with cuttingsN: 2703746 E: 1004649 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Total Depth (ft.): 21 Surface Elevation (ft.): 15.9 Drilling Date: Start: 1/5/2011 End: 1/5/2011 Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. S-7 RemarksMaterial Description 31 21 SandEND OF BORING = 21' 1324SS CAMP DRESSER & McKEE -4.1 -9.1 -14.1 -19.1 -24.1 -29.1 20 25 30 35 40 45 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-229 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Sheet 2 of 2Boring Number: B-229 PID/OVM(ppm)SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberSampleTypeElev. Depth (ft) Wet, very dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel Wet, very dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND and fine to coarse GRAVEL Wet, very dense, brown and gray, fine to medium SAND, little silt Wet, very dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel Dry, very dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, little silt Dry, very dense, light brown, fine to medium SAND, little silt 6" of Topsoil S-1 Wet, very dense, brown, fine to medium SAND, little fine gravel, little silt 25 30 37 28 29 3 21 17 33 30 19 19 Sand Topsoil SS SS SS SS S-7 S-6 S-5 S-4 S-3 S-2 6 12 16 20 15 15 SS 2724 24 24 24 24 24 24 SS SS 29Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberSampleTypeElev. Depth (ft)Material Description Remarks AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core Graphic LogStrataHP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - Geoprobe and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay):Granular (Sand): Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 14.0 9.0 4.0 -1.0 -6.0 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-231Date:SampleRecovery (in)Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Burmister Classification Sheet 1 of 3Boring Number: B-231 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE PID/OVM(ppm)SampleLength (in)Reviewed by: 38 Consistency vs Blowcount/Foot Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): TimeDateDepth 21 6.1 35 Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4'/ 35 28 33 35 32 44 36 22 33 31 1/6/2011 Sample Types Abandonment Method: Monitoring WellN: 2703527 E: 1004800 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Total Depth (ft.): 56 Surface Elevation (ft.): 14.0 Drilling Date: Start: 1/3/2011 End: 1/4/2011 Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Roger Burns B: Wet, medium dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, little silt A: Wet, very stiff, gray, SILT & CLAY, occasional fine sand Wet, stiff, gray, SILT & CLAY, occasional fine sand Wet, medium dense, red brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt, trace fine gravel Wet, very dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, little silt, little fine gravel 5 15 12 18 Wet, dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt, little fine gravel A: (0"-10") S-7 20 Sand Sandy Silt or Clay B: (10"-15") 3 Sand6 SS SS S-12 S-11 S-10 S-9 S-8 24 5 24 20 24 24 24 SS SS SS SS 24 Material Description SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumber15 Elev. Depth (ft)Remarks SampleTypeProject Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 -6.0 -11.0 -16.0 -21.0 -26.0 -31.0 20 25 30 35 40 45 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-231PID/OVM(ppm)Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Sheet 2 of 3Boring Number: B-231 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE 37 13 35 19 26 11 9 7 21 20 10 5 6 9 7 21 34 15 43 Sand15 16 26 END OF BORING = 56' 37 45 35 44 S-13 S-14 SS SS 24 12 6 Wet, very dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt Wet, very dense, gray, fine to medium SAND, trace silt 24 Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Boring Number: B-231 SampleLength (in)StrataClient: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Boring Number: B-231 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/1150 55 60 65 70 -36.0 -41.0 -46.0 -51.0 -56.0 Sheet 3 of 3 PID/OVM(ppm)RemarksMaterial Description Elev. Depth (ft)SampleTypeSampleNumberBlows per6 inchesSampleRecovery (in)Graphic Log Topsoil6 9 7 4 Sand8 S-1 6 9 3 6 END OF BORING = 17' 6 5 6 8 6 9 2 24 24 SS SS SS SS S-4 S-3 S-2 Depth Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt, trace fine gravel Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt Wet, medium dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, little silt Dry, medium dense, brown, fine to coarse SAND, trace silt 6" of Topsoil 24 24 10 8 14 5 Material Description PID/OVM(ppm)SampleLength (in)StrataGraphic LogSampleRecovery (in)Blows per6 inchesSampleNumberElev. Depth (ft)Remarks AS - Auger/Grab Sample CS - California Sampler BQ - 1.5" Rock Core NQ - 2" Rock Core HP - Hydro Punch SS - Split Spoon ST - Shelby Tube WS - Wash Sample GP - GeoprobeSampleType Reviewed by: 13.0 8.0 3.0 -2.0 -7.0 0 5 10 15 BL YARMOUTH BORING LOGS.GPJ - 4/14/11Boring Number: B-237 Client: Town of Yarmouth Project Location: Project Name: Phase I - Preliminary Design - WWTP Project Number: 1125-77883 Sheet 1 of 1Boring Number: B-237 CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Stiff: 8-15 V. Stiff: 15-30 Hard: >30 Date: Drilling Date: Start: 1/14/2011 End: 1/14/2011 and 35-50% some 20-35% little 10-20% trace <10% moisture, density, color Abandonment Method: Fill with cuttingsN: 2703256 E: 1003629 Bore Hole Location: Logged By: M. Cronin Date Surface Elevation (ft.): 13.0 Hammer Weight/Drop Height/ Spoon Size: 140 lb / 30 in /2 in O.D. Drilling Contractor/Driller: New Hampshire Boring, Inc. / Chris Knight Drilling Method/Casing/Core Barrel Size: Drive and Wash / 4"/ 7 1/14/2011 Depth to Initial Water Level (ft): Time Total Depth (ft.): 17 Sample Types V. Soft: <2 Soft: 2-4 M. Stiff: 4-8 V. Loose: 0-4 Loose: 4-10 M. Dense: 10-30 Dense: 30-50 V. Dense: >50 Fine Grained (Clay): Consistency vs Blowcount/Foot Burmister Classification Granular (Sand): Waste Water Treatment Plant Soil Lab Testing Results 2011 41 pages Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/13/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.6 89.6 8.7 1.8 0.4326 0.3916 0.2852 0.2556 0.2044 0.1676 0.1539 1.85 0.95 SP As received moisture content = 25.8% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-201 Depth: 5-7 Sample Number: S-2 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.4 87.8 1.86 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/13/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.5 99.2 95.0 14.8 1.5 0.3850 0.3560 0.2626 0.2353 0.1871 0.1505 0.1354 1.94 0.98 SP As received moisture content = 28.8% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-202 Depth: 10-12 Sample Number: S-3 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.2 4.5 93.5 1.56 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/13/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * sandy lean clay/sandy silt 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 99.2 98.3 94.4 83.4 69.6 59.4 0.6305 0.4705 0.0803 0.0166 0.0060 CL/ML As received moisture content = 27.1% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-202 Depth: 15-17 Sample Number: S-4 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.9 14.9 24.0 34.3 25.16 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/13/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand with gravel 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 70.7 61.8 43.7 25.1 6.6 3.4 11.4441 9.3079 1.7706 1.0881 0.5142 0.2702 0.2005 8.83 0.74 SP As received moisture content = 12.5% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-202 Depth: 45-47 Sample Number: S-10 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 29.3 8.9 36.7 21.7 3.46 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/13/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.8 93.8 66.1 5.0 1.7 0.7321 0.6302 0.3845 0.3302 0.2454 0.1905 0.1716 2.24 0.91 SP As received moisture content = 20.7% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-203 Depth: 5-7 Sample Number: S-2 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 33.7 64.4 1.76 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/13/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 90.9 87.6 75.7 45.7 6.4 2.2 3.9157 1.3646 0.5723 0.4641 0.3041 0.2078 0.1758 3.25 0.92 SP As received moisture content = 16.3% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-203 Depth: 25-27 Sample Number: S-6 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 9.1 3.3 41.9 43.5 2.26 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/13/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.9 98.4 83.1 16.5 3.0 0.5071 0.4434 0.2924 0.2547 0.1915 0.1449 0.1249 2.34 1.00 SP As received moisture content = 22.3 % Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-204 Depth: 3-5 Sample Number: S-2 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 16.8 80.1 3.06 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/13/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand with gravel 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 80.1 75.0 53.1 26.5 1.9 0.7 9.6892 7.1383 1.0387 0.7807 0.4676 0.2981 0.2458 4.23 0.86 SP As received moisture content = 17.9% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-204 Depth: 13-15 Sample Number: S-4 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 19.9 5.1 48.5 25.8 0.76 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/10/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.3 95.0 78.5 1.3 0.7 0.5750 0.4885 0.3270 0.2905 0.2308 0.1909 0.1773 1.84 0.92 SP As received moisture content = 4.5% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-205 Depth: 3-5 Sample Number: S-2 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.4 20.8 77.8 0.76 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/10/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 96.2 94.4 84.7 52.6 2.7 1.7 1.0681 0.8577 0.4848 0.4061 0.2875 0.2146 0.1905 2.54 0.89 SP As received moisture content = 23.7% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-205 Depth: 8-10 Sample Number: S-3 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 3.8 1.8 41.8 50.9 1.76 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/10/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * clyey sand/ silty sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.8 94.6 79.7 50.2 32.8 0.6565 0.5254 0.2094 0.1492 0.0577 0.0033 SC/SM As received moisture content = 9.1% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-205 Depth: 38-40 Sample Number: S-9 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 20.1 46.9 15.4 17.46 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/10/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * lean clay with sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 99.8 99.7 98.3 94.9 88.0 84.1 20 38 18 0.2045 0.0870 0.0068 0.0042 0.0017 CL A-6(15) As received moisture content = 25.7% Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-205 Depth: 43-44.5 Sample Number: S-10A Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 4.8 10.8 30.4 53.76 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT lean clay with sand 38 20 18 94.9 84.1 CL 1125-77883 Town of Yarmouth MATERIAL DESCRIPTION LL PL PI %<#40 %<#200 USCS Project No.Client:Remarks: Project: CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts Figure Source of Sample: B-205 Depth: 43-44.5 Sample Number: S-10APLASTICITY INDEX0 10 20 30 40 50 60 LIQUID LIMIT 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 CL-ML CL or OL CH or O H ML or OL MH or OH Dashed line indicates the approximate upper limit boundary for natural soils 4 7 LIQUID AND PLASTIC LIMITS TEST REPORT As Received moisture content = 25.7% Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/11/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand/poorly graded sand with silt 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 90.7 89.3 81.0 49.8 10.2 5.6 3.0695 1.1813 0.5192 0.4267 0.2794 0.1839 0.1481 3.51 1.02 SP/SP-SM As received moisture content = 5.5% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-206 Depth: 0.5-2 Sample Number: S-1 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 9.3 1.4 39.5 44.2 5.66 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/11/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 90.6 83.6 51.6 15.1 2.4 1.2 4.0846 2.1612 1.0031 0.8254 0.5793 0.4236 0.3633 2.76 0.92 SP As received moisture content = 17.5% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-206 Depth: 15-17 Sample Number: S-4 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 9.4 7.0 68.5 13.9 1.26 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/11/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand with gravel 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 63.5 52.2 37.0 18.6 7.3 4.7 12.3364 10.3763 3.8884 1.6801 0.6573 0.3524 0.2346 16.58 0.47 SP As received moisture content = 8.9% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-206 Depth: 30-32 Sample Number: S-7 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 36.5 11.3 33.6 13.9 4.76 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/6/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 99.4 96.9 76.1 28.2 5.7 1.4 1.2010 1.0267 0.6668 0.5833 0.4380 0.3115 0.2494 2.67 1.15 SP As received moisture content = 23.9% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-207 Depth: 14-16 Sample Number: S-4 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.6 2.5 68.7 26.8 1.46 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/6/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 89.4 81.3 54.3 22.0 3.0 1.1 5.1929 2.6065 0.9706 0.7755 0.5134 0.3439 0.2786 3.48 0.97 SP As received moisture content = 16.6% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-207 Depth: 34-36 Sample Number: S-8 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 10.6 8.1 59.3 20.9 1.16 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 12/21/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.9 99.6 98.9 19.1 2.6 0.3585 0.3334 0.2477 0.2220 0.1757 0.1390 0.1232 2.01 1.01 SP As received moisture content = 25.5% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-208 Depth: 14-16 Sample Number: S-4 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 1.0 96.3 1.5 1.16 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 12/21/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * sandy silt 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 97.7 96.4 94.1 67.0 NP NV NP 0.1303 0.1138 0.0631 0.0492 0.0319 0.0213 0.0156 4.04 1.03 ML A-4(0) As received moisture content = 31.5% Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-208 Depth: 39-41 Sample Number: S-9 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.6 29.4 61.6 5.46 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT sandy silt NV NP NP 96.4 67.0 ML 1125-77883 Town of Yarmouth MATERIAL DESCRIPTION LL PL PI %<#40 %<#200 USCS Project No.Client:Remarks: Project: CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts Figure Source of Sample: B-208 Depth: 39-41 Sample Number: S-9PLASTICITY INDEX0 10 20 30 40 50 60 LIQUID LIMIT 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 CL-ML CL or OL CH or O H ML or OL MH or OH Dashed line indicates the approximate upper limit boundary for natural soils 4 7 LIQUID AND PLASTIC LIMITS TEST REPORT As received moisture content = 31.5% Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/6/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 97.7 95.5 76.6 40.6 15.5 4.3 1.3099 1.0706 0.6152 0.5131 0.3190 0.1453 0.1059 5.81 1.56 SP As received moisture content = 9.3 % Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-209 Depth: 4-6 Sample Number: S-2 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 2.3 2.2 54.9 36.3 4.36 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/6/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 97.7 91.8 67.8 27.0 3.0 0.9 1.7581 1.3630 0.7383 0.6270 0.4501 0.3159 0.2617 2.82 1.05 SP As received moisture content = 15.7% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-209 Depth: 24-26 Sample Number: S-6 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 2.3 5.9 64.8 26.1 0.96 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/11/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand with gravel 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 84.4 77.7 76.3 74.1 63.9 5.3 1.8 33.6470 20.5078 0.3888 0.3244 0.2384 0.1864 0.1687 2.31 0.87 SP As received moisture content = 18.6% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-210 Depth: 5-7 Sample Number: S-2 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 15.6 6.7 1.4 12.4 62.1 1.86 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/10/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 96.9 90.4 64.8 37.5 8.2 3.0 1.9535 1.5653 0.7519 0.5851 0.3462 0.2106 0.1669 4.50 0.95 SP As received moisture content = 5.2% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-211 Depth: 0.5-2 Sample Number: S-1 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 3.1 6.5 52.9 34.5 3.06 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/10/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand with gravel 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 83.1 53.1 46.2 36.7 22.5 4.6 2.5 28.8943 21.1182 6.9717 3.5788 0.6005 0.2985 0.2279 30.59 0.23 SP As received moisture content = 10.59% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-211 Depth: 29-31 Sample Number: S-7 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 16.9 30.0 6.9 23.7 20.0 2.56 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/10/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 100.0 98.6 82.0 65.7 3.3 1.1 1.2547 0.9964 0.3797 0.3228 0.2420 0.1923 0.1756 2.16 0.88 SP As received moisture content = 18.6% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-212 Depth: 4-6 Sample Number: S-2 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4 32.9 64.6 1.16 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/10/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 98.7 89.4 60.7 22.1 5.0 1.9 2.0711 1.6346 0.8388 0.7031 0.4994 0.3499 0.2821 2.97 1.05 SP As received moisture content = 14.0 9% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-212 Depth: 19-21 Sample Number: S-5 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 1.3 9.3 67.3 20.2 1.96 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/7/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 99.5 96.5 80.8 51.1 5.8 1.4 1.2197 0.9805 0.5089 0.4155 0.2812 0.2015 0.1750 2.91 0.89 SP As received moisture content = 18.3% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-213 Depth: 9-11 Sample Number: S-3 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.5 3.0 45.4 49.7 1.46 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/7/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded gravel with sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 80.1 49.5 42.5 33.2 13.2 4.7 2.8 33.7426 24.6575 8.1234 4.9073 0.7509 0.4560 0.3612 22.49 0.19 GP As received moisture content = 12.9% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-213 Depth: 14-16 Sample Number: S-4 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 19.9 30.6 7.0 29.3 10.4 2.86 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/7/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand with silt 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.5 96.1 35.3 10.7 0.3620 0.3275 0.2206 0.1902 0.1356 0.0910 0.0717 3.08 1.16 SP-SM As received moisture content = 17.3% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-214 Depth: 4-6 Sample Number: S-2 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 85.4 7.7 3.06 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/7/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 89.9 85.1 67.1 45.1 7.8 4.6 4.8400 1.9914 0.6627 0.4861 0.2934 0.1978 0.1662 3.99 0.78 SP As received moisture content = 16.6% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-214 Depth: 14-16 Sample Number: S-4 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 10.1 4.8 40.0 40.5 4.66 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/10/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * silty sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.8 99.4 97.6 53.1 17.4 0.3223 0.2835 0.1708 0.1416 0.0962 SM As received moisture content = 9.0% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-216 Depth: 0.5-2 Sample Number: S-1 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 2.2 80.2 17.46 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/14/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * well graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 97.3 93.8 80.5 53.2 11.8 5.8 1.3536 1.0163 0.4936 0.3967 0.2565 0.1701 0.1362 3.62 0.98 SW As received moisture content = 47.9% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-217 Depth: 0.5-2 Sample Number: S-1 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 2.7 3.5 40.6 47.4 5.86 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 12/22/2010 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 95.6 91.9 86.7 79.1 19.4 4.0 1.5271 0.5557 0.2924 0.2507 0.1837 0.1340 0.1119 2.61 1.03 SP As received moisture content = 20.4% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-218 Depth: 8-10 Sample Number: S-5 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 4.4 3.7 12.8 75.1 4.06 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/05/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 99.8 99.7 98.8 92.3 24.6 3.9 0.4021 0.3637 0.2511 0.2199 0.1650 0.1201 0.1012 2.48 1.07 SP As received moisture content = 7.1% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-222 Depth: 4-6 Sample Number: S-3 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 7.4 88.4 3.96 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/05/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 98.2 96.6 79.7 24.6 2.6 0.7 1.0653 0.9387 0.6549 0.5836 0.4586 0.3563 0.3120 2.10 1.03 SP As received moisture content = 18.9% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-222 Depth: 14-16 Sample Number: S-6 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 1.8 1.6 72.0 23.9 0.76 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/06/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 95.1 94.2 87.6 31.2 5.3 1.6 1.0817 0.8138 0.5960 0.5338 0.4177 0.3108 0.2587 2.30 1.13 SP As received moisture content = 15.6% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-225 Depth: 6-8 Sample Number: S-4 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 4.9 0.9 63.0 29.6 1.66 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/04/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand with silt 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.6 95.9 76.4 25.4 12.1 0.6313 0.5327 0.3056 0.2540 0.1693 0.0946 SP-SM As received moisture content = 11.4% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-228 Depth: 0-2 Sample Number: S-1 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 23.2 64.3 12.16 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/04/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand with silt 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 99.8 99.6 97.0 74.2 27.9 7.3 0.6421 0.5550 0.3116 0.2518 0.1588 0.1000 0.0830 3.75 0.97 SP-SM As received moisture content = 5.6% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-228 Depth: 2-4 Sample Number: S-2 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 25.4 66.9 7.36 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: MR Checked By: AT CDM Cambridge, Massachusetts 1/03/2011 (no specification provided) PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * poorly graded sand with silt 3 3/4 #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 99.1 98.6 96.6 89.7 31.5 9.6 0.4292 0.3763 0.2421 0.2071 0.1453 0.0939 0.0763 3.17 1.14 SP-SM As received moisture content = 15.9% Soil classification and description based on Visual Manual Procedure ASTM D2488 Town of Yarmouth Phase I-Preliminary Design-Wastewater Treatment Plant 1125-77883 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: B-231 Depth: 3-7 Sample Number: S-3 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.5 8.9 80.1 9.66 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Appendix C Workplan for Hydrogeologic Services December 10, 2010 Appendix D Environmental Monitor Notice of Workplan Published in MEPA Environmental Monitor Volume 75, Issue 4 December 22, 2010 PUBLIC NOTICE OF HYDROGEOLOGIC EVALUATION SCOPE OF WORK PURSUANT TO 314 CMR 5.09(1)(b) Pursuant to 314 CMR 5.09(1)(b), public notice is hereby given that a Scope of Work for a Hydrogeologic Evaluation has been prepared and submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Southeast Region Cape Cod Office at 3195 Main St, Barnstable, Massachusetts. The Scope of Work was prepared on behalf of the Town of Yarmouth’s proposed wastewater treatment facilities and groundwater discharge locations from the Town’s Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP), EEA No. 14659. Additional information regarding this Scope of Work may be obtained by contacting David F. Young at Camp Dresser & McKee Inc., 50 Hampshire Street, Cambridge, MA 02139 or 617- 452-6000. Appendix E MassDEP Approval of Workplan May 16, 2011 This information is available in alternate format. Call Michelle Waters-Ekanem, Diversity Director, at 617-292-5751. TDD# 1-866-539-7622 or 1-617-574-6868 MassDEP Website: www.mass.gov/dep Printed on Recycled Paper May 16, 2011 Mr. David Young CDM One Cambridge Place 50 Hampshire Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 RE: YARMOUTH-- Hydrogeologic Scope of Work/Approval – Buck Island Road Recharge Site Dear Mr. Young: The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has completed its review of the hydrogeologic scope of work prepared and submitted by CDM to assess the potential for discharging treated sanitary effluent at the Buck Island Road Recharge Site in Yarmouth, Massachusetts. The document is dated December 10, 2010 and outlines how CDM will characterize the soil and groundwater conditions at the proposed discharge location and evaluate the hydraulic capacity of the site. The information gathered during this investigation will be used to determine the suitability of the site for a discharge of up to 318,000 gallons per day of treated sanitary effluent. A public notice announcing the preparation of the scope of work and its submission to MassDEP was published in the Environmental Monitor on December 22, 2010. As of this date, MassDEP has not received any public comments regarding the submitted scope of work. Additionally, a pre-application/scoping meeting to discuss the proposed project and scope of work was conducted at the CDM office in Yarmouth on November 30, 2010. MassDEP has determined that the CDM submission is complete and hereby approves its scope of work subject to the following conditions:  Upon the completion of the activities outlined in the approved scope of work CDM shall prepare and submit a hydrogeologic evaluation report to MassDEP. A MassDEP Transmittal Form and a complete BRPWP 83 application shall accompany the report. The report shall comply with the requirements outlined in the Hydrogeologic Evaluation Report Guidance that accompanies the BRPWP 83 application packet. CDM shall contact MassDEP to discuss any hydrogeologic report requirements that may not be applicable to this project. 2  CDM’s hydrogeological evaluation report documenting the results of the proposed investigation shall include the following: o A surveyed site plan prepared and stamped by a professional engineer. At a minimum, the surveyed site plan will identify and document;  The locations/footprints of the primary and reserve disposal areas;  The locations of all test pits and percolation tests conducted as part of the hydrogeological investigation;  The locations and top-of-casing/top-of-PVC elevations of all borings/monitoring wells installed as part of the investigation and of all existing, on-site monitoring wells used in the investigation; and,  The proposed locations of monitoring wells to be installed as part of the approved groundwater monitoring plan. This surveyed site plan, along with an approved maximum daily discharge volume, will be referenced in MassDEP’s Site Approval Letter. Any soil absorption system installed at the site shall be constructed within the footprint indicated on the plan and the discharge volume limited to that contained within the Site Approval Letter. o A groundwater monitoring well plan capable of identifying and assessing any impacts to groundwater flow and quality resulting from a discharge of effluent at the approved location. Monitoring wells installed as part of the site investigation may be utilized provided they are appropriately located and constructed in accordance with MassDEP’s Standard References for Monitoring Wells. The monitoring wells shall be installed by a well driller registered in Massachusetts. Additional well locations shall be proposed if needed to monitor impacts to nearby sensitive receptors. 3 If you have questions regarding the comments and conditions of this approval, please contact me at (508)946-2814. Very truly yours, Brian A. Dudley cc: Mr. George Allaire, Director Department of Public Works 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 ecc: DEP/Boston Attn: Alan Slater Steven Hallem A Technical Memorandum 3-3 To: Yarmouth Integrated Water Resources Planning Committee From: Rob Musci, Alan D. Roscoe, P.E. Date: June 13, 2005 Subject: Town of Yarmouth, Massachusetts – Infiltration Testing Results: Field Assessment of Site Potential Purpose For Phase II of the Town of Yarmouth Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP), CDM conducted infiltration testing and soil evaluations for two priority sites (R1 and R3) identified for effluent disposal in TM 3-1. Infiltration testing and soil evaluations were not conducted at this time on site R2 (Bass River Hills Golf Course) because gaining access to this site would have been difficult and may have caused disruptions to daily operations. For planning purposes, CDM assumed that the results obtained at sites R1 and R3 would be indicative of expected conditions on site R2. The purpose of this technical memorandum is to present the data from this evaluation and summarize the sites potential. Infiltration Testing and Soil Evaluations were performed on May 23, 2005. Infiltration testing was performed using a Double-Ring Infiltrometer (DRI) consisting of two concentric rings (12-inch and 24-inch diameter aluminum cylinders) and following ASTM D-3385 “Standard Test Method for Infiltration Rate of Soils in the Field Using Double-Ring Infiltrometer”. Installation and Test Procedures are described in an attached document labeled “Exhibit A”. Sites evaluated on this date are as follows: „ Yarmouth Water Department at #99 Buck Island Road. (Site R1) „ Yarmouth Highway Department Yard at #507 Buck Island Road. (Site R3) Soil evaluation forms and a sketch plan of the locations tested are attached to this memorandum. Technical Memorandum 3-3 Technical Memorandum 3-3 June 13, 2005 Page 2 Summary of Yarmouth Testing Activities CDM representatives arrived at the Yarmouth Water Department yard at approximately 9:00 am. The excavator prepared two deep test hole excavations to characterize soil and groundwater conditions in the vicinity, and two shallow excavations suitable for performing the infiltration testing. All excavations were made in the designated test areas. The Town of Yarmouth supplied a landscaping/maintenance vehicle equipped with a 100-gallon water tank to be used as the water supply for testing. Yarmouth Water Department yard The rear of the Yarmouth Water Department yard is described as a nearly level grassed area enclosed within a chain link fence. This is the existing effluent disposal site for the Dennis- Yarmouth Septage Treatment Plant. This area was chosen for testing due to its desirable location and lack of known wetlands or waterbodies. Testing locations are indicated on a sketch plan attached to this memorandum. Summary of Soil Observations The first site tested was at the rear of the Yarmouth Water Department yard. Two infiltration tests were performed at this location. Subsurface soils encountered at Test Pit #1 consist of coarse loose sands with approximately 10-25% gravels. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 8.5-ft below ground surface (bgs). Observations at a deeper elevation were not practical as the sidewalls of the excavation continuously caved in during excavation. The peak infiltration rate obtained from the DRI test at TP #1 is approximately 0.35 gpm (642.0 gpd/sf). Test Pit #1 Test Pit #2 revealed fill soils and areas where the surficial soils were worked or turned over during construction of the site. These fill soils extend from the ground surface to approximately 48-inches bgs. Medium to coarse sands lie in stratified layers beneath the fill layers to the limit of excavation at approximately 10.5 ft bgs. Groundwater seepage was observed at a depth of 98- inches (8-ft. 2-in.) and by the end of testing standing water was observed at this depth. The peak infiltration rate obtained from the DRI test at TP #2 is approximately 0.25 gpm (458.6 gpd/sf). Technical Memorandum 3-3 Test Pit #2 Technical Memorandum 3-3 June 13, 2005 Page 3 A second site was tested behind the Yarmouth Highway Department yard. One infiltration test was performed at this location. The initial excavation revealed the presence of an underground concrete structure and fill materials down to approximately 8-ft. bgs, so the excavation was moved to a new location approximately 20-ft. to the west. Surficial soils at this new location were revealed to have also been worked previously, but sufficient natural soils were present 15-inches bgs to conduct the testing. The peak infiltration rate obtained from the DRI test at this location is approximately 0.4 gpm (733.7 gpd/sf). Yarmouth Highway Department yard Table 1 Yarmouth Infiltrometer Testing Results Summary EPA Process Design Manual – Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater: Design Infiltration Rate 2-4% of Double Ring Infiltrometer Test Rates. (Oct. 1981) Design Loading Rate based on Infiltration Rate (gpd/sf) Test Location Test Number Peak Infiltration Velocity - Inner Ring (gpm) Peak Infiltration Rate – Inner Ring (gpd/sf) 2% 4% Water Treatment Facility TP #1 0.35 642.0 12.8 25.7 Water Treatment Facility TP #2 0.25 458.6 9.2 18.3 Highway Department Yard TP #1 0.4 733.7 14.7 29.4 Infiltration and Loading Rates are rounded to nearest one-tenth. Results All locations tested on this date meet criteria to be considered suitable for treated effluent disposal under the Massachusetts Groundwater Discharge Program. Disposal systems at these sites may use a design loading rate of up to 5 gpd/sf for Open Sand Bed disposal systems , (or 4 gpd/sf using Subsurface Leaching Chambers) using DEP’s “Guidelines for Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Small Wastewater Treatment Facilities with Land Disposal”. Soil and groundwater conditions are similar at both sites and should be considered as potential treated effluent disposal sites as part of Yarmouth’s long-term wastewater planning. cc: Robert Schreiber Technical Memorandum 3-3 Exhibit A Double Ring Infiltrometer Installation & Testing Procedures (Yarmouth) An excavation (approx. 5-feet square) should be prepared by the excavation contractor at the desired elevation within the soils to be tested. The ground surface at the test location can be roughened with a hand shovel for leveling purposes and to eliminate surface compaction/smearing from the excavator bucket during excavation operations. The 24-inch diameter outer ring is set on the prepared and roughened surface and is then gently pushed into the soil by hand until penetration is too difficult, and then using a small block of wood and a sledgehammer, the ring is driven into the soils to a depth of 6-inches. Care is taken not to disturb the soil adjacent to ring walls. The ring is then checked visually for level. The 12-inch diameter inner ring is then set concentrically within the outer ring and pushed and/or driven into the soil using methods described in the above paragraph to set the inner ring into the soil to a depth of 4-inches. The inner ring is then checked visually for level and location within the outer ring. Both rings have been pre-marked on the inner walls every ½-inch of depth to facilitate monitoring of the water depth during the infiltration testing. Water is poured from water jugs into both rings using a small stone as a splash guard to reduce scouring of the soil surface during the testing. The inner ring and annular space is then simultaneously filled with water to a depth between 1 and 6 inches (4-inches was used in this case). This initial volume of water is not recorded. Water is added during the testing to maintain the 4-inch depth and volume that is added during specific intervals is recorded in this case to the nearest ½-gallon (visual accuracy). This water volume represents the volume infiltrated into the soils, and is converted to an infiltration velocity. Guidance documents suggest a testing period of up to 6 hours or until a maximum rate is obtained. Due to the excessive permeability of the soils expected at the Yarmouth locations and limited supply of water (approx. 100 gallons) to conduct the testing, experience dictates that the tests should be run for approximately 1-hour, or to the limit of the available water supply. For the purpose of this feasibility testing, the recording intervals were set at every 10 minutes until a maximum steady-state, or average incremental infiltration rate is obtained, then every 5 minutes to verify that the desired infiltration rate has been obtained. The deeper penetration of the outer ring sidewall combined with the saturation of the annular space, is intended to mimic saturated soil conditions and promote measurement of the downward flow of water applied to the inner ring to obtain a design loading rate. This procedure is intended to create conditions resembling those encountered during actual operation and determine a long- term acceptance rate for the soil surface to where the wastewater will be applied. "M "M "M !I !I !I !I !I !I !I "M "M "M "M "M "M "M "M "M !I !I "M "M "M "M "M kj kj kj WestYarmout hRoadWillow StreetForest RoadStation Avenue U nion Street Setucket R oad NorthMainStreetLong P o n d D riveNorthDennisRoadWinslowGrayRoad OldMainStreetW oodRoadOld Town House Road GreatWesternRoad Town Brook RdH ig h b a n k R o a d W h i t e s P a t h Buck Island RoadHigginsCrowe llRoadCamp Street£¤6 £¤6 £¤6 !(6A !(28 !(28 !(6A !(28 W Great Western Rd Dennis 0 0.5Miles Yarmouth Recommended PlanFebruary 2022Figure 8-1 Conservation N Sewered Parcels Wastewater Pump S tation Vacuum S ewer Pressure Sewer Force Sewer Gravity Sewer Effluent Recharge S ites "M Vacuum Station!I Effluent Pum p Station"M Effluent RechargeSite at Bass RiverGolf Course Yarmouth Water ResourceReclamation Facility &Effluent Recharge Site Barnstable Yarmouth Effluent Pipeline kj NHESP CertifiedVernal PoolNHESP Priority Habitatsof Rare SpeciesNHESP Estimated Habitatsof Rare W ildlife Article 97 L and Protected and RecreationOpen Space MADEP Wetlands $+$+$+ !( !( !( !( !(!(!(!( !(!( !( !( !( !(!(!( !( !( !( !( !(!( !(!( !( $+ $+ ") ") ") ")")") ")")") ")") ") ") ")") ")") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ")")412204200414 412412200 2044142042042 0 42044124124142042 0 4 2042 0 4204 2004122 0 0 414 Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/AirbusDS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Legend Well Type !(Boring $+Irrigation ")Monitoring North-South Cross-Section Surface Water Features Proposed Bed Layout Parcel Boundary . 0 320 640 960 1,280160Feet B-214 B-216 B-222 B-228B-104 B-207 B-209 MW-7B-208 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 -110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 North South Infiltration Basin Simulated Water Table Average Annual WT WT w/1.2 MGD recharge Lithology CLAY/SILT CLAYEY SAND GRAVEL SAND SAND/GRAVEL SILT SILT/SAND SILTY SAND TOPSOIL Vertical exaggeration: 10x 0ft 500ft B-228 B-229BW-225 MW-2 MW-5 MW-7 0 400 800 1200 1600 -110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 West East Infiltration Basin Simulated Water Table Average Annual WT WT w/1.2 MGD recharge Lithology CLAY/SILT CLAYEY SAND GRAVEL SAND SAND/GRAVEL SILT SILT/SAND SILTY SAND TOPSOIL Vertical exaggeration: 10x 0ft 500ft Cranberry Bog Plashes Brook 10_GW_Monitoring Plan Memorandum To: Jeffrey Colby From: Karilyn Heisen, PE, D.WRE Date: July 22, 2022 Subject: Buck Island Groundwater Monitoring Plan Recharge capacity at the Buck Island site is dependent on annual and seasonal changes in water level and the ability of the adjacent surface water bodies to transport flow which discharges through the groundwater. Model simulations indicate that average annual recharge capacity at the site is 1.2 MGD with monthly ranges from 0.99 to 1.5 MGD. Pressure transducers should be installed in the 9 groundwater wells in Table 1 to measure water levels during the initial 3 months of system operations. Monthly groundwater levels should be taken following system start-up. Well screens are assumed to be in the shallow subsurface bracketing or just below the water table. Well depths will be verified as part of initial groundwater monitoring. Water level measurements should be taken at the six locations listed in Table 1 and shown on Figure 1. Stage-discharge curves should be developed for all 7 locations. Continuous water level data should be collected at SW-10A, SW-12 and SW-2 during the initial 3 months of system operations. Weekly water levels should be collected at the other three locations during the initial 3 months. Monthly groundwater levels should be taken following system start-up. Prior to system start-up the stream channels and road crossing should be surveyed and evaluated to assess the capacity of culvert and water level control structures to maintain water levels and transport the increased surface water flows. Water quality samples will be collected and analyzed quarterly at wells BW-218 (upgradient), BW- 225 (down-gradient), BW-231 (down-gradient), and surface water locations SW-3 (Plashes Brook upstream), SW-2 (Plashes Brook downstream), SW-9A (Big Sandy Bog upstream), SW-10A (Big Sandy Bog), and SW-12 (cranberry bog downstream). Water quality samples will be analyzed as shown in Table 2. Buck Island Groundwater Monitoring Plan July 22, 2022 Page 2 10_GW_Monitoring Plan Table 1 – Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring Points Well Location Water Level Monitoring Water Quality Sampling BW-218 Upgradient Yes Yes MW-17 Upgradient (near Plashes Brook) Yes MW-22A Upgradient Yes BW-225 Downgradient (west towards cranberry bog) Yes Yes MW-8 Cross-gradient (across cranberry bog) Yes BW-231 Downgradient (east towards Plashes Brook Yes Yes MW-23A Cross-gradient (across Plashes Brook) Yes MW-24 Downgradient (south) Yes MW-25 Downgradient (south) Yes SW-9A Big Sandy Bog Upstream of Inlet Yes Yes SW-10A Big Sandy Bog Upstream of Control Yes Yes SW-10B Big Sandy Bog Downstream of Control Yes SW-12 Outlet Brook of Bogs Yes Yes SW-3 Plashes Brook Upstream Yes Yes SW-13 Plashes Brook Yes SW-2 Plashes Brook Upstream of Sluice Yes Yes Table 2 Water Quality Monitoring Plan Parameters and Frequency Parameter Frequency of Analysis Specific Conductance Quarterly pH Quarterly Nitrate-Nitrogen (NO3) Quarterly Total Nitrogen (NO3+NO2+TKN) Quarterly Total Phosphorus Quarterly Volatile Organic Compounds Annually (groundwater samples only) Buck Island Groundwater Monitoring Plan July 22, 2022 Page 3 10_GW_Monitoring Plan Figure 1 – Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring Points TOWN OF YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTSDEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSWATER RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY75 State Street, Suite 701Boston, MA 02109Tel: (617) 452-6000NPRELIMINARY SITE SURVEY PLAN AND INFILTRATION BED LAYOUTPRELIMINARY LAYOUT ONLYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONLOCATION OF WATER RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY -CURRENTLY IN PRELIMINARY DESIGN STAGE