HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDX-24-271 - applicationOfricc Usc Only P",-idlAl tAlb;tr A^,"n {l l0 EXPRESS BUILDING PERMIT APPLIC TOWN OF YARMOUTH Yarmouth Building Department I 146 Route 28 South Yarmouth , MA 02664 (5 0 )398-2231 Ext. 1261 NL{IL ADDRESS E Commercial Est, Cosr ofConsrructiorl $ Permit expires 180 days from issu€ date EIVED MAR 0l eOet BUILOING DEPARTM8y CONSTRUCTIOJ\i ADDRISS: AS SESSOR'S TiVFOR\{A,TION: N CONTRACTOR: ntu+^ B) //a'ra-- L-*'+T( A,a,niur 44ua ,r Workmar's Compensarion hsurance: ,,7i{( eck one): I am the homeo',mer Y I am the sole Home Improvement Contractor Lic. #t, Insurance Company Name Constructiort Superyisor Lic. # pro tor a I have Worker's Compensation Insurance Worker's Comp. Polic)d \\'ORK TO BE PER-FOR\IED (Fire Rctardant Certifi cate attached?) Replacement windolvsi Roofing: # ofSquares_ ( ) Remole existing+ (max.2layers) _ Old Kings Highway/Historic Disr. ( ) Replacing like for like Pool fencing .The debris will be disposed ofar 0 LocrtioI of F t I declate undcr penaltics of perjury rhar the herein contained are true and cofiect to thc best ofmv knowledse and beliei I undersland that any false arsrver(s)will bejust cause for denial oa ocation ofmv se and for prosecution under lv{.G L. Ch. 268, Section I Applicant's Signature 01 !ers Signalure (or rftachment Date DRESS Approved By Water Resource Protection District a Yes iNo Within 100 ft. of Wetlalds ! Yes I No Date: Date:Buildhg Offi cia.l (or desi gnec)EiVL{IL -ADDRESS Zoning District: Historical District: - Yes - No Flood Plain Zonet , Yes lNo OWNER: Wood Stovc Insulation Tcnt _ Du rrtion_ Siding: # ofSquares _ ba ,#/ Reptacement door r., *-.<f' I Map: I Parcel: .Firefox Byam Construction Ro erE Bvama about:blank P.O. Box 1793 Hyannis Ma.02601 Ph.364-364-4499 Proposal and Contract Ian.22.2024 The following are the the terms and specifications for the Window and Door Renlacement rrroiect at the I of5 above address. 12312024.8.51 AM NIA. C.S.L. # 07s376 H.I.C. License # 132560 Submitted to : Ed Kuczynski 135 South Shore Drive frnits 7,7A.&3Q So. Yarmouth. Ma. 781-482-4330 Materialstotal- $7 75.00 Installation Laborr lnclutllng debris dlsoosal , -$ 8"600.00 Proiect Total $ 15,975.00 unforeseen alt'or cementvf additio sidin shea or framins membens dectucd necessarv hv the c stomer and con I raclor " shnll be oerfo on a time and materirls basis of S 95.00 ner hour plus the cost Payment Terms: $ 7.975.00 due unon scceDtatrce of contract to suonlv materitls and $2-000 .00 Da ent is due unon 25 7o com n of the Droiect. $ 2.000.00 oavment is dueuDOn 50 o/o comnletion of the rrroiect. $ 2.000.00 navment is due uuon 75 9/o comnletion of thc nroiect. 3 of 5 112312024.8:51 AM of materials. eouipmetrt to the site. $ 2.000.00 oavment is due uoon the full completion ofthe nroiect. not includins any addltional sunplemcntal work. f-irefox about:blanl( I accept the term s of this n roiect : Ed Kuczynski D^ €1,*J- Roger Byam i Byam Construction S-\ nt In ti Name lBusin gantza n4ndividual): Address: The Commonwealth of Massacl,usefls D ep artment of In d ustrial Accide ntsI Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 \\:orkers, compensation ,r,,.",""'##;frfl,t;{XY!JJa,,r,^"r,*n rectricians/plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH TIIE PEfu}lITTING .A.IITHORITY. ease b , /*-- -7 Cily/Statelzip:f t Phone #:.71 Type of project (required) T constructio n odelingRem 1 8 Y. L_l Demolttron 10 E Building addition I t.E Electrical repairs or additions 12- ! Plumbing repairs or additions 13. ! Roof t4.E Other t Any applicant thar check box#l must a.lso fill our the sectjon bclow showing their workcrs,compensation policy infornlation"Honoeo$tcrs who subhit this affidavii indicarin g they are doing all work and thcn hiE outside conEactors must submit a ncw affidavir indicating suclltconfactors tllat chcck this box rllust atrachcd an additional shc.t showing thc nalne of tha sub-cooE-actoc ard state whethcr o. not thosc cntities havcemployees. lf thc suEcodtractors have cmployccs, thry must providc their workcrs'comp. poliry number a cmployer with 7 crnployees (full and./or pan-rime).r I am a sole propaietor or parmcrship and have no cmployecs working for me inany capacity. [No workers'comp. insuraacc required.] I arll a homcowner doing all work nysclf [No workcrs,comp. insurance rcqufed.] I I am a homeorrncr and will be hiring conuacroE to co[duct a.ll work on my propcrty. I willcnsurc that all conE-actors eithca have workers, compcnsation insurarca "i "i.,li - proprictors with no crnployecs. I am a gencral conEiac1or and I havc hircd thc sub-.coN-acrors lisred on the attachcd sbccrThcse sub-conta.ao6 have employecs and havc workcrs, comp. h";;;i-*- -'- We arc a coapoiation and its officcE havc cxercised thcir right ofexemptjon p.a MGL c.l52, gl(4), and r,,/. hav. no cmployccs. [No workers, compi inst*n"" lqui.iJ.t --- 4 I 2 o employer? Ch th. approprirt. bOI:*cyy'z Iffrun' I am an emploler that is provi infornntion- Insura:rce Compaay Name: Poticy # or Self-ins. Lic. #: tt, orkers' co mpens ation ins for m1t employees. Below is the pohcy andjob site a uL(iration Date Job Site Ad&ess:City/State/Zip: Attach a copy of e workers' compensation policy declaration page (showing the policy number d expiration date). Failure to secure cover€e as required under MGL c. 152, $25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to $1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in tle form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a frne of up to $250.00 a day against the violator. A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations ofthe DIA for insurance covenge verification. I do hereby und.er t.dins and. penalties ol petjury that the inJotmation provided ab trud and cofiect.e Phone #: Official we on$, Do not y)rite in this area, to be completed b! city or town ofJicial. Issuing Authority (circle one): 1. Board of Heatth 2. Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector 5. Ptumbing lnspector 6. Other Phone #:- City or Town:Permit/License #- l/L---'- THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Otlice of Consumer Aff Business Regulation 1000 Washi - Suite 710 Bosto 118 Home lm istration ttIlt Type:lndividual 132560 02126f2025ROGER E. BYAM D/B/A BYAM CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 1793 HYANNIS, MA 02601 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Orllcc ot Conaumer A & Bualnsar Rrgulatlon HOi'E IMP IOGER E, BYAM l/B/A BYAM Updlte Addr..a rnd Rchlm Crrd. Rrglttnuon vElld lor lndlvldull uaa only bdor. lha axdtrdon drta. It iound r.turn to: Ofilc. ol Conrum, At alrs and Bualnaaa R.gu|ltlon i00O Wr.hlngton stlot . Sult! 710 Bottor, MA mllS $ /.**.i fu^naIOGER E. BYAM I24 SEA ST. IYANNIS, MA @60I Undarsecretary Not wlthout slgnatur€ U Commonwealth o, Massachusetts Oivision of Occupational Licensure Board o[ Burldino Reoulations and Standards consqidr$ gllge.ryisor =\ ':t cs-075376 ROGER E FO BOX I HYAN}IIS Bv{f 7sJ ?' 3.'. !' res:07i03/2025 Commissioner a::*L"V;/L,* ,'ro