HomeMy WebLinkAbout Revised Plan 3-14-24 Shorefront Consulting Professional Services on Land or At Sea 290 Center St., Dennis Port, MA 02639 www.shorefrontconsulting.com 508-280-8046 shorefrontconsulting@gmail.com Yarmouth Conservation Commission March 14, 2024 Attn: Brittany DiRienzo 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4492 By hand delivery and email Re: Notice of Intent Application Filing Package; Revised Plan Submission Proposed Shorefront Modifications and Beach Nourishment Joseph and Meredith Zona 39 Seth Lane South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Map 61, Parcel 54 On behalf of my clients, Joseph and Meredith Zona, I am submitting 6 copies of the revised project plan for the above referenced project. Electronic copies of all documents will be emailed to the conservation office. The following changes have been made to the project plan: ▪ A new Section line C-C was created just for the beach area; which should clarify what the applicants want to do in the beach area. ▪ For the nourishment calculations, the lengths were changed from 80 feet (total) along the shoreline to 63 feet along the existing seawall, and 17 feet along the beach to cover the distance along the shoreline. ▪ The nourishment was moved landward so that it is all above MLW. This also reduces the nourishment volume quite a bit. ▪ The applicants wish to continue the 10:1 cut landward of the stone wall, So this will put the plantings back a bit like the draft revision for the house, but this project plan can be finalized first and then get another revised plan for the house project later. ▪ The slope on just the beach area was calculated; the existing slope seaward of MHW is 13:1, so not a coastal bank, and the slope at the scarped area was 6.8 average slope. This means that technically in the beach area there is coastal bank just seaward of the scarp since the slope is steeper than 10:1 but less than 4:1. ▪ The sacrificial "bank" has a 4:1 slope on both sides, and is proposed for the area behind the stone wall. ▪ The volumes for the nourishment for the areas seaward of the existing stone wall and the beach, as well as the cut volumes for each, and the volume of the sacrificial “bank” are on the plan. ▪ A note was added to dispose of the soil landward of the stone wall in case it is not suitable for beach nourishment. ▪ The sacrificial "bank" was created landward of the cut area for the stone wall section. NOTE: The sacrificial “bank” is called a bank because the sand would not be deposited naturally, as is the case with a dune. Therefore, the removal of the stone wall and the grading, and the sacrificial “bank” will restore the function of the coastal bank in that area as both a vertical buffer to storms and a sediment source, instead of removing the bank from the site. The commission should review the addition of the sacrificial “bank” to determine if this is consistent with the Riverfront regulations regarding the use of fill in the Riverfront Area. A recent project was not allowed to place fill in the Riverfront Area. However, the volume of the soil removed from behind the seawall is approximately 18 cubic yards, and the addition of the sacrificial “bank” is only 6 cubic yards, so there is a net removal of material from the site. Given the anticipated hydrodynamics at this site, it is the opinion of Shorefront Consulting that the sacrificial “bank” will work as a sediment source during elevated high tides and minor storms. However, during major flooding events and wave action, the sacrificial “bank” could be pushed landward, spreading the soil over the flat area landward of the sacrificial bank. The commission should also consider this scenario for the installation of the sacrificial bank. If it is determined that the sacrificial bank is either inconsistent with the regulations or unsuitable for this location, a revised plan will be submitted to remove it. Therefore, please accept the revised plan “Plan Showing Proposed Shorefront Modifications”, by Shorefront Consulting, dated 11/3/23, (1 sheet), revised 3/13/24 for the March 21, 2024 public hearing. If there are any questions or concerns regarding this plan revision, please contact me as soon as possible. Sincerely, Mark Burgess Shorefront Consulting B.S. Ocean Engineering Enclosures: As Stated cc: Mass. DEP/SERO – Wetlands (by Email) Mass. Division of Marine Fisheries (by email) Joseph and Meredith Zona (Applicants, by email) LOCUS MAP not 710 scaLeREMOVECONCRETE: REMOVE CONCRETE CAP AND REPLACE ~~ WITH STONE CAP AND REPLACE / WITH STONE osINSTALLTRIGGERPT. AT ELEV.—1’INSTALL TRIGGER PT.LEGEND AT ELEV.—1’——EDGE OF MARSH—MW MEAN HIGH WATER ®*eee eo MEAN LOW WATER —2 ELEVATION CONTOUR PROPERTY LINE =[IMT OF WORK/ACCESS PROPOSED SACRIFICIAL BANK AREA =453%3 A ~sQ.FT. | 4 ah AEH XS REMOVE ENTIRE pa Lg TTSCONCRETEWALLAND:Lk he EMOVE ENTIRE ;=Ee |“CONCRETE WALL AND/JFRONTINGSTONE“FRONTING STONE ~~~~ ~~5 AND PROPOSED CUT SURVEY NOTES: 1.RECORD OWNER(S): JOSEPH J.AND MEREDITH S.ZONA 1 ANDREWS WAY,ARLINGTON,MA 02474 DEED BOOK 33098,PAGE 218 (33 AND 39 SETH LANE) 2.ELEVATIONS REFER TO NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD 88). #INSTALL fRIGGER PT. lds AJ ELEV]—1’ 3.PROPERTY IS SHOWN ON YARMOUTH ASSESSORS MAP 61,PARCEL 54. 4.PARCEL LIES WITHIN FEMA FLOOD ZONE AE (ELEVATION 12°AND 11”)AND ZONE X AS REMOVE CONCRETE REMOVE CONCRETE SHOWN ON COMMUNITY PANEL #25001C0591JFAs.air ahi SefReit-Riss CAP AND REPLACE -DATED 7/16/2014.''s .WITH STONE y :4 5.DATUM FOR ALL ELEVATIONS =NAVD 88 MHW =1.5'NAVD 88rpSITEPLAN—EXISTING AND PROPOSED MLW =2°NAVD 85 ore w 8 0 WW @m -VAAN 6.THE PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN AN NHESP/a —BOUNDARY AND IS THEREFORE NOT SUBJECTA.TO MESA REVIEW. 4 1"=20 oF Fy 1.ELEVATIONS REFER TO NAVD 88.CONTACT DOWN CAPE ENGINEERING FOR ADDITIONAL ELEVATION INFORMATION AS NEEDED. 2.CONSTRUCTION ACCESS SHALL BE VIA DIRECTLY OVER THE APPLICANT'S PROPERTY. RN ree ee Tonge Ton?/\3.THE PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK IS TO REMOVE TWO CONCRETE CAPS ON THE EXISTING GROINS,AND REPLACE WITH STONE TO MATCH EXISTING HEIGHTS,REMOVE THE ENTIRE FRONTING prisia A glide.fr TOP OF STONES (VARIES ZN"CONCRETE AND STONE WALL AND ROCKS.REGRADE WALL SLOPE LANDWARD AND NOURISH BEACH AREA TO PROVIDE A 10:1 BEACH SLOPE ANGLE.USE REMOVED STONE TO REPLACE THEteed]FROM EL.3%TO EL.—3'%CONCRETE CAP ON THE EXISTING GROINS.REPAIR ANY EXISTING INCONTINUITIES OR VOIDS IN THE EXISTING GROINS.PLACE FILTER FABRIC ON THE LANDWARD SIDE OF THE GROINS UPLAND OF THE BEACH TO PREVENT EROSION NORTH AND SOUTH OF THE SITE.PPOVIDE A SACRIFICIAL SAND AREA TO EXTEND COASTAL BANK LANDWARD OF REMOVED SEAWALL. PLACE FILTER FABRIC ON LANDWARD SIDE OF GROIN MHW =1.5’4.THE WORK ACTIVITY SHALL OCCUPY A MINIMUM AREA TO ACCOMPLISH THE PROPOSED WORK.EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS HANDLING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE WORK PROTOCOL UPLAND OF BEACH AREA SUBMITTED WITH THE NOTICE OF INTENT,THE RESULTING ORDER OF CONDITIONS AND AS DIRECTED BY THE YARMOUTH CONSERVATION AUTHORITIES. 5.ANY EXCESS STONE AND ANY EXCAVATEED SOIL THAT IS UNSUITABLE FOR NOURISHMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE.4 6.ALL AREAS DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RETURNED TO THEIR PRE—CONSTRUCTION CONDITION.ALL WORK SHALL BE INSPECTED BY SHOREFRONT CONSULTING ANDEXISTINGGRADERECEIVEAPPROVALBEFOREREMOVINGEQUIPMENTFROMTHESITE. SECTION B—B PROFILE NO PART OF THIS DRAWING MAY BE USED BY ANY 7.THE ACCESS ROUTE AND WORK SITE SHALL BE CLEANED AND RESTORED TO RESEMBLE THE PRE—CONSTRUCTION CONTOURS AND CONDITIONS.PARTY WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF2512502.5 5 10————8.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A COPY OF THE ORDER OF CONDITIONS ISSUED FOR THE PROJECT BY THE YARMOUTH CONSERVATION COMMISSION PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY WORK.SHOREFRONT CONSULTING AND SCALE 1"=5’;DOWN CAPE ENGINEERING,INC.\.9.INSTALL A TRIGGER POINT (BOUND,IRON STAKE OR EQUAL)AT ELEVATION 1°ON THE INSIDE OF EACH GROIN.WHEN THE TRIGGER POINT BECOMES EXPOSED,THE BEACH WILL HAVE ;DROPPED TO 2023 LEVELS AND CAN BE RENOUISHED WITH APPROXIMATELY 35 CUBIC YARDS OF COMPATIBLE SAND. 10.THE 650 SQUARE FEET OF BEACH GRASS PLANTINGS APPROVED FOR THE HOUSE PROJECT SE83-2358 SHALL BE MOVED LANDWARD TO THE EDGE OF THE NOURISHMENT AREA. ~—SCSF |COASTAL BEACH |LAND UNDER OCEAN ——————== TOP OF COASTAL BANK 2 COASTAL~——ISCSF NK COASTAL BEACH LAND UNDER OCEAN —————————== REMOVE ENTIRE CONCRETE WALL AND FRONTING =REMOVE FENCE STONE;REGRADE LANDWARD TO PROVIDE 10:1 2BEACHSLOPEANGLE SEAWARD LIMIT OF 10 REMOVE CONCRETE 10.00 J EXISTING GROINS Re ise Nourishment,add profile C—C,add sacrificial b REMOVE FENCE hh __10 /10.00NOURISH/TO PROVIDE A 10:1 SLOPE EXISTING LICENSED /TOP OF COASTAL BANK J 7 PEE Ee’4.50 [«——6.8:1 AVG.SLOPE —s=—t=—————13:1 SLOPE -a BP Laima TN £io | ,,—MHW =1.5 CRIFICIAL FILL AREA;NOURISHMENT AREA UNDER CURVE =13+SQ.FT 8 ”TN ——:|900 EREDITH ZONA \ =:—a NOURISH TO PROVIDE A 10:17NC——ML Ed ow ww ee oe ww a Pay REDHHA ZONASLOPE;5 CU.YDS.\INSTALL TRIGGER POINT AT ELEVATION|—1’i SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA VOLUME OF FILL AREA =6+CU.YDS.: ~10 INSTALL:TRIGGER POINT AT ELEVATION +4 ~10.00 \NOURISHMENT AREA UNDER CURVE =8.4%SQ.FT.AP DINLENGTHOFNOURISHMENTAREA=17+FT. VOLUME OF NOURISHMENT AREA =5%CU.YDS.9 MAIN STREET 0 25 50 75 100 -10 —10.00 DUTHPORT,MA 02675 CUT AREA UNDER CURVE =18%SQ.FT.5245 LENGTH OF CUT AREA =63+FT.0 05 50 75 100 VOLUME OF CUT AREA =42+CU.YDS. DATE DANIEL LAs BE Ji SECTION A-A ELEVATION;EXISTING AND PROPOSED A SECTION C=C ELEVATION:NOURISHMENT ONLY /N 5 25 0 5 10 20\4 TIT OR'l,MA.Snt2ILAW(508)280-8046 1"=10’VCE #20—4183 WWW.SHOREFRONTCONSULTING.COM