HomeMy WebLinkAboutPresentationPublic Boat Ramp Stormwater Project
Improving water quality by treating stormwater pollution at public boat ramps
Follins Pond, Yarmouth
Permit Hearing – March 21, 2024
Eliza Fitzgerald, APCC
The Problem
Impaired Water Quality: Freshwater and Coastal
Untreated Stormwater Contributing Source to Problem
Nutrient impairment
Bacterial contamination
Why public boat ramps?
Locations of direct discharge with little to no treatment of stormwater
Nutrient impairment: High nutrients cause algal and cyanobacteria blooms, which leads to unsafe conditions for aquatic species and humans.
Bacterial contamination: Leads to closures of shellfish areas and public beaches
Project Overview
Short-term Goals:
Develop concept designs for twenty public boat ramps
Advance plans for seven sites through design and permitting to align for construction
Long-term Goals:
Improve water quality
Reduce shellfish bed and beach closures
Funded By:
Private Foundation
Project Partners
Project Timeline
Completed 2023
Summer 2024
Spring 2025
Present Scope
Cape Cod Boat Ramp Stormwater Retrofit Project
Follins Pond
Boat Ramp
Public Hearing
Yarmouth Conservation Commission
MassDEP File No. 083-2420
March 21, 2024
*Funding for this work has been provided to Association for the Preservation of Cape Cod (APCC) from a Southeast New England Program (SNEP) Watershed Grant, Massachusetts Office of
Coastal Zone Management Coastal Habitat and Water Quality Grants, and private foundation funding. SNEP Watershed Grants are funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
through a collaboration with Restore America’s Estuaries (RAE). For more on SNEP Watershed Grants, see www.snepgrants.org.
Project Goal
Existing Conditions/Resource Areas
Proposed Conditions
Resource Impacts
Site Location
Existing Conditions
Steep road
Existing infiltration systems
Existing infrastructure does not capture all runoff
Total Drainage Area = 7.9 acres
25% Impervious
Coastal Bank (blue dashed line)
Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage (LSCSF) el. 9’
Coastal Resource Areas
Coastal Bank (blue dashed line)
Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage (LSCSF) el. 9’
35-ft Buffer Zone to Coastal Bank (yellow dashed line)
Coastal Resource Areas
Coastal Bank (blue dashed line)
Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage (LSCSF) el. 9’
35-ft Buffer Zone to Coastal Bank (yellow dashed line)
50-ft Buffer Zone to Coastal Bank (red dashed line)
Coastal Resource Areas
Coastal Bank (blue dashed line)
Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage (LSCSF) el. 9’
35-ft Buffer Zone to Coastal Bank (yellow dashed line)
50-ft Buffer Zone to Coastal Bank (red dashed line)
100-ft Buffer Zone to Coastal Bank (green dashed line)
Coastal Resource Areas
Proposed Conditions
Regrade/Repave parts of Follins Pond Road and Gun Rock Road
Reset existing catch basin rims
Add new Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI)
Proposed Conditions
DA3c=3.25 ac / 27% imp Underground Infiltration Chambers
DA3b=1.67 ac / 20% imp Existing Infiltration System
DA3a=0.43 ac / 30% imp Existing Infiltration System
DA3=0.62 ac / 29% imp Infiltration Trench
Proposed Conditions
DA2b=0.47 ac / 28% imp Infiltration Trench
DA2a=0.14 ac / 33% imp Infiltration Trench
DA2=0.10 ac / 25% imp Existing Infiltration System
DA1=0.23 ac / 25% imp Existing Infiltration System
DA0= 0.98 ac/ 17% imp Unmanaged
Stormwater Components
Regrade road and reset existing catch basin rims (grey)
Underground infiltration chambers for infiltration (0.87 ac) (blue)
Infiltration trenches for treatment (0.36 ac) (green)
New catch basins (yellow)
Overflows continue down ramp
Stormwater Components
Regrade road and reset existing catch basin rims (grey)
Infiltration trenches for treatment (0.36 ac) (green)
New catch basins (yellow)
Overflows continue down ramp
Infiltration Trench
Provides additional storage underground
Planted with grass, plants and small shrubs
90% TSS, 98% TP, 100% TN, and 98% Bacteria Removals
Coastal Resource Area Impacts
Coastal Resource Area Impacts
Resource Area Impacts
The proposed project will improve conditions:
Project components improve the ability of resource areas to perform their function to protect the interests of the state and local wetland regulations.
The project is restorative in nature and will provide an overriding public, environmental, and health benefits through the improvement of the water quality in Bass River watershed.
Thank You!
Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI)
Mimic Nature
Structural Practices
Wet Practices
Rainwater Harvesting
Non-structural Practices
Pavement Removal
Source Control
Public Education
Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI)
Mimics Nature
Existing Infiltration Systems
Popular Water Access
Shellfishing Area
Project Background – Why Follins Pond Boat Ramp?
Project Background – Why Follins Pond Boat Ramp?
Water quality issues in Follins Pond
Total nitrogen
Nutrient/Eutrophication biological indicators
Water quality issues in Bass River
Total nitrogen
Nutrient/Eutrophication biological indicators
Fecal coliform
Existing Stormwater Infrastructure
Series of catch basins to infiltration systems under the road
Ponding in spots
Steep road and road grade does not allow for most runoff to get captured by existing catch basins
Project Background – Why Follins Pond Boat Ramp?
Within 1.5 miles of Environmental Justice Community
Project Background – Why Follins Pond Boat Ramp?