HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision 288 Yankee Villagee
Town of Yarmouth October 15, 1953
N1Y. 2$$
This is an Appeal from decision of Selectmen
v +� refusing permit to: Robert I. and Louise C. White
The. Petitioner requested permit to allow. the lot..of..lan.d located..b.e.tween..Casa..Barbi..and the
residential zone to a business
1750 House...whiob..ia..known...aa..Yanken,-Village,..to. .be changed. from. a
...%ona- so that- a--motel•-business--e-an be --conducted.
fontrary to the zoning by-laws, �c .
Members of Board of Appeals present. -
Harold Hayes
Elwin Coombs
Stuart Ryder
Alexander Catto
Kenneth H. Studley
It appearing that not.ive of -said hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the Petitioner
and all those owners of property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby. and that public notice
of such hearing having been given by publication in the Cape Cod Standard Times on
........ , the hearing was opened and held on the date first above written.
The follon ing appeared in favor of the�C
irr. Dasey represented Mr. White.
The following appeared in opposition to the 140dddmmxx
Reason for Decision:
This petition requests that the business location knoim as wrankee Villagell
be changed from residential to businese.14 This is beyond the power of the Hoard
of Appeals. The Hoard only having the power of variance.
Further, inasmuch as a motel is being conducted on the pies at the
present time, the Hoard is Mable to determine what the appliaaut wishes, if he
wishes to enlarge the motel, the Hoard Wind not feel justified in so doing,
since it is aamimed that he mould have to enlarge it by going up on what was
formerly the marsh on gill Cove, and if that is the situation, ouch lead is
not buildable, in that at extrome high tides, it would be covered with rater.
Further# in the event such land was useable for kuilding purposes, the wise
of the same was not sufficient to warrant wq additiomml esteaaion.
No perinit issued until 15 days from date of decision.
: • • 2' • 07U R
Robert White.
Appeal No. 288
October 15, 1953•
The petitioner requested permission to allow the lot of land located
between Casa Barbi and the 1750 house which is Imawn as Yankee Village
to be changed from a residential zone is a business zone so that a
motel business can be conducted.
Members appearing in the Board of kopeals:
Harold L. Hayes Jr.
Elwin W. Coombes
H. Stuart Ryder
Alemander Catto
Kenneth H. Studley
Those appearing in favor of the appeal:
Mr. Casey represented Mr. White
Those appearing in opposition:
Harold Hares: If the petitioner is present I would like to hear what
he has to say?
William Casey: I am here to represent im Mr. Robert White. Mr. mite
s been conducting a very nice business in the present location for the
past four years and it consists ct five units with two apartments. These
units are heated in such a way that if anyone should just want a room he
Would have to heat the entire unit and it is expensive. He wants to
build to one of the present units and connect another unit with single
rooms or in other words have a motel. In the early spring and Fall he
would like to be able to rent these rooms and heat just the room that is
being occupied. Also as a hardship I would like to point out that should
mWene come and want just a room it is impossible for him to rent just one
room and it is necessary for him to rent the entire cottage. As a matter
of fact people seem to want the motel@ and several have added to their
already established places which is what Mr. White would like to do. I
feel in asking to make this into a business district it really is surrounded
with business. Casa Barbi Restaurants, 1870 House is an apartment, Fruitland
and across the street Cape Cod Laundry, Strom Villa and various other places
of business. Because these places are spot zoned I feel Mr. White is making
the same request to be spot zoned. Mr. White has pointed out that this
Board has granted similar requests for motels. The buildings are going
to be attractive and in no wny detrimental to the area.
Harold Hayes: Does the Board have aV questions?
J. Albert Bassett: I dontt see any objection to allowing him to have a
Appeal No. 288
page -2-
motel in that particular neighborhood. It seem to be all business around
him and the motel business is a coming business, no use fooling yourself an
that scare.
Lawrence Barbi:
T have no objection to his haying a motel.
Harold Hayes: We have a zoning bylaw whichsays differ6ntly. Your point is
WeTI takw. We have asoning by]Lfiw and we must abide by that. We had a me6ting
asking the residents of Yarmouth if they wanted to turn Route 28 into a business
district and they voted it down.
9tmsen Baker: We lived on Route 28 prim to Boning and we Want to keep it
res n .
Elwin Coombs: When we voted the zoning bylaws all the places that were established
a were spot zoned for business. That was in 1946.
Harold !Lane: V there are no fwther questions we will declare the hearing
c ose .
101,OUTH, I`ASS.
This petition when completed and signed must be filed with the
Board of Selectmen, Yarmouth, Mass.
To the Board of Appeals,
Yarmouth, Mass.
�Qee. 2 . lg
I hereby appeal from decision of
RE Selectmen and petition your Boa
for a public hearing on the act
checked below.
Review refusal of Selectmen to
grant permit.
Variance from requirements of
Yarmouth Zoning By law.
to allow:
fhEt lit or
z o h ,ems S a ehnre
lQt7 d ,Located ,bcewe eh CAs. BRyf i
fro�4Scr (Irrjv,,,/^_ rqS Y.
an)0-0, 'V').)la .�
d f ive t7? �'L 1/e S I d PF,tr a 1 2
at /'7'Jo -e-P f b ct sl n �e S`S Can
shown on the attached elan:
Names and addresses of abutting property owners& and those persons deemed
(at least three) affected by this application.
Respectfully submitted,
Name !.._,
,address _ %24e
This petition request■ that the business location known as "Yankee•
Village" be changed from residential im business". This.is beyond the
power of the Board of Appeals. The Board only having the power of
Further, inasmuch as a motel is being conducted on the promises
at the present time, the Boarded Able to determine what the applicant
whes. If he wishes to enlarge the motel, the Board would not feel
justified in so doting, since it is assumed that he would have to enlarge
it by going up on what was formerly the marsh on Mill Cove, and if that
is the situation, such land is not buildable.in that at extreme high tides,
it would be covered with water.
Further, in the event such land was useable for building purposes,
the size of the same was not sufficient to warrant any additional extension;