HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision 324 Yankee VillageTOWN OF YARMOUTH
This appeal was held June 17th, but only three Robert I. White
members of the appeal Board were present. Appeal No. 324
June 21, 1954.
The petitioner requested permissLon to allow the word ='model" to be displayed
on a roadside sign at Yankee Village, Route 28$ West Yarmouth, which was refused
because it was contrary to the zoning by laws.
Members of the Board presents
Harold Hayes
Kenneth H. Studley
Alexander Catto
Stuart Ryder
Haydn Mason
The following appeared in favor of the appeals
Mr. White stated his case
A letter of approval from Mrs. Alfred Greene
The following appeared in oppositicns
Harold Hayes= Read letters to Board. I want to ask you a few questions.
As I recall your property you have separate units,, and each unit -Lis on a sep-
arate lot of land. Do you believe you have a motel on your ]rand Mr. White.
Mr. White: I do not plan to make arty change in my place and I want the word
1115tel" 9 my sign so that I can attract the traveling public. When people
go along Route 28 and see the word "motel" they yill stop and then I can talk
them into a cottage which is what I rent. Idon t intend to make any physical
change on the property. It will be just as it is.
Mr. Ha ee: In other words you just want the word "motel" on your sign to
attract e people., but really you have no motel$ you really rent cottages.
Kenneth Studle s You have property on both sides of the road.
HKrold Hayes: The word "motel" appears on thesign at the present time. Is that
right,If-here are no other questions I will declare the hearing closed.
This petition when completed and signed must be filed with the
Board of Selectmen, Yarmouth, Maas.
To the Board of Appeals,
Yarmouth, Mass.
I hereby appeal from decision of the
SFr %;lectmen and petition your Board
or a public hearing on the action
the below.
Rcviow rc=fusl sl of Selectmen to grant
Variance from requirements of Yarmouth
Zoning By Law.
to allow: ✓L�� ���
sh on tfho attached- p -
Names and addresses of abu�ting property owners, and those persons deemed
affected by this application (at least throve) .
Respectfully submitted,
7 - -
,,-S2 -i* -
The following appeared in opposition to the BOU&M
Reason for Decision:
Applicant stated he had individual housekeeping cottages. Further he stated he had no
intention in making any changes in the arrangement. He also stated that the only reason
he wanted the word "Motel" was to attract the motoring public into the area. Therefore no
hardship exists.
Members of Hoard Voting:
Harold Hayes
Kenneth H. Studley
Alexander Catto
Stuart Ryder
Haydn Mason
Therefore, the is xpauoft
Appeal denied,
and we authorize a vark= to _ _
on the following conditions, viz:
No permit issued until 15 days from date of decision.
May 210 1954
11r, Robert I. White
:pox #1
West Yarmouth, Massachusetts
Dear Mr. Whites
T-ur request to have the word Motel displayed an your roadside
sign at Yankee Village, Route 28, W.Y., is herein refused as
it is against the Zoning Ordinance.
However, you have the right of appeal.
Very truly yours,
Board of Selectmen