HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision 601 Yankee Village MotelT014K OF YARIMUTH
Fildd with Town Clerk: FEB Ilearkag Date: January 172 1963
Detitioners �i abert re. Whits Petition Numbers 601
The petitioner requested approval of the Board of Appeals to allow a second floor addition
of I1 roans to existing motel on Route 28, 275 Main Streets :fast Ya .outh, Imown as Yankee
Village Motele k_e yt j L/
Members of Hoard of Appeals present:
Il. Stuart Ryder
Albert F, Webb
Eldredge Shaw
Alexander Catto
Harold La Hayes* Jra
It appearing that notice of said hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the
petitioner and all those owners of property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby, and
thft public notice of such hearing having been given by publication in the Cape Cod Standard
'Dimes on 12/29/62,, 1/5163, the hearing was opened and held on the date first above ;,mitten.
The following appeared in favor of the petition:
Robert 1e White
Mrsg Robert I, White
The following appeared in opoos tions
Reason -"for Decision: -It appeared at the hearing that the petitioner desires to erect a
second floor over his existing motel on the south side of Route 26 in West Yarmouth. The
motel is known as the Yankee Village hotel. The petitioner stated that the design of tho
addition would be exact3y the same'as the existing motel, it appeared that Route 28 is used
in this area for housekeeping purposes and that the peti.ti.oner has had housekeeping facilities
at this loc::tion for a long period of time# It further appeared that there would be adequate
parking for the new units, The Board requested the petitioner to submit plans showing the
work to be performed as a ;result of this hearing, The Board fel-h that the public l;ood would
not be adverse4 affected by ap )roving this request and the petition for approval is granted
as renuea ed subject to the following condition:
In That plans be submitted to the Board and approved by the Board,
Members of Board voting:
H, Stuart Ryder In favor
Albert E. Webb In favor
Eldredge Shaw in favor
Alexander Catto In favor
Harold .L4 Hayes Jro In favor
Therefore,_the Petition for Apprdval is granted on the following conditions, viz:
That plans be sutted to the Board and ap-aroved by the Board,
No pelt issued until 15 days from date of decisiono
Albert E. Vabb
Acting Clei�k
--••� J* 77 1963
Town Clerk +OO OJGgq Oe�000U0030ry0 Hearing DateJanuary p, �p'O OCappp, pOon OOOIIoap
Robert I. White
Petit owr oc0000000n000000a��gy000a+00040o Petition l`ivnber gc�Ol00000unua.cr..aoonoogoopo
This is art-u-pyr„al- -Erein
4 petition for approval of
The petitioner requested pwxxtgxx approval of the Board of Appeals
�to allow a second floor addition of 11 rooms to existing motel
on Route 28, 275 Main Street, West Yarmouth, known as Yankee
.Village Motel.
1:embers of Board. of Appeals present° Ilembers absents
Stuart Ryder
Albert E. Webb
Eldredge Shaw
Alexander Catto
Harold L. Hayes, Jr.
It appearing that notice of said hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the
petitioner and all those owners of property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby,
and that public notice of such hearing hav ing been given by publication in The Cape Cod
Standard Times on . n r 12/29/62 0 61/5/63. n o n . o„q n q tbb hearing iras or :ed and held or. the
date first above written,,
The fol1o:*Ang appeared in favour of the xmitikmxx
Robert 1. White
Mrs. Robert I. White
The following appeared in opposition:
Reason for Decision
It appeared at the hearing that the petitioner desires to erect
a second floor over his existing motel on the south side of Route
28 in West Yarmouth. The motel is known as the Yankee Village
The petitioner stated that the design of the addition would be
exactly the same as the existing motel. It appeared that Route 28
is used in this area for housekeeping purposes and that the
petitioner has had housekeeping facilities at this location for
a long period of time.
It further appeared that there would be adequate parking for the
new units.
The Board requested the petitioner to submit plans showing the
work to be performed as a result of this hearing.
The Board felt that the public good would not be adversely affected
by approving this request and the petition for approval is granted
as requested subject to the following condition.
1. That plans be submitted to the Board and approved by the Board.
lkmbere of Board voting:
Stuart Ryder
Albert E. Webb
Eldredge Shaw
Alexander Catto
Harold L. Hayes, Jr.
Therefore, the Petition for Approval is-Ttzted
.tPROa cxx lb�-cx
on the follow conditions, vim; That plans be submitted to the Board
and approved by the Board.
140 permit iemwd until 15 &.ys from date of decision.
ijr-LLA -
Board members present:
Harold L. dyes, Jr.
Alex Catto
H. Stuart Ryder
Albert Webb
Eldredge Shaw
Appeal No. #601
January 17, 1963
petitions Robert I. White has requested approval of the Board of Appeals to allow a
second floor addition of 11 rooms to existing motel on Rte. 28, 275 Main St., W. Y. known
as Yankee Village Motel. Shown on Assessors Map ##24, Parcel M3.
Mr. Hayes: Reads petition and states that notice was given by publication and all
abutters have been notifsddNby certified mail. Mr. Hayes calls on petitioner.
Mr. White: We want to add on an expanse of 192 feet on the second floor, which will
take in 11 rooms. It will be 192 x 17. There are two units there now and this will
connect with the two.
Mr. Whfte: The addition would run the entire length of the motel filling in between
the two penthouses which are there now.
Mr. Hayes: What about sewerage?
Mr. White: We have applied to the state and we have received word verbally it was alright.
Gene Homer: I have been notifed that plans have been submitted but they do have to be
Mr. Hayes: Of course whatever we decide has nothing to do with the state as they are
above us.
Mr. Hayes: Would you give us some idea of the size and structure?
Mr. White: There w+111 be a utility room of llxl6. Wooden frame. It will be the same as
we have now, material will be texture 111.
Alex Catto: Are you going to have a balcony?
Mr. White: There is already a railing there and we will use 41feet as a wa;k-way.
Mr. Hayes: Will you have some plans before you start construction?
Mr. White: The builder knows exactly what we want so he doesn't require plans but I do
have some rough sketches if you'd like to see them.
Mr. White shows sketches to the board.
Mr. Ryder: Will it be an open balcony?
Yr. White: Yes,it is already set up for a balcony.
Yx. Webb: I don't want to Vote on anything without any plans. I would like to see a floor
plan. We can't tell what its going to look like. Without plans we are practically giving
them free of hand.
Mr. Hayes:- Yes I can see Mr. Webb's point. There has been occasion before when someone
would come before us without plans and after granting their request they build somethine
entirely different. As in the case of Mr. Jasinski whose petition we gust heard, we can
write up a decision and he Vd 11 be held firm to it. We need something we can go by to
vote on.
Appeal No. #601
January 17, 1g63
Robert I. White
Mr. White: Well, it will be built exactly the same way.
I4r. Hayes: We could take it under advisement or make a decision subject to the showing
of plans to this board. Would Mrs. White like to add anything 0
Mrs. White: As we are not building the thing anew I can't see why you need plans. It
was built with the idea of double decking it and we already have the two pent houses there
and it will be exactly the same.
Mr. Hayes: Do you have pland for the old building?
Mr. White: No, we never had any plans for the old building, no now, maybe I have. Gerald
Mercer drew the plans so Ee may have something.
Mr. Hayes: Did you come before this board on your present motel.
Mr. White: I don't recall whether I did or not.
Mr. Webb: I would like to see sore over—all dimensions.
Mr. Homer: I will have to have the size of the units before I give out the permit.
Mx. Hayes: A snap shot to show conformity with Cie existing building could be presented.
Mr. Hayes: If the rest of the board is in agreement we will grant this petition subject
to presenting plans. Each of us will get into see Gene Homer and initial the plans if
they are to your approval. Wherefore, we have approved your petition subject to you
presenting plans to Mr. Homer and we would also like a couple of snap shots; subject to
these things and approved by these five men. You can't build until 15 days after the decisio
anyways .
Mr. Webb: Will there be nay change of signs?
Mr..Hayes: No, he has petitioned for signs. Building will be the same in structure and
Mr. Hayes: When the plans are in Mr. Homer's office the secretary will get in touch with
us and we five men will come into the Town Hall and initial them meeting our approval.
Hearing closed.