HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDM Smith Cover Letter Including Odor Control 03.21.243 Davol Square, Building A, Suite A-425
Providence, Rhode Island 02903
tel: 401 751-5360
March 21, 2024
Ms. Dolores Fallon
Zoning Board of Appeals Administrator
Yarmouth Town Hall
1146 Route 28
South Yarmouth, MA 02664
Subject: Special Permit Application Petition 5089
Applicant: Town of Yarmouth
Supplemental Information for Continued Hearing
Dear Ms. Fallon:
On behalf of the Town of Yarmouth (the Town), CDM Smith Inc. (CDM Smith) is pleased to submit
supplemental information for the Zoning Board of Appeals’ consideration at the upcoming April 11,
2024 continued hearing for Petition 5089. As indicated in the original application package, the Town
is seeking a Special Permit for construction of Wastewater Pumping Station No. 5 (PS5) at 170 South
Shore Drive (Map 25 Lot 264), a Town-owned parcel. The Town is requesting that a Special Permit be
issued to allow for Municipal Use (P10) within the R-25 zone.
Providing municipal wastewater service is part of the Town’s Comprehensive Wastewater
Management Plan to address nitrogen contamination in the Town’s estuaries; protect its drinking
water source; as well as promote redevelopment and economic growth throughout the Town. The
proposed pumping station is a critical component of the wastewater collection and conveyance
system and will provide needed service to the properties in the South Shore Drive area. Flow will be
pumped from PS5 via a force main up to a proposed gravity sewer in Seaview Avenue; from there
sewerage will flow by gravity to Route 28 and eventually will be pumped to the proposed Water
Resource Recovery Facility at 99 Buck Island Road.
At the original hearing for Petition 5089 held on February 22, 2024 members expressed concerns
regarding three main issues: the lack of a Certified Plot Plan for the parcel; proposed plantings at the
site; and potential odors from the proposed pumping station.
To address those concerns, we offer the following:
1.Certified Plot Plan: A Certified Plot Plan, stamped and signed by a Professional Land Surveyor,
is being prepared by J.M. O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. and will be submitted under separate
2.Site Plantings: We have attached 6 copies of the proposed site plan (Sheet No. CD-1) with
proposed plantings around the site color-coded to a plant list included on the plan so that
Ms. Dolores Fallon
March 21, 2024
Page 2
members can see where each type of plant is proposed. Plantings proposed include 5 Eastern
Red Cedar; 8 Red Sunset Maples; 3 Serviceberries; 17 Beach Plums, and 3 Little Bluestem. We
have also attached 6 copies of a Plant Board that includes photographs and typical growing
heights/widths for each species. Note that all proposed species are native to Cape Cod, as
required by the Conservation Commission.
3.Odors: As indicated at the original hearing, our experience with similar pumping station
installations is that odors are not typically an issue, particularly for those that collect domestic
wastewater. However, the pumping station has been designed with a room to allow the
future addition of a skid-mounted odor control system that would draw air from the wet well
(below grade structure that collects the wastewater prior to pumping) thru a bed of carbon
before being exhausted to the atmosphere thru a vent stack. We have included 6 copies of a
mechanical drawing (Sheet No. M-3) that shows the arrangement of the odor control
equipment should it be needed in the future. As an interim measure to address any concerns
about potential odors, the Town can install a carbon filter on the end of the vent stack to
provide a level of passive odor control. These filters are used on vent pipes for septic system
leaching fields and have been used successfully in similar pumping station applications. We
believe that this interim measure would provide a sufficient level of odor control necessary to
ensure the pumping station does not become a nuisance to the residents in the area. If this
measure does not prove to be effective in addressing odors from the pumping station, the
skid-mounted odor control system could be installed by the Town in the future.
We hope that this additional information sufficiently addresses the Boards concerns and look forward
to discussing these issues further at the continued hearing on April 11, 2024.
Please contact me at (401) 457-0310 if you have any questions regarding this submittal or require any
additional information.
Michael Guidice, PE, PMP, BCEE
Project Manager
CDM Smith Inc.
cc: Jeff Colby, Yarmouth DPW Director