HomeMy WebLinkAbout3 Belvedere Terr - building permit solar wolfRECEIVED TMENT 22ONE &TWO FAMILY ONLY- BUILDING PERNfiT Town of Yarmouth Buildiag Departmert I146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 026644492 508-398-2231 ext. t26l Fax 508-398-0836 Massachusctts State Building Code, 780 CMR Building Permit Applicdiot To Constnrct, Repai\ Renovate Or Deuolieh a One- or Two-Fotrily Dwelling This Section For OfEcial Use Only Buildiag Permit Number:Date App[ed Building Officirl (Prirt Nsme)Dat€Signatu(e SECTION 1: SITE INTOtu\'IATION l-la Is this an ac sEeet? yes no 1.2 Assessors Map & Psrcel Numbers Map Number 1.3 Zonirlg InformatioD: Zoning Distdct Proposed Usc 1.4 Property Dimensions: t ot Arca (sq ft)Frontagc (ft) 1.5 Building Setback (ft) Sidc YardsFront Yad Rear Yard Rcquir.d Providcd Requircd Providcd Requircd I.6 Water Supply: M.G! c.40, {5a) Publictr PriYate E Cbcck if 1.7 Flood Zone Information:Zot]e-: Outside Flood Zone? I -ll Sewagc Disposal System: Municipal tr On sit disposal A SECTION 2: PROPERTY OWNERSIIPI UILDI CEIVED 25 2022 G DEPAR TMENT ffi 3 Rplve.lere Terrace Yarmouth, t\rA 02675 No. ald Sfta C,ty, Statc, ZIP 508-36r-2392 Tolcphone EmailAddrdss 2"1 Orvnerr ofRecord: Carolvn end Ralnh I ddders SECTION 3: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK: (check all that appM Owner-Occupied tr Repairs(s) tr Alteration(s) trNew Construction tr Existing Building tr Number of UnitsAcccssory Bldg. tr Other tr Spcciry;SOLAR sed Work?: INSTALLATION OF 10 SOLAR PANELS TO T€TAL A: J1t(!V ROOFTOP SOLAR SYSTEM WITH A SMARI ME I ER SOCKE I Brief De-scriptioo of Propo SECTION 4: ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Estimated Costs and Materials OnlyItrm $ srm zol' Building 2. Etectrical $ 3a7o so 3. Plnmbirg $ 4. Mcchanical (IIVAC)$ 5. Mechanical (Fire $ tr Totdt Project CosC (Itsn O x muttiplia - x - 2. Othrr Fccs: S_ T i*_ s Indicate how fee is detcrmined: Fee tr Paid itr Fu[tr Outstadilg Balanc€ Due l. Building Permit Fee: tr Staodard CitylTovrr 3 oen6. Total Project Cost: l.l Property Addressr 3 Belvedere Terrace. Yarmouth. MA 02675 ParcclNumbcr o Addition tr Dcmolition tr Total All Fa6: S ChcckNo. Check AmorEt C8!h tr": SECTION 5: CONSTRUCTION SERI/ICIS Llctnsc Numbcr Lis( CSL Typc (sc. betow) Eeiratioo Drrr U 4CS-087 491 ?-19-2 Type Dc.cdption U io 35 cu. fr-UGestricred Rcstrictcd l&2 D RC Roo Co ws Window alld S Solid Fucl i insulation 5.1 ConstructioD SupGwisor LiceNe (CSL) Ted Strzelecki Emsil address 508-538-9445 operation s@solarwolfenergy.com Barre MA 01005 No. llld Strecr CiV/Town, Stac, AP Na&c ofCSL Hold.r 582 Wauwinet Road D Dcmolitioo 5.2 Registered flome ImproycrDent Contractor (HIC) Solar Wolf Energy ZE HIC Company 771 Washi Naruc or HIC Rcgist"ant Namc nqton Street - 01501Ar r hr rrn No. and St.cer 508-538-9445 0 HIC Rcgjstlation Numbcr 11_A_^O^2 _ Expiration Dat. SECIION 6: WORKERS, COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVTT (M.c.L. c. tsz. S 25C(O) licationIasuranceaffidaltmustcobeletedaqdColnpe$ation subm withittedmp lstb loFailureapP provideal[dathisvtt rcsultu the ofdenialthe uance55 tbeof building permit Sigoed Affidavit Attached? yes ... .. . . ... E No tr AUTEORIZATION TO BE COIVPI.ETED WIJXNSECfION 7a: OWNER FOR BUILDING PEfuVITOWNER'S AGEM'OR COMNACTOR APPLIES to act otr Ey behalf, in all mattss r€lative !o work authorizei by this building pcrmit applicetio! 3-17-22Print Ourrcr's Narnc (El.cronic Sigaf,&rc)Dat Please see attached owner auth I, as Owue{ of tlrc s$ject property, hcreby authorize WNER1sEmtoNb:1 o AORUTHORIZED DGINT TIONECLARA By cDreritrg my name below, I hereby atrest under the pails ard penalties of pedury $at all of the informatios coarained in this application is trre and accru?te to the best of my knorvler.lge and undcrstaading Date 3-17 -22 Plint Ov,&c/s or Ag.irt's Namc (Elcctonic Sigoaturc) -/o/ NOITS: progam or guararty irnd uader M.G.L n'ww. mass, gov/oca LnformatioD oo the . c. t42A Other inportatrt hfomstion on the IIIC hogram can bc foond at CoEstnrctioo Srpervisor Liccnse can be fou[d at www-Eass,soy/dps bis/her hires itratio! AI Orvoer obtainsho a to do OJ lvhobuiidingpermitowler atr coDtrwork,actorurrcgistered Il01 then Home veme(rt Contactor Pro wilt ha toaccqss a$tleImproc)(1rr grarD),,tol Total floor arca (sq. ft.) _ Gross living area (sq. ft, - -Number of frrcplaces 2. WIen substmtial wort is plauned,provide thc information below: Opcn Nurber of batbrooms Habitable room couEt Number ofbe&ooms Number ofhalflbatbs Nuarber of deckV porchcs Eoclosed Typc ofhertitrg sy$em Type ofcooling system 3. "Total Project Squale FootagC' slay be substitrrted for ,'Total project Cost', R Appliancls Tclcohonc _- ooerations@solarwolfenergy.com Email addr.ss Workers TD AD registerEd (includbg garage, finished basemeryanics, decks or porch) The Co mmo nwealth of Massachrrserts D ep artment o{ Intlustrlal Accidents 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 www.massgou/dia 11:orkers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contrlctors/Etectricians/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTTNG .AUTHORITT.. Name Address: Art you ln cmploycr? Chcch the rppropriatc box: l.fllamaemployerwith cmployees(tulland/orpart-time).* L[ I am a sole propriemr or partncrship and have no employees working for me inany capacity. [No workers, comp. iruurance requirei.] - l. I t am a homeowncr doing arl rvork myself. [No workers' comp. insurance rcquired.] t 4.[ I am a homeorvner and wilt be hiring contractors to conduct all work on my property. I willcnsurc that all contractors cither heve workcrs, compensation insurancc or-uc sole ' proprictors with uo emgloyecs. 5.I t un a gencral sootractor and I have hircd thc sub-con'dactors tistcd on the anachcd sheetThese sub",coutractors havc cmployccs and have workers' comp. insurancc.l 6.fl w-: "I a,corporation ard irs oflicers have exercised their righ! orexemption par ivIGL c.152, $ I(4), ard urc have no ernployees_ [No wo*ers, comp. insurance iequircd.] City/State/Zip Phone #: Any applicant dut checks box #l must also fiil out the section beiow showing rheir workers'compensation policy inforrnationHomeowners who submit this affidavit indicating thcy are doing all work and then hire outside confactors must submit a new afiidavit indi:ating suchlContractors tlut check tlris box must attached an additional sheet showing the name oithe sub-contsaclors and state whether or not those cntities have Type of project (required): Z. I New construction 8. fJRemodeling 9. f]Demolition 10 [ Building addition I l.I Electrical repairs or additions 12. flPlumbing repairs or additions 13.IRoof repain t4[Other If the sub-contractors have thcy oust their workers'number. is proviLingworkers' compensatiott ittsurancefor nry employees. Below is the poliqt and job sttef am an employer that irlformalion. lnsurance Company Name Policy # or Self-ins. Lic. #Expiration Job Site Addrcss: CitytstztetZip:Attach a copy of the \ilorkers' compensation policy declaration p"g. lrt otui"gihe poticy nimber rnd expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152, $25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to $1,500.00and/or one-year imprisonmen! as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORKbRDER and a fine ofup to $250.00 aday €ainst the violator, A .opy of this statement may be forwarded to the Ofrice of tnvestigations of fie DIA for insurancecoverage verification. I do hereby certify unrler the pains orrdi", Phone #: ofJicial we only. Do notwrite in this area, to be completed by city or raw ofJicial Issuing Authority (circle one): l, Board of Health 2. Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector 5- plumbing Inspector6.0ther Contact Person:_ phone Permit/License #City or Town: -_ l)efa' JOB LOCATION TOWN OF YARMOUTII BUILDTNG DEPARTMENT 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 HOMEOWNER LICENSE EXEMPTION 3 B6lwd€.€Tsme, Yamoulh, MA 02675 NAME STREET ADDRXSS SECTION OF TOWN..HOMEOWNER'' HOMEPHONE WORKPHONE PRESENT MAILING ADDRESS 3 Belvede.e Temce, Yemou$, MA 02675 CIYORTOWN STATE ZIPCODE The current exemption for 'Homeowner' was extended to include owner - occuoied dweiiin ss of one or two uoits aud to allow such hommwners to engage an individual for hire who does not possess a license, orovided that such homeowner shall act as suoervisor. (State Building Code Sectioo i10 R5.I.3.1) Defi nition of Homeowner: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he / she resides or irtends to reside, on which there is or is iatended to be, a one or two family attached or detached stmcture assessory to such use and / or farm stn ctures. A person who constnrcts more than one home in a two-year period shall notbe considered a homeowner; such "homeowner" shall submit to $e building official, on a form acceptable to the buildiog official, that he/ she shall be resoonsiblefor all such work oerformed under the buildin nermit-(Section 110 R5.1.3.1) NAtvIE The undersigued 'homeowner' assumes responsibility for compliance with the State Building Code and other applicable codes, by-laws, rules and regulations. The undersigned 'homeowner' ceflifies that he / she understands the Town of Yarnouth Building Department minimum inspectioo procedures and requirements and that he / she will comply with said procedwes and requirements. HOMEOWNER''S SIGNATI.JRE - APPROVAI OF BUILDING OFFICIAL INSURANCE COVERAGE: I have a cuneut liability insurance policy or its substantial equivalent, which meets the requirements of MGL Ch.l42. x Yes No If you have checked Es, please indicate the qpe coverage by checking the appropriate box. A liability iosurance poliry , Other lype of indemnity Bond -/e/ S6,XI1L*Z Srgr"t r* "f OE*. ". o,r,*.3lgent Check one: Owner Agent PLEASE PRIlrrI: DATE: OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the licensee does not have the insurance coverage required by Chapter 142 of the Mass. General Laws and that my signature on this pernrit application waives this requirement. h:homcowndicllrcp $TOWN OF YABMOUTH 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-223 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 Offrce of the Builtling Commissioner BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEMO LITION DEBRIS DISPOSAL AFFIDAVTT Pursuant to M.G.L. Ch. 40, $54 and 780 CMR - Section 105.3.1' #4' I hereby certifl that the debris resulting from the proposed worvdemolition to be conducted at 3 B6lv.dd€ Tffi€, Yemddl iIA 02675 Work Address Is to be disposed of oat the following location:771 Washington Street, Auburn, lVlA 0'1 501 Said disposal site shall be a licensed solid waste facility as defined by M'G'L' ch. 1il, $l5oA. /od Signature of lication Date PermitNo. 3-17 -22 SOLAR WOLF tnc. 771 WashinSton Street, Auburn, MA 01501 . (888) 878-4396 ' www.solarwolfenersv.com MA HIC: 1864q) r Rl HIC:4{l!174 o CT HIC:0653560 Home lmprovement Contract Contact Infonnation CustomcrNantc Carolyn & Halph Lodders Yasmene Badereldin Addrcss 3 Belvedere Terrace 771 washington Strcct City, State, Zip yarmouth port MA 02675 Auburn, MA 01501 Phonc (5oB) 362-2392 (508) 538-9451 Emri! carolyn652@verizon.net Yasmene.b@solanalolfenergy'com Svstern Information Syslem Sizc:3.35 kW Currcnt Annual Elcctric Usc (kwh): 3'551 Modulc Makc & Modcl Sunpower 335 I nvcrtcr Manulhcrurcr: Enphase lQ 7+ Modulc Count: 10 I nvcrtcr Count' 1o 10 Salcs Consultant lncludc Onlinc Monitoring: EYESENO Elcctrical Pancl Upgradc: EYES ENO Roof Rcplaccmcnt: f] YES E]NO Baucry Storagc: IIYES E]NO Trcc Removal: EYES ENO Additional Notcs: Monitoring Term (Ycars): N/AHos,many: Pavment lnformation E Lcasc/PPA Projccts: lntcrmcdiary:N/A Loan Tcrrn (Ycars):N/A El Cash Proiccts Total Projcct Cost ($):$8,677 Cash Paymcnt Schcdulc: . l0% Duc at Signing ofContract . 30% Duc at Filing of Pcrmits . 30% Duc at Start of Installation . l0% Due at Systcm Commissioning Lcase/PPA Ncw Rate: gN/A 7PY1t Escalator Ratc (%): N/A r 2,603.10 Customcr lnitial tJ Customcr;1;1;sl a-( Customer lnitial a 4- Customcr Initial e=zs- $ 2,603.10 s2,603.10 $867.70 Iluycr's ltight to Cancel: Y datc this agrecmeot was signctl.l:ncrgy lnc. postnra*ctl ntr You rnay use this pagc as lhilt noticc hy rvritrng "l hcrcbY canccl" at the botlom rvith your n:ulrc & addrcss. 'l his noticc can trc nuilcd to solar Woll'l;ncrgty rtt thc ntltlrcss ahovc or cntailcd lo inlitlrl solarsrrllirttru.\"ctrttt' CONTRACT IF THERE ARE ANY BLANK SPACES' 'ou nrav cauccl this altrccntcnt ol'purchasc hy ruailing latcr than nridnight ol'thc third brrsirlcss day alicr thc a rvriltcn noticc kr solflr Woll' I rcccivcrl a copy ol'thc tcrms & courlitirxrs and acknorvlcdgc that I agrce rvith said lcrms. DO NOT SIGN UNLESS YOU HAVE RECEIVED A COPY. llv signing hcl0\.. I agrcc $ar I har.c rc0d anrl rgre. rvirh all thc rcnrs oullin!'d irr this c(nrlncl. I acknowlcdgc tltat irnmcdiatcly ,it"r-"ig,ring, this agrecnrurl, a c.urplctcly cxcctltcd copy rvrrs lirrrished lty lhc conlraclor. DO NOT SIGn- THIS c usluttcr Salcs Consuhant Sigmturc: L., hr,&tgtd /a.aoe/ rzrtct /fi,Lt.4tt.i /2, h)?/tl 5OLAR WOLF rnc. TTl Washington street, Auburn, MA 01501 '(888)878'4395 ADDITIONAL TERNIS AND CONDITIONS ,\( ('l:ss lO PRot'!:R'lY: IIll: W()l{K CANNi)I I'R()CIl:l) IrNllt l llls A(;Rltil\tliN I llAs lll:llN ljl 'l l'Y sl(iN|D & l,Xt,(.Ul't,l) lly tr) t t,AR11t:s INl],ss tt ts Olttt Wlsli sl,liCll]ll:l) lN WRI'1lN(i llliRl,lN. Il ls llNl)l:Rsll)()l) IIIAIY(nr,\Rl:Rli l)Yl:()RllllsWoRKlI)llli(ilN.()wNliRSll^l.l(iRAN]ACCllSsll)CoN'lR^Cl()R'llS (it:N ts. Rt:t,RtistiN t A t.lvt.s-,ANt) Atrlll(,lllll:t) stillcoN I It cl()Rs AND Vllllcllis I:y()li til:l Usl: I() l,l;ltMll IIlllc()NItt^c'l()R()RIlsRliPRllsliNlAl'lvEsTot'Rocl;lil)wlIllIHtiw()RKllllRlilN, l)R lN'l l lti livl,N I ( )l AN \'() llll:R llRl:ACll ( )l I Htr A(iRlil:MtiNl'. l:( )R ?\NY REASoN Wll^l'lil)liVl;It SIIAI-t' C I rsl: Yol I lr ) PAY I (, I tll: c()NI RAC I( )R A sl lM ol' M()NllY IlQt, l.'ll) slivliN l"f'l:nrE PI]RCllNl'([ 11ll: IRICI] ACll[Iil) '11) Dl:t [). AS t;lxtit).l.lQl rll)A nil) NI) Asclill l' lNlr) I) MA(il]s ANI) NOr AS A PllNAl.lY. wrrl(n,'t Hll{fll[la Plt(x)l'()ll.()Ssl)RI) M (il:|lrla'llll:lt.C()NIRAC]-()RIlAsl'lllRt(;llT11)sToPw()RKl[()wNnRf^ll'sl\) l\'l^KliANY lAYMllNl-s l)lrll llliRlilrNl)liR wllhN l)llll ANI) N()l RI-cOMMtiNCl: WoRK tlNlll' Al-l- PAYMI:NIS ARInR(n(nllCl,RRtiNI.lNl'lllilivl]NIIlll:RIiAREADf'lT()NAl'CoslsAsAREsl'l'lOljll VIN(;'IOS-l-oP w()RK. C('NlR]\C',l()R Sll^l.l llll.l s lD c()sl'.s r() ()wNliR wlttcll sll^l-l- l)li l)tlr AND owlNc uloN PRIST:N',IA1l()N llYSl(iNrN(ilrllsc()NlR]\cr.Y()lr,\(;Rl:liTIl^l'solnRwol.l:lNIRGYASSI'MI]SNORIISIUNSIUII-l',lYIjORANY l'Rl:lixts'l'lN(i CONI)l'l-t()NS t l l I M Y lrli l,Nt.AWFI 't l o ANY ND AI'l C()DI:S ANY NIICIjSSARY llftiRADl is AllI l'lllr S()l-l: RI:SP()Nsll)ll ! I Y ( )| lllL Ct,S]1)MllR I_ I l[] St(iNtiti. ljut_t_y cKN{)wl titxiti AND UND|iRST NI) ItlA l Sl)Mli()NE M(JSI ola 1 ',l',llll PRol'lilLlY DURIN(i Al I INsl ]\l LA II(rN W()RK I Al s() (ilVl: flll.l. Rlil.l-:Asli 'lll l' Wl loMliVliR I Cll(x)sl: s Sl(;Nllli 'lr) lll: 'l ll lli PR()l,l]|(lY Il^s IjllI.l- r\t,ll()RIIY,lo M^Kl: Dlicls()Ns ()N MY B[ll I'[ sll()l,I,D ANY I'R()I!I-I|Ms RlsIj Illls tNcl.l[)t]sBrIlsNoll.lMlll:l)1()M()l)trl.l:PI-Acl:Ml:Nl'.wIRIiMANAGLMEl.rl',-tQl'll'jM[NIM N,\CIiMtiNl. ANDM()R[.lIlAMI:IN NCIN(iIlll:sYs'll:M.lA(iRlil:11'BtiPRtisl:N'l'l<)R'lIltjDIlR?\-l'l()Noljlllli lNs,|-^l-1,^11{ )N 1I) sl(iN lllli l]tNANclN(i (t)Ml'l-Il Il()N (t:Rl.lljlc^,lt t,PoN coMPl-ln'l()N ()lj ,I.HIj woRK, ll] 1] lIi c(rMpt.t: oN ctjR]ll;tc^n: ts N()t s|(iNlil) ril\)N (()vPt.llII(,N ol: lNslAl.l.ATION. rlN^l INSPICU)NS Wll.l- N()I Rll s( lllln[.lil) (lwNl:R AlIlIl()Rlzlil) c()N'lR cl.()R llll] Rl(iIIl. l{) l)lsl|l, Y Rli^s{)N^ot,l: AND lJNoltl]lt]slv[ slcNs ^NI)Al)vl:Kllsli A I TIt! r()l| slrli l:l(,M l)A'l l: ol' lixlict[l()N ()l]'lllls C{}NI-RAC'I'AND c\)N]INt 'lNc l 'N'l'll 60 D YS l,'t tiR c(rMPl.lilr()N Rr:sPoNslltll.ITlls:UYsl(iNlN(;'t'ltls (;Rl]liMlrNI.ltrt'l-l.YtiNDl:RS-tANDlll^l'solr\RWoLrENliRcYlSlN N() W Y RI:SPONSllll-la ()R llll,l) ACC()i lltl' t}li l:()R ANY & l'l Rlill 'I]'S INCUNTMjS & CRllDl lS s()l,Alt w( )t-l] l:Nl:Il(iY ls N() l l.llsl{)Nslltl.l: Il)R ANY cI ^lMs ()R w RR NI]lis I;RoM ,|Il|i MANI]lj^c lalRIR s{)I RW()l-IIiNl:R(iYlSN()Illlill)RtlslrrNsll}lll:()RM TllRl^l-SlloR]a(il:sCAtJsl:DR)'ANYRli soN s( ll,^R w()I,1. l:NljR(iY lN c(x )D I: III l M^Y (t|]l]l]R l.() M^Kll AN ATn,-l!lTI AT Rl:l,l- cliMl:l\rl- lN ljQll^l, v^l,l Jl: l-()Al) C LCI rl-A I IONS ANI) (iliNllRAllON PRor[CTl('NS ARII N('l nlL (itl R Nll;l] oI's()l AR WOLI'IjNIIRCY' ^NY l-liAKs Rli N(,1 'll llj Rtjsl\)Nsll]lt I'ry ol. sol-AR w()l lj liNliR(;Y Il] l}lE R(x,l: ll^s l}|11:N lNsl,AI-Ll,) ,}Y, Atll:ltl:l).oRRliDONllBYs()Mli()Nl1(tllll:RlllANs()l. RWol'lliNllR(iYOllIilsRl:l-Arlil)coMl' NII:s tl NY s fR( lC l't,RAt- I rl'(iR l)l:s ARli I)l:lrMlil' Nl:cl:ssARY llY A Il IIRD-PARTY liN(ilNliER l-l ll:Rf wll'l' RI: AN Al)DIl-loN L c()s'l Assl:sstllr. I)lscl rSSliD NI) A(iRl,lll) l ll'()N wlll l THti Cl rsl()Ml;lt ,{NY ANI) l-1. l,Ql,tl'MllN I1'll^'l lS lixls |INC l'llA I lS l'('WliRt'D OR Nol Rli(;ARl)l'l:SS ()li SOURCE OF POWIIR lsl-lllis()t-tiRl,sP()NslBll'n1,()t.l1II1l|RoPt]R].r(}wNER/c()NlaAc-l,sl(iNER,soL Rwol,[l]Nl]RGYlsNol. lllil.I)Rl:sP()Nsl|rl,lilr()R^NYRlit\)wl]RlN(i-Rlis-I,AR,l,|N(i.(}RljNs(tRING^NYR|]sljIs^RliNl]IjD!]D' xl,llt|l'1.1:DIVARRANIIY:c()N1.llAc]-()Rl,xl,RtisslYw RRANl.ssw()RKM^NslllP NDl^lloRljoR25YI]ARS |jRoM rIIl: D 'lIi ()l] slll}sl^NII I C'()MPI-I]'()N (,lj ,l.lll: voRK lNIl)RM^1,|ON ()N M NUIjAc'II lRljl( \V^RRANIY LLNGl,ll c^N D[ lj()IINI) oN I.lIl: c()RRIjsl,()Nl)lN(i MA,ll.RtAl- DA,ln slllili,I M^lcl|lN(i lllli I:QtllPMliN'l-lNslnl.llil).As CoNDIT()NPRlictil)ENl'loliNlrll'llMliNII{)TlllsWARR'\N]YoWNl:llMtlsl' ol: IN l;llt l c()MPl,l^Ncl] wllll^I'l ].l:RMs (,lj l,|Ilj c()N1'I.^c1,. lNcl-UDING I, YMIiN'|.S l)t,tj llllRLtINDl,R ^Nl),\NYNo'ltcl:RllQlrlR,iMliNl's(,WNliRsllAI-l-tIx)Kll)llt[:WARRAN'IYIfANYPR()vll)l:DI]Yllll: M^Nlll]^cllIRI.:Rlj()R NYolllljRv^RR^N],llisR!:(iARl)lN(;IlliPRoIxJcIANYlMPl-lEDwARRANlrIjs. INC|.lrl)lN(i NlMPl.llil)WARRNl-YOITW()RKM NllKliC()Ns',tRt'('lION.ANlMll'lEDwARl{ANIY(')! ll^llrr^Bll.l lY. oR N lMPl.llil) WARR NI Y ()l: ll',lNliss l'()R A PARrel'Il'AR tJsl: RI l lliRli!]Y w lvl:l) NI) I)tscl-AlMlil). AND I;XCl.lil)l:l). \vlllil'lll:R ()R N(Il Yot, AS AN oWNt:R l:XP[RlllN(li M()I-D ORo\trnl Dtl'LNt'li |'AR(|ILY ON Il()W Yot] MANA(iI: NDMAlNl.AlNYotJRll()Ml:ot,RRtisl,oNsll}ll,l1Y s (.(,N1R^c'loRMt]sTBl:l-lMllljl),11) l lllN(is lll^I WE CAN C()Nl R()1. Wll. lllti c()Nl R (:I-OR- WIl t' N()l llE RI:SP(NSllll li IoR ANY DAM (iI-:S c^lJstiD oY Mol-l). oR BY soMli ()lllrR A(il,Nl'. tll^] MAY R[ SS()CIA]-IiD wrl.lt DEIECrS IN Ot'IR c(}Nst,Rtl('fl(,N l'() |N(.l-l,t)lj Dln'N(,1, 1,o Bl] l,lMl,tl:I) I} l'll(,Pl]R1-Y D MAGE. P}:Rs{,N^l' lN',t]RY. I,()ss l)l'lNc'()Ml:.1,M(rl1()NAl.l)lslRI:-ss.l)l'r{lll.lossoft'lsl-:l-(,SSofVAl-('IlAND DVt:rs!-HEALTlllilljl'C'ls' ()ll NY (,nt[R l]ljljl:c|'s- wlllctl lx,l:s No],^Rlsl] [l{(,M D|]|:l]cTs ANlyoR l,|IIj (iRoss Nlj(il-l(itiNcl] ()I: c()N I-R CI 1)ll. ANYONI: AC IIN(i DY. l',()l{- (,R lllR(}1'](;ll c()NTRAC',I' |'AYiutN,|,: ll'o\yNl:R l: ll-s l.() PAY AccoRDlN(i ll, t'ltll l]iRMs t|liRE IN- 'Illlj |:N'l-tRli t,Nl, lD MotIN,|' Illic()Mlas IMMIIDIA-l-lit.Y DUI: ND Yot' M('s'l P Y A l_Arli Htl: IQUN- lO lJ% OIj'fl lt-l(nnt- AMot'Nl'Yot l Ce,ldls Innial: ,+,(. inc. (8881 878-4396 . www.solarwolfenersv com771 Washinston Strcet. A'rburn, MA01501 ()Wl'.lrl.lrslllgblNll,Rl:sll'llR,1NN(rM-l'l-llsA1-t'oRNllYsl'lilis Nl)C()t'Rlc()slslNAl)t)fl()N'Yol' IlNl)l'l{SlANl)lll fll\'l:All-lN(i1t)|lAYACCORI)lN(i't()lllllIl:t(MSllliRtilNl'tllC()N'!R (l()l{M YIl Vll CI,AIMA(iAlNSIYl)trWlll(llMAYlll:lNlj()Rclil) (iAlNSl\'()lrl'l'ROl'IiRIYIN C(('RI)ANCI:Wlfllflll: ^Pl,I l( ^BI lj I,tliN l,^ws. lI: ^NY l'AR] ()l l Ill: w()llK ^Nl) ()R l' YMI:N l, PR()cl:ss sll()lJl 'D l}I1 l ll:l,D l ll, ljR( )M NY IARIY (tfllliR lllAN s()l. t{ wolI liNliR(iY llll: c()N1l{ CI sl(iNllll lS N llrRAl'LY 1() Bl: lllil'D A Rljsl\)Nsllll l: l'ARIY NI) sllolil.l) N(tl INll{lN(il: III\)N PAYNiIIN'I sclllil)t1t lis lI C()NfR^Cl srcNlill l)()lls N()l l,^Y ^NY t\)llll()N ()l.sAIl) c()NlB^cl.,l'lll] lNl,vll)1,^l A(il{t:l]s T() l]()Rl]l:ll ANY ANI) Al,l- sl)l, R INcl:NIlvlis ^Nl) ^(iltl:l,s l() ^w^RI)'l'llllNl I() s()l, R v()ll l:NliR(iY. ltlls Il()wlivl:ll lx)l]s N()I,t-Ll l'llll c()N,lt^c] sl(iNljR ()l:1. |-t lll ll(x)K l,^YMIiNI s ARlj ,11) llli l.All) ^s wRlrn]N ^1.I. l,li(iAL cos ls l|: lNcl lRRlil) ARti'tr) Dti pA[) IY lltti tt(]Ml:owNlil{;C()N I l{ Cl sl(iNllR W()llK Rl:Qt,lis'llil) lllllN PtiRIjoRMl,l) Al}()Vti fllli SC()l'li I-ls n:l) lN 'l llls (iRIillMFNr lX)lis RI.QtllRti A CIIAN(;|; ()RDliR ND wll l lll: lllLl'lll) l 560 PIR MAN ll(nlR PI,l,s M^] liRIAl NI)wll-l l}l1l)t,ll ^1.,|-IMl] (I [lN l- lNv()lcll, l)tJl] 1() v^Rl^.l]oNs lN c()Ns'tRt,c Il()N t,RoDUCrS AVAII. ttll.l',lY. ('ONI'RACT t'lRlcl: M Y INCRI:ASIi PRICI]CAN [ll'Cll'.\llj l)t,[ ]t) (i()vERNMljN r_ liNl:()Rcll)'l Rlli:sNllllllLRPARlYMAYAssl(iNllllsC:oN]l( (]lwlll()tllllll:Wtll-t[NCoNSINIOI:11|E ()l lItiR llj Al l, I'AYMI]N'|,s ARI j N(}r REcllvl:l) ltY s()I^R w()l'lj l:NER(iY, wli I l()I,I),1] tl: PoslIloN 1.() Dlsc()NNl]cl Illll s()l- R RR Y tIN! ll. s^ll) |'AYMI:N-I- ls SAl lsl:llil) AC(.()lll)lN(i l() c()Ns l'Rllc'l.t()N l ll:N l,^ws lI|(lsli wl() w()RK ()N Y()l]R l,R(tl,l]RTY ()R PR()Vll)1. MA.l]iRlAl,S ANDARIjNOI',I' tl)lNljlrl-l.ll^vl: trl(illl'1-()l:NroRcl;'llll-llRclAIlv:[olt|'AYMIIN] (iAlNSlY(]llR pRot'rRfY Y()rlR c()N I'RAC lr)R MAY tlAVl: A l.ltiN ()N YOtrR PRol',l:R',l-Y. 1r lls MI:ANS l[ A l.ll:N ls l:ll lil) YoIJR PRI)l't:R'l"vC()l,t.l)lll:s(rl.l)A(i^lNslY()t,Rwll.l11)PAY!('Rl- D()R.M,{lIRlAl-s-(lRoltll:RstiRvlcLsl'llAI Y( )I lR (.()NTRAC lI)R ()R A sI ll]Cl)NI'RAC l (,R MAY l l^vti l:All,l:l) l( ) l'^Y T() PR( )]'li(',|, Yot lRsl]l I Y()l I sl ()t,l,l) s I ll'tll. ll: IN I llls C( )N IR CI' lll^ I lil:I1)Rli ANY |'AYMIiN I Is MAI)li. ) (X'R C()N-I'RAC l1)R ls RllQl 'IRED 'Io l,Rovll)li Y()t, wlIIl A wRIfllN Rl]l,tl^sli ()l: l,lliN l:lloM ^NY PliRs()N oR c()MPANY]HAI ll^s Pllovll)lil),ro Y()lt 'N(IIlCIi',ll) ()WNliR " Ml|(Ul.l.AN!]olrs: ll)R oNl.lNtj M()Nlll)RIN(i. s()l.AR w()l.l liNl:R(iY llstjs 'l-llli D'ilj^lJLI' MoNIII)RlN(i 't]icuNot-(xiY l:R()M'llll, INVERTuR l:ql r[Ml]N',l MANLTI:AC11l|rrR.l]lls Dlivlcli t,PDAIIS tivliRY [ouR I I()l'RS Ilj ll()MlrowNllR Rl:Qlrtjs'l'S DIRLC-I'wlRti oR ANY Dll'l'ERIiNI lYl'li Olj CoNNljC"IloN 'rlIIiRE Wll-l' Dll N t)Dtr()NAl 'nMIl ANI) MAlliRt t. CIAR(ili. SOt- R WOt-t' l.tNliR(iY RlisliRvlis'lIlli Rl(illls l() Illli()Nl-lNl, M()NIll}RIN(i I'l- flt)RM t]N|.tt' ltN^l- P^YMljNl ll^5 DIIN R|cljlvljD I:RoM cIlsll)Mlill, l,l\)N Rl]cl]lr|.. s(r.AR w(ll-l: liNl;R(it' Wll l. Rlal-l,Asli Illl: ()Nl-lNl: M('Nl-lI)RlN(i PI-Allj()RM Ir) ctlsrOMI:R /\i,t INS lAl l.A l-lON scllljl)l,l lis ARI: Wlt^l lll:R I|]RMI'|.|lN(i' Sl ()l'l'l) SNOW' L lN W|ND ()R c'( 'l 'D Wli Il lliR c()lNctt)l: wtl.lt scllu)lI-tt) INsl^l l' IloN DAY. rllL lNst, t,l'ATloN wlt,I. RI. Movl-:I) l.() fltl] NI]x',-l,A'l'l: Av ll.Al,t.ti. NY c()N'l-Rc-l sl(;Nl:l) ljIllR slll'lllMlltiR lslls susclil{11}l-li 1\' wt^'tlltR CoNDI'II()NS AND it'tAY Nol'(il,ARANl'lll, lN5'I LLA (,N llIl:(]Rli YIAR IND t.l:U;l:o(llJRRl,NCli((;ROt,NI)M()trN'lS):'llllilt)l-lOwlN(ilsANA(;RlillMliNl'lioRlllIl'(tlllNllAI- (rCl,RRllNClj l() C()Mli ACR()liS ANt) lDliNlll'Y S |-l:lxilt. l.lllxili wll'l' IMPACI CoST AND IIMIj AS WI I (i|lot,ND MollNts. lllll Nrlil) 11) lixc^vAl-ll l'lltt MA IliRl Lls t,Nsl;llN ANI) l,NDl,RGRol'IND I I IS Itlic^t',Sl; {)lj Ill l A Ij IR Assl:ssMIiN r ANI) PRICI: Ql lol,|l cANNor nli Dt]l]MIl) AccURA].[, l)tll] l-() 11l|s 11 sII()l,l-D Rl: s].All.l)I|l Ill:l-I:txil]IsDIs(r}vl:Rl;DIll l'11wlll-l}I'Rljvli^I.I.l)^Nl)sl()w.].{-11)1.1|11cUs]-oM|:RoR lloMl:l,WNliR. AN ssLsSMl:N f cAN Dl: MAI)I: AI 'lllAt"tlMIl f()R 1'ltL C()s1' lO lll: Cl-ltARLlllxit Wll'lltl: ll)l]Nlll:ll:l) As ^NY R(x.K l,ll I ls l' R(;liR IIIAN l ct]lllc YARD lN sIZ|j NY ^ND I-I, Qt,tislloNs wII,l I]l: At)l)Rlisslil) AND A(iRlilil) ()N llxEcl,'r()N Rlrl)RIl ACI IJAI- RI;MOV I- l-E(;^l-l ()wNIiR sll^l-I, l,R()vII)l] l'lllR,lY {]ll) l)^Ys wRIII'ljN Dl:'l'AlLljD N(Il.lcIi ND Rl(ilt,l. I() ct,Rl: NY (.l,AlM ^RlslN(i ()t [ ()l] 'l,llls c.(,N IR^c1. INcl,tl|)lN(i t]t,I. N() l' l-lMl I'ljI) 'l,o |}RliAClt or coNI,R cI l}lll]Acll ( )l WARRINIY. Dlall:(jl lvli C()Ns'lll ')C [lt)N ()R INS t'AI I I l()N ('R l)Il]ECTMr M II'RIALS C()NI R CI ()R lS N([ RlSt\)NSIDt-li l](]R ANY D M (iliS AS Rlisl'l.l ()[ Dlil. Ys IN lllli C(IMPI-ITIoN oR lj^ll-l'Rli 'l-() c()Ml,l,l:IllIlIIsC()N]'RACI..$|(nnj)st]Ctll,lil-AYsARlsliot,'|.()[oRl}l:ll[cARDIN(i,DlRlicIl-YoR INDIRIjCII Y, A(Ts ()l: (i()I) oR NAI-I,Rl;. INcl-liMl;Nl, wIl 'tIll,R. sl RlKl]s. l.(xjKol,I' MA'lI:Rl l, sll()Rl./\(i[s- tlRti. s't()RM. vANt) l.tsM.l)x oTllrR (Atrsl lll:\'()NI) l'llli c()NIR Cloll's coNl-R()l' lN (xx)D I:/\lrH' ANY l,li(i^l,lsst,lis/C(,llRl^CT(}NMl,s'I'RIill^Nl}lJ]I)^Nl)Rl:s()l-vlil)|Ns()|AJtwoll]EN[R(iY.s I Ii t)..)t l Rl'llRl':l) s r rlr olj MAss cl II,sli'l'l's lN,lIll:livliNl'()|]L|rlG^l,l(NIjoRANYR|]AS()N.ARIslN(i(nIlot.,l.lIIsc.()N,|R^c1'.I[PRtjvAlI-IN(iP RIY sll Ll. Bl, l:N'lI ni:l) 'l'() RllMRt'RSliMl:N t ()l: runs()N^lll-l: A'l-loLNtY's I'lllis lI lli I ERMS ^Nl' coNl)l]l()Ns oN.llll;Rl]vl:RsIsID|l RIiExPRIissl-YtNC.()Rl,()R^l.ljDIIliRljlN,l'lllscoNTRAclcoNs,tIIUILs,tll[IjN,l'IRli A(iRliliMl,Nl'affwliliNtllliP^RlllisAND'l-lllPARtll--swARR]\N'l'No()itllliRtlNDIlRsTANDlNGsoR R lRtistiNl'/\'l]oNs Rli OlNlllN(i tNl.liss IN wRl'l'tN(i ANDsl(iNtiDllY Al l PARlllis llil)tiRl.sIA11,'l'lsC'()Nl,\lNSIMlt()R]' MRIiQtrlRtlMliN]SYotlMt'SIf('l-LOWtll;l-oRllYo('M YDRING ^NYl,lj(i^t,AclloNloRANAl,lli(ilt)c.()Ns-|,Rl,clloNDl,.Ecl,slxlY(1,)DAYSI}IiFoRliYotltlRINo NY i.in,n,- na t'nr". y,u, ",,sr tlt,t-tvli* l., fllti(,'lllltlt I'ARTY ol] I llls coNTR c r A wtrrr[D Nol-lcli Rlil:l:RRIN(; 1.() cIl^l!]liR 5511, oI NY coNslxt,cll()N ('oNl)llt()Ns Y(,tI l'l-li(il] ARIi D[l:li(:[lvl.: ^Nl) PR()vlDli stlcll u,t*ruru ttu,,rnt{)o',.,t lTY r'() lNsPl,c-r lrlt Al.l-Lclil) c()Ns'l'RtlcrloN I)[I[CtS AND tO CI)NSII)IR MAKIN(i ,nt.,l,,t,tlltt 1., Rtt,ntR.,t PAY l1)R llll] c(,NIR cl,oR oR ^ sl,8(.()N,tR^cl(}R I:All-s To PAY stjDc()NTR (.I ()Rs, sl,l}l|R( )l'IlRl Y l()|t I,AYM!N|,, l:vtlN ll Yd, ll^vl: ^l-ru: DY PAll) Y(,1,R (-()N lRAC.loR IN ljlx,l, ll] Yot I l]A|1. Io P Y Y(n lR Al-l-li( ilil) (ONSI R( rcl()N DIIILCIS Y(n ' ARti N(tI OAI '|(iA'lI:l) ] { ) ACCTI'I ANY ol'fliR Wlllcll ur$j ttt' u,ruu. lllliRli Rli sl'ttlc r Dli^Dl.lNlis ND PR(rl]l)lrRl's t'NDl:R'lllll LAw ANI' wlllcll {)tlll:R iiiir,r, n t,. a*'tl^.-,ts liolD ANI) APP'.lt's looN1rlIsl'A'lli I I ls RELI]v N-I lN)wlllcll MUS'I aE MrI ANt) I()l.tIrwED 1I) PROIICI Y(LR lNItRllsl s ccromcr hn6l: q--+ SOLAR WOLF bSoLARWoLF 100 Davis Street Douglas, MA 01516 Office 1: (888) 8784396 OIfice 2: (508) 839-2222 Owner Autho rization F orm We the undersigned, hereby authorize Solar Wolf Energy Inc to act on our behalf in all manners relating to the installation of a photovoltaic system at the location 3 Betvedere Terrace Y Port. Ma 02675 This includes but is not limited to financing paperwork, interconnection documents, building & electrical permit applications, applicable rebate applications, etc. This authonzation is valid only for items pertaining to the installation and commissioning of a solar power system to be installed by Solar Wolf Energy Inc. Signed under the pains and penalties of pedury. Ca,Uty b//./Lt rt^t7L b//r,4r 09lMl2021 09107 12021 Signature of Owner Date Doc lD: cd56f4dec725M947956f8899cf6d8406d0703e5 Commonwealth of Massachusett: Division of Professional LicensurewBoard of Build Cons ing R ulations and Stander" , isor \ cs-097491 _.i' TED C STRZFIE ,d Exp ires: 0211912A22 582 WAUWI BARRE MA "\1--'il tt Comrnissioner K dt*,-!t* 't !li t / ,%go-r-**.rro.t4/rrZ.%."*t*-,A"t"a Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 1000 Washington Street - Suite 710 Boston, Massachusefts 021 18 Home lmprovernent Contractor Registration Tvpe: Registration: Expiration: Corporation 186400 111O6t2022SOLAR WOLF ENERGY INC, 771 WASHINGTON STREET AUBURN, MA 01501 .2, 't ",,,,,,..,..,. /t, ,/ ,u n)),,,,.)-.,,,/1, Olflce of Conrunr.r ArlrlrE & Bu3ln.s! Rlguldlon HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR TYPE: CorDorationRooiEfr.tion Expiration 1 86400 11t6nl22 SOLAR WOLF ENERGY INC, U n dersecretary TED STRZELECXI 771 WASHINGTON STREET AUBURN. MA OI5Ol fuaa 1/.a'e Upd.te Addross and Return Card. R.gisbation valid fo. lndividu.l us6 only betore th€ erpkation dale. If round rolurn to: Oflico of Consum€r AffaiB and Busin6ss Rogulrtlon 1000 Wrshlng(on Str€et - Suito 710 Boston, MA 021'18 Not valid without signaturo 24t7 Massachusetts C@ofcayruplpfrbwContractors Academy A PDH Academy Company Ted Strzelecki cs-087 49r has completed the Massachusetts Contractor Classroom Renewal Course Part 1 Approval # CS-0102I2 Code Review 2 hours Workplace Safety..ll hou rs Business Practice t hour Energy..ll hours Lead Safety-.,lhour Elective 2 hours o2lr7 12022 Coordinator: Annie Schultz, Program Manager Coordinator Number: CD-000102 lf you hove ony comments about this course offering, please moil them to the Boord of Building Regulotions and Stondords, CSL Continuing Educotion, One Ashburn Ploce-Room 7307, Boston, MA 02108 *i: o.fu CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE Laib laluraDca 53? Dalk lvanu. worcestGr, llA 01503 DrsUiED SOLIR lfoIrt SIERO:I i/l nAsElt{orox aT AI'BURII I'A COVERAGES AI{YP'OPFIETOfu PARTI{ER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER'IIEMOEREXCLIJOEO?E CERTIFICATE R CERNFICATE NUi/IBERi REVISION NUMBER 01 1 2 20I CERTIFICATE BOLOER, TH|S THE POLICIESALTE AIIVE cTHE RTIE TEFICAUPONNORroStstloNMALONANDFETHIStsUEtssASooTTERINFORF THR COVERAGEE BAFFOROEOEXTENO TH INSUR AUTHORIZEDEBETWEENrssurNGTITUTEERls),tg F TElcA INSURANCOF DOESE coNsNOTEBLOWTHcERTI TEFICA DER.HOLPRESENToPROUROANDETHERTIcRECER, It SUBROOATION l9 WAIVED, .ubl.cl to lh. t.rmt .nd con.llllon3 ol thr Pol lcy, Gcrtllo pollcl.a may 'tqullt !n cndo.a.m.nt. A tLlament on INSU o provlalodt rcr be airdorrad., th. pollcy(l.t) mu.t hrvoca ificata hold.r lr .n a slo iha ceniflc.ta holdsr ln llau ol luchthl! c.rllllcat. doas nol coni.r !4C t 508-792-0111 rNsuFEE{!) AFfORolrlc I,IAARTY TflITUAI ^ i NAUfTLUS taluilR D: CERTlFICATE EXCLUSIONS uEo ro trE tNsuRED NAMED ABovE FoR THE PoLlcY PERlooPOLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE SEEN IS5THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH TTIISTERM OR CONDITION OF ANY COMTRACTINDICATED, NOTWTHSTANOING ANY REOUIREMENT,DESCREED HEREIN IS SUAJECT TO ALL lHE TERMS,INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIESMAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE SHOWN MAY HAV€ BEEN REDUC€O 8Y PAID CLAIMS,ANO CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS x r 1,000,00 r 100, 000 s,000 ! 1,00o.00O 2,000,000GENEFI!^GGRE6AIE 2, 000,000PRODUCIS . COUP/OP AGG 5 NNL 2 077 23N GENf []*B fl.* A I 3EOOltY ll{JURY (Flr p..@) aOolLY INJTJRY (Pt 3@d.nr) s i HIREO SCHEOULEO ! EXCESS UAB 1.000,000E,t, EACH ACCIO'MT s 1,000,000 t 1,000,000 EL OS€ASE . EA EMPTOYE DISEASE, oeltol2022wc2-313-614935-020 oaltol202l lor , Add|don l R.Dr*. SGn dqr., 6t, b. .thh.d il m .r.e i. ..q*'d)DE3CR|PIION OF OPERAflOiTS / LOCATIO|S ' VEIIIC!€S IIIIOTJI.D AI'Y OF TH€ AAOVE DESCRBEO POIIC|EA BC CAXCELrID AEFORE rii -gprurrot.t oatE THEREoF, toncE wlt.t. EE tlEUvEREo lt' eccoaoexce wrx rrr PoIJCY PRO\rElKlt{Sl. XTBIIOUAE TOTN Erl.L 11,16 nourl 28 ItntaorrE PoBr, trt 0265{ ACORD 25 (2016,03) All dghrr r€.rved CERTIFICATE OOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMENO, o",r*n^'. [i *"r" AUIOIOOITE LIABILITY AXD EMPI,OYERI' LIABIUIY tr i Tha ACORD n.m6.nd togo ar...gbtEltd mttis o{ ACORD - .,6r,-i(, \-**-'The Commonwealth of Massnchusetts Department of Industriol Accidents Ollice of I nv est tgat io ns Lafayette City Center 2 Avenue de Lafayette, Boston, MA 02lll-1750 www.moss.gou/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Allidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers Arrplicant Information Please Print Leeibly Name (BusinesVOrganizatior/lndividual) Address: 771 Washinqton St : Solar Wolf Energy Auburn Ma 01501 Phone #: *Any applicant that checks box # I must also fill out the scction belorv showing their no*ers' compcnsation policy information.t Homeowners who submit this aflidavit indicating they are doing all wo* and then hire olside contracton must submit a new a{Iidavit indicating such. tontractors that check this box must ottached an additional sheet showing the namc ofthe sub+ontractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. lf the sub<ontractors have employees, thcy must provide tlreir workcrs' comp. policy numbcr. I am an employer that k providing workers' comperrsation insurance for my employees. Below ls the pollcy ond jab siu iuformolion. lnsurance Company Name: Leib Insurance Type of project (required): 6. I New construction 7. ! Remodeling 8. I Demolition 9. I Building addition 10.[ Electrical repairs or additions I LE Plumbing repairs or additions 12.[ Roof repairs otherSolar lnstallationl3.m Are you an employer? Check the appropriate box: l.E lamaemployerwith 6 4. D Iamageneral contractorandl employees {futt anafor part+irne;.* have hired the sub'conhactors 2. I I u* u rot. proprietor or partner- listed on the attached sheet. ship and have no employees These sub-contractors have working for me in any capacity' ernployees and have workers' [No workers' comp. insurance - comp' insurance'l reouired.l 5. fl We are a corporation and its :. f] f am a homeowner doing all work officers have exercised their myself. [No workers' comp. right of exemption per MGL insurance required.] t c' 152, $l(4), and we have no employees. [No workers' lnsuftnce Policy # or Self-ins. Lic. #: WC2-315-614936-020 Expiration oate; 08/1012022 Job Site J city/Stare/Zip:Vqrr.gfihflA ,,4^p 0Ltt1 Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page (showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to $1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonmen! as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to $250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations ofthe DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certify under the poins of perjury thal lhe information provided above k lrue and corrcclj -72-z z Phone #: Olficiol ase only. Do not write in this arca, to be completed by city or town officiol, one): Building Department sflcityrrown Clerk 4.fl Ehctrical Inspector SDtumbing Phone #:Contact Person PermiUlicense # Inspector 0.Elottrer City or Town: Issuing Authority (chegk lEnoaro ornealin dl - !5-.EV ENGINEERS 27 6-220-0064 I. 3/22/2022 RE: Structural Certification for lnstallatlon of Residential Solal CARoLYN LODDERS:3 BEwEDERE TERRACE, YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 Attn: To Whom lt May Concern This Letter is for the existing roof framing which supports the new PV modules as well as the attachment of the PV system to existing roof framing. From the field observation report, the roof is made of Asphalt Shingle roofing over roof plywood supported by 2x8 Rafters at 16 inches. The slope of the roof was approximated to be 36 degrees. After review of the field observation data and based on our structural capacity calculation, the existing roof framing has been determined to be adequate to support the imposed loads without structural upgrades, contractor shall verify that existing framing is consistent with the described above before install. should they find any discrepancies, a written approval from SEOR is mandatory before proceeding with install. Capacity calculations were done in accordance with applicable building codes. Design Criteria (component and Cladding) V 141 mph Exposure B STR ONL Sincerely, Vincent Mwumvaneza, P. E. EV Engineering, LLC Droiects@even sineersnet.com http ://www.even gi neerln€t.com VINCENT MWUMVANEZA crv[, proiects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evengineersnet.com Code Risk categorv Roof Dead Load PV Dead Load Roof Live Load Ground Snow Wind Load lf you have any questions on the above, please do not hesitate to call. 2015 tRC (ASCE 7-10)-CMR 780 gth Ed Dr 10 psf DPV 3 psf Lr 20 psf S 30 psf r/r I.rh.- - EV ENGINEERS projects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evengineersnet.com 276-220-0064 Structural Letter for PV lnstallation 3122/2022 Job Address: Job Name: Job Number: Scope of work This Letter is for the existing roof framing which supports the new PV modules as well as the attachment of the PV system to existing roof framing. All PV mounting equipment shall be designed and installed per manufacturer's approved installation specifications. Table of Content Sheet Cover Attachment checks Snow and Roof Framing Check Seismic Check and Scope of work L 2 3 4 Code Risk catesorv Roof Dead Load PV Dead Load Roof Live Load Ground Snow Wind Load I Dr 10 psf DPV 3 psf Lr 20 psf S 30 psf (component and Cladding) Exposure 141 mph B References NDS for Wood Construction Sincerely, Vincent Mwumvaneza, P.E. EV Engineering, LLC oroiects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evenPineersnet.com ONL VINCENT MWUMVANEZA clvlL 711 Engineering calculations Summary - B.EV -. ENGINEERS 276-220-0064 Wind Load Cont. Risk Category = Wind Speed (3s gust), V = Roughness = ExPosure = Topographic Factor, Kzr = Pitch = Adjustment Factor, tr = 141 mph B 1.00 35.0 Degrees 1 ASCE 7-10 Table 1.5-1 ASCE 7-10 Figure 26.5-1A ASCE 7-10 Sec 26.7.2 ASCE 7-10 Sec 26,7.3 ASCE 7-10 Sec 26.8.2 B ASCE 7-10 Figure 30.5-1 3.s0 ft ASCE 7-10 Figure 30.5-1 Where a: 10% of least horizontal dirnehsion or 0.4h, whichever is smaller, but not less than 4% of least horizontal dimension or 3ft (0.9m) Uolift (0.5w1 Pnet30= Pnet = 0.6 xlx XzTx Pnet3o)= Downpr€ssuie l0.6wl Pnet30= Pnet = 0.6 xlx KzTx Pnet3o)= Rafter Attachments:0.6D+0.5W {CD=1.6) connectlon Check Attachement max. sPacing= zone 1 {psf) -29.7 77.84 zone 1 (pso 32.5 79.52 zone 2 (psf) -35.8 27.49 zooe 2 (psf) 32.5 19.52 zone 3 (psf) -35.8 21.49 zone 3 (psf) 32.5 19.52 Figure 30.5-1 Equation 30.5-1 Lag Screw Penetration Prying coefficient Allowable CaPacitY= 4ft 266 lbs/in 2.5 in L.4 760 Table 12.24 - NDs DFL Assumed 0.6D+o.5W DpH.6W zone Trlb Width Area (ftl Uplift (lbsl Down (lbsl I 4 11.0 L76.5 247.7 z 4 11.0 276.6 247.7 3 3 8.3 152.5 185.8 Max= 216.5 < 760 GoNNECTIOI lS (,l( 1. Pv seismic dead weight is negliSible to result in significant seismic uplift, therefore the wind uplift governs 2. Embedment is measured from the top of the framing member to the tapered tip of a lag screw. Embedment in sheading or other material does not count' tl7 projects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evengineersnet.com 5/16" Lag Screw Withdrawal Value= Figure 30,5-1 Equation 30.5-1 -t E\ -. EV ENGINEERS projects@evengineersnet.com http ://www.evengineersnet.com 276-220-0064 Vertical Load Resisting System Design Roof Frami P8= 30 psf Ce= 0.9 q= 1.1 l, = 1'0 Max Length, L = Tributary Width, wr = Dr= PvDL = ASCE 7-10, Section 7.2 ASCE 7-10, Table 7-2 ASCE 7-10, Table 7-3 ASCE 7-10, Table 1.5-l 12.66 ft 15 in 10 psf 13.33 plf 3 psf 4 plf Pr = 2t Psf Pr,ntn. = 25.0 Psf P. = 25 Psf Cs 0.557 895 lb-ft OK 631 lb-ft OK 18.9 plf Pnet+ Pevcos(e)+PDL= 43.4 plf Max Moment, M, = 772 lb-ft Conservatively Pv max Shear 247.7 lbs Max Shear, Vu=wV2+Pv Point Load = 357 lbs Load Case: DL+o.75 0.6W+Sll Load Case: DL+o,6w 0.75(Pnet+Ps)+ Pp"cos(0)+PDr= Mao*n= Mallowable = Sx x Fb' (wind)= Load Case: DL+S s0 plf 89s lb-ft 2418 lb-ft 35 plf 631 lb-ft 1738 lb-ft Max Shear, Vu=wV2+Pv Point Load = 357 lbs Member Ca DF-L Depth, d = width, b = Cross-Sectonal Area, A = Moment of lnertia, lu = Section Modulus, SxI = Allowable Moment, M,n = forg,q = Allowable Shear, V aF 2/3Fv' A = 7.25 in 1.5 in 10.875 in2 47.6348 tn 13.1406 in3 1511.2 lb-ft 1305.0 lb DCR=M,/Marr = DCR=V,AaI = 0.35 < 1 o.27 < L Satisfactory Satisfactory 2X8 cr cF ci c,Kr 0 I Adjusted Value 1000 psi 1.0 t.2 1.0 1.15 2.54 0.85 0.8 F 180 psi N/A N/A 1.0 N/A 2.88 0.7s 0.8 E=1700000 psi N/A N/A 1.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1700000 psi E.in 620000 psi N/A N/A 1.0 N/A 7.76 0.85 N/A 620000 psi u1 Ps+ Po"cos(0)+Pe1= Mao*n= Mallowable = sx x Fb' (wind)= Rafters Design Value Fr=1380 psi 180 psi -: EXo,*rr*,projects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evengineersnet.com 27 6-220-0064 Siesmic check Roof Dead Load 10 psf % or Roof with Pv Dpv and Racking Averarage Total Dead Load lncrease in Dead Load 9% 3 psf 10.3 psf l.!% oK The increase in seismic Dead weight as a result of the solar system is less than 10% of the existing structure and therefore no further seismic analysis is required. Limits of ScoDe of Work and Liabilitv We have based our structural capacity determination on information in pictures and a drawing set titled PV plans -CAROLYN LODDERS. The analysis was according to applicable building codes, professional engineering and design experience, opinions and judgments. The calculations produced for this structure's assessment are only for the proposed solar panel installation referenced in the stamped plan set and were made according to generally recognized structural analysis standards and procedures. UL JAN t 1 2022 lv ED eatt-o MENT CERE BY ifio oe TRPA I TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28. SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664.4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext.1292-Fax (508) 3984836 NG'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COM 2v {0* APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acls of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings, photographs, & other supplemental info accompanying this apprication. PLEASE SUBMIT4jgpls OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVA PHOTOS, & SUPPLEMENTAL lNFORlrlATlON. 1) Exterior Buildino'fl.n"o U Construction: Solar Panels Other: A(2) Exterior Painling: 3) SignsiBillboards:to Existino Sion [Ir,**L llpoor [l4) Miscellaneous Structures : Please typ or prlnt leglbly: Address of proposed work:3 Belvedere Terrace Map/Lot # 132.109 owner(s): Carolyn and Ralph Lodders phone #.508-362-2392 All appllcatlons must bs submlttsd by owner or accompanled by letter from owner approving submlttal of appllcation. Mailing address:3 Belvedere Terr. Yarmouthport, Ma 02675 vear uuitr 1971 g*r;1, carolyn652@verizon.net Preferred notifi cation method:Phone AgenUcontraclor:Solar Wolf Energy Phone #: 508-839-2222 Mailing Address: 771 Washington St Auburn, Ma 01501 gr";g. alisha.v@solarwolfenergy.com Preferred notifi cation method ;Phone Descriotion of Proposed Work: Installation of a 3.35kW roof mounted solar array using 10 SPR 335W panels with built-in microinverters and a SMART meter j Signed (Owner or agent):Date:qlrlu Approved Reason fol€cnial' wilh _Modifications _Denied fr{4 'lt*J.-*$' ./* q1u t/-L ^*1t *e"--7 ilrrfrz/7 > Omer/con$actor/agent is aware that a permit is required from the Building Deparlment- (Check other deparlments. also.)> lf applicalioo is approved, approval is subjecl to a 10-day appeal period required by the Act.> This ceruticate is good tor one year from approval date or upon date o, expiration of Building Permil, wfiichever date shall be later.> All new construction will be sublecl to inspedion by OKH. OKH-approved plans MUST be available on-site for framing & ftnal inspections. Rcvd Dare: qlnY\ arornt $L10 ' cash/cK#: ll50 (/ rl5 Days: Rcvd by: Date Signed: Signed: 8' APPLICATION #: I l-l o*,.. fh,i, I]o*u,' Ml e,ar 1 TOWNOFYARMOUTH OI,D KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE I I 46 R0IITE :8. SOUTH YARMOUTH. fuIASSAC:HLISETTS O:66J."I,15 1'*lcphonc {508 ) 39tt-??l I Ext. I ]92 Fax I 50tl ) .191J-0t(-16 STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING CHANGES TO AN OLD KING'S HIGHWAY APPHOVED P I : As property owner/contractorlagent for construction at MaplLot tt-;" ru'1 C/A # ?l- &ty t, Approvat Date: I certily that I understand the following requirements regarding any changes that may be required for this project: ln accordance with paragraph 2(a) of section 1.O3(General Procedures) of the OKH 972 CMR Rules and Regulations: Only minor changes may be approved by the Committee without the fiting of a new application and a new hearing. Minor changes include alterations that can be done without a detrimental impact on the overall appearance of the project such as altering a single window or door change or a minor change of calors. All minor changes by amendment will require the local Committee's or its designee's approval. All changes to previously OKH approved plans require notification lo and approval from the local OKH Committee. Change requests must be submitted to the Committee in writinq on the appropriate request form, which may be obtained from the OKH office.All change approvals must be obtained before incorporating the change Into the project. lf the change has been implemented prior to receipt of OKH approval, a Minor Change approval or Certificate of Appropriateness application for the revised plans is still required and will result in a doubled filing fee for the appropriate category of work. Failure to comply with the above statements will result in the Building Department issuing a stop-work order or delaying issuance of an Occupancy Permit or final inspection approval. I have read and understand the above statements Date: I 1€?l.Signed: ent) Signed x.rCKH COLSI?IEE*l)lpriaailon Fo.ssislalemesi ol Urder$ardng ?015 docr Updar€d 1?r?0t5 (Chairman, Old 's Highway Committee) I TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COII'III/IITTEE Applicant's (Owner) Name Property Address/Location Hearing Date:nlr lzl ABUTTERS'LIST Carolyn and Ralph Lodders w . 3 Belvedere Terr :-., : : ';::';. -r--[ Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) who's property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant. Please provide the Assessor's Tax Map and Lot numbers only. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: lnstructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: wunruJarmeu'lh.ma.us Map Number Lot Number Applicant I nformation :132 109 Abutter lnformation 132 110 , 132 't08 , 132 95 132 97.1 132 99 132 100 . 8.2018 3 Application #' ? i- &l*(j 1321 97.11 t I BARTLETT SCOTT P BARTLETT KIMBERLY R 5OO WEST MORELAND AVE PH'LADELPHIA, PA,l,I918 132/ 95' t t MARQUIS KATHLEEN TR THE ANN CAVANAGH.STEIN IRR TRUST 117 CENTER ST YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 132' 991 I I wrLSoN MARK F TRS (LIFE EST) wrLsoN PAULA R TRS (L|FE EST),l28 CENTER ST YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 't32t 109/ t t LODDERS CAROLYN M TRS LODDERS RALPH L TRS 3 BELVEDERE TERR YARMOUTH PORT , MA 02675 132.t tU I t DELANEY DENISE PO BOX 393 YARMOUTH PORT, 'I{A 02675 132t 108/ I t BARRY JOSEPH L BARRY MARY E 9 BELVEDERE TERfr YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 13?J 100/ t t JOHNSON BETSY 1O BELVEDERE TERR YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 Please use this signature to certify this list of properties directly abutting and across the street from the parcel located at: 3 Belvedere Terr., Yarmouth Port, MA 02675o":Effif&ffipltos Andy tr46chado, Director of Assessing Septemner 28,2021 '\d "\f\'' r, i t:: .: : ,:"j . ,r rJ i,-{ s I i i i, Ii I 0 132"107 133 11 3 133" Property Map x "-#' s 1 inch = 172 feet Data and scale shown on this map are provided for planning and informational purposes and Vision Government Solutions are not responsible for any use for other purposes or misuse or this information ra/8/202r 140,SS 140.64 t141.t j, 14"1.1 I I 1 32. $8 132.99 132.$?.1 J Jf 1 3!.1 0S I 133.27 133.?8 133.S4 I 1 II I t I131.95 132.108 133.s 132.94.1 i I i I t 133.'t* 13X.1fiS TOWN OF YARMOUTH I l.16 R()t;'l'l': 2tt.li0trl'll t'AR'lloll'f ll, illAsiiA(rlltr$E'l"I's 02(16"{-,1{51'l"clcplrorr+ (S0ll) 39lt-tlJ I l,}t. I lS2 ltpx (5{f8) 3!}8-l}8J6 ()LD I{IN{;'fi TTI{}HWAY HI$T(}II.IC NI$TRICT COMMITTEII WAIVER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATION 'l-lte applicont/applicant'r agcnt urdcrstands *nd agrccs that duc to the surrcnt eleclnr*d National *ncl State puhlic health rrnergencics tlrc clctcrnrination ol-our Applicntion lirr a Certifil:at* <l{'Apprapriatcness/Denrolition/[xcrnpti*n nra.r' not be madc within .{5 day's of thr: li lirrg ol'suclr nppliuatirn. 'l'hc upplicant agrt:e$ to extcnd the tinr* Ii'nrne rvithirr rvhich a clrtenninrtion is to trr: rn*de ns rcquircd by the Old King's l-lighu,av Regional llistoric District Act. SII(T|{}N 9 -Meclings, Ile*rings, Timc.lbr Muktng Defarminutiotrs "tls :srson os u)nveni€rtt ufit surh publit' lww'ing: hr$ in iln.l, c:reilt vithin /itrt.t-/ive (45) du.t'r tt/ttr tlrc ./iling ol'applicution, or v,ilkitr .ruc'h .firther tinrt, us lhe upplic'nnl shull n{lov, in v'riting, the (.'rnnmittee shall moke a dctermination <tn the upplkation." Apflicarrf uttr.lcrstan<ls that the r*vierv ol'tlris applic:ation rvill lrc scheduled as so()n as {he situation allorvs. Applicant/Agcnt Name {plersc prirrt A pp I icantlA gerit signature:D-,-, qhlel . JAN 3 1 t*?? 3t2020 Application #: TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ABUTTERS'LIST Applicant'e (Owner)Name: Carolyn and Ralph Lodders Property Add ress/Localion 3 Belvedere Terr Hearing Date:tol0lLl| -.-l Irlotices rnust be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of public or private street or way) who's property directly abuts or is across the the Applicant, OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the applicable tax list. Note: lnstructions for obtaining the abulters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: wurw.varmouth.ma.us Map Number Lot Number Applicant lnformation 132 109 Abutter lnformation : 132 '110 132 108 132 95 132 97.1 132 99 132 100 8.2018 3 The Apptication *, ?1.,tl{{.t 132t 97.1t I t BARTLETT $COTT P BARILETT KIMBERLY R 5OO WEST MORELAND AVE PHILADELPHIA . PA 11918 13?t 95/ I I MARQUIS KATHLE€N Tft THE ANN CAVANAGH.$TEIN IRR TRUST 117 CENTER ST YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 132t 99/ I t WILSON MARX F TRS {LIFE EST} WILSON PAULA R TRS (LIFE €ST} 128 CENTER ST YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 132t 109r I t LODD€RS CAROLYN M IRS LODDER$ RALPH L TR$ 3 BELVEOERE TERR YARMCIUTH FORT. MA 02675 1321 11U I t DELANEY D€NISE PO BOX 393 YARMOUTH POR1, MA 02675 132t 108r t t BARRY JOSEPH L BARRY MARY E 9 BELVEDERE TERR YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1321 '.l0ot t t JOTINSON BETSY 1O BELVEDERE TERR YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 Please use this signature to certify this list of properties dipclly abutting and across the street from the parcel located at 3 Belvedere Terr., Yarmouth Port, MA A2675 Np t3l, Lgt 10efflat*-ada Andy o, Septemner 28,2021 sessing "\#{tr!"K" i1, i\J t l 1 132.107 CI11 1 2 133" Property Map 7 inch = 112 feet LO1B12O2r N-{F' s Government Solutions are not responsible for any use for other purposes or misuse Data and scale shown on this map are provided for planning and informational (MA) and Vision of this information. 14S.8S 13e"$8 141.t 141.'* 140_S4 iI : : t I I : i , I 133.S9 13?.e7.1 l 132.100 j 133.2? II 133.?S 132"84 133.$5 131.1fl8 : : l 132"1't0 133.S 132.94.1 133"10S ii. a .. purpose.s only. E 3t2020 APplicntion i:Lt- A.t{{t, .' "{'he rrpplicaulJ;lppljrr$11i's flgent unclerstands arrd tgree: thnl clur,. ro rlrc srrruent cJcclar*rl ir;atinn*l artd State puhlir lrcalth cnrergcucics tlre dcternrinatinlr ol'oirr A;rplicatirn tirr * L'crtillcate of Applcpriuterrcssll)enruliti*niL;x*:rption nlay tu)t bc nrade n,ithin ,15 cl*rys *l'thc fi lirrg ol'sueh applicati<>rr. 'l hc irpplicant agrccs lo cxtcttd thc titttc lrrlnc r.ritlrirr ulriclr a tletcrrrrinutiorr is ttr hs rnadc as rcrrrirerl [r1 thc (]lil Kirre's llir.:hulr Reuional [[istrrric l)irtric{ Act. $ff??O,ry 9 *Mcetinl;s, l'{eurings, Time./br Matiing Detarminatinnr ".4.t,tocn ils tt.;.tt:r:rti{nt rfi*t'sut{t Tsultlic: haaring: hut in (tfir awilt rr,itkin.fist,t"t-,litt {"i51 d*t't ttlict the lilin.q ol'trltplicutit,,t. ot'trithin .trrt'h litrtlrct'titttt' rts tha tr1rytlituni sh,rll ull,ttr irt vrilirtg. rhc (amruitfet :ihall mttkt rt dc,tcrtninulion on lhe upltlirutitttt.': ;\;rplicanr ltnelcrslatttls {lral the rcliulr ot'this applicariorr r.l,ill bc seheclrrlcd as soen as thr. situalion allo*,u. Appl icantli\ gent Nanre I plclsc Applicant/Ae ent : I 'r' ::i . : *H $ .G FTffi M4r T :, el ffi;t ?'t%d4. :/i?at rlIIlrnff ,hA p t #- -* t, T :_ ffi-,,'-.:'r-" t x : r'iaery ft # nfu * .d * 3}.- t II l.J ,# 00fl99lprldH I ryl fr { $ il ! i' rcL 'v, t ilii lf\rrc $"S**q -'\d:r\ l{. JI d 1"r"il : ' 't; ! | * L {r" \* 7' i II I I,t *a* '{. ,d,-ai I ,, a .:" i .l ; ilii ,?*3.1,i1 :: '11',. t\ @ flffi@ ffi dN t c.t!il !firil*F-*flqreilp ffi i M w !'.: 41 E kiud...- k hX' k ,;* ,1, ' r # ilr' '. in :. ,;:;':" - s il *.: ,.3, , ,,il .: @ ssRlIs tl .,)tI rl 1:l i fi SunPowere X21:335-BLK-D-AC I Residential AC lVodule Series ,H {: F; tisl. ,.1, -'r' I HWT SUNP,-1,!A/fR. qk LILtl sgLAA Carolyn Lodders 3 Belvedere J'errace Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 tnq, , ;:.,i.rai, i System size: 3.35 kW Site Assessrnent .Yr.1 Production: 3,637 kWhDesigner: Solar Wolf Energy Date: July 28th, 2021 ilci I g.rr{,$ nI'tlU 7l-Alllt" povirreel by SLffO*? Customer: Address: #: .1 l) Wr ffi ,*YW ,i:B.r: & w t&(ffi*#{# ;; 'fi s..s, : * ffi l ii $t 1 i \ : Ii I T ,il:s*u 6,W t.M tHMMr&ri;MHG 't:, :qB JAII l 1 z0z?. YAfthi0q; r ri I *r (lNG'$ ttGnry..i.,. ; 1 ; ! 1 II1 ,.!*iJi il *, LJ "!h Ldir T Yr F; .n I * r,,t?" tit ;*M tr."*{ TII EL^"I "-a G'4 '!lr