HomeMy WebLinkAbout62 Midstream Dr - building permit solar wolfRECEIVED 0 7s22 ING D PARTM E NT This Scction For Official Usc Ooly Appli€d: Building Official (PriDt Name)Signsturc Datc SECTION 1: SITE ATORMATION l.la Is this an accapted street? ycs_ no-- 1,2 Assessors Map & Psrcel Numbcrs Map Numbcr Pa.ccl Nnmbcr 1.3 Zoning Information: ZoniryDistdct ProposcdUsc 1,4 Property Dimensions: Lot Arca Gq ft)Frontagc (ft) 1.5 Buitdirg Setbacl$ (ft) Fmnt Yard Sidc Yards Rear Yard Rcquircd Provided Requircd Providcd Requirri Providcd 1.6'lvater Supply; (M.C.L c. ,$, {5a) Public tr Privatc C 1.7 nlood Zone Information: Zone: _ Outside Flood Zonc? Grcck if ycstr SECTION 2r PROPERTY OWNIRSHIP' 2.1 Orvnerr ofRecord: WLLIAM KENNEDY Namc (Print) 62 MIDSTREAM DRIVE. S, YARMOUTH. MA 0266,I No. ard Strca City, Statc, ZIP 760-828-3101 Tclcphone SECTION 3: DtrSCRIPTIoN OF PROPOSED WORK'1 (check eU tLat apply) Ne$, Constuction B Existing Building tr Owner-Occupied o lnepairslsl o Addition tr Demolition tr Accessory Bldg. tr Number of Units Other tr Speci!; Brief Description of Proposed WoTK,: INSTALLATIQN OF 26 SOIABfANELS Tq ].OTAL A4,3 KW ROOFTOP SOLAR SYSI EM Wl I H A SMATi I ME I ET< SOUKE I SECTION 4; ESTIMAT.ED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Costs: (Labor and Mate.ials) t. Building 1. Building Permit FEe Indicatc how fee is detcuuincd: tr StaDdard City/To\rn Applic.fiou Fee. tr Total Project CosC (Item 6) x mu@lia - x 2. Other Fces: S_ Li*:1ld rsa.@ -l'otal All Faes: $ Check No.Check Amou :C€sh A-Bount: tr Paid iD Fu[tr O,:tst-dioG;rno oo" s €ai 4. Mechanical ([IVAC)$ 5. Machanical (Firc SupDrcssio!)$ 6. Total Proj€ct Cost:$ ONE & TWO FAMILY ONLY. BUILDING PERIVIIT TowD of Yrrmoutb BuildhS Department I 146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 026644492 508-398-2231 ext. 126l Fax 508-398-0836 Massachusotts Statc Building Codc, 780 CMR Building Permit Applicatiol To Construct, Repab', Renovale Ot Defiolish a One- or Two-Fanily Dwelling Builditrg Pemit Numb€r: , 1.1 Property Address: 62 I.IIDSTREAM DRIVE. S. YARMOUTH, MA 02664 1.8 Sewage Dispostrl System: Mutlicipaltr On sitc dis?osal system E WKENNEDYCHC@YAHOO,COM &nail Addrcss Alteralionc) tr ALSO ROOF REPLACE BEFORE SOLAR Official Use Only 2. Etcarical 3. Plumbing $ SECTION 5. CONSTRUCTION SER]IICES Lisr CSL Typc (scc bolow) lJ 2-19-2024cs-08 7491 LictnscNumber Expitation Drtc Type Desc.iption U Uruesticicd 35 000 cu. ft. R Rcstrictcd I &2 D lvl RC Roofr' WS Window and S SF Solid Fucl Bumiog Applianccs i Insulation 5.1 ConstructloD Suporvlsor Llccnse (CSL) Ted Strzelecki perations@solarwolfenergy.com CiV/To\rn, Staq ZIP Emsil addr.ss 508-538-9445 o Nahc ofCSL Holdcr 582 Wauwinet Road No. strd Strco( Barre, MA 01005 D Dcmolitioo 5.2 Registercd Eom. Improycnent Contractor (IIIC) Solar Wolf Energy HIC Company Namc or HIC RcgisEant Narnc 771 Washinqton Skeet -50!:51e944!-zw T A 01501 No. and Stlct HIC Rcgistration Nudrbcr Expnarion DiG Email addrcss larwolfenergy.comooerations@ 186400 1,1-A-.O2) _ SECIION 6: WORI(ERS' CoMPENSATION INSI/RANCE AI'TIDAVIT (M.c.L c. rs2. ! 25c(O) Workqs Compeusation Iaswaoce affidavit must be completed ald this afEdsvir will rEsult i! the detrial ofth6 Issuance ofthe buildiDg subEitted wift this application. Failwe to provide pcrmit, SECIION 7a: OWNER AUTEORIZATION TO BE COIVIPLTTED WI{.EN OWNER'S AGEM' OR COMRACTOR AIPLIES FOR BIIILDING PERrVfr to act olt r[y hhali in all mattlrs rclative to y,,o* authoriz€d by this building pcrmit applicatioo 7-17-2) Pdnt Owrlcr's Narnc (Elcdronic SiFaturc) I, as Owuer offie subject Foperty, hereby xu$qd7s '-"* Please see attached owner auth SECTION 7b: OWNE* OR AUTEORIZSD AGENT DECLASATION By cntering my uame beloiv, I hereby attest under the pains and peualties of pcrjury that all of the information coatained h this applicatioD is tue aod accurate to the best ofBy loolyledge alld understaldio& P!i1t Owner's ot zrd Agcot's Najnc (Elcctonic Siguaturc)Da(e -/o/3-17-22 NOTES: An OwDcr wbo obtsim a building perEril (rct registerpd in the Home Improvamcnt progran or guaranty fuDd uoder M. wt*w. maJs. sov/oca Loformatios oo to do hia/her o$,n worlq o, an owner who hfues atr unregistercd cotrtactor Confactor (HIC) Program), will 44 have access ro the arbitatiotr G.L. c. l42A Other inporta irfo[!8tion on the I{lC Prograrn can be found at the Co$kuctioa Supervisor License can be fou[d fi www.mass.cov/dps Nuuber of 2. W}eu substmtial woric is plamed,providc the information bclow: Number ofbatbrooms (includi:rg garage, finished basemeDt/attics, d€cks or porch) Etrclosed Total floor rca (sq. ft.) Gross living area (sq. ft. Typc of beatiDg sy$em Type ofcoolirE system Habitable rooEr coult Number of be&ooms Number of halfbaths Number of deckJ oorchcs "Total Proje{i Square Footage" may be substituteC for .,Total3 Project Cost'' SignedAffidavitAtached? Yes.......,.-E No.,..,...... tr Datc The Commonwealth of Massaclr//,sefis D ep artment o{ fndustrial Accldenls 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2012 www, mass, gou/d.la lYorkers' compcnsation Irsurance Affid0vitr Buildrrs/contrrctors/Electricirns/plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH TgE PERMTTTING .{, TTHORITY. AoDIicont Info.m,on e Print bly Name Gusincsyorgnnizqtiory'lnd ividus.t) : Address: City/State/Zip:Phone # Art you rn .mploylr? C'hrcl( ti. lpproprlatc bor: l.! I r.i r dnploy.r witl _cdploy.es (ftll and/or pan tim.).. 2.! I rm a solc popricor or IErll|lrship rnd havc no cmpjoyc.s working fo, oc inany capacily. [No workcrs' comp. irlruflnct rlquircd.] 3. f] I am a horneo*ocr doint lll v/ork mysclf [No workcrs' comp. insmnc. nquircd.j I 4. E t lrn . homco.Mrr rnd will bc hirint coot-datoG to conduct all work on my prop.rry. t eillcnsura that rll conFactors cittrlr hevr \{ork.as, coDpcnsation irsunncc ot}c sole - propricto{s with no cmgloyccs. J.[ I .lh E garreral contrdctor lnd I hav. hircd thc sub-conuaclors lisicd on thc ltached 3hc4 Thcac auuco raatols havc cmploycc! md havr wo*.ers' conp insuraicc.t 6.fl Wc rrt r corpoEtion ard its omcc.. havc cxcrcis.d rhcir.ighr oflxcmption p.r )VIGL c. 152, ! l(4). tnd wc havr no cnployecs. [No wo*.rs' comp. insqanc. trquir.d.] ny @plic.nt dl€t ctEcks box #I mult also lill out rhc scrtion bclow showing rhci, u/arkcrs'compensation policy informario[Horncowncrs who subml n\is aftidavit indacaring thcy arc doing a work and rhcn hirc outsid. con!&rors mllst $bmit r nc\r,/ afiidlvit indi:ating srlr-lconra.to6 t!a! chrct this box mu$ a(achcd en additional shccishow ing the naft. of lhe sub-contrelor5 ud state whcth€r or nor thosc .ntitics tEv. Type of project (required): ?. ! Ncw construction 8. f] Remodeling 9. fl Demolition t0 [ Building addidon I t.E Eleokica.l repain or additions 12.I Plumbing repain or additions I 3 . fl Roof repairs t4.n Other lf th. sub-contracrors hEve thcy oust providc thcir workcr!'comp. poticy number et thal is providing workers' compensation itrsurance lor my entployees- Below is the policy andjob site lnsurancc Company Name I an an euploy b{ormalion Policy # or Sclf-ins. Lic. #Expiration Date: I do hereby certify tuulet the pains and penalties of perjury ihot lhe inlomlation provi.ded above is true and correcl ,oO t* OO*$, ,, ,, , , . City/StateZip:_AtbchacoPyofthe*o;ku@owingthePolicynumberrndcrpiratondate). Failure to secure coverage as required. under MGL c. 152, $25A is a oriminal violation punisbable by a finc up tc s 1,500.00and/or one-ycar imprisonmcnt, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STop WoRKbRDER anja fi;; ot'rp,o $zso.oo ,day against thc violator. A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the office of tnvestigations ottrre D6,io, iosu.ancecovcragc vcrification. Pho e#: Do hot ttrite in this arcq, to be coxlF)leled b) cily ot tavL ofrtcial l' Board ofHealth 2' Building Dcparhnent 3. city/Town clerk 4. Electrical lnspcctor 5- plumbiog Itrspestor Permit{,icense # Phone #: Ollicial use only. Cont ct Person: Issuing Authority (circle one): City or Towr: l)rt.. TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1146 lloute 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02554 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 HOMEOWNER L]CENSE D(EMPTION PLEASE PRNT: DATE: JOB LOCATION: NAME STREET ADDRESS SECTTON OF TOWN "HOMEOWNER" CTryORTOWN STATE ZIPCODE The current exemption for 'Homeowner' was extended to include owner - occupied dwellinss of one or two units aad to allow such homeowners to engage an individual for hire who does not possess a license, provided that such homeowner shall act as supervisor, (State Building Code Sectioo i10 R5.1.3.1) Defi nition of Homeowner: Penon(s) who owns a parcel ofland on which he/ she resides or intends to reside, on which there is or is intended to be, a one or two family attached or detached stmcture assessory to such use and / or farm suuctures. A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall notbe considered a homeowaer; such "homeowner" shail submit to thebuilding official, on a form acceptable to the building official, that he / she shall be responsiblefor all such work oerformed under tlle buildins per4iJ. (Section 110 R5.1.3.1) The undersigned 'homeownet' assumes responsibility for compliance with the Snte Buildiag Code and other applicable codes, by-laws, rules and regulations. The undersigned 'homeowner' certifies that he / she understands the Town of Yamouth Building Department minimum inspection procedures and requirements and that he / she will comply with said procedures and requi.rements. HOMEOWNER''S SICNATURE APPROVAI OF BUILDING OFFICIAL Signalure of or Owner's Agent Check one: Owner xAgent h:horlGowruliccremp NAIVIE HOI\,IEPHOM WORKPHONE PRESEM MAiUNG ADDRESS INSURANCE COVERAGE: I have a current liability insurance policy or its substantial equivalent, which meets the requirements of MGLCh.142. x Yes No If you have checked ves, please indicate rhe type coverage by checking the appropriate box. A liability insurance policy * O6er type of indemnity Bond OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I arn aware that the licensee does not have the insurance coverage requLed by ChnPter 142 of the Mass. General [,aws and that my signature on this permit applicatiot waives this requiremeni. -/a/ Saj&zA2 $TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-22311 ext. 1261 Fax s08-398-0836 Office of the Building Commissioner DEMOLITION DEBRIS DISPOSAL AFFIDAVIT Pursuant to M.G.L. Ch. 40, $54 and 780 CMR - Section 105'3'l' #4' I hereby certiff that the debris resulting from the proposed worlc/demolition to be conducted at Work Address Is to be disposed of oat the following location:771 Washington Street, Auburn, MA 01 50'1 Said disposal site shall be a licensed solid waste facitity as defined by M.G.L. ch. lll, $1504. /oZ 3-17 -22 Signature of lication Date Pennit No. BUILDING DEPARTMENT *: FROOIIGEiLaib raauranc. 537 P.!k Av.nua CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE CERTIFICATE NUMBER: Y CANCELLATION COVERAGES REVISION NUMBER: woRxERS COI/FEXlArlOtl AI{O €TPLOYERS' IIABIU'Y !IYPROPEETOi/PARTI{EIVD€CUTIVE of acEa/nEtB€iExcLlJo€o?E CERTIFICATE HOLOER ro/1 2021 BELOW, THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES t{OT CONSTITUTE REPRESENTATIVE OR PROOUCER, A D THE CERNFrcATE HOLDER. MATTE INFORMANON LY AND CONFERS E'(TEI{O bR ALFFIRMATIVELNEGATTVELY BY. THISETNRIGHTSoPONuCERTIFICATHEFRTITEtcatssutsDEASOFRONCETHISlcPOTlEsRTEcovETHERAGEAFFOROEOFICACERTIDOESTENOTORYAMENO. N THE INUG AUTHORIZEOBETWECONTRACTtssEs),NSURER( lf suBRooATloN ls watvED, rubl.ct to lh. t.rm. rnd condltions o, th. pollcy. c.rt ln pollcl.r nay n qulr. an .ndort.mcnl. A ttrlem.nl onONAL INSURED, th. pollcy(i.3 ol ba andoraad.l3 anIMPORTANTT lf the ce to tha c.rtiflclt! holder ln llcu of auchthl! cartltlcatq do.a not conllor 506-792-0411FtlollE - lx!!lnE](!-) tF,Eo!91!G cgv!!!^qq . _ _- UtsuREt ^. NlualLug 3uREn E : I,IAFBTY HITTUAI. $ISURER ': NOTWTHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT MAY BE ISSUEO OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIE ANO CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY }IAVE EEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMSCERTIFICATE EXCLUSIONS TO THE INSIJR€D NAN4ED ABOVE FOR THE POLrcY PERIODTHAT THE POUCIES OF INSURANCE LISTEO BELO\ HAVE SE€N ISSUEOTHIS IS TO CERTIFY OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THISINDICATEDS OESCREEO HEREIN IS SUEJECT TO ALL THE TERMS dA[,lAGE IOIIENYEO r 1, 000,0o ! 100, 000 t 5,000MEO EXP (Any d PoE4)! 1,O0O.00oPERSONAI & ADV INJURY r 2,000,000GENERA! AGGREGATE r 2,00o,0o0PROOUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ NN1207?23 GENI AGGREGATE LIMIT APPUES PER: "o.., Iffi [.].o" x s BOOILY IaJURY lP.t p.M)s aoo[Y TNJTJRY (Ft ,@lbno I 3 T(REO AI,'OIOULE UAAILTTV SCtlEDIJLED t tDED EXCE3s LnA PEi I OItt s 1,O00,000 51,000,000oa/Lo/a1J22 FI OISEASE . EA EMFTOYE€ E L. OISEASE. POLICYLIUII r 1,000,000 rc2 - 31S- 61{935 - 020 oalto/7o2t DCScaPnOXOFOPER IIONS,IOCAIIOXS/VEHrcLESIACORD101.Ardlllo.ElR.nEt.S.tdua...yb..tt.h.dil|llfr.e.oLr.qdrd) SH(I.llI) AI{Y OF TTTE AAOVE OESCRBEO POLICIES A€ CAXCELI.ED BEF(RETHE qPlRAItON DATE TflEREOF, llOTtCE WILL BE OETryEREO !t ac@RoaxcE wTH THE POTJCY PROVTS|O|{S. TllrcUII TIOTII EILL 1145 norrrt 28 t}toIrTE totT, ItA 0265{ ACORD 25 (2016/03) Al righb ro..rved- ro-r-c!.. j!I, I1- .0-lJ!1 -IT!UiID SOLIR llOr.t. A,llROY 7?1 raASArXOmr BT AI'BT'RII XI The ACOiO n.m€.rd logo a r.gLtand m.rk ot ACORD N cr [ir8- ^DE E j occuR 3 9 Commonwealth of Massachusetth, Division of Professional LicensurelFBoard of Building R ulations and Staocj*,a Cons isor\l cs-097491 *, TED C STRZFLE JE+P ;f, /01\ 4 ires: 02llgtZAZ} 582 WAUWI BARRE MA s Comrnissioner K dU,-frt* t t n I 0^ ) Massachusetts of Coytlpl"efrLowContractors Academy C A PDi{ AcademyCompany Ted Strzelecki cs-087 49r has completed the Massachusetts Contractor Classroom Renewal Course Part L Approval # CS-0102L2 Code Review 2 hours Workplace Safety 0 hours Business Practice t hour Energy_.1l hours Lead Safety_lhour Elective 2 hours 02117 /2022 Coordinator: Annie Schultz, Program Manager Coordinator Number: CD-000102 lf you have any comments about this course offering, please mail them to the Boord of Building Regulations ond Standards, CSL, Continuing Educotion, One Ashburn Place-Room 7307, Boston, MA 02708 24t7 ,7/b 7o-ror*rr"*o,Zr/ Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 1000 Washington Street - Suite 710 Boston, Massachusetts 021 18 Home lmprovernent Contractor Registration Tvpe: Registration: Expirationl Corporation 186400 11t06,t2022SOLAR WOLF ENERGY INC 771 WASHINGTON STREET AUBURN, MA 01501 sca 1 0 mM.ot17 a, /,..,.,,., -.,.,,, -../ ,,/,,...../,?',,..,, //. Omco of Conium€rAfirlE & Busln.3. Rogul8tlon HOME IMPROVEMENT COiITRACTOR TYPE: Co.DorationR.olstntion Exolration 1 86utOO 111c6no22 SOLAR WOLF ENERGY INC, ta-na /.** Updato Addross and Retum Card. RegisEation valld for individual usa only before the expiration dale. lf found roturn to: OItrce of Conaumer Affairs and Busin€ss Rogulation 1000 Washington Streot - Suit.710 Boston, MA 02118 Nol valid without signature TED STRZELECKI 771 WASHINGTON STREET AUBURN, MA 01501 U n dersecretary .- -. f projects@evenBineersnet.com http://www.evengineersnet.com 276-220-0064I 3/27/2022 RE: Structural Certification for lnstallation of Resldentlal Solar WlLtlAM KENNEDY:62 MIDSTREAM DR, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 Attn: To Whom lt May Concern This Letter is for the existing roof framing which supports the new PV modules as well as the attachment of the PV system to existing roofframing. From the field observation report, the roof is made ofAsphalt Shingle roofing over roof plywood supported by 2x8 Rafters at 24 inches. The slope ofthe roof was approximated to be 14 degrees. After review of the fleld observation data and based on our structural capacity calculation, the existing roof framing has been determined to be adequate to support the imposed loads without structural upglades. Contractor shall verify that existing framing is consistent with the described above before install. Should they find any discrepancies, a written approvalfrom SEOR is mandatory before proceeding with install. Capacity calculations were done in accordance with applicable building codes. Design Criteria 201s rRc (AscE 7-10)-cMR 780 9th Ed I Dr 10 psf DPV 3 psf Lr 20 psf 5 30 psf lf you have any questions on the above, please do not hesitate to call. STRU ONL Sincerely, (component and Cladding) V 141 mph Exposure C VINCENT MWUMVANEZA crvlL 7/t EV ENGINEERS Code Risk catesorv Roof Dead Load PV Dead load Roof Live Load Ground Snow Wind Load Vincent Mwumvaneza, P.E. EV Engineering, LLC oroiects@evensineersnet.com httor//www.evensineersnet.com -!tEV--.t Eicrr,rerns projects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evengineersnet.com 27 6-220-0064' Structural Letter for PV lnstallation 3/21./2022 Job Address: 62 MIDSTREAM DR SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02564 Job Name: WlttlAM KENNEDY Job Number: 22O12LWK Scope of work Table of Content Sheet Cover Attachment checks Snow and Roof Framing Check Seismic Check and Scope of work Engineering Calculations Summary 1 2 3 4 References 201s tRc (AscE 7-10)-cMR 780 gth Ed Dr 10 psf DPV 3 psf Lr 20 psf S 30 psf (component and Cladding) V 141 mph Exposure C STRUCT ONL Sincerely,VINCENT MWUMVANEA ctvtt $0r Llt This Letter is for the existing roof framing which supports the new PV modules as well as the attachment of the PV system to existing roof framing. All PV mounting equipment shall be designed and installed per manufacturer's approved installation specifications. Code Risk catesorv Roof Dead Load PV Dead Load Roof Live Load Ground Snow Wind Load NDS for Wood Construction Vincent Mwumvaneza, P.E. EV Engineering LIC proiects@evengineersnet.com htto://www.evensineersnet.com :-I.I EV ENGINEERS projects@evengineersnet.com http : / /www.evengineersnet.com 276-220-0064 Wind Load Cont. Risk Category = Wind Speed (3s gust), V = Roughness = ExPosure = Topographic Factor, Kzr = Pitch = Adjustment Factor, L = ASCE 7-10 Table 1.5-1 ASCE 7-10 Figure 26.5-14 ASCE 7-10 Sec 26.7.2 ASCE 7-10 Sec 26.7.3 AscE 7-10 Sec 26.8.2 141 mph c c 1.00 14.0 oegrees 1.27 ASCE 7-10 Figure 30.5-1 3.60 ft AScE 7-10 Figure 30.5-1 Where a: 10% of least hori2ontal dimension or 0.4h, whichever is smaller, but not less than 4% of least horizontal dimension or 3ft {0.9m) Upllft (0.6W1 Pnet30= Pnet = 0.6 xl,x l(zTx Pnet3o)= DownDressure l0.6Wl zone 1 (psf) -29.1 21.59 zone 1 (psf) 15.9 17.57 zone 2 (psf) -41.9 30.42 zone 2 (psf) 15.9 11.57 zone 3 (ps0 -55.1 47.95 zone 3 (pso 15.9 t7.57 Figure 30.5-1 Equatioh 30.5-1 Pnet30= Pnet = 0,6 x lx l(ZTx Pnet3ol= Rafter Attachments: 0.6D+0,5W (CD=1.51 Connection Check Attachement max. sPacing= Lag Screw Penetration Prying coefficient Allowable CaPacitY= Table 12.2A - NDs DFL Assumed 0.6D+0.5W DPvro.5W Zone Trib width Area (ftI Uplift (lbsl Down (lbsl L 4 11.0 217.7 160.3 2 4 11.0 374.A 150.3 3 3 8.3 380.8 L2O.7 Max= 380.8 < 760 cor{r{EcfloN ts ol( 1. Pv seismic dead weight is negligible to result in significant seismic uplift, therefore the wind uplift governs 2. Embedment is measured from the top of the framing member to the tapered tip of a lag screw' Embedment in sheading or other material does not count. 717 5/15" Lag Screw Withdrawal Value= Figure 30,5-1 Equation 30.5-1 4ft 266 lbs/in 2.5 in L.4 760 -!,EV--.t irrrcrrrreens projects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evenBlneersnet.com Vertical Load Resisti System Design Roof Framing Rafters Pg= 30 psf Ce= 0.9 Ct = 1.1 ls = 1.0 Max Length, L = Tributary Width, Wr = Dr= PvDL = ASCE 7-10 , Section 7.2 ASCE 7-10 , Table 7-2 ASCE 7-10 , Table 7-3 ASCE 7-10, Table 1.5-1 11.5 ft 24 in 10 psf 20 plf 3 psf 6 plf 46.7 plf Load Case DL+0.5W Pnet+ppvcos(e)+poL= 49.1 Max Moment, Mu = Pv max Shear Max Shear, V,=wL/2+Pv Point Load = Load Case: DL+o.75(0.6W+Sll 0.75(Pnet+Ps)+ Pevcos(0)+po,= 7g Moo*n= 1.L49 Mallowable = Sx x Fb' (wind)= Z4Lg Load Case: DL+S ps+ pe,cos(e)+pDr= Mao*r= Mallowable = Sx x Fb' (wind)= plf 722 150.3 310 plf tb-ft tb-ft tb-ft lbs lbs Conservatively 1149 lb-ft OK > 106s lb-ft oK 72 pll 1065 tb-ft 1738 lb-ft Member Capacity DF-L No.1 2X8 Deslgn Value cr cr cj c 0 Fr=1000 psi 1.0 1.7 1.0 1.15 2.54 0.85 0.8 1380 psi F,N/A N/A 1.0 N/a 2.88 o.75 180 psi E=1700000 psi N/n N/A 1.0 N/A N/a N/A N/A 1700000 psi E-i 620000 psi N/e N/A N/e 7.76 N/A 620000 psi Depth, d = width, b = Cross-Sectonal Area, A = Moment of lnertia, lxx = Section Modulus, S,q = Allowable Momen! M.1= F6'go = Allowable Shear, V,,= 2/3F",A = 7.25 in 1.5 in 10.875 in2 47 .6348 tn 13.1406 in3 1511.2 tb-ft 130s.0 tb 0.58 < 1 0.34 < 1 Satisfactory satisfactory u1 276-220-OO6t Pr = 27 Psf P1.1n. = 25.0 psf p, = 25 psf Cs 0.933 Max Shear, Vu=wli/2+Pv Point Load = 450 lbs Kf I Adjusted Va lue 180 psi 0.8 1.0 0.85 DCR=M,/M"rr = DCR=V,/V",, = i-II EV ENGINEERS projects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evengineersnet.com 276-220-0064 Roof Dead Load 10 psf % or Roof with Pv Dpv and Racking Averarage Total Dead Load lncrease in Dead Load t8% 3 psf 10.5 psf 2.2% OK The increase in seismic Dead weight as a result of the solar system is less than 10% of the existing structure and therefore no further seismic analysis is required. 7h Siesmic Loads Check Limits of Scope of Work and Liabilitv We have based our structural capacity determination on information in pictures and a drawing set titled PV plans -WILLIAM KENNEDY. The analysis was according to applicable building codes, professional engineering and design experience, opinions and judgments. The calculations produced for this structure's assessment are only for the proposed solar panel installation referenced in the stamped plan set and were made according to generally recognized structural analysis standards and procedures. bSoLARWoLF 100 Davis Street Douglas, MA 01516 Ollice 1: (888) 8784396 Office 2: (508) 839-2222 Owner Autho rization Form We the undersigned, hereby authorize Solar Wolf Energy Inc to act on our behalf in alt manners relating to the installation of a photovoltaic system at the location 62M m Dr S. Yarmouth Ma . This includes but is not limited to financing paperwork, interconnection documents, building & electrical permit applications, applicable rebate applications, etc. This authoization is valid only for items pertaining to the installation and commissioning of a solar power system to be installed by Solar Wolf Energy Inc. Signed under the pains and penalties of ped.rry. t{,1t,;n ",il (.rvr.+1110112021 Signature of Owner Date Doc lD: E835bbl 24ef6c598571 550a07 885aaa12aaec7 a SOLAR WOLF 771 Washington Street Auburn, MA 01501 Toll Free: (888) E78-4396 www.solarwolfenergy.comrnc. Contact lnformation Home Improvement Contract Sales ConsultantCustomer Nrme Address City, State, Zip Phone Email William Kennedy 62 Midstream Dr South Yarmouth MA 02664 (760) 828-3101 wkennedychc@yahoo.com Yasmene Badereldin 771 Washington Steet Auburn, MA 01501 (508) 583-s451 Yasmene. b@solarwolfenergy.com Svstem rmation System Size:8.71 Module Make & Model: SUNPOWER 335 Module Count: 26 Inverter Count: 26 Include l0 Year Online Monitoring YES NO Connection method ifnot standard offering Electrical Panel Upgrade: YESENO Roof Replacement: Tree Removal: YESENO Full roof replacement: $1 1 ,875 IYESENO Howmany: fl$d3flaflrl83:ll"nt for the purpose of solar. lncluded in total cost. oversized system to meet tuture neeos PAYMENT INFORMATION Total Project Cost ($):34 434 Financed Amount: ($): N/A 0f DifiEd 6e Torl C..l): Loan Term: N/A Years Cash Payment Schedule (Not Applicable IfFinanc . 30% Due at Signing of Conhact * S . 30% Due at Filing of Permits S . 30% Due at Start of Installation $ . 10% Due at System Commissioning $ 2:ix:i;i::+!frfr "urro o^nur-il'-rflf a*onertnitiar-il*(t Payment Method: Finance Company: Cash Finance N/A Interest Rate (%):N/A 1 : 330.20 10 330.20 10,330.20 3,443.40 .(initial deposit trot to exceed l/3 ofthe Contract Price or the cost of special-order items' whichever is greater). A failure to make paymeot for a period in excess ofteD (10) days ftom the due date shall be deemed a material bleach of this Contsact. Ii iayment is not made when due, Contractol may suspend work on the job until such time as all p"y."ot, au" nru" Lesn mado without brcach of the Contract pendilg payment or resolution of any dispute. OwDcrs iviil be responsibte for any and all costs resulting from the delays or stoppage including but not limited to any increase Doc lD: 3a490946047dgaeoec{9a67ad6efdb267e40cfaf Cunent Annual Etecric Use (kWh): 4.302 Inverter Manufactuer: ENPHASE lQ 7+ 771 Washington Street Auburn, MA 01501 Toll Free: (888) 878-4396 www.solarwolfenergy.com cost ofsubcontractd stoppage aIId remobilization, potential need to replace con&acts and increases in ovgrhead costs to Contractor. Owner(s) shall pay Contractor interest at the rate ofoDe aod one-halfpercent (1.50%) per month on the total portion of the price that remains unpaid seven (7) days or more after the date upon which paymelt is due. If the Owner(s) refuse to pay for any progress payment which is more than 30 days past due, the Owne(s) shall be deemed in breach of this Ageement and the CoDtractor may stop work at any time and recover the amounts owed and shall be entitled to recover its costs ofcollection, including its reasonable attomey's fees. If Owner does not pay auy portion of said contract, Owner agrees to forfeit aoy alrd all solar incentives and agrees to award them to Solar Wolf Energy. Ifall payments are not rcceived, Solar Wolf Energy rescrves the right to disconnect lhe solar array ultil all payrnents are brought current. PROPOSED START DATE AND END DATE: The Scope of Work shall commence on or about 12122121 . Contractor will not begin the Wo* or order materials before the third day following the SOLAR WOLF signing ofthis Agreement, unless specifiod in *riting. The commencement date is subject to permit and variance issue dates, completed architectunt drawings and specifications- All installation schedules are weathet pemritting. Should snow rain, wind, or cold weather coincide with scheduled installatiou day, the installatiol will be moved to the Dext date available. Any contact signed after S€ptembq lst is susceptible to weather conditions and may not guaraDtee installation before year end. The Work shall continue on a regular basis except for delays beyond the Cotrtactor's conhol and is anticipated to be substantially comple te on 01122122 . Contractor agrees to keep Owner informed ofany delays that may interfere with substantial completion within the estimated period set out abovo. The Contractor shall not be liable for any consequential, incidental, delay, ernotional distress or contingent damages arisirg from this Contract. Nor shall the Ownel reduce or holdback fimds in the event of, auy delay or nonperformance causei by natural disasters, pandemics, acts of God, strikes, sho ages of labor or materials, holidays, delays caused by compietion of other jobs, rtelays in detivery of items selected by the Owner, inclement weather, accidents, aiterations or modifications agreed to by the Owner(s), delays caused by the Owne($, delays by statc or mrmicipal govemmental offices, "Hidden Conditions" or any other contingency beyond the CoDtactor's contol. In addition to iny other extensions provided for in this Agreemeut, Contractor shall receive a reasonable extensioD of time to commence and/or complete its wo* hereunder fotlowing the cessation of any delay and such extension shall be set forth in a writlen change onler In the event the Contractor is unable to complete thc performance of its obligation under this Ageement lue to acts of God, stikes, unavaitability of supplies or materials, or any other contingency U"yona it "o-ntof "ner 30 days, either party may cancel this contracl in which event the Owne(s) shall be liable to pay tne Conta*or Ue amount of laboi ani maieriuls already fumished as well as reasonable profit aad overhead 3u"h par-*t it to bs made within seven (7) days after the riate of such cancellation' PERJvIITS: The Contsactor, under provisions of M.G.L. c. l42A is requt€d to apply for and obtain all constructio!- ,"f.:iJp".-ii". conua"to, ,hall obtain all permits required by gov-emment bodies' unless othenvise specified, as the Or,oo(i) ug"nt. ffr" cost of sai6 permits #tt Ue part ofOe Cosi of Work as defined herein and charged to Owueds)' O*rr"r(, ino secure their own constructionlrelrt€d pcrmits or deal Mth unr€gktercd conlrsctorc shdl bc ercluded from access to the Guaranty iuld provision of M'G'L' c' l42A' The Owne(s) shall obtain and pay for the necessary approvals, eusemeots aoi/o ariances rcquired for th€ project. said costs are lrot included in the total Agr€ement Price. ACCESS TO pROpERTy: The work caDnot proceed uutil this agreement has beeB fulty signed and-exegyed bf both parties. Untess it i, otn"oir. ,p".ln-a i" foting hoein, it is inderstood that the Owrer is ready for this work to begin. Owner shall gant """"tt i"'l"to"** if, 'g"ott' leprese[tatives' and authorized subconbactors and vehicles. A refusal to permit the Contractor or its iepresentati"es io proceed with the work herein will be desmed a breach of this ageement. 2 Doc lD: 3a49o946c47dgaeoeco9a67ad6efdb267 e/.Oc,al tnc. 771 Washington Street Auburn, MA 01501 Toll Free: (888) 8784396 www.solarwolfenergy.com The Owner or the Owner's rspresentative must be at the property during all installation work and has full authority to make decisions on the Owner's behalfshould any problerns arise. This includes but is not limited to module placement wLe managemsnt, equipment management, and more. If the Ownsr is fmancing the system, the Own€r agrces to be present for the duration ofthe installation to sign the frnancing completion cedificate upou completion ofthe work. If the completion certificate is rot signed upon completion of installation, final inspections will not be scheduled. Ownff authorizes Contractor the right to disptay signs and advertise at the jot, site ftom date of oxecution of this contract and continuing until 60 days after completion. CIIANGE ORDERS: Upon reasonable request of Owners, Contractor may, at Contactor's sole discretion, make changcs, additions, or alterations of the Work, and the Conlract Price and Substantial Completion time will be modified and set out in a written Change Order signed by both Owners and Contractor. Such Change Orders shall become part of this Contract. Owners agrees to pay any increase in tle cost ofthe Project as a result ofa Change Order. ln the event the cost of a Change Ordsr is not known at the time a Cha[ge Oder is executed, lhe Contractor shall estimate the cost thseofald Ownels shall pay the actual cost whether or uot it is in excess of the estimated cost. Ow11ers agree to make requcsts conceming atry changes, additions, or alterations in the Work, direc0y to Cotrtractor and not to workers, including subcontractors, on the Work Site. Change order work witl be billed at $ 120 per hour plus materials and will be due at the time of hnal invoice. Ifthe Owner(s) refuse to pay for any Change Orders by the palment due date, the Owne(s) will be deemed in breach of this Agreement and the Conhactor may stop wo* at any time aud recover the amounts on ed and shall be entitled to r€cover its costs ofcollection, including its reasonable attomey's fees. Any inctease in the Scope of Work set forth in this Agreement which is rcquired by plan checkers or field inspectors witi city or county buildinyptannlng deparunents or requiEd due to any "Hiddan Conditions" as defined below, will be treatid as additional work to this Agreemoot for whicb thc Contractor will issue s change order. lf any sauctural upgrades are deemed necessary Uy a third-party engineer, there witl be an additional cost assessed, discussed and agreed upon with the customer. Prices may also fluctuate due to govemment-enforced tariffs' Any increase in the cost of materials of ten (10%) or more from the date the contract is signed, shall entitle the Contractor to issue a change order that increases the Cootract Price. LEDGE OCCURRENCE (GROUND MOIINTS): This agreement does not include an amount to be assessed for the presence of ledge. 6dge is identified as any rock that is larger than I cubic yard in size. Ledge wilt impact cost and time since wiin grouuO mouuts, the need to excavate the material is unseen and undergrotmd. If ledge is discovered, it w.ilt be shown to the ov,,ner and a cost estimate fol its removal will be made at that time. EIDDEN OR ITNFORSEEN CONDITIONS : The parti€s hercby acknowledge that in certain remodeling work, the a.iAitl", "i p"nl""s ofthe pre-existing stucture m;y reveal additional defects, conditions or the need for additional .,oo* tt ut .ouia oot t ave been i6entifrei'by Contractoi with reasonabte diligence ("Hiddsn Defects') which must be 6;A'fi";;;;;"d out in order to commence or to complete the Scope of work t**:':f 111l]l,tlyh Hidden berects, tne substantial comptetion date aod total Ageement price may need to be modified. Auy additional *"ii*q.ir"J ,i" r result in the issua,nce of a written change order. The parties agree such modifications are not avoirtabli and shatl not be considq€d a breach ofthis Agreement' SolarWolfEnergyisnotresponsibleforanypletxistingcotrditions.th€tarenotincompliancewithapplicattle building and enerly codes. Any necessary upgrades are the sole responsibility ofthe Owner' ONLINE MOMTORING: For online monitoring, Solar Wolf Energy uses the SolarEdge, Sunpower, a19 factory i.r]aJ-"lfrrr", ni" *itt utt iort"tt"tioor. This deiice updates every two to six hours. Ifowner requests a dtecl wire SOLAR WOLF 3 Doc lD: 3a490946c47dgaeOectga67ad6efdb267e4ocfaf rnc. SOLAR WOLF 771 Washington Street Auburn, MA 01501 Toll Free: (888) 8784396 www.solarwolfenergy.comtnc. 4 Doc lD: 3a490946c47dgaeoecoga67ad6efdb267e4ocfaf or any difforont type of connection, there will be an additional time and material charye, Solar Wolf Eneryy reserves the rights to the ouliDe modtoring platform until final payment has been received from the Owner. Upon receipt, Solar Wolf Energy will release the online monitoring platform to the Owner. INSURANCE: The Contractq agrees to carry liability insurance as is necessary to protect the Contactor, his employees, subcontractors and the Owner(s) from claims for bodily injury, including death, which may arise from the performance of this Agreement by the Contractor. The Contraclor hereby warrants that all employees and subcontractors under its suporvision performing Work at th€ Premises are covered by worken' compensation inswance. ConEactor shall fumish certificales of insurance to Olvne(s) upoo request. The Owne(s) will purchase, effect and maintain propedy insurance for all the Work to be performed undo tbis Agreement, The policy shall be a Homeowner's or Conhactor's Risk type on a replacement cost basis, "Special Form." The policy shall be equal to the full insurable value ofthe Work. The coverage shall not necessarily extend to tools and €quipment ofthe Contactor, subconhactors of any lier, or property owned by employees ofany of them, vchicles of any kind, or drawings or specifications. However, the Owner(s) agree to use ordinary care in the stotage of lools and equipment of the CoDtractor, subcontactors of any tier, and job materials and supplies located on the Prernises for thi duration of this Project. This Iasurance shall include the interests of the bank, or other mortgage holder, if applicable, and the Owner shall insure against "all risks" ofphysical loss or damage. In addition to O\l.tre(s) usual property and liability insuanca, Owne(s) agree to carry ilsurance i[ amouuts sumcient to cover claims, of any natue, arising out ofor rolating to existing or newly comtructed stuctures, or ary podions thereof. Said insurance shall also include, but is not limited to, coverage for materials and fixtures, delivered, installed, placed or erected at the Premisos or at any temporary location. Such iosurance shall provide complete rcplac€m€nt for damaged or lost property due to fire, theft, vandalism and all "extended petils-" ARBITRAIION The Contractor and the Owner(s) hereby mutualty agree in advance that in the event that one ofthe parties herelo has a dispute conceming this Agreement, either party submit such dispute to a private albitsation service which has been approved by the Odce ofConsumer Affairs and Business Regulation and the other party shalt b€ rcquired to submit to such arbitation as provided in MGL c.l42A To the fullest exteDt permitted by law, each of the parties hereto shall be entitled to have any claims sgainst it decid€d in arbitration, even iione party initiates an action in the couts. In such eveDt, at either party's option, the court action shatl be stayed while the matter is decided in artitration. The prevaiting party in auy arbitratiou may pctition a Coun of competent jurisdiction for enforcement of such decision. Aslongasbothpartiesagre€,theymayatanytimeandwithoutconsequencaoptoutofthisAlbitatioDagleement and seek redress in any cout of comPeteDt jurisdiction. Notwithstandingtheforegoing,tothefullestextentpermittedbylawany.contovgrsyorclaimarisingoutofolrelated to this AgreemJnt involving an amount of less than $7,000 (o; rhe maximum limit of the court) may be head in the Small C6ims Division of the Municipat Court in the coutrty where the Premises are located and judgment upon an award in Small Claims Court may be intered in any Court having jurisdiction thereof NoTICE:ThesignafuIesofth€paltiesapplyonlytotheagleementofthepartiestoalternatedispuleresolution ini,iuiJty tf," C;nhactor. The Owne(sfmay initiate altemative <lispute resolution even where this section is not signed separatelY bY the Parties. We, Solar Wolf EDergy, Inc. and the Owne(s), have read the above Arbitation Ageement and utrderstand its tems and both have signed it as our free act and deed SOLAR WOLF il,lLr,,L J'l (rnu!09 t26 I 2021 Owner Name Date O\sner Name:Date -^/4,-09 t24 t2021 Sales Consultant Name COVID.I9 RELATED CLAUSES The Parties acknowledge that the ongoing COVID-I9 epidemic/pandemic and the evolving situation surounding the ssme may trigger stoppages, hhdmnces and/or delays in Contractor's (or its subcontractors' or suppliers') ability or capacity to perform the contracted work and./or to produce, deliver, install or serrrice any applicable producs, irrespective of whether such stoppages, hiadrances and/or delays are due to measules imposed by authorities or deliberately implemented by Contactor (or its subcontacton or suppliers) as preventive or curative measures to avoid harmfirt contamination or exposure of Contractor's (or its subcontacto$' or suppliers') employees. The Parties therefore recognize that such circumstances shall be considered as a cause for excusable delay and shall not expose Contractu to contractual sanctions (including without limitation delay penalties, liquidated damages or other damages) or terminatiou for default, provided that Contaclor shall take all reasonable efforts to mitigate such delays or impacts. Should the Contractor be detayed, obstructed, hindered or interfered with io the commencement, prosecutioo or completion of the Work by any govemmental dircctive or order in no way chargeable to the Contractor, or by any exkaordinary conditions arising out of war, govemment regulations, state or national emergency, global health pandemic, additional health or safety regulations, or by ally oth€r cause boyond the cotrtsol ofatrd not due to aDy fault, neglec! act or omission ofthe CoBhactor, its officers, agents, employees, subcooFactors or suppliers, then Coatraclor shall be entitled to an exteosior of time. Contractor remains responsible for compliance with all appticable federal, state 8nd [oca[ laws, rules, regulations and guidance involving health and safety, including, but Dot timited to, those [aws, rules, regulatious and guidance issued by the Center for Dsease Contol, OSHA and other federsl, state and local govemmental authorities in rcsponse to iOVIO-IS. This includes, but is not limited to, implementing social distancing measures and acquiring, Providing and pmperty using auy personal protective equipment, as matrdated by federal, state ard local laws. Coltractor shall implement such safety measlres to fight the sprcad of COVID-l9 dudng the entire duration of the Project without additional compensation. The parties waive all claims fo! transmission of COVID-19 against each other. RIGHT OIr CANCELLATION: Owne(s) may cancel this Agreement at any time prior to miclnight of the third business day after the date ofthis hansaction. Such canceltation mustbe done in writing by executing the Notices of Cancellation attached hereto. The Contactor may lhereafter recover the cost of atl unpaid tabor and materials for all Work incorporated into tie Project (whether invoiced or not) plus reasonable overhead and profit. owNER'S RIGHT TO REGISTRATION INQIIIRY: Subject to certain excoptions, all home imprwement contractors aod subcontracton shall be rcgistercd and any inquiries about a contractol oI subconEactor Ielating lo a registration should be directed to: 5 Doc lD: 3a490946c47dgaeoec{)9a67ad6efdb267e40cfaf ffi E{ffiFqffiY inc. 771 Washington Street Auburn, MA 01501 Toll Free: (888) 878-4396 www.solarwolfenerry.com Date The Commonwealth of Mossachusetts Dcpoaaent oJ Industrial Accidents Oficc of Invesligalions LaJayette City Cenler 2 Avenue de Lafayette, Boston, MA 02lll-1750 www.mass,gov/dia Address: 771 Washinoton St Are you an employer? Check the appropriatc boxr4.8 5.8 employces (fu ll and/or part-timc).r 2. ! I am a sole proprietor or partner- ship and have no employees working for me in any capacity. [No workers' comp. insurance required.l 3. E I am a homeowner doing all work myse lf. [No worliers' comp. insurance required.] i I an a general contractor and I have hired the subconsacto$ listed on the attached sheet. These suucontractors have employees and have workers' comp. insurance.l We arc a corporation and its offcers have exercised their right of exemption per MGL c. 152, $ l(4), and we have no employe€s. [No workers' comp. insurance required.] 1.ffi I am a employer with 6 Ci lstatelZi : Auburn, Ma 01501 Phone #: .Any applicanl lhal checks box ,l must also fill out tlre scctix Horv showitrg thair !ro*crs' coop.nsrlion policy info.rnatioo.t Hotncowncrs who submil this alfidayit indicsting thc, rrc doing all wo.k and thcn hire ouBidc coltriclors must submit a new rmdlvit indicaing such lcontracto6 that check this box must attschcd.n addhioflal shcct shorying tttc nrnrc ofthc sub-corlraclors and state whclher or not dloso enliti€s have emplolrcs. lf &e sub{ontra.lors hsve employees, lhcy mun providc thek \rorkcrs' conrp. policy numbcr. I om an emploler lhat is providitrg workers' corrrpensollon insurdncc lor ,rr! employees. Belot! ls lhe pofic! ond Job sile inlomolion. lnsurance Company Name: Leib lnsurance Job Site Address:City/State/Zip S Yacnufr.naslwy Attach 8 copy ofthe workers' compensstion policy declarrtio[ prge (showing the policy numbcr and erpirstiotr datc). Failure to secul.e coverage as required under S€ction 25A ofMCL c. 152 can lead to the imposition ofcriminal penalties ofa fine up to $ I ,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonm€nt, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to $250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Ofiice of Investigations ofthe DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hercb! cenily under the pqlns of peiury lhal lhe inJonnolion prcvided abote h lrue and corrcclj,t .Z Phone #: O;fficlal use onty- Do nol wtlte in this srec,lo be comPldett bt ci9 or town oliclol lffi3rlJ'ji,ljl,1infiX',?;,,* o"r"rrment 3fhiry/rown crerk 4.E Ekcrricar rnspcctor 5Ehrumbirg Phone #:Contacl Persotr: PermiUlicense #City or Towr: - lnrpcctor 6.Eothet .-..........-.....- Workers' Compensation Insurnnce A[Iidnvit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers Anolicant Information Please Print Lesiblv Name (Businesyorgani?rtion/tndividuat): Solar Wolf Energy Policy # or Self-iru. t-lc. *: WC2-3 1 5-6 1 4936-020 Expiration Date: 08/1 0/2022a Type of project (required): 6. n New conslruction 7. ! Remodeling 8. E Demolition 9. I Building addition I O.D El€ctrical repaim or additions I l.E Plumbing repairs or additions t2.E Roofrepairs l 3.8 otherselAl!ns'!a!!a'!ien