HomeMy WebLinkAbout82 Wimbledon Dr - building permit solar wolfRECEIVED 2 DEP RTMENTONE & TWO FAMILY ONLY. BTIILDING PERMIT Town of Yarmouth Bullding DePr*metrt I 146 Routc 28, South Yarmouth, MA 026644492 508-398-2231 ext, t25t Fax 508-398-0836 Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CMR Building Pernrit Applicatio To Construct, Reryi\ Renovate A' Demolish a One- or Two'FamilY Dwelling Building Permit Number: This Section For Official Use Applied Buildhs Official (PriDt Nemc)DatcSignatl.! SECIION 1: SITE INFORMATION 1.2 Assessors MEp & Prrcel Numbers Parccl Numb.rMap Numbcr l.l Proo€rtv Addrcss: S2 W]MbLEDON DRIVE, W, YARMOUTH. MA 02673 I.la Is this an accepted street? ycs- no: 1-4 Prop€rty Dimensions t t Arca Gq ft)Frootagc (ft) 1.3 Zoning Information: Zoning Dist ct Proposcd Use 1.5 Building Setbacks (ft) Rear YardSidc YardsFront Yard Requir.i RProvidcdR.quircdRcquircdProvidcd a system E25 ?l1.8 Sewage Disp lvlunicipal E On s 1.7 Flood Zolle Informstioni Zanc: _ Outside Plood Zonc? Olcck ifycstr 1.6 lvater Supply: (M.G.L c. 40, { 5a) Public O Privatc C aITitrNc oEPHn'SECTION 2: PROPERTY OWNERSIIP' R2 W|MRI FDON DRIVE W YARMOUTH MA 02673 No. and Stscct Email Addr.ssTclcphonc KARENPCROWLEY @YAHOO,COM Na.rne (Print) 2.1 OwnerrofRecord: KAREN CROWLEY City, Statc, ZIP 508-942-4830 SICTION 3: Dtr,sCRIP!flON OF PROPOSED WORK! (check all that applv) Addition trAlteration(s) trOvrner-Occupied tr |R FaiB(, trNew Corstuction o Existing Building tr Othcr tr Spc.ci-Q : SOLARNumber of Units_AcJesory Bldg. tr B ef D€scriptiod ofProposed Work'?INSTALLATION F K SUUAtr IHOUF I UI' SULAI{ 5Y5I EM WI IrI A bMAX I Mtr Itr TAL 44 6q<W14 SOLAR PANELS TO TO SECTION 4: ESTIMATED CONSTRUC?ION COSTS Estimated Costs: (Labor and Materials)oTgtuse Onlyftem $ 7288.20l. Building $ 48s8.80 $ 4. Mechanical (IIVAC)$ 5. Mcchanicat (Firc SupDrcssio[)$ s Iflndicatc how fec is dctermincd: efrffi*re. tr Total Project CosC Gtcm 6) x multiplier - X - 2. Othcr Fcca: t- List CheckNo. CheckAno{ Csrh 't'otal All FEes: $ 1. Building Permit Fcc: tr Shodard Crty/Totn tr Paid in FUU tr Outshdilg Balanc€ DueS 121476. Total Projcct Cost: E[:-l Iij M{ r.l1 iJ ,,&dE l\l tec Demolition tr 2. Etecaical 3. Plumbing SECTION 5: CONSTRUCTION SERIIICES 5,1 ColutructioD Sqpcrvisor Llccns. (CSL) Ted Strzelecki Namc ofCSL Holdc. 582 Wauwinet Road No. atrd SEecr Barre MA 01005 CiV/Town, Statc, ZIP 508-538-9445 operations@solarwolfenergy.com Telcphonc Email &ddrcss es487491 2-19-2024 Liccisc Numbcr Expimtion Dstc Lisr CSL Iypc (sc. brlo*) U Type Dqrcriptiofl U Un estricred (Buildin$ up to 35,0q0Jq n-) R R.jr.ictcd t&2 Farnily DwellinS M Masoory RC Roofing Covcring ws Window aod Siding SF Solid Fuel Bumiog Appliancet i Insulation D !trc Company Na$c or HIC Rcgistrant Namc 1 Washinoton Skeet77 No. and Sftct A' 'h' 'rn irA O15Ol 5508- City/Toff! Sfats, ZIP T€leDhone 186400 11-A-'o)? HIC Rcgist.tion Nudlbcr Expi ation Date oDerations@solarwolfene rgy.com Email addrss SECIION 6: WOFJ(ERS' COMPENSATION D{SURANCE AITIDAVIT CM.G.L. c. rs?. 5 25C(O) Workers Compensation hsuraoce affidavit must be completed atrd submined wi$ tbis applicatioD. Failue to provide this affidavit will result itr the dcnial of the Issuancc of the buildiog pcrmit. Si8led Affidavit AEached? Yes E No........... tr SECIION 7a: OWNER AUTEORIZATION TO BE COIVIPIJTED WI{.EN OWNER'S AGENT OR COMRACTOR A}PLIES FOR BUILDING PEfuVIT I, as Owuer ofthe subject properry, hcreby authorize to act oII Ey behalf, in all mattqs rclative to work authorized by this building pcrmit applicatioD. Please see attached owner auth 3-17 -22 Prinl Owncr's Narnc (Elcclronic Siglature)Datc SECUON 7b: OWNEN OR AUTEOFJZTD AGENT DECLAXATION Da(e NOTIS: An Owler vho obtEins a buildiDg pernit to do his/her o$,n work, o, atr owtrer who h.ires a[ urucgistercd coEtractor (not rcgistered in the Home Improvcmcrt Cont'actor (HC) ProgrdD), will @ have access ro the arbitration progam or guaranty firtrd uoder M.G.L. c. l42A Othcl inportant iBfonEation o1r the HIC Prcgram can be fould at www.mas.gov/oca Iafonaatiou oo the Construction Sr+ewisor LiccDse cat be fould at Pvw.mass.eov/dps 2. When subsfetial woIk is planlled, provid€ thc hfornation b€lol{: Total 0oor arca (sq. ft.)(including garage, finished basementlattics, decks or porch) Habitable 1006 coustGross living area (sq. ft,) Number of Number of be&ooms Number ofhalflbatbsNuulber of batbrooms Typc ofheatiq system l'Iumber of deckV porchcs EDcl06edType ofcooling Opcn 3. 'Total Prcje.'t Square Footage" rnay be substitut€d for "Total Projcct Co6f Dcmolitioo 5.2 Registered Eome Improycmelrt Contractor (HIC) Solar Wolf Energy By coteriDg Ey BaEe belo% I hereby attest under thc pains and penalties ofpcrjury that atl of the informatioB codained in this applicatioD is tue and accuate to the best of By knowledge ald understsuding 7o/ Sa<&rj; 3'17-22 Prirt Owrc/s or Afdriz.d Agcot's Narhc (El.ctonic Sigraturd Thc Commonwealth of Massach utetts D ep art ment of Industrial Accidents 1 Congress Street, Saite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 www,moss,gou/dia \rorkers' compensrtio,r Insurance Affidavitr Bullderycont.nctorvElectricirns/plumbers. TO BE FILDD WITH TUE PERMITITNG AITTHORITY. a n Name (BusincsyOryanizrtioMndividual): Le City lState/Zip:Phone #: Ar.yoB 0n .nployrr? Ch.cl( tir lpproprlatc bor: l.n l.m a.mploycr with _cmploy.cs (tull and/or p6n timc).. 2.D I am a solc pto^prilro. or partnarship end havi no cmployc.s working for rnc inloy capcity. [No worlccr , comp, irsurancc requircd.] 3.! I am a homcowncr doing rll ,rro* myself. {No workcrs' comp. insur&r. rtquiEd.l I 4.fll am a holncovrE ad will-bc hirhg contactors to conduct,ll work oo my proprny. I \yill cnsula that all conEaclots aithar hsva workr8' compcnsation iosuoncc or rc solc ' PlIoprictort wilh oo rmoloy!6. 5.8 I !m a ga,tsral conu'actor and I hsvc hircd th! sub-coo(e.tori listld on dE adlch.d !hc.tThcsr sutraonlEcto6 h.v. crflployacr ard havc workars' comp inslrrarcc.l 6.fl Wc !I! a corporation erd iB omccrs hlvc cx.rc6cd rhcr riEh of arcilotirn os ivlcl cI52, Sl(1)..nd $rc hav. no cmploye25 [No work rs' comf irslrance rcquind.] ny applicrnt rJlat chrcks box # I mr:sirlso frtI out lhc scctjon bclow showin8 dEir urcrt.rs'.ompdEation policy informalio[Horncowncc who submit rhis.fid6vit indicating lhcy src doing all rr,/o(k and thcn hirr outsiirc contsbn must s.tmit r ncw rfii&vit indir5riog se[Co ractoE the! dcck thir box rhust lnrchcd an additional shcct showing thc n m.of thr srb.contr&toR ard 3tatE \a.hctltl oa not thosc .ntities havccmployc.s. lf rhe sub.contraqofl Type of project (rtquired): ?. ! Ncw construction E. ! Rcmodcling 9. E Dcmolition l0 ! Building addition ll.E Electricsl repairs or addirions 12. I Plumbing repain or additions 13.I Roof rcpairs r4.E Other cmployecs, thcy musr p(ovidc thcir \r,/o.kcrs'tiry numbc al is proviling y,orkers' compensatiorr ittsttancelor nry en7 oyeaL Belov it the poliq andjob siteI an an employer th btjormalion. Insurancc Company Name Policy # or Self-ins. Lic. #Expiration Date : I do herub ce if! utulet tli pains and penal.ties of perjury thi-the ir{ornutio provi-dcd above is true a d corrccl ,oO an. nd*"r, ,, ,, , CitylstatcfZip:_Att!chacoPyofthe*o@owingthepolicyDumbcr1ndeIPirauondatc). Failurc to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152, $25A is a oriminal violaion punishable by a fine up trc sl,500.00and'/or one-year imprisonmcnt, as well as civil penaltics in the form of a STop woRKbloER atrja firrc of'up to $zso.o0 aday against the violalor' A copy ofthis statemeot may be forwarded to thc officc of bvcstig*ions ofthl DIAio, iosur"ncecoverage vcrification. Phone Offtcial use only. Do aot wrtte in this arca, lo be conglded b! ch ot rown olftcinl Issuing Authority (circle one); l' Board ofHealth 2, Building Deparhlent 3. city/Town Clerk 4. Elearical lupcctor 5- plumbing Inspector6. Other Contlct Person: phone +: Permit/License #City or Town: Address: TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1146 Route 28, South Yarnrouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 HOMEOWNER LICENSE DGMPTION JOB LOCAI]ON:82 WMBLEDON DRIVE, W. YARMOUTH, MA 02673 PLEASE PRINT DATE .,HOMEOWNER"NAME KAREN CROVVI-EY STREETADDRESS 508-942-4830 SECIION OFTOW}; NAlviE PRESENT MAILING ADDRESS 82 WMBLEDON DRIVE W, YARMOUTH, MA 02673 HOMEPHONE CTTY OR TOWN STATE ZIP CODE The cunent exemption for 'Homeowner' was extended to include owner - occrr dwellinss of one or trvo units and to allow such homeowners to engage an in{ividual for hire who does not possess a license, orovided that such homeowner shall act as supervisor, (State Building Code Section 110 R5.1.3.1) Definition of Homeowner: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he / she resides or intends to reside, on which tlrere is or is intended to be, aoneortwo family attached or detached structure assessory to such use and/ or farm structures. A person who conskucts more than one home in a two-yearperiod shall not be considered a homeowner; such "homeowner" shaii submit to lhe bBilding official, on a form acceptable to the building of{icial, that he / she shalt be responsible for all such work oerformed u tlte buildine oermit.(Section 110 R5.1.3.1) The undersigned 'homeowner' assumes responsibility for compliance with the State Building Code and other applicable codes, byJaws, rules and regulations. The undersigned 'homeowner' cenifies that he / she undcrstands the TowE of Yarmouth Building Department minimum inspertioo procedures aDd require. merts and that he / she will comply with said procedures and requirements. HOMEOWNER''S SIGNATURE APPROVAI OF BUILDING OMCIAL INSI,JRANCE COVERAGE: I have a cunent liability insurance policy or its subsuntial equivalent, which meets the requirements of MGLCh.l42. x Yes No If you have checked ves, please indicate the tl9e coverage by checking the appropriate box. A liability iosurance poliry , Other type of indemniry Bond OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the lice,rsee does not have the insurance coverage required by Chapter 142 of the Mass. General Laws and that my signature on this permit appticatiod waives this requiremenr- -/e/Check one: Owner AgentSignature of O or Owner's Agent h:hoftaownr{icerqap WORKPHONE srowN oF YABMOUTH 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-223[ ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 Office of the Buililing Commissioner BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEM NDEB DISPO SAL AFFII)AVITOLITIO Pursuant to M.G.L. Ch. 40, $54 and 780 CMR - Section 105'3'l' #4' I hereby certifi that the debris resulting from the proposed work/demolition to be conducted at 82 WlMBLEDON DRIVE, W, YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Work Address Is to be disposed of oat the following location:771 Washington Street, Auburn, MA 0'1501 said disposal site shall be a licensed solid waste facility as defined by M'G.L. -tu/3-17 -22 Signature of lioation Date Permit No. ch.1ll, $150A. !r! I!I EV ENGINEERS projects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evengineersnet,com 276-220-0064 0312712022 This Letter is for the existing roof framing which supports the new PV modules as well as the attachment of the PV system to existing roof framing. From the field observation report, the roof is made of Asphalt Shingle roofing over roof plywood supported by 2X10 Rafters at 16 inches. The slope of the roof was approximated to be 34 degrees. Design Criteria Code 201s rRc (AscE 7-10)-cMR 780 9th Ed Dr 10 psf DPV 3 psf Lr 20 psf s 30 psf STRU or.tL Sincerely, Risk cateEorv Roof Dead Load PV Dead Load Roof Live Load Ground Snow (component and cladding) V 142 mph Exposure C VIN C ENT MWU MVANEZA crvrt 717 RE: Structural Certitication for lnstallation of Rcsidential Solar KAREN CROWI.EY:82 WIMBLEDON DRIVE W, YARMOUTH,MA 02673 Attn: To Whom lt May Concern After review of the field observation data and based on our structural capacity calculation, the existing roof framlng has been determined to be adequate to support the imposed loads without structural upgrades. Contractor shall verify that existing framing is consistent with the described above before install. Should they find any discrepancies, a written approval from SEOR is mandatory before proceeding with install. Capacity calculations were done in accordance with applicable building codes. wind Load lf you have any questions on the above, please do not hesitate to call. Vincent Mwumvaneza, P,E, EV Engineering, LLC oroiects@evenaineersnet.com htto://www.evensineersnet.com !rt I\I EV ENGINEERS projects@evengineersnet,com http://www.evengineersnet.com 276-220-0064 Structural Letter for PV lnstallation 03/2u2022 lob Address: 82 WIMBLEDON DRIVE W YARMOUTH,MA 02673 Job Name: KAREN CROWIEY Job Number: 22O32IKC scope of Work This Letter is for the existing roof framing which supports the new PV modules as well as the attachment of the PV system to existing roof framing. All PV mounting equipment shall be designed and installed per manufacturer's approved installation specif ications. Table of Content Sheet Cover Attachment check5 Snow and Roof Framing check seismic check and Scope of work Engineering calculatlors Summary 1 2 3 4 2015 rRC (A5CE 7-10)-CMR 780 gth Ed Dr 10 psf DPV 3 psf Lr 20 psf s 30 psf {component and cladding) V 142 mph Exposure C References NDS for Wood Construction Sincerely, Vincent Mwumvaneza, P.E. EV Engineering, LLC proiects@evenqineersnet.com STRUC ONL VINCENT MWUMVANEZAclvrt evengineersnet.com U7 code Risk categorv Roof Dead Load Pv Dead Load Roof Live Load Ground Snow Wnd Load II!I\ !- EV ENGINEERS projects@evengi neersnet.com http://www.even gineersnet,com 276-220-0064 Wind Load Cont. Risk Category = wind Speed (3s gust), V = Roughness = ExPosure = Topographic Factor, KzT= Pitch = Adjustment Factor, L = a= ASCE 7-10 Table 1.5-1 ASCE 7-10 Figure 26.5-1A ASCE 7-10 Sec 26.7,2 ASCE 7-lo Sec 25.7.3 ASCE 7-10 Sec 26.8.2 142 mph c c 34.0 Degrees 1.2\ASCE 7-10 Figure 30.5-1 3.60 ft ASCE 7-10 Figure 30.5-1 Where a: 10% of least horizontal dimenslon or 0.4h, whichever is smaller, but not lessthan 4% of least zone 2 (pso -36.3 26.37 zone 2 (ps0 33.0 23.95 Figure 30.5-1 Equation 30.5-1 Figure 30.S-1 Equetion 30.5-1 Table 12.2A - NDS DFL Assumed connecllon check Attachement max. spacing= Lag Screw Penetration Prying Coefficient Allowable Capacity= 4tt 266 lbs/in 2.5 in t.4 760 0.6D{.6W Opvo.5w zonG Tdb wldh Area (ftl upllft (lbsl Down (lbtl | 4 11.0 227.7 296.5 2 4 11.0 270.3 296.5 3 3 8.3 202.7 222.4 Max= 270.3 < 760 cot{1{Ec't1()t{ E or 1. Pv seismic dead weight is negligible to result in significant seismic uplift, therefore the wind uplift governs 2. Embedment is measured from the top of the framing member to the tapered tip of a lag screw. Embedment in sheading or other material does not count. 111 horizontaldimension or 3ft (0.9m) Upltft l0.6wl zone 1(ps0 Pnet30= -30.2 Pnet = o.5rlr KzI x Pnet3o)= 21.90 Downprcirure l0.5wl zone 1(ps0 Pnet3o= 33.0 Pnet = 0.6 xlx KZT x Pnet3o)= 23.95 Rafter Attachments: 0.6D+0.6w {CD=l.61 zone 3 (pt0 -36.3 26.37 zone 3 (pso 33.0 23.95 5/16" Lag Screw withdrawal Value= -: EIo,*rr*,projeds@evenBineersnet.com http://www.evengineersnet.com 276-220-0064 Vertical Load Resisting System Design Ptnin Pr P5= Cs 21 psf 25.0 psf 25 psf 0.6 20.0 plf Pnet+ Pe!cos(0)+PDr= 49.3 plf Max Moment, M, = 547 lb-ft Conservatively Pv max shear 296.5 lbs Max shear, V,=wU2+Pv Point Load = 383 lbs Load case:.7510.6w+Sl! Load Case: DL+0.6W 0.75(Pnet+Ps)+ Ppvcos(0)+PoL= Moo*n= Mallowable =Sxx Fb' (wind)= Ps+ Pe,cos(0)+PDr= Mao*= Mallowable = Sx x Fb' (wind)= 56 plf 618 lb-ft 3608 lb-ft 37 pll 407 lb-ft 2s93 lb-ft 618 lb-ft OK 407 lb-ft oK M€mber capacity 2X10 Design Value cr cF ci c,KF 0 I Adjusted Value Fr=1000 psi 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.15 2.54 0.85 0.8 1265 psi 180 psi 1.0 2.88 o.75 0.8 180 psi E=1700000 psi N/A 1.0 N/A N/A N/A 1700000 psi 620000 psi N/A N/A 1.0 N/A 7.7 6 0.85 620000 psi DF-L No.1 Depth, d = width, b = Cross-Seclonal Area, A = Moment of lnertia, ls = Section Modulus, So = Allowable Moment, M"1= Fo'5- = Allowable Shear, V"l= 2/3F,'A = 9.25 in 1.5 in 13-875 in 98.9316 in 21.3906 in DCR=M,,/Mar = DCR=V,,/Var = Satisfactory Satlsfactory 2254.9 lb-fr 1665.0 lb 0.15 < 1 0.23 < 1 rl7 Pg= 30 psf AscE 7-10, section 7.2 Ce= 0.9 AscE 7-10, Table 7-2 q = 1.1 AscE 7-10, Table 7-3 l" = 1.0 AscE 7-10, Table 1.5-1 Max Lendh, L = l0 ft Trlbutary Width, Wr = 15 in Dr = 10 psf 13.33 plf PvDL= 3 psf 4 plf Load Case: DL+S Max Shear, v,,=wv2+Pv Point Load = 383 lbs !- - !I EV ENGINEERS projects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evengineersnet.com 276-220-0064 Siesmic Loads Check Roof Dead Load % or Roof with Pv Dpv and Racking Averarage Total Dead Load lncrease in Dead Load 7s% 3 psf 10.4 psf 7.8% oK The increase in seismic Dead weight as a result of the solar system is less than 10% of the existing structure and therefore no further seismic analysis is required. Limits of Scope of Work and Liabilitv We have based our structural capacity determination on information in pictures and a drawing set titled PV plans -KAREN cRoWl-EY. The analysis was according to applicable building codes, professional engineering and design experience, opinions and judgments. The calculations produced for this stru€ture's assessment are only for the proposed solar panel installation referenced in the stamped plan set and were made according to generally recognized structural analysis standards and procedures. r/L 10 psf b SOLAR WOLF inc. 100 Davis Street Douglas, MA 01516 Office 1: (888) 8784396 OIfice 2: (508) 839-2222 Owner Autho rization Form We the undersigned, hereby authorize Solar Wolf Energy Inc to act on our behalf in all manners relating to the installation of a photovoltaic system at the location 82 wimbledon Dr. west yarmouth 02673 . This includes but is not limited to financing paperwork, interconnection documents, building & electrical permit applications, applicable rebate applications, etc. This atthonzation is valid only for items pertaining to the installation and commissioning of a solar power system to be installed by Solar Wolf Energy Inc. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. (-t r, /. bry Signature of Owner 10t0412021 Date Doc lD: 3d2ae4d1b3fia2387898fab0ea946600e387054 SOLAR WOLF 771 Washington Street Auburn, MA 01501 Toll Free: (888) 878-4396 www.solarwolfenergy.comrnc. Contact Information Home Improvement Contract Sales ConsultsntCustomer Nsme Address City, State, Zip Phone Emeil Karen Crowley 82 Wimbledon Drive W. Yarmouth MA 02673 (508) 9424830 Karenpcrowley@yahoo.com Yasmene Badereldin 771 Washin$on Steet Auburn, MA 01501 (508) 583-9451 Yasmene.b@solarwolfenergy.com Svstem Information System Size: 4.69 kW Modute Make & Model: SUNPOWER 335 Module Count: 14 Inverter Count: 14 Include l0 Year Online Monitoring YES NO Connection method ifnot standard offering: Electrical Panel Upgrade: YESIINO Roof Replacement: Tree Removal: $$ftional Notes: YES NOYESENO How many:N/A PAYMENT INFORI\{ATION Total Project Cost ($):12 147 Financed Amount: ($): N/A (IfDifrdd ric Toni c.n) Loan Term: N/A Years Cash Payment Schedule (Not Applicable IfFinancing) Payment Method: Finance Company Cash Finance : N/A Interest Rate (%): N/A 30% Due at Signing of Contract ' 30% Due at Filing of Perrnits s3 644.10 $3 644.10 30% Due at Start of lnstallation S 3,644.10 10olo Due at System Commissioning g'l,214.70 Customer Initial Customer Initial Customer Initial Customer Initial + c c c c *(initial deposit trot to exceed l/3 ofthe Contract Price or the cost ofspecial-order items, whichever is greaier), A failue to make payment for a period in excess often ( I 0) days from the due date shall be deemed a material breach of this Contract. If payment is not made when due, ConEsctor may suspend work on the job until such time as all payments due have beeo made without breach of the Contract peudirg payment or resolution of any dispute- Owners will be responsible for any and all costs resulting from the delays or stoppage including but not limited to any increase Doc lD: d77828f 3fcce5cbf 5de075b8ab7f6d246bb5a7 el ENERGY Current Annual Electric Use (kWh): 5,038 lnverter Manufacturer: ENPHASE lQ 7+ I SOLAR WOLF 771 Washington Street Auburn, MA 01501 Toll Free: (888) 8784396 www.solarwolfenergy.com 2 Doc lD: d77828f3fcce5cbfsde075b8ab76d246bbsa7ef rnc. cost ofsubcoltractor stoppage and remobilization, potential need to replace contracts and increases in overhoad costs to Conhactor. Owue(s) shatl pay Contractor inlerest at the rate of one and oDe-halfpetceDt (1.50%) per tDonth on the total poiiotr of the price that remains unpaid seven (7) days or more after the date upon which payment is due. If the Owtre{s) refuse io pay for any progress payment which is more than 30 days past due, the Owne(s) shall be deemed in brcach ofthis Ageemont and the Contractor may stop work at atry time aod recover the amounts owed and shall be entitled to rccover its costs ofcollection, iucluding its reasonable attomey's fees. If Owngl does not pay any portion of said contract, Owner agrees to forfeit aoy and all solar inceutives and agrees to award them to Solar Wotf Energy. Ifall payments are not receivod, Solar Wolf Enogy reserves the right to discomect the solar aray until all payments are brought current. PROPOSED START DATE AND END DATf,': The Scopc of Work shall coruncncc on or about 12110121 . Contractor will not begin the Work or order materials before the third day following the rig"i"g oftnit egr""ment, uoless specified in writing. The commenceEent date is subject to persft and variance issue 6aites, -completed architectural drawings and specifications. All instatlation schedules are weather permitting. Should snow, rain, wind, or cold weather coincide with scheduled instatlation day, the installation will be moved to the next date availabte. Any contact sigued after September lst is susceptible to weather conditions and may not guarantee installation before year erd. The Wo* shall cotltinue on a regular basis exccpt for delays beyond the Contractor's control and is anticipated to be substantially complete on 0111O122 . Contractor agrees to keep Owner informed ofany dclays that may hterfere with substantial completion within the cstimated period set out above. The Contactor shatl not be liable for any consequential, incidental, delay, ernotional dishess or contitrgent damages arising from this Contract. Nor shall tho Owael reduce or holdback firnds in the event of any delay or nonperformance caused by natural disaslers, pandemics, acts ofGod, skikes, shortages of Iabor or materials, hotdays, delays caused by completion of other jobs, delays in delivery of items selocted by the Owner, inclcment weathor, accidents, aiterations or modifications ageed to by the Owne(s), dclays caused by the Ovrne($, delsys by state or municipal govemmetrtal offrces, "Hidden Conditions" or any othor contingency beyond the Contactor's control. ln addition to any other extensions proyided for in this Agreemsnt, Contractq shall receive a reasonable extension of time to commence and/or complete its Work hereunder foltowing the cessation of any delay and such extension shall be set forth in a written change order In the event the Contactor is unable to completc the performancc of its obligation under this Agreement due to acts of God, strikes, unavaitability of supplies or materials, or any other contingency beyond its contol after 30 days, either party may cancel this contract, in which event the Owner(s) shall be liable to pay the Con6actor the amount of labor and materials akeady fumished as well as reasonable profrt and overhead. Such paymenl is to be made within seven (7) days 8fter the date of such cancellation. PERMITS: The CoDhactor, under provisions of M.G.L. c. l42A is required to apply for aud obtain all construction- relared permits. Contractor shall obtain atl perrnits rcquired by governmant bodics, unless otherwise specified, as the Owtrsds) agent. The cost ofsaid permits rill bo part ofthe Cost of Work as defined hercin and charged to Owner(s). Owner(s) who secure thelr own constructioo-relsted permits or ded with unregistered contr&cton shrll be excluded from rccess to the Guarrnty Furd provisioo of M.G.L. c. 142A. The Owne(s) shall obtain and pay for the necessary apptovals, easoneDts and/o! variances requircd for the Project. Said costs are uot itrctuded in the total Agreement Price. ACCESS TO PROPERTY: The work cannot proceed until this agreemetrt has b€eD fully signed and executed by both parties. Unless it is otherwise specified iu writing herein, it is understood lhat the Owner is ready for this wor* to begin. Owner shalt grant access to corkactor, its agents, rspresentatives, and authorized subcontractoE and vehiclos. A rcfusal to permit the Conhactor or its representatives to proceed with the wod( horein will be de€med a br€ach of this ageement. Inc. 771 Washington Street Auburn, MA 01501 Toll Free: (888) 8784396 www.solarwolfenergy.com The Owner or the Owner's representative must be at the property during all installation work and has full authority to make decisions on the Owner's behalf should aoy problems arise. This includes but is not limited to module placement, wir€ matragement, equipmetrt Eanagement, a[d morc. lf the Owner is hnancing the system, the Ownsr agrees to be present for the duation ofthe installation to sign the furancing completion certificate upon completion ofthe work. lf the completion certificate is not signed upon completion of installation, fual inspections will not be scheduled. Ouner authorizes Contractor the right to disptay signs and advertise at the job site from date of execution of this contract and contiDuing until 60 days after completion. CHANGE ORDERS: Upon reasonable request of Owners, Contractor may, at Contractor's sole discretion, make changes, additions, or alterations of the Work, and the Contract Price and Substantiat Completion time will be modffied and set out in a written Change Order signed by both OwneIS and Contsactor. Such Change Orders shall become part of this Contract. Owners ageos to pay any increase in the cost of the Project as a result of a Change Order. G the evenr the cost of a Chaoge Order is oot hown at the time a Change Order is executed, the CoDhactor shall estimate the cost thereofand Owners shall pay the actual cost whether or not it is iD excess ofthe estimated cost. Owners agree to make rcquests conceming aDy changes, additions, or alterations in the Work, directly to Contractor and not to worke$, including subcontractors, on the Work Site. Change order work will be billed at $ 120 per hour plus materials and will be due at the time of hnal invoice. Ifthe Owne(s) refuse ro pay for any Change Orders by the payment due date, the Owne(s) will be deemed in breach ofthis Agre€ment and the Cotrtractor may stop work at any time and recover the amounts owed and shall be entitled to recover its costs ofcollection, including its reasonable attomey's fees. Any iucrease in the Scope of Work set forth in this Agreement which is required by plan checken or field inspectors with city or county building/plaoning deparhents or required due to any "Hidden ConditioDs" as defined below, will be treaGd as additional work to this Agreernent for which the Contractor will issue a change order. If any structural upgrades are deemed necessary by a thtd-party engineer, there will be an additional cost assessed, discussed and agreed upon with the customer. Prices may also fluctuate due to govemmsnl-enforced tariffs. Any increase in the cost of materials of ten (10%) or more from ttre date the contsact is signed, shatl eDtitle the Contractor to issue a change order that increases the Contract Price. LEDGE OCCURRENCE (GRO[ ND MOIINTS): This agreement does not include an amount to be assessed for the presence of ledge. Ledge is identified as any rock that is larger than I cubic yard in size. Ledge will impacl cost and time since with ground mounts, thc need to excavate the material is unseeu and underground. If ledge is discovered, it wi[[ be shown to the O\flner and a cost estimate for its removal will be made at that time. HIDDEN OR t NT'ORSEEN CONDITIONS : The parties hereby ackrowledge that in certain ranodeling work, the demolition ofportions ofthe prerxisting stucture may reveal additional defecs, conditions or the need for additional work that could not have been identified by Cotrtlactor with reasonable diligence ("Hidden Defects') which must be repaired, altered or carried out in order to commenc€ or to complete the Scope of Work, Further, as result ofsuch Hidden Defects, the Substantial CompletioD date and total Agleement price may treed to be modified. Any additional work required will result in the issuance of a written change order. The parties agree such modifications are not avoidable and shall not be considercd a brcach ofthis Agteernent. Solar Wolf Euergy is not responsible for any pre-existing conditions that are not in compliance with applicable building and energy codes. Any necessary upgrades are the sole responsibility ofthe Owner. ONLINE MONITORING: For online monitoring, Solar Wolf Energy uses the SolarFige, Sunpower, and factory provided cellular kits with all installatioos. This device updates every two to six hours. If Owner rcquests a direct wire SOLAR WOLF 3 Doc lD: d77828Bfccescbfsde075b8ab76d246bb5a7ef 771 Washington Street Auburn, MA 01501 TolI Free: (888) 8784396 www.solarwolfenergy.com or any different gpe of connection, there will be an additional time and material charge. Solar Wolf Energy reserves the rights to the online monitoring platform until final paymetrt has been received fiom the Owner. Upon receipt, Solar Wolf Energy will release the online moDitoring platfom to the Ovr'ner. INSURANCE: The Contractor agrees to carry tiability insurance as is necessary to protect the Contractor, his employees, subconh'actors and the Owner(s) from claims for bodily injury, including death, which may arise from the performance of this Ageement by the CoDtractor. Th€ CoDtractor hereby warrants that all employees and suhontractors under its supervision performing Work at the Premises are covered by workers' compensation insurance. Contactor shall firmish certificates of insuance to Ovr'ner(s) upon request. The Owne(s) will purchase, effect and maintailr prcperty insurance for all the Work to be perfomed under this Agoemelt. The policy shallbe a Homeowner's or Contractor's fusk type on a replacement cost basis, "Spocial Fom." The policy shall be equal lo the full hsurable value ofthe Work. The coverage sh&ll Dot nocessarily extend to tools and iquipment of the Contractor, subcontractom ofaDy tier, or property owned by cmptoye.es of any of them, vchicles of any kind, or drawings or specifications. However, th€ Owner(s) agree to use ordinary care in the storage oftools and equipment of the Contractor, subcontractors of any tier, and job materials and supplies located on the Premises for thi duration of this Project. This Insurance shall include the interests of the bank, or other mortgage holder, if applicable, and the Owner shall insure against "all risks" ofphysical loss or damage. In addition to Oune(s) usual property ard tiability insurance, Owne(s) agree to cary insurance in amounts sufficient to cover claims, of any nature, arising out ofor relating to existing or newly consEucted stuchles, or any portions thereof. Said insurance shall also include, but is not limited to, coverage for materials and fixtures, delivered, installed, placed or orected at the Premises or at any temporary location. Such insuance shall provide complete replacement for damaged or lost property due !o fir€, theft, vandalism and all "extended perils." ARBITRATION The Cont'actor and the Owne(s) hereby mutually agree in advance that in the event that one ofthe parties hereto has a dispute conceming this Ageement, either party submit such dispute to a private arbitratioD service which has been approved by the Olfice ofConsumer Affairs and Business Regulation and the other party shall be required to submit to such arbitation as plovided in MGL c.l42A. To the futtest extert permitted by law, each ofthe parties hereto shall be entitled to have any claims against it decided in arbitration, even ifone party initiates an action in the couts. ln such ovent, at either party's optioD, the court action shall be stayed while the mattff is decided in aftitration. The prevailing party in any arbitration may petition a Cowt of competent jurisdiction for etrforcemenl ofsuch decision. As long as both parties agree, they may at any tiDe and without consequelc€ opt out of this Artitration agreernent and seek redress in any court of comp€tent jurisdiction. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the fullest extent pemitted by law any contoversy or claim arising out ofor related to this Agreement involving atr amount of tess than $7,000 (or the maximum limit of the court) may be heard in the Small Claims Division of the Municipal Court in the county where the Premises are located and judgment upon an award in Small Claims Cout may be €ntered in any Court hayingjurisdiction thereof. NOTICE; The signatues of the parties apply only to the agreement of the parties to altemate dispute resolution initiated by the Contractor. The Owner(s) may initiato altemative dispute resolution even where this section is not signed sepantely by the parties. We, Solar Wolf Energy, lnc. and the Owner(s), have read the above Arbitation Ageement and undsrstand its terms and both have signed it as our fiee act and deed. SOLAR WOLF 4 Doc lD: d77828f3fcce5cbfsde075b8ab7Sd246bb5a7ef ffi['{ffiffiCiY inc. SOLAR WOLF 771 Washington Street Auburn, MA 01501 Toll Free: (888) 878-4396 www.solarwolfenergy.com (,n^ /. ^rt 09 110 12021 Date Owner Name Date 09 I 10 t2021 Sales Consultant Name COVID-l9 RELATED CI,AUSES The Parties acknowledge that the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic/pandemic and the evolving situation surrounding the same may trigger stoppages, hin&ances and/or delays in Contractor's (or its subcontractors' or suppliers') ability or capacity to perform the contsacted work and/or to produce, deliver, install or service any applicable products, iresp€clive of whether such stoppages, hindrances and/or delays are due to measures imposed by authorities or deliberately implemented by Conkactor (or its subcontractors or suppliers) as preventive or curatiYe measures to avoid harmirl contamination or exposue of Contractor's (or its subcotrtractors' or supplien') employees. The Palties therefore recognize that such circumstances shall be considered as a cause for excusable delay and shall not expose Contractor to contractual sanctions (including without limiration delay penalties, liquidated damages or other damages) or termination for default, provided that Contractor shall take all reasonable efforts to mitigate such delays or impacts. Should the CoDtractor be delayed, obstructed, hindered or interfered with in the commenceme[q prosecution or completion of the Work by any governmental directive or ordq in no way chargeable to the Contractor, or by any extaordinary conditions arising out of war, governmelt rcgulations, state or national emergency, gtobal healt]t pandemic, additioDat heatth or safety regulations, or by any other cause beyond the control of and not due to any fault, neglect, act or omission ofthe Cootractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors or suppliers, then ConFactor shall be sntitled to an extension oftime. Contractor remains responsible for compliance with all applicable federal, state afld local laws, rules, regulations and guidance involving health and safety, including, but not limitod to, those laws, rules, rcgulations and guidance issued by the CeDtel for Disease Control, OSHA and other federal, state and local gov€mmental authorities in response to COVID- t9. This includes, but is not limited to, implementing social distaocing measures and acquiring, providing and properly using any personat proteclive equipment, as mandated by federal, state and local laws. Contractor shall imptement such safety measurcs to fight the spread of COVID- I 9 during the entire duration of the Project without additional compensation. The parties waive atl claims for tansmission of COVID-I9 against each other. The Contractor may lhereafter rscover the cost ofall unpaid labor and maierials for all Wo* incorporated into the Project (whether invoiced or not) plus reasonable overhead and profit. OWNER'S RIGIIT TO REGISTRATION INQUIRY: Subject to certain exceptions, all home improvement contactors and subconkactors shall be registered ald any inquiries about a Contractor or subcontactor relating to a registration should be dtected to: 5 Doc lD: d77828f3fcc€5cbf5de075bBab7f6d246bb5a7 eI ffiNffi[tflY inc. Owner Name : Date RIGHT OF CANCELLATION: Owner(s) may cancel this Agreement at aoy time prior to midnight of the third business day after the date ofthis hansaction. Such cancellatioo must be dooe in writing by executing the Notices of Calcallatio! attached hereto. -Y o.fu CERTIFICATE OF LIAPILITY INSURANCE PROt'C@ Lal,b Inaulaaca 5!? Palk Avanu. worc.rt6r, l{A 01603 rx3lriEo SOLTR tlorJr. Etln(lt 711 TASETXO$ON Ar AUBURIf IIA COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBERi R NUMBER: woerail oolPCtaaanol AXD EIPLOYERII IA6IU'Y AI{YPROPRETOfI/PARTIIERE.XECUNVE OFFICER/IETE€R€XCLI'OEO?E GERTIFICATE HOLOER 10/l U2o2L MATTER ALTER BY.CERTIFICATE RNFlcATE THISDER,THEUPON ERTIc TFICAENORIGHTSCERTIFICATHIStsTEEOtssuASINFOROFTroONNLDAN POLtCtESETHCOVERAGEFFORDEDLTIVEMEoNooEsAFOTIRMAFTIVELNOREGANO,EXTEN T EH INSUR DAurHoRrzECETHISOFsNRAUooENCENOTCONSTITUTEISSUINGBETYVEENAELOWs),ER( REPREgENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERNFrcATE HOLDER. c.rtltlc.t. hold.. lr .n ADDITIONAL INSURED, the pol or bo andoraad. to lha tarm. and condltiohi ot the pollcy, cartain pollclaa may raqul an andoraamont,It SUBROGAITON lS WAIVEO, .ubl.ct must 3lo th. cciincat. holdcr ln liou of 3uchlhl3 carllflc.t. doas not coniar 508-?92-0t11 rlthRD: NAUTILI'S AfFOTOIXG COVERAGE I,IAERIY XTTUAI, HAVETITAT NDICATED NOTWTHSTANDTN F!CATE REDINSU ABOVENAMED THFOR POLICYE PERIODrssuBEENTOEDTHEOFPOLICIESLISTEDINSURANCEBELOWISTHTOtsTHECERTIFYRESPECITOTHIStcHORROTHEDOCUMENTRMTEOROFCONDITIONCONTRACTGREOUIREMENITOTHEALITERMSHEREDESCRIBEDINSUBJECTSAFFOROEORANCETHEBYPOLICIESORPERTTHESUINCERTIBErsslrEoCLAIMS,PAIDBYBEENREDUCEDHAVEEPOLtCtLIMITSSHO\ryNCONDITIONSANDSUCHOFEXCLUSIONS {iIEAGle YOnEITEDX r 1,000,o0 r 100,000 t 5,000 r 1,000,00OPERSONA. A AOV INJIJRY r 2,000,000GEN r 2, 000,000 5 NA or,,."*oo. fi ] o."u* GEXI AGOREGATE fll tr APPLES PER: T---] PRo. T--lL l JECI L._-l i aoo[Y $UURY (Pd p..q] aoollY TNJURY (Ps a@d.nr) s AUIOIOA|LE LABILITY SCTIEOULEO EICE'3 LIAB 1,000,000 s 1,000,000E L O6€ASE . EA OISEASE - POUCY LIMIT 31.000,000 oa/t0/2022t{c2 - 315- 614936 - 020 lrElcsPtloLOFOP€RAiEE/L@AIroxs/VEHTCLEs(ACOFOlot,AddtodlR.@d.s.rtdd..6,rttn-k(|iIa@{Id 3HOULO AirY OF THE AAOVE OESCRIaEO POLICIES AE CAI{CELr.ED BEFqRE THE EI.PiRAIO|I I) TE THEAEOF, I{OTrcE wlLL EE OEIIVEREO II{ ACGORDAIICE WfIH THE POI.ICY PROVISIOXSi. Y:IiIOITTA TOTX EALL 11a6 nOurr 28 Ylnt@urE PoBl, ll^ 0255{ ACORD 25 (2O16103) . All righat r6arved. iri. NNl2 077 2 3 I s ! s tr i ThG ACORD n.mo and bgo ar.,.gLbt d r'l.rt ol ACORD Commonwealth of Massachusett: Division of Professional Licensurry Board of Building R ulations and Stanclro r Cons isor cs-087491 TED C STRZ de YP.-.t ires: AZllgt}f2z 582 WAUWI BARRE MA # Corn rnissioner K dU,,l'* ti Irr] ) I J / Massachusetts of Caynpl^efLowContractors Academy C A PDH Academy Company Ted Strzelecki cs-087 49L has completed the Massachusetts Contractor Classroom Renewal Course Part 1 Approval # CS-0102I2 Code Review 2 hours Workplace Safety 0 hours Business Practice t hour Energy 0 hours Lead Safety_,lhour Elective 2 hours 02/17 12022 Coordinator: Annie Schultz, Program Manager Coordinator Number: CD-000102 lf you have any comments about this course offering, please mail them to the Boord of Building Regulations and Stondards, CSL, Continuing Education, One Ashburn Ploce-Room 7307, Boston, MA 02108 I 24t7 ,\ ,%:* Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 1000 Washington Street - Suite 710 Boston, Massachusetts 021 18 Home I mprovement Contractor Registration Type: Registration: Explration:SOLAR WOLF ENERGY INC. 771 WASHINGTON STREET AUBURN, MA 01501 . D, /,.,,,,,,,,,,.,., //,1, / . // -..',,,./j, " / //) Offlc. of Contum.r Afi.lts & Bu3ln..t R€eubtlon HOME II PROVEMENT COMTRACTOR TYPE: corpor'atio.lReoklr.tl,on Exoiradon 1 86400 111c6,n022 SOLAR WOLF ENERGY INC. TEO STRZELECKI 771 WASHINGTON STREET AUBURN, MA O15O1 fuua/1.** Undersecretary Updato Address and Return Card. Registration valid lor individuel uso only before tha expirrtion dalo. ll found return to: Ofrca ot Coiaumor AffalB and Buriin6ss Rogulrtion 1000 Wathlngton SL.ot - Suite 710 Boston, MA 02118 Not valid without signature Corporatjon 186400 11tO612022 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Deparlment of Industrial Accidcnts Ofice ol Invesligations Latayetlc Cily Center 2Avcnue de l-afayetle, Boston, MA02III-1750 www.mass.gov/dia ii;l tl Name (Busin€syorgsnizatiory'lndividual):Solar Wolf Energy Address: 771 Washinqton St Ci tate/Zi : Auburn, Ma 01501 Phone #: 'Any .pplicanl lhd chccks bor I I must also fill out tlE icction bclorv showirg liair no*crs' comFmaiion policy hfonnation.I Hom@wnds who submit lhis sllidavit indiclting thcy ar doing rll rio.t !d thcn hirc outsidc contlr.to]s must submit a new allidlyir indicding su{trtconlrscton thd chcck this box must rtlach.d ,n ldditiooal sM showim 0E narnc of tllc sut -conllactors rnd state whedlcr or oot thos€ entities h&re dnplo),E s. lf the sub-contracto.s hf,vc dnploy..s, lh€y must Fovide dEir woftcG' co.ip. policy oudbar. I am M emplolo lhot is providlng wo*en' compensadon lnsumncclot ,n! entplalea. Delow ls the pofiq ondjob slre inloma on. hsurance Company Narne: Leib lnsurance . msunance uired.l Job Site Address 4 \.[ r dor Tr Citylstate/Zip:N L{Arfnocq . rvra aZv-t 5x Attech s copy oftht workers' compcrsation policy declarrtion prge (showing the policy number and erpirstion drte), Failure to secure coverage as required under S€ction 25A ofMGL c. 152 can l€ad to the imposition ofcriminal penalties ofa fine up to $ 1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form ofa STOP WORK ORDER and a fine ofup to $250.00 a day against the yiolator. Bf advised that a copy ofthis statEment may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations ofthe DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do herefut ceaifi under the polns of perjury lhal lhe inJormolioa provided above is lrue and concct. ( s Phone #: 3'7t-z OlJicial use only. Do nol pite in lhis arca, to be con plded b! cit! or town ollicial 3ECiry/fown Clerk l-E ercctricrt Inspcctor S.Ebtumbirg Phone #: one):checkillssuing Authority (rl Board ofHealth Building Department City or Towo;Permiulicense # lnlp€ctor 6Eotner Conlact Persotr: Workers' Compensation Insurance Allidavit: Builders/Contrectors/Electricians/PIumbers Apolicant Informetion Please Print Leeiblv Type of project (required): 6. I New construction 7. I Remodeling E. fl Demolition 9. I Building addition 10.[ Electrical repain or additions I l.E Plumbing repairs or additions 12.[ Roofrepairs r 3.8 othersqhl ! nstallalien Are you sn employer? Check the appropriatc boxi l.I I am a employer with 6 4. I I am ageneral cootsactor and I cmployees (full and/or part-time;.t have hircd the sub-contractors 2. E I am a sole proprietor or partner- listed on the sttached sheea. ship and have no emptoyees lhese suLcontractors have working for me in any capacity. employees and have workers' [No workers' comP. insurance comp' insurance'l requirrd.l 5' I We are a corporation and its 3. E t am a homeowner doing all work officers have exercised their mysell [No workers' comp. right of exemption per MGL imurance required.l r c' 152'$l(4)'andwehaveno employ€€s. [No workers' Policy # or Self-ins. Lic. #: WC2-315-614936-020 Expiration Date: 08/10/2022