HomeMy WebLinkAbout89 Baker Rd - building permit solar wolfONE & TWO FAMILY ONLY.BUILDING PERMIT Tow! of Yarmouth Bulldltrg DePartmeut I 146 Routc 28, South Yarmouth, MA 026644492 508-398-2231 ext. t26l Fax 508-398-0836 Massachusetts Stato Building Code, 780 CMR Building Peruit Application To Consn'uc!, ReWb, Retovde A' Demolish a One- or Two-Fanily Dwelling This Section For Offlcial Use Ooly 3.17-22bate Applied: DatcBuilding Official (PriDt N8mc)Signetu! SECTION 1: SITE INIORMATTON 1.2 Assessors Map & Purccl Numbcrs Perccl NumbcrMap Numbcr l.l Prop€rty Address: 89 Baker Road. Yarmouth. MA 02673 l.la Is this m acccpted strect? ycs_ no 1.3 Zorlnglnformatior: ZoniryDistrict Proposcdusc 1.4 PropcrtyDim.rsions: Lot Ares (sq ft) 1.5 Buildirg Setback (ft),ftdEGEl!Front Yad Sidc Y,rds RE RcquircdRcquircdProvidedRequircdProvidcd Providcd aPR 25 Zr 1.8 Sewage Disp{ Municipal tr On sitl ral$ystem: l----:.-^- - ^t IdEn &rlFtbkruEr'' 1.6 lvater Supply! (M.G.L c.40, {54) Public tr Privatc E 1.7 Flood Zone Information: zone. _ Ourside Flood zonc? Cltcck ifycstr SECTION 2: PROPERTY OWNERSHIPI Name (Pint) 89 Baker Road, Yarmouth, MA 02673 City, Starc, ZIP kbradleys24@gmer @m51e424-5691 Email AddressNo. and Stscet Tclcphon. 2.1 OwnerrofRecord: Kevin Bradlev SECTION 3: DESCRIPTION Otr PROPOSED WORK! (check all that apply) Ne\ry Constuction tr Existing Building tr Ovmcr-Occupied tr l&painG) o Alteration(s) tr Addition tr Demolition tr Acccssory Bldg. tr Number of Units Other tr S solar WOTK,: INSTALLATION OF 23 SOLAR PANELS TO TOTAL 47 7O5KW ROOFTOPSOURSYSTEM VVITFI ASMART NTETER SOCKEI Brief Description of Proposed SECTION 4: ESTIMATDD CONSTRUCTION COSTS Estimated Costs: (Labor and Materiats)offic|[fse onlrIrem l. Building 1197360s $ 7s82.4o $ 4. Mcchanical (IIVAC)$ 5. Mcchanical @ire Supprcssion)$ $ 19956 1. Bujldire Permir Fcc: $ lS- Indicate how fcc is dcterEined: tr StaDdard City/Tovn Ap,plicatioo FEe tr Total Projoct CosC Gtem 6) x Eultiplier - x .......=- 2. Other Fccs: $_ list: lChcctNo. CheokAsortr Cssh AlouDt: tr Paid ir Full tr Ousmding Balancc Due RECEIVED 0 2022 ARTMENT ED ?2 I .i FNTT MAR Buildhg Pemit Number: l Frortsgc (ft) 2. Etcstrical 3. Plumbing 6. Total Project Cost: Total All Faes: $ - SECTION 5: CONSTRUCTION SERVICES cs-087491 Llcfisc Numbc.Erpirqtlon DBtc U 2-19-2024 List CSL Typ. (scc bclow) Typc Dqc.iption Uorcstricted to 35 000 cu. ft. R I&2 Fami Dw.lt M ws Window S SF Solid Fucl BumiDg I iosulalion 5.1 Corstructiou Sup.rvisor Liccnse (CSL) Ted Strzelecki perations@solarwolfenergy.com CiV/Town, Starc, ZIP Emril .ddress 508-538-9445 o Nanc ofCSL Holdci 582 Wauwinet Road No. lnd Strcet Barre, MA 01005 D Dcmolitioo 5,2 Registered Eomc Improycoretrt Contractor ([IIC) Solar Wolf Energy ZD NlrDc or HIC RcrisEant Namc nqton Street - 508-538-9445 No. and Strcct Ar rhrrrn trrtA 0150'l l RAdOn Email addrcss 1 ,l _A_Un)) rwolfenergy.comoDerations@ HIC Rcgistr.tion Numbcr Expirarion Dat. SECTIoN 6: lvORKERs, COMPENSATION INSURANCE AtrFIDAVIT (M.c.L c. rs2. S 25C(O) Worlcers Compensation Lusuralce amdavit mujt be this affidavir will result il &c dcnial of the Issuancc completed a[d subEined with tbis applicatiou. Failwe to provide ofths building pcrmit. AUTEORIZATION TO BE COIVIPIJTED WHXN OWNf,R'S AGENT OR COMRACTOR APPLIES FOR BTJILDINC PEfuVIT SECTION 7a: OWNIR o act on my bebalf, in all matt!$ rclative to work authorizcd by 6is building p€rEit applicsrioo_ Prifi O\xncr's Nahc (El.qronic Siglahrra)Dat. I, as Owuer of tlrc subject property, hcreby autlorize 3-17 -22 SECIION ?b: OWNEN OR AUTEORIZED AGENT DECLAJRATION Ry adering Ey Dane belo% I herEby aecst undcr ure pai"( ard Fualtics ofpcrjury that all of the information coDlabcd h tbis applicati:o is tue aad accuralc to the bcst ofEy howledg? ad urdcrshDding Priflt Owncr's or Agent's Namc (Elcc&ofl ic Signanrrc)Date -/e/3-17-22 NOTES: Program or guara y firDd under M.G.L. c. l42A Oth.r hpodant information on tbe HIC Prograa: cao be found at bis4rerOrvnerAnobtainswhoatodo anot lvhoow[er aohiresbuildhgpermit contractor1vork,unresistered theul Home Conu"actorregistered witl have toaccess the(not arbitratiotrImprovemeltGnc)Progran),,wl www.lrais.gov/oca Laformatio! o! the Constuctioa Srryervisor Liccns€ can be fould at wvw,mas.cov/dps Nrmber of 2. WleD subsErtial wort is planrcd, providc thc information bclos (including garagc, fnished bosemenUattics, decks or porch) Nuub€r ofbattrooms Errclosed Total floor rea (sq. ft.) Gross livirg area (sq. ft.Habitable room couqt Nu!trbsr of bedooms Number ofbalflbads Typc ofheatiry systeE Type of cooliDg systeEr lfumbet of dcckJ prchcs 3. "Toaal Prcje{r Sguare FootagC' sray be substinrted for "Total Projrct Co6f Mas!nry Roolim Coverinq Tclqphone No........... trSiSDrdAfiidavitAttachcd? Yss..........E Please gee a$ached owner auth The Commonwealth of Massach.tseus D epartmeat of Industrial A ccidents 1 Congress Strcet, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02il4-2017 www. moss.gou/d.ia lvorkers'compensetion Insurrnce Affidavit: Buirdcrycortr!ctors/Electricirns/plumbers, TO BE FILED WITH TgE PERMITIING ALTTTORITY. n Name (BusincsrOrgsnizrtiodtndividuaj): Address: City/Statdzip Phone #: An you n0.mployrr? Clccl( th. lpproprlatc bot: l.! I m r cmploycr wirh cmploy.ca (ftll and/or prn d.&).. 1! I aln ! sot. propricBr or Fru.rship ind havc no cmployc.s urorking ftf.rl! inlny eslEcity. [No wo*crs'comp. insumncr rlquircd.] !.! I am e homcowrar doint dl \rcrk mysclf. [No workcrs' comp. inrrmDcc rcquiEd] t 1. D I !m . homco$nrr dd vrill br hiring cootsactors to condu.t all worl on fty popcrt _ I ,rill .orwa tlu sll contnctoas cithcr hava \,\,ortaru, compcnsation insrnncc or re olc _ proFictors wi& m cmDloyrc!. 5.! t rm a gc'cnl concactor and I hav. hircd thr sub-coatrictoti littrd on thc &shcd *,crt Thcac gub.co[trrctoB havc .mployacs and hav. wortam' comp. insur,ncr,t 6.! wc rrc r coqoration rrd iB ofljc.rs hsv. cxcrcis.d rhrir righ! ofexcrrptirn pq MGL c. I 52, { | (4). md 'r,! hrvc no .mploy.cr. [No wo*.rs' comp. insurncc nquilEdl @lixht dlat chclks box 3l must llso till ou! thc scctioo bclow showinB dEir u6ak ts'cohp&sation policy infornEtioRHomcowm6 who submit this aftidavil indicating thcy arc doing aU wo.k and rh€rt hirc outsil. conts4tonr must qrbmit a ncw lEldayit indicating strctr"lCon!.acto6 tiot chect d s box must lttrch.d an additional shc.r showing thc ltamc oith. $EconEErors and stat whcthcr or no( thosc cntitrcs hav.lf th!sub.conlracrors hrvc employcls, thcy must provilc drcir 'lortcc*'licy numb.r I an aa employr thar is providing worko|' compensation irrsarancelor nE ntploye* Betow b the policy andjob sileitrlormation lnsurancc Compaay Namc:_ Policy # or Sclf-ins. Lic. #:Expiration Date:_...- --- Job Site Addrcss: City/Statc/Zip: Atoch a copy of the workers' compensation poticy declaration p"g"fif,i--ing tn" pori"j ri uilili$inu-iilf't";. Failurc h secure coverage as requircd under MGL c. 152, $25A is a oriminal violation punishable by a fine up io $ 1,500.00 and/or onc-year imPrisonmcnt, as well as civil penaltics in orc form ofa STOP WORKbRDER ard a 6nc oiup to $250.00 a day against thc violator. A copy ofthis statement may be forwarded to the Officc of tnvestigations ofhc DLA ior insurance coverage vcri fication. I tlo hereby c*tifl undet tlE pdins dnd penaldes of perjury that lhe b{omnlirn provided above is true and corrccl Sion:trrre'Drte' Phonc #: Official use on$. Do iot tetilc in this area, to be compbled b! cit! or aott.ln olrtcial Issuitrg Authority (circle one): l. Board ofHeqlth 2. BuildiDg Departtnent 3. City/Town Clerk 4. Blcctricrl lrcpcctor 5. Ptu&birg Irlpector 6, Other Phone #:Co.rt ct Persoar: Permit/License #City or Town: _ Type of project (required): 7. fl Ncw construction 8. ! Rcmodcling 9. D Dcmolition t0 [ Building addhion I t.E Elect'ical repairs or additions 12. I Plumbing repairs or additions 13.! Roof rcpairs l4.Tl other TOWN OF'YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-223t ext. 1261 HOMEOWNER UCENSE EXEMPTION PLEASB PRINT: DATE: JOB LOCAI]ON:A9 Baker Road Yamoulh MA 02673 NAME "HOMEOWNER'' NAIVIE PRESENT MAiLING ADDRESS HOMEPHONE 89 Baker Road, Yamouh MA 02673 WORKPHONE CTTY ORTOWN STATE ZIP CODE The currcnt exemption for 'Homeowner, was e:tended to include owner - occupied dwel[nss of one or two units and to allow such homeowners to engage an individual for hire who does oot possess a license, provided that such homeowner shall act as supervisor. (State Building Code Section 1 10 R5.1.3.1) Defi nition of Homeowner: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land oo which he / she resides or intends to reside, on which there is or is intended to be, & one or two family attached or detached structure assessory to such use and / or farm struchrres. A person who constructs more than one home iu a two-year period shall not be considered a homeowner; such "homeowner" shall subrdt to tbe building official, on a form acceptabie to the building official, that he / she shall be resoonsible for all such work oerformed uuder the buildins perrEiJ. (Section 110 R5.1.3.1) The undersigned 'homeowner' assumes responsibility for compliance with the State Building Code and other applicable codes, byJaws, rules and regulations. The undersigned 'homeowner' certifies that he / she understands the Town of Yarmouth Building Department minimum inspection procedures aud require. ments snd that he / she will compty with said procedures and requirements. APPROVAI OF BU]LDING OFFICIAL INSURANCE COYERAGE: I have a current liability insurance policy or its substantial equivalent, which meets the requirements of MGL Ch.142. x Yes No If you have checked gg, please indicate rhe gpe coverage by checking the appropriate box. A liability iosurance policy , Other type of indemnity Bond OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the licensee does not have the insurance coverage requiredby Chapter 142 of the Mass. General Laws and that my sigtature on this permit application waives this requirement. -/o/ Sajolzl) iigoar"." of O#ner or owner's Agent Check one: Owner Agent h:hqewndiceratrp STREETADDRESS SECTIONOFTOWN HOMEOWNER"S SIGNATI.JRE $TOWN OF YABMOUTH 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-22311 ext. 1261 Fqx 508-398-0836 Office of the Building Commissioner BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEMO N DEBRIS DISP OSAL AFFID AVIT Pursuant to M.G.L. Ch. 40, $54 and 780 CMR - Section 105.3'l' #4' I hereby certiry that the debris resulting from the proposed worvdemolition to be conducted at 39 BakerRoad. Yamouth MA 02673 Work Address Is to be disposed ofoat the following location:771 Washingto n Street, Auburn, MA 0150'1 Said disposal site shall be a licensed solid waste facility as defined by M'G'L' ch. 1ll, $150A. 3-',t7-22 Signature of lication Date PermitNo. -/o/ Sa<r/oz/) Information and Instructions Mr'ssaqhusetB ocneral Laws chaPtcr 152 requiles all cmployers to provide workcrs' compcnsation for thoir rmployces.Pu6usnt to this statute, an carploycr is dcfiled as ".-.cvcry persoo ia the service ofanott"r rna.r any "ontr""i'Jtt i.,cxprcss or implicd, oral or writtcn.,, An azrpla2ar is defined as "an individual, partnership,.association, corporstion or other lcgal entity, or any two or moreof thc foregoing cngagod in a joint enterpdse, Bnd including thc lcgal riprcsontatives of a ieceased employer, or thcrcceivcr or t.ustec of an individual, partnenhip, associarion or othcr legal cntity, employing cmployces. lioy,ever thcowncr ofa dwelling housc having not more than thrce apartments and *ho resides thcriin,-or the occupant ofthcdwelling house ofanother who emPloys persons b do maintenance, construction or rcpair work on such drvelling houseor on the grounds or building aPpurtenant thereo shall not because o{such employmcnt be deemed to be an empioyer.', MGL chaper t52, $25C(6) slso states that "ey€ry state or locrl tic!trsing rgeocy shsll withhold the issuarce orreuewal of r liccnse or permit to oP.rate e business or to construct buildings io thc commonweslth for any applicltrt who has not Produced acceptable evidence of compliance tvith the iosuronce coverage requircdJ' Additionally, MGL chaPter 152, 025C(7) *ates'Neither the commonwealth nor aoy of is politicaliubdivisions shatlcater into any cootract for the performance ofpublic work until acccptable evidenci ofoomplianec with the insurance requircmcnts ofthis chaptcr have been prcsented to the conkacting authority." Applicants Thc Dcpartmeot's addrcss, telephone and far numbcr The Commonwealth of Massachuseus Department of Industrial Accidenb 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-20t7 'lel. # 617 -7274900 ext. 7406 or I-877-MASSAFE Fax# 617-727-7749 www.mass.gov/diaRrviscd 02-23- I i Please fill out the uorkers' mmpensation affidavit completely, by chgcking tbc boxcs that apply to your situatio[ and, ifuecessary, supply sub-contractor(s) name(s), address(es) and phone aumber(s) aloog with thiir iertihcatelsl ofilsuraocc. Limi&d Liability C.ompanies (LLC) or Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP) with no emptoyecs other than themembcrs or padncrs, arc oot rcquired to carry workers' compelsation insuaoce. If an LLC or LLp does havcenployes, a policy is requircd. Ee advised that this afrdavit may bc submittcd b thc Departmeot of tndustrialAccidelts for confimation of insurance coverage. Also be sure to sign ard drte the aflidavit. The affidevit should be rebnred to thc city or !o!Yn that tlc application for the permit or ticcnse is being rcqucstcd, not the Depanmeot oflndustrial Accidenh. Should you havc any questions regarding the taw or if you are rrquired to obtain I workers, compcnsatioo policy, plcase call th€ Depanmcnt at 6e ournbcr listed below. Sclf-insured companies should cnter theirself-iosuralcc liccnse number on the aooroDriate linc % Ctty or Towtr Omcialg Plcase be surc ttur the affidavit is complete and prirted lcgibty. Thc Dcpartmcnt has provided a space at the bottomofthe afEdavit for you to fili out in the event thc Officr of hvestigations has to contact you regariing the applicant. Plcase be surc to fill in the pcrmit/license number whicb will bc usk as a refercnce number. In addition. an applicant tbal must submit multipte permi',/ticense applications in any givcn year, nccd only submit one afiidavit indicating currentpolicy information (if ncccssary) and under "Iot Site Addresi" theapplicanr should write "all locations in _(city ortown)." A coPy of thc affidavit that has beco officially stamped or marked by the city or town may be prorldcd to the applicant as procf that a valid affidavit is ou file for future perurits or licenses. A aew affidavit rnust be fillcd out eachycar' Where a home owncr or citizen is obtaining a licease or permit not rclatcd to any busincss or commcrcial venturc(i e' a dog liceDse or permit to bum lcaves etc.1 said person is i.IOT required to completc this afiidavit. - .!I !- EV ENGINEERS 275-220-0064 0112412022 RE: Strudural Certification tor lnstallation of Residential Solar KEVIN BRADLEY:8g 8Al(ER RD, YARMOUTH, MA 02573 Attn: To Whom lt May Concern This Letter is for the existinE roof framing which supports the new PV modules as well as the attachment of the PV system to existing roof framing. From the field observation report, the roof is made of Asphalt Shingle roofing over roof plywood supported by 2X8 Rafters at 16 inches. The slope of the roof was approximated to be 28 degrees. After review of the field observation data and based on our structural capacity calculation, the existing roof framing has been determined to be adequate to support the impos€d loads without structural upgrades. Contractor shall verify that existing framing is consistent with the described above before install. Should they find any discrepancies, a written approvalfrom SEOR is mandatory before proceeding with install. Capacity calculations were done in accordance with applicable building codes. Deslgn Crlteria Code 2015 IRC (ASCE 7-10)-CMR 780 9th Ed Risk catesorv ll Roof Dead Load Dr 10 psf PV Dead Load DPV 3 psf Roof Live Load Lr 20 psf Ground Snow S 30 psf Wind Load lf you have any questions on the above, please do not hesitate to call. ST ONL (component and cladding) V 141 mph Exposure B VINCENT MWUMVANEZActv - 7/r projects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evengineersnet.com Sincerely, Vincent Mwumvaneza, P.E, EV EngineerinS, LLC proiect5@evengineersnet.com http ://www.evengineersnet.com !I.I EV !I ENGINEERS projects@evengineersnet,com http://www,evengineersnet.com 216-220-0064 Structural Letter for PV lnstallation 03/24/2022 Job Address: Job Name: Job Number: scope of work This Letter is for the existing roofframing which supports the new PV modules as well as the attachment of the PV system to exlsting roof framing. All PV mounting equipment shall be designed and installed per manufacturer's approved installation specifications. Table of Content Sheet Cover Attachment checks snow and Roof Framing check Seismic Check and Scope of work Englneerlng calculations summary 1 2 3 4 code 2015 lRc (AscE 7-10F\ilR 780 9th Ed Risk categorv ll Roof Dead Load Dr 10 psf PV Oead Load DPV 3 psf Roof Live Load Lr 20 psf Ground Snow S 30 psf wind l-oad (component and cladding) v !U mph Exposure B Referenr€s NDS for Wood Construction sincerely, Vincent Mwumvaneza, P.E. EV Engineering, LLC Droiects@evengineersnet.com htto ://www.evengineersnet,com s ONL VINCENT MWUMVANEZA ctvtL 7lL II'-,-EV ENGINEERS 27 6-220-0064 Wind Load Cont. Risk Category = Wind Speed (3s gust), v = Roughness = ExPosure = Topographic Factor, Kzr = Pitch = Adiustment Factor, L = ,rl1 rnph 8 ASCE 7-10 Table 1.5-1 ASCE 7-10 Figure 25.5-14 ASCE 7-10 Sec 26.7.2 ASCE 7-10 Sec 26.7.3 ASCE 7-10 Sec 26.8.2 B 1.00 28.0 Degrees 1 ASCE 7-10 Figure 30.5-1 2.80 ft ASCE 7-10 Figure 30.5-1 where a: 10% of least horizontal dimension or 0.4h, whichever as smaller, but not less than 4% of least horlzontal dlmenslon or 3ft (0.9rrll Upllfr (o.6rM Pnet:|G Pnet = 0.6 xlx l3T x Pnet3ol= Downprelsur€ l0.5wl Poet3(E Pnet = 0.6 x h r XzT x PneUlo)= zone 1(ps0 -29.7 17.U zone 1(pso 32.5 19.s2 zone 2 (psfl -35.8 2t.49 Zone 2 (ps0 32.5 19.52 zone 3 (ps0 -35.8 21.19 zone 3 (psfl 32.5 19.52 4ft 266 lbs/in 2.5 in 7.4 760 Figure 30.5-1 Equation 30.5-1 FiSure 30.5-1 Equation 30.5-1 Table 12.2A - NDS DFL Assumed Rafter Attachments:0.6D+0.6W (CD=1.61 Connection Check Attachement max. sPacing= Lag Screw Penetration Prying coefficient Allowable capacity= 0.6D.O,5W DpY+o.6W zone Trlb wldth Arc. (ft} upllft (lb3) Dowr (lbsl L 4 11.0 176.5 247.7 2 4 11.0 2L6.6 247.7 3 3 7.7 151.6 L73.4 Max= 216.6 < 760 oo l{Ecrx)l{ 5 (,x 1. Pv seismic dead weight is negligible to result in significant seismic uplift, therefore the wind uplift governs 2. Embedment is measured from the top of the framlng member to the tapered tip of a lag screw. Embedment in sheading or other material does not count. u1 projects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evengineersnet.com 5/16" Lag Screw withdrawal value= I!I !- EV ENGINEERS projects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evengineersnet.com 276-220-0064 Vertical Load Resisting System Roof Framing Ps= 30 Psf Ce= 0.9 q= 1.1 l'= 10 Max LenSth, L = Trlbutary Width, Wr = Dr= PvDL = ASCE 7-10, Section 7.2 AscE 7-10, Table 7-2 ASCE 7-10, Table 7-3 AscE 7-10, Table 1.5-1 10 ft 16 in 10 psf 13.33 plf 3 psf 4 plf pr= Pt.tn. = p5= Cs 21 psf 25.0 psf 25 psf 23.3 plf Load Case:Dr-{{).6W Pnet+Pe!cos(0)+PDr= 43.4 Max Moment, M! = Pv max Shear Max Shear, v,=wu2+Pv Point Load = Load case: DL+O.75(0.5w+sll 0.75(Pnet+Ps)+ Pe,cos(0)+PDr= 54 Ma*n= 599 Mallowable = Sx x Fb' (wind)= 247a Ps+ Pp,cos(0)+PDr= Mao*= Mallowable =Sxx Fb' (wind)= Plf 482 lEft Conservatively 247.7 lbs 334 lbs plf tb-ft tb-ft 40 plf 447 lb-fl 1738 lb-ft 599 lb-ft OX Max Shear, V,=wV2+Pv Point Load = 334 lbs Memb€r Capacity 2X8 Design Value cL cF ci c,KF 0 I Adjusted Value Fr=1000 psi 1.0 7-2 1.0 2.54 0.85 0.8 1380 psi 180 psi N/A 1.0 2.88 0.7s 0.8 180 psi E=1700000 psi N/A N/A 1.0 N/A N/A 1700000 psi 620000 psi N/A N/A 1.0 7.15 0.85 520000 psi DF-L No.1 Depth, d = width, b = Cross-Sectonal Area, A = Moment of lnertia, lo = Section Modulus, Sd = Allowable Moment, M.r = Fb'Sn = Allowable shear, V.r =2l3F"'A= 7.25 in 1.5 in 10.875 in 47.6348 in 13.1406 in 2 3 1s1r.2 lb-ft 130s.0 lb DCR=M"/Mar = DCR=V,/V"rr = o.24 < L 0.26 < 1 Load Case: DL+S > M7 lb-ft oK Rafters Satisfadory Satlsfactory 1.15 u7 rI EV': ir.rcrr.rrrns projects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evengi neersnet.com 276-220-0064 Siesmic l-oads Check Roof Dead Load 10 psf % or Roof with Pv Dpv and Racking Averarage Total Dead Load lncrease in Dead Load 39% 3 psf 11.2 psf 4.7% OX The increase in seismic Dead weight as a result of the solar system is less than 10% of the existing structure and therefore no further seismic analysis is required. Limits of scope of work and Liabilitv we have based our structural capacity determination on information in pictures and a drawing set titled PV plans -KEVIN BRADLEY. The analysis was according to applicable building codes, professional engineering and design experience, opinions and judgments. The calculations produced for this strudure's assessment are only for the proposed solar panel installation referenced in the stamped plan set and were made accordin8 to generally recognized structural analysis standards and procedures. 7h SOLAR WOLF tnc. 771 Washington St Auburn, MA 01501 Office 'l: (888) 878.4396 Office 2: 15081 839-2222 Owner Authorization Form syStem at the lOCatiOn 89 Baker Road, Yarmouth, MA 02673 This includes but is not limited to financing paperwork, interconnection documents, building & electrical permit applications, applicable rebate applications, etc. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. 02 t18 12022 DateSignature of Owner Doc lD: 7e39at58d21 ebc5a85e1 7gef dcbd334458sl4b66 We the undersigned, hereby authorize Solar Wolf Energy lnc to act on our behalf in all manners relating to the installation of a photovoltaic This authorization is valid only for items pertaining to the installation and commissioning of a solar power system to be installed by Solar Wolf Energy lnc. fu,'N(ltv a Commonwealth of Massachusett* Division of Professional Licensurry Board of Building Re ulations and Stancla; Cons$r*r$t isor cs-087491 TED C STRZ #Gl %P ires: AU19/2AZz ELEC -l,a, hrf\,y582 WAUWI BARRE MA NET 010 ./f Comrnissioner K VA,i',- Ii tl HI IE -t I / 24t7 Massachusetts Contractors Academy A PDI1 Acaderlty ComPany of Complptrnw Ted Strzelecki cs-087491 hos completed the Massachusetts Contractor Classroom Renewal Course Part 1 Approval# CS-010212 Code Review 2 hours Workplace Safety..ll hours Business Practice-,!hour 021t712022 Energy..l[hours Lead Safety t hour Elective 2 hours Coordinator: Annie Schultz, Program Manager Coordinator Number: CD-000102 lf you hove ony comments obout this course offering, pleose moil them to the Boord of Building Reguldtions ond Standords, CSL, Continuing Educotion, One Ashburn PIdce-Room 7307, Boston, MA 02108 C .%,/-%rJJ-/""r"/b Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation't000 Washington Street - Suite 710 Boston, Massachusetts 02'l 18 Home I mprovernent Contractor Registration Type: Registration: Expiration: Corpo.ation'186400 11t06t2022SOLAR WOLF ENERGY INC. 77I WASHINGTON STREET AUBURN, MA 0150,1 scA r o 20M-otr7 . r,'/,,,,..,,,,.,,,.,,//.a /./' / / t..,,./r/,. /1, Oftca of Conaunr.r Affalrs & EuElne3! R€Oullilon HOME IITPROVE EMT COUTRACTOR TYPE: CorDorationRooislr.tion Expirition186400 11106DO22 SOTAR WOLF ENERGY INC. TED STRZELECKI 771 WASHINGTON STREET AUBURN, MA O15OI fuia//'zra" Undersecretary Updata Address and Return Card. R.gistration valid for lndividual uso only boforo th€ expiration dat6. It found .eturn to: Office of Consumer Affairs and Busin€ss Rogulation 1000 Washington Slreet - Suito 7t0 Boston, MA 02'118 Not valid without signature The Commonwealth of Mossachasells Dcpartment of Industrial Accidents Office of I nvesligations Lafayette City Center 2 Avcnue de Lafoyette, Boston, MA 02111-1750 www.moss.gov/dia Workers' Compensntion Insurnnce Aflidavit: Builders/Contrrctors/Electricians/Plumbers nt Informati P Name (Busin€ss/Organizatiory'lndividu8t) Address: 771 Washinoton St : Solar Wolf Enerqy Ci State/Zi : Auburn, Ma 0150'1 Phone #: *Any opplicant thal checks box t I must also fill out tlle scctbn bdow showing tll.ir $ortcrs' compcnsation policy informrrion.t Horncowners who submit this afidavit indicstiry thcy sr doing dl wo.k rlli lhcn hirc outsidc cantraclors must submit a new eflidlvit indicating suc[ lcontrectors that check $is box must .t!.ch.d an ldditiooat shcct showin8 lhc namc o[ thc sub-collractors and state whcther or not tho6e cntiti€s hav. crlplolle.s. If the sub-contra.lors havc cmployc.s, th!, must providc tlEir vork.6' cdnp. policy numb.r. I am an emploler rhal is lrtoviding wor*ers' comparsotlon lnsuruncclot ,n! urrployccs, Below ls lhc pollq, ondJob sla inlom lo,L lnsurance Company Name; Leib lnsurance Are you in employer? Chcck the approprislc bor: l. fi I am a employer with 6 4. f] I am a general contractor 8nd I employees (full and./ot paniirn-c;.t have hircd the sub'conEactors 2. ! I am a sole proprietor oi paroer- listed on the attachcd sheet' shiP and have no employees These sub-contractors have working for me in any capacity. employees and have workerc' [No workers' "orp. inaurun""' comp' insurance l rcquired.l 5. I We are a corporation and its 3.E I am a homeowner doing allwork omccrs have excrcised their myself. [No wo*ers' comp. right ofexemption per MGL insurance required.l r c. 152,$l(4),andw€ have no anployees. [No workers' comp. irsurance required.l Policy # or Self-ins. Lic. #: WC2-315-614936-020 Expirat ion Date: OBl1Ol2O22 ,oo r," oo*.r., ft Btrlr, f r{ .,r,o"t-!\ t fqe dl U13 Attach a copy ofthe workers' compensation polky dcclarrtion prg€ (sborving thc policy trumbcr rnd expirotiotr drtc). Failu€ to secur€ coyerage as required under S€ction 25A ofMGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition ofcriminal penalties ofa Iine up to $1,500.00 and/or onc-year imprisorun€nt, as w€ll as civil penalties in the form ofa STOP WORK ORDER and a fine ofup to $250.00 a day agaiNt the violstor. Be adyis€d that a copy ofthis statemcnt may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations ofthe DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hercb! cerlw undet lhe polns s 1-1 Phone #: Of,clal usc onl!. Do nol x'rile in lhis ane, to bc con pld.d by ciry ot lown ollicloL ',HlI:"lJtJfiil,1flfii11l;r. ,"o",,ment 3Ecity/rown crerk 4.8 Ekctricrr rnspcctor SDrumbiog Phone #:Contact Persol: PermiuLicerse #Citv or Towtr: lNp€ctor 6.EOth er - of pcdur! lhot lhc infomation pruvlded oboee is lruc arrd correct Type of project (required): 6. I New construction 7. I Remodeling E. E Demolirion 9. I Building addition t0.E Electricsl repain or additions I l.E Plumbing rEpairs or additions l2.n Roofrepairs r 3.m othersqlal ! nstallAlien_ R ti' GERTTFTCATE OF LTAFILTTY TNSURANCE 10/t 202r, REPREAENTANVE OR PROOUCER, ANO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. mFORTANia ai th. it e as .n AODmONAL rNsuREo, th. pollcy(|.!) m!.t hrvo ADDIIIONAL INSUREO provl.lodr ar be .ndor..d. tt SUBROGAIION lS WAIVEO, tubl.ct to lh. t rmt .nd condltloni ot th. pollcy, c.rtln pollcl.. may Equlr. an tndo.adnant. A tt tam.nl on thlr c.rllrlc.t. do.s not confrr rlghtr to tha c..tlncrb hoHcr in li.u or auch andoraamenl(r), 508-792-0111 .-__u! _t,_._r€uEq!) ^FFoFori.G cpYFr^oc . _- l€UlnD r IIAUIILUS 3, LIaERIY XUTUAI Lalb Inauranca 5!7 PErk lv.nu. WorcG.tcr, llA 01503 rxauito sor,aR lfor.t. rlfEno:t 711 rtsErxoTof, gI AUEURN IIA COVERAGES CERNFICATE UTTBER: CANCELLATION REVISION NUi'BER woixfia coFEtta Tloil ANO EXPlOtErf LAaltltY ANYPROPN€IO8'PAR'IIIER'EXECUiVE OF'ICER/UEItsER EXCLI,,OEO?E I rrrx)ltT r(mr Blr.L 1116 tOEr 28 rz\rroEri PoRr, t6 0265{ sHolID AXY OF THE AaOYE oE3CRAED POLICIES BE CAiICCII-ED EEfqRE THE APIRAIIOII I}AE TTEAEOF, I{OTrcE M.! BE OEUVEREO iN AC@RDAXCE ffIH T}G PqJCI PRo\'IIIOIIS. INDICATED, NOTWTHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMEI.IT, TERM OR CON9ITION OF ANY CONTRACT CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUEO OR UIAY PERTAIN, THE TNSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIE ExcLUSToNS AND coNDlIoNs oF sucH poLtcrEs. LtMtrs sHow! MAY HAVE aEEN REDUCEo aY OR OIHER OOCUMEMT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS S OESCRIBEO HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO A].I THE TERMS, PAID CLAIMS, tatTS THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE USTED BELOW }IAVE SEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED MT EO AEOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOO x r 1, 000,oo I 1-09. ooq . 5,000 r 1,000,00oP€RSONAI" T AOV INJURY 2,000,000 2,000,000 5 N NXl2 077 2 3 CO' ERCIAL GEXEfTAI LIABILIIY or,r**o. ffi o."r" GEI{IAOOREGATE LIMIT APPLIeS PERIfl$ fl,.* A I 6OOIL Y lr{uRY (hr p..e)3 aOorLY lraJlJRY (P...@d.n0 ! IBrREO AUIO{OBILE IIABILI SC}CDULED EXCE*S LAA 1,000,000E.I, EACH ACCIT'€MT t,ooo,ooo 1,Ooo,ooo rc2 -31S- 61,r935 - 020 t G3CRlmOll OF OPGRAIDiI| ' LOCAIIONS ' VEl6tr! I CO@ 1O!. rr(5.d1R5't S.Ldd..6r' b. ..h.d ilffit d i ACORD 25 (20t6103) All righaa raaarved. CERTIFICAIE DOES NOT AFFIRMANVELY OR NEOATTVELY ATIENO,COVERAGETHE AFFOROED THEBETWEEN tssutN6 ONLY ANDTHIS CERTIFICATE NO UPON THE CERIIFICATE POLTCIES THIS t tr Th. ACOnD rlrn. ]d logo .r. r.gbt r.d m.rts ot ACORL .