HomeMy WebLinkAbout303 Route 6A - building permit solar wolfONE & TWO FAMILY ONLY- BUILDING PERMIT Town of Yormouth Buildlug Department I 146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4492 508-398-2231 ext. l25l Fax 508-398-0836 Massachusetts Statc Building Code, 780 CMR Building Permit Application To Consn'tol, Repair, Renovate Ar Demolish a One- or Two-Famrly Dwelling This Section For O(Ecial Use Only j--to- zzDate Applicd:Building Permit Number: AL'l\ -,el-005qq4 Buildin g Offi cial (Print Name)Signaturc I .\L.\rE tr---SDCTION 1; SITD INT'ORIIATION 1.2 Assessors M8p & Parcel Numbers Map Number ParcclNumber I l.l Propcrty Addrcss:\GUGA l.l a Is this an accepted street? yes_ no_ IVED 2022 RTMENT1.4 Property Dimensions: Lot Arca Gq ft)F ontage (ft) 1.3 Zonir|g Information: ZoniqgDistrict ProposcdUse 1.5 Building Setbocks (ft) Sidc Yards ReaJ YardFront Yard RcquircdProvidedRequircdProvidcd ProvidedRcquircd 1.7 Flood Zore Information: Zone:- _ Outsidi Flood Zone? Chcck ifycstr 1.8 SelYagc Disposal System: Ivlunicipal tr On sitc dislosal system tl 1.6 Water Supply: (M.G.L c.40, {5a) Public tr Private tr SDCTION 2: PROPERTY OWNERSHIPT Tcl.ohone Email Addressffildtt*t tn,.{A-l AC AIL) t Namc (Print) ao4., Rr (,q 2.1 Ownerr ofRecord:M(n/rl hr" City, Statc, ZIP 5i2';ii"9tcl SECTION 3: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED woRK! (check all that sPply) Alteration(s) tr Addition trExisting Building tr Owner-Occupied o I Repair($ o Accessory Bldg. tr l*rOther P Spcci&;Demolition tr f A(+c\ltr_i,rr\ cJ Zrl <l\W S( 4r Db),l|IDescription of Proposed WorkBriefh Estimated Costs: (Labor and Materials)Offrciat tlse Only l. Building $lY t{5\ .\rt 2. Electrical $ l) ,5U9. Lr-t $3. Plumbing 4. Mechanical (IWAC) $5. Mechanical (Fire Supprcssion) 3i, V2Y$ -suilains permit Fee, S 15" hdicate how fee is <.letermined: Slardard City/To\ryn Applicatioo Fee tr Total Project Cosf (Item 6) x Bultiplier - x - CheckNo- ChcckAmoEt Cash AEoust Totat All FEes: $ 1. tr tr outstandiog Balance Due:tr Paid in Fu1l 2. Other fc€s: S List: MAR 2 I I'U ILUING OElev:_-- (;ehnqus@ rY\s4. coM New Construction tr Number of Units SECTION .I: ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COStS. Item $ 6. Total Project Cost: a3 f*bAddress of Proposed Work: Scope of Proposed Work:vl \6H{ -lo -fn-hr c, Y,0\{ r!^J N+ro sctA/' sw+(,4 Date:\-t0.11 Based on the scope of work described above, the applicant is required to obtain approval sign- offs from the following departments as checked-of below: _Health Dept. -508-398-2237 ext. 724t _Conservation - 508-398-2231 ext. 1288 _Water Dept, - 99 Buck lsland Road, 5oU77 L-792t _Old Kings HWY. Hist. Comm. - 508-398-22631 ext. 1292 _Engineering Dept. - 508-398-2231 ext. 1250 _Fire Dept. - Kevin Huck/Scott Smith, 96 Old Main Street, SY Not€: Please call Fire Department for an appointment. SO8-398-22L2 Other Appropriate plans and/or application shall be provided to each departments checked-off above Each ofthese regulatory authorities has their own requirements outside the jurisdiction of the Building Department. All applicable approvals shall be obtained prior to submitting a building permit application to the Building Dept. Thank you for your cooperation. Receipt Acknowled en t: 3 - to-zz- Rev. Jan. 2019 Date ONE or TWO FAMItY- BULDING PERMIT APPLICATION REGULATORY APPROVALS NOTICE 5 Applicant's Signature SIR1rICES5SECTIONNSTRcoONUCTI 0S-Cr.J'iqqt L-tq-zcz Expiration Dstc u List CSL Typc (scc bclow) Liccnse NumbE Dcscription to 35 cu, Rcslrictcd l&2 Fami tvt RC ws Solid Fucl Bumiog liances I Insulstion 5.1 Com-tructlo! Supon,lsor Llceosc (CSL) 1<ct sktru rY; No. and Strcei rlt$/5 q 5 ZIPCiv/fown, ,/ Namc ofCSL Holdcr -S Ul"r,t1 0J r!.,p %? [r)u D Dcmolition 5.2 Reglstered Eome Improycment Contractor (HIC) E?., sic .1Yui ZP e HIC Company Namc or HIC No. and Strcet S o NJ(r rtr t Name fiStrt 9 .f @ sor- u.t..,tr414 | 610 Ll00 tt lbl2z HIC Registation Numbcr Email address 11 Expiration Date INSURANCECTIONSE6WORKERS'COMPEN TISAON AT'FIDAYIT G c.L.152or.$25C(o permit. orkers affidaCompensation must cobe atrd withsubmittedmpleted this lication Failure toapP providerhisaffldavirwiUresultthemdenialoftheIssuancefobtbeitdul.0g SigLcd Afiidavit Attached? Ycs.......... tr No ..... tr ONSECTI OWNER A TIUTEORIZAON oT BE COIVIPLETED IYHENwlIERoAENTGRoNTRACORcToFORA}PLIES PERJVITBUILDING all Datters relative to work authorized by this building permit applicatiou. Print Oiroer's Nornc (Elccrronic Sigrafurc) I, as Orvuer of0rc srbject properry, hereby authorize lt(,l to act on ray bebalf, in SlrlCLc r i \-t$'22 Da(c [r/\,t hcdl [-,iq t ^crv OWNERJ AUTEOR AORIZED DGNNTECLARA oTIN I herBby attest under the pains and penalties of perjuy that all of the iuformation is t99-and accurate to the best ofmy lororvledge aad undentanding. Print Owncr's or Ageot's NaIIlc (El?ctonic Signaurc) 7'to'qZ By entering my name below, couained in this app NOTES: obtains buildiag willProgram),itratioo infonnation I-nformation oAnwqel rvho a dto hisltero onmpeErit ano,lvhoorralerwork,AEhires uruegistered re then Home(not gistered ContractorImprovement (rxc)accqssbave theto arbnol or underfirnd GM.,L.4?4.prcgram guaranty 0n HIthe Procimportant cao be found atgram otr Cotrstructiotrwww.mass.gov/oca tsor canLicense be found atSuperv wwrv.mass.eov/dps plaaned, ) 2. WIen substantial wort is provide the infomntion bclow: (including garage, finished basement/anics, decks or porch) Gross living area (sq. ft. Nunber of Number ofbathrooms Habitable .oom colEt Number of bedrooms Number ofhalflbaths Type ofheating system Type of cooling system Number ofdeckV porchcs Enclosed pcn - 'Total Project Square Footage" may be substituted for .,Total3 Project Cosf' (C tl TY-R (u .> R Masol|Iy Roofing Covering Wiudov aqd Sidinc Iasurance Date 7a: SECTION 7b: I contractor c.Other the Total floor area (sq. ft.) The Co mnto nweatt h of MassaLctt usefis D epartment of Industrlal Accideats 1 Congress Strcet, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02111-201? \\:o.kers, compensation ,rrr.r".u11f;ffl,';grif/uXjlont.n.to.r/Erectricirns/plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH TEE PERMTTTNG .4.UTHORTTY. AoDIicnnt In orma tio 1",r8 -PleaseName (Busincss/OBmizrrlon/lndlvidual) Address: City/State/Zipi Phone #: ny applicsnr dlat checks box # I mlst also fill oul the section bclow showing rlrcir,ro*erJ compcnsation policy infolrnatio[Homeowners who submit this xfridavit indicaring lhcy arc doirB all $rork and ttlcn hirc outstdr conEactoE must submit a ncw afiidavit indicating suctr"lContracton tlut chcck 0ris box mu$ attached an additional shccr showing lhr l18rn! of Ar. you l|n cmployGr? Ch.cl( th. !pprop.iatc bori l.! I am a cmploycr with _cmployecs (tull rnd/or prn-dcr).. 2.! I tm r solc pmpricEr or patuarship .nd hava no cmployecs norking for mc inrny capacity, [No \r,orkcrs'comp. insurancc rcquircd.] 3.! I am a homcowncr doing sll work mysclt [No workcrs. comp. insurancc rcquircd.] , 4.[ I arn a homcorvncr andwill be hiring c.ot-acto.s to cooduct all work on my prooerry. I willansuac thit all conu-acbas eith.r havc workals, corrlp"nsuion i*ur"n". or'*" solaproprictors with no cmploycca. 5.f] I srn I gen ral conE-acror and I have hir.d thc srb-conrrsctors lisr.d on thr aaac.hcd shcctThcsc su[cootnctors havc cmployccs and hsvi wort "rs, *mp i**_""i--"'- 6.Wa !E a corporition ond its officcr! havc cxercised thair rigll! ofexcrrption Drr MGL c. I 52, S I (1), ond we havc no cmploycrs. [No wo*.rs, comp: ins;;;;q;lfil : -. Type of project (required): 7. f] New construction 8. ! Rcmodcling 9. D Demolition l0 ! Building addition I l.E Electricai repain or additions 12. flPlumbing repairs or additions 13.! Roof repairs 14n Other . lfthe sub-conEactors hrva cmoloyces, thcy oust provide their Lhe sub-contracors and state whether or not those cntities havc I an an ernployer that is proyiding v,orkers' in formalio n, Insurance Compauy Name workcn' comp. poticy number compensation irrsurance for my employees- Below is the poliey and job site Policy # or Self-ins. Lic. #Expiration Date: I rlo hereby certify uttdi tlze pains and penalties of perjury thdt the inlormation provid.ed above k trae and conecL Job Site Address:--- o,,r.o u .oo, or tlltil;,*r",_* "*,r"".*",.railure to secure coverage as required.under MGL c. 152, $25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up !o $i,500.00and'/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the rorm oia STop WORKbRDER aja finc orup to $250.00 aday against thc violator' A copy of this statement may re rorwuaei io rle office or rnvestilation, of ti.'on ro, ioru.uo".coverage verification. Do not *'rite in this arcd, to be complzted by city or tovn ol/icial l: 3:i:l "''""t0 2' Building Departmetrt 3. citv/Tow. crerk 4. Erectrical rnspector 5. plumbing Inspector PermiVlicense # Phone #: OfJicial ue only. Contrct Persoo: Issuing Authority (circle one): City or Town: ,l FRODUCERLe:lb Xnsurarrce 537 Park Avenue Worcester, !{A 01603 INSURED SOL}N WOIJF, ENENoY 77], WASHTNGION BT JIUBURN }'A *iI. :', ,,.:,lt'-r , ,, , , GERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE The ACORD name and logo are r.eglstered marks of ACORD' SHolrLo ANY oF THE ABol,E DESCRIBEO POLICIES ee cA!'lCEuEO-aEiqne nii-exl,iiilrrbi oAre THEREoF, NorlcE wLL -BE IELTvERE-D lN a-Cconoalrce wrH THE PoucY PRovlslol{s' YAR$OIXTE TOW![ rrA+ 1145 nOIrrE 28 YARrtorrrE PORI, t(A 02664 Lo/2021 NO'RIGHTS UPON THE CSRTIFICATE BYAFFORDEDCOVERAGE'THE 156UINGTHE,BETWEEN rNsuRER(s),,I ONLY NEGATIVELYAFFIRMATIVELY ANDINFORMATIONASISSUEDMATTERAOFtsCERTIFICAIETr{rs AMENO,EXTENDORNOTDOESCERTIFICATEACONSTITUTENOTDOESINSURANCEOFCERTIFICATETHlSBELOW.HOLDER.CERNFrcATEANDTHEORATIVEPRODUCER,REPRESENT, POLTCIES THIS A statement on $ranpollcy,policles may requlre anoftermsthecondltionsandtotsSUBROGATIONsubjectWAIVED,lf llouln of s08 -792 -0411 NAUf,IIJUS ITIBERIY lfiIfUAIi CERTIFICATE EXCLUSIONS IS TO WHICH THIS THE TERMS,INDICATEO. OF 0qIxO 100,000 i 5 000EXP L,ADV 2 , 000, 000 2 000 000 5 o6/08l2O2LN x APPI.IES PER:fl.*LIMIT PRO-JECT GENERALUABILITY CLAIMg.i,AOE OCCUR A $ $BO0ILY INJURY (Par PeBn) BOoILY lNJUFlf (P€r aeident) I $. OWNED AUTOS ONLY HIREO AUTOS ONLY SC}IEDULEDAUTOS NON.OWNEO AUTOS ONLY AUTOiIOBILE LiABIL]TY AI.IYAUTO OCCURUilBRELLALIAB E'(GESS LIAB 1,000,000 1, 000 , 000EAE.L. :., o00,000 08lLOl2022oa/Lol2021,N'A wc2 - 31S-614936- 020 AND EMPLOYERII' LIABIL]TY Y E 'tti be lttachad f mm 39ee i6 rcquindl(ACORD lO1. Addluonal Remttt schedule. mryDESCRIPTION OF OPTRATIONS ' LOCATIONS 'VEHIGI..ES ACORD 25 (2016103) All rlghts OF BY THE HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALLMAY NNl207723 ll commonwealth of Massachusett Division of Professional Licensur$r Board of Building Regulations and stand* C o n s t r.uctibA $Sup,efv i s o r $ W cs-087491 ryr Jtrrp ires: AUlgl}01zry TED C STRZELECKI 582 WAUWINET RD BARRE MA d{pos rd,a Fr( /t\.V I r'ii. '&q,r s K Ve*,-!r* r EE i I l r Commissioner d*fi^ U I / ,%,az/,'%a#a,./id?-/r)- Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 1000 Washington Street - Suite 710 Boston, Massachusetts 021 18 Home lmprovement Contractor Registration Type: Registration: Expiralion: Corporatlon 't86400 11t06t2022SOLAR WOLF ENERGY INC. 77,1 WASHINGTON STREET AUBURN, MA 01501 Upd.te Address and Return Card. scA r 6 20u{5/17 . )), /,..,,.,,"...,.,1t,.,/ /1.: )...,,,,,, /... Ofllcs ot Coffium€r Alt lE a Ausin.3. R.gut tloo HOME IM PROVEiI ET.IT COITRACTOR TYPE: CorDolelionReolslrrtlon Explrrdon186400 11lMnO22 SOLAR WOLF ENERGY INC Registration valid tor individual use only bofo.e tho sxpiratlon dat6. lf found rcturn to: OIfice ofCon6um6. Affalrs and Buslnels R€gulation 1000 Washlngton Street - Sufte 710 Boston,lrA 02118 Not valid without signature TED STRZELECKI ) 77r WASHTNGToN STREET ttnnA /&a4AUBURN- MA OI5O1 -::- L, ndersecretary *}*NhUS't'\S\L UJffiVtr \J TOTI'I{ OF YARIfiSUTH 11{8 B0{JTE ,fr, $OtlTti YARhtfrlrTt*, ll[A 02frfi{,fi$1 Tel*phone {6{*l }*&2tiI Err t3*t*f ar {5O8} 3CE+B36 OLT} K}il{G'S }TISHUIJ.AY HI$TOR}C EISTRICT GOilIT{ITTHE APF*-!CAT|S[, FfiR narxby med* kr r$su&nca of e Csrtll$$B d fiFF{ryjabflx** undfr Ss{ii6t! S sf Crra@ 47CI^ S6h of 1$7S aspt0***ed {s& tt de*E?t+d b6*tr, * srr Fhn*.dxlrnt96, p@nphr.3 o$*r srm*nrental *r* acconperrying &uaxpp**r!*n F{"E**H fi$ElltT * CAqie.E OF $F,EC $HEEr{*1,+l*tFsfrf,tAYlsr{ AsF,*Eahficr ta wrrnded, b 1) Erlerior Buildrrs Conrtructionf-l** H=*,Faneh *th*r: 3) gxter*sr Pr*rsingr 3) $lgmrfBiilboardx: ffr** fh* ff** ffiffiiJ* Il*,*,*i illis{Blbnaffur $kurtures : Ft*M *ps sr ndnt l*gbfy; WmE Adclres* s4 propsssd r+ort 303 Rtuts 6A kt*s[st#12t.77 fi,rulert*l frdisl-uat *tiehnar:Phone f $t*-94s410! All il*fHr*tlo{r* nrrsl, k,* **krnifi*d by aryynes sr *c**mp*nird hy ktirrfr*m swffi f,fprolrlnf Buhfiisttrl ol rp$.lnltlm. [,!ailrrrg asdress 3fi3 Houto ts* Yannmrlhport" f,*a 0?fr75 ynpl fopill 1635 g*u;1 Klehnaus&m**.com Prsbrred nptifie*fi on rnalhotl fJ -;;n* ffi-u*"u Fslsns f $fi9-gsB-2t22Ag€fl$Ss{$rf$er S*t*rWo{f Enarry **e*eng &d#asa IIt Washing{un $t *xlbum. Ma S1$S1 rro* rli*F'v& F**prrsnutfieaamrna*, [J phss L# rsns* Dctcrrotlon od prooocod wor*: Fob*dno$6cetmma** il pi'o* ffi e' lrwteNlation sf a S"B4kW roof rncxrnted eolEr Bnay rlsing g4 SPR 335W pansls with bullt-in ffiicrsinyerterr sftd s $tdi{RT rn6t*r Si$fl#d $h*dwr mr s$*fltl Lppr*md ... ... Appru,iBd r*lH . . tilorrir*s&effi H**ron ior f{fltal. $ryn+d Fat* _tl*nmrX & &/rsrrsr1i&r$*t sg6il ir *rn*w llaal * pen66 s resjf[d Fom ltre Bul6{r0 Dspa&rw$ ffihs{*( 0gt{f dep{rrfi,r(dr. Ss Il tl #F$arl,*r fr rppr$rrd. {0prffiil { &*fd ir { t04ry rffi, $sriM ,,qbind }? the **,y TH* t&rt#€f;Sa l* 0s$d t0{ {{t* y*# **{t rySre{v* d*k $r upe} dd* fil *n$#rliufl * gtseB$ FgIum, c*ri{l'!rE}ier {&r,!o rruu il* ulr&t3 At nerr rt{tq$r*{iln*tfi &* &.q*d }t r'n!@}!rt &? *(li Ot{t{*pp# &n6 }'ll"{S? k m@eh o*,,am i*r trwurq il k!# trxsFBftknt Rfd sdre -t FilU4rhr I As+u# *::lLt.**-- rr*tvcx I llffi$R'.dS f,\l - tlfi *ryx: &etr $rytrd d :"I*"d L { &pFLteellfit{ # fk*(rl;J*r t 1 #l- The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of I ndustrial Accidents Ollic e of I n v e s t igat io ns Lalayette City Center 2 Avenue de Lafayette, Boston, MA 02111-1750 www.moss.gov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/ElectricianslPlumbers Name (BusinesJorganizatiory'lndi Solar Wolf Energy Address: 771 WashinqtqO St ,4,-((- \..!* -\ Auburn, Ma 01501 Phone #: *Any applicant that checks box f I must also fill out the section below showing their workers' compcnsation policy information.t Homeowners rvho submit this a{Iidavit indicating they are doing alt wort< and then hire outside contraclors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. tContractors lhat check this box must atlached an additional sheet showing the namc of&e sub+ontractors and statc whether or not those entities have employees. lf the sub+ontractors have anployees, thcy must provide their worken' comp. policy numbcr. I am an employer that is providing workers' compensation insurancefor my employees. Below is lhe poliqt and job site itdormalion. Insurance Company Name: Leib Insurance Are you an employer? Check the appropriate box: t.E tamaemployerwith 6 4. E Iamageneralcontmctorandl employeei lfutt ana/or part-time;rr, have hired the sub-contractors Z. I f am a sole proprietor or partner- listed on the attached sheet. ship and trave no employees These sub-contractors have working for me in any capacity. employees and have workers' [No workers' comp. insurance - comp' insurance'l reouired.l 5. ! We are a corporation and its :. E f am a homeor"ner doing all work officers have exercised their myself. [No workers' comp. right of exemption per MGL insurance required.] t c' 152, $l(4), and we have no employees. [No workers' comp. insurance required.] Type of project (required): 6. ! New construction 7. flRemodeling 8, flDemolition 9. I Building addition 10.[ Electrical repairs or additions I l.E Plumbing repairs or additions l2.fl Roof repairs l 3. E orherSo!Al[0sta!!a!!o.n_ 'i r,-JobSiteaaar.rr. -'Cj tl I L 5 citytstatetzip, ,,',,*'r-\,-lL ,$D - 2L )) Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page (showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to $1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to $250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be fonrarded to the Office of Investigations ofthe DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certify under the pains of perjury that lhe informalion provided obove is true and correct. j- tc'zL Phone #: Official use only. Do not write in this areo, to be completed by cigt or town oflicial. l'ffifriJtJffllrf;tfi;H[ing Deparrment s.flcityrrown cterk 4.EEhctricar rnspector SDtumbing PermiULicense # Phone lnspector 6.f]Ottrer Contact City or Town: Policy # or Self-ins. Lic. #: WC2-315-614936:020 _ Expiration Darc 0811012022 4. TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1146 Route 28, South Yannouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 1"261 HOMEOWNER LICENSE D{EMPTION PLEASE PRINT: DATE: 3Og (i,u-< GA , 9Arnno"tr".a,a .,HON,IEOWNER''NAME M,c t'r,t I U,rhnr^., STREETADDRESS5,2- o.v(,,-qlo,SECTION OF TOWN NAIVIE PRESENT MAILING ADDRESS HOMEPHONEjr(laA WORKPHONE 2 CITY ORTOWN STATE ZIP CODE The current exemption for 'Homeowner' was extended to include owner - occuoied dweliines of one or two units and to allow such homeowners to engage an individual for hire who does not possess a license, orovided that such homeowner shall act as supervisor, (State Building Code Sectioo 110R5.1.3.1) Definition of Homeowner: Person(s) who owns a parcel of land on which he / she resides or intends to reside, on which tlrcre is or is intended to be, a one or two famiiy attached or detached structure assessory to sucb use and / or farm suuctures. A person who constructs morc than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a homeowner; such "homeowner" shail submit to the building official, on a form acceptable to the buitding official, that he / she shall be responsible for all such work oerformed under tlre building permit. (Section 1 10 R5.1.3.1) The undersigued 'homeowner' assumes responsibility for compliance with the State Building Code and other applicable codes, by-laws, rules and regulations. The undersigned 'homeowner' certifies that he / she understatrds the Town of Yarmouth Buildiug Department minimum inspection procedures and requirgments and that he / she will comply with said procedures and rcquirements . APPROVAI OF BUILDINC OFFICIAL INSIIRANCE COVERAGE: I have a curretrt liability insurance policy or its substantial equivalent, which meets the requirements of MGLCh.l42. lYeP If you have chicked No ves, please indicate the tr/pe coverage by checking the appropriate box. A liability insurance poliry OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER I am a Chepter 142 of the Mass. General Laws and Oqrner or Owner's Agent Other rype of indemdty Bond warc that the licensee does not have the insurance coverage requircd by that my signature on this permit application waives this requircment. Check one: Owners h: hoBeowffIicereop JOB LOCATION: HOMEOWNET'S SIGNATURE ) $TOWN OF YABMOUTH 1146 Route 28n South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-223[I ext. 1261 Fax s08-398-0836 Office of the Building Commissioner BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEMO LITION DEBRIS DISPOSAL Af,'FIDAVIT Pursuant to M.G.L. Ch. 40, $54 and 780 CMR - Section 105'3'1' #4' I hereby certifi that the debris resulting from the proposed worlc/demolition to be conducted at ArMq/ln WorkAddress Is to be disposed of oat the following lesadsn; '7 ) I [wth,s.)fi,lb"t'^ iAl Said disposal site shall be a licensed solid waste facility as defined by M.G.L. ch. lll, $l5oA. oi (r b* 7-ta' ?L Signature of Application Date PennitNo. -,u EV ENGINEERS p r oiects @ ev en gineersn et. com http://www.evengineersnet.com 276-220-0054 tI 3hOl2O22 RE: structural certification for lnstallation of Residentlal solar MICHAEL KIEHNAU:303 ROUTE 5A , YARMOUTH PORT' MA 02675 Attn: To Whom lt MaY Concern 16 and 45 degrees Design Criteria 2015 IRC (ASCE 7-10)-cMR 780 gth Ed Th|sLetterisfortheexistin8roofframingwhichsupportsthenewPvmodulesaswellastheattachmentofthe PV system to existing roof framing. from the fietd observation report' the roof is made of Asphalt Shingle roofing over roof plywood suppoied by 2x8 Rafters at 15 inches. The slope of the roof was approximated to be Afterreviewofthefieldobservationdataandbasedonourstructuralcapacitycalculation,theexistingroof traminB has been determined to be adequate to support the imposed loads without structural upgrades' contractor shall verify that existin; framing is consisient with the described above before install' should they findanydiscrepancies,awrittena"pprovatfromsEoRismandatorybeforeproceedingwithinstall'capacity calculations were done in accordance with applicable building codes' Code Risk cateEorv Roof Dead Lo PV Dead Load Roof Live Load G round Snow d 10 psf 3 psf 20 psf 30 psf Wind Load (component and cladding) V 141 mPh Exposure CDr DPV Lr s lf you have any questions on the above, please do not hesitate to call' STRU ONL Sincerely, Vincent Mwumvaneza, P.E. EV Engineering, LLC ro ects even nee net.m http:venslneersnet.com VINCENT MWUMVANEZA clvlL 7lL -.t-\-, projects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evengineersnet.com 276-220-0cF,4 Structural Letter for PV lnstallation 3/70/2022 Job Address: 303 ROUTE 6A YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 Job Name: MICHAEL I(IEHNAU Job Number: 22O3LOMx Scope of Work This Letter is for the existing roof framing which supports the new PV modules as well as the attachment of thePV system to existing roof framing. All PV mounting equipment shall be designed and installed permanufacturer's approved installation specifications. Table of Content sheet Cover Attachment checks Snow and Roof Framing Check Seismlc Check and Scope of work Engineering Calculation s Summary 1 2 3 4 2015 tRc (AscE 7-10)-cMR 780 9th Ed d Load PV Dead d Roof Live load Groun Snow f Dr DPV Lr s I 10 psf 3 psf 20 psf 30 psf Wind Load References Sincerely, (component and Claddinc)V 141 mphExposure C NDS for Wood Construction STRU ONL s VINCENT MWUMVANEZA ctvtL ur EV ENGINEERS Code Risk catesorv Vincent Mwumvaneza, p.E. EV Engineering, LtC proiects@evenqineersnet.com htto://www.evengineersnet.com Tq.\E - ENGINEERS projects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evengineersnet.com wind Load cont. Risk Category = Wind Speed (3s gust), V = Roughness = ExPosure = Topographic Factor, KzI= Pitch = Adjustment Factor, J\ = a= 141 mph 1.00 45.0 Degrees 1.3 5 ASCE 7-10 Table 1.5-1 ASCE 7-10 Figure 25.5-1A ASCE 7-10 Sec 26.7.2 ASCE 7-10 Sec 25.7.3 AsCE 7-10 sec 26.8.2 c ASCE 7-10 Figure 30.5-1 ASCE 7-1.0 Figure 30.5-1 where ai 10% of l€ast horizontal dimension or O 4h, whichever is smaller, but not less than 4% of least horizontal dimension or 3ft (0.9m) Uollft (0.5w1 Pnet30= Pnet = 0.5 x )rx KZT x Pnet3o)= Downpressule (0.6W1 Pnet30= Pnet= 0.6 xlx KZTx Pnet3o)= Zone 1 (ps0 -29.7 24.O9 zone 1 (ps0 32.5 25.35 zone 2 (psfl -35.8 29.O1 zone 2 (psf) 32.5 26.35 Figure 30.5-1 Equation 30.5-1 Figure 30.5-1 Equation 30.5-1 Rafter Attachments: 0.6D+0.5W (CD=1.5 Connection check Attachement max. sPacing= Lag Screw Penetration Prying Coefficient Allowable CaPacitY= neZo Trib width 0.5D{0.6W DPV+0.6W Area (ft! Upllft (lbsl Down (lbsl 11.0 245.2 322.9 11.0 299.3 322.9 8.3 224.5 242.1 Max= 299.3 < 750 co Ecnoil t5 0K 1. Pv seismic dead weight is negligible to result in significant seismic uplift, therefore the wind uplift governs 2. Embedment is measured from the top of the framing member to the tapered tip of a lag screw. Embedment in sheading or other material does not count. 4 4 3 1 2 3 t/t 27 6-220-0064 c 4.s0 ft Zone 3 (psf) -35.8 29.01 zone 3 (psf) 32.5 26.35 slr6" tasScrew Withdrawal Value= 4ft 266 lbs/in 2.5 in L.4 760 Table 12.2A - NDS DFL Assumed -t !I\ - projects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evengineersnet.com 276-220-OOt4. ENGINEERS Vertical Load Resisting System Design Roof Framing Pg= 30 psf Ce= o.9 q= 1.1 l, = 1.0 Max Len8th, L = Tributary Width, Wr = Dr= PvDL = ASCE 7-10, Section 7,2 ASCE 7-10 , Table 7-2 ASCE 7-10, Table 7-3 ASCE 7-10 , Table 1.5-1 10ft 16 in l0 psf 13.33 plf 3 psf 4 plf OK Conservatively 588 tb-ft 30 plf 334 lb-ft 1738 lb-ft 334 lb-ft OK Max Shear, V,=wt /2+Pv Point Load = 410 lbs Member Capacity DF-L No.1 2X8 Design Value cL cr Kr +T Fb 1000 psi t.2 1.0 1.15 2.54 1380 psi F,=N/A 1.0 N/A 2.88 0.8 180 psi 1700000 psi N/A N/A 1.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1700000 psi Emrn N/A N/A 1.0 N/A L.76 N/A 520000 psi Depth, d = width, b = Cross-Sectonal Area, A = Moment of lnertia, ltr = Section Modulus, S,, = 7.25 in 1.5 in 10.875 in2 47.5348 tn ,313.1406 rn DCR=Mu/Mar = DCR=V,Aarr = Satlsfactory satlsfactory 0.23 < 1 0.31 < 1 t/t 27 psf prmtn. = 25.0 psf P, = 25 psf Cs 0.417 13.9 plf Load Case: DL+0.6W Pnet+ Prcos(8)+Po,= 52.5 plf Max Moment, Mu = 583 lb-ft Pv max Shear 322.9 lbs Max Shear, V,=wU2+Pv Point Load = 410 lbs Load Case: DL+O.75(0,5w+sll 0.75(pnet+ps)+pevcos(0)+por= 53plf Mao*n= 588 lb-ft Load Case: DL+S Ps+ pe,cos(e)+pDr= Mao*n= Mallowable = Sx x Fb' (wind)= Rafters CF ci Adjusted Value 1.0 0.85 0.8 180 psi N/A 0.75 E= 620000 psi 0.85 Allowable Moment, M,1= tor$,, = Allowable Shear, V", = 2/3t,'A = 1511.2 lb-ft 130s.0 lb I.'--. ENGINEERS proiects@evengineersnet.com http f /www.eve ngineersnet.com 276-270-0064 Siesmic Loads Check Roof Dead Load 10 psf % or Roof with Pv Dpv and Racking Averarage Total Dead Load lncrease in Dead Load t7% 3 psf 10.5 psf 2.0% oK The increase in seismic Dead weight as a result of the solar system is less than 10% of the existing structure and therefore no further seismic analysis is required. limits of Scope of Work and Liabilitv We have based our structural capacity determination on information in pictures and a drawing set titled PV plans - MICHAEL KIEHNAU. The analysis was according to applacable building codes, professional engineering and design experience, opinions and judgments. The calculations produced for this structure's assessment are only for the proposed solar panel installation referenced in the stamped plan set and were made according to generally recognized structural analysis standards and procedures. t/L SOLAR WOLF inc. 100 Davis Street Douglas, MA 01516 Office 1: (888) 8784396 Oflice 2: (5O8) E39 -2222 Owner Authorization Form We the undersigned, hereby authorize Solar Wolf Energy Inc to act on our behalf in all manners relating to the installation of a photovoltaic system at the location 303 Route 6A Yarmouth Port, Ma 02675 . This includes but is not limited to financing paperwork, interconnection documents, building & electrical permit applications, applicable rebate applications, etc. This authorization is valid only for items pertaining to the installation and commissioning of a solar power system to be installed by Solar Wolf Energy lnc. Sigred under the pains and penalties of perjury. 4il,.1 (.1^a4 Ja*n (iAr-t Signature of Owner 09 t 02 I 2021 09 t02 t 2021 Date Doc lD: 0bbb63b2b884o72e9f4ecdooe8bb8456e7cc2186 TOWN OF YARMOUT 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664.4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT CO APPLICATION FOR Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Seclions 6 and 7 of Chapler 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Tvpe or print leqiblyj Address of proposed work. 303 MA-6A Map/Lot # 122.77 owner{s). Michael D Kiehnau _-Phone #. 512-g4g-4101 All applications musl be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter frorn owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address:303 Rte-6A Yarmouth Port 02675 Year built 1835 Email kiahnaus(Om$n.co Preferred nolifrcation method: _Phone X Emait Agenucontractor: Solar Wolf Energv.Phone #: 509-g39-2222 Mailing Address: 771 Washington StAuburn Ma 01501 g.r,, alisha.v@solarwoffenergy.com Preferred notification method P,qgsriptio{i of Btoposed Work (Additional pages mav be attached lf necessary}: We will be replacing the brown colored roof with an onyx black roof to prepare for Phone s o la ld5st+ l,g,lr-9:, i )I, Signed (Owner or egent): or," ilf ,{:r Arnount ?(1.il cashrcK u, \lb'{i, I Rcvd by: Date i;lalr*r > Owner/contractor/agenl is eware lhal a permil may be required from the Building Deparlment. (Check oth€r deparlmenls, afso.)> rhis cerliftCate i$ good for one year rrom approvat date or upon date of expiration of 'Building Permit. lvhichever {,ale shall be latef For Committee use onlv: / ooo,.o*o Approved with changes _Denied Reason for denial: v5.20 1 7 Signed *t at{x tl,.t,l g*Y) 31 1 APPLI6AISN # .J { "{i l${' Hi ffixffiryaiiwr* iti a 0ate Signed: