HomeMy WebLinkAbout939 West Yarmouth Rd - building permit solar wolfTim From Sent: To: Sears, Tim Monday, April 25,20223:07 PM Operations Solar Wolf Energy 939 West Yarmouth Rd Ted, Subject: I have reviewed your application for solar panels and the plans are missing from the application Please submit for review This email is considered a written denial of your permit application perSection 105.3.1of the Massachusetts State Building Code. Section 105.3.2 states in part that"on application for a permit for any proposed work sholl be deemed to hove been obondoned L80 doys afterthe dote of filing, unless such applicotion hos been pursued in good faith" You may appeal this denial to the Building Code Appeals Board in accordance with M.G.L. c. L43 5100, within 45 days of this notice. Timothy Sears CBO Deputy Building Commissiriner Town of Yarrrrouth 5CI8-398-2231 [xt. ].259 mailto:tsears@varmouth.ma.us 1 ONE & TWO FAMILY ONLY. BUILDING PERMIT Town of Yormoutb Buildlng Department I 146 Routc 28, South Yarmouth, MA 026644492 508-398-2231 ext. l25l Fax 508-398-0836 Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CIvIR Building Permit Application To Consi'uct, Repail, Renovqte A' Demolish a One- ot Two-Fdnrily Dwelling This Section For Ofncial Use Ooly UAD O Building Permit NumVar: ALD .i.7-D/t\t141 ,1G22Date Applied: IVED 2027 PARTMENT Buildhg Offici (PliDt Namc)Signaturc 939W YARMOUTH RD. YARMOIJTF]PORT MA 02675 l.la Is this an accepted street? yes_ no_ l.l Prop€rty Address:1,2 Assessors Map & Porcel Numbers Parcel NumbcrMap Numbcr 1.3 Zonirg Information: Zoning Dishict Proposcd Use t t Arca Gq ft)Frootagc (ft) 1.5 Building Setbaclts (ft) Front Yard Sidc Yards Rear Yard Rcquir.d Provided Requircd Providcd Requircd Plovidcd 1.7 Flood Zorle Information: Zone. _ Outside Flood Zonc? Chcck if ycstr 1.8 Sewage Disposrl Systcm: Municipdl tr On site disposal sysl..r tr 1.6 Water Supply; (M.G.L c. a0, !5a) Public tr Privatc tr SECTION 2: PROPERTY OWNERSIIPI 2I OrynerrofRecord: YARMOUTHPORT, MA 02675 Namc (Prino City, Statc, ZIP 939 W YARMOUT|I RO Tclcphon.Ernail AddressNo. and Stscer 50&362 3531 SECTION 3: DESCRIPTIoN OF PROPOSED WORK? (check ell lhat sppty) Repairds) tr AlterationG) tr Addition trNew Construction tr Existing Building tr Owner-Occupied tr Other E Speciry: snlar roof topDemolition tr Accessory Bldg. tr Number of Units INSTALLATION OF 17 335W SOLAR PANELS IO TOTAL A 5695KWSYSIEM w/ SMART METER SOCKET Brief Descriptioo of Proposed Work2 SECTION 4: ESTDIATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS EstimatEd Costs: (Inbor and Materiats)Only S 8850L Building S 59oo.o52. ELectrical $ $4. Mcchanical (IIVAC) $5. Mccbanical (Fire Supprcssio[) s T5" naicatc now fcr is dctcrnircd: -r-|_- Applicatioa Fec tr Total Projcct CosC Gten 6) x nuttip[cr -x - 2. Other Fces: , i.+. Total AII Faes: $ tr ourst@dilg Balanc, Due: 1. Building Permit Fec: tr Staodard City/To'r4 CashCheck Aloourt:Check No. LI HAIO D TUU$ 14750.056. Total Proi€ct Cost: SECTION 1: SITE INTORMATION 1,4 Property Dimensions: PAMJREGO@GMAIL COM ltem 3. PLumbing SECTION 5: CONSTRUCTION s!R\/lclrs Llc!n!. Numbcr Llsr CSL Typ. (to. b?low) 2-19-2024 Erpfitffi5"t" U 087 491 Typc Dcscription U Uorcstltcted 000 cu.l&2 Fami Dwell Ivl RC Roofi Covcrin s SF Solid Fucl BumiDg Appliances i Iosulation nltructloD Sup.rvisor Liccnse (CSL) 508-538-9445 Emsil 8ddrcss operations@solarwolfenergy.com 0'1005.MABa Najrlc ofCSL Holdcr 5.1 Co No. oad Straot Civ[o]r,n, Stst , ZIP Ted Strzelecki D Dcmolitioo .2 Registered IIom€ Improycnent Contractor (IIIC) 508-538-9445 owI1 s zw Tc Solar Wolf Ener9y Company Nanc 1 Washinqton MC . MA 01501 or HIC RcrisE nt Nam-Streel -77 Alrblr 5 No. and Strcct woISECTNo6NI(ERS coIIIPDNSA oTIN cINSU'RAN E AFFTD YITA G.L,c 51,1 25CrvL$o)c( vltworkcrsIosceIIIaI!affida must cobe leted aEd subm ditte rhmp lstb on.icati Failure lo videappProthisafiidavltresuulthu1denialtheofoIssuarcethefbuildiagpermit AUTII1SECTIONoa:l!'lvER o TIltlzAON TO COIVI}LETEE I!D WIIENoWNERsGEivl-COOR CTORNIRA sA?PLIE RFO BUILDING PERi\Ifr m act on my beha[ in all llattrrs rclative to work authorized by this building psrmit applicatio!. 3-',|0-22Prim Owncr's Namc (Elcdronic Sitrlatrre) I, as Owuer of0rc subjcct property, hereby au',trorize Ted Strzelecki SECTION 7b: OWNERl OR AUTEORIZED AGENT DECLA.RATION By entering uy oame below, I her.by altcst rmder the pails a,d pe[alties of pcrjury that all of the information cootained itr this application is hue aDd accuate to the best of t1*22 Print ov.ner's or Agcnt's NanE (Elcceo[ic Signarurc)Date my loorvledge and u,I1de!3taldirg. -/oZ NO'IES: An Owoer who obtEins a building perurir (Dol registercd in the Home Improvemcd to do bjs/her own work, or an owner who hires au urucgistered coDtractor Contractor (HlC) Progaro), will 44 have access to the arbit"atio! progam or guararty flmd under M. www. mass- gov/oca lnformatiou oo G.L. c. l42A Othcr irportant iafomation on the IIIC Prognm can bc forurd at the Colstructiotr Srryervisor LiceDse can be fou[d ar ,xyw.mass.eov/dgs 2. lryhen subshntial worlc is plamed, providc tbe information belo'y: Total floor arca (sq. ft.) _ (including garage, finished basemenr/attics, decks or porch) Number of Gross living area (sq. ft.) Open Number of balbooms Habitable room couot Number of bedrooms Numb€r of halflbaths Number ofdeckJ porchcs EDclosed 3. "Total Projert Square Footage" may be substituted for "Total Projcct Cosf' 582 Wauwinet Road 186400 11_a_r,HrtT"dsfiffiffiC Ei;ffiEC operations@solarvvolfenergy.com Email rddrrcs Compeusation Si8ned Affidavit Anached? yes.......... E No........... tr Dat Typc ofheatiq systeE _ Type ofcooliDg system comrnonwealth of Massachusettr Division of Professional Licensurtr Board of Building R ulations and Stanu*, Constriu#t isor u Exp ires: AZllglZAZ} T # Comrnissioner K de*r-\r-* fr - mI! W cs-087 491 TED C STRZELEGKI 582 WAUWINET RD BARRE MA O1OO5 I / .%,e/;%a^uaatav-./.fi- Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 1000 Washington Street - Suite 710 Boston, Massachusetts 021 1 8 Home lmprovement Contractor Registration Type: Registration: Expiration: Corporatlon 186400 't1t06t2022SOLAR WOLF ENERGY INC. 771 WASHINGTON STREET AUBURN, MA 01501 scA 1 (] mM{5'17 . 7;;. /,..,..,,,.,.,, "., //1, / . .,'/ -., -., -../1' Offfca ot ConEUm.. Afrrlrs & Builn€la R.gulrtlon HOME IMPROVEI' ENT CONTRACTOR fYPE: Co.DorationReolsl'.llon E)(Dlrldon1864q) 11tcE2022 SOLAR WOLF ENERGY INC, TED STRZELECKI 771 WASHINGTON STREET AUBURN. MA OJ5O1 Ar^no t/.,"* Updrto Addrsss and Return Card. Registration valid for individual usc only bsforo th. explretlon date, lt tound r€tu.n to: Offic€ ot ConsumerAffalrs and Business Rogulrtion 1000 Washlngton Stroot - Suit€ 710 Boston, MA 02118 Not valid without signatureU ndersecretary 10/I 202L BELOW. THIS CERNFICATE OF INSURAI.ICE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE REPRESENTATIVE OR PROOUCER, ATD THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. MATTER ALTE AND COTIFE EXTENO ORFFIRMATIVELNEGATIVE TH sRTHTEUPONERTIFICACENORIGHTSR3cTHISRTIErcaFrsTEurssDEASINFOROFnoIMALON sPOLICIE?HR COVERAGEE EOAFFORO BrcACERTIFDOETENsOTORLAMENO. EAUTHORIZ0CONTRACTTHBETWEENISSUINGEINSURER(s), s an ADOITIONAL INSURED, th. policy(i.3) mu hav. It SUBROGATION l3 WAIVEO, aublact to th. t.nn. .nd condltlon. ot thc pollcy, c.rt.ln pollcl.. mry ?Equlr. rn endora.ment. A tLl.ment on II'PORTANT:the co c5t6 thlr certlflcaie doa8 not confa.to thc ccrliticltc holder ln ll€u of sech raed, 508-792-0{11 . . _ .- - .!!t-u.Ej{.t ^tFg!q!-o c!y!iaq-... . luREr A: lllmlIJlrS I,IBERIY '(Trl'A! rts_UBEB o.fu PiOOUCERL.ib Inauranca 537 Park Av.nu. CERTTFICATE OF LIAFILITY INSURANCE CERnFICATE NUMBERT N tforce6toa, !(l 01603 N3UieOsor.ll. rOIJt BEROY ? /1 WA9HINoTON BT AUBURN UA COVERAGES REVISION NUiISER: woarER! coFExsanotl ATTO ETIPIOYENA LAAUTY AI{YPROPiETOR,?Afi IIER'EXECL]TIVE oFFICER/IEI/9EiExCL|JOE0?E CERTIFICATE HOLDER Gld X N ^XY OF TXE ABOVE OESCRBED POUCIES AE C IIC'I ' E^ SEFORE ;i;-ExpnAnon oarE THEREoF. l{orlcE wlLL BE t}EUvEREo lN eCconoexce wrx rxe PoucY PRorlstol{s YrRt{ouTE TOIitI SruL 11{5 nOUIE 28 YAiJ,rxrrf, PORI, X 0265{ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE SEEN ISSUE INOICATED. NOTWTHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT MAY AE lsSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIE AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOW! MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED AY PAIOCLAIMS.CERTIFICATE EXCLUSIONS O TO THE INSURED NAN'ED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOO OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS S DESCRBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL TTIE TERMS, x r 1, 000,0o. t 100,000 ! 5, 000 s 1, O00,00OPERSOIIAI A AOV INJURY 2,000,000GENEF.A!AGGREGAIE PROOUCTS , COT'P/OP AGG 2,0oo,oo0 NNl20?723NA COfl EFCIAL G€NAf,AL UABIIITY ",.^,u*u^'. [] o."r" GENfAGGREGATE I.IMIT APPUES PER:Dffi E.* I 6OOILY IruURY {P{!..u) BOOTf,Y rl{JURY (Prr E (hn0 I s s s OWNEO SrREO AUTOXOBILE LIABILTTY scl€orJLEo EXCESS IJAB r !.,000,000 s 1,000,000 1,000,000 06/1O1r022 E L OISEASE. EAwc2-313-61{936-020 oalL0/202L , txscBmox oF oPERATIOIIS I LOCArlOrls l YErrclE3 IACOiO 101.artdldon l R.mrr. !.Hur. -., h..tb.t d it mE.,.o i' t'ad"dl ACORO 25 (20t6,03)fh. ACORD n.me and logo .16 r.gl.t rcd mrrt3 ot ACORD ON. All rightr r.sorved. (hl s tr ,,0r'...i(- \icii.-\The Comnto nwe a lth of Mass ac h us etts Department af Industrial Accidents Ollic e af I nvest igat io ns Latayette City Center 2 Avenue de Lafayette, Boston, MA 02111-1750 www.mcss,gou/dia Workers' Compeusation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers Anplicant Informatign Please Print Lesibly Name Solar Wolf Address: 771 Washinqton St Auburn, Ma 01501 Phone # *Any applicant that checks box # I must also fill out the scction b€lorv showing their workers' compensation policy information.I Homcowners rvho submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contracton must submit a new affidavit indicating such. . i'' lcontractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing ttrc name of the sub+ontractors and state whether or not thoso entities have employees.t lf the sub+ontractors have employees, thcy must provide their workers' comp. policy number. I om an employer thot is providing workers' compensafion insurancefor my employees. Below is the poltcy ondJob sile informalion. Insurance Company Name: Leib lnsurance Policy # or Self-ins. Lic. #: WC2-313-614936-020 Expiration oate: 0811012022 Job Site 939 r,l, yn n.0 CitylstateZip, lFfitvwvrt f* , {N 0 ? UU Attach a copy of the workers' compensation poticy declaration page (showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MCL c. I52 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to $1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up io $250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of ?-t o -LL -s3u - lvqt Type of project (required): 6. I New construction 7. f]Remodeling 8. flDemolition 9. fl Building addition l0.fl Electrical repairs or additions I l.n Plumbing repairs or additions 12.[ Roofrepairs t :.XI ott "'Solgilnstallallon_ Are you an employer? Check the appropriate box: t.B lamaemployerwith 6 4. n Iamageneralcontractorandl _ employees lfutt analor part-time;.+ have hired the sub-contractors 2. I I am a sole proprietor or paro,er- listed on the attached sheet. ship and trave no employees These sub.contractors have *ort iog for me in any capacity. employees and have workers' [No workers' comp. insurance - comp' insurance't required.l 5. E W" are a corporation and its :. f] f am a homeowner doing alt work officers have exercised their myself. [No workers' comp. right of exemption per MGL insurance required.l t c' 152, $l(4), and we have no employees. [No workers' msurance Ofliciat use onty. Do not write in this area, to be contpleled by city or town ollicial. i'fi'J:r}}tJ#.jlr[fffi'#"iii,g o"pa.t*ent sflcity/rown crerk 4.EEbctricar Inspector sfhrumring Contact PermiUlicense # Phone Inspector 6.f]Other - Address of Prop osed Work: 939 W. YARMOUTH RD, YARMOUTHPORT, MA 02675 Scope of Proposed Work: INSTALLATION OF 17 335W SOLAR PANELS TO TOTAL A 5,695KW SYSTEIV1 Date: 3-10-2022 Based on the scope of work described above, the applicant is required to obtain approval sign- offs from the following departments as checked-of below: _Health Dept. -508-398-2231 ext. 1241 _Conservation - 508-398-2231 ext. 1288 Water Dept. - 99 Buck lsland Road, 508-771-7921 _Old Kings HWY. Hist. Comm. - 508-398-22631 ext. 1292 _Engineering Dept. 508-398-2231 ext. 1250 _Fire Dept. - Kevin Huck/Scott Smith, 96 Old Main Street, SY Note: Please call Fire Department for an appointment. 508-398-2212 Other Appropriate plans and/or application shall be provided to each departments checked-off above. Each of these regulatory authorities has their own requirements outside the jurisdiction of the Building Department. All applicable approvals shall be obtained prior to submitting a building permit application to the Building Dept. Rev. Jan. 2019 ature DateApplicant's ONE or TWO FAMILY - BULDING PERMIT APPLICATION REG ULATORY APPROVALS NOTICE Thank you for your cooperation. Receipt Acknowledgement: TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1146 Route 28, South Yarmo[th, MA 026d4 S0g-39g-2Z3L ext. 1261 HOMEOWNER LICENSE EXEMPTIONPLEASE PRNT DATE: JOB LOCATION:939W YARMOUIH RO YARMOUTHPORT, MA 02675 NAME SECTTON OF TOWN"HOIVIEOWNER" NAIVIE PRESENT MAILING ADDRESS HOI/{EPHONE 939 W YARMOUTH RD YARMOUTHPORT, MA 02675 WORK PHONE CITY OR TOWN The current exemption for ,Homeowner, was e:tended and to allow such homeowners to engage an iodividual homeowner shall act as supervisor. (State Buitding Co STATE ZIPCODE to include owner- occupied dweliings of one or two units for hire who does not possess a license, nrovided that such de Sectioo i10 R5.1.3.1) Defi nition of Homeowner: Penon(s) wbo owns a parcel of land on which lre / she resides or intends to residc, on which tlrere is or is intended tobe, a one or two family attached or detached structurc assessory to such use and / or farm struchlres. A persoo whoconstmcts more thao one home in a two-year pgriod shall not be considered a homeowner; such ,'homeowner" shallsubmit to the building official, on a.form acceptable to the building official, that he i she slall be resoonsible for allsuch work oerformed under the buildine perqi!. (Section 110 R5.1.3.1) The undersigned 'homeowner' assumes responsibility for compliance with the State Building Code and otherapplicable codes, byJaws, rules and regulations. The undersigned 'homeowner' cenifies that he / she understands the Town of yarnouth Building Departmentminimum inspection procedures and requirements and rhat he / she will comply with said pricedures andrequirements . HOMEOWNER''S $ICNATIME APPROVAL OF BUILDING OFFICI-AL Signature of or Owner's Agent Check one: Owner xAgeat h:homcown-rlicerernp STREET ADDRESS 50&362-3531 INSURANCE COVERAGE: I have a cunent liability insurance policy or its substantial equivalent, which meets the requirements of MGLCh.1,42. x Yes No If you have checked ves, please indicate the type coverage by checking rhe appropriate box. A liability insurance poliry Other rype of indemniry Bond OWNER'SINSURANCEWAIVER: I am aware that the licensee does not have the insurarce coverage requtued byChePter 142 of the Mass. General t-aws and that my sign.or. o, t'iiisJffiQplicafion waives this requirement. -/oz srowN oF YARMOUTH 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-223[ ext 1261 Fox 508-398-0836 Office of the Buililing Commissioner BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEMOLITION DEB RIS DISPOSAL AFFIDAVTT Pursuant to M.G.L. Ch. 40, $54 and 780 CMR - Section 105.3.1' #4. I hereby certi$ that the debris resulting from the proposed worlc/demolition to be conducted at S39W YARMOUTH RO, YARMOUTHPORT MA 02675 Work Address Is to be disposed of oat the following lOCatiOn: 771 Washington Street, Auburn, MA 01501 -tn/3-10-22 Signature lioation Date Permit No. Said disposal site shall be a licensed solid waste facility as defined by M.G.L. ch.1ll, $1504. TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1 1 46 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 02664-445 1 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Exl 1292-Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGFIWAY HISTORIC DI$TRICT COM .t' - ., ,.! t:. l APPLICATION FOR C ERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings. photographs, & other supplemental info accompanying lhis apprication PLEASE SUBMIT 4 COOieS OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVAT PHOTOS, & SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMAIION. lndicate of Building: Addition Commercial Residenlial 1)Exte ud 2) Exterior Painting; 3) $igns/Billboards; Building Other: iding hutters Construction: Solar Panels her. lo Existino Sion f]r,*r* l-lpoor []o,n*,.4) Miscellaneous Structu Wall Please type or print legibly: Address of proposed work. 939 W Yarmouth Rd Mapllot #1 15.19 Owner(s)Pamela Rego Phone {.508-362-3531 AI must by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving subrnittal of application. Mailing address: 939 W Yarmouth Rd. Yarmouthport, Ma 02675 Year built 1971 Phone mail AgenUcontractor.Solar Wolf Energy Phone#: 5AB-839-2222 Mailing Address: 771 Washington St Auburn, Ma 01501 g*";1 alisha.v@solanvolfenergy.com Preferred notrfication method.Phone Email Oescriptign of Propose$,YUolk : lnstallation of a 5.695kW roof mounted solar array using 17 SPR 335W panels with built-in microinverters and a SMART meter Dare '1 ti fi ln tSrgned (0wner or agent):3r.-# Approved _Approved wrth _Mod ifications --Denied:, Reason for Denial; , --? . , --, . ..-___ .. _- ,'7i';Ll': I '. .,.: i: l Owner/contractor/agenl is aware that a permit is required from the Building Deparlmenl. {Check other depa(ments also.) l{ application is approved. approval is subiect to a 10.day appeal period required by the Act. This cerriticate is good for one year {rom approval date or upon date ol expiration of Building permit. whichever date shall be later inrpeciion by OKH. OKll-approved plans MUST be available on-site lor kaming & final inspections.All new construclion will be subject Rcvd Dare: ql*lrt n*ornrlL{(J cash/cK#: lff g1 Rcvd by Crl 45 Days Oate Signed Sign6dr ."r' I i f ooo,. [h,i* gp4 Pamjreg-o-@gmail'com - preferred notification method n APPLTCAIoN - ,l- lt lL{E1 b SOLAR WOLF rnc. 100 Davis Street Douglas, MA 01516 Office 1: (888) 8784396 Office 2: (508) 839-2222 Owner Autho rization Form We the undersigned, hereby authorize Solar Wolf Energy Inc to act on our behalf in all manners relating to the installation of a photovoltaic system at the location q39 W Yarmorrth Rd Port Ma 02675 . This includes but is not limited to financing paperwork, interconnection documents, building & electrical permit applications, applicable rebate applications, etc. This authoization is valid only for items pertaining to the installation and commissioning of a solar power system to be installed by Solar Wolf Energy Inc. Signed under the pains and penalties of pe{ury. C* Lo Signature of Owner 09t15t2021 Date Doc lD: afd873ec3e495e428c65233c2854bb65891 05dd9 EN I-II E -l !r"I', projects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evengi neersnet.com 276-220-0064 ENGINEERS 3/77/2022 RE: Structural Certification for lnstallation of Residential Solal PAMETA REGO:939 WEST YARMOUTH RD, YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 Attn: To Whom lt May Concern After review of the field observation data and based on our structural capacity calculation, the existing roof framing has been determined to be adequate to support the imposed loads without structural upgrades. Contractor shall verify that existing framing is consistent with the described above before install. Should they find any discrepancies, a written approval from SEOR is mandatory before proceeding with install. Capacity calculations were done in accordance with applicable building codes. Desitn Criteria lf you have any questions on the above, please do not hesitate to call. STRU ONL Sincerely, 201s rRc (AscE 7-10)-cMR 780 9th Ed I Dr 10 psf DPV 3 psf Lr 20 psf S 30 psf (component and Cladding) V 141 mph Exposure C VINCENT MWUMVANEZA ctvtL Ll1 This Letter is for the existing roof framing which supports the new PV modules as well as the attachment of the PV system to existing roof framing. From the field observation report, the roof is made of Asphalt Shingle roofing over roof plywood supported by 2X6 Rafters at 16 inches. The slope of the roof was approximated to be 14 and 30 degrees. Code Risk cateRorv Roof Dead Load PV Dead Load Roof Live Load Ground Snow Wind Load Vincent Mwumvaneza, P.E. EV Engineering, LLC proiects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evengineersnet.com iIE -.1- projects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evengi neersnet.com 276-220-0064 ENGINEERS Structural Letter for PV lnstallation 3/Lr12022 Job Address: 939 WESTYARMOUTH RD YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 Job Name: PAMETA REGO Job Number: 2zOlllPR Scope of Work This Letter is for the existing roof framing which supports the new PV modules as well as the attachment of the PV system to existing roof framing. All PV mounting equipment shall be designed and installed Per manufacturer's approved installation specifications. Table of Content Sheet Cover Attachment check Snow and Roof Framing Check Seismic Check and Scope of work Engineering Calculations 5ummary 1 2 3 4 code Risk catesorv Roof Dead Load PV Dead Load Roof Live Load Ground Snow Wind Load References 2015 tRC (AsCE 7-10)-CMR 780 9th Ed Dr 10 psf DPV 3 psf Lr 20 psf S 30 psf (component and Cladding) V 141 mph Exposure C NDS for Wood Construction Sincerely, Vincent Mwumvaneza, P.E. EV Engineering, LLC proiects@eveneineersnet.com STRU ONL VINCENT MIwUMVANEA ctvtL OF http://www.evengineersnet.com 7/r -t-\ !- EV ENGINEERS proiects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evengineersnet.com 27 6-220-0064 wind load Cont. Risk Category = Wind Speed (3s gust), V = Roughness = ExPosure = Topographic Factor, Kzr = Pitch = Adjustment Factor, L = Pnet30= Pnet = 0.6 x lx KZT x Pnet3o)= Rafter Attachments: 0.6D+0,6W (CD=1.51 ASCE 7-10 Table 1.5-1 AscE 7-10 Figure 26.5-14 ASCE 7-10 Sec 25.7.2 ASCE 7-10 Sec 26.7.3 ASCE 7-10 Sec 26.8.2 141 mph c c 1.00 14.0 Degrees L.2l ASCE 7-10 Figure 30.5-1 3.20 ft where a: 10% of least horizontal dimension or 0.4h, whichever is smaller, but not less than 4% of least horizontal dimension or 3ft (0.9m) uohrt (0.6w1 Pnet30= Pnet=0.5x1,x KZTx Pnet3o)= Downpressure (0.6M zone 1(psf) -29.7 27.59 Zone 1{psf) 15.9 11.57 zone 2 (pso -41.9 30.42 zone 2 (pso 15.9 7t.57 zone 3 (ps0 -66.1 47.95 zone 3 (psf) 15.9 lL.51 Figure 30.5-1 Equation 30.5-1 Figure 30.5-1 Equation 30.5-1 Connection Check Attachement max. spacing= Lag Screw Penetration Prying Coefficient Allowable CaPacitY= Table 12.2A - NDS DFL Assumed 0.6Dr{r,6W Dp}m,6W zone Trlb Wldth Area (ftl Upllft (lbs) Down (lbs| L 4 11.0 2L7.7 160.3 2 4 11.0 314.8 160.3 3 3 8.3 380.8 120.2 Max= 380.8 < 750 cotu{Ecllo tS 0K 1. Pv seismic dead wei8ht is negligible to result in significant seismic uplift, therefore the wind uplift governs 2. Embedment is measured from the top of the framing member to the tapered tip of a lag screw. Embedment in sheading or other material does not count. u1 lt ASCE 7-10 Figure 30.5-1 s/76"Screw Withdrawal Value= 4ft 266 lbsln 2.5 in L.4 760 t-t !-.rtI 276-220-0064 ENGINEERS Vertical Load Resisting System Design Roof Framing Rafters P8= 30 psf Ce= 0.9 Ct= 11 l,= 10 Max Lentth, L = Tributary Width, Wr = Dr= PvDL = ASCE 7-10, Section 7.2 AscE 7-10 , Table 7-2 ASCE 7-10 , Table 7-3 ASCE 7-10, Table 1.5-1 8.0 ft 16 in 10 psf 13.33 plf 3 psf 4 plf Pr P. Ptmtn. 2l psf 25.0 psf 25 psf 0.933 31.1 plf Cs Load Case: D[+0,6W Pnet+ Pevcos(e)+PDr= 32.8 plf Max Moment, Mu = 233 lb-ft Conservatively Pv max Shear 160.3 lbs Max Shear, V,=wVz+Pv Point Load = 230 lbs Load Case: DL+0.75(0.5W+SIl 0.75(Pnet+Ps)+ Ppvcos(01+PDr= Mao*n= Mallowable = 5x x Fb' (wind)= 52 plf 371 lb-ft 1507 lb-ft 48 plf 344 tb-ft 1083 lb-ft 371 lb-ft OK 344 lb-ft OK Load Case: D[+S Ps+ Po,cos(0)+Po,= Mdo*= Mallowable = Sx x Fb' (wind)= Max Shear, V,=w|-,/z+Pv Point Load = 230 lbs Member Capacity DF-L No.1 2X6 Design Value cr cF ci c.KF 0 I Adjusted Value Fb 1000 psi 1.0 1.3 1.0 1.15 2.54 0.85 0.8 F 180 psi N/A N/A 1.0 N/A 2.88 0.75 0.8 180 psi E 1700000 psi N/A N/A 1.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1700000 psi 620000 psi N/A N/A 1.0 N/A t.76 0.85 N/A 620000 psi Depth, d = width, b = Cross-Sectonal Area, A = Moment of lnertia, lo = Section Modulus, S,o = 5.5 in 1.5 in 8.25 in2 .420.7969 tn .37.5625 rn 942..2 lb-ft 990.0 lb DCR=M,/Mar = OCR=V,,/V"rr = satlsfactory Satlsfactory 7h proiects@evengineersnet.com http://www.evengineersnet.com 1495 psi Allowable Moment, M"1 = tor$o = Allowable Shear, Va, = 2/3Fv'A = 0.30 < 1 0.23 < 1 --- EV ENGINEERS projects@evengineersnet.com http ://www.evengineersnet.com 27 6-220-0064 siesmic Loads Check Roof Dead Load 10 psf % or Roof with Pv Dpv and Racking Averarage Total Dead Load lncrease in Dead Load 27% 3 psf 10.6 psf 2.5% OK The increase in seismic Dead weight as a result of the solar system is less than 10% of the existing structure and therefore no further seismic analysis is required. We have based our structural capacity determination on information in pictures and a drawing set titled PV plans - PAMEI-A REGO. The analysis was according to applicable building codes, professional engineering and design experience, opinions and judgments. The calculations produced for this structure's assessment are only for the proposed solar panel installation referenced in the stamped plan set and were made according to generally recognized structural analysis standards and procedures. 1/L Limits of scope of work and l-iabilitv TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA02664.4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext 1292-Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT CO]T,I ln It t.ti fi' I{p L3 ta\f APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described befow & on plans, drawings, photographs, I other supplemental info accompanying this apprication PLEASE suB,rlllT 4 cooies oF spEc sHEET(S), ELEVA PHOTOS,&s AL INFORMATION. lndicate of Building: AdditionBuilding Other. ions Ga 2) Exterior Painting 3) Signs/Billboards: utters Doors nm Other: Pool Cha nge to ing Sign 4) Miscellaneous Structures: Please type or print legibly: Wall Address of proposed work. 939 W Yarmouth Rd Map/Lot #115.19 0wner(s)Pamela Rego Phone 508-362-3531 All applications rnust be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submlttal of application, Mailing address. 939 W Yarmouth Rd. Yarmouthport, Ma 02675 Year built:197 1 p6s11, Pamjrego@gmail.com Prelerred notification method.Phone Email AgenUcontractor:Solar Wolf Energy Phone#. 5Og-B3g-2222 Mailing Address: 771 Washington St Auburn, Ma 01501 APPHOVHD 7"*21 g*ri1 alisha.v@solaruolfenergy.com Preferred notificati on method Phone mail Desc.fiption of Proposod Work: lnstallation of a 5.695kW roof mounted solar array using 17 SPR 335W panels with built-in microinverters and a SMART meter Signed (Owner or agent).,,ls-# Io"t" u' lll'1lDt Approved Approved with _Modifrcations _Denied Reason for Denial; ? _ . arvareis thal is from the olherOwner/contractor/agent permil required DeparlmenlBuilding {Check departmenlsriisisaloapplrcationapprovalpprovedsubiectappealperiodlheAct10-day required by This isceriilicate for one fromgood ordate date ol of whicheverPermrt.yeat approval upon expiralion shalldate later.beBuilding AI'constructionnew bewll OKH-MUS beT availablesubjeclbyOKH-approved plans on-site for finalIanspeclionfrarning inspections. Rcvd Dare qW1- Rmount--$LlQ-- Cash/CK Rcvd by 45 Oays: *..o./ -rJ:i!! {.: 1 Date Signed: Srgn6d 1 ) Exterior Buildino Construction:' J_l.n"o [7iro'r, Paners MfffEE., ;" "-' t:'):.. "i: l. :'.,1,. 1 also.) APPLrcAlo*u'2 -4lt.l8 r\l *J*.'I