HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrosbeak-Towhee #46 Certificate of rental dwellingTHE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH RENTAL OCCUPANCY CERTIFICATE Compliance with Zoning regulations is neither infened nor intended Permission is herebr granted to: DAVENPORI REALTY TRUST 20 NORIH MAIN STREEl SOUTH YARMOUIH. MA 02664 f,XPIRES O){: Dcccmbcr -l I. 2024 MAP.LOT: ntAxIytiM ()ccuPA:{c\': TO RENT/LEASE 'I'HE PROPIR'I'Y AT: I5S BAKERS PATII, SOUTII YARMOUTII. MA 0]66.I GROSBEAK TOWHEE #46 - 2024 RENEWAL R]:STRICTI0\S TOWN OF YARMOUTH HOUSINC AND SPACf,.USE BYLAW CHAPTER IO8 108.2 No person shall rent or lease, or offer to rel)t or lease, any building or any portion ofa building to be used for human habitation rvithout first registering with the Board ofHealth, rvhich shall determine lhe nunlber ofpersons such building or portion ofa building may lawfully accommodate under thc provisions ofthe Massachusetts State Sanitary Code. and without first also conspicuously posting within such building or ponion of a building a certificate ofrcgistration provided by thc Board of Health specifying the numbcr of persons such a building or portion of a bLrilding may lawfully accommodate. 108.4 There shall be a fee to procure a certificale of registration, rvhich shall be r alid for one 1l ) 1'ear or to Deccmber 3l of each ycar, whichcver is sooncr. Thercaftcr the pcrmit shall bc annually rcnewed. 108.5 A perntit issued under this chapter shall bc revokcd if, at any time, the liccnsirg authoritics are satisfied that thc liccnsee is unfit to hold the license. They may suspend and make inoperative, for such period of time as they may deem proper, the pennit mentioned herein for any cause deemcd satisfhctory to them. The revocation and suspension shall not be ma{e until after investjgation and a hearing or afler giving thc licensee an opportunity to bc heard. Noticc ofthe liearing shall be delivered to the permitree not less than three (3) days before the time ofthe said hearing. 108.6 Any pcrson or tenant violating any provision of this chapter shall be punished by a finc ofnot morc rhan two hundrcd dollars (5200.00)- Each day's violation constitutes a separate ol-fense. 108.8 Thc orvncrs of all rental units. as defined in 108.2, shall be rcquired to ccrtify annually that opcrating snroke detcctors have becn placed in the rcntal unit. 'Ihe smokc detcctors and locations thercol shall be satisfactory to the Yarmouth Fire' Depannrcnt. NorE: carbon Monoxide Detectors are required in any dwelling with oil, Gas, Coal, or wood-bumin_e equipment and./ora structurally enclosed or attachcd garage in accordancc wittr trlcl- t+s, scc. 26F12 and 527CMR3 1.00 MUST BE POSTED ON PREMISES Certifi cate Numbcr: BH R-2.+-27-l