HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrosbeak-Towhee #42 Certificate of rental dwellingTHE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH RENTAL OCCUPANCY CERTTFICATE Compliance rvith Zoning regulations is neitlier infemed nor intended Permission is hereby granted toi DAVENPORT REALTY TRUST 20 NORTH IUAIN STREET SOUTH YARI4OUTH. I\,,IA 02664 EXPIRES ON: Dcccnrbcr:l I. 2024 UAP-LOT: It.{\I}ltr Y OCCUPA:r-C} : 1 TO R!N'ITLEASE'I'HE PROPERI'\' AT: 153 tIAKLRS PATIl. SOUTH YARlvlOUTll. V.\ 01661 GROSBEAK TOWHEET42 - 2024 RENEWAL RfSTRICTIO\S: TOWN OF YARMOUTH HOUSING AND SPACE-USE BYLAW CHAPTER IO8 I 08.2 No person shall rent or lease, or offer to rent or lease, any building or any portion of a building to be used for human habitalion $ithoul lirst registering with the tsoard ofHeallh, which shall determine the number ofpersons such building or portion ofa building may lawfully accommodatc undcr thc provisions of the Massachusetts State Sanitary Codc, and without first also conspicuously posting within such building or portion of a building a certificate of registration proyidcd by the Board of Health specifying tltc numbcr ofpcrsons such a building or pofiion ofa building may lawfully accomnrodare. 108.4 There shall be a fee to procure a cenificate of registrution, which shall be valid for one ( I ) year or to December 3 I of each year. rvhichcver is sooner. Thcrcafter thc permit shall bc annually rcnewed. 108.5 A pcmrit issucd under this chapter shall be rcvokcd if, at any time, thc licensing authorities are satisfied rhat thc licensee is unfit to hold the license. They may suspend and make inoperative, for such period oltime as they may deem proper, the pennit tnentioned herein for any cause deemed satisfhctory to thern. The revocation and suspension shall not be made until altcr investlgation and a hearing or afler giving thc licensce an opportunity to be hcard. Notice of the hearing shall be delivered to the permittee not less than three (3) days before the time of the said hearing. 108.6 Any person or tenant violating any provision ofthis chapter shall be punishcd by a finc ofnot morc than two hundred rlollars (5200.00). Each day's violation constitutes a separate offense. 108.8 The owners of all rcntal units, as defined in 108.2, shall be required to certify annually that operating snloke detectors have becn placed in the rental unit. Thc smokc detectors and locations thereof shall be satisfactorv to the Yamrouth Fire Dcpartmenl. NOTE: Carbon Monoxide Detectors are required in any dwelling u'ith Oil, Gas, Coal, or wood-buming equipment an4or a structurally encloscd or attachcd gamgc in accordancc with MGL 148, sec. 26F12 and 527ctMR3 1.00 MUST BE POSTED ON PREMISES Certificate Number: BHR-24-27 3