HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDE-24-420 3/17/24, 12:07 PM about:blank Commonwealth of Massachusetts og• Y� * 4.4t4Town of Yarmouth %C.'� At ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 46 AMY LN Unit: Owner Name: WHELAN DANIEL Owner's Address: 29 CREST RD Phone: Email: Purpose of Building Residential Utility Authorization No.: 16647864 Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit? No Permit Number: BLDE-24-420 Existing Service Amps/Volts Overhead ❑ Underground ❑ No. of Meters: New Service Amps/Volts Overhead❑ Underground❑ No. of Meters: Description of Proposed Electrical Installation: Upgrade service to 200 amp. No.of Receptacle Outlets: No.of Switches: Generator KW Rating: Type: No.Luminaires: No.of Recessed Luminaires: No.Wind Generators: Wind KW Rating: No.Appliances: KW: No.Water Heaters: KW: No.Transformers: Total KVA: Space Heating KW: Heating Equipment KW: No.Motors: Total HP: Total KW: No. Heat Pumps: Total KW: Total Tons: Fire Alarm System❑ No.of Devices: Swimming Pool: In-Grnd.❑ Above-Grnd.❑ Hot Tub❑ No.of Self-Contained Detection/Alerting Devices: No.Oil Burners: No.Gas Burners: Video System ❑ No.of Devices: No.Air Conditioners: Total Tons: Telecom System ❑ No.of Outlets: No. Energy Storage Systems: KWH Storage Rating: Security System ❑ No.of Devices: Solar PV KW DC Rating: Solar PV KW AC Rating: No.of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment: No.of Modules: Roof-Mount❑ Ground-Mount❑ Level 1 El Level 2 0 Level 3❑ Rating: Estimated Value of Electrical Work: $4,000 Work to Start: March 11, 2024 FIRM NAME: License Number: Master/System and/or Journeyman Licensee: DAVID WILCOX License Number: 59752 Security System Business requires a Division of Occupational Licensure "S" LIC. License Number: Address: PLYMOUTH, MA,02360 PLYMOUTH MA 02360 Fee Paid: $50.01 Email: dwilcox@TLDcompaines.com Business Telep one: 774-606-4944 INSURANCE COVERAGE: Unless waived by the owner, no permit for the performance of electric- ork may issue unl-: the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including "completed operation"coverage or its substantial equiva en . e undersigned certifies that such coverage is in force, and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. INSURANCE: A- '((a(2 1 es L(N) &LK D about:blank 1/1 f pI Official Only Commonwealth o�ma�9ac�rsaatte T Permit No. _r______ '1 -.V' 2epartmani of_}Ira ServicsJ SI ,r•, ;y Occupancy and Fee Checked "?; e BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS [Rev. 1/07] (leave blank) Mtritz,' WORK APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TOaPERFORMssachusetts Electrical�ELECTRI�CAL d All work to be performed in accordance with the R 12.00 Date: 3-10—.� � (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL INFORM4TION) To the Inspector of Wires: City or Town of: 2'�i fl 6 U�h f21 By this application the undersigned gives notice of his or her intention to perform the electrical work described below. Location(Street&Number) �/(, r'3u / /� Telephone No. �1�"�o�G�"���!6 Owner or Tenant �c,vt W�,.r.l�� �j Owner's Address U6 A c`'`ul_ Li,,, (Check Appropriate Box) Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit? Yes C No Utility Authorization No. 1 lO6y l b Li of Building No.of Meters � / 2yo Volts Overhead© Undgrd I Existing Service 1�0 Amps ��o No.of Meters I 1_v New Service 20c) Amps 0,0 / 2yd Volts Overhead El Undgrd Li Number of Feeders and Ampacity q Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work: 5 2(v;c, c p Jr d r. Lanik -3 1,0 0 yp V) Completion of the following_table may be waived by the Inspector ofWires. v* No.of TT No.of Ceil:Sasp.(Paddle)Fans Transformers KVA l)� No.of Recessed Luminaires KVA S- No.of Hot Tubs Generators No.of Luminaire Outlets Above In- No.of Emergency Lighting .t No.of Luminaires Swimming Pool grnd. ❑ grnd. ❑ Battery Units No.of Oil Burners Zpnes .t No.of Receptacle Outlets FIRE ALARMS N -oNo.of Detection an R E C E 1 V E No.of Switches No.of Gas Burners Initiating Devi es " Total No.of Alerting Device Ili No.of Ranges No.of Air Cond. Tons MAR 1 1 �4 Heat Pump I Number I.Tons I ' No.of Detection/Alertinined Deices No.of Waste Disposers Totals:l Municip to uEPAH I MENT No.of Dishwashers Space/Area Heating KW Low❑ ConnechinR„ Security Systems:*t— No.of Dryers Heating Appliances KW No.of Devices or Equivalent No.of Water No.of No.of Data Wiring: Signs Ballasts Heaters KWNo.of Devices or Equivalent Telecommunications Wiring: No.Hydromassage Bathtubs No.of Motors Total HP No.of Devices or Equivalent OTHER: � Attach additional detail if desired,or as required by the Inspector of ires. Estimated Value of Electrical Work: P J "^c, (When required by municipal policy.) Work to Start: -3- 1 i-.,L7 Inspections to be requested in accordance with MEC Rule 10,and upon completion. for the INSURANCE COVERAGE: Unless insurance including"completedtopperatioperformance "coverage or its substantial equivalent. The unless the licensee provides proof of liability undersigned certifies that such c verge is in force,and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. CHECK ONE: INSURANCE E. BOND ❑ OTHER ❑ (Specify:) ^� I certify,under the ains and penalties of perjury,that the information on this application is true LIC.complete. NO.: 7�� FIRM NAME: L.) Cc i. 1' �, _ LIC.NO.: Signature - i S 9 7 S�-2 Licensee: Uc.�;d� (,) �� Bus.Tel.No.: 17`/ Gob- Lice(If applicable,enter"exempt"in the license number line.) o,��Co Alt Tel.No.: Address: w *Per M.G.L.c. 147,s.57-61,security work requires Department of Public Safety"S"License: Lic.No. OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the Licensee does not have the liability insurance coveraogee normally required by law. By my signature below,I hereby waive this requirement. I am the(check one)PE 0 oT owner FEE❑' $ Owner/Agent Telephone No. I Signature