HomeMy WebLinkAbout24-A020 16 Church Street REVRECEIVED TOWN OF YARMOUTH FEB C 8 2024 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax (508) 398-0836 NG'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for Issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings, photographs, & other supplemental info accompanying this application PLEASE SUBMIT 4 C, , , ogles OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS, PHOTOS, & SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Catetaorles That Apply: Indicate type of Building: ,F Commercial X Residential 1) Exterior Building Construction: New Building Addition Alterations Reroof Garage Shed Solar Panels X Other: 2) Exterior Painting: Siding Shutters Doors Trim :Other: 3) SignstBillboards. New Sign Change to Existing Sign 4) Miscellaneous Structures: Fence Wall Flagpole Pool Other: Please type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: 16 Church St, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Map/Lot # i a 7;Z Owner(s): Peter Bames Phone #: (248) 310-0213 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address. 16 Church St, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 _ Year built. 1940 Email. Peter@brayfannllc.com Preferred notification meth Tristan Souza of Venture Home Solar ..- Mailing Address: 231 Weaver St Unit E Fall River, MA 02720 Agent/contractor Email:pormittingma@venturesolar.com Description _ot_Proposed Work: Signed (Owner or agent): od: Phone X Email Phone* 508-808-3704 Preferred notification method: Phone X Email Date: 2/2/2024 ➢ Ownerloontractodagent Is aware that a permit is required from the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.) > It application is approved, approval is subject to a 10-day appeal period required by the Act. ➢ This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later ➢ All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH. OKH-approved plans MUST be available on -site for framing & final inspections Rcvd Dale: Amount Cash1CK e: Rcvd by:'y�j_ 45 Days: 1 Date Signed: Approved Approved with _Modifications Denied Reason for Denial: Signed: 121 - Ar0ao APPLICATION #: TOWN OF YARMOUTH p 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE Application #: q- A0?V Project Address: 45-DAY TIMEFRAME WAIVER 16 Church St, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Application Received Date: 45 Day Decision Deadline: I/We, the undersigned owner, contractor, or agent, do hereby waive the 45-day timeframe for a determination on our application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption by the Old King's Highway Historic District Committee for the following project: C B a" sick + ✓eat Date: 2/2/2024 RECEIVED FEB 0 8 2024 t nnivwV i r, Signed: Owner Owner Contractor/AgeiW gq--AD�v k GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEET Project Address: 16 Church St, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 FOUNDATION: Material: Exposure (Not to exceed 18"): CHIMNEY: Material/Color: GUTTERS: Material/Color: ROOF: Material: Asphalt Pitch (7112 min) 9/12 Height to Ridge: Color: Tan SIDING: Material/Style: Front: Sides/Rear: Color: Front: Sides/Rear: TRIM: All windows & doors to be trimmed with: 1x 4 1x5 (Circle one.) Material: DOORS: Qty: Material: Style/Size (if not listed/shown on elevations): Color: Color: STORM DOORS: Qty: Material: Color: GARAGE DOORS: Qty: Mat'l: WINDOWS: Otvlside:: Front: Manufacturer/Series: Style: Color: Left: Right: Rear: Color: Material: Grilles (Required): Pattern (6/6, 2/1, etc.) Grille Tvoe: True Divided Lite: Snap -In: Between Glass: Permanently Applied: Exterior Interior STORM WINDOWS: Qty: Material: Color: SHUTTERS: Man: Style: Paneled Louvered Color: SKYLIGHTS: Qty: Fixed Vented Size Color: DECK: Size: Decking Mat'l: Color: Railing MatT Style: Color: WALLSIFENCES* (Max 6' height): Height: Mat'I: COLOR CHIPS RECEIw FEB a S 2024 (AryiviuU I r, Ol ri Klnir--c Style: Color: (Show running footage & location on plot plan.) *Finished side of fence must face out from fenced in area. UTILITY METERSIHVAC UNITS: Location: Screening: LIGHTS: Qty: Style: Location(s): LIGHT POSTS: Qty: Material: Location(s): 16 Church St, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Color: Color: Additional information: Install 17.00 kw Hanwha 425 solar panels on roof. 40 total panels. No battery. No structural. Panels may be partially visible but will not significantly impact public way. 2-General APPLICATION #: TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE Applicant's (Owner) Name: Property Address/Location: Hearing Date: ABUTTERS' LIST Peter Barnes 16 Church St, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Notices must be sent to the applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) whose property directly abuts or is across the street from the applicant. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: www.varmouth_ma.us Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information: Abutter Information: RECRVED FEB 4 S 2024 r Ahiviuu I r� ni n KlNrI 'C HI(,HWCV 2- -73 I5360 -70 53(0 -7 15 3 &a ,V Application #: 9- Av.7o &AID 3 Application #: 9- Av.7o &AID 3 1221 731 1 1 ROBINSON DOUGLAS C ROBINSON MARY C 4 CHURCH ST, YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 122/ 721 1 1 LEVINE HAROLD CIO BARNES PETER A 16 CHURCH ST YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1221 711 1 1 MELLOR MARCIA 24 CHURCH ST YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675-1101 1221 701 1 1 MELLOR MARCIA 24 CHURCH ST YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675-1101 1221 661 1 1 GRADER ABRAHAM S GRADER MICHAL H 17 CHURCH ST, YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 Please use this signature to certify this list of properties directly abutting and across the street from the parcel located at: 16 Church St., Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Assessors Map 122, LQt 72 Andy Wchado, Director of Assessing February 23, 2024 RECEIVED fAriiwuu+; . ,2Q-A6>0 9 R x xq RECEIVE O y T w5 F a MAR 212024 J01.0 11[dG'S I 11QUVV u d y a Lro5 � u LU o ti sn�n ..p L n a I U J5 n oa pp d 3 3 v _ °J ' use °E N° ' c 50, OA by X O aY : G ` y o0-j hUrch S P G yQp U = c - Lc7 _a n 'x Lx] I -'�v[ Z s B 8?=" 3. 3. 3 8 B 3 8 m s Y Y i C r 1C i ')14_ -) EF a ❑O U �S rya PA-5 sS Li u Lip G u LU `�O n0 y0 u �•3o y v b House O. � RQ T•G ty i7 � R U N C." LU EiY P 3 m ��1p103 M—ml IN u iM- ft?v G..� ii �✓ - VU w °a � � I RECEIVED MAR 21 2024 --- r ARtvioUTr, __- OLD KING'S HIGHWAY g ---- ----- ----- - - L - ----------- - f--- - ------- ----------- on 3 O X � y C O N 2 •c oz x bil N � e L Q---------- Q___---- --------- ------ -- ------------- _ 4 / ti - - - - U u cs W 4 N ¢ .. X i i �, gash i f iorrw � N 3 � N � C C U O I 4F O� pR a @ U o o z � E NW no E a o m E d s c E x E coo U0 N M V x N N C C W V x E c E c E rn E in aaN c c N Mr Q Y E mm W E U m tp tY It L 0 C }y! L E _ hi N W CC IQ IL m LeL qe� U V U LLR OWED MAR 21 20 4 iAFRMOUTF WAV it 6� {{ i�i+��7'1��ii lii'�r1F C=f11�� 1!�11 Elli 1► V W r aN zgy �" as CC B. E! 00 Liao C O z m� Qm R 7 OCR-, Wadtq Igi UP WI-2 u = y i aIIN RE FIVED MAR 21 2024 §E ! |$ � |ƒ| l ap . Pn?t� . Pn?t� c y a y �y4R1169 X RECEIVED N °a RM m m m MAR 2 12024 f AhiVIUUI h OLD KINGS HIGHWAY N N VJ cd o 5qi 7 �d7 7 r. D r• aG O O r1 N5 y u'i .O f+ N V xi V: A 7 L� L Z CO C y i s R g# <�IN k'Y i lit t is. I� r - -F RECEIVED Jiz FF r-------------1 _ - - ' ,� i ll MAR 212024 fARM UTH � LD KING' HI HWAY 1 �yyy ' p a; L < L n F r F '/"1 g o m9m a i 3¢ BF =rF 9 i fi A AFl�s7 ` r I �� g A 8 Q.Q m 9ARt R' 7t•�Fit P� I �� � .. - 3`s � P R: fir • p W - V, -. cn iK - 11 StliP(IA bb� 7��pgx SdtA a'F3 d� FFF�. Ile x� tl R 9 A R � tl� t R� �� i O �� •� ��� I Y �� w'� W F :. Z .y s Li w EE Y J 4 t - � m tF o W C m Yd w Zf O a 3a W fit d`• e 5 �� p 2 € = a ��.. w o z- - _jj e-kA.Arnya x RFCFI FD MAR 2 12024 i IAMIVI V V I f i K! G HI HWAY �M 7 < 's a n" rn O V pE Z a a i E W . n�flr WE 212024 i rt xf� i 'ten f 11 F ;K_ � r.i%JED , !i2024 U h /GII; /H*± §§ � e-Yi A-K>r% ;Aj llloll h7 5 8 8 8 p r F � _ad 88 II M �132 3i Z w w w a] m z Q O J O N Z 3Q wa zm O N 4 I O Z w r� Ox Z w .9—TEIVE FEB Q 8 2024 ,(ARfVIUUI r-I O-.D KING'S HIGHWAY <y? C •Y0--�D 8 FEB fi 8 2n24 Mf7mbu I n m ai w 0 0- N — — 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z (1 v L 3 m C �1 Lr sC L O X LL R$ U L W+ LL U `o d. 'c f�l+ U Q m �. U. W m�+� q` o q $ c¢- CS 2 8 O 3 I 1 w 0 � � O g � a M a 9 U c m W o UU a a 3g 0 Q o a a a a w 6$ g N$ W rd W c Y d W YCo a= W W a wr w Wce � � W a w ir �g W w 6 z V $ c f/f W C � LL N 9 w Q RI 7 m O > n t gs� c m N W N V Y V N Z LL O O O g O C 0 0 0 0 0 0 mpg LL a a U m ti O `d L° 12 as I ug a _ _� x E wmm w wm Emm Z j j j 'mx a° N U V1 8 n C n c n C o m c a w w W 8 LL LL J pX jj J w s 0 14 rr op h -jr 4M A Lr, 41 -A jr wv/ dr A. JL; ir der 4-40 At I " pq f f . I dw ' el . , ke Ir POP A O-L it J. Veil 40 I or 4C Aj) 41h f vi - .. , WI.P& -4- M1r �).� •'- iI, h Fri r �!' . #r £ fr , l+ -thy . ' + f". S• • „ '�' h At 411 � �•� '�!' '.'� �71. yr• ,{•?I �'t 5'` �. }�l �'�;4• try'.' f it �FIk .,�, • a f� ► All ti 'ti arc �{'��}'J 41���,z �J-Ff ���.' '• / �.��� f_�t.�ly1l� , 5;±�.�. � w� r ' �.. f .Y * ,iY . +k-� • CFI - ♦p ti+ 4.1 •J �. 5.1 46. ON le . L � 4T SJt 1 fa; ' JL _„ r/•.` oil r . : ti ' ,'ems! ! 4- /yam{ •'r,•�'ir�' ,� i , '' f� ! . .s `�. Art. iJ'�' {�. �.. r .fir%ar c� �►�-�fl►� ' �' •. 1, •i+, I r �.*•K +* +r^+�F�� .f r ir' op irl IA 4w F 4 f Y # f' , ; � � • Syr � i Al ` .f ■ r� r .• fir, �, - L, N. 0. l.rya `J 1i� xv� 4*,'.� 1 '` ' L _ 1 IrVVVV.��� +'}� . +,'# jib J k • 1 , 'y1,, � ENPHASE IQ8M and IQ8A Microinverters Our newest IQ8 Microinverters are the industry's first microgrid-forming, software - defined microinverters with split -phase power conversion capability to convert DC power to AC power efficiently. The brain of the semiconductor -based microinverter is our proprietary application -specific integrated circuit (ASIC) which enables the microinverter to operate in grid -tied or off -grid modes. This chip is built in advanced 55nm technology with high speed digital logic and has super -fast response times to changing loads and grid events, alleviating constraints on battery sizing for home energy systems. Part of the Enphase Energy System, 108 Series Microinvarters integrate with the Enphase IQ Battery, Enphase IQ Gateway, and the Enphase App monitoring and analysis software. Connect PV modules quickly and easily to I08 Series Microinverters using the included Q-DCC-2 adapter cable w th plug-n-play MC4 connectors. 108 Series Microinverters redefine reliability standards with more than one million cumulat ve hours of power on testing, enabling an industry -leading limited warranty of up to 25 years. 108 Series Micro nverters are UL Listed as PV Rapid Shut Down Equipment and conform with various regulations, when .nstalled according to manufacturer's instructions. 0 2022 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. Enphase, the Enphase logo, 108 Microinverters. and other names are trademarks of Enphase Energy, Inc. Data subject to change. 108MA-DS-0003-01 EN-US-2022-03-17 DATA SHEET FEB 0 S 2024 '(AHIVIOU1 l-S Q!_! F(IhISS HIGHWAY Easy to install • Lightweight and compact with plug-n-play connectors • Power Line Communication (PLC) between components • Faster installation with simple two -wire cabling High productivity and reliability • Produce power even when the grid is down' • More than one million cumulative hours of testing • Class II double -insulated enclosure • Optimized for the latest high- powered PV modules Microgrid-forming • Complies with the latest advanced grid support" • Remote automatic updates for the latest grid requirements • Configurable to support a wide range of grid profiles • Meets CA Rule 21(UL 1741-SA) requirements Only when installed with IQ System Controller 2, meets UL 1741. 108M and 108A supports split phase, 240V installations only. IQBM and IQBA Microinverters INPUT DATA MCI :: Commonly used module pairings' W 260 - 460 295 - 500 Module compatibility 60-cell/120 half -cell, 66-cell/132 half -cell and 72-cell/144 half -call MPPT voltage range v 33 - 45 36 - 45 Operating range v 25 - 56 Min/max start voltage v 30 / 58 Max input DC voltage V 60 Max DC currentz [module Ise] A 15 Overvoltage class DC port it DC port backfeed current MA O PV array configuration OUTPUT DATA lx1 Ungrounded array; No additional DC side protection required; AC side protection requires max 20A per branch circuit Peak output power VA 0. 330 366 Max continuous output power VA 325 349 Nominal (L-U voltage/range' v 240 / 211- 264 Max continuous output current A 1.35 4.45 Nominal frequency Hz 60 Extended frequency range Hz 50 - 68 + AC short circult fault current over 3cycles Arms 2 '0 Max units per 20 A (L-L) branch circuity 11 ET R 9:'-20 Total harmonic distortion <5% Overvoltage class AC port . f. III ] KINGS HIGH-Wk AC Port backfeed current mA -01-D 30 Power factor setting 1.0 Grid-tled power factor (adjustable) 0.85 leading - 0.85 lagging Peak efficiency tL 97.6 97.6 CEC weighted efficiency 'IL 97 97.5 Night-time power consumption MECHANICAL mW 60 DATA Ambient temperature range -400C to +600C (-400F to +1400F) Relative humidity range 4%to100%(condensing) DC Connector type M04 Dimensions (HxWxD) 212 mm (8.31 x 175 mm (6.9') x 30.2 mm (12") Weight 1.08 kg (2.38lbs) Cooling Natural convection - no fans Approved for wet locations Yes Pollution degree P03 Enclosure Class II double -insulated, corrosion resistant polymeric enclosure Emriron. category / UV exposure rating NEMA Type 8 / outdoor CA Rule 21(UL 1741-SA), UL 62109-1, UL1741/IEEE1547, FCC Part 15 Class B, ICE5-0003 Class B, CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO.107.1-01 Certifications This product is UL Listed as PV Rapid Shut Down Equipment and conforms with NEC 2014. NEC 2017, and NEC 2020 section 690.12 and 022.1-2018 Rule 64-218 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems, for AC and DC conductors, when installed according to manufacturer's Instructions. (1) No enforced DC/AC ratio. See the compatibility calculator at https://Ilnk.enphase com/module-compatibility (2) Maximum continuous input DC current is 10.6A (3) Nominal voltage range can be wa tended beyond nominal if required by the utility. (4) Limits may vary. Refer to local requirements to define the number of microinverters per branch in your area. 108MA-DS-0003-01-EN-US-2022-03-17 pro co I rilq 01/25/2024 Peter Barnes 16 Church Street Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts 02675 Re. Solar Panel Installation Dear Mr./Ms. Barnes, At your request, Patrick Bussett of Venture Solar LLC (MA license #56934), has carefully reviewed the existing roof framing and the proposed connection of the solar panels to the roof for the building referenced above. The following building codes were used in conjunction with the 9th Edition of the Massachusetts State Building Code — 780 CMR to generate pertinent design criteria: ASCE 7-10 — Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures International Building Code 2015 Edition (IBC) National Design Specification for Wood Construction 2015 Edition (NOS) Design Criteria: Design Gravity Load: Snow/Live Load = 30 Ibs/ftz, Dead Load =12 psf Design Wind Load: V„ n = 140 mph; Exposure B, Risk Category II 'Wind loads exceed seismic loads and therefore govern the design Field observations identified the following conditions: The new solar panels will impose an additional dead load of approximately 3 psf. Roofs A, B & C consists of asphalt shingles over plywood sheathing supported by 2x10 rafters at 16" o.c. The rafters are sloped at a 36" pitch and have a maximum projected horizontal span of 17'-0"t. Roof D consists of asphalt shingles over plywood sheathing supported by 2x6 rafters at 24" o.c. The rafters are sloped at a 38" pitch and have a maximum projected horizontal span of 16'-0"± with an intermediate knee wall support. The framing is assumed to be Douglas -Fir #2 graded or better. The calculations determined that the existing framing has adequate capacity to support the PV panels as shown in our PV panel layout plan with no structural upgrades required. I therefore certify that this Installation complies with the applicable codes and is acceptable for approval. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Best, � OF k'�S FEB 4 8 2024 PATRICK BiJSSEiT —+ � No. 56,Q34 y OLD Klf�;a'S FiIGNV Patrick Bussett, PE Email: patrick.bussett@venturesolar.com / ''AOD a W N L UA IA IA ad 0 0 r W V M in 0 w a J J ►� L CL 0 L 0 Va O W a a w I FEB 0 S 2024 9LOO;0 ON Ln Z C L E C in 0 c Q CL IA cl 0 Im .0 Lf) 0 N u Ln 0 L 0 c w - o CL V 0 D CL Q � o o 0A AIL a� A DocuSign Envelope ID:87072771-7229-4F22-AE4D-4466D6AA20AF . _I itu re solar Letter of Authorization / Property Owner Authorization Form I, Peter Barnes, am the owner of the property located at address: 16 Church St, Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts 02675 I hereby authorize Venture Home Solar, LLC dba Venture Solar Power of Attorney to handle dealings associated with the successful interconnection and application for obtaining local building and other permits from the Authority Having Jurisdiction as required for a Solar Photovoltaic System located on my Property. I further authorize you to release my account information for the prior twelve (12) months, including electrical usage and demand history. Venture Solar agrees to keep this information confidential and use it only for the purposes of designing, installing, and interconnecting my photovoltaic system, obtaining incentives on my behalf, and establishing interconnection agreements, proper metering, and approvals. Print Name: Peter Barnes DocuSpaed by: i Owner Signature: FNIX 15aYMIS CIEAGM A666424 Date: 1/19/2024 Print Name: Peter Barnes / D=uSIgned bar Utility Bill Owner Signature: i Pthr bmUls !f 8...I'1A6BU24 Date: 1/19/2024 1= LR o 8 2024 ro ilvlk W I I ]ocu5ign Envelope ID: 87072771-7229-4F22-Ai=-4D-448608AA20AF venture solar Venture Solar Damage Liability Addendum for PV Installations Customer: Peter Barnes Installation Address: 16 Church St, Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts 02675 Venture is liable to pay for damage to your real property caused by our negligence during your installation. We shall not be liable for damage to the system's installation area due to old, deteriorated, or improperly installed roofing, sub -roofing, roof coverings, supports, siding, exterior paint or covering, or other non -visible installations. In the event that you suspect there may be damage to your property caused by our installation please contact us immediately at 347-305-7999 or email +�rorun-venturesolar.com to schedule an on site inspection of the damage. Venture may elect to hire a sub -contractor to repair the damage. After we conduct our inspection of the alleged damage, we will contact you with a plan to correct the damage. If you elect to use a contractor other than Venture to repair the damage without written consent from Venture, we reserve the right to not reimburse you for the damages. Our total liability shall be limited to the amounts due payable to Venture under your agreement. Except as set forth in this addendum, you agree there are no oral or written representations or inducements, expressed or implied, any way conditioning this addendum, and we expressly disclaim their existence. By signing this addendum, you acknowledge that you have read and understand this agreement or have had a competent legal representative explain its terms, and hereby accept this addendum in its entirety. You further acknowledge receiving a complete copy of this agreement. Docuftned by: v:..EA0DD4A6B8424 Signature FEB 0 8 2024 1/19/2024 Date 9L-Owo support@venturesolar.com 347.305.7999 DocuSign Envelope ID: 87072771-7229-4F22-AE4D-448$08AA20AF tieiiture solar Venture Solar System Removal Addendum for Residential PV Installations Customer: Peter Barnes Installation Address: 16 Church St, Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts 02675 If you elect to have your solar energy system removed and re -installed in the future there will be a charge of $325 per panel to remove, store, and re -install the PV system. If you elect to have the system removed, but not re -installed there will be a charge of $220 per panel. This pricing is valid for 120 months from the date of signature. Venture guarantees the penetrations related to the solar PV system and the area 6" around them for 10-years, but takes no responsibility for the roof or it's integrity otherwise. Except as set forth in this addendum, you agree there are no oral or written representations or inducements, expressed or implied, any way conditioning this addendum, and we expressly disclaim their existence. By signing this addendum, you acknowledge that you have read and understand this agreement or have had a competent legal representative explain its terms, and hereby accept this addendum in its entirety. You further acknowledge receiving a complete copy of this agreement. f—owusignaa by: „av t��5 1/19/20�4 cleA000IABBUzz Signature Date In the event that you suspect there may be an issue with your roof, please contact us immediately at 800-203-4158 or email support@venturesolar.com to schedule an on site inspection. 17 d FFB f) 8 2024 11 ,)I KINUS . II! i .V support@venturesolar.com 347.305.7999 ')L4 -A1:0 )ocu5ign Envelope ID: 87072771-7229-4F22-AE4D-4486D8AA20AF q rs. -k 0046a I, Venture Solar Customer Aureement Addendum for Electrical Work low Name: Peter Barnes Address: 16 Church St, Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts 02675 VerotUFO. 0„s,oiner Aaream2Fit AddmrlAt, This electrical addendum ("Addendum") is in connection to and made a part of the Solar Electric Installations Agreement ("Agreement") between Venture Home Solar LLC ("Venture"j and Peter Barnes ('Owner) to take place at 16 Church St, Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts 02675 ('Sitel. Venture and Owner may individually be referenced herein as a'Party or collectively as the'Parties'. The Parties agree as follows: 1. In addition to the electrical work stated in the Agreement, Venture shall complete additional electrical work as follows: �rh� i) l. Tap Box `' A 2, Venture offers a 10-year workmanship warranty. Su24 3. The total cost of the electrical work is $1,135.00 i%;, il'rIClIJ I 4, Venture will remove all debris and garbage from the site. OLD KING'S HisHVVAY 5. Venture will make its best efforts to complete the work within 24 to 48 hours of the scheduled date but is not liable for any delays due to permitting, policy change, weather, or force majeure events. While performing the Additional Work, Venture may discover certain undisclosed or unidentified issues. Any costs related to those items are specifically excluded from this proposal. Owner and Venture shall execute a change order addressing those items. 6. Owner to supply all electricity at the Site and represents that the existing electrical system at the Site is in full compliance with the current National Electrical Code. 7. Venture shall furnish all tools, equipment, supplies, superintendence, transportation, and other construction accessories, services and facilities necessary for Venture to perform the Additional Work. Venture shall furnish all material, supplies and equipment specified to be 5ncorporated into and form a permanent part of the Additional Work. Venture will provide and perform all necessary labor in connection with the Additional Work in a professional and skillful manner. 8. If the project Is not substantially complete within 180 days of the execut on of this document, the Owner may cancel with no penalty. g. Customer Payment of $0 due on the day the Additional Work begins. 10. In the event Venture determines that any of the Additional Work outlined in this Addendum Is not necessary, Venture may elect not to proceed with those port-ons of the Additional Work. Venture will Inform the Owner of the Additional Work that isn't going to be completed and reimburse Owner for any out of pockets costs incurred. / 1- 6-1 OmuSigned by: L/� U(J EP la�t.Y' 1�7ahn.f..S Venture Home Solar, LLC Owner c,EAooD1AISM24 2't- tivD DocuSign Envelope ID: 87072771-7229-4F22 AE4D-4486D8AA20AF vex ..w entar Our Cancellation Policy, Explained While we never like to see anyone go, we understand that things can happen to change circumstances and we want to be as transparent and clear as possible about the policy around cancellations. The following form attached is the only acceptable method of cancellation I agree that if I cancel outside of the cancellation window associated on the next page that I will be liable to pay the charges associated and I cannot refuse to pay. If I refuse to pay, Venture's legal team will pursue legal action. �-- DS Initial [ Pt I agree that the only acceptable method of cancellation is to send the cancellation form to cancelrequest@venturesolar.com f -D8 Initial I P5 agree that I cannot cancel verbally with any team member under any circumstances. If attempt to cancel verbally with any team member it will be considered null and void � -Da Initial I agree that if I am canceling based upon a competitor providing a lower price, I am willing to allow Venture an opportunity to price match the previous offer. Venture has a price match guarantee and will pay $500 toward another company if we cannot match the other quote apples to apples. Ds Initial If you are outside of 7 days, I agree that I need to speak with a member of cancellations team in order to process the cancellation Initial CP; ,! 7h '(rli .i111111 h QED K1NG'S HIGHWAY 7ocuSign Envelope ID: 87072771-72294F22-AE4D-448608AA20AF Awnture sofa Venture Solar Customer Cancellation Addendum This addendum is in relation to the solar photovoltaic installation agreement ('Agreement') between Venture Home Solar, LLC ('Venture') and Peter Barnes ('Owner') to take place at 16 Church St, Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts 02675 ('Site'). Venture and Owner may individually be referenced herein as a'Party' or collectively as the 'Parties'. TRANSACTION DATE: YOU MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION WITHOUT ANY PENALTY OR OBLIGATION, WITHIN SEVEN (7) BUSINESS DAYS FROM THE ABOVE DATE. TO CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION, FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE SECTION BELOW. The following cost schedule is enforceable if the Owner chooses to cancel their project: Cancellation Timeline • Within seven (7) days of signature • Between eight (8) and thirty (30) days of signature • Outside of thirty (30) days of signature • Within two (2) days of scheduled installation $1,275.00 FEB 0 8 2024 $2,675.00 $4,750.00 OLD KINGS HJrz--; ,+AY Your signature below indicates your agreement to the timeline and fee schedule in the event you choose to cancel your project post signature. f,. -oocusgmaar 1/19/2024 ���t+u3rti a pr��a Signature Date In the event that you wish to cancel, please sign below and email a copy to cancelrequest@venturesolar.com. The cancellation fee will be based on the date above and the date that the copy is received via email. I, Peter Barnes, wish to cancel my solar installation with Venture Home Solar, LLC and agree to pay the fee associated based on the time passed from entering the installation agreement. Signature support@venturesolar.com Date 347.305.7999 e)y,�,N)ID ko � � I a� bA a� t? �i W Lrlwm" r L Q C a O N L � c> C O N Q1 I -A \ to � tlJ Q 61 � O -E V c IS a p O � +1 c c v � E .� 0 •O w as t -pp -J Ln •S 3 0 8 2024 4Ln ?I KING'S HIGHWAY Ln N C L o +� ++ +r Q) 4-0 C i � o 0 O 4-J U 0) L � V L -1 N }d W ra Y W b m 4 � Q O L C N 'O � m L Ln 7 �J 4_-+ C � O m > M v c E •� v cL 4-J v c ap >, O +n rp V) /`091, aocuSign Envelope ID: 87072771-7229-4F22-AE40-4488D8AA20AF HomeWorks mn � Energy Venture Solar & HomeWorks Energy Partnership Venture has partnered with a local Mass Save Energy Efficiency contractor to maximize savings available to our customers who are choosing to switch to solar. As a part of this partnership, you are eligible to have a free home energy audit that will include no cost energy efficiency upgrades. During the energy assessment we will determine which upgrades you are eligible for. The assessment is a short, painless process that we can help you schedule online. This is an option available to you at no cost, and is in no way required for your solar project. Most of our customers find this to be a valuable service if they have not already had a home energy assessment. After your assessment, you will receive a report. You will be eligible for no cost air sealing, and have options for weatherization measures with a nominal co -pay if you elect to have those measures installed. You can begin scheduling your home energy assessment here: https://www.homeworksenergy.com/corporate/venture-solar/ I D FEB 0 8 A24 1rl qw' DocuSEgn Envelope ID: 87072771-7229-4F22-AE4D-4486D8AA20AF vent�... solar -.N FEB 0 8 2024 i Referral Program r'+'11'J" ODD K�NU'S CaAY In our tier based system, you earn more for referring more people. Starting with $500 per referral, you move up tiers to make up to $1,000 per referral. ❑ Yes, enroll me ❑ I don't want to help my fiiends / family ❑ 1 don't have friends Referral 1: Referral 2: Referral 3: Referral 4: Referral 5: - -cik-„o-DMAea8424 Bronze Tier: 1-3 referrals $500 each Silver Tier: 4-5 referrals $750 each Gold Tier: 6+ referrals $1,000 each OocuSign Envelope ID: 87072771-7229.4F22-AE4D-4486DSAA20AF venture solar SCHEDULE E Energy Usage and Billing Assumptions Customer: Peter Barnes Installation Address: 1.6 Church St, Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts 02675 P �iw�nic� rJih Our goal at Venture Solar is to provide the best customer experience possible by delivering the highest quality installation and service. We also strive to set proper expectations about your solar energy system's expected performance and its effect on your future energy usage. Venture Solar uses the historical energy usage information made available by the customer to calculate the annual energy kilowatt-hour (kWh) needs and to design the most efficient System possible to reduce the energy needs from your utility provider within the bounds of any local rules and regulations. There may be adjustments to the estimated energy needs based on input from the customer such as, but not limited to, purchasing an electric vehicle, upgrading appliances, or a change to the number of people living in the home. Customer acknowledges that Venture determines historical and future energy needs to the best of its ability based on the information provided but makes no promises or guarantees related to how much energythe customer will use in the future. Estimated remaining energy needs from your utility provider are an estimate based on the energy usage in kWh displayed on your proposal. If your energy usage increases or decreases, it may affect the percentage of energy in kWh that is provided by your System and resulting utility bills. Customer acknowledges that utility rates fluctuate and will likely increase over time. If utility rates increase, the resulting remaining energy in kWh that the customer needs beyond what the System produces may cost more than originally presented in your proposal. For any avoidance of doubt, if the cost of power with your utility company increased by $0.05 per kWh and you needed 1,000 kWh annually beyond what your system energy system produced, you would pay approximately $50 more per year than expected at the time your proposal was calculated assuming no other changes in your utility billing structure or plan. Venture Solar includes an assumption of utility rate increases when we calculate your lifetime savings. Name(s) Peter Barnes INoocushpw Or EADDDIAN8424 t r 1/01" s Signature Date 1/19/2024 March 27, 2024 OKH Committee Item 24 AO20: To install 40 solar panels on the side and rear roof at 16 Church Street. Revised Proposal Dear OKH Committee, The revised version removes a set of panels on the back west roof and adds panels on two roofs facing south. The two new locations can be seen from 6A at the Church Street intersection.as well as from the southern part of Church Street. Our previous response is attached on page 2. Our objection stands. Thank you, Michal and Abraham Grader 17 Church Street Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 RECCW- MAR 27f -. 1- KING'S HI HWAy 1 March 14, 2024 OKH Committee Re: March 25 2024 meeting Item 24-A020: To install 40 solar panels on the side and rear roof at 16 Church Street. Dear OKH Committee, As much as we would like to accommodate our neighbors, we object to the proposed installation. The solar panels proposed by the owners of 16 Church Street, if installed, will be seen by anyone walking along 6A and Church Street, and there are many who do so on a daily basis. (Please see the attached photos, which were taken yesterday.) Solar panels will be an eyesore, and will lower the value of all the neighboring houses. We took pains to preserve the style of the neighborhood in restoring our house at 17 Church Street, and we expect our neighbors to do the same. Imagine if we had replaced our tower clock with a digital clock instead of restoring the original one! Anyone who cares about the historical character of our neighborhood will agree that solar panels don't belong here, unless they can be installed where nobody but their owners can see them. Thank you, Michal and Abraham Grader 17 Church Street Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 f C r MAR 2 7 N S li �i 4M1'A Y 1 qN- /";1tD PJ 0 ous plan View from 6A page 4 •• Same Current plan ErF-lVr! MAR 2 7 2^,;'4 I AhIVIVu I r - OLD KING'S HIGHWAY K View from 6A page 5 9L4_ *;?D El — R T - dlp View from 6A intersection with Church Street rj FCFIVED MAR 2 7 G^c � r1n14�V�J i a qq- V I V4, kj ffa,4 31; a View from Church Street RFr.FIV D MAR ., ; OLD KINGS HIGHWAY ,,)u,A20 Sherman, Lisa From: Mary Robinson <marycrobinson@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2024 7:13 PM To: Sherman, Lisa; Douglas C. Robinson Subject: March 21 Proposed Solar Panels 16 Church Attachments: IMG 3655.PNG Attention!: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Dear Lisa and Old King's Highway Committee, Attached is a photo of the direct exposure of the proposed solar panels (9) from the intersection of 6A and Church St. They will be in full view of 6A during Fall/Winter and in partial view during Summer. In addition, there is ample area on the roof of a detached garage near the property boundary line that could house the panels avoiding sensitive exposure to 6A and Church. Placing the panels on the rear garage will also remedy the exposure to 4 Church. Please review a Zillow link. Thank you Mary and Doug Robinson 4 Church Street RECE1VtD MAR 2 7 2024 tihIVIUu1 I-. https://www.ziIlow.com/homes/for rent'?userPosition=- 70.2447616.41.7038336&userPositionBounds=41.708833600000006,-70.23976160000001,4I.6988336,- 70.2497616ctLocationSearch=true&searchOue yState=%7B%22pa&nation%22%3A%7B%7D%2C%22isMap Visible%22%3Atrue%o2C%22magBounds%22%3A%7B%22west%22%3A- 70.243 6 8 5 8542444%2 C%22 east%22 %3 A- 70.2415776379587%2C%22south%22%3A41.70655229272437%2C%22north%22%3A41.70767364688 l 66% 7D%2C%22filterState%22%3A%7B%22fr%22%3A%7B%22value%22%3Atrue%7D%2C%22fsba%22%3A%o 7B%22value%22%3Afalse%7D%2C%22fsbo%22% 03 A%7B%22value%22%3Afalse%7D%2C%22nc%22%3A %7B%22value%22%3Afalse%7D%2C%22crosn%22%3A%7B%22value%22%3Afalse%7D%2C%22auc%22 %3A%7B%22value%22%3Afalse%7D%2C%22fore%22%3A%7B%22value%22%3Afalse%7D%2C%22tow %22%3A%7B%22value%22%3Afalse%7D%2C%22con%22%3A%7B%22value%22%3Afalse%7D%2C%22a h%22%3A%7B%22value%22%3Atrue%7D%2C%22apa%o22%3A%7B%22value%22%3Afalse%7D%2C%22 apco%2.2%3A%7B%22value%22%3Afalse%7D%a7D%2C%22isListVisiblc%22%3Atrue%2C%o22mapZoom% 22%3A 19%7D Sent from my iPhone Sherman, Lisa From: Mary Robinson <marycrobinson@yahoo.com> Sent: Sunday, March 3, 2024 10:31 PM To: Old Kings Highway Subject: Solar Panels Yarmouth Port North of 6A Attention!: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Dear Historic Committee, I was shocked to receive the request for variance to add 40 solar panels to a roof that abutts my property in the historic district of Yarmouth Port! My property will be impacted by the glare and this addition detracts from the historical quality of the neighborhood. This addition will also set precedent for future modern additions and solar panels. Recent research has shown that degrading solar panels leach lead and cadium into the atmosphere posing an environmental debate. As the committee that protects the historic architecture of this lovely area I hope you will decline this request. Douglas and Mary Robinson 4 Church Street Yarmouth Port I pre-1 MAR U 5 2024 i Ah,Vr-)U 1 r ni.o KINGS H,rHINX 9Ql I " Sherman, Lisa From: Robinson <rnarycrobinson@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, March 4, 2024 8:00 AM To: Old Kings Highway Subject: Do Solar Panels Kill Birds? Uncovering the Surprising Truth - Anker US Attention k This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Dear Kings Highway Committee, Here is a concerning article on the negative effects of solar panels on water fowl. In addition to historical concerns the « sides » of the 16 Church Street property to be fitted face 6A and are also visible from Church Street. https://www.anker.com/blogs/solar/do-solar-panels-kill-birds Thank You Mary Robinson 4 Church Street Yarmouth Port Sent from my Whone Pr I �. F MAR 0 � 2 ,:4 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY qt'f'-ftwPb Do solar panels kill birds? Do solar panels kill birds? Solar panels, both in residential and in solar power plants, do not kill birds outright. However, it has been observed that some birds are somehow attracted to the shininess of solar panels, which can resemble moving water when seen from above. Aquatic bird species, in particular, may mistake the panels for bodies of water and attempt to dive into the "water," resulting in injury or death. Despite this issue, it's worth noting that solar panel -related bird deaths are often exaggerated. In residential areas that are not close to large water bodies, this problem is less likely to occur. Researchers are currently using Al technology to track and monitor bird species that are prone to diving into solar panels, with the aim of preventing such incidents. Importantly, even the National Audubon Society, a nonprofit organization committed to bird and bird habitat conservation, supports solar power, indicating that the benefits of this renewable energy source outweigh the potential risks to birds. How do solar panels kill birds? Here we go again with the million -dollar question of "how do solar panels kill birds". Let's dig in! Solar panels can potentially kill birds through a phenomenon known as the "lake effect." Migrating waterfowl and shorebirds may perceive the reflective surfaces of photovoltaic (PV) panels as bodies of water and collide with the structures as they attempt to land on the panels. However, it is important to note that the effect of solar panels on bird mortality rates is relatively low compared to other causes, such as collisions with buildings, vehicles, and power lines or predation by domestic cats. Utility -scale solar energy facilities, particularly concentrated solar power (CSP) towers, can also pose a threat to birds. CSP towers use mirrors to concentrate sunlight onto a central tower, generating intense heat. Birds attracted to the light beam or the mirrors may be killed by the extreme heat generated by these facilities. However, the overall impact of solar energy on bird populations is still considered to be much lower than that of fossil fuel industrial facilities"power plants, which can cause bird mortality through collisions, electrocution, and poisoning. ',M What to do to prevent killing birds when installing solar panels? To prevent bird deaths when installing solar panels, consider the following steps: 1. Choose the Right Location for Your PV Solar Panels Select a site that is not in a known bird migration path or near a nesting area. Avoid installing solar panels near wetlands, rivers, or other bodies of water, as these are often critical habitats for birds. Also, consider placing your solar panels on rooftops or other existing structures to minimize the impact on the surrounding environment. 2. Avoid Using Reflective or Mirrored Panels Reflective or mirrored solar panels can confuse birds, causing them to collide with the panels. Instead, opt for solar panels with a matte or non -reflective surface, like the Anker 625 Solar Panel, which has a lower risk of causing bird collisions. Asa OFF <2q'! .J00 Anker SOLIX 10OW Foldable Solar Panel $239.04$299.00 Code: WSTDBDMPELCOPY High Conversion Efficiency: The solar panel converts up to 23% of sunlight into solar energy, charging your solar generators even on cloudy days. Smart Sunlight Alignment: Equipped with Anker's proprietary Suncast technology, adjust the solar panel properly to capture direct sunlight for maximum charge. Made for PowerHouse: Anker 625 Solar Panel is compatible with PowerHouse 521, 535, and 757 (sold separately), making it an ideal all - in -one power solution for road trips, camping trips, RVs, and more. The lightweight solar panel features a USB-C and a USB-A output port to charge 2 devices at the same time. Highly Durable: The solar panel is scratch and weather -resistant to last as long as your adventures do. What You Get: Anker 625 Solar Panel (100W), solar charging cable, XT-60 To DC7909 connector, welcome guide, our 18-month warranty, and friendly customer service. Learn More Buy Now But wait, there's more! Boost your daily activities with the high -conversion efficiency capability of the Anker 625 Solar Panel, converting up to 23% of sunlight into solar electrical energy. Featuring our Suncast technology for smart sunlight alignment, it's compatible with PowerHouse 521, 535, and 757 (sold separately). Ideal not only for home use but also for road trips, camping, and RVs. The lightweight panel offers USB-C and USB-A output ports for dual device charging. It's scratch and weather - resistant, so you can ensure that it can withstand the test of time. 3. Install Anti -Perching Devices Birds may perch on solar panels or the structures supporting them, increasing the risk of collisions or entrapment. Installing anti -perching devices, such as bird spikes or sloping covers, can help discourage birds from landing on your solar panels. 4. Maintain a Safe Distance Between Panels 2- 09 Leaving enough space between solar panels can help prevent birds from becoming trapped between them. Ensure that the gaps between panels are either too small for birds to enter or large enough for them to escape easily. 5. Use Bird -Safe Netting or Mesh If you need to install solar panels close together, consider using bird -safe netting or mesh to cover the gaps between them. This can help prevent birds from becoming trapped while still allowing sunlight to reach the panels. 6. Install Visual Deterrents Visual deterrents, such as bird -scaring tape or predator decoys, can help discourage birds from approaching your solar panels. Be sure to change the location of these deterrents regularly to maintain their effectiveness and prevent solar panels killing birds. Conclusion To wrap up, while solar panels have been associated with bird fatalities, the overall impact is minimal compared to other human -induced threats. By taking responsible steps in solar panel installation and maintenance, we can utilize the power of the sun while preserving our avian friends' safety. Embracing solar energy as a sustainable, clean power source is essential in the fight against climate change, and with continued research and advancements in technology, we can strike the perfect balance between harvesting renewable energy and protecting bird populations. So, let's soar towards a brighter, greener future, hand in wing with our avian allies? FAQ Here are some commonly asked queries about "Do solar panels kill birds". Do solar panels attract birds? Solar panels do not inherently attract birds, as they do not emit any signals or produce food sources that would entice them. However, some birds may find the flat surfaces of solar panels suitable for nesting or perching, especially if the panels are installed near trees or other natural habitats. Is the disposal of solar panels bad for the envi ronment? The disposal of solar panels can be harmful to the environment if not done correctly. Solar panels contain materials like cadmium, lead, and some other heavy metals that can be toxic if released into the environment. Proper recycling and disposal methods are essential to minimize the environmental impact and ensure that valuable materials are recovered and reused. Can birds damage solar panels? While it is relatively rare, birds can potentially cause damage to solar panels. They may peck at the wiring or scratch the surface of the panels, which can result in reduced efficiency or even malfunction. Additionally, bird droppings can accumulate on the panels, reducing their ability to absorb sunlight and produce electricity. Regular maintenance and cleaning can help prevent and mitigate any potential damage caused by birds. Featured Articles 94,A211 Sherman, Lisa From: Mary Robinson <marycrobinson@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2024 7:48 AM To: Sherman, Lisa Subject: Fw: Roof view from Church Street Attachments: IMG_3564 jpg; IMG_3565 jpg; IMG_3566.jpg Attention!: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Dear Lisa, Thank you for reviewing the photos. Can I attend in Zoom and allowed to comment? Mary Sent from my Phone MAR G621 rh i-;ivy ,0 i ) '2L0q;ID .�-i- _+'•vl y* r.*.I'. �' %f�j,'�ryY-' '• � � !� �'>i:: !tr�� ��i 1r:}*�4�s'' txlr�h ! a �f{,',F1ec'' . 14 d�`L4 .•r?: Yr'r:ti', }� �iE71�'h.�I, �AT Sf �•1[r•�'1/. �'yi'�'�[r��,%': 'i..J� =��.ti`.l.li�� - ±: !,- �• �k��4�Ytj'ffii 1 1f� •,r k" • 1f'`yj!' a {T:ir d Y`1t��1��; �' CCC fig 61�• f "4�. i +iM1 4 ��'a _ ;�"sr�;rfr' , ,. ' y.L,r. a• c� . t;r'�� r t` �i «!':;n � � '. ��•'�p9� '� 4 ,�,•a.� � . r �y�.'yC14f' ,a d11k ;;L'{. �� _ ��.I y...�� rJ rfii I' 1, _ - +. :� �}�lJa �.n� �� i�^v:. . �J�:i ' • �iy`y �iA'i �r�v ` 4' �}�"r., s�7�';.. �ff�.'. . i+"_ ��,'� �{;��� �,�,�;���.}`.�r. t•i_ _' *.+�P.Ir1iAP�r ` �.'xq;�+"�Tlly�'�5 ���',f.-.%. �.:,'M!;':/.:. 170 1}.yf1• _• i:. �h ;1ii1�•��Ls'wfr/ '`�:.=.yr'Sa�il �r ��C`` {fAf\� � •��'Y'y, !'. *++,���!lIIIITTT %^�. ` `;• Y L w.}'w�7%S; • ryF ! �t r s r' A+ .�fd' �� .i: f:',�f r p. ',� � . 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Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Calt the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Good Morning Lisa and OKH Committee, The attached photos of 16 Church are taken directly from 6A. They are photos of the side of the house. Additional photos from Church Street to follow. Thank You, Mary 4 Church Street RECEIVED MAR 0 6 2024 Sent from my iPhone n. ­.e qm M 0. Zlt MIR W 04 ps 'Ilk F ?M 4!4g N l R;1IM I F 4.lk1ki �;♦�lyfN X N%tA", e� iZZ, k6VN r X) %#4 r� FA Wam i 0w- ; fi N Ilk my6A eK 7a- A­id.rA W'; : % tj— RF re 7 i..... A�Mt . F -11 2� tlW12 4P AY_I TD A 2 496L - - O p{ i - �. +r'.�)� v�.��_' ?w+r �+��ts �1�`-y'.'...0 _ .',Vr'y1��}. +fe:'1r-�9S`-"+}''' _ - i ' �{' : }� .w•` w�'y �' ' 1l A 41P ........ al�j• NA en f% k. sl v a77! 6F -.7 —iw Nly 4w, ,�tiJr 3: aonl ry `•/ y"i� � ��'' �y �i' � [}'::,} i '+�,21, �' ! u`I�. !- '}A.r:., :r . �S:. r. 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Otherwise delete this email. photos of 16 Church roof top directly from Church Street. Download full resolution images Available until Apr 5 2024 RCIrr-IVFI P.n' R [► 6 2024 fAhIYIUU I r, FY r' F.x r ii�. F:tAti r. 'f' .n.`' r. 7} luo-' �}`' ,.'tt7', t l rii��,,�• / /l 7jG•a `+i s.` ��Y 5yk I, ,f o-)�'Y i �.�+ fc1 ��,< \j" }.............. i',;vs Yl # f 5 N J 11 15 yy..,,�� 41 I,�u �i. f f.! - r✓ Y ��U i .i 5: �• _ i. .( ,__�!_s; �,r;�� ...i jlei I1 1�'�'ilq 4' l,,,�•y. •:. 4 •A 3' Zl@ i4 ll�:Sr,.! ,. rir',��ii�rr'^f� w�+ 4r �r °."tei `i�- y, '',s i I ikF 4_ i' r` i. tip. • ' }� • �,- '�',yi R.. .'eA•.. fix �:k r Z .' ,:, /,Ix",: .- - ., +�,` (1 l•tr + t.a�P iliS:i'f-"n+�� %.'F,`r ,� '�� , o'*a: +.t' =' 4 :J', 4i.:�• a .>,+.I� �.s"s„`�' „t-�' r�%�. �'dF �`�' ./��• Y..:� }�r: r+'�� '�5 -r �% ,''st i' *d��Fy=,a � � _:ram 'w; �;s iNi� i�r,,�{s�:'' 4 je► r+Y�ijjly,. ii1,4S�',t .yf��q+S�� §i P� :'.�i.'�a- � �4�{# +a t '-�:'• 'rJgl�'�l, 4+, F����' � �'f.���F3 �,����ai 7; �x�:,Y/.`'.�'` ,'r`/ /af:•_;' '%.f. g°!y - - ''i' ~'�'''f":�� J�14'�il•�. r+'•.� Y Ell n i -6-i l ffTl d1 I'y s• - r}y�. lr' 'R'J I •.� f "� a7r �,r -'Y�- -. ..�-{I ,.s. ` �r.J4i.'.!'fir �,���� y .i� * +.. �y1�► — � 1 Ilk oil iN—Ncool w y '< ,}jR,�S��s�' j 6§. r�{ ••- - '�•5ij ``" ��r ':14J +laµ-• r•�.7. ',' f. y y��.gf/�'Yyf. 3-pg �'�� . �.'. ..,`i! i. � .•l `.•• 'W Y f '35,t A�',., �"{,+4 ?•r ff'.y- �{yF � TM,�,�E"�-,.e� r: -.. }.-. .- +.:�F ;:Y1 -fir,: *.• ':=� f'`X.+{�;. s'?iC�.i: 'r\V� :3.^I11.i�'.5'�'F, ,J �.y; "}'+:M1' +;,' �'F.� F^:?41r',` '1_�y �/y•`f�:i�'i �f r'"i,.3.r�.: •� 7• '1 Ak TP mat lit }'R!Qr 1Yi' I* 1 ��.rOy�J+' I , }°�%' {P� .� � �'1:���=#', �- a#��' � - +n 1�°,:«"�''��i�¢�, .'. � n , � �Iylg►/Jir,Qfv�� "�� ��••� i . � � y{5�•4r��' ;�� �, �4"'.s� � ,.�!•i. -.s Yam. kQ OWN it \ � _ — - ' '.���'' �•n5F' .�.?'' =y' dam.. .>, .. IM__ rimply Pr M14 '�' � � '� � ,5 4 r � ' 97- � -`�- •' � � ' I� ' Smjr 15 �„ 'i- '\ �.�"r'• �` tx .. o r7. .+ tip_ ' `M1•y. ik ,sr mot%' yiyy7� �5 Y:-�:: f,_ •k. r f.,JT�+r• rf A. Jf _ ~�* t /J�. "l� %{•~''T �5'----{.�.�''4 :� � �' ~#. * � � I-4' --may' � • _' .. - - Sherman, Lisa From: Mary Robinson <marycrobinson@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2024 7:47 AM To: Sherman, Lisa; Douglas C. Robinson Subject: Fw: Roof view from Church Street Attention!: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Hello Lisa, Additional photos 16 Church roof top taken from Church Street. Download full resolution images Available until Apr 5, 2024 MAR ( 6 2024 r Hmrirou I r-, OLD KING'S HIGHWAY L} ' Jl lly �1:}-1 LI ��i /1 �'V �'r'�•y% d/Lf�/Ii OLD KI v ✓. v :,d� +'jar. lj� fV,i tv �+$r;.. :e; �- ��: "��, fit;. � �''9 , � � ��`•5, �, rg -4:, rr� ie _ x�}-•fi�'i-1-h�.•{�}k,��-.. ��i iC. .}. s,��f'o r :j •ti3.�.+Y'.4 � .� � i. j t . i .� �" •4 ���`5 .'•�+1'','"�fF �� ~fir t? - fit. - �� .. ..�. ��{�1�� +� �. �' ip-� M1 +� •i`� "�. .`::. � 4�' .-. rtLL t '.`'6=.='f 4S'i L � �'�.' �f"'..�6��`??__��';��•`1�N-' .,� .TS+"'�,'��'ks'��(. ol m MA 'sill 11 a Wl�41 - I W114 t4l 47 �ry G - At - '07 �FEW NN kv 27 4 i 44 -1,1!1 6 �r ':� �''�'�s .t�.Y4i�` �: ryJ � ;,;t.''.'tia:+�.. ,s��,r &{• -�: r 2�r:Rr� ,�r-A�r:"9•..:-,: k..�-.-• !'i �,�'] i' 'i+ �r �� '};'` 'r:..i. ,".yY !._ :St.yY s, bt-:5": r--'••]n`ri 1 '.x r4 .f ry.:{ „�i;'..; ,�'. �'i'-..^�� __ ... �..x• :..;�. .:.'^•. � ��Sr_•n*�+,�.�',.�:�'�rr^sue '. `��a' ' ,�.�� : R� 'eP7��'''��+�' r•f��= ';.�'' �f' :,r:�. � . � • may' �'.. ; ��._ � � n;-*d*c_ :.r-{:, .�y� y "�`%iil r .'.'`�'T'}'#•'` '' �:.�Y :?! .�.�-'..�{.�t'�` ' r?'�'�F,y'r: �•�h• 1. �•�`4 =,�y �����#�+.i2"�'•t 'i 'J�Yy7 ¢+'+ r}��F� •�fAh.� k}4 Yt w. 1, }4�':E II LI �,. 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