HomeMy WebLinkAbout24-A043 99 Old Hyannis RoadRECI V ED TOWN OF YARMOUTH MAR 2 7 2024 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 rAFiluoVtJ I r, Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292—Fax (508) 398-0836 Or_ KINGS NG'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for Issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings, photographs, & other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 conies OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS, PHOTOS, & SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. C I Thai Indicate type of Building: Commercial X Residential 1) Exterior Building Construction: New Building X Addition Alterations Reroof Garage Shed _ Solar Panels Other. 2) Exterior Painting: Siding Shutters Doors Trim Other: 3) Signs/Billboards: New Sign Change to Existing Sign 4) Miscellaneous Structures: X Fence Wall Flagpole Pool X Other: Please type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: 99 OLD HYANNIS ROAD YARMOUTHPORT Map/Lot # 9413.1 aw Owner(s):JEFFREY JOHNSON TRUST 37737 REALTY TRUST Phone# (508)790-5776 All applications must be submitted by caner or accompanied by latter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: P.O BOX 960 HYANNIS MA 02601 Year built: NEW CONSTRUCTION Email: jeff@jefferyjohnsonesq.com OR DOUGLEBEL@GMAIL.COM Preferred notification method; PhoneX - - -- -Email Agent/contractor JEAN K BOWDEN Phone #: 774-836-8536 Mailing Address: 1 CARLETON QRIVE APT 205 MASHPI=l=, MA 0264.9 „ Email: JBCAPE26 a2GMAILCOM Preferred notification method: X PhoneX Email Description of Proposed Work: NEW CONSTRUCTION OF CAPE COD STYLE HOME ON A VACANT LOT. BREEZEWAY WITH TWO DECKS WITH AN ATTACHED TWO CAR GARAGE BUILT IN 16 =-- H FENCING TO CODE Signed (Owner or a Date: 03/25./24 > Omw/contractor! nt !s at a s required from the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.) D If application Is apQpmff, approve subject to a 10-day appeal period required by the Ad D This certificate Is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later D All new construction will be subject to Inspection by OKH OKH-approved plans MUST be available on -site for framing & final inspections. Rcvd Date: f 2 7 —! Amount S . (A) Cash/CK S: 34 L?�'-- Rcvd by: 5. 450ays: s(i ;'r Date Signed: Approved Approved with Modifications Denied Reason for Denial; Signed: APPLICATION #: 5t4'A0+3 GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEET Pro'ect Address: FOUNDATION: Material: POURED CONCRETE Exposure (Not to exceed 18'): CHIMNEY: Material/Color: BRICK VENEER GUTTERS: Material/Color: WHITE ALUMINUM ROOF: Material: ASPHALT Pitch (7M2 min) 6/12 Height to Ridge: 28 Color: SLATE GRAY SIDING: Material/Style: Front: WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES Sides/Rear: WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES Color: Front: NATURAL Sides/Rear: NATURAL TRIM: AJI windows 8 doors to be trimmed with: Material: AZEK TIMBERTECH 88b(,&6tyLIDING PAT�aTe aIR CLAD Style/Size (if not listed/shown on elevations): STORM DOORS: Qty: Material: GARAGE DOORS: Qty: 2 Mat-[: FIBERGLASS SEE PLAN WINDOWS: gbAjdg;: Front: Left: Right: 1x5 (Circle one.) Color: WHITE Color: WHITr- Color: Style: CARRIAGE Color: WHITE Rear: Color WHITE ManufacturedSeries: ANDERSON Material. Grilles (Requ mo: Pattern (6I6. 2/1, etc.) AS PER PLAtrille Type: True Divided Llte: Snap -In: Between Glass: , Permanently Applied: X _Exterior Interior STORM WINDOWS: Qty: Material: Color: SHUTTERS: Merl: WOOD Style: Paneled Louvered Color: BLACK SKYLIGHTS: Qty: 0 Fixed_____ Vented Size Color: COLOR _CHIPS CFI V MAR 2 7 2024 eAHMuu; j-, DECK: Size: AS PER PLANT Decking MatTMAHOGANY DECKING AT BREF&&AY ONL YENTRY LANDINGS STYLE DECKS W141Railing MatT AZEK Style: Color: WALLS/FENCES+ (Max W helght): Height: MatT Style: ON LANDSCAPE PLAN Color. NATURAL ( NOTE AT REAR OF HOUSE (Show running footage & location on plot plan.) `Finished side of fence must face out from fenced in area. UTILITY METERS/HVAC UNITS: Location: Screening: LIGHTS: Qty: Style: Color: Location(s): LIGHT POSTS: Qty Location(s): Material: Additions! information: BRICK WALKWAY AND POOL DECKING Color: 2-General �—ADY3 APPLICATION #: TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ABUTTERS' LIST Applicant's (Owner) Name: JEAN BOWDEN Property Address/Location: Hearing Date: OWNER JEFFREY JOHNSON TRUSTEE 99 OLD HYANNIS ROAD LOT 61 04/22/2024 Notices must be sent to the applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) whose property directly abuts or is across the street from the applicant. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: www.yarmouth.ma.us Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information: 94 3.1 I VS'Iq57, Abutter Information: CFjVF- MAR 2 7 2G24 f AMIViUU I r OLD KtNG'S HIGHWAY 94 3.2 lbs Ne fS� 4ft � 410 4 dP 94 412 121V$r t35 Application #: 9q -AV 3 8.2018 3 10 cu O � m .� � � 2 _0 5 CF) 0) k! I� ;K [| §. °§ [! a � 2 £ � kit § 0 ! ,■ 0 \§ | !)I REC FIVFD MAR 272]24 .Am_Qu a, ,2q,1"3 r- to N N M �o 0 N O O Wcv N y �( j � � N O N ui CV U c0 2 ,;�t4-1 l )LO 4640 SUBDIVISION %AtbCT LAND IN YARMOUTH N CL T.K H r yor 7 7" ' `. O rnl i O F F C' T.� I A C A4ir'iIP7, )2007 C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y Joshua a Thacher WACR dh. N Av. 12- m. E 8 1.1 f d.IR 18I.58 Easement (See Qoe, Na 1.01912) f dh.rr9. ku 61 ir3 �a 62 .� N NbM72 d>. 144,70 > ry / 64 37 * dhaa N8072WIE r dlr�G J � 0 b0 60 10 #1 ryti 1i.�, o , 59 s�0 41 of a,,, ye �Z; �4r le ft ;r s.) '1ya 0 m Subdivision of Lots 6 and 7 /Cy��i Shown on Plan 37737-8 Fled with Cert. of Title No. 60122 Registry District of Barnstable County Separate certifkates of title moy be issued for land Abutters are shown as shown hereon as Lots 59, 60, 61, 62. 63 and 64 on original decree plan. By the court. /-�, i fc {4a�t.Lr.�c I-, 1. � +�I?'� . a k, ___. Jaiv 11, 2010 ReCarder L4AV REW7R WN aFWE FED 24 2009 -� „urF-aexx Sede of MJy #W1WiWt to an heh rr. Pm&** rApW for fto L Ig z m T A 5 � m I� pvc gg; I n m y 0 ,RgI01Ei�lEF'L5CE00�! I r n m y c 4_� r a rn T pg IO rTL I Im 1 8$ $ rn wp ga R e5 � w w w SIR, S m3 6 e m rn j - O Z RR4 or"Yp 12 21 f m y1y e oil f m memo p gym 1 .2IS2 *� n v wi N y s 9 D-T 71 s Q G d O$ O 4 Q44;— g On i 41,1 r ° IY;pT•1 1 ]a •A �� � A� vI� r 8 < H Em7 a 0 ^' all z a a J 4 p QryryQQ� gx a i ° ew a a u c.i t.� ; C 42� • Z r R ♦ i ■f tq y3b�(� �74 EEE ° x $. W _ 8 t +4 I y �" 8 qq VR- �4g$$� g a s "t a IRV tr i i in tNi• cNi• � �", - > { � � _ F > e � �a � � 6 4�Ta� yQ��� ��Aq � � �� y if ir a g�" s a 31; Ali IN o xy o 5 � � m ffimOO e RUN- 4 z� a m C] 0 g o s ; gTM 3 � N 4 I; y� z ; z zz�z R� °Si �i ° asyo o i76 � 4 ° # Z z Q O R Q o# y n s 223d0' N.T.S. 13OD — m � m TO EASEMENT N O iJ ADO 51. n X RAVI � E i;v TTTT 1 ^] r""' Ca .0 IJVA all 0101 MI., `. FI 11 W�'hi %A �i roil J 1�rwiwii� I I I 1 I N %c I I � o I lQf I ri T W m a n z o m z a g 2611 N.T.S. �azxmxv cr 7p mm�c sW O 7�6m O-=in'>O�c LAY m i 2 O YDczDG�fz01 -tn Z zmg F �N-(M N = r m y X N Qr m N j a D Nm-,Zsu 113� w �o ^o 'n MIX N C IN r w a m �i as l� NEW RESIDENCE 99 OLD HYANNIS RD �� Steven C. Haves Rllllfiln lr ne.Slf'n L ,onsi dt—a-1r. StovTen G Hayes ^earned a professional �e m S�lulecuue from the �1-asrsachuselts In �tiwu NITF /I ANnArAPF PI dN YAR110UTH' MA mm p �n r firm„ v ID m D m m In In m ^� b V 0 � 0 -V T T OO�Loco R 4-1 C' D D C �vmaa a Om rr An mm a = A mcp 4 m to m b U h�fCANCP T T T T T ENO Y T W o ~ X , n; 5teven C. tiaycs earned a pro fesswnal degreem Arch mae from the Massachusens Insmute v&*' NEW RESIDENCE � Steven C. Hayes Building Design Consultant of Tcehnnlnav in 1973. He was hcenve<i to nrdchce aichrtecture m the Commonwealth of FIRST FLOOR PLAN C C) i` v zr � m xC .Um rn A VARIE5 DEPENDING ON ROOF PITCH NEW RESIDENCE r OLD 41YAlOn Ro n Steven C. Haves Building Design Consultant s h �la 1075 a Ipessio I—n" i n� ,pm wIhe Mr�nmmnn �hnf SECOND FLOOR PLAN YAR1i0UTFl, MA CPO 1D O 1o= m 35 rn 70D M70 Ds OW mz o-4 ar 52j aLP N m_ Dm M-1 v0 =m 20-4 r 1K >� mY • 20D as 1 D UZI -(m 29D UM D'J 1Y m� c- MCI)Dm C-0 D c mo rz v< wv mm z Av m 1 m n� M < < zv pv O z0 w 76 KR(P Yom T 0 Y T N 1 O 1 E °Xgx mI aim mm5 vAm c m mmz N N 1 F-muw e > re Om v ter. i a z� � �? Cn :!� ac: ram' =7 4 C rn VIM N1=W RE5IDENCE " c n Steven C. Haves Bu &'f, Des' Consultant degreeSt{evTenh„iiayescarn�edSaprofcssiooalAmtMtc�w from �Mna umu^nslnww� RfiMT/F!)IINnAiI()N PLA1J -4o� _�� Fein A30- Ar Nm3 ,m a s�Q "M 34 3Yv, o 0 a 9!'-1 ' O.A. HEIGHT > -4p ,� Y-10' V- 1 CONS MR HIGHER CEILING V-3' I'LATE Y-O'TCLEOAR�1 CLG E'-1 3/4' PIN. CLG jIEIGHT TH E i C GL X Sri r, -- --- '. b m I II OD 1 1 I I I �13 I I 11 y-93 93 II II II 11 II 111 � ii III II I I O '- 14EAD R.0- I -is . ggTM GL5SE�GE I I. R• M OF � SF GLA58 I I REG' - 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ®® m I II mm I I I II • I j I [L I I x I I mr I I y I I mm I I 1 1 d > EA. I I Y� II I I I I TO I I I II I t` mg 1 1 ------" L3 I I II Ij �t------- - 11 II , II 11 , I I I I I I I -- Y-o• -I r• ,/- I I I r---'-- tj I II I - II II II I 1I �� i l r 1 I Y-O• v m 11 C)K _ C I I 1 I 11 II Ii II r, I i,5i('1 MT �13 n 1 I ❑❑❑❑ R I I ❑❑❑❑ Li 1 I I I 1 I I i ❑ ❑ I I I I I I `• I 1 i I I � '�—' - - - - - I ❑❑❑� m II r I I m-r EA R.m I I i' �❑❑❑�❑•� �❑ I ��_'� A sg i Ag EDGE , OF LSS > 10 7e Ili An� Ill ❑ M. YOn= 1 1 70 I I I k I--- .I 1 06 II I 4 m I� I m °0 (� 3/V24 NEW RESIDENCE '^ VW MTAMM KU { ' I Steven C. Haves Building Design Consultant n, Trrhn�inw n a , LDI"�a �rArn`� nrea`rrn �m, re�ih� L ,�ir�h' FRONT ELEVATION YARMOUTH. MA T O =nm O D> m mc'� MAm, am> -40 10N I fP 2 30. ODi, Y� C zm m m Ma xa -4D rIT I I w n e ID r �: r� LL O --� s r� 1.,f� I cy r' Z� to r j 1 E v x m m y.. . m R3P- / > \ �/ r F Sli IC1.1 D Iry �T f A R CIOat CfD �b lI r r N�bm 0 LD KIS Scevcn C. Hayes earned a professional de�ec in &cfUwxtare from the Ma4sa6 ms Luuuue f/1/14 NEW RESIDENCE YA MOUTH. MA n Steven C. Haves Building Design Consultant ..i T....ti....l..... - IrPrS u...�. r:M�..� ,� �., �r RF eR FLr-VATION I I I I vwra 11 v. l lay%.O 1J4L1111111X Lbllwl VV11JU11 ulL I I nP TA —I —in 1075 I ..�..� �....� .�....�.. �..��...