HomeMy WebLinkAboutsprinkler inspection 05-09-2220224549 Ptoperty Supply Ne1^/ England 269109 28 Aaron Wby Vvest Yarmouth MA 02673 Eethany Marshall 1 8003379469 Print Date: 2022-05-20 Allied Fire Protection lnspection Services lnc'108 Pond Streel Vvest \ hrwick Rhode lsland 02893 401-828-2600 inspections@alliedfire. us Report of lnspection / Test Quarterly NFPA 25 S*s=,.,,ATI.JM Conducted by: Mike Mennella License Sprinkler fitter Report of lnspection / Test General Questions OII'NER SECTION Yes No NA ls the building occupied?Has the occupancy classifcation and ha2ard ot contents rcmained the sarne since the last inspeqlion? E Yes trNo 0NAO Yes trNo trNA Has the system remained in seNice without modfication sinc€ the last inspedion? El Yes ENo DNA Wbs the system free of actuations ofdevices or alarms since the last anspec{ion? E Yes Eruo f] NA FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION E Yes E tto DNA ls the FDC plainly visible?E] Yes ENo 0NA ls the FDC easily accessible? E Yes ENo f] NA ls the FDC check valve drip free?ls the clapper and automatic drain valve in place and properly operating? E) Yes 0No trNA ls the FDC identificatjon sign(s) in place?E Yes ONo DNA VALVE AREA Are the control valves (including backf,ow preventer isolation valves) supervised with seals locked or is supervision in place? El Yes ENo DNA O Yes ENo ONA Are the control valves (including valves on backflow preventers)with locks or eleclrical supervision in correcl (open or closed) position? g Yes ONo trNA Are the control valves (rncluding valves on backftow preventers) with locks or elecirical supervision locked or is supervision in place? E Yes ENo 0NA Are the control valves (including valves on backflow preventers) with locks or elecirical supervision have the appropriate wrenches? g Yes trNo trNA g Yes 0No DNA Are the gauges on system in good condition and showing no.mal wate. supply pressure? E Yes 0No ONA El Yes ENo QNA ALARMS E Yes C t,to trNA ls the alarm vah,/e free from physical damage?E Yes trNo DNA g tr tr Are allfire proteclion systems in service? Are the control valves (including backflow preventer isolation valves) supervised with s€als free from leaks? Are all check valves enernally inspected, operating properly, and are in good condition? Have the mechanical waterffow alarm devaces passed tests by opening inspector's test connedion/bypass conneclion with alarms actualing and flow observed? Are alarms and supervisory devices not damaged? Copytighl 2022 lnspecl Pornt Page 'i of 5 20224549 Property Supply New England 269109 28 Aaron \ by West Yarmouth MA 02673 Bethany Marshall 1 8003379469 Print Dale: 2O22-O5-2O Allied Fire Protection lnspection Services lnc. 108 Pond Street West \rvarwick Rhode lsland 02893 401-828-2600 inspections@alliedfire. us Report of lnspection / Test Quarterly NFPA 25 WW--:rffi Conducted by; Mike lvlennella License Sprinkler fitter ls the trim in correct (open or closed) position?a tr o Yes No NA Have adjusted, repaired, reconditioned, or replaced components had proper testvinspeclions performed? 0 Yes 0No trNA CoW tighl 2022 lnspecl Point Page 2 of 5 MAINTENANCE Report of lnspection / Test Quarterly NFPA 25 WW--i.r'ffi 20224549 Property Supply Ne$/ England 269109 28 Aaron Vl/ay V1/esl Yarmouth l\,lA 02673 Bethany Marshall 18003379469 Print Date: 2022-05-20 Conducted by: Mike Mennella License Sprinkler fitter Allied Fire Prolection lnspeclion Services lnc 108 Pond Street Vlbst WaMick Rhode lsland 02893 401-828-2600 inspeciions@alliedtire.us MAIN DRAIN FLOW TESTS System lnitial Static Static Seconds to Return to lnitial Static Flow Observed? Oid waterflow alarm operate? Ale results comparable to previous test? 4 " shotgun. Riser and no,v 74 55 65 1o Yes Yes Yes Copyright 2022 lnspecl Point Page 3 of 5 Residual 2022{5-09 Property Supply New England 269109 28 Aaron Vlhy West Yarmouth MA 02673 Bethany Marshall 1 8003379469 Print Date: 2022-05-20 Allied Fire Protection lnspeciion Services lnc. 108 Pond Slreet Vvest Vlhrwick Rhode lsland 02893 401-828-2600 inspeclions@alliedfi re.us Report of !nspection / Test Quarterly NFPA 25 ww ::- =-$* Conducted by: Mike Mennella License Sprinkler fitter None None None Cory(ighl 2022 lnspecl Point Page 4 of 5 Ooficiencios - General Ouestions Deficiencigs - General IYot Systom Quertione Deficlenelee - 4 " shotgun. Riser and flow 2022-05-09 Property Supply New England 269109 28 Aaron Way W€st Yarmouth MA 02673 Bethany Marshall 1 8003379469 Print Date: 2O22-O5-2O Allied Fire Protectjon lnspection Servicas lnc. '108 Pond Street West Warwick Rhode lsland 02893 401428-2600 inspections@alliedfi re.us Report of lnspection / Test Quarterly NFPA 25 WW'-G Conducled by: Mike Mennella License Sprinkler fltter I state that the information on this to.m rs conect at the time and place of my inspeclion. and all equipment tested at this tame was left in op€rationalcondition upon completion of thas inspection excopl as noled. lnspector Name Mike Mennella License Sprinkler litter Signature Date Cornpleted 2022-05-09 Copyright 2022 lnspecl Point Page 5 ol5 lnBpactor Signature