HomeMy WebLinkAbout16 Ocean Spray Lane paper applicationtie Application lor 2O24 Rental RegiStration ' TOWN OF YARMOUTH ibunn Department 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664 Telephone (508) 398-2231 , exL 1240 Fax (5O8) 7BO-3472. E-mail: epolite@yarmouth-ma.us The Town of Yarmouth is excited to announce that weve streamlined the online registration procoss to rmake it more user-friendly than ever before! Simply visit https:l/varmouthma.oortat.openoov.com, to get started. There, yoq-can effortl€ssly create your account and conveniently pay the registration fee. iUsing this upgiraded,sysiem, you'll have the power to engage with us throughout the entire process. Not only can you securely communicate with our team, but you'll also gain a@ess to your important documents, the ability to upload photos, and much more! This improved platform is designed lo make your rogistration experience smooth and efficient. Smoke Dotectors and Carbon Monoxlde Detectors are Reguired! Monoxide Detectors and verified that they are less than 10 years.old Contact Ihe Building Departrnant regardlng questlonr on type and locall,on pdo. to Owners: I have ensured the batteries are changed,have tested ALL Smoke Anon-refundable application fee of $80 pef UniUfental is required- Rental certificates expiie on December 3?i, 2024.' lf NOT regbtering- online, please make checks payable to: Town of Yamo:th arrd mall payment to: Town of Yamlouth Health Oepartment. nt will call to schedule an insp€ction if required, upon receipt of an HE^]TH DEPT, The Health i rinn 2B ?oZ4 cbmpleted application & EETE0VEO All flelds arc Rental Property lnformation forms without a valid # or emai! c.annol be Rental Property Address: f 6 Ocean 97r"7 l^ar''c Rental Period: Annual Seasonat)Gnort Term (less than 3t days) Trash Removal by: owner-f, Tenant Rental oe uplex Condo Apartment Room_Hous.)tr Property Owner Name: UJorel rre Su nnof Mailino Address: ;;B-N;;i;;s+ 6 q +1" 31', lttt^ou'\ S,k (requrred)Prrmary Phone No- 8l&- 5rg--7q?D Alternate Phone No.(required)E-maii Address : on lnec-o\ it' g \P\ry. C o{vt (reouired)E-mail Address:' {"Xl [ffi ", " Na l+^t' c' rvl Ownef s Reoresentative/R€ntalAgenUAgenby fecrpor* [-'l\a t z Pt a I \ Primary Phone No 90b-t-l- l11t'/ when I no longer renting the property, or I may bed I musl notify ths Health Department in t4 oZ.Oate: no ofrdsChapter n oa Sign 144 Yarmouth Sho,t Term Renta Minimum Slandaicableand the Stats lable n ourwebsite.for Human Ha I Bylaw (if appl which are avai Fllness a am sub.ject Furth Revised: I @ m( R. MARK SEITSINGER, ESQ, Attorney at La!\ 536 Broad Street, Suitc 5 P.O. Box 890088 [ast Wevmouth- MA 02189 (781) 33r-9333 x2l5 fax (181\ 3319549 Busin€ss Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00arn - 5:00 pm 3t21t24 Town of Yarmouth Health Department 1 146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 RE: Application for 2024 Rental Registration 16 Ocean Spray Lane, West Yarmouth, MA Dear Sir/Madam: I represent Wayne Sumner, owner of 16 Ocean Spray Lane, West Yarmouth, MA. Enclosed is his Application for 2024 Rental Registration, along with the application fee of $80.00. Please send any correspondence or requests to me at my address, or email: Sincerel er, Esq