HomeMy WebLinkAbout5107 492,498,504,512,518 Route 28 Attorney NarrativeTOWN OF YARMOUTH
Applicant: T&C Holdings, LLC, Sandbar Holdings, LLC, and Sandbar Management, Inc.
Owners: T&C Holdings, LLC, and Sandbar Holdings, LLC
Properties: 492, 498, 504, 512, and 518 Route 28, West Yarmouth
Assessor's Map 31, Parcels 79, 80, 81, and 82-C, 83, 84, and 85.1
Project: The Applicant proposes to redevelop three dilapidated motel parcels with several
existing curb cuts on Route 28 by removing all of the existing motel structures and
re -dividing the land as shown on the submitted plan to create 1) one buildable,
commercial lot for future development along the road and 2) one,
not -separately -buildable lot in the rear with driveway access to the road, such rear lot to
be used solely together and in conjunction with the adjacent Wicked Waves Waterpark
property for additional parking.
Relief The Applicant is requesting to modify existing or for new Special Permit relief
Requested: in accordance with Section & 4 of the Yarmouth Zoning By -Law and M.G.L.
Chapter 40A, Section 5, in order to complete the above work.