HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision 4926 Recorded00c:17450736S 01-21-2022 9:31 BAR14STABLE LAND COURT REG15TRY COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS Petition #: 4926 Date: January 10, 2022 Certificate of Granting of a Special Permit (General Laws Chapter 40A, section 11) The Board of Appeals of the Town of Yarmouth Massachusetts hereby certifies that a Special Permit has been granted to: Sandbar Management, Inc. 492, 498, 512, and 518 Route 28 Nest Yarmouth, MA 02673 Affecting the rights of the owner with respect to land or buildings at: 492, 498, 512 and 518 Route 28, Nest Yarmouth, NIA; Map & lot#: 0031.79, 80182-C, 83, 84 & 85.1; Zoning District: B-2 & HMOD1; Certificate #: 199116 & C217.731 C217.741 C21745, C217-763 C217-779 C217-839 C217-85, C217-871 C217.90, and 227222. Land Court Lot & Plan. Lot 44-Plan # 26266-F, Lot 43-Plan # 26266-F, Lot 41- Plan #26266-D. Book 6730, Page 2, Book 28033, Page 253, Book 29259, Page 67, and Book 32953, Page 18. Plan Book 652, Page 84. Plan Book 112, Page 61 and the said Board of Appeals further certifies that the decision attached hereto is a true and correct copy of its decision granting said Special Permit, and copies of said decision, and of all plans referred to in the decision, have been filed. The Board of Appeals also calls to the attention of the owner or applicant that General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 11 (last paragraph) and Section 13, provides that no Special Permit, or any extension, modification or renewal thereof, shall take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certification of the Town Clerk that twenty (20) days have elapsed after the decision has been filed in the office of the Town Clerk and no appeal has been filed or that, if such appeal has been filed, that it has been dismissed or denied, is recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the county and district in which the land is located and indexed in the grantor index under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate of title. The fee for such recording or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant. Steven S. DeYoung, Chairman •`%`Q�-TRUE COI�pC MM %pyTA)� a TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS DECISION FILED WITH TOWN CLERIC: December 2Q 2021 PETITION NO: 4926 HEARING DATE: December 9, 2021 PETITIONER: Sandbar Management, Inc. OWNERS: Sandbar Holdings LLC and T&C Holdings, LLC PROPERTY: 492, 498, 512, and 518 Route 28, West Yarmouth, MA Map & Parcel: 0031.79, 80, 82-C, 83, 84 & 85.1; Zoning District: B2 & HMODI Certificate #: 199116 & C217-73, C217-74, C217-75, C217-76, C21747, C217-839 C217-855 C217-87, C217-90, and 227222 Land Court Lot & Plan, Lot 44-Plan # 26266.F Lot 43-Plan # 26266-F Lot 41-Plan #26266-D Book 6730, Page 2, Book 28033, Page 253, Book 29259, Page G7, and Book 32953, Page 18 Plan Book 652, Page 84 Plan Book 112, Page 61 MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Steven DeYoung, Chairman; Sean Igoe, Vice Chairman; Jay Fraprie; and Timothy Kelley Notice of the hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the Petitioner and all those owners of property as required by law, and to the public by posting notice of the hearing and publishing in The Register, the hearing opened and held on the date as stated above. The Petitioner is Sandbar Management, Inc. The Petitioner has previously obtained relief from the Board of Appeals in Petition Nos. 4368, 442Q 4486, 4524, 4567, and 4705 for the properties at 512, 518, 526, and 532 Route 28, West Yarmouth. The properties are the site'6f tly,Cape Cod Inflatable Park and Cape Cod Family Resort. The current Petition also incldAiC% the a$jacet(t),, properties at 492 and 498 Route 28, West Yarmouth. The properties colic ly are locatedinrj the B-2 Zoning District and the HMODI Zoning District. ti A±RUE COPY ATT The Petitioner now seeks permission to further reconfigure, expand, and redevelop the Property to replace the inflatable water rides with a permanent water ride feature, add additional pool and ride areas, mechanical and other buildings, and associated infrastructure, remove the adventure inflatable rides and relocate the inflatable air rides to this former area, expand parking on -site and on incorporated adjacent motel parcels, and replace the existing motel buildings with a smaller accessory structure, all as shown on the submitted plans. The Petitioner was represented by Attorney Andrew Singer together with Mr. Joseph Marrama, principal owner and operator of the facility; Mr. Kieran Healy, Engineer; and Mr. Ray Lauenstein, of Aquatic Development Group. Kathy Lahav and Ruben Lahav (tenants at commercial property across the street), Michel Mangalo (commercial shopping plaza property owner across the street), Patty Lloyd (Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce), Brian Carey, and Tom Nickinello spoke in support of the proposal. Genevieve Stnithland (residential abutter to the rear of the property) spoke with two concerns regarding the amount of water used and the height of the proposed water ride. The Yarmouth Conservation Agent submitted a Memorandum reflecting that the Conservation Commission voted to grant a Stormwater Permit with conditions for the proposed redevelopment. A lengthy discussion, including questions and consideration, took place concerning which parts of the proposal require a special permit or a variance and the respective criteria for such relief, as well as concerning the wave pool, the swim -up adult pool, Park operations, safety, lifeguards, peak day use, and bathrooms. There was further discussion about parking spaces, calculation of people per car, occupancy, and traffic. There was considerable discussion and debate concerning the setbacks, design, landscaping, and screening of the new accessory storage building and parking at the to -be -incorporated site of the two adjacent, obsolete motel properties. As originally proposed, one additional curb cut on Route 28 would be closed. In consultation with the Yarmouth Building Commissioner as Zoning Enforcement Officer, the Petitioner initially proposed the following specific relief: Arnend Condition 3 of Decision #4567 to reconfigure the Park to remove the adventure inflatable rides and relocate the inflatable air rides to this front part of the Park and install the permanent water ride feature in place of the inflatable water rides as well as install the wave pool, flowrider, adult pool, and kids pool as well as mechanical and other buildings, and associated infrastructure; 2. Amend Condition 3 of Decision #4368, as previously amended in Condition i of Decision #4420 and Condition 3 of Decision #4705, to reflect updated hours of operation: A. June through Labor Day, weather -dependent; B. Water Park — 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.rn.; and C. Inflatable Park — 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; 3. Amend Condition 1(c) in Decision #4420 to reflect new wall scpree lightiridet, the buildings within the Park. Otherwise, existing outdoor lilting will remain °6y previously approved; ti '•>~ PaTRUE COPY ATTE; 4. Amend Condition 12 of Decision 44368, as previously amended in Condition 4 of Decision #4705 (allowing one inflatable water ride to be 44 ft. in height), to allow maximum height of replacement water ride feature to be 39 ft, I in, to the platform, 42 ft. 7 in. to the top of the guardrail, 46 ft. 1 l in. and 47 ft. 4 in. respectively to the top of two slides, and 49 ft. 10 in. to the top of the conveyor; 5. Authorize use of parking determination of 3.8 peoplelcar instead of 3.0 peoplekar based on experience of Aquatic Development Group with its developments, experience with family use of the Park, and the fact that up to thirty percent (30%) of the Park customers typically reside in the Cape Cod Family Resort motel rooms. This determination impacts plumbing features and occupancy within the Park in that the greater the occupancy, the more plumbing fixtures are required for customers; 6. In connection with the replacement, accessory, garage storage building at the former 492-498 Route 28, relief to maintain the pre-existing nonconforming 28.5 ft. front setback for the main building face and 27± ftt for the roofed overhang at the front door as requested by the Town Planner. This building is an accessory building as defined because all of the land that is part of this Application is controlled by the same individual(s); and 7. Relief to maintain the existing vegetated buffer between the former 492-498 Route 28 and the adjacent 504 Route 28, All other landscape requirements for plantings and buffer trees will be complied with throughout the combined land. Pre-existing nonconforming site coverage will decrease from 79.8% to 78.1 %, The use of the Park remains a permitted use by special permit in the B2 Zoning District, and the proposal has been designed and is intended to complement and improve the vibrancy of the Property and the area. The proposal represents a continuation of the Petitioner's ongoing efforts to improve and upgrade the popular family -oriented business that has been thriving at this location. The proposal has been reviewed by both the Yarmouth Design Review Committee and the Site Plan Review Committee, and the Yarmouth Conservation Commission has voted to approve a Stormwater Permit. Emergency vehicle access to the Park will continue to be provided by two access gates in addition to the main entrance as previously approved. The removal of the adventure inflatable rides at the front of the Property and the relocation of the inflatable air rides to this front part of the Park wilt result in less visibility of park attractions behind the front screening fence and berm along Route 28, The wave pool, kids pool, flowrider, and adult pool bar and associated improvements within the Park will also not be visible behind the berm and fencing; Building coverage will remain conforming. There will be no negative impact to drainage, septic flow or Stormwater. Drainage within the Park itself is self-contained, and the site �yil�¢e dewatered at the end of each season. ! ,' While all Board members agreed that the existing motel buildings are obsolete and in need of >~ redevelopment, they did not agree on the determination of the replacement eihftym opY P r allowed accessory structure under the Zoning By -Law. Therefore, the Petitioner proposed to withdraw this portion of the request and revisit it later in a subsequent petition as necessary, except for maintaining the existing shell parking at the rear of the motel property. As a result, the relief requested in Nos. 6 and 7 above was no longer necessary for this Petition, and the existing curb cuts on Route 28 will remain as is. Some of the Board members were also concerned with the relief required for the height of the proposed replacement water ride feature. Therefore, the Petitioner proposed to withdraw this portion of the request and revisit it later in a subsequent petition as necessary. As a result, the relief requested in No 4 above was no longer necessary for this Petition. Based on the above and testimony received at the public hearing, the Board found that the balance of the redevelopment proposal will not be substantially more detrimental or more nonconforming to the neighborhood, Zoning District or Town than the existing conditions, that it will not cause or contribute to any undue nuisance, hazard or congestion, that there will be no substantial harm to the established or future character of the neighborhood or Town, and that strict enforcement of the current Zoning By -Law will result in undue hardship to the Property or the owner. Thereafter, a motion was made by Mr. Igoe, seconded by Mr. Fraprie, and voted 4-0 in favor, to grant as requested herein modifications to the previously -granted Special Permit, as amended, in accordance with the plans submitted as follows and subject to the following conditions: Amend Condition 3 of Decision #4567 to reconfigure the Park to remove the adventure inflatable rides and relocate the inflatable air rides to the front part of the Park and install the wave pool, flowrider, adult pool, and kids pool as well as mechanical and other buildings, and associated infrastructure, other than the permanent water ride feature; 2. Amend Condition 3 of Decision #4368, as previously amended in Condition l of Decision #4420 and Condition 3 of Decision #4705, to reflect updated hours of operation: A. June through Laborweather-dependent; B. Water Park — 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.tn.; and C. Inflatable Park — I0:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.ni.; 3. Amend Condition 1(c) in Decision #4420 to reflect new wall sconce lighting on the buildings within the Park; 4. Authorize use of parking determination of 3.8 people/car instead of 3.0 peoplelcar for purposes of calculating plumbing features and occupancy vvithin the Park; and 5. Subject to the following three conditions: . � "r�,'�;_ ; 1 A. A copy of the safety plan for the wave pool within thg,Park shall be submitted to Board of Appeals office; A E COP PrTMST: IP cM.y�crcf.�w?f,J,A OQZ2 B, The existing clam shell parking area on the west side of the Property as shown on Sheet 2 of 7 of the submitted plan package may continue to be used, but not expanded without further review of the Board of Appeals; and the properties at 492 and 498 Rotite 28 are no longer used iat e future in connection with the Cape Cod Inflatable Park and Cape Cod Family Resort, then re -use of such properties shall be reviewed by the Board of Appeals. Thereafter, the Petitioner requested to withdraw without prejudice so much of the Petition that dealt with installing the permanent water ride feature in place of the inflatable water rides and removing the motel buildings and replacing them with a new, smaller building and expanded parking and closing a curb cut. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted 4-0 in favor of granting the request to withdraw these portions of the Petition without prejudice. No permit shall issue until ZO days from the filing of this decision with the Town Clerk. This decision must be recorded at the Registry of Deeds and a copy forwarded to the Board of Appeals. Appeals from this decision shall be made pursuant to MGL e40A section 17 and must be filed within 20 days after filing of this notice/decision with the Town Clerk. Unless otherwise provided herein, the Special Permit shall lapse if a substantial use thereof has not begun within 24 months. (See bylaw, MGL c40A §9) Steven DeYoung, Chairman C>JRTITICATION OI' TOWN CLERK I, Mary A. Maslowski, Town Clerk, Town of Yarmouth, do hereby certify that ZO days have elapsed since the filing with me of the above Board of Appeals Decision # 4926 that no notice of appeal of said decision has been filed with me, or, if such appeal has been filed it has been dismissed or denied. All appeals have been exhausted. (: A%fjttJE COPY AT(I�ST' Mary A. Maslowski JAN 1 0 2022 BARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS CMM i Iur O 2022 John F. Meade, Register