HomeMy WebLinkAbout24-A047 79 Wharf Lane ApprovedVARMOLfif H TOWN CLERK : Y . � TOWN OF YARMOUTH '24APR23PH,9.5 RECEIVE II 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292—Fax (508) 398-0836 APR 060D KI G'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE t Ah(WWiJ'j Y APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings, photographs, & other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 CogieS OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS, PHOTOS, & SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That AwIT, Indicate type of Building: Commercial X Residential 1) Exterior Building Construction: New Building Addition _Alterations Reroof Garage Shed X Solar Panels Other: 2) Exterior Painting: Siding Shutters Doors _Trim Other: 3) Signs/Billboards: New Sign Change to Existing Sign 4) Miscellaneous Structures: Fence Wall Flagpole Pool Other: Please type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: 79 Wharf Lane Yarmouth MA 02678 Map/Lot # 121-039 Owner(s): John.FReayt- Phone #: 617-8 99-2 341 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: 79 Wharf Lane Yarmouth MA 02675 Year built: 1940 Email: reeyeasspcs(0)comcast. net Preferred notification method: Phone X Email Agent/contractor: Sunrun Installation Services_/ Stephen A Kelly Phone#: 978-793-7881 Mailing Address: 695 Myles Standish Blvd Taunton MA 02780 Email: eastmapermitsAsunrun.com Preferred notification method: Phone X—Email Description of Proposed Work: Installation of a flush rooftop mounted solar system Total of 20 panels There will be 11 panels ont he rear of the home and 9 panels on the south roof array of the garage Panels will not be visible from the roadway. Panels are black in color with black frames. Signed (Owner or agent): Date: 4/1 /2024 Owner/contractorlagenl Is aware that a permit is required from the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.) D If application is approved, approval is subject to a i 0-day appeal period required by the Act. D This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later D All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH. OKH-approved plans MUST be available on -site for framing & final inspections. Rcvd Date: 1411 Amount N A- Coe CastdCK #: Coe Rcvd by: L 1 S, 45 Days: ( N Approved Approved with _Modifications Denied Reason for Denial: Signed: Date Signed:a4_hJtrX;,24 I GLD Ki# S�HIGHWAY APPLICATION #. J oo Yy TOWN OF YARMOUTH c v 1 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext.1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING CHANGES TO AN OLD KING'S HIGHWAY APPROVED PLAN As property owner/contractor/agent for construction at -7 q V* 74 ila� Map/Lot 0 CIA # Approval Date: r Z certify that I understand the following requirements regarding any changes that may be required for this project: In accordance with paragraph 2(a) of section 1.03(General Procedures) of the OKH 972 CMR Rules and Regulations: Only minor changes may be approved by the Committee without the filing of a new application and a new hearing. Minor changes include alterations that can be done without a detrimental impact on the overall appearance of the project such as altering a single window or door change or a minor change of colors. All minor changes by amendment will require the local Committee's or its designee's approval. All changes to previously OKH approved plans require notification to and approval from the local OKH Committee. Change requests must be submitted to the Committee in writing on the appropriate request form, which may be obtained from the OKH office. All change approvals must be obtained before incorporating the change into the project. If the change has been implemented prior to receipt of OKH approval, a Minor Change approval or Certificate of Appropriateness application for the revised plans is still required and will result in a doubled filing fee for the appropriate category of work. Failure to comply with the above statements will result in the Building Department issuing a stop -work order or delaying the issuance of an Occupancy Permit or final inspection approval. I have read and understand the above statements. Date: t Signed: (O er/Contractor/Ag ) APR 2 2 2024 (oil Signed: YA5T' r Chairman, Old Kin s Highway Committee HAOKH COMMITTEEWpplication FormsIStatement of Understanding 2015.docx Updated 12I2015 0 TOWN OF YARMOUTH p H 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 026644451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE 45-DAY TIMEFRAME WAIVER Application #: 9L4- Project Address: 79 Wharf Lane Yarmouth MA 02675 Application Received Date: 411 12q 45 Day Decision Deadline: IIWe, the undersigned owner, contractor, or agent, do hereby waive the 45-day timeframe for a determination on our application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption by the Old King's Highway Historic District Committee for the following project: Rooftop Solar 20 panels Date: RECEIVED APR 01 2024 OLD. KING $ HIGHWAY Signed: Owner Owner Cont ctor/Age APPROVED I APR 2 2 2024 fARMOUTh L1, ,A-0q-7 TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ABUTTERS' LIST Applicant's (Owner) Name: �h Qc/,e, Property Address/Location: —11 V,,�l ?V:r Lar�t Hearing Date: '-I 12A 24 Notices must be sent to the applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) whose property directly abuts or is across the street from the applicant. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: www.yarmouth.ma.us Applicant Information Abutter Information: RECRVED APR 0 1 ,' OLD KING'S filOWYM AppROVED APR 1, 2 2024 fARMOUTIH „r1. LAknrAv 8.2018 Map Number Lot Number 130 !3 159P 9 t� 1-7 S d1 �l & 2P- f�l Application #: Q'- A>4:r 1211 171 ► 1 REEVE JOHN G REEVE STEPHANIE S 79 WHARF LANE YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1301 61 1 1 114 WHARF LANE LLC HEMENWAY & BARNES LLP 75 STATE ST BOSTON , MA 02109 1211 391 1 1 REEVE JOHN G REEVE STEPHANIE F 79 WHARF LANE YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1211 611 1 1 TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4463 1301 131 1 1 ALGER SARAH F TRS LONGMEADOW REALTY TRUST 85 WHARF LN , YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1211 381 1 1 PETERSEN JON C PETERSEN LAUREL 71 WHARF LN YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 Please use this signature to certify this list of properties directly abutting and across the street from the parcel located at: 79 Wharf Ln., Yarmouth Part, MA 02675 Assessors Map 121, Lot 39 Andy I9chado, Director of Assessing April 9, 2024 F?tf) APR 2 2 2024 YARMo u-rh APR U 9 2024 YAHMUu i r, OLD KINGS HIGHWAY IX u � l�l� �}2�u ?L�-ANI M 1 1.4 Iq V4 N C N 06 r� VESPER 1�E ri N .-i � CV M Ln 00 � .w N � N W ' 4 F �y eq 7 _---I 5 En Y7 A 6 uK " �` b E �r �aQ 0 0 N � a i� APR 611 ZD24 t YAFilvlOUTh r OLD KINGS HIGHWgy Po iE APR 2 2 20- 4 J n, n ,YARmuu fh I v N N C a Q { c APPROVE.i TIVED . � MAR 14 2024 APR 2 2 2024 i i AhIVIUU I r) YAHMUU rh s OLD KINGS HIGH hr r%Vinif-C Ulf-LJIAtAv RECTIVIED Proposed rooftop solar system will consist of 20 Slack colored solar panels. Eleven (11) panels will be an the rear roof section of the mein home and nine (9) panels will be on the south facing roof array of garage. Panels will not be viewed from the public Photo to the left is example of what the system will look like. Photos below are street views from front and to the left of the home showing panels will not be visible. APR 0I 2024 (AhaVIUU I n ®� 4a _ RECRV DL APR 01 2024 r Hn14rtJLJ I r M OLD KINGS H1GHW �f At,����'1G�►wAY H 1.0 KING'S SHEET INDEX SCOPE OF WORK PADS s DESCRIPTION... • SYSTEM SIZE: 800061VDC, S800W AC PV-1.0 COVER SHEET MODULES:120M HAHAHA O-CELLS'. 0.PEAK DUO SLK PV•2.0 SITE PLAN ML•4370•rt 4D0 • INVERIERI81• PY-3.0 LAYOUT (201 ENPHASE ENERGY, IOSPLU3.7Z2-US • RACKING: SNMNRACK RLU. RL UNIVERSAL, SPEEDSEAL PV4,0 ELECTRICAL TRACK ON COMP. SEE DETAIL SNR-DC-00636 PV-5"0 SKWAGE ABBREVIATIONS 1 VICINITY MAP Mwrmm� Tama uwrNr ~4 • xM lb�•vw4 ",�e�� �� Tcw �4 �urrrc�+Mao itwoiMevv�Q�v +•+�san1ww � +i Wn F r+sTT•.,c+rsM GENERAL NOTES - ALLWORK SHALL COMPLYWITN MAIIITH ED. CMR 78011015IRCABCJIEBCI, 2023 NEC AND 2023 MA ELECTRICAL CODE SU CMR 120012M NFPA 70 WITH MA AMENDMENTS). MUNICIPAL CODE. ANO ALL MANUFACTURER& LISTINGSAND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM WILL COMPLY WITH NEC 2023. • ELECTRICAL SYSTEM GROUNDING WALL COMPLY WITH NEC 2023. • PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM IS UNGROUNDED. NO CONDUCTORS ARE SOLIDLY GROUNDED IN THE INVERTER. SYSTEM COMPLIES WTTN 850.35. • MODULES CONFORM TO AND ARE LISTED UNDER ULSO730. • INVERTER CONFORMS TO AND IS LISTED UNDER U. 1741 • RACKING CONFORMS TO AND 15 LISTED UNDER UL 2703. • SNASNRACK RACKING SYSTEMS, W COMBINATION WITH TYPE I OR TYPE N MODULES, ARE CLASS A FIRE RATED. • RAPIO SMJTDOIM{ REQUIREMENTS MET 1MIEN INVERTERS AND ALL CONDUCTORS ARE VSTI•MN ARRAY BOUNDARIES PER NEC GK12(1). • CONSTRUCTION FOREMAN TO RACE CONDUIT RUN PER OW31(DI. • ARRAY OC CONDUCTORS ARE SIZED FOR OERATEO CURRENT • 1210 AMPS MODULE SHORT CIRCLTT CURRENT. • 19 .04 AMPS DERATED SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT (OKS (A) & OW.8184 • PV INSTALLATION COMPLIES VATH THE NEC 2023 ARTICLE 680.12(B)17K21. CONTROLLED CONDUCTORS LOCATED INSIDE THE ARRAY BOUNDARY ARE UMTTED TO 80 VOLTS VATHN 30 SECOND OF A RAPID SHU TDO-M INITIATION FLAME APR 2 2 2024 f YARMOuTh LD KINGS HIGHWAY sunrun s1s0120 CUSTOMER RESIDENCE' J014N REEVE 79 V* MF LH YARMOUTML MA 02075 TE, (817)n9.n41 4PN. VAIIAMMi2140007J PROJECTNUMBER. 223R-078REEV VICTOR MUTABARUKA SHEET COVER SHEET REV Al '3H3FN24 '" PAGE PV-1.0 APPROVEDI FrFIVF-0 APR 222O24 4,0t YARWU 16 Nn,vlilu I r! SITE PLAN - SCALE - vd4-- T' � R ROOF PAT"AYS - IT TYPI CB INI ARRAY AR-01 FIRESETBACKS -- t I IS TYPI E INIARRAYAR-02 RFCFIVE4 i4PR 0 12024 I AmIlvIUU I I -I ~ IEIFENCE AR-02 1 34- 165' !tY 79d.2 NOTES: g .RESIDENCE D0E9 NOT CONTAIN AC-IV8 FIRE SE SPRINKLERS. ARRAY • TOTAL ROOF SURFACE AREA 17l7 SOFT TOTAL R ---L� . TOTAL PV ARRAY AREA 422.7 SO FT _ --- - PERCENTAGE PV COVERAGE - TOTAL PV ARRAY AREA/TOTAL ROOF SURFACE - T AREA)' f 0O - 24.6% -----------------\EI RESIDENCE I RCOF PATHWAYS f7' TYPI Isunrun lEl GATE ; • , _ .� CL fE1 SHED • 2,• _ — ��+..�i r� • -.. IEIDRIVEwAY--#---____ - w n ,• :USTOMER RESIDENCE .IDNN REEVE 79 VWIARF Ul. YARMOUTH. M0. OX75 El {d17Id92,2341 PN YARM4%0214KIW% NOTE: 6UCRO2NVERTERS INSTALLED UNDER EACH MCOVLE 222R-079ItEEV LEGEND SUNAVN METER AC AC DISCONNECT(S) ® ELECTRICvwcE MICRocwD S DESIGNER 415. sedaxi • SUPPLYEDUPMEM INTERCONNECT DEVICE ELECTRODE VCTOR MVTABARUKAGROUNDING x3 DEgCATED PV METER MDC gSCONNECT{SI I� ENERGY STORAGE METER ADAPTER r, INTERIOR EQUIPMENT SHEET PM f SYSTEM L J SHowN AS GASHED SITE PLAN SE SERACE ENTRANCE SP SUS.PANEL INY INVERTERtSi a ACREL METER ®BAr K..P INTERFACE (D y- RWE'SUNICAT1ON SNR M{xINT REV A7 31IM2024 M MAIN PANEL LC PV LOAD CENTER E —EDGE METER a IG COMBINER 801( BP BAI. K..P P. OADS PANEI SNR MLF. NT 6 SgRT PAGE PV-2.0 WrTIVED App-ROVEM MAI? 14 0� � 5 APR 2 2 2024 fmmivIuu I r, 4 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY fARmuuih..,A , 1: ROOFINFO Name TTpa Ho^ AR-01 COMPSHWOLE-RLU 2-St"Y AR-02 COMPSHNGLE-RLU 1,%" SCALE: WIV-V-V A21M: 256• PRCH: 10• O2-AR-02�SCAlE: 0l16' � 1'-0' A21M: 10I• PRCH: 3I- RECRVED APR 012024 r AMVI V U I rI _D KING' HI HWAY FRAMINGINFO ATTACHMENTINFORMATION DESIGN CRITERIA Typo Max OC DKai Ma L w.%Wa M- U xkmpa Max Pamalt Max PpOaH Capon MJA { pgTPoBUTED LOAD: 3 Span SPaam OC $P@dM O-t-v OC SpWoo Orrhani SNOW LOAD: ]p PSF 2X8 RAFTERS 7r-5 IT RL UNIVERSAL, SPEEDSEAL TRACK ON COMP SEE OETAIL SNR4X-00170 S-f 7-1- 4%0' 1'-y STAGGERED 1NND SPEED: .IO MPH A$EC OUST S,A. LAG SCREW 2XS RAFTERS IV-1• 1R RL UNIVERSAL, SPEEOSEAL TRACK ON COMP SEE DETAIL SNR4DC-0M33 S•4' 7-1' 4'•� 7-P STAGGERED 511C 2SM1N. EMBEDMENT 1 '7 r Mw HALL IFY INE ERSOBS HALL IFY INE ERSOBS POTNTIALSLERS TRUCTURAL RUCTUR LISSU RUED ISSUES OBSERVED O PRIOR sunrun TOP PROCEEDING PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WI INSTALLATION. ' IF ARRAY 4EXCLUDING SKIRT] Is WTHIN I SOUNWY REGION OF AIY ROOF PLANE EDGES (EXCEPT VALLEYS). THEN 0180120 ATTACHMENTS NEED TO BE ADDED AND OVERHANG REDUCED WITHIN THE I - "�'•1A 11Rp""""""' BOUNDARY REGION ONLY AS FOLLOWS. ^ ALLOWABLE ATTACHMENT SPACING USTOME C=T INDICATED ON PLANS TO BE REDUCED BY Sm "ALLOWABLE REERVERESIDENCE OVERHANG INDICATED ON PLANS TO BE USTH OF ALLOWABLE 79V* 7B WFMRF LN. YARMOUIH, MA ATTACHMENT SPACING INDICATED ON PLANS. TEL (I/T)SN'Tfu AP14 YAAM4=21400000 VICTOR MUTABARUKA SHEET LAYOUT REV A. WIRMA PA"'- PV-3.0 Fr,FIVE MAR 14 2024 s 1-tnlVllJV I f � I !11 11 v1n1!'_�C Llff;h EL,FIVFD APR Q 12024 _. rHnNnVUlr1 12W40 VAC SINGLE PHASE SERVICE METER t O EVERSOURCE 2353B25 1'RITY NOTE FOR OTAL INTERCONNECTION CALCULATIONS VSER FOR INTERCONNEOTION CALCULATIONS GRiO RRLY YG� TM 1 (N71Mrt A ExPHASE 10 420l HANVBiAO-CELLS r fi f/ Q-PEAK DUO BLK ML-G10+ AC COMBINER BOX 400 MODULES AND V4TH INTEGRATED `Y `Y `Y MICROtNVERTER PAIRS IN) LOCKABLE 15A ENVOY BREAKER EYJ$TING 100A BLADE TYPE XX40-MAI-240-X I261 ENPHASE ENERGY MAIN BREAKER FUSED AC 2 IQ8PLU5.72.2AJS DISCGNNECT 3' — — — I EXISTING �hcTl NT 1 Ill BRANCH OF (11) y 125A MAIN I, MICR04NVERTERS [A) PANEL `a Illl(q BRANCH OF 19) MICR I AL ILITY MAIN BVS r 04NVERTERS IBI GOADS 3S4 FUSES SQUARE D 20A BREAKER JAI U LT�NRB 20A BREAKER IBI 3R 6M 120R40VAC CONDUITSC F CONDUIT CONDUCTOR NEUTRAL GROUND 1 NONE (2) 12 AM PER ENPHASE O CABLE BRANCH NONE 11) 10 AM BARE COPPER 2 W EMTOR EOUIV. 14) 10AYYG THHWTKM+2 NONE 41) 6 AM THHNWTHNTL2 3 314' EMTOR ECMV. (218 AM THKWTmVV L2 I i110 ANA3 THHNII)4 4 2 1118 AWG THHWHVI%2 4 314' EMT OR EOUIV. 1216 AM THH WIMNF2 L116 AM THHNRIMTF2 41) 8 ANG THHNITF6M1-2 MORuLE CHARACTERLSTIC9 11AFRYFIP, Q.CELLS O.PEAK OW BLN ML-010•rt 400- 400 W OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE 45,55 V MAX POKER VOLTAGE: 36.09 V SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 1218A TAP DEVICE MUST BE MARKEWSUITABLE FOR USE ON THE LINE SIDE OF THE SERVICE EQUIPMENT' OR EQUIVALENT APPROVED1 APR 2 2 20Z4 YARMOU I I —I KINGS HIGI� CF-IF-D I s ° 4 2f'2T+ l + Artill"U I rl jWARNING ELEr.TRICAL SHOCK HAZMD F TOMMONU EAIDLO D SAE.SM AYBEENER=WIN THE OPENT OHMN fML t O=mw4mNECTB). AOOOMNNER PANEL PF Am xAom PER COM114 NEC MT. W.13tW sunrun Tmam 70S.1NC1 WARNING YAwBERYT E EOT DUALPOWERSUPPLY SOURCES: UTILITY ELRIo w ' n ra m ns• • AND PY SOLAR BLECTWC I IL SYSTEM �� YT EW-H ITEYERY1ONS SSIETER AND ILLM UR AWAAD FLOW AT EACNYYRNAIOIRANODELOW FENETRAT SERVICE PANEL,ON 3. EV'ERYJ9MILL FDN OONTANNO DC CIRCURl. PER CODE(@). NEC 7WS 7S0.MryI PER ODDEBI: NEC LOSS: SM�1IgRl WARNING L • • fTRBIEO1wCE0UfFMf�CTpN +. SO1 . . SYSTal DO NOT RELOCATE THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE LABEL LOGTgN. WTALLED YIIf11Ri YOF RAPDUM OOYIN ADAICFNT WEAKER MD LES OPPO PFAPHIGRpEq. awrcx PER COM04: NEC 10n M0.12(D)M RFC T01E- ISWAS FER CDDE(W NEC TOS7. M.13 on SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN r TURFI RAPD mvmom BVLRCIITOTI4"ow PDBRDN TOSTRR DDY1N PV8Y5TEMA DRM= SHOCK HAZARD N THE AItlHAY. ON OR NO NK)RE TNAT I Y q FTI FR71 THE SERVICE DtlfCP11NECTW MEANS TOVMNCN IRE PvmTEm MECOMECTED" MA CODEM: NEC SWa M0.120 CRV ED APR 012024 (AhfVIUU I rl OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Norea MP aFEe�r�TRINs: • 11011ANDLAEEu FIMLA lN*THERECLNREI1LE lRTIENEc TM 4KIE F REQSL TEDDYTmEL* INlTRUCTIDwa MEREOIIEIEP EY aEOTgN Mq pl i REQUESTED EY THE IOCAL ANT. •SnNR .o LASEWENALL AOEOVAT[LYWORN OIIIAYMD!M1R10 EFFlGNYF MORD0. CDLORS MPSYMENTL . METHOD L F[RMANE HAND UTT TP TNF FMNL4MTdlWRNQ NETMIDAND ME IKTTEIMNPYMTAEN. LABEL VFJ1A1L BE OF N11KK1F11T NTRMLLIIY /O YATNifMD1NE EMVFlOIIMETIT NYOLVEq. • SPNNSOMDELa aLCO11ANSI II!L111 PROdGf yAFEf 616aLMELaMNLEaOTHERWESPE •OT GOWNWTNWFTRR LAWLS, CAUTION MULTIPLE SOURCES OF POWER SOLAR PANELS ON ROOF I-- MAIN PANEL (INT) AC DISCONNESERVICE ENTRANCOMBINER BO 79 WHARF LN, YARMOUTH, MA, 02675 fiRcOOEm NECTMT TOmoM PPROVED APR 2 2 2024 YARMOUTH KING'S HIGHWAY -A\4 Q.PEAK DUO BLK ML-G10+ SERIES 385 -410 Wp 1132 Cells 20.9% Maximum Module Efficiency i MODEL WEAK DUO BILK ML-G10+ Frr-WEB APR 120Z4 f nn.,. ./ i Yr1 Oi�KIN_&S HIGHWAY 6 busbar cell technology The ideal solution lor. Rooftop arrays on t T residential buildings 12 busbar cell technology APPROVED APR 2 2 Z024 YARMUU [ F- OLD KING S HIGHWAY _ PFCFIVED 4 2["`4 r,ih.V1UU I t Quells �I Breaking the 20 % efficiency barrier O.ANTUM DUO 2 Technology with zero gap cell 'ayout boosts module eff ooncy up to 20.9 %. A reliable investment 2Inclusive 25 year product warranty and 25-year linear Warranty performance warranty' Enduring high performance Long-term yield security with Ant LeT;D Technology. xeAs Anti PID Technology' and Hot -Spot Protect Extreme weather rating High-tech aluminium alloy frame. certified for high snow (540OPa) and wind loads (4000 Pa). _ Innovative all-weather technology optimal yields. whatever the weather with excellent towaight and temperature behaviour The most thorough testing programme in the industry Ocells is the first solar muL.uie manufacturer to pass the most comprehensive qua;ity programme to Me industry. The new "Quality Controlled PV' of the independent certification institute TOV Rheinland. � See data sweet on rear rof lurtnef InlamaDW :APT Icg conC4WS accofang to IEC ITS 62904-12015- rodnpd A(-! 500V 96 h) ,dam,%w• PEAK DUO BLK ML-G10+ SERIES ■ Mechanical Specification Format 74.0in a 411in w 1.26in (including frame) 0879 mm x 1045mrn • 32 mm) Weight 48.5lbs (22 Okg) Front Cover 0.13 in (3.2mm] thermally pre -stressed glass with anti-refteclio'' technology Back Cover Composite film Frame Black anodised aluminium Cell 6 a 22 monocryslalline OANTUM solar half tells Junction box 2,09-3.98 n Y , 0.59 0.71in (53-IG1mm - 32-60mm - 15.18mm),IP67 with bypass diodes Cable 4mm�sa(arcable;(i1249.2;n0250mm),H ,492in(1250mm) Connector Stal.'a MC4, JIM ■ Electrical Characteristics APPROVED' APR �. 2 2024 urLnua.e itra441+rL I r,trnxaene rrrr..y fl p� (,'Airj �- �1� +•a.-a.a + +ra.w+a+MeavLr _ i oK{llswq I1�J�o 3YPS�wn POWER CLASS 385 3" 326 4W 46S 410 MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS, ST. ' {POWER TL}LERAN vE -S W f-i W1 Power ertMPP' P,r,. CM 3115 390 395 400 405 410 Short Circuit Current' Ix (A) 11.04 11.07 11.10 1114 1117 t120 Open Circuit Voltage' Vx M 45.19 45.23 45.27 45.30 45.34 4537 c Current at MPP t I„_ [A] 1059 7D.65 10.71 10.77 10.83 10.89 Voltage at MPP V,r,. (V] 36.36 36.62 36.88 37.13 37.39 37.64 Efficiency' rf 1'6I 119.6 a19.9 r201 r.20.4 r20.6 r209 MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS. NMOT+ Power at MPP P- cm 288.8 2926 296.3 300.1 303.8 307.6 E Short Circuit Current 1„ (A) 8.90 892 895 8.97 9.00 9.03 f Open Circuit Voltage V„ M 42.62 42.65 42,69 42.72 42.76 4279 1 Current at MPP i„e,. [A) 8.35 $41 8.M16 8.51 8.57 8.62 Voltage at MPP V_ [V] 34.59 34,81 35.03 3525 3546 35.68 'Measurement tolerances P, t3l ., 6- V� +5%at STC:1D00W/m2. 2512-C AM 1.5 acc i(ding to IEC 60904-3.2800 W m2, NMOT. spe._trul- AM 15 Ocells PERFORMANCE WARRANTY At West 98 S of nominal power due ng arstyear. Thereafter max +4 •" - """ 0.5% 0"rad&Wri pef year. Al least 93 516 of nominal power up to 10 years At least 86 LC of nomina I power up to 25 years W xF ------------------------ All data wMn measurement tolerances. full warranties In ffi accordance with the warranty aM - - terms of the Ocetls sales s d >e w » x orgaNsaUon of your respective r:..� � rnurxry •E4,de,d farms F9ua W- ear the 5 PV a empwave with the hlghe+l P,Mduabn-p cKv ti 2021 rre6rw+72021) TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS Temperature Coefficient of Ii. 0 [%?K] Temperature Coefficient of P, V [W.!K ■ Properties for System Design Maximum System Voltage VM [V] Maximum Series Fuse Rating IA DC] Max. Design Load, Push/PulP {Ibst" Max. Test Load, Push IPulP Qbslft2] } See Installation Manual ■ Qualifications and Certificates UL 61730. CEcompuank QualityCamaaed PV . TOV AWn> end ,EC 61215:t No. IEC 3.215 :2016. solar U.S. Potent No.9.893,2151so1e+ calls). \ A� PERFORMANCE AT LOW IRRADIANCE _ re Y r --- e� 5 w A lab 4aa wo so6 aad MRAp1ANCE L Typlyd mMdaa parbrr e e uLdar row Yrame,c+ condnom In coaoe,aon to STC cor momr RsT-1000whn'1. • 11.04 Temperature Coefficlent of V. -034 Nominal Module Operating Temperature 1000 p1 q n000 (UL) 20 75 (3600 Nt}r 5512660Pa) 113 (5400Pa)f84 (4000Pa) PV module Classification Fire Rating based on ANSI /UL 61730 Permitted Module Temperature on Continuous Duty ,DIVED MAR 14 2024 RCi IiY sD APR a 12024 1 AhlVIQV 1 r, 01 f) VIKU-200 u1n, . 0 ('4,K] -0.2) NMOT -F] 109t5A {43+3'C) 0115111111 TYPE 2 -40+F up to +185'F %iM0 •C up to 85'C) 0=-us C E t AnIVIUV 11-1 i _QLQ. KING$ HIGHWAYq�,,,�, JJ �/'L',-) o Qcells pursues minimizing paper output In consideration of the global environment. Hm,warr. Wtaanen Ymbucaom must ba relawea Conrad our hctx,kd ser ka ra fwdW edMn"tkm m, aPPwred omeallaWn of Me P'odwt 1�I' C Y +1na n CELLS hxflceM 4W Srentro xlCbu Cbd_.Sub%W. lr itn.CAS26R.USA'rE-.194974E 5996' LMA- hpragrr4rswrrm ��rn www.gcaaa;pn w U OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION FORM For Permit Application(s) RvFn MAR 14 2024 �nn�viVHu,G", OLD KWG'S IWAY The sole purpose of this form is to provide Sunrun, Inc. with the necessary permission from the Owner to file permit application(s) for such project work as agreed upon between the Owner and the Owner's Authorized Company and its designated subcontractors. Owner's Name:—______________._ Stephanie Reeve 79 Wharf Lane Yarmouth MA 02675 Solar Project Address:�.____ _ DocuS{pnad by: St►. p{�aaui.� P.ctuc, Signature: _ A. Owner's Authorized Company: Sunrun, Inc. CF:ovF APR 01 2024 LD KINGS HIIGHWAY Company's Address: 225 Bush Street, Suite 1400. San Francisco, CA 94104 Affiliation: Contractor AppEicable License: l + nVE : State: MA CSLB #969975. NJ#13VH07020300 APR 2 2 2024 r /AHIVIUu I h