HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Report 2024 April 1 - Unit 10lu*il-b- Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Officiat tns pection FormSubsudace Sey{age Disposai tem Form - Nci io Voir.iniary Assessinenis P:oper:_r' Aciress . REc8ry80 ,,x;'::: fieS OaO\anei iifgiilatiof is:ecuir'gd 'oi evei:., ,age. Cw.eis \a.re fl OJ9!L ::.:e aaie cf iisoecCon Inspection rssults must be sub1itte9.9n this form. Inspection forms may not be altered in anyway. Please see completeness checklist at the end oi the form, A. lnspector atiolrnportane Wier Slirg .ut iorir,s cn 'ule ccnoL*:ei, .ise cniy ihe =c(ey :o incve ycui cijiscr - do noi use tie retlr.l ;.ey. /,/tn l/, oE )80 -mo / FC/f :icense ltumber a Narile ci Jns3ec:a: Coinoeny Nalr1e Cor:rail, Aca:gss otv,T 0.rffi o/. as oJ6 ' eteDn Nii B. Certification i :eiriiy.. :irai: I am a DEp approved system inspector in full compliance with Section 15.340 of Tifle 5i310 cMR 1s.0o0); ha ve personaily inspectei lie sewage disDosal syslem at 'rie properh/ addressIisted above; ihe iiiior:rl aton repo-ei celow is irue. accurate anc complete as oithe iime of mvnspection: anc ihe ins cn was perfor.nec basei on my raining and experience in the prop€r functjonafid maintenaice oi on-site ser4?ge iisposai sFterns. Aiei conducting iiis inspection I ilave cieterrn inedlnat th€ syst 2 3 f Conriiticnally Passes ] Neecs =ur!he. =valuaiion cy ihe -ocai Aooioving Ai.jthonry* hsDeC.oa sa ? ]:::n:": IlB?!l:__?Iil "---?- : a ;cpy.c; i.lis rnspe.i,ci.r ie.ron io -ne Approvins Authority (BoardlJL r"reiir(fl or r=Hr w rnrn -?U drvs of compieting thls :a€pection- lf the system iras JOeSign now oi10,000 gpd or Qrealer', :ue l:rso;crc. anc l;e s-vsien- ori,aer snatt suomrt the report to ths agpropriatc:egional offce ci $e DEP. The cigi..rai icrir- =noulJ u" i.nt ..c .Jllr"t", o*n"r "nd copies sent totne bu_ver. 'f acplicable and tr.:e aoi:ovir.g a.:lrciiy. Please not€: This ieport only describes conditions at the time of inspection and und6r theconditions of use at that time. This inspection does not address'r,"w tn" "[Gm wiii'p".ror*in the future under the same or different condilions of use. Sinsaac. .:26,2a1a --:l€: a:::aa :.s-:r.. :.fr SrBGe Se€S.:i$6, SF6. ?.d. 1 .r 1a Zp 3de i(!. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form C,/o m Owner information is reouired for every page. Properly ACdress Owner's Name CilyITc',e1 G. lnspection Summary lnspecti 1) Syste Staie Zip Oooe ,2a:speclion on Summa Compleie 1 , 2, 3, or 5 and all of 4 and 6 ses I have not found any information which indicates ihat any oi lhe failure criteria described :n 310 CtvlR'15-303or in 310 CIvIR 15.304 exist. Any iailure criteria not evaluated ars indicated below, Comments 2) System Conditionally Passes: E One or more system components aS oescribecj in the "Conditional PaSS" Secdon need to be replaced or repaired- The system, upcn completion of the replacement or repair, as approved by tne Board of Heaith, will Pass. check the box ior ..yes,,, "no" or .not determined' (Y, N, ND) for the following Statements. lf .not determined,' Please exPlain. The septic tank is metal and over 20 years old' or the septic tank (whether metal or not) is.structurally unsound, exhibits substantial infiltrati;n or exfiltration or tank failure is imminent. System will pass - rnspection if the existing tank is replaced with a complying septic tank as approved by the Board of Health. * A metal sepic tank will pass inspection :f it is structurally sound. not leaking and if a ceftmcate of Compliance indicating that ihe tank is less than 20 years old is available' trY i-l N f ND (Explain below) _ de 5 6,r ad i6iadJo. a..s suc*'rae seEge t'spcsd s)slem ' Ptle 2 or 13 6insg.co. ev.'46'2015 Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form - Not foi'Voluntary Assessments /O Uafi,oortoqc Zrl a Owneis Name ",am, City/ToYn C. lnspection Summary (cont.) 2) System Conditionally Passes (cont.): E Pump Chamber pumpsr'alarms not operarional. Slstem will pass with Board of Health approval if pumps/alarnrs are repaired- E Observation of sewage backup or break out or high static water level in the distribution box due to broken or obstructed pipe(s) or due to a broken, setded or uneven distribution box. System will pass inspection if (with approval of Board of Health): n broken pipe(s) are replaced ,I Y tr N E ND (Explain below): tr obsiruction is removed tr Y ! N n ND (Explain below): n distribution box is leveled or replaceci tr Y tr N n ND (Explain below): I The system required pumping more tnan 4 times a year cjue to broken or obstructed pipe(s). The system will pass inspection if (with approval of the Board of Health): n broken pipe(s) are replaceci tr Y tr N n ND (Explain below): -l obsrruction is removec f Y - N E ND (Explain below): 3) Further Evaluation is Required by thE Board of Healthr D Conditions €xist which requi.€ fu.ther evaluation by the Board cf Health in orde. to detarmine if the system is failing to protect public heaith, safety or the enYironment' a. System tYill pass unless Board of Health determines in accordance with 310 Ci'R r s.sos(r xo) that the system is not functioning in a manner which will Protect public health' safety and the environment: ;Z Olvner lnfor.ation is 'eouired.+or every ?age. Zl Er6q Zip Coce Da:e o: sinsp..oc :d.72620:A Su.s!n2@ S€'6!e )ispo..l Svsbn'raee 3oi !a Prcperry Address 5s' Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form L/" Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments Cwnef iniormation is reouired for every page. Proper.y Address Cw.]er's \ame u City/Tovvn Slaie Zip Caae Date oi ln C. lnspection Summary (cont.) tr Cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a suriace water X Cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a bordering vegetated wetland or a salt marsh b. System will fail unless the Board of Health (and Public Water Supplier, ifany) deteimines that the system is functioning in a manner that protects the public health, safety and environment: n The system has a septic tank and soil absorption system (SAS) and the SAS is wthin 100 feet of a surface water supply or tributary to a surface water supply. I The system has a septic tank and SAS and the SAS is within a Zone 1 of a public water supply. E The system has a septic tank and SAS and the SAS is within 50 feet of a private water supply well. E The system nas a septic tank and SAS and the SAS is less than 100 feet but 50 feet or more from a private waler supply well'* Method used to determine distance: * This system passes ii the well water analysis, periormed at a DEP certifled laboratory, for fecal coliform bacteria indicates absent ancj the presence of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitogen is equal to or leSS than 5 ppm, provided that no other failure criteria are triggered. A copy Of the analysis must be af.ached to this form. c. Other: 4) System Failure Criteria Applicable to All Systems: You Es! indicate "Yes" or "No to each of the following for a!! insPections: \,,ES I ! 5insp.do.- e! ?2&20i3 Nc or/ Oac*up of sewage rnto facil:ry or system component due to overloaded or = -cioooeo SAS or cessPool -/ o,JJn^rre or pondrng of effiuent to the surface of the ground or surface wateG\Z due to an overioaded or clogged SAS or cesspool cnid l.soeclio.:cfr: s!:s!{.e &€se ci.p.s, s}slAn ' Paa' 40r 13 0)_6ly 5$. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal S m Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments a, Propeary Address a Ownea's Name a City/Town Zip Code C. lnspection Summary (cont.) 4) System Failure Criteria Applicable to All Systems: (cont.) Yes No Daie of In n n Static iiquid level in lhe distribution box above ouilet invert due to an overloaded or clogged SAS or cesspool Liquid ciepth in cesspool is less than 6" below invert or available volume is less than % day flow Required pumping more ihan 4 times in the last year Mf due to dogged or obstructed pipe(s). Number of tmes pumped: -.Any portion of the SAS, cesspool or privy is below high ground water elevation. Any portion of cesspool or privy is within '100 feet of a surface water supply or tibutary to a surface water supply. Any portion of a cesspool or privy is within a Zone 1 of a public water supply well. n{ ! y poriron of a cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a private water supply well Any podion of a cesspooi cr p;'ivy is less ihan '100 feet but greater than 50 feet irom a grivate warer supply w-6ll with no acceptable water quality analysis. [This system passes if the well water analysis, performed at a DEP c€rtified laboratory, for fecal coliform bacteria indicates absent and the Presence of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen is equal to or less than 5 Ppm, provided that no other failure criteria are triggered, A copy of the analysis and chain of custody must be attached to this form.l The system is a cesspool serving a faciliiy with a desigr' flow of 2000 gpd- 10,000 gpd. The system Ailg. I have determined thal one or inore of the above failure criteria exi$ as iescribed in 310 CMR 15.303, therefore the system fails. The systern owner should contact the Boaro of Health to determine what will be necessary to conect the failure. Large Systems: To be considered a large system the system must serye a facility with a design flow of 10,000 gpd to 15,000 gpd. For Iarge systems. you must indicate either "yes- or 'no" to each of the following, in addition to the questions in Section C.4. YES NO tr tr ihe system is within 400 feet of a surface drinking water supply tr tr ihe system is within 2OO feet of a tribLrtary to a surFace drinking water supply the system is Iocated in a nitrogen sensitive alea (lnterim Wellhead ProtectionU L-l Area - lwPA) o!'a mapped Zone ll of a public water supply well : ue 5 oiha Lnloecuo' icn: su5&'rae se€ge t.p'sal sFem ' Pag' 5ot la D*/ E{ tr{ n tr s) sin.p.noc. .!v. 72612A 13 Owner infoirnatron is lequlred for every page. /-/ OM? 5$, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Offrer infomation is requiaed for every page. Subsurfa ce Sewage Disposal System Fo - Not for Voluntary Assessments arl t4OaProperty Address a Ow:reas Naore a 4)66/City/Tovvn C. lnspection Summary (cont.) Stale Zip Cone 6 lf you_ have answered 'yes' io any question rn section c.5 the system rs considered a significantthreat, or answered "yes" to any question in Section C.4 above ihe large system has fail"d. Theowner or operator of any large system considered a signiflcant threat under section c.s or failedundersection c.4 shall upgrade the system in accordince with 3i0 cMR 15.304. The system ownershould contact the appropriate regional office of the Department. You must indicate "yes" or ',no,, for each of the following for al, inspections: Yes DP ping informarion was provicjed by the owner, occupant, or Board of Health Were any of the sysiem components pumped out in the prevtous two weeks? e system received normalflows in the previous two week period? Were all system cornponents, excluding the SAS, located on site? Were ihe septic tank nnanholes uncovered, opened, and the inrerior of the tank inspecred for the condition of the baffles or tees, material of constructron, dimensions, depth of liquid. cjeprh of sludge and depih of scum? Was the facility owner (and occupants if different from owner) provided with information on the proper maintenance of subsurface sewage disposal systems? The size and location of the Soil Absorption System {SAS) on the site has n determined based on Exisiing informalion. For example. a plan at the Board of Health. Deterrnined in the iielci (if any of the failure criteria related to Part C is at issue app.oxi,'iation of distance is irnacceptable) i31 0 CMR 15.302(5)l n n a x n I 6insp.6o. . e!. 7/2520 r 3 iiJ. 5 O nc6 l.sredr.i i.m Sud! rfae S.Mge :'sPo.al S)€lem . p.ge 5 ol 18 tr Have large volumes of water been introduced to the system recenly or as part ofthis inspection? Were as built plans ol the system obtained and examined? (lf they were not available note as NiA) Was the facility or dwelling inspected for signs of sewage back up? Was the site inspecied for signs of break out? A, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Owner info.iatioi is .equired for every page. Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form - Noi ioi Volunia ry Assessments a 0 Ownels Name Cjty/Towi D. System lnfo tion Number of oedrooms (aclual) DESIGN ilow based 31C CMR 15.2C3 (for exampie: 1i0 gpd x # oi bedrooms): oi' I 33o //o,'1,.4.,.u a{f Descrjpiion: (-t; ANumber of current residenis: Does residence have a garbage grinder? Does residence have a water treatment unit? lf yes, discharges to ls laundry cn a separare sewage system? (lnclude laundry system inspection information in this repofi-) Laundry system inspected? Seasonal use? f, Yes I Yes I Yes E-fi;- E-fi; No Water meter i-eadings, ii available (last 2 years usage (gpd)): Det6ir: /OlOOo flon Staie Zic Coce Da€ o.l egO Sump pump? Lasi oate oi occupancy z (-1V/,u' Yes Caie Sinsp.doc . cY. i26l2oi a -,Jc t oarca r.sp4u..'ofl S!6ude Se@S6 'E or3 s'r3@ ' r'pt 7 or 1t Propeny Address. 1. Residential Flors Conditions: Number of bedrooms (qesign):3 X v"" E4- tr v* ffi-- A. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form - Not for Volunia ry Assessments yrOa p Propery Address a Owner's N6meOwner infomation is :equircd for every page. 8Q4q City/Tov./n D. System lnformation (cont.) 2. Commercialflndustrial FlowConditions: Type of Establishment: Design flow (based on 310 CMR 1 5.203): Basis of design ffow (seats/persons/sq.ft.. etc.) Grease trap present? Water treaiment unit present? lf yes, discharges to: lndustsial waste holding tank present? Non-sanitary waste discharged to the Title 5 system? Water meter readings, if available: Last date of occupancy/use: Other (describe below): State Zip Coce Daie Gallons per cay (gpdl n vesE ruo ! vesn No D Yesn No I Yes! No 3. Pumping Records: Source of information: was syslem pumped as part of the inspection? lf yes, volume pumped: How was quantity pumped Setermined? Reason for pumPing: &/hf^b/-n ! Yes - ue : Strird lrsp.clo. Fom slce:lae s.6Ec Orsicd SvEtlm ' page 3 51 16 o rsinsp.doc. cv. 71262018 Date A Commonwealth of Massachusetts Subsurface Sewage Disposa Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments ieq Prcpeiry ACdress Oa O!rr1er's Name City/Town D. System lnformation (cont.) 4. Type of Syste I SvstemU. Olmer :nfomation is :equired for every lage. J. tr tr tr n ! r-i LJ Septic tank, distributaon box, soil absorPtion system Single cesspool Overflow cesspool Privy Shared system (yes or no) (if yes. attach previous lnspection records, if any) lnnovativelAltemative technology. Attach a copy of the cunent operation and maintenance contract (tc be obtained from system owner) and a copy of latest inspection of the l/A system by system operator under contract Tight tank. Attach a copy of the DEP approval. Other (describe): Approximate age of all , date install Were sewage odors detected when an'iving at the site? 5. Building Seryer (locate cn srte plan): Depth below grade: "Wly r o "ource of in{ormation: 3Y'/ [,4aterial of uction st iron PVC Distance from privaie watei supply well or suction line: tu"t - Comments (on condltlon of lolnts, venring, evidence of leai(age' elc-)' 1o A)66r Siate Zip Coce g,, - d. , cl'r. d lr€p.iloi '.d su5e le S'@Se !6oosC S'rLm ' Pagt 3 ol 18 r5i.sp.dft ' B- 7261201 6 Title 5 Official lnspection Form E Yes v€- I other (explain): Cr Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form . Not ior Volunta ry Assessments .A 'atroA P.opedy Address Oat Owneds NameOwner inforrnation is ..equired for every page. & 0)kre City/Torvn D. System lnfo rmation (cont. ) 6. Septic Tank (locate on site plan) Depth below grade: Materlal nstruction: E metat Zip Code Date oi J d' ncrete ! floerglass X polyethylene n other (explain) If tank is melal. lisr age Is age confirmed by a Cedificate of Co,-npliance? (attach a copy oi cedm Dimensions: Sludge depth: Distance from top of sludge to bottom of outlet tee or baffle Scum thickness Distance from top of scum to top of outlet tee or baffle Distance from bottom of scum to oottom of ouflet tee or bame Yes ! No -53?/r <_-- 5 c<How were dimensions deiermined? Comments (on pumping recommendatjons, inlet anci outet tee o liquid levels as related tc oJtlet inveft, evidence of leakage. etc-): e/_r baffle cond tion. structural integrity, r'l a/,4.,,*<s t4 ,sinsp.de. rev. I26l2C14 - !c t a:ia, rrs:e.:ci:otr slf*iree s€€le )sposl st:€m. ?.ge l0or 1a ieet z[/0 - -Qu '1 53' Gommonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnsPection Form Subsurface Sew Dispos al System Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments a ,?1 av10q Properry ACdress Owneds Nafie Ciry[olvn Zip Cace Dale ol D. System lnformat on (cont.) Owner nformation is_equlred ior every 7age. 7. Grease Trap (locate on site plan) Depth below grade: Material of construction: D concrete n metal Dimensions: Scum thickness Distance from toP of scum to top of outlet tee or baffle Distance from bottom of scum to bottom of outlel tee or baffle Daie of last pumping:Dale comments (on pumptng recommendations, inlet anci outlet tee or baffle condition. structural integrity, liquid levels'as ielated io outlet inveft, evidence of leakage etc'): Tight or Holding Tank (tank must be pumped at time of inspection) (locate on site plan)I Depth below gracje: Material of construction: f_l concrete L--l metal Dimensions: CapacitY: Design Flow I flberglass ! polyethylene E other (explain) gallons gallons Per day :'de 5 oitrJ iasredJo. =o,n subs.dae s'€te a'p'sd sFten ' P"e I 1 o' la sirsp.3oc. 8 726,2c18 ! fiberglass n polyethylene n other (explain): Ar Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form - Nor for Voluntary Assessments a l.v?q P!operty Address Qa Cwner infoarnation rs lequired ior every page.*#Ow.e.'s Name City/Tolrn D. System lnform On (cont.) 8. Tight or Holding Tank (cont.) Alarm present: Alann leyel: Date of last pumping n ves Eto Alarm in working order: Y Daie of ! Yes No Comments (condition of alarm ano float switches, etc.): * Attach copy of current pumping contract (required). ls copy attacheci? E Yes fl t'lo 9. Distribution Box (if present must be opened) (locate on site plan): Depth of liquio ievel above outlet invert Erert Comments (note if box is level and distribution to outlers equal, any evidence of solids carryover, any evidence of leakage into or out of box, etc.): &l- /e,-//l/o S"/,J sll/rt -L- Ls Co* r ^t d6 L /ou-z' t5i.6p.a@. cv.726101a de: OncLd Lnsoe.lo. aom Suos"dae S€€Se a ipot:l SlsBm'?a9' 12 ol 'a Stale 5$. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments tll.t4 q Prcperty ACdress Owner nfoEnation is lequ red for every ?age. Owner's Name J City/Town Daie oi I a D. System lnformation (cont.) 10. Pump Chamber (locate on site plan): Pumps in working order: n Yes n No. Aiarms in working order: ! Yes E t'lo- Comments (note condition of pump chamber, condition oi pumps and apPurtenances, etc ): - If pumps or alarms are not in working orcjer, system is a condilional pass' 1 1. Soil Absorption System (SAS) (locate on site plan, excavation not required) lf SAS not located, explain why: State Zip Cocje ,*.9 F6,J.r'/, tr leaching pits I leaching chambers X leaching galleries n leaching trenches n leacning fields n overflow cessPool n rnnovativeralternative system TyPe/name of technologY: furt -f ar*S/o^- number: number: numbeT: number, length: iumbe.. climenoiono number: -,J6 i o"-i.a i.soecJo. Fcd Su.6!,{ac. s.6Se oispos'l sF€d ' PagE 13 ol 10 6in.p.o@'B. rzd2a16 @!!v 5*, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form - Not for- Vol untary AsseouossmentsPJ Properry Address Owner's NameOwner informatjon is Gqui.ed for every page. a4rv orJ {, City/ToMr Srate Zip Cooe De:e ci I D. System lnformation (cont.) '1 1. Soil Absorption System (SAS) (cont.) Comments (note condition of soil, signs of hydraulic faalure, level of ponding, damp soil, condition of vegetation, etc.): O* a t u '12. Cesspools (cesspool musr be pumped as pan of inspection) (locate on site plan); Number and configuration Depth - top of liquid to inlet invert Depth of solids layer Depth of scum layer Dimensions of cesspool [/aterials of construction lndication of groundwater inflow I Yes n No Comments (note condition of soil, signs of hydraulic failure, level of ponding, condition of vegetation, etc.): 5i.so.:io.. €f, 7,?6/20r 3 -,J. t O,i*i,is*4.. 'om Su6in@ S.€!. )isp.sal Srlbm ' t_tg' 1'or 1a A Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal - Not ior Voluntary Assessments €AOat PropenyAddress Orryner infomaton is equi,'ed for every page. Owneis Name CitylTowr D. System lnform on (cont.) 13. PriW (locaie on site plan): Materials of construction: Dimensions Depth of solids Commenrs (note condition of soil, signs of hyoraulic iailure, level of ponding, condition oi vegetation, 0)6+ Zip Coce Dale of iinsp-.oc . :ev. r,2a?. a Ol{4ler' infomatoa ts ecuired br every tage. Pn?oeriy Address Owlels liafie c,ry,:'own Commonwealth of Massachqsetts Title 5 Officia Subsurface Sewage Disposal I lnspection Form System Form - Nor ior Vo/uniEry Assessmenls rlOa ,eJ Oa oJ66' ai':a D. System I nformation (cont.) 14. Sketch Of Sewage Disposal System; Providg a vie :he sewage cisposai sysre.n. ,nciuo ing :ies :o ar ieast iwc pennanent iefergnceianolneh.iai'<s. Loc€te ali wells witi:in 100 iee:- t-ocate where rublic water supply enteEng- Check one cf ihe Doxes oeiow: jand-s(eicii :n tite area ?eicw cravr'ing a:.aci:ei seraratgly (3) rtq tri:,\- /u l-l ,,i;,, 3*+" {;fottr,'aa C, .7L 'v)55 't+7/ l!,t14t,r'v /tl-trtfu-,t,t,,TJ - JY /1 -*4t 0v- LBr'ie se€.. as*si sFq- . ?@ .a ot 1a A, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Offi cial lnspection FormSubsurfuce Sewa Disposal System Form - Noi fo. Voluntary Assessments Cwner inforEation :s equired for every .lage. Prope[y Adriress 4Oltr]eis l,iaane City/To'vfn D.System lnformation (conr.) 15. Site Eram: I Check Slope f Surface water E Check celtar X Shallow weits Estimated ciepih to nign ground water q rl Oq ,4J Q@u_JSiate Zp Ca.e |. ieet Ootainec iorit system oeslgn olans on re@ro lf checkgd, date of design plan reyiewed: n !Ocserveo sire laoutf ing property/observado Cnecxec withftl Soard of .lealth - ex,olai "'"''"""'1li;';'iH@ 7 esf //o/", t*Y*A Ci:ec(ec with local excavatcrs, ins'ralleis - (attach documentatioo) Accesseo JSGS calabase - explain: Yoii must oesa llol yo'.,r eStablisieq }e/t.,Jo )'';:^' *"'7',,u;"'"' f , q *J c.lo1,NW J4,rff f1 #tr' t/E {*"-- S rg Please incjicaie all neil.lods used to determine:he nigh g.ound water elevatjon: 6,e r'+- .J ti Eefore filing this lnspection Report, please see Report Completeness Checl(list en next page. Su!tu:ra 5.€:e 1,...., sy.b6. 7.E..;.t .A \\\Commonwealth of Massachuseft s Title 5 Officia Subsurface Sewage Disposal I lnspection Form System Form - Not ior Volunta/o 4h ry Assessmenrs ,aJ @wt o) Popefty Address Otmeis Name Cityficwn Owirer infomation is equjred :or every page. o lr, E. Report Comple ness Checklist Complete all applicable sections of this form inclusive of: A. lnspector iniormation: Complete all fieids in this secrion Staie Zio Coce nspectio. DfB.Frtiflcanan: Signed & lared ancj .. 2. 3. or 4 shecked Lf C. Inspeciion Summarv 1. 2, g, oi5 complered as appropflare 4 Iure Crjte.ia) anc 6 (ChecKlist) compleied D. System lnformation: For E: TighVHolding Tan( - pumping contract attacheo For 14: Sketcn oi Sewage Disposal System cirawn on pg. 16 or attached For '15: Explanation of estimated depth to high groundwater tncluded 5'16r.!0.. !- 72&20:a -:. i a.:a,:sre.i3. :.n 1.s-ta@ seiae.lsfts5 srs€-.iage.5o,16