HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Report 2024 April 195$' Gommonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form 4npJaf+nrol Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments /&BrZD Property Address Fke^,/ct s X Fasra-< Own6r info.mallon is requirBd for every page. Orrn€/s Nam€ ,/ . J- - q/far Yn enwr71 k. AZ4z> a ,/t e ,t ?* City/Towr Slate Zip Code Dale of lnspoclion lnspection rosults must be submitted on this fonn. lnspection forms may not be altered In any way. Please see completeness checklist at the end of the form. A. lnspector lnformation €ptrapo n, f,rr^la lmportattt: When filling out torms on lhe cornputor, use only tho tsb key to move your qrrsor - do not use lhe .etum key. Name of lnsoeclor -E*SSINs< G*e Cornpany Name {eb.r tlzz Company Address *L,lDl.ovck M*2252,3 City/Town Telephone Number State 5Z -36 ot)5.T Z99Z License Numb€r Zip Code B. Certification I certify that: I am a DEP approved system inspector in full compliance with Section 15.340 of Title 5 (310 CMR 15.000); I have personally inspected the sewage disposal system at the property address listed above; the information reported below is true, accurate and complete as ofthe time of my inspection; and the inspectjon was performed based on my training and experience in the proper function and maintenance of on-site sewage disposal systems- After conducting this inspection I have determined that the syslem: F Passes1 2. E Conditionally Passes 3. f, Needs Further Evaluation by the Local Approving Authority 4 n Fails REGEIVET' rPl HEALTH DI p1 2024 t1r z /z+ lnspector's Date The system inspector shall submit a copy of this inspection report to the Approving Authority (Board of Health or DEP) within 30 days of completing this inspection. lf the system has a design flow of 10,000 gpd or greater, the inspector and the systom owner shall submit the report to the approprlate regional office of the DEP. The original form should be sent to the system owner and copies sent to the buyer, if applicable, and the approving authority. Please note: This report only describes conditions at the time of lnspection and under the conditions of use at that time. Thl3 inspection does not address how the 3yltem will perform in the future under the aame or different conditlons of use. ttns!.de. rev 72812016 'l'id6 5 Ofidal lngp€.tql Fm: Subsudsc€ S€triEg6 DEpost Sydem. Pas6 1 .r 18 'f,ffi ) (\Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnsPection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments 7 6 f?r-28 Property Address Foare R Ownois Name W-A-/" /ee/"/ou rH o2671 4,/r t ,/z 4 Slate Zip Code Date of lnspectionCity/Town C.lnspection Summary lnspection Summary Complete 1, 2, 3, or 5 and all of 4 and 6' l) System Pa3sos: M I have not found any information which indicates that any of the failure criteria described - in iio crr,rn 15.303 or in 310 cMR ,t5.304 exist. Any failure criteria not evaluated are indicated below. Comments:{unes Jyunnt Ft/4rcnoil,y'q /4y/p4rt-tcw/ +nro €i?(ca/84 NA 2l Conditionally Passe6: fl o more system components as descibed in the'Conditional Pass" sec'tion need to be repl repaired- The system, upon completion of the replacement or repair, as approved by the Board ealth, will pass. Check the box for ", "no" or "not determined" (Y, N, ND) for the following statements' lf "not determined," please tn. The septic tank is metal a over 20 unsound, exhibits substanti years old* or the septic tank (whether metal or not) is slructurally on or exfiltration or tank failure is imminent. System wll pass ced with a complying septic tank as approved by the Board of ti inspection if the existing tank Health * A metal septic tank will pass inspe Compliance indicating that lhe tank it is structurally sound, not leaking and il a Certiticate of than 20 years old is available. trY NN if isl n ND (Explain low): t5lnso.doc. rsv. ?126201E 'l-rt€ 5 Ofldd lhsp€do. Fom Substrlse S€ti69e Ol5p6al S)stdn ' Pag6 2 ol16 Owner information is requirod for every Page 5s' Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Subsurface Sewage Oisposal System Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments t ?-kt Z-8 Propefty Address {a srea- Owner's Name City/Town W. Yor. r^4/d.61t _V-r_ State 07Je7V 4/ro7z4 Zip Code Date of lnspection C. lnspection Summary (cont.) xf*27 s Conditionally Passes (cont.): UMp Chamber pumps/alarms not operational. System will pass with Board of Health approval if ps/alarms are repaired. n observa of sewage backup or break out or high statjc water level in the distribution box due lo broken bstructed pipe(s) or due to a broken, settled or uneven distribution box. System will pass i n n n if (with approval of Board of Health): broken s) are replaced [Y EN obstruction is moved trY NN distribution box i veled or replaced nY nN fl ND (Explain below) fl ND (Explain below) ! ND (E:xplain below) fl The system required pumping more than mes a year due to broken or obstructed pipe(s). The system will pass inspection if (with approva tr broken pipe(s) are replaced n obstruction is removed the Board of Health): !Y trN n No (Exprain berow) tr N n ND (Explain below) N/oq r r Evaluatlon is Requlred by the Board of Health: Conditi on ich require further evaluation by the Board of Health in order to determine if the system is failing public health, safety or the environment. a. System will pass unless Boa rmines in acc 15.303(1)(b) that the system is not functioning Bafety and th6 environmonl: ordanca with 310 CMR ich will protect public health, tslnsp.d@. rev. 72612018 'l-db 5 Oildal lnspocdd Fom: Subsudae Sdl€g€ Dhporsl Sy6tn. P6g6 3 ot lB Owner infonnation is required for every page. dete tr A.Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnsPection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form ' Not for Voluntary Assessments tO Kr 2-b Fa 9-t€R Owner information is required for every page. Owner's Name City/Town State Zip Code Date of lnspecllon t%,C.lns pection Summary (cont.) Cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a surface water Cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a bordering vegetated wetland or a salt marsh willfail unl6s the Board ot Health (and Publlc water Suppller' if any) ;il;;y;iil Liunanoning ln a manner that protecta the publlc health'determine safety and n The system c tank and soil absorption system (SAS) and the SAS is within 100 feet of a water supply or tributary to a surface water supply n The system has supply. eptic tank and SAS and the SAS is within a Zone 1 of a public water fl The system has a se supply well. tank and SAS and the SAS is within 50 feet of a private water lrl ,(aztt^tta t14a 02475 4y'1/24 ment: a septi The s)rstem has a septic more from a Private water su Method used to dstermine distan and SAS and the SAS is less than '100 feet but 50 feet or well*. r* This system Passes if the wel coliform bacteria indicates abse to or l6ss than 5 PPm, Provided be attached to this form. I water ana , performed at a DEP certified laboratory, for fecal nt and the ce of ammonia nitrog en and nitrate nitrogen is equal that no other fa criteria are triggered . A copy of the analysis must c. Other: 4) System Failure Crlterla Appllcable to All Systams: You !DE! lndicate 'Yes" or "No" to each of the following for gl! inspectlons: Yes No tr tr F F Backup of sewage into facil'rty or system component due to overloaded or clogged SAS or cesspool Dis-c'harge or ponding of effluent to the surface of the ground or surface waters due to a-n overloaded or clogged SAS or cesspool Ido 5 onli,al lnspsdd Fom: Subeudace S€x'Ege Olslodsl SysFm ' Page i ol18 tsinsp.doc. Bv, 71262018 Property Address tr b. A, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Subsurface Sewags Dlsposal System Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments t8 k?o Property Address ftiets9 Own€ls Name t*), #ac'a^o'.t'MI DZbl lr// \q 1z * City/Town State Zip Code Dale o{ lnspection C. lnspection Summary (cont.) 4) System Fallure Criteria Applicable to All Systems: (cont.) Yes No n ! n n tr tr n n tr ElrJ/A F F Any portion ofthe SAS, cesspool or privy is below high ground water elevation. 11 ,i4 Any portion of cesspool or privy is within 100 feel of a surface waler supply or - ' " tributary to a surface wat6r supply. Static liquid level in the distribution box above outlet invert due to an overloaded or clogged SAS or cesspool Liquid depth in cesspool is less than 6" below invert or available volume is less than % day flow Required pumping more than 4 times in the last year iroldue to clogged or obstructed plpe(s). Number of times pumped: -. Any portion of a cesspool or privy is within a Zone 'l of a public water supply well. Any portion of a cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a private water supply well Any portion of a cesspool or privy is less than 100 feet but greater than 50 feet from a private water supply well with no acceptable water quality analysis. rrhis systam pagses if the well water analysls, peformed at a DEP certlfled laboratory, for fecal collfom bacterie indicates aboent and tho pre!6nce of ammonia nitrcgen and nitrate nitrogen ls oqual to or less than 5 ppm, provlded that no other fallure crlterla aro triggered. A copy of the analysls and chain of custody must be attached to this form,l El Pzr' g! rt/* Fu/o F ! n m vZa ]i3gs;p is a cesspool servins a facilitv with a desisn flow of 2000 gpd- The system !4!!q. I have determined that one or more of the above failure criteria exist as described in 310 CMR 15.303, therefore the syslem fails. The system owner should contact the Board of Heatth to determine whal will be necessary to corect the failure. *t /* sl Systems: To be consldered a large system the system must serve a facility wfth a design of 10,000 gpd to 15,000 gpd. For large s u must indjcate either "yes" or "no" to each of the following, in addition to the questions in Yes No tr the system is wit feet of a surface drinking water supply tr the system is within 200 feet tributary to a surface drinking water supply tr the system is located in a nitrogen area (lnterim Wdlhead Protection Area - IWPA) or a mapped Zone ll of a r supply well tslnsp.doc. r6v. 71262018 n -litb 5 Oildal lBpoclio Fm: Slbsu.rac€ Sqmg€ Oisposal Syslem . Ps!6 5 or 18 G,vner info.mation is r€quird fo. every page. tr n A Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments lo*1 Za Property Address ToerEs- Oil/nor information is required for every page. Owne/s Namevl Ya en r au"'rr Ma, d/,2 t ,L/tz/zt, Zip C& Oate of iEpeaion G. lnspection Summary (cont.) If you have answered "yes" to any question in Section C.5 the system is considered a significant threat, or answered "yes" to any question in Section C.4 above the large system has failed. The owner or oporator of any large system considered a significant throat under Seclion C.5 or failed under Section C.4 shall upgrade the system in accordance with 310 CMR 15.304. The system owner should contact the appropriate regional office of the Department. 6. You must indicate "yes" or "no" for each of the following for a/ inspections: Yes No F n M n Pumping information was provided by the owner, occupant, or Board of Health Were any ofthe system components pumped out in the previous two weeks? Has the system received normal flows in the previous two week period? Have large volumes of water been introduced to the system recently or as part of this inspection? Were as built plans of the system obtained and examined? (lf they were not available note as N/A) Was the facility or dwelling inspected for signs of sewage back up? Was the site inspected for signs of break out? tr Were all system components, excluding the SAS, located on site? Were the septic tank manholes uncovered, opened, and the interior ofthe tank inspected for the condition of the baffles or tees, material of construction, dimensions, depth of liquid, depth of sludge and depth of scum? Was the facility owner (and occupants if different from owner) provided with information on the proper maintenance of subsurface sewage disposal systems? M F n F F F F F F F E n tr The size and location of the Soil Absorpli been determined oaseo on: Asbucr El Q on Svstom (SAS) on the site has .ACA^/c o-r'+fu2 9-11'al n n Existing information. For example, a plan at the Board of Health Determined in the field (if any of the failure criteria related to Part C is at issue approximation of distance is unacceptable) [310 CMR 15.302(5)l leftp.do.. rev.7/262016 TlUe 5 Otfdd lnao€.do Forfr Sub3ud.e Selrag€ Di6possl Sy3t6. . Pss6 6 of 18 StateCity/Town n A Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Subsurfaca Sewage Disposal System Fo]rn - Not for Voluntary Assessments t*Fr ZA Property Address --t-a+te-e- Own€r information is required ior ewry page.Cjty/Town Owns/s Neme r,r,/./a.e-r"tO{rf't-\ fW &73 \9 State Zip Code Date of I on D. System lnformation N/c,dential Flow Conditions: Nu bedrooms (design):Number of bedrooms (actual): 203 (for example: 110 gpd x # of bedrooms):DESIGN flow sed on 310 CMR 15 Description: Number of current residents Does residence have a garbage grinder? Does residence have a water treatment unit? lf yes, discharges to ls laundry on a separate sewage system? (hdude I ry system inspection information in this report.) Laundry system inspected? Seasonal use? water meter readings, if available (last 2 years usage (gpd)) Detail: Sump pump? Last date of occupancy: E Yes E tto ! Yes n lto n vesn No n vesn No E vesE No u E tlo Date i5mpdoo. Ev.7,'2620la Trd6 5 Ofidd lnspocloi Fo.rfi Sutr udac€ Soiag€ Olsp6al Systsm . Pag. 7 ol 18 A Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Subsurfacs Sowage Disposal System Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments I og(?,8 Property Address Fa>-e<- Owner's Name hJ. Yaer.,^.oufkt &("7, 4,/to /24- State Zip Code Date ot lnspection MA City/Town 2. CommerciaUlndustrial Flow Conditlons: Twe of Establishment: , ' '//*{i{-Ra""#:;l(,9("€,"i"€,,t'' - Kg-r-1-,41 e 5' Alcrt'to -- 3bZ4'fL* Basis of design flow (seats/persons/sq.fl., etc.): D. System lnformation (cont.) Grease trap present? Water treatment unit present? lf yes, discharges to: lndustrial waste holding lank present? Non-sanitary waste discharged to the Title 5 system? watermererreadi^nr,rr^7^3^{€,7oo*?,"t'"Zt--' Last date of occupancy/use: Other (describe below): Gallons oer dav Clw*\ p +t /4 -l@o*4 6uu r,|ctl,ru h.nu l,^\q 4 d -t.r-1*u (x 'rY9€(spd) r s@I !v""(no I-l Yes IV no7- !vesfrro D ves'd xo l4J t l'D F^ (E .''t 3. Pumplng Records; Source of information: Was system pumped as part of the inspection? lf yes, volume pumped: How was quantity pumped determined? Reason for pumping: t'U* {u,f ,Gr"uu o"-,( p6?-.*rtt/6Ll ots+rl a/./1/€4 n vesp No gallons tSinsp.de . Ev. 7262018 Iid€ 5 Ofidd ln.p€cdor' Fo.m: Subslnae S€mle Okpcal SFidi ' Page 8 ol18 Own6r informadon is roquirad for 6very page, A Commonwealth of Massachusetts Subsurface Sewago Disposal System Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments \Z9ev29 Property Address €a*re< Owner infomation is .equired for svery page.City/Town Owne!'s Nam€W''{4Pr'to,rrt{lrrln 02617 4/e/24 State Zip Cde Date of lnspectlon D. System lnformation (cont.) 4. Type of Syst6m: B Septb tank, disfibution box, soil absorption 8)r6tetn D Slngle cesspool tr Overflow cesspool n Privy n Shared system (yes or no) (if yes, attach previous inspection records, if any) n lnnovativey'Alternative technology. Attach a copy ofthe cunent operation and maintenance contracl (to be obtained from syslem owner) and a copy of latest inspection of the l/A s)€t6m by system op€rator under conhact tr Tight tank. Attach a copy ofthe DEP approval. n Other (describe): Approximate age of all components, datB installed if known) and source of information &ra,j'-?/. -72 c P d 4 b &14/Jatra RlS Were sewage odors detected when arriving at the site? 5, Bulldlng Sewer (locats on site plan): Depth below grade: Material of construction: ./fl cast iron F 40 PVC E other (explain): Distanco from private water supply well or suction line: nv""ffi No feet a-udrs r/J*te* feet joinb,/entins) r6vidence of leakas) etc.)/\12r/\- \L!,^4 I rslnsp d@. r6v- 7I26Ala comment(n mfr Tltle 5 Ofidd lnalscton Fom:Sub dac€ S€'Na!€ Oitlpo€al Systom. FlBge Iof16 Title 5 Offieial lnspection Form A, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Subsurface Sewage Dlsposal System Fom - Not for Voluntary Assessments | * t<r t'Z Property Address €:2:5r€R Gr,ner information is .equired for every pago. O\ mer's Name City/Town ,"J'V*e.r4noau Mc o-24-t9 l/tz/tL State Zip Code Date of lnspection D. System Information (cont.) 6. Septic Tank (locate on site plan): Depth below grade: Material of construction: $ concrete ! metal feel [ fiberglass ! polyethylene ! other (explain) l/t lf tank is metal, list age ls age conrirmed by a certificate of Compliance? (attach a copy of certificate) E yes E t../o /l Dimensions:+\2O \ 52o c&'l 4tl 3?'l Distance from top of sludge to bottom of outlet tee or baffle Scum thickness + u/a Distance from top of scum to top of outlet tee or baffle N/a Distance from bottom of scum to bottom of outet tee or baffle pra'.l1tnf How were dimensionsdetermined?( xL,,. deessaal "r/Comments (bn pumping recommendationqtnlet a crool ad \ nd dutlEtee or baffle conditionlstructdral integritl leakage,)etc.):liquid I as rltro. to outlet in nce of /UParn'V.rve /c4u.bs .,rbl n/z+'a.,4 ,r7a"/7n/ lsinsp.doc. rcv. 72612016 A<-ea*,:s z. y'/n I Tlrle 5 Ol6di lnspeq,on Fo.n: S!b6udE6 $Ege D3oos€l Systeh . PB!6 10 o( 1a o"Jt 7 d,t44 I yearc Sludge depth: A. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Officia! lnspection Form Subsurface Sewage Dbposal System Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments \?) a'<'?'8 Property Address fusr<, r Ownar intornation is .6quired for overy page. Owner's Name W-Ya,e M.ourH pz(n74, Zip Code /-./rq,/za- City/Town Date of lnspeclion D. System lnformation (cont.) ,y't e Trap (locate grade: Material nstructi f] concrete Dimensions: Scum thickness Distance from top Depth Materi grade: al of co I concrete Dimensions: Capacity: Design Flow: ! fiberglass ! polyethytene ! other (explain): on site plan): on: ! metal feet of scum to to outlet tee or baffle Distance from bottom of scum to m of outlet tee or baffle Date of last pumping: Date let and outlet tee or baffleComments (on pumping recommendat condition, structural integrity,liquid levels as related to outlet invert, evid of leakage, etc-): N/e a. ristt or Holding Tank (tank must be pumped at time of inspection) (rocate on site plan): n flfiberglass I polyethytene I other (exptain): gallons gallons per day 'I'llb 5 Oildel lnspdon Fom Subarrir6 SatiEls Dspo..t q/dom . pags 1 1 ot 1slsinsp.doc . rsv. 72612018 lt4^ State 7. A. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Subsurface Sewage Dlsposal System Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments l2'€-r "-bProperty Address fo<r<€- Owner information is requlrBd for 6vory page, Owno/s Name City/Town v,/' Y*tzwrm+Mt 4/e73 L/tq /z+ State Zip Code Date of lnspection D. System lnformation (cont.) it/na. rts or Holding Tank (cont.) Alarm Alarm note nce leakage into or out of level: Eves ENo Alarm in working order:! Yes ENo Date of last pumping: Comments (condition of alarm float switches, etc.): " Attach copy of cunent pumping contract (required). ls copy 9. Dlstribution Box (if present must be opened) (locate on site plan): Depth of liqui vert I Yes nruo + 2 or>?4 _eq d istributiorl fl"oJu"," "ourfny evioe# 8#otro. "u,uorfin,uolc ,q"2 28-s- a//.,11/s a,-/,re ,JwnV 4./2 a-4 , ,,./<.,s-*s ,/4"J. e /q4 3U t6lns!-d@ ' rcv 726/2018 Iil,e 5 Ofidd ln3pedorl Form: Suhudace SeiN€ge Uspo€8l S.,€lm. P.g€ 12 ol 18 Date x$, Commonweatth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Subsurface Sewago Dibposal System Form . Not for Voluntary Assessments \ bfa( 7-O Property Address frcreR- Owner information is required for every page. OwDer's Name City/Town urj' Yarerqa.rru 2l/.1A Zip Code +/rt,/zd,Mr State Date of lnspedion N/410. P D. System lnformation (cont.) um hamber (locate on site plan): Pumps in ing order:I Yes D ruo- Alarms in wo er:I Yes n No. Comments (note cond of pump chamber, condition of pumps and appurtenances, etc.): t lf pumps or alarms are not in h/orking order, systpm is a conditional pass. 11. Soil Absorption System (SAS) (locate on site plan, exoavation not required) lf SAS not located, explain why: Br., r orr P,loo Br,td.t v 3r I Type: n tr leaching pits loaching c+rambers leaching galleries leaching trenches leaching fields overflow cesspool innovative/altemative s)rstem Type/name of technology: number: number: numben number, length: number, dimensions number: z51t 70/ tr F x tr 6insp.d@. rd.72612014 nd€ 5 Otf.id lGpedon Form: Subsurfae S*age Ol6rosl Systoh . Pago 1 3 ot 1 3 $. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Subsurface Sewag€ Disposal System Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments \OKLD Property Address Fa+r-< Ownor information is required for €very page. Owrels Name hJ' Ya<-naor-rr 07{.'7 3_ Zip Code Mr 4,/r9/24 Cily/Town State Date of lnsp66{ion D. System lnformation (cont.) 1 1. Soil Absorplio-n System (SAS) (cont.) corr"nt/rnoffiEf;Yn?fte^"''n -'at.,nc'' / veserarion>tc.):'rt{ffi-' "'tlff,,"vu")6{R6"9 {l;rrci''kY'?'"1 -fl92-narrty'</,le /tu" sb,s./.*c.a 6 ,/c/12."/t 4 kl " ?2a.,. Comments (note condition of soil, signs of hydraetc.): 'orl @/70 J o>-7sv I J Jn", ttt/atz.(cesspool must be pumped as part of inspection) (locate on site plan) Number Depth - Depth of Deplh of uration top of li to inlet invert solids layer scum layer Dimensions of cesspool Materials of construc{ion lndication of groundwater inflow n vee ENo re, level of ponding, condition of vegetation, 61nsp.doc. 8v.7262o1E -nE 5 OOdd hrFdion Fo.tlr SurdfaEa Se,{sge Ottposst Sy{.n, paqe 14 dt i8 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Subsurface Sewage Dlsposal Syslem Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments tARr ZO Property Address f,o+ree Own6r infomation is required fo. every pago. Ownels Name trrJ - Ylre Morr:r Mn ozte1t 4/19,/24City/Town State Zip Code Date of lnspection D. System lnformation 1cont.; N/t 13. Privy (locate on site plan): construction Dimensions Depth of solids Comments (note condition of etc.); signs of hydraulic failure, level of ponding, condition of vegetation, lsinop.doc . rev. 72612018 Tflls 5 Ofidsl hsoedq Fom: Suerrlbc! S€xq6 Obpocat Syslam. psge 1E cd 1B $' Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments | 8e- ztt Property Address Foore e- Owner infomation is r€quired fo. every page. Owne/s Name h/, YAel.4odr({M* O?n1l +Aq/za State Zip Code Date of lnspectionCity/Town D. System lnformation (cont.) 14. Sketch Of Sewage Disposal System: Provide a view of the sewag€ disposal system, landma*s or benchmarks. Locate all wells with the building. Check one of the boxes below: including ties to at least two permanent reference in 100 feet. Locate where public water supply enters E hand-sketch in the area below drawing attachod separatoly fl tr 'r, f;44 kxtzalrPv ftee A- I 4)',{\'t.44' A- 3 .415', b- | br' b-L/4.b' b-3.7,', \ \. \ R\>b 6il6 gt' 3 08-, O'orr R zt.tre'- zd 5-f..4ri^,(l!)f?, f.{<a't e. r.r 6.^.r)\uLF.l- irrva,Lti-l/af |N{ V ?zo*€+* ! r- LJ:f rrJv 6gagEttlt(*abeqt*!vtA.9 on{ wtv 1L5 bo+W 4' l)J45a 4c.e.J.t|'sEt ^a149 e?rJectt&,ii<* *i v-c )t . \2-*-etrA- llv7-e, L, .1E \6,9t2l, -40\\. ql 14. \7 2, ttl.aL bz/F\ __?_)6.&t3.fL v2-.a vat , €b / lz.tb R \ ,/oo 7;3/,*io4o5€ Ltt&8 aap,lsL, t*WE ^/A6r"hrr?+ACuettqx,,)ChleL* Zb,Oqeals &4ct I eo"67d" C<*orl,{eq; Q*l;\ 6>6r/,"4aae tPg?^ '2r2901F ! t lsinsp.doc. rev. 72d2018 Tlte 5 Orndd lnspodioo Fornr Sun6udE6 S€rEg. DlipGal Sysrom. pags 16 ot 16 trj \ \ I \ 5s. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnspection Form Subsurface Sewage Dbposal System Form - Not for Voluntary Assessments lb€r'L9 Property AddrBs fol+aK Olvner information is required lor evgry page. Owner's Namo w.)6e vo,.rrt-t \4r ozav t/e/za. City/Town State Zip Code Oate of lnspection D. System lnformation (cont.) 15. Site Exam: Check Slope G,Shallow wetts 'G"t nl il +tvrz A@E Estimated depth to high ground water:4 feet Please indicate all methods used to delermine the high ground water elevation: tr Obtained from system design plans on record lf checked, date of design plan reviewed:Oate tr Observed site (abutting property/observation hote within 1SO feet of SAS) n Checked with local Board of Health - explain: A.v ere & .-r g 1{.4, You must describe how you established the high ground water elevation:4'a/t**zo& g,,srrrace wat", n!tr I t * { g {a + \ffi$ b'' ( J )"' 1, "r=j'E5fd-t1*' (effi uo Ekdrre"t ""tt". ,\rt A 4 L,aA.A AAA.1 {4 AA(Fl A<4$+\6{2o l.lL'r6< Before firing this rnspection Report, prease see Report compreteness checklist on next page. 11L,/ r ,tJr Lrmp.do. . 8v. 7262018 Ii!6 5 Ofid.t tmp€cdd Fffi Suberbo Sefrgs Dkpo€d Sfsbm. pEg6 t7 of 1S Aa\) o 2 t/vY?a-rlPl 6Jit AY?$-lt tr Checked with local excavators, installers - (attach documeniation) { Accessed USGS database - exptain: 94u'qr74 rl't VP A s.-\Commonwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official lnsPection Form Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form ' Not for Voluntary Assessments (b @..< za Property Address #+Tee- Own6t information is aequired for ev6ry pago. Owhels Name W.Yc Me 7r2b13 a /to 124' State Zip Code Date of lnspection E. Report Completeness Checklist Completo all applicable scctlons of this fo]m inclusive of: M A. lnspector tnformation: Complete all fields in this section' E,,6 c"rtifi""tion: Signed & Dated and '1,2, 3, or4 checked EZ. lnspeaion Summary: 1, 2, 3, or 5 comPleted as appropriate 4 ailure Criteria) and 6 (Checklist) completed D- System lnformation: For 8: TighuHolding Tank - Pumping contract attached Fo l4: Sketch of Sewage Disposal System drawn on pg. 16 or attached For 15: Explanation of estimated depth to high groundwater includsd tshsr.dm . €v. 7,?6/201 I TOs 5 Offdd lnlp€{ilon Fo.m: Sub.udac! S.89. Dlsposal Sysl€fn ' Page 18 oi 18