HomeMy WebLinkAbout24-E059 26 Dutchland Drive Approved'YAR ILI H TOW, N GLEQ�K Y TOWN OF YARMOU T 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH. MA 02664-4451 �����Tt � T 3R� MI Ea I2� -Fax e) W&GM OL AIR 3 0 2024 G"S HIGHWAY HISTOMC DISTFUCT COMMITTEE YARMOUTH APPLICATION FOR. LQ KING'S HIGHWAY CMWMMEGFg�! ;%1Vffi:ztfiwf is tea &y► ma& ibrtlia + Davis S e-aind 7of Ck�a f Acts of 1973• as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Tme or mint fealb Add;asz� o: Z 6 a V4cGt l Qne( 1►4ve / p Z7 Ownerfsl: W ! L �l �1� �.� 5 Phone M, �Ft3lapr�4i�rsr�ssttl3;rast�$trrff�st} ossrmrr-airauacurspsisi'rsd! ftt%mtoa Email: h S C10�+C45�. �T Preferred notification method: Phone 'y ail met'" 7 3 Z Qom$ 3076 Email: Sg i!Vti�t 1.>!''�f �Ql v 0. Lam Preferred notification method: ---15'hone mail �sr_at Fs� RRi� > �#ntnktt!fr'•a�t. n�xt�t�x �7�a�r �rt,�srrts .r . •Io&4� of uf7-s A l�I � �'h� %Zvv�� 1(!D � -PIP_ fVai- 6k44&3 6&W, 4f he- a Niv door--% hoaa, oKd nVd'-hakt5- M400 0 Witt, 51,mrntpurmacn D This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later, r. NjM Amount '10.60 I�ik C2��'1 ZAppmved Apfsrovev Reason for denial. T ---- - I ---fARMOUTh a� 4. 11EO�j et:=F- Sherman, Lisa From: Robert Wilkins <yportbob@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, May 6, 2024 12:21 PM To: Sherman, Lisa Subject: Re: 24-EO59 26 Dutchland Drive Attachments: 24-EO59 26 Dutchland Drive.pdf Attention!: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. approved On Apr 30, 2024, at 11:28 AM, Sherman, Lisa <LSherman@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Residents would like to convert a deck in the rear of the house to a mudroom, same siding and roof as the house, at 26 Dutchland Drive. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks Bob, Lisa Lisa Sherman Town of Yarmouth Administrator, Old King's Highway Historic District and Yarmouth Historical Commission 508-398-2231, ext. 1292 lsherman@yarmouth.ma.us APPROVED MAY 0 6 2024 YARMOUTH ..., ."1 TOWN OF VAR -MOUTH Q 1146eQuTFt$,,sOEanM VAILMOUE'k1,.ATAS5ACHINKFU0l664-4451 The applicant/applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National a%A�n,�,c��5y;��taW P u b iic healtyhnrnmr-w ek' the c�iglet mb i� n ogf.wevr ,r�pplicjmiJon�yI'fi�or a Qt` ertlrifK:ae. ao{4f �� i.j;i Pgqsa��lflit S.. Ci:;L�`i y�f�[e�iil ,-[ L�Lii,GAaiii�iYi 1 0--, notE U� made `a�i�J4�� -45 tii�iL�Ys 1JYI is W, inifil"Ii` Gf Such, aRrS�a�!C� PS�r'. T � .r The applicant agrees to extend the tine fraire within which a determination is to be made as m" k' tV (Imfi KaftlS wk&mmy ZqOhmw $ Il h maitc DiOXF9 t Aim "As soon as convenient after such ptrhlic hearing; but in anp event ivithin forl)f-fre (45} days ftfler 11n-fUuW of W491,,ca tom or wahm such f wt er Ii, x as the tV,�dicr uu sir& a' l0 , i!l writing, ffie Chmariffeeskuti mmte a &tejams r on tlr aix�`i��n. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. Applicant/Agent signature: IF Date: V RECEIVED EIVEI APR 3 0 2024 YAflMOUTt APPROVE® MAY 0 6 2024 YARMOUTH 3W20 Application #: 5 Tc�rli lc�r�,d �.. aflrllletm,� J/- GUi 11lr.(sn �i�e ,Svbmi bra l o� �1l5 alp/i�a �iah 7tiv Q C&4 keew Ae V�U �U�t�S tT��way ffl5�vrie �l��c'f Ccnr�Pi�af p�f/ml f RECEIVED APR 3 0 2024 YARNIOU+ h G KING'S HQHWAY. - APPROVED i MAY 0 6 2024 YARM C&LD KIN ' Ourri Hl HWAY y � p )-o (�- el-LS P Cow N 1� l e;�q—e �s� RECRVE® APR 3 0 2074 t Anlylvv s r OLD KING' HIGHWAY r �.. ..--••�.w �'.r- .ram r-xv=� �' �' M-r A 9 ez .)- 0 7- 1770q -v r r� r ��v� 3Tta2 i a l l It6 4� 68, cc t �%PPWOVED MAY 0 6 2024 LYARMOUTH LDKlNln'Lqi4ir--W%AlAll TaW-V- " -- O& Me - Y-O' COJVF'0/4M5. TD 4ffiCr?OA! 4caz.. 7�a. I Z971WrvC, r3Y.,c0-0V ,B4610VW 490"r' RAP49U-T -VV-R C-Al-7-4rC r-'*'J. .4,55'Escso-jZ5 Zwp Norn Tvcj zoPEwy Lv e-s dYa7 - *--A?2z wlmiw A fJ'lva3 C ..-..... .... CERTIFIED MOT PLAN U)CATlCW;?fAu if l?4:?.Y.1i�. ALE.. % `�=3�??' ��°. �. FLAff fib 3"OW0 AN T*0S FLAN IS TED ON THE Gam-- 3 'Z xr}9 p2XI4 art I., fig• -� MOSTV= LAM SU EvQR t !r_as�rs} tu \ L-4- I r I . . . . - wL dpor L.. I Ti - I I — I ry Vin PROVEEY qpL - -- -r ARmuu'i r 04 �i OLP KINGS HIGHWAY lQ. K1.HWgY NO. s. 0 T -------------- 7T- I m 'RECFIVFD H �Y OLD RING'S HIGHWAY f .6 WN 1'i PPROV MAT- 06-2 024 kp-rPMO-VE �AFIMC)UTh A�- T4. -I - _ . i -. .wry - -+ - TLL -- - I I.- I . OL 1 f i APP T O 2Q-2-4.I �' -, -'- PP , :.FAD KINGS HIGH Y. f. t 4 JI j J. ta 44 CY I �Y