HomeMy WebLinkAbout770 Rte 28 COMPLETE DRC PACKET - Nissan Dealership 050724From:Williams, Kathleen To:Chris Vincent (christophervincent@comcast.net); Dick Martin (dick@capecodera.com); Steve O"Neil (dback2363@outlook.com) Cc:Sara J Porter (sjparch@comcast.net); Charles Adams (adams2430@gmail.com); Grylls, Mark Subject:DRC Meeting - May 7, 2024 at 4 PM Date:Friday, May 3, 2024 5:36:00 PM Attachments:050724 DRC Agenda and Materials Reduced.pdf Sign Detail.pdf Hi Guys, Please find attached the Agenda and Meeting Materials for the May 7, 2024 DCR meeting at 4PM in Room B and via remote access. The complete application can also be viewed on the Town Website at: https://www.yarmouth.ma.us/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_05072024-3802 We have two applications for the meeting on May 7th: 1. VCOD SPR Application 2024-1 – 1272-1276-1282 Route 28: This project is a proposed 8-unit multi-family townhouse project being developed under the VCOD bylaw. The Planning Board is the Design Review Authority for VCOD projects and compliance with the Architectural & Site Design Standards is mandatory. The Applicant has gone through the SPR Team (SPR Comments are in the packet) and revised their plans to try to address some of these comments. The application includes an April 30th summary letter outlining the changes. The following amend my SPR Comments: a. Architecture: Additional detail has been added to the street facing entrance with the addition of a small porch. No additional details have been provided regarding the railing details. The rear elevation remains all one material but would benefit from mixing units between clapboards and shingles for visual variety. b. Site Design: i. In-Lot Trees/Canopy Coverage: When calculating the canopy coverage, the entire parking lot and the driveway needs to be taken into consideration, not just the parking spaces. ii. Buffers: Rear of the property abuts a residential zone and per Section 414.8.9.3b must include a 20’ buffer with a minimum 6’ wide planting strip of densely planted shrubs not less than 6’ in height with shrubs 75% evergreens. Only 4 trees are shown in the rear buffer. iii. Eastern Buffer: The eastern buffer should contain some trees including retaining trees (engineer picked up the existing trees and will include on the plans). iv. Front Buffer: Street trees should be located further away from the street to accommodate future anticipated expansion of Route 28 to include a shared use pathway. The relocation of the stormwater infiltration appears to impact this and should be moved further back from Route 28 (originally shown beneath the fire lane in the SPR set). v. Dumpster: Dumpster can be pushed back slightly and still provide the required 20’ buffer and aid turning movements for the adjacent parking space. vi. Pedestrian Walkway: The walkway location as shown is not accessible due to the bike rack and bollards. It also directs all traffic in front of the northern unit which may not be desirable. vii. Building Setback: Per Note I in Table 414.6.3.1, the rear setback distance needs to be 20’ or height of the building, whichever is greater. The setback is shown as 21.1’ and the building is taller than this requiring modification or relief will be needed. 2. 770 Route 28: This project would construct a new 9,991 sf building for a Nissan dealership to include service bays, and various site improvements including parking, car inventory area, utilities and landscaping. a. Architecture: The architecture is the national standard for Nissan and is not a traditional Cape Cod style. The building is a 68’x146’ rectangle with no modulations to the building, no variations in the roof line or wall height, no smaller attached masses to bring down the building edges or create pedestrian scale structures, nor does it appear that they are using traditional building materials or materials that simulate traditional materials. However, the short end of the building is facing Route 28 which does help to reduce its visual impact from the public realm as well as the building being setback further from Route 28 and the added landscaping. b. Site Design: i. Parking & Planting Islands: Parking is located to the side and rear of the new building, but they have many areas of striped pavement, some of which could be used for landscaping, especially the area in front of the building. The applicant has indicated they need access through the front door for their interior display vehicles so may not all be landscaping. There are 54 parking spaces and 5 in-lot trees shown on the Site Layout Plan. At the required 1/8 ratio, 7 in-lot trees are required. Landscape plan should show all landscaping including in-lot trees. ii. Buffers: Front buffers include planting islands and a short picket fence similar to the Kia dealership next door. As noted above, striped paved area in front of the building should be landscaped. Front Buffers should be planted further back from Route 28 to avoid conflict with future expansion of the road layout. Side buffers should retain existing 4-inch diameter trees and greater and ensure trees every 20’ within the buffer along the parking and car inventory storage areas. iii. Site Lighting: Light pole locations should be included on the Site Layout Plan. The applicant needs to provide the light detail and height (max. 20’). Photometric plan shows exceedance of allowed footcandles at the abutting property lines (0.1 footcandle max for commercial properties). iv. Utilities: Utility locations should be coordinated with landscaping to avoid conflicts, such as trees planted on top of utilities and proximity to the free- standing sign. They have included the future sewer connection but should have a minimum 10’ separation between water/sewer lines, and water will likely want to have more than 3’+/- to gas. v. Dumpster Access: Turning movements should be provided to ensure a garbage truck can access the dumpster at this angle. Type of fencing/gate should be clarified. vi. Sign: Attached is an enlargement of the sign detail. Hard copies are in a plastic tote at the side door of Town Hall with Design Review Committee on it. Thanks, Kathy ---------------------------------------- Kathy Williams, P.E. Yarmouth Town Planner 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4492 (508) 398-2231 Ext 1276 kwilliams@yarmouth.ma.us X X 770 Route 28, South Yarmouth 10 Data subject to change | Last modified | April 17, 2024 Stork little brother with 76 mm adjustable console (black print glass on request!) Note! Other colors available on requestRAL7035RAL9005RAL9006DB703 11Data subject to change | Last modified | April 17, 2024116778 280 160 116 778 778 ø 32 on request Note! BENCHMARK: USGS BENCHMARK (B 57) TOP OF IRON ROD ELEV. = 8.77' (NAVD88) BUSINESS 1 (B1) BUSINESS 2 (B2) & HMOD1 RES. 25 (R25) BUSINESS 1 (B1) RES. 25 (R 2 5) BUSINESS 2 ( B 2) H M O D 1BUSINESS 2 (B2) & HMOD1RES. 25 (R25)BUSINESS 2 (B2) & HMOD1BUSINESS 1 (B1)BUSINESS 1 (B1)BUSINESS 2 (B2) & HMOD1 THUMBNAIL CODE TIER ITEM / MATERIAL MANUFACT. PRODUCT COLOR NOTES SIZE LOCATION APPLICATION NOTES CONTACT INFORMATION ACM-1 TIER 2 ALUMINUM COMPOSITE MATERIAL - SILVER 3A COMPOSITS ALUCOBOND SUNRISE SILVER II WALL PACKS, SPEAKERS, CAMERAS & WIFI TO BE SILVER 4MM THICKNESS GENERAL FAÇADE SITE SIGNAGE INSTALL WITH DRY REVEAL SYSTEM REVEALS TO ALIGN WITH WINDOW MULLIONS (PANEL WIDTH TO BE A MINIMUM OF 62" TO ENSURE ALIGNMENT WITH STOREFRONT MULLIONS - 1" RETURN EACH SIDE ) HEIGHT OF TOP PANEL TO BE EQUAL TO 1/2 WIDTH OF TABLET 3A COMPOSITS CONTACT: LES TRAEGER AT 401- 834-2018 ACM-3 TIER 2 ALUMINUM COMPOSITE MATERIAL - DARK GRAY 3A COMPOSITS ALUCUBOND NISSAN GRAY WALL PACKS, SPEAKERS, CAMERAS & WIFI TO MATCH WALL OR SILVERD DOWNSPOUTS / LAMBS TONGUE DRAIN TO BE SILVER ZE SERVICE DRIVE GENERAL FAÇADE ENTRY INSTALL WITH DRY REVEAL SYSTEM SEE DRAWING FOR DIMENSION REVEALS TO ALIGN WITH WINDOW MULLIONS (PANEL WIDTH TO BE A MINIMUM OF 62" TO ENSURE ALIGNMENT WITH STOREFRONT MULLIONS - 1" RETURN EACH SIDE ) 3A COMPOSITS CONTACT: MIKE CALDWELL AT 470-554-2651 / MIKE.CALDWELL@3ACOMPSITES.COM B-1 TIER 3 BOLLARD SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT EP-5 (CYBERSPACE), OR B71S200 BOND-PLEX IN ALUMINUM FINISH PAINTED CONCRETE BOLLARDS ARE AN APPROVED ALTERNATE. HEIGHT: 30" - 36" DIAMETER: 8"SITE CONTACT: BY ARCHITECT OF RECORD D-1 TIER 3 GLASS MAN DOOR KAWNEER GLASS DOOR WITH NARROW FRAME: KAWNEER 190 NARROW STYLE FOR FL PRODUCT APPROVAL USE 350 IR GLASS AND ALUMINUM: GLASS: CLEAR ALL ALUMINUM: PC-2 FOR FL CODE APPROVED SERIES 250: KYNAR MATCHING P-2 USE BLACK HINGES 36" WIDE, 96" TALL, 1/2" THICK GLASS SHOWROOM ENTRY NEW VEHICLE DELIVERY (OTHER OPTIONS FOR NVD ARE D-4 / AUTOMATIC SLIDING - MATCHING STOREFRONT GRAPHITE GRAY) NOTE: SEE BELOW FOR DOOR PULL SPECIFICATION AT SPECIFIC LOCATIONS KAWNEER CONTACT: DOUG HESS AT 317-771- 9265 D-2 TIER 3 SOLID OVERHEAD DOORS HAAS DOOR COMPANY HAAS - CHARCOAL SERVICE WORKSHOP PARTS RECEIVING GC MAY CONTACT SW OR ANOTHER PAINT SUPPLIER FOR METAL DOOR HIGH PERFORMANCE ACRYLIC SYSTEM OR EPOXY PRIMER WITH URETHANE TOPCOAT CONTACT: JOEL YACKEE AT HAAS AT 419-337- 9900 X242 D-3 TIER 3 SOLID MAN DOORS ARCHITECT OF RECORD CHOSEN VENDOR HAAS - CHARCOAL 36" WIDE SERVICE BAYS EXTERIOR STAIRWELL ANY EXTERIOR DOORS GC MAY CONTACT SW OR ANOTHER PAINT SUPPLIER FOR METAL DOOR HIGH PERFORMANCE ACRYLIC SYSTEM OR EPOXY PRIMER WITH URETHANE TOPCOAT DP-1 TIER 3 DOOR PULLS ARCHITECT OF RECORD CHOSEN VENDOR LADDER STYLE DOOR PULL: LADDER PULL: SEE PC-3 FOR COLOR DOOR PULL: DP-1 FOR MAIN ENTRY, NEW VEHICLE DELIVERY AND DOOR BETWEEN SERVICE RECEPTION DRIVE AND WRITE UP, - BOTH SIDES ALL OTHER EXTERIOR DOOR PULLS TO BE PC-2 LADDER PULL: 2" X 72" SHOWROOM ENTRY NEW VEHICLE DELIVERY (WHEN USING D- 1) SERVICE WRITE UP ENTRY NARROW PROFILE DOOR FRAMES WILL REQUIRE DOOR PULLS TO BE OFF-SET. CONTACT: ARCHITECT OF RECORD EIFS-1 TIER 3 EXTERIOR INSULATING FINISHING SYSTEM DRYVIT SYSTEMS, INC SANDBLAST DPR FINE FINISH EIFS SYSTEM WITH DIRT PICK-UP RESISTANCE NISS-03-1030 GRAY ALTERNATE PRODUCTS TO BE INTEGRALLY COLORED TO MATCH EP-5 AlisaBollinger GENERAL FAÇADE LOCATIONS WITHOUT ACM IF USING PRE-ENGINEERED METAL ON SERVICE ELEVATIONS COLOR IS TO MATCH EP-5 AND SAMPLE TO BE SENT TO RCC. CONTACT: BOB DAZEL AT DRYVIT AT 734- 790.6765; Bob.Dazel@dryvit.com EP-5 TIER 3 PAINT - DARK GRAY ARCHTIECT CHOSEN VENDOR TO MATCH SHERWIN WILLIAMS 7076 'CYBERSPACE' OR RAL 7024 'GRAPHITE GRAY' SAMPLE TO BE PROVIDED TO RCC FOR APPROVAL PRIMER: PRIMER DEPENDS ON SUBSTRATE. PLEASE CHECK WITH SUPPLIER N/A ALL NON-GLAZED, SOLID EXTERIOR BUILDING SURFACES NOT COVERED WITH ACM AND ELEMENTS (I.E. DOWNSPOUTS, OVERFLOWS, LIGHTS, ETC), INCLUDING SOLID MAN AND OVERHEAD DOORS, BUILDING BASE, GATES AND FENCING (AS AN ALTERNATE, GATES AND FENCING CAN BE SILVER/GRAY). IF USING PRE-ENGINEERED METAL ON SERVICE ELEVATIONS COLOR IS TO MATCH EP-5 AND SAMPLE TO BE SENT TO RCC. ANCILLARY BUILDINGS AND FIXTURES INCLUDING CAR WASH, DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE, MAKE READY, ETC. CONTACT SUPPLIER REGARDING APPLICATION TECHNIQUE AND ANY PREP REQUIRED. CONTACT: ARCHITECT OF RECORD SF-1 TIER 3 ALUMINUM STOREFRONT/CURTAIN WALL/PUNCHED WINDOWS KAWNEER KAWNEER: 1600UT SYSTEM 1 ULTRA THERMAL CURTAIN WALL SYSTEM MEETS FL PRODUCT APPROVAL MULLIONS/CAPS/FRAMES: PC-2 / PPG UC70743 / DURANAR GRAPHITE GRAY UC128851 FOR STANDARD COLORS A SAMPLE IS TO BE SUBMITTED INTERIOR COLUMNS AT THE EXTERIOR SHOWROOM CURTAIN WALL SHOULD BE PAINTED P-2 (REFERENCE INTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE) CRL: 2 1/2 " SIGHTLINE X 7 1/2 " DEPTH KAWNEER: 2 1/2" SIGHTLINE X 6" DEPTH ALL GLAZED FAÇADE ELEMENTS INCLUDING: CURTAIN WALL DOORS WINDOWS OVERHEAD DOORS BETWEEN SERVICE RECEPTION DRIVE AND SERVICE WRITE UP IF NOT USING FRAMELESS (SF-2 - SEE INTERIOR SCHEDULE) KAWNEER CONTACT: DOUG HESS AT 317-771- 9265 CF-1 TIER3 CAP FLASH ACM-1 / ARCHITECT CHOSEN VENDOR CAP FLASH ACM PREFERRED, COLOR TO MATCH ADJACENT WALL ACM-1 / ACM-3 / CMU-1 / EIFS-1 / EP-5 6" PERIMETER OF BUILDING CONTACT: SEE AMC-1, ACM-3 PC-3 TIER 3 POWDER COATING - RED TIGER DRYLAC U.S.A., INC RAL 3002 / PANTONE 200 N/A N/A DOOR PULLS AT: MAIN ENTRY (BOTH SIDES, ECXTERIOR ENTRY/EXIST ONLY, NOT ON INTERIOR VESTIBULE DOORS) NEW VEHICLE DELIVERY (ONLY APPLICABLE ON DOOR TO EXTERIOR - BOTH SIDES) SERVICE WRITE-UP (DOOR FROM DRIVE TO WRITE UP - BOTH SIDES) CONTACT: DAVID BRITO AT 519-780-6773 / DAVID.BRITO@TIGER-COATINGS.COM GL-2 TIER 3 GLAZING SOLARBAN LOW E 70XL CLEAR NO TINTING OR FILM CURTAIN WALL GLAZING, ALL WINDOWS CONTACT: NATHAN MCKENNA AT VITRO ARCHITECTURAL GLASS 404-695-7948 / NMCKENNA@VITRO.COM, OR YOUR LOCAL INSTALLER PC-2 TIER 3 POWDER COATING - DARK GRAY TIGER DRYLAC U.S.A., INC RAL 7024 GRAPHITE GRAY OR DURANAR GRAPHITE GRAY UC128851 N/A ALUMINUM STORE FRONT/ CURTAINWALL/WINDOWS GLAZED OVERHEAD DOORS (ALL METAL/NON GLASSED PIECES TO BE POWDER COATED PER THE SPEC) CONTACT: DAVID BRITO AT 519-780-6773 / DAVID.BRITO@TIGER-COATINGS.COM WHITE PVC PICKET FENCE HEIGHT TO MATCH ADJACENT PROPERTY SEE LANDSCAPING PLAN FOR LOCATION    30DLQ%UDQG3\ORQ $UHDVTIW 2' - 0"2 7 1/2 LOGO