HomeMy WebLinkAbout811 Rte 28 VCOD 2024-1 DRC Comment Sheet 050724 TCReview is f _I Conceptual 19 Formal N Binding (404 Motels/VCOD/R.O.A.D. Project) I i Non -binding (All other commercial projects) Review is by: ❑x Planning Board ❑ Design Review Committee DESIGN REVIEW COMMENT SHEET NOTES ONL Y DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM Meeting Date: May 7, 2024 Map: 33 Lots: 72 Applicant: Christina Meggison Zone(s): VCOD VC2 Site Location: 811 Route 28, South Yarmouth Persons Present: DCR Members Present Yarmouth Town Staff Present Guests Chris Vincent KathyWilliams Brian Yergatian Steve O'Neil DRC Meeting and Review for this pr9ject started at: 4:02 PM DRC Review for this Droiect ended at: 4:40 PM Project Summary General Description: Christina Meggison (Applicant); Roseanna Nikolaidis & Lambros Nikolaidis (Owners); 811 Route 28, South Yarmouth; Assessor Map 33, Parcel 72; Zoning Districts VCOD VC2, HMOD1, ROAD, and B2. The Applicant is proposing to redevelop the property as multi -family housing, with a total of eight, one -bedroom units utilizing Zoning Bylaw Section 414 - Village Centers Overlay District (VCOD) VC2. The existing single-family dwelling and shed will be razed and a new multi -family townhouse building will be constructed. The project also includes reconfiguration of a shared -access drive, utility connections, a new sewage disposal system, stormwater management and landscaping. Summary of Presentation: Brian Yergatian from BSC Group represented the applicant and gave an overview of the project as summarized above. The project went before the Site Plan Review (SPR) Team on April 16"' and they have made some plan revisions to address comments. The project will be eliminating one of the curb -cuts and reconfiguring the existing driveway shared with 807 Route 28. He noted the turn -around driveway at the entrance was needed for emergency vehicles. Each driveway has a set of two parking spaces. A sidewalk connection is provided to Route 28, along with the reconstruction of the Route 28 sidewalk. He reviewed the landscaping being provided and noted some species replacements and modifications from the SPR plans. He noted the 20' vegetated buffer required along the southern property line with trees every 30' shown. He noted the septic under the access drive and stormwater facilities around the site. Brian Yergatian also reviewed the architectural plans noting the addition of the materials and the covered entry added to the front of the building facing Route 28. DRC Questions & Discussions: Chris Vincent asked about the height of the building which is 27'-8". He noted the building setback requirement adjacent to residential zoning is 20' or height of the building, whichever is greater. Brian Yergatian noted that he would be asking for relief from that requirement. Chris Vincent also asked about the location of the bicycle rack within the walkway connection to Route 28. Brian indicated there was ample space for people to pass around the bike rack. Chris Vincent indicated that if he were living there, it would be nice to have bike rack closer to the building if there is space for it. € -r�. ° ARH- 31 T � 1 E p �' N ..FL ER k6-b dw!A Y1.0tim 0:47 J � EC' Steve O'Neil asked about site lighting with Brian Yergatian indicated there is no site lighting, only building mounted lighting. Chris Vincent inquired about the number of trees. Kathy Williams noted the need to have a robust opaque screen in the rear abutting the residential zoning district. Chris Vincent noted this is even more important since they would be asking for relief from the rear setback. Kathy Williams noted the need for the tree canopy calculations to include the entire parking area including drive aisles. Brian Yergatian noted the larger planting islands to allow for the planting of larger trees, but he thought relief might be needed for the tree canopy requirements. Kathy Williams asked if they could ultimately plant where the septic tanks are now once connected to the sewer system. Talked about relocating the turn around to the rear. Brian Yergatian indicated they tried but the geometry did not work with the ladder truck. Also discussed the location of the dumpster in the rear and potential concerns from the neighbors, although the only other option would be to locate it in the front of the building. Kathy Williams asked about relocating the infiltration basin to be able to move the street trees away from Route 28 to allow for future expansion. Brian Yergatian indicated they needed to maintain 50' separation between the infiltration basin and the septic system because they are located in a floodplain. Brian Yergatian indicated he would look into it more to see if they can move some trees around. Review Comments In Relation To The Design Standards SITING STRATEGIES Sect. 1. Streetscape [ ] N/A 0 Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 2, Tenant Spaces 0 N/A ❑ Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 3, Define Street Edge ❑ N/A 0 Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Street trees help to define the street edge, but should be located further from Route 28 to accommodate the future expansion of the road layout. Sect. 4, Shield Large Buildings 0 N/A ❑ Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 5. Design a 2nd Story ❑ N/A 0 Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 6, Use Topo to Screen New Development 0 N/A ❑ Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 7. Landscape Buffers/Screening ❑ N/A 0 Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Meets the standard if retain applicable existing mature trees located in the buffer areas and add additional screening in the rear to screen the project from the abutting single family home. Sect. 8, Parking Lot Visibility ❑ N/A 0 Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Parking is located to the side of the building Sect. 9, Break up Large Parking Lots ❑ N/A 0 Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Parking lot is small and includes periodic trees. Sect. 10, Locate Utilities Underground ❑ N/A ❑ Meets Standards, or 0 Discrepancies: Overhead utilities remain to the first utility pole located within the property. Sect. 11. Shield Loading Areas 9 N/A 0 Meets Standards, or 0 Discrepancies: BUILDING STRATEGIES: Sect. 1. Break Down Building Mass — Multiple Bldqs. OO N/A ❑ Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 2. Break Down Building Mass — Sub -Masses ❑ N/A ❑x Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 3. Vary Facade Lines ❑ N/A [9 Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 4. Vary Wall Heights ❑ N/A ❑x Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 5, Vary Roof Lines ❑ N/A ❑x Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 6, Bring Down Building Edges ❑ N/A OO Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 7. Vary Building Mat'Is For Depth ❑ N/A OO Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Suggest varying the building materials on the eastern side of the building between clapboards and shingles. Sect. 8, Use Traditional & Nat'l. Building Mat'Is ❑ N/A [9 Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 9, Incorporate Pedestrian -scaled Features ❑ N/A (9 Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 10. Incorporate Energy -efficient Desk ❑ N/A ❑x Meets Standards, or ❑ Discrepancies: Next step for applicant: ❑x Go to Planning Board VCOD SPR ❑ Return to Design Review for Formal Review On a motion by Steve O'Neil, seconded by Chris Vincent, the Design Review Committee (DRC) voted (2-0) to approve these DRC Comments as meeting Notes for May 7, 2024 DRC meeting related to the proposed multi- family housing project at 811 Route 28 using the VCOD VC2 overlay district. Received by Applicant(s) ATTACHMENTS: • May 7, 2024 Agenda • May 3, 2024 e-mail from Kathy Williams, Town Planner • DRC Application: o VCOD SPR Application o DRC Application and Materials Specification Sheet o March 18, 2024 Project Narrative from BSC Group o April 16, 2024 Site Plan Review Comment Sheet o April 30, 2024 Plan Revision Summary from BSC Group o Cut -sheet on building mounted lighting o Site Plans: All plans prepared by BSC Group, dated March 18, 2024 and revised April 26, 2024 ■ Cover Sheet ■ Existing Conditions Plan ■ Erosion & Sediment Control Plan ■ Site Preparation & Demolition Plan ■ Layout & Materials Plan ■ Grading & Drainage Plan ■ Septic & Utilities Plan ■ Planting Plan ■ Details (3-sheets) Architectural Plans: Prepared by ERT Architects, dated April 25, 2024: ■ A.1 — Floor Plans ■ A.2 - Elevations