HomeMy WebLinkAboutHardscape Plan 6-7-21gas
oakoakUtil poleoakoakoakpear12'2+15'9"++13'11"TOW+13'11"+9'10"+5'7"+9'6"+10'6"12'0++12'0"TOW15'9"++18'8"18'8"++21'7"10'6"++/-3'7" Wall in front of existing wall10'0"++/-36" highFieldstone Wallw/ level topto replace boulderspinecedarcedarSteps to beBluestone onfieldstone risers(7" total)w/ iron railing14'0"+14'0"+14'2"+18" fieldstone wallon top of concrete wallFieldstone retaining wallup to 4' high3'6" fieldstone wallon top of concrete wall+/-2' exposed fieldstoneretaining wallSolid graniteSteps to replaceexisting wood tiesSolid Granite StepsThrough "Rock Garden"hickorycedarRemove existing boulder wall.Re-purpose existing boulders for Rock Garden. Add fill tocreate slope across end of wallNew Bluestone onfieldstone step4'x5' landingw/ cast iron railing3.5' wide BluestoneWalk w/ steel edgeTop of Coastal BankApprox. edge of Salt MarshApprox. edge of Salt MarshTop of Coastal Bank1.5" Native Gravel RampGarden Fence w/ gateRe-furbishedand condensedVegetableGardenProp. Rinsing Station+12'0"+21'7"12" Bluestone cap on walls hereRemove Compost BinsRemove Raised Vegetable Beds2"x36"x40" Bluestone cap2120191817161514131222TOW=16'6"(+/-28" high)+16'6"TOW+16'6"+20'7"+20'7"TOWSloped Cheek Walls(Fieldstone)12'0+TOW=15'9"+Solid granite steps (11)12" bluestone borderretain under if needed13'11"TOW+10'0"TOW++10'0"TOW10'0"TOW+TOW=18'8"+12'0"TOW+Steps to beBluestone onfieldstone risers13'11"TOW+Iron Railing+21'7"ACACIron Railingex. doc
k existing lawn to be repairedExisting Wood Wallsto be removed111718192050' from Top of Coastal Bank50' from Top of Coastal BankLawnexisting lawn to be repairedexisting lawn to be repairedSilt Fence Work LimitSilt Fence Work LimitSilt Fence Work LimitexistingpaveddrivewayAdd live water spigotApprox. edge of RiverApprox. edge of Salt Marsh100' From River100' From Riverex. oakex. cedarex. cedarex. cedarex. cedarex. cedarex. cedarex. cedarex. oakex. pineExisting Trees to remainThe Nevins Residence35 Merchant Ave., YarmouthportBy: Philip L. Cheney 508-394-1373Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0" 5/11/2021Rev. 6/7/2021 Trees to remainHardscape PlanGrading Key:Proposed Spot Elevation: +14'0"Proposed Contour Line:14NORTH0SCALE: feet816241/8" = 1'-0"Resource Areas as delineated on Septic Site Plan byRon Cadillac dated 5/18/2018Steel Re-bar drilled into existing concrete @ 2' o.c.Concrete blocks filled with cement.8" Fieldstone faceheight varies up to 46"Existing Concrete Wallsexisting gradeexisting gradeBackfill for plantingTypical Lower WallDetailScale: 12" = 1'-0"Coastal Bank is limit of Flood Zone AE (9 feet.)