HomeMy WebLinkAbout24-E058 10 Susan Road ApprovedIRMOUTH TOWN CLERK RE MAY 13 124 AMs TOWN OF YARMOUTH ? 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 RCSV Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292—Fax (508) 398-0836 APR 3 0 2024 OLO KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE rlR1Y1 HIGHWAY APPLICATION FOR l D KING S CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Address of proposed work: 10 Susan Rd, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Map/Lot # 127/ 37 w r : Scott & Maryanne Petersen Phone#: (605)310-4952 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: 10 Susan Rd, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Yearbutit: 1965 petersen.scott.c@gmail.com Email: Preferred notification method: Phone x Email Aaent/Contractor: Greg Mazares - Southern New England Windows Phone #: 401-452-0550 Mailing Address: 10 Reservoi Rd Smthf(eld RI 02917 Email: permitsl@renewalsne.com Preferred notification method: Phone x Email Descrl lion of Proposed Workt pgaes may be attached If necessary): Replace five patio doors, two windows, and one entry door with sidelights - no structural changes all like for like except the front entry door. Signed (Owner or agent): 0if r! Date: 4/25/24 Y Owner/contractorlagent is aware that a permit may be required from the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.) This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later €or Committee use oniv: Dale: -t! 7%'1 '-1 Amount ;to, 00 _ Cash/CK M 1 5 Rcvd by: Date Signed: � �24 V5 2ul r Signed: _ 5a- TIT l w "C Q/I z-, 1 �� 6 ti� APPLICATION #: Sherman. Lisa From: Robert Wilkins {yportbob@ gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2024 8:13 PM To: Sherman, Lisa Subject: Re: 24-EO58 10 Susan Road Attachments: 24-EO58 10 Susan Road.pdf ARMQUIH TOWN CLERK RE MAY 13124 AH8:57 Attention!: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. approved On May 10, 2024, at 10:12 AM, Sherman, Lisa <LSherman@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Any thoughts on this one? Thanks Bob, Lisa From: Sherman, Lisa <LShermanayarmouth.ma_us> Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 10:40 AM To: Robert Wilkins <Vportbob gmail.com> Cc: Sherman, Lisa <LShermanLaDyarmouth.ma.us> Subject: 24-EOS8 10 Susan Road APPROVED MAY 1 1 2024 YARMQU'I h Residents would like to replace doors and windows at 10 Susan Road. All the doors and windows are like for like and on the side and rear of the house except for the front door. The front door can't be seen from the street. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks Bob, Lisa Lisa Sherman Town of Yarmouth & TOWN OF YARMOUTH o q y 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD DUNG'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE WAIVER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATION The applicant/applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of AppropriatenesslDemolitionlExemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9 -Meetings, Hearings, Time for Making Determinations "As soon as convenient after such public hearing; but in any event within forty five (45) days after the filing of application, or within such further lime as the applicant shall allo►r in writing, the Committee shall make a determination on the application. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as (lie situation allows. Greg Mazares - Southern New England Windows dba Renewal by Anderser ApplicantlAgent Name (please print): _ Applicant/Agent signature: N%a4,94- Date: 4/25/24 ENh APR , 0 Z024 �AHNIUU I 312020 APPROVE] MAY 1 12024 YARNIOU I H Application #: 9"1'gFO5Er I n L 9 }1 5• r t ■ 1. II +i 51L Jr {5 a Y ' Y } - i Ll Jar AF. APR 0 2024 APR 3 0 2024 A-mly&UU t r. .,,!W OLD KING'S HIGHWAY -il 'D 'k AR. RECEIVF,.n-1 iAH(VIOUir, 0 LU- 220 CV O 1 J Q z 0 Vi tA W 0 lw a c� D 0 0 4 0 !i. Z r— b ECEIVE g w v x t' to tos u c LU so n Q _ 0 0 � f Ii 4 m zrn �oQ i z 1c $C;I u .phi,/ `� ♦.' 'ir +Mai may. ;— •., -. , FjoFI y rr' t �s.. fN I i ;♦ .t+; s� / �s>� -di 04 -� i kij�' i � ' ./ ,.k � } a`` ;• cam- a ` fI ��, r \ Y�F,�� V to- ,r.k•� _ .� L e?' � y �' y a tirt x ,},. --� :� . �� �r:I ►' tit ,fin a, 's T{ — '�_.' _ {i �� '1C - �1'• y 'Ry�p�4 1G.F4.#'`�� � �w+� �� �� I � r-' ��v�:*�is�� _ �, �* � �G •t _ . �#, K','i7���t . OV 'ti •.' / "V•�� fir`. x .4 4t I.l� �\ '`� ,�,! �' i\ �,�� � t } 5 1 f f 1' 11- 1 {�'r r , I� i fy'•y; A • ` jr Ok MW y� F T dba: RENEWAL. BYANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENCLAND Stott & Maryanne Petersen Legal Name Southern New England Windows, LLC I License # RI #36079. MA 10 Susan Rd RENEWAL #173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm #1237 Yarmouth Port, MA 0267S byANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI02917 H (605)310-4952 wiwn�&Mwumw Phone 401.753-2223 !fax: (null) I tdes,ardin@renewalsne.com C (508)760-0642 Measure Tech Paul Music, (804:513-1883 Installation Package fAPPROVED 10 Susan Rd � , kr 1 12ova Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 ,• ARMOUT H PRODUCTS: 10 WINDOWS: 2 PATIO DOORS: 5 ENTRY DOORS: 0 SPECIALTY: 0 MISC: 3 Updated 413124 BUYER Scott & Maryanne Petersen 10 Susan Rd Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 H: (605)310-4952 C: (508)760-0642 Year Built: 1965 petersen.scott.c@gmail.com Est. Duration: 4 days REPRESENTATIVE Jake Roberts (508)648-0941 jroberts@renewalsne.com TECH MEASURE Paul Music (804)513-1883 pmusic@renewalsne.com dba: RENEWAL. BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Legal Name Southern New England Windows, LLC I License # RI #36079, MA #173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm #1237 10 Reservoir Rd I Sm thfield, RI 02917 Phone: 401-753-2223 1 Fax: (null) I tdesiardm®renewalsne.com Measure Tech- Paul Music, (804)513-1883 0410 312 4 RECEIVED APR 3 U 2924 f AhIvIuki 1 (11 -�qr FUO- y Page I / 25 Order Summary W';ffdba: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC I License # RI 936079, MA RENEWAL 4173245, CT #0634555, Lead F rm # 1237 byANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 Phone: 401-753-2223 1 Fax: (nulll I tdes)ardin@renewalsne.com Measure Tech: Paul Music, (804)513.1883 JOB Scott 8 Maryanne Petersen 10 Susan Rd Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 H: (605)310-4952 C (508)760-0642 0" 0" Misc: Misc. Job Note, HISTORIC APPROVAL NELDED, Quantity 1, Job will need historic approval for installation, delays may impact estimated installation date. Construction: LSWP Prep/Clean Up (1), Staging (2) Material: None 011 0" F' 3 U N24 ArilulUU I r. Misc: Misc, Job Note, * Cape Resident - THANK YOU!, Quantity 1, START TIMES ARE AN ESTIMATE AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Renewal will secure a building permit as needed for your project. As a reminder, it is the customer's responsibility to do any painting, staining or touch up work after installation. We appreciate your business and look forward to exceeding your expectations. Construction: None Material: None 101 Room t 95-1/4" 82" Patio Door: Glid:ng, 200 Series Narroline, 2 Panel, Active / Stationary, 95-1/4" 82-3/8" Clear Andodize Sill, Exterior White, interior Pine Glass: All Sash: Tempered High Perf. Hardware: Albany, White Screen: Gliding, Full Screen Grille Style: No Grille Misc: Pre -Finish Int - special order, * * * inl trim casing will be primed, customer to paint trim only. Special Order adds 2-3 weeks. INT DOOR COLOR = WHITE Construction: 8ft Door Differential (1), Exterior Casings (3 pieces) (1), LSWP per Unit (1) Material: Clear oak threshold @10' (1). Cortex Screws (1), Ext. Caulk PVC Bright White (2), Ext. Caulk - WH (2), Ice & Water Shield - 4 inch (1), Ice & Water Shield - 9 inch (1), Paintable Caulk - White (0.25). Spray Foam (0.2), GS STF1 3 1/2" clear oak casing @8' (3), GS STF1 3 1/2" Clear oak casing 910' (2), PVC - 5/4"x4" 16 (2), PVC 5/4"x8" - 16 (2), PVC Drip Cap - 16 (2) APPROVEDI MAY 112024 fAHIUIUU 11n 04l03124 �-/ Page 2 / 25 Order Summary dba: RENEWAL BYANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Scott & Maryanne Petersen Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC I License # RI #36079, MA 10 Susan Rd RENEWAL #173245, CT #063455S. t.ead Firm #1237 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 byANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithf eld, RI 02917 N: (605)310-4952 "alim mrnaaanwns Phone: 401-753-2223 1 Fax: (nu 1) 1 tdesjardinCrenewalsne.com f-: (508)760-0642 Measure Tech: Paul Musir, (804)513-1883 D• ROOM 102 Room 1 95-1/4" 82" Patio Door: Gliding, 200 Series Narroline, 2 Panel, Active / Stationary, 95-1/4" 82-3/8" Clear Andodlze Sill, Exterior White, Interior Pine Glass: All Sash: Tempered High Perf. Hardware: Albany, White Screen: Gliding, Full Screen Grille Style: No Grille Misc: Pre -Finish Int- special order, ***Int trim casing will be primed, customer to paint trim only. Special Order adds 2-3 weeks. INT DOOR COLOR — APR 3 Q Z024 WHITE Construction: 8ft Door Differential (1). Exterior Casings (3 pieces) tPkrtivjjUI.r�WAY (1), LSWP per Unit (1) Material: Clear oak threshold @10' (1), Cortex 4 OW KING Screws (1), Ext. Caulk - PVC Bright White (2), Ext, Caulk - WH (2), Ice & Water S-ield - 4 inch (1), Ice & Water Shield - 9 inch (1), Paintable Caulk - White (0,25), Spray Foam (0.2), GS STF1 3 1/2" clear oak casing @8' (3), GS STF1 3 1/2" Clear oak casing @10' (2), PVC - 5/4"x4" - 16 (2), PVC - 5/4"x12" - 16 (2), PVC Drip Cap - 16 (2) 103 Room 1 95 1/4" 82 ' Patio Door: Gliding, 200 Series Narroline, 2 Panel, Active / Stationary, 95-1/4" 82-3/8" Clear Andodize Sill, Exterior White, Interior Pine Glass: All Sash: Tempered High Perf. Hardware: Albany, White Screen: Gliding, Full Screen Grille Style: No Grille Misc: Pre -Finish Int - special order, *4 *Int trim casing will be primed, customer to paint trim only, Special Order adds 2-3 weeks. INT DOOR COLOR — WHITE Construction: 8ft Door Differential (1), Exterior Casings (3 pieces) (1), LSWP per Unit (1) Material: Clear oak threshold @10' (1), Cortex Screws (1), Ext. Caulk - PVC Bright White (2), Ext. Caulk - WH (2), Ice & Water Shield - 4 inch (1), Ice & Water Shield - 9 inch (1), Paintable Caulk - White (0.25), Spray Foam (0.2), GS STF1 3 1/2" clear oak APPROVED MAY 1 1 2024 �AHMUU I h nn r/rnrr-le wlr;HUUAY 04I03/24 Page 3 / 25 - Order Summary dba: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Scott & Maryanne Petersen Legal Name: Southern New England W ndows, LLC I L tense # RI #36079. MA 10 Susan Rd RENEWAL #173245. CT #0634555, Lead Form # 1237 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 byANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smothf.eld, R102917 H: (605)310-4952 Phone. 401-753-2223 1 Fax: (null) I tdeslardonorenewaisre com C:(508)760-0642 Measure Tech: Paul Music, (804)513-1883 r• ROOM casing @8' (2), GS STF1 3 1/2" Clear oak casing 910' (1), PVC - 5/4"x4" - 16 (2), PVC - 5/4"x12" - 16 (2), PVC Drip Cap • 16 (2) 104 Room 1 95-1/4" 82 ' 95-1/4" 82-3/V (; APR 3 0 2024 t (.+Fi1Y1Vv I �` OLD K114G'S HIGHWAY 105 Room 95-1/4" 82 95-1/4" 82-3/8" AppfiOVEDI MAY 112024 04l03124 Patio Door: Gliding, 200 Series Narroline, 2 Panel, Stationary / Active, Clear Andodize Sill, Exterior White, Interior Pine Glass: All Sash: Tempered High Perf. Hardware: Albany, White Screen: Gliding, Full Screen Grille Style: No Grille Misc: Pre -Finish Int - special order, ***Int trirrl casing will be primed, customer to paint trim only. Special Order adds 2.3 weeks. INT DOOR COLOR — WHITE Construction: 8ft Door Differential (1), Exterior Casings (3 pieces) (1), LSWP per Unit (1) Material: Clear oak threshold @10' (1), Cortex Screws (1), Ext. Caulk - PVC Bright White (2i, Ext. Caulk - WH (2), Ice & Water Shield - 4 inch (1), Ice & Water Shield - 9 inch (1), Paintable Caulk - White (0.25), Spray Foam (0.2), GS STF1 3 1,12" clear oak casing 08' (2), GS STF1 3 1/2" Clear oak casing @10' (1), PVC - 5/4"x4" - 16 (2), PVC - 5/4"x12" - 16 (2), PVC Drip Cap - 16 (2) Patio Door: Gliding, 200 Series Narroline, 2 Panel, Stationary / Active, Clear Andodize Sill, Exterior White, Interior Pine Glass: All Sash: Tempered High Perf. Hardware: Albany, White Screen: Gliding, Full Screen Grille Style: No Grille Misc: Pre -Finish Int special order, ***Int trim casing will be primed, customer to paint trim only. Special Order adds 2-3 weeks. INT DOOR COLOR - WHITE Construction: 8ft Door Differential (1), Exterior Casings (3 pieces) (1), LSWP per Unit (1) Material: Clear oak threshold @1O' (1), Cortex Screws (1), Ext. Caulk - PVC Bright White (2), Ext. Caulk WH (2), r - Page 4 1 25 Order Summary dba. RENEWAL BYANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Scott & Maryanne Petersen Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC I License # RI #36079, MA 10 Susan Rd RENEWAL 9173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm # 1237 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 byANDERSEN 10 Reservou Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 wamuwoarAbeeunrmra H (605)310-4952 Phone' 401-753-2223 1 Fax: (null) I tdeslardm@renewalsne.com C: (508)760-0642 Measure Tech: Paul Music, (804)513-1883 Ice & Water Shield 4 inch (1;, Ice & Water Shield - 9 inch (1), Paintable Caulk White ;0.25), Spray Foam (0.2). GS STF1 3 1/2" clear oak casing @8' (2), GS STF1 3 1/2" Clear oak casing @10' (1), PVC - 5/4"x4" - 16 (2), PVC - 5/4"x8" - 16 (2), PVC Drip Cap - 16 (2) 106 girls room 40" 46" Window: AcclaimT',1 Gliding Double, 1:1, Active / Passive, Base Frame, 38-1/2" 44-7/8" Exterior White, Interior White Glass: All Sash: High Performance, No Pattern Hardware: White Screen: Fiberglass, Full Screen Grille Style: Grilles Between Glass iGBG) Grille Pattern: All Sash: Colonial 2w x 4h Misc: None Construction: Exterior Installs (1), Exterior/ Interior stops (1), LSWP per Unit (1), Wrap Windows Upt to 101 (1) Material: Coil - WH (0.15), Ext. Caulk - WH (2), Paintable Caulk - White (0.25), Spray Foam (0.2), 1/2" Primed 1/4 Round - 8 (2) 107 girls room 40 46" Window: Acclaim"' Gliding Double, 1:1, Active / Passive, Base Frame, 38-1/2" 44-7/8" Exterior White, Interior White Glass: All Sash: High Performance, No Pattern Hardware: White Screen: Fiberglass, Full Screen Grille Style: Grilles Between Glass iGBG) Grille Pattern: All Sash: Colonial 2w x 4h Misc: None Construction: Exterior Installs (1), Exterior/ Interior stops (1), LSWP per Unit (1), Wrap Windows - Upt to 101 (1; Material: Coil - WH (0.15), Ext. Caulk - WH (2), Paintable Caulk White (0.25s, Spray Foam (0.2), 1/2" C FIVE Primed 1/4 Round - 8 (2) APR 3 2024 r�rilwuU 1 r� t uir-14WAY APPROVED I MAY 1 1 2024 fARMOUTh 04l03124 — - — — Page 5 / 25 p Order Summary dba: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Scott & Maryanne Petersen Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC I L cense # RI #36079, MA 10 Susan Rd RENEWAL #173245, CT #0634555, Lead F rm #1237 Yarmouth Port, MA o2E75 byANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 H. (605)310-4952 ""ww�`��� Phone: 401-753-2223 1 Fax: (null) I tdeslardin*renewalsne coin C: (508)760-0642 Measure Tech: Paul Music, (804)513-1883 D• ROOM a„ a„ Mlsc: Misc, Provia, 1a Entry Door System, Quantity 1, Customer understands that the door color depicted on the attached spec sheet is not accurate. Please verify your color using the color chip samples with your Project Consultant, prior to signing this agreement. By signing agreement, you are stating you verified the color and will accept the door on the day of installation. Construction: Entry Door w/Sidelites - INCL. ALL TRIM/PAN/ DRIP (1), Exterior Casings (3 pieces) (1), LSWP per Unit (1) Material: Cortex Screws (1), Ext. Caulk - PVC Bright White (2), Ice & Water Shield - 4 inch (1), Ice & Water Shield - 9 inch (1), Paintable Caulk - While (0.25), Spray Foam (0.2), Primed Shoe Molding 8 (1), PVC Drip Cap - 16 (1), PVC - 5/4"x6" - 8 (4), PVC - 5/4"x8" 8 (1), 3 1/2" Primed Colonial - 8 (3), Primed Pine - 1"x4" - 8 (3) PRODUCTS: 10 WINDOWS: 2 PATIO DOORS: 5 ENTRY DOORS: 0 SPECIALTY. 0 MISC: 3 ProVia Entrylink #11446920 3 men F—CFIVF-0 4 days ! APR 3 4 2024 LSWP JOB i HI"t1Y1VV I i 5 patio doors, 1 ED with side lites, and 2 GL inserts OLD KING' HI HINA1 No parking issues Updated 413124 APPROVIEE MAY 1 1 2024 �RMOUTH NLGD's 5 doors in the sunroom on the back of the house. 2 are off a deck and 3 have a limited walkway with the shoreline that comes up. Doors to have 5/4 pvc exterior casing and kick. 3 1/2 sides and top and kick ripped to fit. interior casing is clear oak 3 1/2 GS STF1 from Garden State. Clear oak thresholds for all doors. May need to cut back baseboard slightly to fit casing in. Make sure operations are correct for each opening. 2 are SA and 3 are AS. ED Front entry door with side lites. Exterior casing will be installed in the field. Door is ordered with no brickmould. Flat 5/4 pvc to be installed (non fluted). Try to keep top crown in tact and replace only the casing under it. If not possible, take 5/4 board all the way up. a}4l03f2 4 Page 6 / 25 Order Summary dba: RENEWAL BYANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Scott & Maryanne Petersen Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC I License N RI #36079, MA 10 Susan Rd RENEWAL 0173245, CT N0634555, Lead Firm # 1237 Yarmouth Port, MA 0267; brANpiiRSEH 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, Rl02917 H. (605)310 4952 Phone: 401-753-2223 1 Fax: (null) I tdeslardm®renewalsne.com C:(508)760-0642 Measure Tech: Paul Music, (804)513-1883 JOB NOTES PVC kick ripped to fit. Sides and top are roughly 4 1/4", Rip those to fit as well. Interior casing will be 3 1/2 colonial (primed) along with primed shoe molding. No storm door going back on. G US Existing casement doubles. 1 mull out each. Set units and trim interior with primed 1/4 round for interior stops. Wrap the exterior with white coil. Estimated Duration: 4 days ECE*V ED APR 3 0 2024 t H1'71yiVU (t � OLD KING'S HI �HWAY 941103f2I APPROVED MAY 112024 OLD KINGS HIGHWAY WPage 7 / 25 Order Summary dba. RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Legal Name- Southern New England Windows, LLC I License # RI #36079, MA R E ;HE WA L N 173245, C T #0634555, Lead Firm n 1237 brANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 Phone: 401-753-2223 1 Fax:;null- I tdes+ard.-n®renewalsne.com Measure Tech-, Paul Music, (804:513-1883 4 Image 1 Image 4 Image 7 Image 10 Image 2 Image 5 Image 8 ECF-IVF-I) APR 3 0 2024 1 AMIVIQU 1 r , Image 3 Image 6 Image 9 Scott Si Maryanne Petersen 10 Susan Rd Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 H: (605)310-4952 C. (508)760-0642 APPROVED IMAY 1 1 2.0221 x ARMOU l h w, ' Page 8 / 25 0 REiNEWAL brANDERSEN 6%xM�&=qR M dba: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Legal Name: Southern New England WMCIOM, LLC I License # RI #36079_ MA #173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm 91237 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 Phone. 401-753-2223 1 Fax: (null) I tdesaardin®renewalsne.(an Measure Tech: Paul Music, (804)513-1883 Misc Scott & Maryanne Petersen 10 Susan Rd Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 H: (605)310-4952 C: (508)760.0641 a Misc: Misc, Job Note, HISTORIC APPROVAL NEEDED, Quantity 1, Job will need historic approval for installation, delays may impact estimated installation date. Construction: LSWP Prep/Clean Up (1), Staging (2) Material: None Job will need historic approval for installation, delays may impact estimated installation date. LSWP Prep/Clean Up Staging RECEIVED APR 3 0 2024 t AnlVlvu i r ni_D KING'S HI HWM 04/03/24 1 2 APPROVED MAY 1 1 2024 rARMQUTh 91LP6115? Page 9 / 25 dba: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Scott & Maryanne Petersen Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC I License N RI 436079, MA 10 Susan Rd REaNEWAL 9173245, CT #0634555, Lead F rm N 1237 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 bYANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithf.eld, RI 02917 H: (605)310-4952 Phone- 401-753-2223 1 Fax: (nulll I tdes,ardinGrenewalsne.com C:(508)760-0642 Measure Tech: Pau Music, (804)513-1883 Misc Mlsc: Misc, Job Note, * Cape Resident - THANK YOU!, Quantity 1, START TIMES ARE AN ESTIMATE AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Renewal wM secure a building permit as needed for your project. As a reminder, it is the customer's responsibility to do any painting, staining or touch up work after installation. We appreciate your business and look forward to exceeding your expectations. Construction: None Material: None START TIMES ARE AN ESTIMATE AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Renewal will secure a building permit as needed for your project. As a reminder, it is the customer's responsibility to do any painting, staining or touch up work after installation. We appreciate your business and look forward to exceeding your expectations. UN[T CONSTRUCTION UNIT PHOTOS E ; #VE ApR 14 2R4 . rnnivit u I I OLD KING'S HIGHWAI 04f09124 IPP OVE® MAY 1 12024 {ARMOU rh, Page 10 / 25 101 dba: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Scott & Maryanne Petersen Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC I License # R1 #36079, MA 10 Susan Rd RENEWAL # 173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm # 1237 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 byANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 ��� ,��„ H: (b05)310-4452 Phone 401-753-2223 1 Fax; ;null) I tdeslardin®renewassne com C (508)760.0642 Measure Tech: Paul Music, '804:513-1883 Room 1 95-1/4" W 82-3/8" H Patio Door, Gliding - 200 Series Narroline Patio Door: Gliding, 200 Series Narroline, 2 Panel, Active / Stationary, Clear Andodize Sill, Exterior White, Interior Pine Glass: All Sash: Tempered High Perf. Hardware: Albany, White Screen: Gliding, Full Screen Grille Style: No Grille Misc: Pre -Finish Int - special order, ** *Int trim casing will be primed, customer to paint trim only. Special Order adds 2 3 weeks. INT DOOR COLOR WHITE Construction: 8ft Door Differential (1), Exterior Casings (3 pieces) (1), LSWP per Unit (1) Material: Clear oak threshold @10' i1). Cortex Screws (1), Ext. Caulk - PVC Bright White (2), Ext. Caulk - WH (2), Ice & Water Shield 4 inch (1), Ice & Water Shield 9 inch (1), Paintable Caulk - White (0.25), Spray Foam (0.2), GS STF1 3 1/2" clear oak casing @8' (3), GS STF1 3 1/2" Clear oak casing @10' (2), PVC - 5/4"x4" 16 (2). PVC - 5/4"x8" - 16 (2). PVC Drip Cap - 16 (2) • 1 8ft Door Differential Exterior Casings (3 pieces) LSWP per Unit CUSTOM Clear oak threshold 010' MATERIAL Cortex Screws MATERIAL Ext. Caulk - PVC Bright White MATERIAL Ext. Caulk - WH MATERIAL Ice & Water Shield - 4 inch MATERIAL Ice & Water Shield - 9 inch MATERIAL Paintable Caulk - White MATERIAL Spray Foam CUSTOM GS STF1 3 1/2" clear oak casing @8' ECHWE D APR 3 0 2024 �Hr7141VUifO OLD KING'S HIGHWAY APPROVED MAY 1 1 2024 (AHMUUTI-, 1 1 1 1 PER UNIT 1 box 2 tubes 2 tubes 1 roll 1 roll 0.25 tubes 0.2 cans 3 PER UNIT 04l03�24 Page 11 / 25 101 dba: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Scott & Maryanne Petersen Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC I License # RI #36079, MA 10 Susan Rd RENEWAL 4173245. CT #0634555, Lead Firm N1237 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 erANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 H. (605)310-4952 Phone 401-753-2223 1 Fax: (null: I tdes.ardin@renewalsne.com C - (508)760-0642 Measure Tech: Paul Music, (804613-1883 CUSTOM GS STF1 3 1/2" Clear oak casing @10' 2 PER UNIT TRIM PVC - 5/4"x4" - 16 2 x 16ft TRIM PVC - 5/4"x8" - 16 2 x 16ft TRIM PVC Drip Cap -16 2 x 16ft LJNJT PHOTOS RF-IV nnmvu 1 P OLD KING5 HIS GHWAY,- 04l03124 -- APPROVED MAY 112024 {qPf ►uu l r, �j Page 12 / 25 102 dba: RENEWAL BYANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Scott 8 Maryanne Petersen Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC I License # RI #36079, MA 10 Susan Rd RENEWAL #173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm #1237 Yarmouth Port, MA02675 brANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 H (605)310-4952 r11j9W1E .Lroaannwe Phone: 407-753-2223 I Fax. (null} I tdesjardrn@renewaisne.com C: (508)760-0642 Measure Tech: Paul Music, ;804.513-1883 102Room 1 95-1/4" W 82-3/8rr H Patio Door, Gliding - 200 Series Narroline Patio Door: Gliding, 200 Series Narroline, 2 Panel, Active / Stationary, Clear Andodize Sill, Exterior White, Interior Pine Glass: All Sash: Tempered High Perf, Hardware: Albany, White Screen: Gliding, Full Screen Grille Style: No Grille Mlsc: Pre -Finish Int - ;pecial order, * * k Int trim casing will be printed, customer to paint trim only. Special Order adds 2-3 weeks. INT DOOR COLOR WHITE Construction: 8ft Door Differential (1), Exterior Casings (3 pieces) (1), LSWP per Unit (1) Material: Clear oak threshold @10' 11), Cortex Screws (1), Ext. Caulk - PVC Bright White (2), Ext. Caulk WH (2), Ice & Water Shield - 4 inch (1), Ice & Water Shield - 9 inch (1), Paintable Caulk - White (0.25), Spray Foam (0.2), GS STF1 3 1/2" clear oak casing @8' (3), GS STF1 3 1/2" Clear oak casing @10' (2), PVC - 5/4"x4' - 16 (2), PVC - 5/4"x12" - 16 {2), PVC Drip Cap - 16 (2) • 1 8ft Door Differential Exterior Casings (3 pieces) LSWP per Unit CUSTOM Clear oak threshold 010' MATERIAL Cortex Screws MATERIAL Ext. Caulk - PVC Bright White MATERIAL Ext. Caulk - WH MATERIAL Ice & Water Shield - 4 inch MATERIAL Ice & Water Shield - 9 inch MATERIAL Paintable Caulk - White MATERIAL Spray Foam CUSTOM GS STF1 3 1/2" clear oak casing @8' FIFTFIVF-0 APR 10 2024 (Hr iNluu I r. APPROVED MAY 1 1 2024 rARMOUTh 1 1 1 1 PER UNIT 1 box 2 tubes 2 tubes 1 roll 1 roll 0.25 tubes 0.2 cans 3 PER UNIT Page 13 / 25 VEWA 102 dba- RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC I L cerise # RI #36079, MA RENL#173245,CT#0634555,Lead Firm #1237 erANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 nuxM¢ Phone 401-753-2223 I Fax: (null; I tdeslardin®renewa[sne tom Measure Tech: Paul Music, (804;513-1883 CUSTOM GS STF1 3 1/2" Clear oak casing 010' TRIM PVC - 5/4"x4" -16 TRIM PVC - 5/4"x12" - 16 TRIM PVC Drip Cap -16 ECEIED APR 3 0 20'44 .I OLD KlNH[OUAA 04f03124 Scott & Maryanne Petersen 10 Susan Rd Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 H. (605)310-4952 C: (508)760-0642 2 PER UNIT 2x16ft 2 x 16ft 2 x 16ft MAY 12024 Mtn (ARM UTH __�/ Page 14 ! 25 RENEWAL bYANDERSEN' RUUM M "i M muau dba: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC I License # RI #36079, MA #173245. CT #0634555, Lead Pirm 0237 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 Phone 401-753-2223 1 Fax, +,null) I tdesiardinerenewalsne.com Measure Tech: Paul Music, +804)513-1883 Scott & Maryanne Petersen 10 Susan Rd Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 H:(605)310-4952 C:(508)760-0642 103Room 1 95-1/4" W 82-3/8" H ID Patio Door, Gliding - 200 Series Narroline Patio Door: Gliding, 200 Series Narroline, 2 Panel, Active / Stationary, Clear Andodize Sill, Exterior White, Interior Pine Glass: All Sash: Tempered High Perf. Hardware: Albany, White Screen: Gliding, Full Screen Grille Style: No Grille Mlsc: Pre -Finish Int special order, * * *Int trim casing will be primed, customer to paint trim only. Special Order adds 2-3 weeks. INT DOOR COLOR WHITE Construction: 8ft Door Differentia! (1), Exterior Casings (3 pieces) (1), LSWP per Unit (1) Material: Clear oak threshold @10' (1i, Cortex Screws (1), Ext. Caulk - PVC Bright White (2), Ext. Caulk - WH (2), ice & Water Shield - 4 inch (1), Ite & Water Shield • 9 inch (1), Paintable Caulk - White (0.25), Spray Foam (0.2), GS STF1 3 1/2" clear oak casing @8' (21, GS STF1 3 1/2" Clear oak casing @10' (1), PVC - 5/4"x4" - 16 (2), PVC - 5/4"x12" - 16 (2), PVC Drip Cap - 16 (2) 8ft Door Differential Exterior Casings (3 pieces) LSWP per Unit CUSTOM Clear oak threshold 010' MATERIAL Cortex Screws MATERIAL Ext. Caulk - PVC Bright White MATERIAL Ext. Caulk - WH MATERIAL Ice & Water Shield - 4 inch MATERIAL Ice & Water Shield - 9 inch MATERIAL Paintable Caulk - White MATERIAL Spray Foam CUSTOM GS STF1 3 1/2" clear oak casing 08' KTIVED APR 3 0 2024 1 AMIVIVU 1 I � 01_17 KING'S HIGHWAY APPROVED1 MAY 1 1 2024 {ARMOUTH KINGS HIGI- i i i 1 PER UNIT 1 box 2 tubes 2 tubes 1 roll 1 roll 0.25 tubes 0.2 cans 2 PER UNIT 04f03124 Page 15 / 25 103 dba: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Scott & Maryanne Petersen Legal Name: Southern New England Wmdow;, LLC I I ,Cen<e # RI #36079, MA 10 Susan Rd It E N E WA L #173245, [T #0634555, Lead Firm #1237 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 6vANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 P. (605)310-4952 Phone 401-753-2223 1 Fax: (null: I tdes ardm®renewals,• a corn { (508)760-0642 Measure Tech: Paul Music, (804)513-1883 CUSTOM GS STF1 3 1/2" Clear oak casing 010' 1 PER UNIT TRIM PVC - 5/4"x4" -16 2 x 16ft TRIM PVC - 5/4"x12" -16 2 x 16ft TRIM PVC Drip Cap -16 2 x 16ft PHOTOSUNIT 4F EIVF-D APR 3 0 2024 r ING' OLD KING'S HIGHWAY APPROVED MAY z 10024 - .�ARMOuTH ,?+(;�05r Page 16 / 25 104 dba: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Scott & Maryanne Petersen Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC I License # RI #36079, MA 10 Susan Rd It 4EN E PWA L 4173245, CT R0634555, Lead Firm #1237 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 bYANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 H. (605)310-4952 Phone. 401-753-2223 1 Fax: (null; I tdeslardin@renewalsne.com C: (508)760-0642 Measure Tech. Paul Music, (804)513-1883 Room 1 10 95-1 /4" W 82-3/8'r H ID Patio Door, Gliding - 200 Series Narroline Patio Door: Gliding, 200 Series Narroline, 2 Panel, Stationary / Active, Clear Andodize Sill, Exterior White, Interior Pine Glass: All Sash: Tempered High Per(. Hardware: Albany, White Screen: Gliding, Full Screen Grille Style: No Grille Misc: Pre -Finish Int special order, ***Int trim casing will be primed, customer to paint trim only. Special Order adds 2-3 weeks. INT DOOR COLOR WHITE Construction: 8ft Door Differential (1), Exterior Casings (3 pieces) (1), LSWP per Unit (1) Material: Clear oak threshold 010' y1), Cortex Screws (1), Ext. Caulk - PVC Bright White (2), Ext. Caulk - WH (2), Ice & Water Shield - 4 inch (1), Ice & Water Shield - 9 inch (1), Paintable Caulk - White (0.25), Spray Foam (0.2), GS STF1 3 1/2" clear oak casing @8' (2). GS STF1 3 1/2" Clear oak casing @10' (1), PVC - 5/4"x4" - 16 (2), PVC - 5/4"x12" - 16 (2), PVC Drip Cap - 16 (2) 1 8ft Door Differential Exterior Casings (3 pieces) LSWP per Unit CUSTOM Clear oak threshold @10' MATERIAL Cortex Screws MATERIAL Ext. Caulk - PVC Bright White MATERIAL Ext. Caulk - WH MATERIAL Ice & Water Shield - 4 inch MATERIAL Ice & Water Shield - 9 inch MATERIAL Paintable Caulk - White MATERIAL Spray Foam CUSTOM GS STF1 3 1/2" clear oak casing 08" � ECRVED APR 3 0 2024 f HhtIVIUU i r, OLD KING'S HIGHWAY APPROVED MAY 1 12024 rAHMUUFh 1 1 1 1 PER UNIT 1 box 2 tubes 2 tubes 1 roll 1 roll 0.25 tubes 0.2 cans 2 PER UNIT � Page 17 / 25 104 dba: RENEWAL BYANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Scott & Maryanne Petersen Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC I L cense # RI #36079, MA 10 Susan Rd RENEWAL #173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm #1237 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 byANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI02917 ronn v,�wImwvrt�a 1i: (605)310-4952 Phone: 401-753-2223 1 Fax: (null) I ideslardrn0renewalsne.com C: (508)760-0642 Measure Tech: Paul Music, (804)513-1883 CUSTOM GS STF1 3 1/2" Clear oak casing 010' 1 PER UNIT TRIM PVC - 5/4"x4" - 16 2 x 16ft TRIM PVC - 5/4"x12" -16 2 x 16ft TRIM PVC Drip Cap -16 2 x 16ft UNIT PHOTOS 0-ECOVED APR 3 0 2024 s nnrvwv 1 r.� 04103/24 MAY 112024 ' AHmuu I n ?l G05i, Page 18 / 25 NECW.Z 105 dba. RENEWAL. BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Scott & Maryanne Petersen Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC I License # RI #36079, MA 10 Susan Rd RENEWAL #173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm #1237 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 brANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 H. (605)310-4952 numu.ew`wwrnaurn Phone 401-753-2223 1 Fax: (null) I tdeslardin®renewalsne.com C: (508)760-0642 Measure Tech: Paul Music, (804)513-1883 105Room 1 95-1 /4" W 82-3/8" H ID Patio Door, Gliding - 200 Series Narroline Patio Door: Gliding, 200 Series Narroline, 2 Panel, Stationary / Active, Clear Andodize Sill, Exterior White, Interior Pine Glass: All Sash: Tempered High Perf. Hardware: Albany, White Screen: Gliding, Full Screen Grille Style: No Grille Misc: Pre -Finish Int - special order, ***Int trim casing will be primed, customer to paint trim only. Special Order adds 2-3 weeks. INT DOOR COLOR WHITE Construction: 8ft Door Differential (1), Exterior Casings (3 pieces) (1), LSWP per Unit (1) Material: Clear oak threshold @10' (1), Cortex Screws (1), Ext. Caulk - PVC Bright White (2), Ext. Caulk - WH (2), Ice & Water Shield - 4 inch (1), Ice & Water Shield - 9 inch (1), Paintable Caulk - White (0.25), Spray Foam (0.2), GS STF1 3 9/2" clear oak casing @8' (2), GS STF1 3 1/2" Cleae oak casing @10' (1), PVC - 5/4"x4" - 16 (2�, PVC - 5/4"x8" - 16 (2). PVC Drip Cap 16 (2) 8ft Door Differential 1 Exterior Casings (3 pieces) 1 LSWP per Unit 1 UNIT MATERIALS CUSTOM Clear oak threshold 010' 1 PER UNIT MATERIAL Cortex Screws 1 box ECRU D MATERIAL Ext. Caulk - PVC Bright White 0 2 tubes APB 3 20i4 MATERIAL Ext. Caulk - WH 2 tubes r AnivIUU I r MATERIAL Ice & Water Shield - 4 inch OLD KING'S HIGHWAY 1 roll MATERIAL Ice & Water Shield - 9 inch 1 roll MATERIAL Paintable Caulk White APPROVED 0.25 - tubes MATERIAL Spray Foam I` A`.' it1 20?4 0.2 cans CUSTOM GS STF1 3 1/2" clear oak casing 08' 1 AHMUO I In .. , 2 PER UNIT 44103124 Page 19 / 25 105 dba: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Legal Name Southern New England Windows, LLC I License # RI #36079, MA RENEWAL#173245,CT#0634555,Lead Firm #1237 byANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 w' �1i10a'° °1O1 Phone- 401-753-2223 1 Fax: (null: I tdeslardm@renewa sne.com Measure Tech- Paul Music, (804)513-1883 CUSTOM GS STF1 3 1/2" Clear oak casing @10' TRIM PVC - 5/4"x4" - 16 TRIM PVC - 5/4"W' - 16 TRIM PVC Drip Cap - 16 FCF1Vh APR 3 0 2024 f AMIVIUU I f ni 11 KINC;'C HirHWAY C'41n iN4 Scott $ Maryanne Petersen 10 Susan Rd Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 H (605)310-4952 C (508)760-0642 1 PER UNIT 2 x 16ft 2 x 16ft 2 x 16ft APPROVED MAY 1 1 ZON fAHMUU I h -� Page 20 ! 25 AV 106 dba: RENEWAL BYANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Scott & Maryanne Petersen Legal Name. Southern New England Windows, LLC I License # RI 436079, MA 10 Susan Rd RENEWAL #173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm #1237 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 6YANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, R102917 H: (605)310-4952 Phone' 401.753-2223 I Fax, ;null) I tdesjardmfr#renewalsne.com C: (508)760-0642 Measure Tech Paul Music, f804;513-1883 106girls room 38-1 /2" W "-7/8" H WInclow, Gliding - Double Window: At:clairnlm Gliding Double, 3:1, Active / Passive, Base Frame, Exterior White, Interior White Glass: All Sash- High Performance, No Pattern Hardware: White Screen: Fiberglass, Full Screen Grille Style: Grilles Between Glass (GBG) Grille Pattern: All Sash: Colonial 2w x 4h Misc. None Construction: Exterior Installs (1), Exterior/ Interior stops (1), LSWP per Unit (1), Wrap Windows - Upt to 101 (1) Material: Coil - WH (0.15), Ext. Caulk WH (2), Paintable Caulk - White (0.25), Spray Foam (0.21, 1/2" Primed 1/4 Round - 8 (2) Exterior Installs I ECRV D Exterior/ Interior stops LSWP per Unit I HtiivlUU , n Wrap Windows - Upt to 101 OLD KINGS HIGHWAY MATERIAL Coil - WH MATERIAL Ext. Caulk - WH JAPPROVED MATERIAL Paintable Caulk - White MAY 1 1 2024 YARMOUTH MATERIAL Spray Foam OLD KINGS HIGHWAY TRIM 1/2" Primed 1/4 Round - 8 u4/triri4 1 1 1 1 0.15 rolls 2 tubes 0.25 tubes 0.2 tans 2x8ft 9wovPage 21 / 25 107 dba- RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Scott & Maryanne Petersen Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC I L cense # RI 936079, MA 10 Susan Rd RENEWAL # 173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm # 1237 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 eyANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 H: (605)310-4952 Mumvi"tIONPUL-cm Phone: 401-753-2223 1 Fax (pull) I tdes)ardin0renewalsne.com C:(508)760-0642 Measure Tech: Paul Music, r15(4)513-1883 107girls room 38-1 /2" W 44-7/8" H Window, Gliding - Double Window: Acclaim'"^ Gliding Double, 1:1, Active / Passive, Base Frame, Exterior White, Interior White Glass: All Sash: High Performance, No Pattern Hardware: White Screen: Fiberglass, Full Screen Grille Style: Grilles Between Glass (GBG) Grille Pattern: All Sash: Colonial 2w x 4h Misc: None Construction: Exterior Installs (1), Exterior/ Interior stops (1), LSWP per Unit (1), Wrap Windows Upt to 101 (1) Material: Coil WH (0.15), Ext. Caulk - WH (2), Paintable Caulk - White (0.25), Spray Foam (0.2), 1/2" Primed 1/4 Round - 8 (2) CONSTRUCTIONUNIT Exterior Installs 1 Exterior/ Interior stops 1 LSWP per Unit 1 Wrap Windows - Upt to 101 1 MATERIAL Coil - WH 0.15 rolls MATERIAL Ext. Caulk - WH 2 tubes MATERIAL Paintable Caulk - White 0.25 tubes MATERIAL Spray Foam 0.2 cans TRIM 1/2" Primed 1/4 Round - 8 2 x 8ft ------------------- TI VED- APR 3 0 2024 i k1ml iuy i r, OLI) KWGS HIGHWAI PPROVli MAY 1 1 2024 (ARMOUTH ,C-C/ Page 22 / 25 dba: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Scott 8 Maryanne Petersen Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC I License # RI #36079. MA 10 Susan Rd RE N E WA L #173245, CT #0634555, Lead F rm #1237 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 brANDERSEN 10 Reservo r Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 H: (605)310-4952 Phone: 401-753-2223 1 Fax: (null) I tdesjardm®rer,ewahne.€om C: (508)760-0642 Measure Tech- Paul Mus c, (804)513-1883 Misc Misc: Misc, Provia, 1a Entry Door System, Quantity 1, Customer understands that the door color depicted on the attached spec sheet is not accurate. Please verify your color using the color chip samples with your Project Consultant, prior to signing this agreement. By signing agreement, you are stating you verified the color and will accept the door on the day of installation. Construction: Entry Door w/Sidelites - INCL. ALL TRIM/PAN/DRIP (1), Exterior Casings (3 pieces) (1), LSWP per Unit (1) Material: Cortex Screws (1), Ext. Caulk - PVC Bright White (2), Ice & Water Shield - 4 inch (1), Ice & Water Shield - 9 inch (1), Paintable Caulk - White (0.25), Spray Foam (0.2), Primed Shoe Molding - 8 (1). PVC Drip Cap - 16 (1), PVC - 5/4"xG" - 8 (4). PVC - 5/4"x8" - 8 (1), 3-1/2" Primed Colonial - 8 (3), Primed Pine - 1"x4" - 8 (3; UNIT NOTES Customer understands that the door color depicted on the attached spec sheet is not accurate. Please verify your color using the color chip samples with your Project Consultant, prior to signing this agreement. By signing agreement, you are stating you verified the color and will accept the door on the day of installation. UNIT CONSTRUCTION Entry Door w/Sidelites - INCL. ALL TRIM/PAN/DRIP Exterior Casings (3 pieces) LSWP per Unit MATERIAL Cortex Screws MATERIAL Ext. Caulk - PVC Bright White MATERIAL Ice & Water Shield - 4 inch MATERIAL Ice & Water Shield - 9 inch MATERIAL Paintable Caulk - White MATERIAL Spray Foam TRIM Primed Shoe Molding - 8 TRIM PVC Drip Cap - 16 ECRVED APR 3 0 2024 1 AMIVIUU I r. OLD KINGS HIGHWAY IAPPROVED__] MAY 1 12024 eARMOU i H (ING'S HIGH 1 1 1 1 box 2 tubes 1 roll 1 roll 0.25 tubes 0.2 cans 1 x 8ft 1x16ft 04103124 J �� � Page 23 / 25 dba: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Scott & Maryanne Petersen Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC I License # RI #36079, MA 10 Susan Rd RENEWAL 4173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm # 1237 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 bYANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 H: (605)310-4952 W"Womonwr000191e Phone. 401.753-2223 1 Fax: (null) I tdeslardin@renewalsne.com C. (508)760-0642 Measure Tech: Paul Music, (804)513-1883 TRIM PVC - 5/4"x6" - 8 4 x 8ft TRIM PVC - 5/4"x8" - 8 1 x 8ft TRIM 3-1/2" Primed Colonial - 8 3 x 8ft TRIM Primed Pine -1"x4" - 8 3 x 8ft UNIT PHOTOS ETIVE- APR 3 0 2024 t HniVluu 1 I . OLD KING'S HIGHWAY 04f09124 APPROVED' MAY 1 1 2024 OLD I(ARMUU I h S HI HWAY Page 24 / 25 Installation Invoice Scott & Maryanne Petersen 10 Susan Rd Yarmouth Port, MA 0266 H (605)310-4952 C (508)760-0642 DESCRIPTIONQUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL Base Unit Installation Charges, Full Frame & EJ Frame Base Unit Installation Charges, Insert Frame & Base Frame Install Gliding/Gliding-Stat/Gliding-Fract Window (Base Frame), 2 80-89.99 UI Base Unit Installation Charges, Patio Doors Install Gliding Patio Door 2 Panel Base Unit Installation Charges, Entry Doors Construction Charges LSWP per Unit, JOB, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107 Exterior/ Interior stops, 106, 107 Exterior Installs, 106, 107 Exterior Casings (3 pieces), JOB, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 Wrap Windows - Upt to 101, 106,107 Staging, JOB Entry Door w/Sidelites - INCL. ALL TRIM/PAN/DRIP, JOB 8ft Door Differential, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 LSWP Prep/Clean Up, JOB ,F-IVFD APR 3 U 2024 1 Ar%IVIUU 1 t'+ OLD KINGS HIGHWAY Additional Items 5 8 2 2 6 2 2 1 5 1 $425.00 $18.00 $10.00 $10.00 $30.00 $35.00 $100,00 $521.00 $75.00 $50.00 $160.00 $2,125.00 $144.00 $20.00 $20.00 $180.00 $70.00 $200,00 $521.00 $375.00 $50,00 • $ 3,865.00 TOTAL �7�7��l Installation invoice 1 10 Susan Rd, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 ,,.ri Page 25 ! 25 DBA: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Legal Name, Southern New England Windows, LLC RI #36079, MA #173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm #1237 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield. RI 02917 R E EW WEWA L Phone: 401-753-2223 I Fax: (null) I contracts®asmarterwindow.com brANDERSEN Thank you for your order Scoff & Maryanne Petersen 10 Susan Rd Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 H: (605)310-4952 C: (508)760-0642 Pilease And, enclosed for your convenience, the contents of your agreement vdth Southern New England Windows, LLC D/b/a Renewal By Andersen of Southern New England Table of Conten +4V"mentDocument and PBymentlermr..........................................................2 Iternixed Order Receipt . . ....... . ....... . . . .. . ............................. . . . . ........... . .3 Payment Authorization Form . . . . . . . . . ............. ........................ ............. 6 Notice of Cancellation . . . . .. . . . . . ................................. .. ............ . .. .... 7 ssaOEDAM14433746,pdt........................................ ................ ....8 Terms and Conditions of Sale . . . . . . . . . ..................... ... , ............... , . .. , .... 9 Important Project Information .......... . ................... ... , . , . , . , , .. , ..... ... , .. , , . , . 11 Lead -Safe Form (CT dr Mom ...................... , . ,................................ ...... 14 Price Presentation Nscounts ... . . . . . . .. . .. . ... . . ............................... . ... . .. 16 R E C F I V D APR 3 U 2024 i nnWiuy I f i ni n ",'.. �C UVIUTAIAV A PRO + D MAY 1 12024 fAHMuu r'n 04/03/24 Page 1 J 15 Agreement Document and Payment Terms DBA: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC RENEWAL RERI #36079, MA #173245. CT #0634555, Lead Firm #1237 N RENEWAL 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 04 WW rrr"yrerrMM" Phone: 401.753.2223 1 Fax: (null) I contracts®asmarterwindow.com Scott & Maryanne Petersen BUYER(S) NAME 10 Susan Rd, Yarmouth Port, MA 0267 BUYER(S) STREET ADDRESS a mot_.;—o W W—Ar% petersen.scott.c@gmaii.com APR 3 0 2024 �1 PRIMARY EMAIL r HhIYfL161 J 1 OW KIN..6'5 Hka ff NOTES: (605)310-4952 PRIMARY NUMBER SECONDARY EMAIL Scott a, Maryanne Petersen 10 Susan Rd Yarmouth Port. MA 02675 K. (605)330.4952 C: (508)760-0642 04/03/24 CONTRACT DATE (508)760-0642 SECONDARY NUMBER Buyer(s} hereby jointly and severally agrees to purchase the products and/or services of Southern New England Windows, LLC d/b/a Renewal By Andersen of Southern New England("Contractor"), in accordance with the terms and conditions described in this Agreement Document and Payment Terms, any documents listed in the Table of Contents, and any other document attached to this Agreement Document, the terms of which are all agreed to by the parties and incorporated herein by reference (collectively, this "Agreement"). Buyer(s) hereby agrees to sign a completion certificate after Contractor has completed all work under this Agreement. TOTAL JOB AMOUNT: $58,780 By signing this Agreement, you acknowledge that the Balance Due, and the Amount Financed must be made by personal check, bank check, credit card, or cash. DEPOSIT RECEIVED: $29,390 BALANCE DUE: AMOUNT FINANCED: $29,390 Estimated Start: 2-4 months $58, 780 Estimated Completion: 2-4 months We schedule installations based on the date of the signed contract and secondarily on the date METHOD OF PAYMENT: Financing in which we complete the technical measurements. The Installation date that we are providing at this time i5 only an estimate. We will communccate an official date and time at a later date. Rain and extreme weather are the most common causes for delay. NOTES: Permitted in Yarmouth Buyer($) agrees and understands that this Agreement constitutes the entire understandings between the parties and that there are no verbal understandings changing or modifying any of the terms of this Agreement. No alterations to or deviations from this Agreement will be valid without the signed, written consent of both the Buyer(s) and Contractor. Buyer(s) hereby acknowledges that Buyer(s) 1) has read this Agreement, understands the terms of this Agreement, and has received a completed, signed, and dated copy of this Agreement, including the two attached Notices of Cancellation, on the date first written above and 2) was orally informed of Buyer's right to cancel this Agreement. NOTICE TO BUYER: Do not sign this contract if blank. You are entitled to a copy of the contract at the time you sign. YOU, THE BUYER, MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION AT ANY TIME NOT LATER THAN MIDNIGHT OF 04/06/2024 OR THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION, WHICHEVER DATE IS LATER. SEE THE ATTACHED NOTICE OF CANCELLATION FORM FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT. SIGNATURE OF SALES PERSON SIGNATURE Jake Roberts Scott Petersen PRINT NAME OF SALES PERSON PRINT NAME 04/03/24 iP1%ITURE MarI anne Petersen PRIM NAME YARMOUTH rJ e2t4'ev 51;e Page 2 / 15 Itemized Order Receipt DBA: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Scott & Maryanne Petersen RENEWAL Legal Name: Southern New England windows, LLC 10 Susan Rd RENNEWA L RI #36079. MA #173245, CT #0634555r Lead Firm #1237 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 bYAD RSEN 30 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 H: (605)3104952 wgmPhone: 401.753.2223 1 Fax: (null) I contracts@asmarterwLndow.com C: (506)760-0642 sROOM: SIZE: DETAILS: Misc Misc, Job Note, HISTORIC APPROVAL NEEDED, Quantity 1, Job will need historic approval for installation, delays may impact estimated installation date, Misc Misc, Job Note, * Cape Resident - THANK YOU!, Quantity 1, START TIMES ARE AN ESTIMATE AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Renewal will secure a building permit as needed for your project. As a reminder, it is the custower's responsibility to do any painting, staining or touch up work after installation. We appreciate your business and look forward to exceeding your expectations. Misc Misc, Provia, 1a Entry Door System, Quantity 1, Customer understands that the door color depicted on the attached spec sheet is not accurate. Please verify your color us ng the color chip samples with your Project Consultant, prior to signing this agreement. By signing agreement, you are stating you verified the color and will accept the door on the day of installation. 101 Room 1 Patio Door Gliding 200 Series Narroline 2 Panel Active / Stationary, Clear Andodize Sill, Exterior White, Interior Pine, Glass, All Sash: Tempered High Perf., Hardware, Albany, White, Screen, Gliding, Full Screen, Grille Style, No Grille, Misc, Pre -Finish Int - special order, ***lnt trim casing will be primed, customer to paint trim only. Special Order adds 2.3 weeks. INT DOOR COLOR = WHITE. APPROVED, MAY 1 1 2024 I rARMOUTF, CRECOVED APR 3 6 2024 YARIVIO 1Th Ilro 04/03/24 � �� Page 3 / 15 0 ' RENEWAL bYANDERSEN' xuaW■ Imwua" 102 Itemized Order Receipt DBA: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC RI 036079, MA #173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm #1237 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 Phone: 401.753.2223 1 Fax: (null) I contracts@asmarterwindow.com Scott i Maryanne Pvtorsen 10 Susan Rd Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 H:(605)310-4952 C: (506)760-0642 Room 1 Patio Door Gliding 200 Series Narroline 2 Panel Active / Stationary, Clear Andodize Sill, Exterior White, Interior Pine, Glass, All Sash: Tempered High Perf., Hardware, Albany, White, Screen, Gliding, Full Screen, Grille Style, No Grille, Misc, Pre -Finish Int - special order, * * *Int trim casing will be primed, customer to paint trim only. Special Order adds 2 3 weeks. INT DOOR COLOR = WHITE, 103 Room 1 Patio Door Gliding 200 Series Narroline 2 Panel Active / Stationary, Clear Andodize Sill, Exterior White, Interior Pine, Glass, All Sash: Tempered High Perf., Hardware, Albany, White, Screen, Gliding, Full Screen, Grille Style, No Grille, Misc, Pre -Finish Int - special order, * * * Int trim casing will be primed, customer to paint trim only. Special Order adds 2.3 weeks. INT DOOR COLOR WHITE, 104 Room 1 Patio Door Gliding 200 Series Narroline 2 Panel Stationary / Active, Clear Andodize Sill, Exterior White, Interior Pine, Glass, All Sash: Tempered High Perf., Hardware, Albany, White, Screen, Gliding, Full Screen, Grille Style, No Grille, Misc, Pre -Finish Int - special order, * * *Int trim casing will be primed, customer to paint trim only. Special Order adds 2 3 weeks. INT DOOR COLOR = WHITE, 1 mUtiv APR 3 0 2024 MAY 1 1 2024 i AMI'VIUU I t' 9 D 1 AR SOHIGHWAY OLD KINGS HIGHWAY 04/03/24 Page 4 { 15 Itemized Order Receipt DBA: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND L Legal Name:Southern New England Windows, LLC R REN EPWA RI o36079, MA #173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm #1237 N 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 M s� rcelusninra Phone: 401.753-2223 1 Fax: (null) I contractsgasmarterwindow.com Scott d. Maryanne Petersen 10 Susan Rd Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 H: (605)3104952 C: (508)760-0642 105 Room 1 Patio Door Gliding 200 Series Narroline 2 Panel Stationary I Active, Clear Andodize Sill, Exterior White, Interior Pine, Glass, All Sash: Tempered High Perf., Hardware, Albany, White, Screen, Gliding, Full Screen, Grille Style, No Grille, Misc, Pre -Finish Int - special order, ***Int trim casing will be primed, customer to paint trim only. Special Order adds 2 3 weeks. INT DOOR COLOR = WHITE. 106 girls room Window Acclain,TM Gliding Double 1:1 Active / Passive, Base Frame, Exterior White, Interior White, Glass, All Sash: High Performance, No Pattern, Hardware, White, Screen, Fiberglass, Full Screen, Grille Style, Grilles Between Glass (GBG), Grille Pattern, All Sash: Colonial 2w x 4h, Misc, None , 107 girls room Window Acclaim",' Gliding Double 1:1 Active / Passive, Base Frame, Exterior White, Interior White, Glass, All Sash: High Performance, No Pattern, Hardware, White, Screen, Fiberglass, Full Screen, Grille Style, Grilles Between Glass (GBG), Grille Pattern, All Sash: Colonial 2w x 4h, Misc, None , WINDOWS: 2 PATIO DOORS: 5 ENTRY DOORS: O SPECIALTY: 0 MISC: 3 TOTAL $58,780 RFCFBVED. a APR 3 0 2V4 '[OLD APPROVED l AhIVIUU I r. SAY I 1 24 Fi OLD KING'S HIGHWAY KNG S HIGHWAY Renerual by Andersen is committed to our customers'safety by complying with the rules and lead -safe work practices specified by the EPA. 04/03/24 Page 5 / 15 r Payment Authorization Form DBA: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC RENEWAL EhtDER RENEWAL RI #36079, MA #173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm #1237 m NDER EN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 WOMMM Phone: 401-753-2223 1 Fax: (null) I contracts®asmarterwindow.com Scott Petersen Maryanne Petersen BUYER NAME C04UYER NAME 10 Susan Rd ADDRESS MA 02675 (605)310-4952 STATE ZIP CODE PHONE NUMBER 1 0% 12 months 2521 FINANCE PROGRAM" Jake Roberts FINANCE PLAN M` SALES REP APPLICATION ID * if your financing is pending, the Finance Program and Finance Plan Number are subject to change DEPOSIT 2ND PYMT FINANCING $29,390 $29,390 BY SIGNING BELOW, I/WE, THE BUYER(S): Scoff & Maryanne Paterson 10 Susan Rd Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 H: (605)310.4952 C: (508)760-0642 Yarmouth Port CITY (508)760-0642 PHONE NUMBER 2 $58, 780 CONTRACT BALANCE OFFER EXPIRATION DATE 3RD PYMT 'CASH/CC ONLY $0 1. Agree to all payment terms as outlined in terms and conditions of the sale. All charges will appear as Renewal by Andersen of Southern New England. 2. Agree to pay upon substantial completion of the project. 3. Greensky Financing is staged: meaning 50% is released as a deposit and 50% is released upon substantial completion of the project. With alternative lenders, financing terms may vary. 4. On payment loans, interest will start to accrue today and first payment will be due approximately 30 days from today. If using the No Interest promo, the no interest window starts today. Scott Petersen 04/03/24 BUYER NAME SIGNATURE DATE Maryanne Petersen !G f� N 04/03/24 C04UYER NAME SIGNATURE DATE APR 3 0 2024 (HFifJI(]iSl h I OLD KIN ,,S HIGHWAY 04/03/24 APPROVE MAY ! 12024 (ARMOUTH 01 Kf�lr in Page 6 { 15 Notice of Cancellation DBA: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC RENEWAL RI #36079, MA #173245. CT #0634555, Lead Firm #123 f byANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 aematirer..roear�awr Phone: 401.753.2223 I Fax: (null) I contracts@asmarterwindow,com Stott A Maryanne Petersen 10 Susan Rd Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 H: (605)310.4952 C: (508)760-0642 You, the buyer(s) may cancel this transaction at any time prior to midnight on 04/06/2024 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Date of Transaction: 04/03/ 24. You may cancel this transaction, without any penalty or obligation, before midnight on 04/06/2024 or the third business day after the date of this transaction, whichever date ;s later. If you cancel, any property traded in, any payments made by you under the Contract or Sale, and any negotiable instrument executed by you will be returned within 10 business days following receipt by the Seller of your cancellation notice, and any security interest arising out of the tansact'on will be canceled. If you cancel, you must make available to the Seller at your residence, in substantially as good condition as when received, any goods delivered to you under this Contract or Sale; or you may, if you wish, comply with the instructions of the Seller regarding the return shipment of the goods at the Sellers expense and risk. If you do make the goods available to the Seller and the Seller does not pick them up within 20 days of the date of your Not;ce of Cancellation, you may retain or dispose of the goods without any further obligation. If you fail to make the goods available to the Seller, or if you agree to return the goods to the Seller and fail to do so, then you remain Pable for performance of all obligations under the Contract. To cancel this transaction, mail or deliver a signed and dated copy of this cancellation notice or any other written notice, or send a telegram, to: dba: Renewal By Andersen of Southern New England Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC 10 Reservoir Rd Smithfield, RI 02917 Phone: 401-753-2223 Fax: (null) Email: contracts@asmarterwindow.com NOT LATER THAN MIDNIGHT OF 04/06/2024 OR THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION, WHICHEVER DATE IS LATER. I HEREBY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Date of Transaction: 04/03/24. You may cancel this transaction, without any penalty or obligation, before midnight on 04/ 06/2024 or the third business day after the date of this ' transaction, whichever date is later. If you cancel, any property traded in, any payments made by you under the Contract or Sale, and any negotiable instrument executed by you will be returned within 10 business days following receipt by the Seller of your cancellation notice, and any security interest arising out of the transaction will be canceled. If you cancel, you must make available to the Seller at your residence, in substantially as good condition as when received, any goods delivered to you under this Contract or Sale; or you may, if you wish, comply with the instructions of the Seller regarding the return shipment of the goods at the Sellers expense and risk. If you do make the goods available to the Seller and the Seller does not pick them up within 20 days of the date of your Notice of Cancellation, you may retain or dispose of the goods without any further obligation. If you fail to make the goods available to the Seller, or if you agree to return the goods to the Seller and fail to do so, then you remain liable for performance of all obligations under the Contract. To cancel this transaction, mail or deliver a signed and dated copy of this cancellation notice or any other written notice, or send a telegram, to: dba: Renewal By Andersen of Southern New England Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC 10 Reservoir Rd Smithfield, RI 02917 Phone: 401-753-2223 Fax: (null) Email: contracts@asmarterwindow,com NOT LATER THAN MIDNIGHT OF 04/06/2024 OR THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION, WHICHEVER DATE IS LATER. I HEREBY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION BUYER SIGNATURE DATE , BUYER SIGNATURE DATE R ECOVED APPROVED U Q D 5 L � HrtlwvU I r. MAY 1 1 2024 OLD KING') HIGHWAY r HHMUUTh LD KING' Hi HWAY 04/03:`24 Page 7 / 15 V 0 Ln I a J u J a z 0 t! rA N W 0 W a ry Z) 0 O O a W 4A 0 L v LL .0 O O E Ln w OA cu m L C 7 O O J E _ LL ro s l''„ l7 v v N O E U L E _T ' O = , N m 00 E p ° n x O° EL C N O n ` 0 -2 " v_ E d oa c E a Lo � m 0� m m QN _2 �� C LL G O L o � 0,LN g O Gl J N ro O C Q y L ? W L ` ` y O m N m m V N c E o E c a o E °i o a R IA X N O V N U VI N y C _ m z. G a 4 Q 'A r a M w m m o a 6 n� W ` E v_ = f:` ° L Lo ° _ on E 3 E — n ti c E o f o f E o x E _ I m 7 u `r4 1. 9 a` vl a V V In a` S 4 U l7 r a u 3 ECRU APR 3 u 2024 nnivl�lU P r LLD K{NG' Hi H`ddA� APPR6� . m MAY 1 12024 r ARMOU rH LID) KINGS HIGHW Y„ d m E m 1� O n m G O � s C e E a o C) 4 E d n � N N e A O t N gmmmmmmmmwmm� WNEWAL Terms and Conditions of Sale DBA: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC RE R E RI #36079, MA #173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm #1237 brVAN E A L w��■muN 30 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 wiimmPhone: 401.753-2223 1 Fax: (null) I contracts®asmarterwindow.com: RIVF-D APR 3 4 2024 i MrtIVIUU I rs Scott A Maryanne Paterson 10 Susan Rd Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 H: (605)310-4952 C: (508)760-0642 "I", "my," and "me" means each person who signs this Agreement as a buyer. "Contractor" means Southern New England Windows, LLC d/b/a Renewal by Andersen of Southern New England. "We" and "us" mean both the buyer, or buyers if more than one, and the Contractor. Renewal by Andersen of Southern New England is an authorized and independent dealer of Renewal by Andersen. You are entering into a contract with Renewal by Andersen of Southern New England. I agree and understand that if I finance the work with Contractor or a third party, my separately provided financing documents will include the number of monthly payments and the amount of each payment, including any finance charge. Warranties/intended Use: I understand that Andersen Corporation ("Andersen") is providing me with a warranty in connection with my purchase. I understand that I should read Andersen's written warranty for complete details of my warranty coverage and that the Andersen warranty is available for my complete review before I sign this Agreement. I understand that the Andersen warranty will not be effective or enforced while a balance due remains on this Agreement. Contractor's Promises: Contractor promises to perform all work in a professional manner and within Industry standards. Contractor will remove and transport away from the premises any debris and waste materials that are generated by Contractor. Contractor shall obtain all building permits for the work to be performed under this Agreement. My Promises: I promise to Contractor that (a) I will provide Contractor with reasonable access to my property, including access to electrical outlets; (b) I will be responsible for preparation, moving, and reinstalling of any materials, personal property, cars, or equipment as may be needed for Contractor to perform its work; (c) The walls and surfaces upon which the work is to be performed are sound and suitable for the work being performed; (d) When the work is "substantially complete", I will pay Contractor the balance due under this Agreement. I understand that `substantially complete" means the work has been materially finished and is functional as intended; (e) In the event that I disagree with Contractor that the work is substantially complete, I agree that I will not withhold more than 10% of the Total Job Amount; and (f) If taxes are necessary to complete the work, I will pay them unless the law requires Contractor to pay them. Contractor may place a small advertising sign in my yard at the time of install. Measurements: I understand that dimensions referred to in this Agreement are estimates and used only for arriving at the Total Job Amount. I understand that the actual measurements will be determined during a follow-up visit by a qualified measurement technician. I understand that if Contractor must make changes to the estimated measurements, I will have to sign an addendum to this Agreement. Late Cancellation: I understand that I have 3 business days to cancel this Agreement, as described on the front page of this Agreement. I understand that If I want to cancel this Agreement after those 3 business days, Contractor does not have to allow that. I understand that if Contractor does let me cancel, however, I will have to pay to Contractor a late cancellation fee equal to 25% of the Total Job Amount for Contractor's labor, administrative, and material costs. Delay/Unknown Conditions: I understand that if Contractor determines that Contractor cannot perform the work according to Contractor's normal professional standards, then Contractor can cancel this Agreement, notify me in writing of the cancellation, and return my money to me. I understand that some of the things that could cause Contractor to cancel this Agreement would be incorrect pricing, unforeseen structural defects, or unknown preexisting conditions to my property. I understand that Contractor is not responsible for structural or other defects in my property, and that Contractor's products do not cure those types of problems. I also understand that the work could be delayed by events that Contractor does not control, and that is acceptable to me, Some of the things that could cause the work to be delayed would be acts of God, labor strikes, inclement weather, material shortages, my inability to qualify for or obtain financing, delays by local government authorities in issuing or otherwise approving inspections, permitting, or other required authorizations for the work. Late Payment/Default: I agree that if I do not pay Contractor any of the money owed when it is due, I can be charged a late fee of 1.5% on the amount owed for each month the money is owed and not paid. I also agree that if I default on my promises under this Agreement, and Contractor hires an attorney to enforce this Agreement, I will pay Contractor its reasonable legal fees and related costs or expenses, as long as it is legal for me to do that. I agree and understand that in the event that I do not pay Contractor any of the money owed when it is due, Contractor may have a claim against me, which may be enforced against my property in accordance with the applicable lien laws. I also understand that if I finance the work with Contractor or a third party, my separately provided financing documents may include a security interest, I understand that I should read those documents closely. I agree and understand that I will assert a dispute, claim, or controversy (hereafter referred to as a "Claim") arising under or relating to thle Agreement only on behalf of my own self and that I will not assert a Claim on behalf of, or as a member of, a class or group In either an arbitration proceeding, a private attorney general action, or In any other forum or action. N a court determines that this specific paragraph Is not fully enforceable, the court's determination shall be subject to appeal. This paragraph does not apply to any lawsuit or administrative proceeding filed against Contractor by a state or federal government agency. SIGNATURE OF SALES PERSON Jake Roberts PRINT NAME OF SALES PERSON 04/03/24 r SIGNATURE Scott Petersen I PPRVI PRINT NAME MAY 1 12024 2024 SIGNATURE Dianne Petersen PRN47 NAME v _ Page 9 / 15 Terms and Conditions of Sale DBA: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Legal Name: Southern New England W'ndows, LLC RENEWAL RI #36079. MA #173245. CT #0634555, Lead Firm #1237 bYANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 ��ao,swuocrm�� Phone: 401.753.2223 1 Fax; (null) I contracts@asmarterwindow.com APR 10 2024 I AhIVIUU I r, OLD KINGS HIGHWAY Scott A Maryanne Peterson 10 Susan Rd Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 H: (605)310-4952 C: (508)76"642 Interpretation of This Agreement: I agree that this Agreement will be enforced under the laws of the state where the work is being performed. If any part of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or illegal, then I agree that the rest of this Agreement will still be valid and enforceable. We both understand that this Agreement and any attachments, make up the entire understanding between us about the work Contractor is doing. There are no other oral or written agreements or representations on which we are relying. We both agree that any change to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both of us. The paragraph headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience only and will not affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. (Connecticut Sales Only) The owner(s) of the home improvement contractor is or has been a shareholder, member, partner, or owner of the following corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships, sole proprietorsh ps or other legal entities that have been a home improvement contractor during the previous five years: None." (Massachusetts Sales Only) Any deposit required under this Agreement to be paid in advance of the commencement of work shall not exceed the greater of one-third of the total contract price or the actual cost of any materials or equipment of a special order or custom made nature, which must be ordered in advance of the Commencement of work, in order to assure that the project will proceed on schedule. No final payment shall be demanded until this Agreement is completed to the satisfaction of the parties. In Massachusetts, all contractors and subcontractors must be registered by the administrator of the board of building regulations and standards and any Inquiries about a contractor or subcontractor relating to a registration should be directed to: Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation, Ten Park Plaza, Suite 5170, Boston, Massachusetts 021.16, Telephone: (617) 973-8700. In Massachusetts, the contractor Is responsible for applying for and obtaining any and all necessary permitting. Homeowners who secure their awn penults will be excluded from the guaranty fund provisions of Massachusetts law. (Rhoda Island Sales Only) The contractor and/or subcontractors or material persons may file a lien in accordance with the Rhode Island Mechanics Lien Act, chapter 28 of title 34. (Rhode Island Sales Only) During the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall maintain public liability and property damage insurance covering the work of not less than $500,000 combined single limit, bodily injury and property damage and workers' compensation insurance as required under chapter 29 of title 28. Condensation and Environmental Conditions: Condensation, which can form on or within walls, siding, tiles, or other surfaces results from pre-existing conditions in a home and internal or external temperatures. Reducing the humidity in a home will often remedy any condensation problems. I agree that Contractor is not responsible for condensation or existing or developing spore or mold growth, which can be the result of condensation. SIGNATURE OF SALES PERSON Jake Roberts PRINT NAME OF SALES PERSON 04/03/ 24 b, 016 - SIGNATURE Scott Petersen PRINT NAME APPRtVED MAY 1 1 2024 tHRMOUTh OLD KINGS HIGHWAY SIGNATURE Maryanne Petersen PRINT NAME Page 10 / 15 RENEWAL brANDERSEN wVMvA@Wmum.n Important Project Information DBA: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC RI #36079, MA #173245. CT #0634555, Lead Firm #1237 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 Phone: 401.753.2223 1 Fax: (null) I contracts@asmarterwindow.com pF CFI V GD APR M CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES i Aniviuu i ri POSSIBLE GLASS LOSS FOR WINDOWS AND DOORS Scott & Maryanne Petersen 10 Susan Rd Xkrmouth Port, MA 02675 Customer has been made aware of the possible glass loss that occurs with the Installation of replacement windows. POSSIBLE GLASS LOSS FOR BAY AND BOW WINDOWS Customer acknowledges acceptance of substantial glass loss due to the engineering of the frame to properly support the weight of the new unit. It Is recommended when purchasing a bow window to replace the existing unit with one less section. For example, a 5 section bow should be replaced with a 4 section bow to help offset glass loss. PAINTING/STAINING RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN DOES NOT PERFORM ANY PAINTING OR STAINING ON ANY WINDOWS, DOORS OR TRIM. In order to provide you with the best finished product, our installers will not prefill nail holes. These tasks will be completed during the painting/staining process. It is your responsibility to coordinate and pay for all painting and/or staining after the windows are installed, including any new interior stops (replaced as needed) which is a small interior piece of wooden trim removed or installed during the installation of the windows. ENLARGING, WIDENING OR NEW OPENINGS Renewal by Andersen does not have the licensing to perform electrical or plumbing work, nor will the company be held liable for the removal or relocation of any electrical and/or plumbing that is discovered inside of the wall during the installation. If discovered, Renewal by Andersen will leave the opening sealed from exterior elements and notify the customer to discuss your responsibilities in getting said electrical and/or plumbing moved. Once electrical and/or plumbing is moved customer will call Renewal by Andersen to schedule the installation of the balance of the project. EXTERIOR ACCESS TO OPENINGS Customer must provide reasonable access to the exterior of each opening to perform the proper exterior installation and weather proofing guidelines. This may require some shrub and/or tree limbs to be trimmed back so an installer can have access with a ladder to the exterior of an opening. FURNITURE AND DECORATIONS We ask that you remove any furniture that may block access to the windows or door openings. We ask that you remove the pictures from the walls being worked on and any decorations that are in the work area before work begins. This will greatly reduce the likelihood of any accidental damage to personal property. SIGNATURE OF SALES PERSON Jake Roberts PRINT NAME OF SALES PERSON 04/03/24 �16 SIGNATURE SIGNATURE Scott Petersen ryanne Petersen PRINT NAME NT NAP AME MAY 1 12024 �ARMOUTH �+1 v Page 11 / 15 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY 2 IMAMN Important Project Information D$As RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Scott A Maryanne Petersen RENEWAL Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC 0 Susan Rd RI #36079. MA #173246, CT #0634555, Lead Firm #1237 � �� armoulh Port_ MA 02675 brANAERSEN byAN o.,neSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 . (605)310.4952 Phone: 401 753-2223 1 Fax: (null) I contracts®asmarterwindow.com APR 3 0 2024 = (508)760-0642 ' AhIVIUU i r, OLD KING'S HIGHWAY WINbOW COVERINGS Please remove all blinds, shades or shutters before we arrive. Should you need assistance removing and reinstalling your existing blinds, shades or shutters, we offer that as a fee based service, but we are not responsible for the fit or operation of the blinds, shades or shutters. We also assume no liability for any new blinds or shutters: that includes fit, measuring and installation. All of these processes should be handled by a professional window treatment company. AIR CONDITIONING UNITS Owner is responsible for the removal and reinstallation of any AC units and brackets. ALARM SYSTEMS Owner is responsible for the removal and reinstallation of any existing alarm systems. PLEASE CONTACT ALARM COMPANY FOR DETAILS. PETS Because not all pets react favorably to the excitement of the construction process, we ask that you keep all of your pets confined during the time we are working on your home. This should keep them from becoming stressed, accidentally escaping or possible injury. SECOND AND FINAL PAYMENT If paying by cash or credit card, the second payment is due at start of installation and final payment is due at the completion of the installation. The check is made payable to Renewal by Andersen of SNE. You may hand the check to the installer who will then bring the check into the office. If you have financed your project, there will be a finance sign off form made available to you by the installation crew. WHAT IS INCLUDED Renewal by Andersen will Insulate, caulk and seal windows with our 3 —point defense Infiltration VISIBLE ROT RbA of SNE will replace or repair VISIBLE rot on sills or exterior casings. I N 611-K SIGNATURE OF SALES PERSON SIGNATURE Jake Roberts Scott Petersen PRINT NAME OF SALES PERSON PRINT NAME 04/03/24 system to prevent water a APPROVED MAY 1 1 2024 rAHMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY s f . SIGNATURE Maryanne Petersen nd air PRINT NAME Page 12 / 15 "+05V RENEWAL bYANDERSEN Jw5m rca.,wMwuaYr NOT INCLUDED Important Project Information DBA: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTMERN NEW ENGLAND Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC RI #36079, MA #173245. CT #0634555, Lead Firm #1237 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 Phone: 401-753-2223 1 Fax: (null) I contracts@asmarterwlndow.com Any UNSEEN, HIDDEN or STRUCTURAL rot, that will be addressed at time of discovery. HAUL AWAY/DISPOSAL & CLEAN UP Scott A Maryanne Peterson 10 Susan Rd Yarmouth Port. MA 02675 H: (605)310-4952 C: (508)760-0642 RbA of SNE will clean up all job related debris, including old windows and storms, and will vacuum nightly. FINISH PAPERWORK RbA of SNE will present customer with maintenance manuals and warranty documents upon completion of project and payment in full. PERMITS Renewal by Andersen will secure any and all required building permits. On occasion, an outstanding customer bill with the municipality will prohibit Renewal by Andersen from securing a permit. When applicable, contractor will notify customer and it is up to the customer to pay any owed balance to the town so contractor can secure the proper permits prior to installation. We ask that the customer close out the permit, after installation, with the issuing municipality when necessary. ALL CURRENT PROMOTIONS AND DISCOUNTS HAVE BEEN APPLIED TO THIS AGREEMENT - ANY FUTURE DISCOUNTS OR SALES CANNOT BE APPLIED AT A LATER DATE. PC1F-) APR 3 U `Z024 ,NM;;, 0Ir'WAY OLD KMG'S HIGH APPR-OVED MAY 1 12024 (ARMOR I h SIGNATURE OF SALES PERSON SIGNATURE SIGNATURE Jake Roberts Scott Petersen Maryanne Petersen PRINT NAME OF SALES PERSON PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 04/03/24 Page 13/15 A4r*IN-) Lead -Safe Form (CT & MA) a) DBA: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Scott A Maryanne Petersen RENEWAL Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC 10 Susan Rd brANDERSEN RI #36079. MA #173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm #1237 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 H: (605)310-4952 xuum isms m enAa" Phone: 401 753-2223 1 Fax: (null) I contracts@asmarterwindow,com C: (508)760-0642 Lead Safe Work Pamphlet Receipt and Lead Testing Permission Form Pamphlet Receipt I have received a copy of the lead hazard information pamphlet informing me of the potential risk of the lead hazard exposure from renovation activity to be performed in my dwelling. I received this pamphlet before the work began. Permission to Test I confirm if my house was built between the years of 1940 and 1977, 1 understand and give permission to have my house tested for Lead Paint at time the measure technician comes out to take final measurements. I understand that if the test does show the presence of lead paint, that the firm performing the renovation will be required to use the lead -safe work practices required by EPA's Lead -Based Paint Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule. I also understand that there is no added charge for using the lead safe work practices. By signing below, I hereby agree to the terms and conditions above. prnr IVED APR 3 0 2024 orU°wovviI, �. UILIf 1C i,ir_"WAY SIGNATURE OF SALES PERSON SIGNATURE Jake Roberts Scott Petersen PRINT NAME OF SALES PERSON PRINT NAME 04/03/24 �APPRMED MAY I 12024 SIGNATURE Maryanne Petersen PRINT NAME I.AHMUU r I-, �� Page 14 / 15 Price Presentation Discounts DBA: RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN OF SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC RENEWAL RI #36079, MA #173245. CT #0634555, Lead Firm #1237 16YE 14 ERSENEWA L wmer+wan roe�aaruaa 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 Phone. 401-753-2223 1 Fax: (null) I contracts0asmarterwindow.com Scott A Maryanne Petersen 10 Susan Rd Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 H: (605)310-4952 C: (508)760-0642 PROJECT PRICE BEFORE DISCOUNTS $79,732 BASEDINDIVIDUAL SAVINGS ON Advertised Offer Savings. 20% Off Project $15,946 Sales Cost Savings Plan (5%) Savings: 53,189 Repeat Customer Savings (3%) Savings: $1,817 pF:r-V F— APR 3 0 "0 , r%r,hiivu r 1, l OLD KINGS Hi HWAY 'APPROVED MA 1` 1 1 2024 r HHivio u I,-, OLD KING s Hinwwev 04/03/24/` 0 5-�r Page 15 / 15 Materials Checklist This list includes the sum total all of the materials for the entire job. MATERIAL. Cortex Screws MATERIAL Ext. Caulk - PVC Bright White MATERIAL Ice & Water Shield - 4 inch MATERIAL Ice & Water Shield - 9 inch MATERIAL Paintable Caulk - White MATERIAL Spray Foam MATERIAL Ext. Caulk - WH MATERIAL Coil - WH TRIM Primed Shoe Molding - 8 TRIM PVC Drip Cap - 16 TRIM PVC - 5/4"x6" - 8 TRIM PVC - 5/4"x8" - 8 TRIM 3-1/2" Primed Colonial - 8 TRIM Primed Pine - 1"x4" - 8 TRIM PVC - 5/4"x4" - 16 Scott & Maryanne Petersen 10 Susan Rd Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 H (605)310-4452 C (508)760-0642 6 box --12 tubes ,.6 roll ��FIF 6 roll APR 3 U 2024 .2 tubes Hnlv,vu s , OLD KIND'S HIGHWAY 2 cans 14 tubes 1 rolls 1 x 8ft 11 x 16ft 4x8ft 1 x 8ft .. 3 x 8ft 3 x 8ft ,APPROVLZD „10 x 16ft MAY 1 12024 r HHN1vu ( r, f OLD KIND'S HIGHWAY Materials Checklist 1 10 Susan Rd, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Page t I 1 �—►� j� Jp Materials Checklist Scott & Maryanne Petersen 10 Susan Rd Yarmouth Port, MA OW6?5 H: (605)310-4952 C:(508)760-0642 TRIM PVC - 5/4"x8" -16 TRIM PVC - 5/4"x12" - 16 TRIM 1/2" Primed 1/4 Round - 8 CUSTOM Clear oak threshold 610' CUSTOM GS STF1 3 1/2" clear oak casing 08' CUSTOM GS STF1 3 1/2" Clear oak casing @10' PFrF—IVE APR 3 U 2024 i MriiMl V V 1 1 A x 16ft ❑ .. 6 x 16ft ❑ ..4 x 8ft ❑ 5 PER UNIT ❑ 12 PER UNIT ❑ ..7 PER UNIT ❑ i PPA()VELI MAY 12024 r Hh(1viuu I r-. i OLD KING�g HIGHWAY Materials Checklist 1 10 Susan Rd, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Page 2 1 2