HomeMy WebLinkAbout24-A076 79 White Rock RoadApplication °` Y `, TOWN OF YARMOUTH #2 of 3 ° 'x 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664- 451 CWK Art Barn ., f Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292—Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMI 'IEF APPLICATION FOR MAY 17 2024 CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 4 Oom U sHWAY amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings, photographs, & other supplemental infu application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 CopieS OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS, PHOTOS, & SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Catenorles That Apply: Indicate type of Building: X Commercial Residential 1) Exterior Building Construction: New Building Addition X Alterations Reroof Garage Shed Solar Panels Other: 2) Exterior Painting: X Siding Shutters X Doors X Trim Other: 3) Signs/Billboards: New Sign Change to Existing Sign 4) Miscellaneous Structures: Fence Wall Flagpole Pool Other: Please type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: 79 WHITE ROCK RD. YARMOUTH PORT Map/Lot # 115/ 233.1.1 Owner(s): WINGATE KIRKLAND REAL ESTATE LLC Phone#: 508-341-3798 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: Will Rubensein Year built: X Email: heywill@campwk.com Preferred notification method: Phone X Email Agenticontractor: Kurt Raber, Architect Phone #: 508-362-8382 __ext 120 Mailing Address: Catalyst Architects/interiors Inc. 203 Willow St. Yarmouth Port, MA 025675 Email: kurt@catalystarchitects.com Preferred notification method: Phone X . .Email Description of Proposed Work: See attached Addenda Signed (Owner or agent): Date: 05.17.2024 4 Ownerlcontractorlagent is aware that a permit is required from the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.) If application is approved, approval is subject to a 10-day appeal period required by the Act. This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of exp. ration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH OKH-approved plans MUST be available on -site for framing & final inspections. Rcvd Date: q ! 117q Amount 100� to Cash/CK M —75, Rcvd by: 45 Days: Date Signed: Approved .. _. __Approved with _Modifications Reason for Denial: Signed: 1 APPLICATION #: Denied Cert of Approp. Application #2of3 May 17 2024 0 D KINGS Hid HWAY Camp Wingate Kirkland Art Barn ex-Mb Telephone (508) 398-2231 Fit. 12412 Fa% (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S 11IGHWAY IIIS'rOR1C DISTRI(—r ['omNin-rFP 45-DAY TIMEFRAME WAIVER Application #; qq-)0u.7 � Project Address: tII G� Application Received Date: 51i-2 ) 2q 45 Day Decision Deadline: (.o l 349"F RECRWO MAY 17 2024 rANMUUI r. I/We, the undersigned owner, contractor, or agent, do hereby waive the 45-day timeframe for a determination on our application for a Certificate of AppropriatenesslDemolibon/Exemption by the Old King's Highway Historic District Committee for the following project: 'lA A4 Date. �' 17��aa- Signed: M ner Owner Contractor/Agent TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE 2023 MEETING SCHEDULE eA .AD-76 Application GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEET #2 of 3 Pro'ect Address: CWK Art Barn FOUNDATION: Material: Concrete Exposure (Not to exceed 18"): IS" CHIMNEY: Material/Color: n/a GUTTERS: Material/Color: X ROOF: Material: Standing Seam Pitch (7/12 min) 6/12 Height to Ridge: 20'-7" Metal Board & Batten C@ urge Lap Siding SIDING: Material/Style: Front: Gable Ends Sides/Rear: 8" to weather _ Color. Front: Gray (Sim to adj.) Sides/Rear: Gray (Sim to adj.) TRIM: All windows & doors to be trimmed with: 1x 4 Material: PVC Azek, Painted DOORS: Qty: 1 Material: Fiberglass, Painted Style/Size (if not listed/shown on elevations): See Plans STORM DOORS: Qty: n/a Material: n/a GARAGE DOORS: Qty: n/a MatT n/a Style 1x5 (Circle one.) Color: Gray to Match Siding Color: White Color: n/a n/a Colorn/a WINDOWS: side:: Front: 2 Left: 1 Right: Rear: 3 olor: White Manufacturer/Series: Andersen 400 Series Material: Vinyl Clad_. Wood sement - Grilles (Required): Pattem (6/6, 211, etc.) n/a Grille Type: True Divided Lite: Snap -In: Between Glass: Permanently Applied: _....._Exterior Interior STORM WINDOWS: Qty: n/a Material: n/a Color: n/a Color:Red (Sim to adj.) COLOR CHIPS SHUTTERS: Mat'I: n/a Style: Paneled n/a Louvered n/a Color: n/a SKYLIGHTS: Qty: n/a Fixed n/a Vented n/a Size n/a Color: n/a DECK: Size: n/a Decking Mat'I: n/a Color: n/a Railing MatT n/a Style: n/a _........_... Color: n/a WALLS/FENCES* (Max W height): Height: n/a MatT n/a Style: n/a Color: n/a (Show running footage & location on plot plan.) 'Finished side of fence must face out from fenced in area. UTILITY METERSIHVAC UNITS: Location: Rear Side Screening: n/a LIGHTS: Qty: 11 style: See attached cut sheets Color: Black Location(s): 2 at Doorways plus 9 ceiling_ fixtures in pavilion ceiling LIGHT POSTS: Qty: n/a Material: n/a Color: n/a Location(s): n/a Additional information: This facility replaces the old art facility in its original footprint. It will be taller than the current building and therefore we are asking for 6/12 roof Pitch to Minim a the. am metal to match the other social gathering spaces on the campus. 2-General APPLICATION #: % TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ABUTTERS' LIST Applicants :Owner} Name- W 1 VYIZ 11-40 M l 1kal P�i f ¢-e LU Property Address/Location _—, 1 " Hearing Date Not ces must be sent to the applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) whose property directly abuts or is across the street from the app scant The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list Note Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King s Highway Department page on the Town website w.rrw.yarmouth ma us Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information RE ,Abut MiFtion: MAY 17 2024 AHtvIUurr, AY c 5 ! �33.1.1 Wb l [okv -Lob - — -- `tL) Y3 3030 lib � log-- 10fo m o b q 7 1' W 13 rw Application # TOWN OF YARMOUTH III 1 \1010I III. 11 TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ABUTTERS' LIST Applicants (Owner) Name wlak ES LG Property Address/Location __ "Ail-k Lzockc- iet>ad Hearing Date r• Notices must be sent to the appl cant and abutters (Including owners of land on any public or private street or way) whose property directly abuts or Is across the street from the applicant The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list Note Instructions for obtain ng the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King s Highway Department page on the Town webslte wow varmouth.ma us Applicant Information. Abutter Information RECRVED MAY 17 2024 r AhMUU I r, l U K NG' HIGHWAY Map Number Lot Number !gib 1' j-2 !E;-1 13gS- lob 1'3 1?v Db e 5-� 13$Xf 13 3 3-7 _ 1 3 �S IIS 53. two Application #�f 3� a 3 TOWN OF YARMOUTH I t4P If()I 11 2N - ()I I II ) 1t(\t()I I II \t 1�, -, \( II( ,I I I * SI',,,.4-;a*o TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ABUTTERS' LIST Applicants (Owner) Name ��g yGtYk-I�. Property AddressfLocation jq Lvjik_: Ic- Hearing Date- f Syr✓ Notices must be sent to the applcant and abutters-inc'ud rig owners of 'and on any public or private street or way) whose property directly abuts or Is across the street from the applicant The OKH Office will send out notices us ng the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list Mote Instructions for obta-ning the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King s H gh,vay Cepartment page on the Town website www Yarmouth ma.us Applicant Information Abutter Information. l F FrFIVF MAY 17 2024 f NriIVIUU i Map Number Lot Number 5 _ 1 ob _ -_ ) 33 1-7Q. 3V, 1,3q,3y a 13 21f3 3n 13 06 i Application # -f k~%b A T()WN nF YARM0UTH IIJL-R01. II %. ,+il 111 1 xltNliit 1ll \1lit,I t I*11_4•; 44,1 • kD O� 110 rr It 1 i' tn 0 ty t t =}� so C° w LLI LO `� �, , �•� /,''�,.-__,tom U�.!` � � �l �C_K LANE ot y IVA :7 _ ;Y. aj i V x 1� r� U r t*!}v.� Mi-� O I W4� . -^i1 M 1 w1i• �' 5 1 1 r +, �OTRNX 13 RCFIVF MAY 17 2024 r AHMUU1 t-s C �v7L EHL22 Hanover Pendant Eurotique Family s NKMK Specifications EPA: 2.0(t Height: 22" Diameter: 22' Weight: 60 Ibs Application #2 of 3 CWK Art Barn Ceiling Light in the Open Pavilion Area Introduction the Munich is a European -styled pendant luminaire suitable for use with a variety of Eurotique decorative arms and poles. Intended for use in pedestrian areas such as retail environments, public parks, city centers and commercial areas or other spaces with decorative requirements and a contemporary theme. MAY .l 7 2024 t Artivruu 1 r, OLD KING'S Hi HWAY r EXAMPLE: EHL22 ST 63LED 350MA 4K R3 GCF 120 DDBXD M22 ST Smooth 49LED350MA 5,000lumens 3K 3000K R2 Type GCF Glassclear0at MVOLT RT Ringed 49LE0525MA 6,700lumens 4K 4000K R3 Type GCSG Glassclearsag 120 FT Fluted 63LE0350MA 6,000lumens 5K 5000K R4 Type 208 63LED52SMA 8,200lumens R5 Type 240 277 347 480 r QSME Quick Stem DDB%0 Mount DBUD DNARD DWHKD ANBK ANDS ANDG ANVG 19 Super durable dark bronze Super durable black Super durable natural aluminum Super durable white Antique black Antique dark bronze Antique dark green Antique verde green e)Wji15-x0 ' One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 1-800-705-SERV Q378) a www.acwtybranasxc rn EHL22 . L/if1��/{�/A Rev, 08/24/23 L/GHT/NG 0t 20132023 Aanry Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved Page 1 of 3 COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR ST RT FLT SIIl001h Ringed t9&A Performance Package R l+F-IVFD 63 LED Light Engine Module rit-11WVU i r. 491ED 35DmA AR3 49LEDSZSmA el 63LED3SOmA 74 - BSLFD52SIM 110 R2 4,49S 76 4,994 4,730 - - 81 S,311 069 79 _ 5,188 4,9S5 84 5,506 6,030 _ 69 - 6,700 _ _ _ -_ 6,412 74 _ 7,125 6,264 72 6,960 85 4,9% 5,311 8S 90 88 _ R4 R5 R2 96 - 88 93 n _ _5,189 55D6 93 6170D 77 R3 82 7,12S 82 80 - 64 RS 80 85 61960 - 6,648 76 7,381 _ 5,434 i... 73 6,039 5,779 - 78 _ 6,421 5,645 76 6,272 5,991 - 81 6,657 7-87 85 R2 82 6,033 82 R3 87 6,421 - 6,272 6,657 8,13S 87 SS R4 -RS - - R2 R3 11S - 9D 74 79 90 7,322 67 8,135 - - 7'7 -_ 71 _8651 7,605 69 8,4% 8,oiz 73 81969 74 801 - 79 77 -� 82 R4 77 IL450 Its 82 8,969 Data is considered accurate as or the revision date, shown in the highest operating temperature availabe Antique Street lamps reserves the right to modify speriRcations without notice Lens Option 22' ip-Mri 22 {55 88cm) &"or }yggtir,� �fmrk v . . 4r rr�i,r r • i,t:. r, t#CitT I1hAE WNDLY Note$: N ghttime Friendly" distributions available with GCF lens only. GCF GCSG Glass,ClearFlat Glass, Clear Sag f. LIM27NIA One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 1-EIW-745-SERV (7378) • vnvw.acuitybrands cam Rev 0HEHL22 LIGHTING 0 2013-2023 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc All rights reserved Page 2 of 3 COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR Distribution Side— _.i . -- ftse I �. i 1 7.� — �1 side h- I LEGEND lu R3 R4 76 0.1 k Type II Type III Type IV TWV ■ 0.5 k 1.0 fc Installation MAY 17 2024 I Ahlviuu I r, LIB KINGr HIGHWAY Cast Aluminum Receiver (welded and fits all Eurotique arms) Aluminum Swivel Stem (welded to luminaire) Door Hardware and Set Screw FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE This European -styled pendant or wall mount decorative lumineire is perfect for area lighting in retail, c ty-center, pedestrian areas or any other space with decorative requirements with a contemporary theme CONSTRUCTION This lumrnsire consists of a driver housing mth an attached skirt to shield the source from view while allow'ng the widest distribution. The ;ght source is protected by your chaise of a flat or sag -glass le�.s and assembled with stainless steel hardware. Driver and light engine assembly mount on a removeable assembly plate and are furnished with quick -disconnect plugs for ease of installation and maintenance f"KM Exterior parts are protected by a zinc -infused Super Durable TGiC thermoset powder coat finish that provides superior resistance to corrosion and weathering. A tightly controlled multi -stage process ensures a minimum 3 m-Is thickness for a finish that can withstand extreme climate changes without cracking or peel ng. OPTICS Prr isron acrylic refractive opt cs for optimum light distribution through the flat cr sag glass lees. L ight anginee are available in 3000K, 4000K or 5000K with a color rendering index (CRI) of 70 and is shielded by the skirt which blocks the view of the source from high angles ELECTRICAL Light engine consists of either 49 or v3 high-effiaency LEDs mounted to a metal core r ircuit board and aluminum heat sink ensuring optima therms. management and -ang life. Clan 1 electronic drwens designed to have a power factor > 90%,'HD< 20% and an expected .ife of 100,000 hours. INSTALLATION A universal quick stem mount assembly (OSME) s standard for all Eurelique luminaires and mounting arms. An aluminum cast receiver mounting hub s provided with all mounting arms and welded in place. The mating aluminum sw vel .tem is provided with all luminaires and welded in place. The luminaire is hung by opening the door on the cast receiver of the mounting arm. placing in the stemfluminaire and securi,g the door with hardware provided. LISTINGS CSA certified to U.S. and Canadian standards and ;abeled as suitable for wet locations. WARRANTY 5-year limited warranty This is the only warranty provided and no other statements in this specification sheet create any warranty of any kind. All rather express and implied warranties are disclaimed. Complete warranty terms located at: www.acuttybronds,cem/supporJwarranty/ rms-and-cor Note., Actual performance may differ as a result of end -user environment and application. All values are design or typical values, measured under laboratory conditions at 25C. Specifications subject to change without notice. • • mvwacui brands.ccm EHL22 .L/THO/V/A One L thonia Way Conyers, Georgia 30012 •Phone 1-BOt}705-SERv R3�Bi ry Rev, 08124rz3 L/GHT/NG. 2013.2023 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All r'ghis reserved Page 3 of 3 COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR ARC2 LED Application #2of3 Architectural Wall Luminaire CWK Art Barn ' � Nmµl ra Wall Light near Egress Doors raeaotr -40 am Specifications Depth (D1): 9.25" Depth (D2): 7.5" Height: 5" Width: 14" Weight: 11 lbs (without options) ARC LED Family Overview A11LSi.E4 4W AB{2 LED 4'AI Ordering Information AKLw P1 1,500 Lumens P2 2,000 Lumens P3 3,000Lumens P4 4,000Lumens PS 6,S00 Lumens 30K 3000K 40K 40DOK 50K 5000K Introduction The Lithonia Lighting ARC LED wall -mounted luminaires provide both architectural styling and D2 visually comfortable illumination while providing the high energy savings and low initial costs for quick financial payback. ARC2 delivers up to 6,500 lumens with a soft, non-pixelated light source, creating a visually comfortable environment. It offers integrated emergency battery backup options, including an 8W cold temperature option, making it suitable for pedestrian sca a applications in any environment. 1,S00 2,000 3,000 BYp 1,500 2,000 I 3,000 Accessories Orda,rd and mfppad =apwarery WM DOBMD U Surlam meuPW bark bw 4p i*fWh) fA L/THON/A COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR L/GHT/NG MVOLT 347' EXAMPLE: ARC2 LED P2 40K MVOLT PE DDBXD E4WH Emergency battery backup, CECcompliant (4W.W° min) EBKC Emergency battery backup,CECcompfiam(8W -20* min)' PE Button type photocell fordusk-to dawn operation DMG 0 IDYdimmmg wises pulled outside fixlure (for use w th ar external control, ordered separately]' SPD6KY 6kY surge protection' FAO Field adjustable light output device. Allows for easy adjustment to the desired Ightlere(s. from 2096 to 100%2 RECEIVED kAAV t na' ' ' ^ - QLQ K N ' _Hl HW Y DDBXD Dark bronze DBLXD Black DRAM Naturalaluminum DWHXD White DWD Sandstone DDBTXO Textured dark bronze OBLUD Textured black ONATXO Textured natural aluminum OWHGXD Textured white OSSTXD Textured sandstone NOTES t 347V not available with E4WH, EBWC and SPD6KV. 2 FAO not available with DMG One Lrthonia Way a Conyers, Georgia 3DO12 a Phone. 1-WO-705-SERV (7378) " wmv.lithonia.conn ARC2 LED O 2020-2022 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc All rights reserved Rev. 03/OZ122 7— Lumen Output Lumen values are from �l,o c tests performed in accordance with IESNA Ltvl-79-M. Data is considered to be representative of the configurations shown. within the tolerances allowed by Lighting Facts. Contact factay for periirmance data on aq configurations not shown here. Electrical Load Lumen Ambient Temperature (EAT) Multipliers Use these factors to determine relative umen output for average ambient tempereaees from 040T (32 104'F) 0•C 321 1.04 101C 50'F 1.03 201C 68'F 1 A7 25'C 771 1.00 30'C 40"C WF 0." 104'F 0,97 Lumen Output in Emergency Mode (4000K, 80 CRI) r"WH 693 EBWC 1,413 j F Fiv tF r) MAY 17 2024 - I- ""IVIUU 1 r. Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Data references the extralpicillated performer" projections for the platforms noted in a 25C ambient, based on 1R046 hours of LED testing (tested per IESNA LM•8)4)8 and projected per IESNA TM-21-111. To calculate LLF. use the lumen maintenance factor that corresponds to the desired number of operating hours below. For other lumen maintenance values. contact factory. 0 2500 50,000 100,000 1.0 >0.96 >0.93 a0.88 Photometric , .J."To see complete photometric reports or download .Les files for this product, visit the Lithonia Lighting ARC LED homepage. Tested in accordance with IESNA LM-79 and LM-80 standards. LEGEND F 0.25k 0.5k ■ 1.0(c 3.0 k + I MH.15k __ _e_ Grid 15ft x 15k ARC2 LED P3 40K '• Llr"VXIA COMMERCIALovirDOOR L/GHT/NG One-ithon'a Way • Conyers, Georgia 3W12 • Phone: 1-800-705-SERV 17378) +.+ lirhrr a rom O 202D-2022 Acuity Brands Light ng, Inc All rights reserved 90-A,02 ARC2LED Rev. 03/02/22 Emergency Egress Options Emergency Battery Backup The emergency battery backup is integral to the luminaire — no external housing required! This design provides reliable emergency operation while maintaining the aesthetics of the product. All emergency battery backup configurations include an independent secondary driver with an integral relay to immediately detect loss of normal power and automatically energize the luminaire. The emergency battery will power the luminaire for a minimum duration of 90 minutes (maximum duration of three hours) from the time normal power is lost and maintain a minimum of 60% of the light output at the end of 90minutes. Applicable codes: NFPA 70/NEC - section 700.16, NFPA 101 Life Safety Code Section 7.9 The example below shows illuminance of 1 fc average and 0.1 fc minimum in emergency mode. Grid -1 Oft x 1Oft ARC2 LED 40K MVOLT E4WH 26It 7 It ;40ft f a— . — ARC2 LED 40K MVOLT EBWC Mounting, Options & Accessories - E4WH and ESWC - Emergency Battery Backup D = 6.5" H=5" W311" FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS BBW - Standard Back Box D m 1.5" H-4" W - 5.5" For surface conduit applications. 314" conduit entry holes. INTENDED USE The clean architectural shape of the ARC LED was designed for applications such as hospitals, schools, malls, restaurants, and commerc all buildings. The long-jife LEDs and driver make th luminaire nearly maintenance -free. CONSTRUCTION The die-cast aluminum housing and door act as heat sinks to optimize thermal transfer from the light engine and driver to promote long -life. The die-cast door frame is ful y gasketed with a one-piece solid silicone gasket to keep out moisture and dust, providing an IF65 rating for the luminaire. FINISH Exterior painted parts are protected by a zinc -infused Super Durable TGIC thermoset powder coat finish that provides superior re><stance to corrosion and weathering. A tight ly controlled multi -stage process ensures a 3 mils thickness for a finish that can w thstand extreme climate changes without cracking or peeling. Standard Super Durable cnlors include dark bronze, black, natural aluminum, sandstone and white. Avai able.n textured and non -textured finishes. OPTICS Recessed lens to cut off high angle light and reduce g are. Combination of diffused lens and reflector design has low surface brightness creating a visua y comfortable environment with great distribution. LEDs are fully hidden from view to eliminate pixelization and harsh glare. The ARC LED has zaro uplight and qualifies as a Nighttime Friendly— product, meaning it is consistent with the LEEDO and Green Globes'" :rater a for eliminating wasteful uplight. OFL/THON/A L/GHT/NG. Self-contained solution for clean aesthetic Rcr.FIVED MAY 17 ?r"a s Hhlviuu I r. OLD KING' hfiO,NW Y ELECTRICAL Light engine consists of high efficacy LEDs mounted to metal -core circuit boards to maximize heat dissipation and promote long -life (up to L881100,000 hours at 25'C). The electronic driver has a power factor of >90%. THO <20%. Luminaire is 0-10V dimmable INSTALLATION The universal wall plate, supplied with the luminaire, (its multiple size junction boxes and supports it during wiring for easy installation. Built-in wet location wiring compartment on the luminaire to accommodate wiring connections for applications with no junction box. Design can withstand up to a 1.5 G vibration load rating per ANSI C136.31. LISTINGS CSA certified to U.S. and Canadian standards. Luminaire is IP65 rated. DesignLights Consortium° (DLC) Premium qualified product and DLC qualified product. Not all versions of this product may be OLC Premium qualified or DLC qualified Please check the DLC Qualified Products List at Aww.designlights.org/OPLto confirm which versions are qualified. International DarkSky Association (IDA) Fixture Seal of approval (FSA) is available for all products on this page utilizing 3000K color temperature only. Rated for -4WC minimum ambient. WARRANTY 5-year limited warranty- This is the only warranty provided and no other statements in this specification sheet create any warranty of any kind All other express and implied warranties are disclaimed Complete warranty terms located at Note: Actual performance may differ as a result of end -user environment and application All values are design or typica"- values, measured under laboratory conditions at 25 °C Specifications subject to change without notice. COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR One Lnhonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 1-800-705-SERV (7378) • www.iithonia com ARC2 LED 0 2020-2022 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Rev. 03/02122 511=24 10:01:43 AM CAUaers4awOlDeakWKamp Wingate 10AJard SD 11 10.23JecabF5W.M X X P w p Zc 3 3 Q D x ^! v - x� i %4 - N f W ;o _ r �cn m X r+ N m ( n �c N N O �. J rr n a O• ems* R x M r+ N 0 m r+ n D r+ N Z (A 30 CD O-01 qIV (D N 3 CA Lnn I P rt 1 � r x$ 3 o 3 � N m �z < M rn c, if7 � T N iTl V { l Y-1 Ow rn 2 -A. < < I re yy I qq II I •1 F .. I - f S II .0 a r, g F a " ARTBAR - -0N 'n CAMP WINGATE KIRKLAND Architecture Interiors il; N O p fn 79 WHITE ROCK ROAD, YARMOUTH, MA Where visions take shape - 203WILLOWSTR6ET,SUITEA YARMWTHPORT.MA02676 P.SO&362.3382 WWW.CATALYSTAAGnTECTS.CpM c) 0 -0 0Z , 11 0 Le V9! 0 0 F" Z Ft 6 m .... 6 m T:E ......... m ... ..... .. m 0 ........... ......... m .... . . ............... . . m r- I '�, l , < . .... .. .. .. m --------- - ---- ----- ......... .. 1< 0 .. ........... .. . .. . ............ 10 IZ - -------- --- A............ .......... ........ .... ............. ..... . ..... . . .... ............................. . ..... .... ..... . ... .......... - ----- ---- . ......... . ........ ..... ....... ... ..... .. ......... ............. ........... . .......... ..... ........ ...... ....... Z_ iN a A PG IQ I c" '08 9 10 a: z 7T, 2 0 0 �T� 0 II 0 E II 0 It (n F� V) 6 m 6 m MCI m m M, m D m > 0 z I 0 0 > < Cn j;7_ __3 rc., < m -0 r- ;0 ART z m p < 0 �UC.�iIy t > m CAMP WINGATE * KIRKLAND 0 Architecture R 0 (A m 79 WHITE ROCK ROAD, YARMOUTH, MA Where. visions take shape z lip 2 203 WILLOW STIZEET, SUITE A YARMOUTHPORTMA02675 P 508,362-8382 W W WCATALYSTA-QCHITECTs.CoM