HomeMy WebLinkAbout811 Rte 28 Planner Report 051024 with Attachments T O W N O F Y A R M O U T H 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4492 Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 1276, Fax (508) 398-2365 MEMORANDUM To: Planning Board From: Kathy Williams, Town Planner Date: May 31, 2024 Subject: The Residences at 811 Main – 811 Route 28, South Yarmouth Assessor Map 32.72 - Village Centers Overlay District (VCOD) VC2 A. General Description: The Applicant is proposing to redevelop the 0.58 acre property into multi- family housing, with a total of eight, one-bedroom units utilizing Zoning Bylaw Section 414 - Village Centers Overlay District (VCOD) VC2. The existing single-family dwelling and shed will be razed and a new multi-family townhouse building will be constructed with shared central laundry room. The project also includes reconfiguration and expansion of a shared-access drive (shared with 807 Route 28), utility connections, a new sewage disposal system, stormwater management and landscaping. The project also includes a fenced-in dumpster in the rear of the site, bike rack and fire truck turn around. The property is located within a floodplain with a Base Flood Elevation of 11. B. Process-VCOD Site Plan Review: VCOD Design Standards per Section 414.8 and the Architectural & Site Design Standards are mandatory for VCOD projects. The Planning Board reviews the project for compliance with these standards, however the VCOD SPR is not a Special Permit Decision and does not grant any zoning relief or make any zoning determinations. Applicants have the right to appeal the decision of the Planning Board to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Any zoning relief required would be done through the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), as determined by the Building Commissioner. Final action by the Planning Board on VCOD applications needs to occur within 50 calendar days of the application submission. The application was received on March 26, 2024 and a 30 calendar day extension was executed to allow time for the applicant to make revisions to the plans. The Planning Board has until June 13th to make a decision unless an extension is granted. This item is on the June 5th Planning Board Agenda. C. Comments from Other Committees: The applicant met with the Site Plan Review Team on April 16th (see attached SPR Comment Sheet). Please note that many comments from the SPR involve other regulations or permits that the Applicant must adhere to or obtain and are not under the purview of the VCOD SPR. The applicant made modifications to address some of the SPR comments prior to submission to the Design Review Committee, and summarized these revisions in the attached April 30th letter from Brian Yergatian of BSC Group. The applicant met with the Design Review Committee (DRC) on May 7th (see attached Design Review Comment Sheet). The DRC reviews VCOD projects for mandatory compliance as it relates to the Architectural and Site Design Standards and is advisory to the Planning Board. Based on the DRC comments, the applicant made further modifications to the plans prior to submission to the Planning Board, and summarized these revisions in a May 23rd letter from Brian Yergatian. Planning Division Planning Board 811 Route 28 May 31, 2024 Page 2 of 3 Some remaining items for consideration by the Planning Board: • Ensuring that the plantings along the property line to the south (abutting the residential zoning district) meet the full requirements of Zoning Bylaw Section 414.8.9.3.b which states: Within the twenty (20) foot buffer to a residentially zoned area, a vegetated, virtually opaque screen shall be provided by a minimum six (6) foot wide planting strip maintained with densely planted shrubs not less than six (6) feet in height, except as allowed under paragraph f below. Shrubs shall be at least seventy-five percent (75%) evergreens however the use of tall, monoculture, and uniformly planted rows of evergreens or other similar species shall not be used. This is particularly important as the applicant will be requesting relief from the rear property setback which is to be 20’, or the height of the building, whichever is greater. The building height is about 28’ and the rear setback is shown at 21.1’. • Existing trees have been added to the plans, but it is unclear the type/size and which trees are to remain. Existing trees to remain and be protected should be included on the Erosion & Sediment Control Plan to ensure they are not accidentally removed within the work limits. Consider relocating the watermain further from the retained existing buffer trees to avoid root damage (and relocate gas line outside of infiltration structure). • Dumpster pad needs to be located outside the 20’ buffer. May wish to discuss timing of trash removal due to noise and proximity of the residential abutters. • Suggest varying the building materials on the eastern side of the building between clapboards and shingles. • Prior to seeking relief, the applicant should meet with the Building Commissioner to identify items requiring relief including one discrepancy from the Architectural & Site Design Standard for locating utilities underground as overhead utilities remain to the first utility pole located within the property (along the eastern property line), then go underground. This was done to avoid trenching under Route 28 to access the utility poles on the north side of the road. Also as noted above relief will be needed for the rear yard setback. D. Planner Comments: The following is suggested language for consideration by the Planning Board. Motion to approve The Residents at 811 Main multi-family housing project at 811 Route 28 as presented at the Planning Board meeting of June 5, 2024 and in accordance with the plans and materials submitted, subject to the following conditions: 1. Revised Easement for the shared access driveway shall be recorded at the Barnstable Country Registry of Deeds prior to issuance of a building permit. 2. Vary the building materials on the eastern side of the building between clapboards and shingles. 3. Provide one (1) affordable unit. 4. Locate dumpster and dumpster pad outside the 20’ rear buffer. 5. Existing trees which are to be retained, and protected during construction, shall be identified on the Erosion & Sediment Control Plan. 6. Plantings along the southern property line (abutting the residential zoning district) shall fully meet the requirements of Zoning Bylaw Section 414.8.9.3.b. 7. Any relief required shall be sought through the Zoning Board of Appeals. Planning Board 811 Route 28 May 31, 2024 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENTS: • VCOD SPR Application, Design Review Application, March 18, 2024 BSC Project Narrative and VCOD SPR Checklist • Building Mounted lighting specification sheet • Site Plan Review Comment Sheet, April 16, 2024 • April 30th Plan Revision Summary Letter from BSC Group • Design Review Comment Sheet, May 7, 2024 • May 23, 2024 Plan Revision Summary Letter from BSC Group • Architectural Plans: Prepared by ERT Architects, dated April 25, 2024 o A.1 – Floor Plans o A.2 - Elevations • Site Plans: All plans prepared by BSC Group, dated March 18, 2024, last revised May 22, 2024 o Cover Sheet o Existing Conditions Plan o Erosion & Sediment Control Plan o Site Preparation & Demolition Plan o Layout & Materials Plan o Grading & Drainage Plan o Septic & Utilities Plan o Planting Plan o Details (3-sheets) June 5, 2024 5:30 PM VCOD SPR Rev. 12/12/12 Page 2 of 2 Brief Project Description: _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ List (petition number and date) and attach copies of prior Board of Appeals Petitions (This information can be obtained from the Board of Appeals Office) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Special Permit Relief Required from Zoning Board of Appeals, if applicable (Specify Section and Relief Sought): ______________________________________________________________________ List of Hazardous Materials and Quantities (attach if necessary): ______________________________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant____________________________Date____________________ Signature of Owner______________________________Date____________________ (if not Applicant) The Applicant is proposing to redevelop the property as multi-family housing, with a total of eight, one-bedroom units. The existing single-family dwelling and shed will be razed and a new multi-family townhouse building will be constructed. The project also includes reconfiguration of a shared-access drive, utility connections, a new sewage disposal system, stormwater management and landscaping. N/A No on-site storage of hazardous materials will be permitted. 3/17/2024 OWNERS: Roseanna Nikolaidis 4 Vineyard Cir Sagamore Beach, MA 02562 Lambros Nikolaidis 812 Main St. Rt 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Engineers Environmental Scientists Software Developers Landscape Architects Planners Surveyors 349 Main Street, Route 28, Unit D / West Yarmouth, MA 02673 / 508-778-8919 MARCH 18, 2024 www.bscgroup.com Town of Yarmouth Department of Community Development 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 RE: 811 Route 28, Multi-family development, VCOD To Whom It May Concern, BSC Group, Inc. (BSC) Is pleased to present the following application package for a multi-family residential development at 811 Route 28, pursuant to Section 414 of the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaws, for a VCOD development. The following summary has been prepared to assist the Town in its review of the proposed development, as outlined in the Operational Regulations of the Yarmouth Planning Board. Existing Site The site exists today as a developed single-family residence. The parcel contains 25,500± square feet of uplands and is located on Route 28 In the B2 Zoning District and the HMOD1, VC2 Overlay Districts. The site currently has two curb cuts near the northeast and northwest corners of the property. The more westerly curb cut Is a shared driveway, which Is also used by 807 Route 28, a commercial property. The dwelling Is served by municipal water, gas, overhead electric & telecommunication utilities. The site includes an on-site sewage disposal system for sanitary sewage disposal. In addition to the single-family dwelling, the site also contains a large shed that Is located in the southwest corner of the property. The front yard contains a large gravel open space, as well as portions of a parking lot, which serves the adjacent commercial property at 807 Route 28. Proposed Development The Applicant Is proposing to construct a 2-story townhouse-style apartment building in the center of the property, containing eight (8), one-bedroom, townhouse-style apartment units. Prior to construction of the proposed site improvements, erosion & sedimentation controls will be established and the existing dwelling and shed will be demolished. Site Access The site is located on Main Street (Route 28), which is a State Highway. Therefore, an Access Permit is required by MassDOT prior to construction. The Applicant is proposing to reconstruct the existing sidewalk that runs along Route 28 in front of the property, which will likely be required by MassDOT. In addition, the easterly curb cut will be closed, and the shared driveway on the western side of the property will be reconfigured to serve the proposed development, as well as the adjacent site at 807 Route 28. The proposed driveway is 230 feet long and will provide access to each of the units. A paved turnaround is included for Fire Department access and turnaround. Each unit will have Its own parking space in front of the unit. 349 Main Street, Route 28, Unit D / West Yarmouth, MA 02673 / 508-778-8919 Wastewater The design includes a septic system that is located on the western side of the building, underneath the common driveway. Soil testing was performed by BSC and witnessed by the Yarmouth Health Division Staff In November 2023. Five (5) test pits were excavated, evaluated and logged. Site soils are comprised of fine sand with generally 2-3 feet of overburden consisting of loamy sand topsoil and subsoil. Groundwater was observed in Test Pits 3, 4 & 5 at depths of 120, 120 and 115" below the existing ground surface, respectively. Percolation testing was performed in Test Pits 3 and 5, yielding a result of less than 2 minutes per inch. Stormwater Management Stormwater management facilities have been designed in accordance with the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook. Catch basins located at the northern and southern end of the driveway will collect stormwater runoff from the driveway and surrounding pervious areas. Collected stormwater from these areas will be treated via water quality structure and then conveyed to a subsurface Infiltration system consisting of twenty-one (21) Cultec R-330XLHD leaching chambers for attenuation and groundwater recharge. Stormwater runoff from the building roof will be collected by gutters and conveyed via roof drains to an Infiltration system located on the eastern side of the building, consisting of ten (10) Cultec R-150XLHD leaching chambers. In addition to these systems, the stormwater design for this facility also includes a bio- retention area (rain garden) in the southeast corner of the site, which will manage stormwater runoff from the eastern side yard. Each of these systems has been designed in accordance with the Massachusetts Stormwater Management Standards, as is capable of attenuating peak runoff associated with a 100-year storm. Utility Services Other utility services required to support this project include domestic water, electric, telecommunications and natural gas. The existing water service will be upgraded to a 2" domestic water service and reconfigured to serve the proposed building. Existing electrical service to the house is provided by overhead wire to a riser pole located along the eastern boundary of the site, approximately 75 feet away from Route 28. The applicant is proposing to maintain the overhead electrical service to this pole but will provide a new underground service to the building from this point. The final design will ultimately be as approved by Eversource. The site Is also served by natural gas. The existing service will be decommissioned, and a new gas service will be installed to serve the new building. This design will ultimately be as approved by National Grid. We look forward to presenting this project to the Town. In the interim, please feel free to contact us, should you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, BSC Group, Inc. Brian G. Yergatian, P.E., LEED AP Senior Civil Engineering Manager, Senior Associate Operational Regulations of the Yarmouth Planning Board Last Revised December 12, 2012 - 15 - VCOD Site Plan Review Application Checklist  Application Form  Fee  One(1) original and twenty-two (22) hard copies of the required information outlined below. A Professional Land Surveyor or Professional Civil Engineer or licensed architect shall sign and date and place their seal upon all pertinent documents and plans as appropriate to their discipline. All drawings shall be prepared on standard 24" x 36" plan sheets. Site Plans shall be at a minimum scale of 1" = 40' unless otherwise specified. Elevation drawings, where required, shall be drawn at a minimum scale of 1" = 4'. Drawings may be submitted in 11x17 format if plotted at a standard scale and are fully legible. All drawings must be to scale. If 11x17 drawings are submitted, one full size set of all plans shall also be submitted.  Digital Format of all Submittal Information: In addition to hard copies provided, all applications, supporting data, plans and specifications must be submitted in Adobe pdf digital format on CD or DVD. All site plans and architectural plans shall be included in one pdf file. Site Plans shall also be provided in AutoCad.dwg format. If requested, plans shall also be provided in the following acceptable digital formats: ESRI standard .shp or geodatabase file formats. All feature types that are shown on the recorded plans must be organized in separate layers to allow for easy viewing in digital format (e.g., right of way, buildings, lot lines, utilities, etc.). All drawing shall be geo-referenced in Mass State Plane coordinates to allow for easy integration into GIS. The following information shall be included the submittal package: Basic Information (for all plans) 1._______ Name of the proposed development. 2._______ Name and address of property owner and applicant. 3._______ Name, address and telephone number of person or firm preparing application plan and/or materials. 4._______ Date of plan/materials preparation, with revision date(s) (if any). 5._______ Graphic scale and true north arrow on any graphic representations. 6._______ Assessors Map and lot number(s) of the parcel. Operational Regulations of the Yarmouth Planning Board Last Revised December 12, 2012 - 16 - Site Information 1._______ Regional Locus - A locus plan locating the site on the most recent USGS quadrangle map that includes a half-mile radius around the site and zoning district boundaries. 2._______ Aerial Locus – The latest available aerial photograph produced at the same scale as the Regional Locus, including labeled street names. 3._______ Existing Conditions Plan – The location or identification of the following features: a._____ Surveyed property boundary; b._____ Wetlands, streams, water bodies, and their regulatory buffers; other regulatory setbacks/buffers; and 100-year flood plain boundary with elevation; c._____ Zoning setbacks ; d._____ Unique natural land features, including all stonewalls, trees over eight (8) inches in diameter measured at breast height, rock outcrops, and the general location of the tree line; e._____ Adjacent streets with dimensions; f._____ Existing driveways or other means of access to and from the site with dimensions; g._____ Existing on-site structures and structures on abutting properties if within 20’ of the property line; h._____ Adjacent properties including lots on the opposite sides of adjacent streets with owners’ names; i._____ Any deeds of easement, rights-of-way, covenants and any other agreements connected with the site with dimensions; j._____ Existing utilities; k._____ Existing stormwater management facilities; l._____ Existing wastewater management facilities with design flow noted; m._____ Topography in two-foot intervals with spot elevations. 4._______ General Proposed Development Plans (information can be contained on multiple plans) a._____ Surveyed property boundary; b._____ Wetlands, streams, water bodies, and their regulatory buffers; other regulatory setbacks/buffers; and 100-year flood plain boundary with elevation; c._____ Retained and proposed structures with height, footprint, total gross floor area, number of stories noted; d._____ If a structure is located in a setback, the measured setbacks for each structure to the nearest lot line and/or structure with Operational Regulations of the Yarmouth Planning Board Last Revised December 12, 2012 - 17 - annotation for required zoning setback; e._____ Proposed deeds of easement, rights-of-way, covenants and any other agreements connected with the site with dimensions; f._____ Stormwater management system locations with description noted (e.g., “swale”, “bioretention facility”, “recharge chamber”, etc.) g._____ Wastewater treatment facilities locations with description of the system and design flow noted; h._____ Water supply infrastructure location and description; i._____ Proposed telephone/electric/cable with transformer locations. j._____ Delineation of landscaped areas; k._____ Parking and loading areas with stall dimensions, striping, islands, walkways, and number of spaces; l._____ Proposed vehicular and pedestrian connections to adjacent parcels, or identification of locations where future connections could be made. m._____ Circulation features such as site access, bicycle lanes/striping, general flow of automobile traffic, stacking capacity for any drive- through lanes, bicycle racks, speed bumps, crosswalks, and sidewalks. For crosswalks and sidewalks, materials, color, finish, and dimensions shall be noted; n._____ Location of waste disposal collection bins and associated screening; o._____ Parking requirement calculations and description of any shared parking or off-site parking strategies with associated calculations. p._____ Proposed topography in two-foot contours with spot elevations as required. All proposed first floor elevations of all buildings. q._____ Summary of zoning dimensional requirements, existing and proposed, with appropriate footnotes. r._____ Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control plans. 5._______ Lighting and Signage Plan a._____ The location, dimensions, height of all signs and lighting; b._____ Sketches or other stock images shall be provided to show typical applications to be used for free-standing and wall mounted lights to demonstrate compliance with the VCOD standards (separate sign permits required); c._____ Lighting plan showing the location of all fixtures with lumen output and foot candle intensity at property boundaries; d._____ Identification of any existing signs that will be improved or replaced in order to achieve compliance with VCOD standards. Operational Regulations of the Yarmouth Planning Board Last Revised December 12, 2012 - 18 - 6._______ Landscaping/Planting Plan a._____ List of proposed plants in their common name and Latin name with variety, and proposed sizes; b._____ Location of each plant listed in 6a above; c._____ Parking Lot canopy calculations. d._____ Location, dimension, height, style, color, and materials for any decorative walls or fences proposed. e._____ Location, width, materials and colors of all pedestrian pathways. f._____ Location of any protective measures during construction including tree barriers. 7._______ Building Information – The applicant shall provide the following building and architectural information: a._____ Architectural elevations demonstrating compliance with the VCOD standards for materials, rooflines, fenestration, signage and entrances as applicable. b._____ Architectural first floor plans for all proposed buildings or building expansions. c._____ Identify all building materials on the plans or in a separate narrative. Provide information and material samples where applicable, or requested, on the following: 1. Siding: materials, color and exposure; 2. Roof: material, color and exposure; 3. Windows: manufacturer, style, exterior material and color, grill configuration; 4. Doors: material, style and color(s); 5. Trims: Materials, dimensions and color(s) for trim associated with Windows, Doors, Corner Boards, Soffit, Fascia, Frieze, Rake Boards; 6. Decks: size, materials, colors; 7. Stair and Deck Railings: materials, dimensions and colors of top and bottom rails, balusters and posts; 8._______ Supplementary Information – The applicant shall provide a narrative report with the following information. a._____ Narrative summary of basic information. b._____ Narrative summary of existing conditions. c._____ Narrative summary and any additional documentation of strategy to provide water supply. d._____ Narrative summary and any additional documentation of strategy to treat and dispose of wastewater including a description of on-site soils, depth to groundwater throughout the site, and any test pit investigations that may have been performed. Operational Regulations of the Yarmouth Planning Board Last Revised December 12, 2012 - 19 - e._____ Narrative summary and any additional documentation of strategy to treat and discharge stormwater and, where applicable, the relationship between the stormwater management strategy and any impairment identified on the watershed 303(d) list. f._____ All documentation for subsurface soil investigations referenced by code or key to locations of testing sites on submitted plans. g._____ Stormwater flow calculations associated with all best management practices shown on submitted plans including discharge volume calculations for design storm frequencies, peak discharge rates for design storm frequencies, and soil percolation rates. Stormwater runoff calculations shall be conducted in HydroCad or similar software program using TR-20 or TR-55. h._____ Maintenance plans associated with all on-site utilities, responsible parties, descriptions of associated covenants, and funding sources where applicable. i._____ Calculations associated with wastewater design flows. j._____ Description of proposed phasing (if any). k._____ Description of compliance with inclusionary zoning requirements [Sections 412.2 and 414.5.2.3]. l._____ Narrative description of the use of any open space including the uses that are proposed, the management structure for the open space, and a description of the restrictions that will be placed upon the open space area as applicable. 9._______ If requested by the Planning Board, the application shall also include a Technical Review Fee to cover the review of specific design or engineering elements of the proposed development subject to MGL. Chapter 44, Section 53G. PRODUCT SPECIFICATION SHEET 1-Light Black Wall Sconce Black Item No:LDOD4039BK Silver Item No:LDOD4039S Available Finishes 7.88inches 4.25inches 6.5inches Engineers Environmental Scientists Software Developers Landscape Architects Planners Surveyors 349 Main Street, Route 28, Unit D / West Yarmouth, MA 02673 / 508-778-8919 APRIL 30, 2024 www.bscgroup.com Kathy Williams, P.E. Yarmouth Town Planner 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 RE: DRC Application, 811 Route 28 Dear Kathy, BSC Group, Inc. (BSC) has revised the site plans for the proposed multi-family development at 811 Route 28 in South Yarmouth. The plans were revised based on the comments that we received during the VCOD Site Plan Review meeting on April 16, 2024. The following summarizes the plan modifications that have resulted in the current site plans, revised April 26, 2024: · Added a sidewalk connection to the existing sidewalk on Route 28. · Moved the bike rack further away from the fire lane and added protective bollards. · Added a 3’ x 3’ concrete pad to the rear of each unit for a condenser. The hot water heater will be located in the closet below the stairs of each unit. · Modified the design of the septic system. The previous design included 500-gallon precast concrete chambers. These were replaced with Cur-tech CTL-12 chambers, which have a shallower profile. · Swapped the location of Infiltration System #1 and the reserve area to provide greater separation to between the infiltration and soil absorption systems. · Modified the grading of the access drive to ensure more effective drainage of stormwater runoff. · Decreased the overall length of the access drive and moved the dumpster out of the 20-foot buffer to the residentially zoned properties to the south. · Added four (4) new trees at intervals of 30 feet, along the southern boundary of the site to comply with the VCOD buffer requirements. · Modified site landscaping by replacing invasive species with non-invasives. · Combined driveways of Units 1 & 2, Units 3 & 4, Units 5 & 6 and Units 7 & 8. This allowed us to increase the width of the landscaped islands between Units 2 & 3 and Units 6 & 7, in order to provide larger canopy trees in those locations. · Added plantings to the proposed Rain Garden. · Replaced English Yew with Holly throughout the site. 349 Main Street, Route 28, Unit D / West Yarmouth, MA 02673 / 508-778-8919 I look forward to presenting them to the Design Review Committee next week. If you have any questions or comments in the interim, please feel free to reach out at your convenience. Sincerely, BSC Group, Inc. Brian G. Yergatian, P.E., LEED AP Manager of Civil Engineering, Senior Associate Engineers Environmental Scientists Software Developers Landscape Architects Planners Surveyors 349 Main Street, Route 28, Unit D / West Yarmouth, MA 02673 / 508-778-8919 MAY 23, 2024 www.bscgroup.com Kathy Williams, P.E. Yarmouth Town Planner 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 RE: DRC Application, 811 Route 28 Dear Kathy, BSC Group, Inc. (BSC) has revised the site plans for the proposed multi-family development at 811 Route 28 in South Yarmouth. The plans were revised based on the comments that we received from Staff during the Design Review meeting on May 7, 2024. The following summarizes the plan modifications that have resulted in the current site plans, revised May 22, 2024: · Moved the bicycle rack closer to the building. · Relocated Infiltration System #1 several feet to the east and slightly south to allow more space to relocate the proposed street trees. · Moved the proposed trees along Route 28 further away from the street. The trees are now set back a minimum of 16 feet from the edge of the right-of-way. · Moved the dumpster 3-4 feet closer to the southern boundary (and into the 20-foot buffer to make it easier to back out the driveway at the southern end of the building. · Modified the proposed plantings in the southern buffer to meet the requirements of Section 414.8.9.3. · Moved the four (4) proposed red maple shade trees several feet closer to the access drive and extended the length of the two (2) landscaped medians by a distance of 2 feet to reduce pavement area and increase tree canopy coverage. · Reduced the number of shrubs around the perimeter of the paved turnaround. These areas have been replaced with lawn. I look forward to presenting the Project to the Planning Board at the June 5, 2024 public hearing. If you have any questions or comments in the interim, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, BSC Group, Inc. Brian G. Yergatian, P.E., LEED AP Manager of Civil Engineering, Senior Associate MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT 811 MAIN STREET (ROUTE 28) SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS MARCH 18, 2024 REVISED: MAY 22, 2024 T-100 TITLE SHEET G-100 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN C-100 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN C-200 SITE PREPERATION & DEMOLITION PLAN C-300 LAYOUT & MATERIALS PLAN C-400 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN C-500 SEPTIC & UTILITIES PLAN L-100 PLANTING PLAN C-600 - 602 DETAILS CHRISTINA MEGGISON 693 RUSSELLS MILLS ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 LOCUS LOCUS MAP ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION INDEX OF DRAWINGS 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 GOH W OH W SSSGGGGGGGWWS S G G G G G S SSGOH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W G G G G G PUBLI C W A Y -- 4 0' WI D E ROUT E 2 8 OHWOHWOHWWWWWWWWWWOHWOHWOHWOHWGGGGGGGGGIN PLAN OF LAND 811 ROUTE 28 YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN MARCH 18, 2024 LOCUS G-100 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 WWWWWGGGWWPUBLI C W A Y -- 4 0' WI D E ROUT E 2 8 WWWWWWWWWISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C-100 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 811 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN MARCH 18, 2024 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 WWWWWGGGGOH W OH W OH WW WG G G G G S SSGOH W OH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W OH W G G G G G GOH W OH W OH W G G G G G PUBLI C W A Y -- 4 0' WI D E ROUT E 2 8 OHWOHWOHWWWWWWWWWWOHWOHWOHWOHWGGGGGGGGG349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C-200 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 811 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) SITE PREPARATION & DEMOLITION PLAN MARCH 18, 2024 PUBLI C W A Y -- 4 0' WI D E ROUT E 2 8 FIRELANE ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C-300 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 811 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) LAYOUT & MATERIALS PLAN MARCH 18, 2024 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 S SS PUBLI C W A Y -- 4 0' WI D E ROUT E 2 8 RDRDRDRDDDDDDDDDDD DISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C-400 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 811 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN MARCH 18, 2024 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 WWWWWGGGGSSSGGGGGGGWS S G G G G G S SSGG G G G G GG G G G G GG G G G G GG G G G G GG G G G G GG G G G G GG G G G G GG G G G G GG G G G G GG G G G G GG G G G G PUBLI C W A Y -- 4 0' WI D E ROUT E 2 8 OHWOHWOHWWWWWWWWWWOHWOHWOHWOHWGGGGGGGGGRDRDRDRDWFWW WWFFFFGGG GE S SSS S SC-500 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 811 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) SEPTIC & UTILITIES PLAN MARCH 18, 2024 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W OH W PUBLI C W A Y -- 4 0' WI D E ROUT E 2 8 OHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWWFWW WWFFFFGGG GE (3) - QU (3) - AC (1) - If (2) - Id (6) - Ig (6) - Ig (3) - Ca (3) - Ca (5) - Ro SS(10) - Ig (3) - Ca (2) - Ir (2) - Ir (2) - Ca (8) - TO (38) - Sis a (84) - Car s (51) - Sis a (79) - Car m LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN S S S(2) - Id (2) - Id (54) - Lir s (54) - Lir s (5) - Aa2 (2) - Id (1) - Re (2) - Ry (2) - Ry (2) - Ry (1) - AC R=15' R=15' R=15' R=15' LAWN LAWN LAWN 440 SF 530 SF 530 SF 290 SF (6) - Is (1) - Pj (1) - Pj (7) - Pj (4) - Re (5) - Ig (1) - Id (3) - Is (1) - AA (1) - AA (1) - AA (1) - AA (5) - Ca CODE QTY BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME NOTES SIZE EVERGREEN TO 8 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS AMERICAN ARBORVITAE B & B 6-7` HT FLOWERING / SMALL TREES AC 4 AMELANCHIER CANADENSIS CANADIAN SERVICEBERRY B & B 7-8` HT. SHADE TREESAA5 ACER RUBRUM 'AUTUMN FLAME' AUTUMN FLAME RED MAPLE B & B 3-3.5" CAL QU 3 QUERCUS PALUSTRIS PIN OAK B & B 3-3.5" CAL CODE QTY BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME SIZE SIZE SHRUBS Aa2 8 ARONIA MELANOCARPA `AUTUMN MAGIC` AUTUMN MAGIC BLACK CHOKEBERRY 5 GAL Ca 16 CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA SUMMERSWEET 5 GAL Hv 2 HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA COMMON WITCH HAZEL B & B 5-6' HT. Ig 27 ILEX GLABRA INKBERRY HOLLY 5 GAL Ir 4 ILEX VERTICILLATA 'FARROWBPOP' BERRY POPPINS® WINTERBERRY 5 GAL If 1 ILEX VERTICILLATA 'FARROWMRP' MR. POPPINS® WINTERBERRY 3 GAL Is 9 ILEX X CRENATA 'SOFT TOUCH' SOFT TOUCH HOLLY 3 GAL Id 18 ILEX X MESERVEAE 'BLUE PRINCE' & 'BLUE PRINCESS' BLUE PRINCE AND PRINCESS HOLLY 3-4` HT Pj 9 PIERIS JAPONICA JAPANESE PIERIS 5 GAL Ro 5 RHODODENDRON X `OLGA MEZITT` OLGA MEZITT PJM RHODODENDRON 3-4` HT Re 8 RHODODENDRON X 'ENGLISH ROSEUM' ENGLISH ROSEUM RHODODENDRON 3-4` HT Ry 6 RHODODENDRON YEDOENSE POUKHANENSE 'COMPACTA' COMPACT KOREAN AZALEA 24-30" HT. SYMBOL QTY BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME CONT SIZE SPACING GROUND COVERS 79 CAREX MORROWII 'ICE DANCE' ICE DANCE JAPANESE SEDGE 1 GAL 12" o.c. 84 CAREX SIDEROSTICHA 'SNOW CAP' SNOW CAP BROADLEAF SEDGE 1 GAL 12" o.c. 108 LIRIOPE SPICATA CREEPING LILYTURF 4" POT 10" o.c. 89 SISYRINCHIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM 'LUCERNE' LUCERNE BLUE-EYED GRASS 1 GAL 18" o.c. PLANT SCHEDULE ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION L-100 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 811 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) PLANTING PLAN MARCH 18, 2024 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 NOTE: RKING AREA: 5,205 SF TREE CANOPY COVERAGE AT PARKING AREA: 1,790 SF, 34% ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C-600 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 811 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) DETAILS MARCH 18, 2024 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 12" MIN. C-601 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 811 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) DETAILS MARCH 18, 2024 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 6.0" [152 mm] MIN. 18.5" [470 mm] 6.0" [152 mm] MIN. 39.0" [991 mm] CENTER TO CENTER33.0" [838 mm]12.0" [305 mm] MIN. 6.0" [152 mm] MIN.12.0' MAX. COVER DEPTH CULTEC NO. 410 NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE AROUND STONE. TOP AND SIDES ARE MANDATORY; BOTTOM PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN PREFERENCENATURALLY COMPACTED FILL FINISHED GRADE 1-2 INCH [25-50 mm] WASHED, CRUSHED STONECULTEC HVLV FC-24 FEED CONNECTOR WHERE SPECIFIED RECHARGER 150XLHD HEAVY DUTY CHAMBER PROJECT ENGINEER OF RECORD OR GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT THE REQUIRED BEARING CAPACITY OF SUB-GRADE SOILS HAS BEEN MET CULTEC NO. 4800 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE TO BE PLACED BENEATH INTERNAL MANIFOLD FEATURE AND BENEATH ALL INLET/OUTLET PIPES (FOR SCOUR PROTECTION) 7.5' [2.29 m] MIN. CULTEC NO. 4800 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE PLACED BENEATH FEED CONNECTORS 10.0' [3.0 m] MIN. CULTEC NO. 4800 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE PLACED BENEATH INLET PIPES PIPE PER ENGINEER DESIGN. PIPE TO BE INSERTED 12.0 INCHES [305 mm] MIN. INTO CHAMBER. MAXIMUM PIPE SIZE: 12.0" [300 mm] HDPE 15.0" [375 mm] PVC FINISHED GRADE NATURALLY COMPACTED FILL CULTEC NO. 410 NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE AROUND STONE. TOP AND SIDES MANDATORY, BOTTOM PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN PREFERENCE CULTEC HVLV FC-24 FEED CONNECTOR WHERE SPECIFIED CULTEC RECHARGER 150XLHD HEAVY-DUTY CHAMBER 6.0 INCH [152 mm] MIN. DEPTH OF 1-2 INCH [25-50 mm] WASHED, CRUSHED STONE ABOVE CHAMBERS 12.0 INCH [305 mm] MIN. WIDTH OF 1-2 INCH [25-50 mm] WASHED, CRUSHED STONE BORDER SURROUNDING ALL CHAMBERS 6.0 INCH [152 mm] MIN. DEPTH OF 1-2 INCH [25-50 mm] WASHED, CRUSHED STONE BELOW CHAMBERS FINISHED GRADE 6.0" [152 mm] [150mm] MIN. 15.0" [375mm] 6" [150mm] SDR-35 BELL END CUT FOR 6" OF INSERTED PIPE 6" [150mm] SDR-35 RISER (LENGTH VARIES) 6" [150mm] PVC SCREW IN CAP AASHTO HS-25 RATED CAST IRON FRAME AND SOLID COVER 12" X 6" [300mmX150mm] CULTEC INLINE DRAIN / CLEAN-OUT BASIN w/ GASKETED SDR-35 CONNECTION 6.25" [160mm] HOLE TO BE CUT w/ HOLE SAW CENTERED ON CORRUGATION CREST NATURALLY COMPACTED FILL CULTEC NO. 410 NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE AROUND STONE. TOP AND SIDES MANDATORY, BOTTOM PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN PREFERENCE CULTEC RECHARGER 360HD HEAVY-DUTY CHAMBER CULTEC HVLV FC-48 FEED CONNECTOR WHERE SPECIFIED FINISHED GRADE NATURALLY COMPACTED FILL PIPE PER ENGINEER DESIGN PIPE TO BE INSERTED 12.0 INCHES [305mm] MIN. INTO CHAMBER MAXIMUM PIPE SIZE: 24" [600mm] HDPE 30" [750mm] PVC 6.0 INCH [152mm] MIN. DEPTH OF 1-2 INCH [25-50mm] WASHED, CRUSHED STONE BENEATH CHAMBERS 12.0 INCH [305mm] MIN. WIDTH OF 1-2 INCH [25-50mm] WASHED, CRUSHED STONE BORDER SURROUNDING ALL CHAMBERS 6.0 INCH [152mm] MIN. DEPTH OF 1-2 INCH [25-50mm] WASHED, CRUSHED STONE BENEATH CHAMBERS 12.0' [3.66m] MIN. CULTEC NO. 4800 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE PLACED BENEATH INLET PIPES 7.5' [2.29m] MIN. CULTEC NO. 4800 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE PLACED BENEATH FEED CONNECTORS CULTEC RECHARGER 360HD HEAVY DUTY CHAMBER CULTEC HVLV FC-48 FEED CONNECTOR WHERE SPECIFIED 1-2 INCH [25-50mm] WASHED, CRUSHED STONE SURROUNDING CHAMBERS FINISHED GRADE CULTEC NO. 410 NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE AROUND STONE. TOP AND SIDES MANDATORY, BOTTOM PER ENGINEER'S DESIGN PREFERENCE NATURALLY COMPACTED FILL 6.0" [153 mm] [152mm] MIN. 36.0" [915 mm] [914mm] 12.0" [304 mm] [305mm] MIN. 6.0" [153 mm] [152mm] MIN. 12.0' [3.66m] MAX. COVER DEPTH 60.0" [1524 mm] [1525mm] 69.0" [1752 mm] [1753mm] MIN. CENTER TO CENTER12.0" [306 mm] [305mm] MIN. PROJECT ENGINEER OF RECORD OR GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT THE REQUIRED BEARING CAPACITY OF SUB-GRADE SOILS HAS BEEN MET CULTEC NO. 4800 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE TO BE PLACED BENEATH INTERNAL MANIFOLD FEATURE AND BENEATH ALL INLET/OUTLET PIPES (FOR SCOUR PROTECTION) 9.0" [228 mm] [229mm] MIN. NOTES: 1. THE CHAMBERS SHALL BE DESIGNED AND TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM F2787 "STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THERMOPLASTIC CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS." THE LOAD CONFIGURATION SHALL INCLUDE: 1.a. INSTANTANEOUS AASHTO DESIGN TRUCK LIVE LOAD AT MINIMUM COVER 1.b. MAXIMUM PERMANENT (50-YEAR) COVER LOAD 1.c. 1-WEEK PARKED AASHTO DESIGN TRUCK LOAD 2. THE CHAMBERS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM F3430-20 "STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR CELLULAR POLYPROPYLENE (PP) CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS" 3. THE INSTALLED CHAMBER SYSTEM SHALL PROVIDE RESISTANCE TO THE LOADS AND LOAD FACTORS AS DEFINED IN THE AASHTO LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 12.12, WHEN INSTALLED ACCORDING TO CULTEC'S RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THE CHAMBERS SHALL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 3.a. THE CREEP MODULUS SHALL BE 50-YEAR AS SPECIFIED IN ASTM F3430 3.b. THE MINIMUM SAFETY FACTOR FOR LIVE LOADS SHALL BE 1.75 3.c. THE MINIMUM SAFETY FACTOR FOR DEAD LOADS SHALL BE 1.95 FINISHED GRADE 6.0" [150 mm] SDR-35 / SCH 40 PVC (INSERTED 8.0" [203 mm] INTO CHAMBER) TRIM CHAMBER INSPECTION PORT KNOCK-OUT TO MATCH O.D. OF 6.0" [150 mm] INSPECTION PORT PIPE 6.0" [150 mm] SDR-35 / SCH. 40 PVC COUPLING 6.0" [150 mm] SDR-35 / SCH. 40 PVC RISER 6.0" [150 mm] SDR-35 / SCH. 40 PVC ENDCAP CLEAN-OUT ADAPTER W/ SCREW-IN CAP ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C-602 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 811 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) DETAILS MARCH 18, 2024 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919